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Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class EBC vocab collection Unit 1 Lesson 1 • • • • • Newly acquired To take a lead To seek out To get involved To get a degree A complicated equation Being a boffin Communicate properly To brush up on sth To be culturally aware • • • • • English German/Explanation Page 12 itinerary Reiseroute, Programmablauf diligence Fleiß congratulations on (winning) Glückwunsch zu courteous höflich to seek out sth/sb = to look for sth/sb for a long time to brush up on sth = to improve your knowledge of something already learned but partly forgotten to be culturally aware Kulturell aufmerksam sein let alone Geschweige denn the stakes have been raised = It has become more difficult attire (formal) Kleidung gross Unappetitlich, ekelig to merge = to combine, join or change to abolish abschaffen to adjourn verschieben, vertagen ambiguous mehrdeutig, unklar enclosure Anhang, Anlage (eines

Schreibens) to Liaise with eng zusammenarbeiten, vermitteln Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class Lesson 2 Nice to meet you. -> to begin a conversation Nice meeting you. -> to end a conversation • • • To be selected for Invitation to To stand in for btw (informal) -> incidentally (formal) While you wait (verb) During the rain (noun) manage to find (≠ finding) Page 16 agenda = a list of subjects to be discussed at a meeting to set a agenda Tagesordnung festlegen to chair a meeting ein Meeting leiten acquisition = the act of acquire Erwerb, Errungenschaft lawsuit Prozess to conspire -> conspiracy sich verschwören -> Verschwörung to clam up hefty (fine) = to become silent suddenly, usually because you are embarrassed or nervous big, strong, powerful merger Fusion laborious Arbeitsaufwändig, mühsam rural (poverty) ländlich, dörfliche (Armut) to immerse oneself in sich einleben board meeting Vorstandssitzung to retain

= to keep beibehalten, bewahren retention (e.g costumer retention) Beibehaltung internal market Binnenmarkt incentive anspornend, anreizend on pain of (sth) auf die Gefahr hin, unter Androhung von to refrain from (doing sth) Etwas unterlassen, auf etwas verzichten demotion ≠ promotion Degradierung ≠ Beförderung, Aufstieg dismissal Entlassung to face up to reality sich der Realität stellen to stir up a hornet´s nest do something that makes a lot of people very upset and angry Ablaufdatum expiration date = expiry date Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class Agenda & Notes to draft guidelines for our new mobile policy the workplace will be more productive to improve the team spirit; to enhance the teamwork to help break down barriers self-monitoring one’s internet usage can make phone calls in their leisure time; to work during business hours installing new system is costly front-facing employees = an employee interacts directly with a

customer Variations: front-line/client-facing/forwardfacing/customer-facing employee job/work/position/roles • • • • • • • • • • • feasible unhygienic work-life balance to give the wrong impression addressing colleagues with/by their first names co-determination employees‘ attire (clothing) the company’s image alcohol at work is a "no go“ (informal) to affect productivity to get a consensus zero-tolerance team spirit to ensure company resources are not misused • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Lesson 3 Page 18 • • • to conduct business a briefing for the press global ambitions • • • to retain English as its lingua franca old-economy companies to recruit competent managers to control steuern to check kontrollieren to go for = to agree on; to like/prefer es abgesehen haben auf all but a handful = the majority der Großteil to implement a policy eine Richtlinie umsetzen to conduct = to carry out business

Geschäfte führen to progress through the ranks über verschiedene Unternehmenspositionen aufsteigen = to find a solution to resolve a conflict (very formal) Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class Unit 2 Page 22 gist Kernaussage, Wesentliches war pension Kriegsrente to invest in stocks in Aktien investieren stall Verkaufsstand to stall sth etw. hinauszögern, verzögern to expand one´s activities seine Tätigkeiten erweitern to flourish Gedeihen, aufblühen, florieren to invest one´s profit in (building sth) seinen Gewinn investieren in premise Geschäftslokal premises (-> mostly in plural!) Betriebsgelände, Grundstück food retailing system/industry Lebensmitteleinzelhandel self-service store Selbstbedienungsladen to offer shares on the Stock Exchange Aktien emittieren auf der Börse to raise capital Kapital aufbringen to buy up aufkaufen To operate (= to manage, to run) Betreiben, bedienen rock-bottom prices Tiefstpreise to

hit rock bottom am absoluten Tiefpunkt ankommen to embark on sth etw. beginnen, sich auf etwas einlassen to upgrade one´s image sein Image aufwerten to pursue etw. verfolgen, nachgehen to spark etw. entzünden, auslösen lucrative business activities lukrative/gewinnbringende Geschäftstätigkeiten Volatile (market) flüchtig, schwankender Markt to turn one´s attention to seine Aufmerksamkeit richten auf to acquire -> acquisition erwerben, erlangen, kaufen -> Erwerb, Übernahme to appoint (a CEO) ernennen, einstellen to extend (one´s operations) seine Tätigkeiten erweitern emerging (market) neu entstehend, aufkommender Markt Profits exceeding $2 bn Gewinne, die $2 Milliarden überschreiten Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class bold frech, gewagt, riskant, tapfer aimed at (capturing a share) abgezielt (sich einen Marktanteil zu sichern) to capture a share sich eine Aktie sichern to set up a subsidiary eine

Tochtergesellschaft/Niederlassung to come full circle zum Ausgangspunkt zurückkehren to face growing competition Wachsender Konkurrenz gegenüberstehen launch -> to launch a business/product withdrawal Markteinführung -> starten, gründen sector Branche, Markt brand Marke retailer Einzelhändler sole trader Einzelunternehmer, selbstständiger Händler freelancer Selbstständiger entrepreneur -> entrepreneurial Unternehmer -> unternehmerisch entrepreneurial action/ability unternehmerisches Handeln/Können franchising Franchising (Vertriebsform) mail-order business Versandhandelsunternehmen wholesale Großhandel retail Einzelhandel utilities Versorgungsunternehmen Entzug, Ausstieg, Kündigung Lesson 4 Line manager = superior = boss (Führungskraft) Executive = manager (superior executive NONSENSE!) Leader ~ Führungskraft (negative connotation) SME – small to medium-sized enterprises (type of company) USP – unique selling position

(benefit that differentiates sth from competitors) ESP – Emotional Selling Position HQ – headquarters (main office) IPO – Initial Public Offering (stock market listing; = to go public; flotation) R&D- Research and Development (company department) CEO – Chief Executive Officer (top manager) Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class COMPANY STRUCTURES – LEGAL ENTITIES (p. 23/31) 1. Who owns it? 2. Who is liable? Sole trader (UK) Sole proprietorship (US) partnership Einzelunternehmer Personengesellschaft (KG, OG) • • • • • • • limited liability partnership (LP) KG • • limited liability Kapitalgesellschaft company/corporation (GmBH, AG) • • • • = joint-stock company (UK) = stock corporation (US) Ltd. (UK) plc (UK) Inc./Corp (US) Multinational company/corporation • • cooperative Genossenschaft • business owned by one self-employed person owner is personally liable for any debts =smallest type of company run by two or

more self-employed people profits, costs, risks and responsibilities shared each partner personally liable = when professionals (e.g architect/lawyers) get together and form a company one type of partnership, where liability is relatively limited to amount of money the partners have invested in business general partner (at least one) must have unlimited liability = larger companies that are incorporated* as a legal entity management (people who run business) and ownership of company are seperate limited liability for owners two types, both issue shares to the public: 1. Private limited company (~ GmBH) -> share ownership is limited -> can´t offer shares to public 2. Public limited company (~ AG) -> CAN issue shares to the public, shares are traded on stock exchange => listed (börsennotiert) subsidiaries in several countries, owned and controlled by a parent or holding company that owns majority of shares may have affiliates, where parent only owns minority of shares owned

and run by people involved, who work together and share the profits *incorporated = im Firmenbuch eingetragen als Aktiengesellschaft Public limited company (~ AG) -> CAN go public => listed (börsennotiert) Private limited company (~ GmBH) -> both issue shares to the public usually companies go public in order to raise capital! partnership -> partners (full liability, 100%) company -> members, shareholders Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class to hold shares <-> to issue shares to incur (=make) debt/expenses (Schulden machen, aufladen) corporation (AE) -> Inc./Corp => open corporation Company (BE) -> Ltd. => closed corporation Collocations: to reduce/limit liability – die Haftung verringern to implement/introduce a policy/rules/guidelines – eine Richtlinie einführen to make a complaint – eine Beschwerde machen to schedule/to set an appointmant (formal/informal) – einen Termin vereinbaren Page 22 to raise capital (≠ rise) to

expand operations to extend into a market to spark a war/a project to pursue = to follow a vast selection to set up a company a business flourishes domestic market ≠ international market Kapital aufbringen Tätigkeiten ausweiten sich in einen Markt hineinragen einen Krieg auslösen etw. verfolgen eine enorme/riesige Auswahl ein Unternehmen aufbauen ein Geschäft/Unternehmen floriert heimischer Markt Pages 26/30 prestigious Angesehen, renommiert to showcase Präsentieren, vorführen to offer value to society Der Gesellschaft Nutzen bringen/anbieten International recognition Internationale Anerkennung ever-widening (interests) immer wachsende (Interessen) bureaucracy Bürokratie the reward of (doing sth) Belohnung für meritocratic leistungsorientiert tenure Festanstellung, Amstzeit to thrive on durch/mit etw. gedeihen legal entity juristische Person to report to jmd. unerstellt sein Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class Lesson 5 Tenure ->

positions are tenured -> tenure track (= contract doesn´t end) = Festanstellung overview = Übersicht oversight = Aufsicht Responsible to = report to (records to a person) = berichtspflichtig sein Responsible for (a certain activity) = verantwortlich sein Research/information = uncountable, never in plural or with article! Pages 44-47 to produce within budegt and on schedule to handle multiple assignments independently and to tight deadlines USP vs. ESP vs value proposition (= whole package; overall experience; more than USP!) to target advertising and promotional efforts more profitably to conceptualise entwerfen, konzepieren to draft (press releases) entwerfen ,verfassen to assist in (corporate events) bei etw. helfen perk (informal) Vorteil, Vergünstigung Promotional items Werbegeschenke a sound knowledge of gründliche Kenntnisse über superb hervorragend, herrlich outlook Aussicht, Perspektive, Prognose Résumé = CV Lebenslauf shareholder Aktieninhaber

stakeholder Anspruchsgruppe, relevanter Akteur tangible greifbar, konkret, handfest marked (differences) deutliche (Unterschiede) this is proving to be (less useful) sich erweisen -> es erweist sich als (weniger nützlich) notorious notorisch, berüchtigt, allbekannt to capture information about sth über etw. Informationen gewinnen parent company Mutterkonzern (tech) savvy klug, schlau word of mouth Mundpropaganda Source: http://www.doksinet EBC 1 – pilot class GERUND -> suggest, consider, enjoy, imagine, avoid, spend time -> after preposition: what about, get used to, look forward to INFINITIVE -> hesitate, afford, manage BOTH (different meaning) -> He stopped smoking vs. he stopped to smoke -> she forgot kissing vs. she forgot to kiss