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50 Suggested Websites for English and Media Literature – Shakespeare 1. Hamlet on the Ramparts http://shea.mitedu/ramparts/welcomehtm An extremely interesting multimedia Shakespeare site provided by MIT 2. Mr William Shakespeare and the internet http://shakespeare.palomaredu/ Possibly the leading resource for Shakespeare on the internet. It has a section on links to Shakespeare movie sites in its Other Sites section 3. Royal Shakespeare Company http://www.rscorguk Drama production website offering interviews with actors, character analysis and video footage 4. Curriculum Online http://www.curriculumonlinegovuk/CaseStudies/englishcasestudyhtm?cookie %5Ftest=1 Curriculum Online is central to the governments drive to transform teaching and learning in schools by improving access to ICT and multimedia resources for all pupils Other literature 5. Spark Notes http://www.sparknotescom Lists of study guides, literature, Shakespeare, downloadable and printable by chapter 6. Classic Reader

http://www.classicreadercom/ Provides the full texts of many classic novels, poems and plays. To use on a whiteboard, you should select Printer Friendly version, which removes the advertising and makes the presentation clearer. Alternatively, copy and paste the text into your whiteboard software 7. Converse: the literature Website http://aspirations.englishcamacuk/converse/homeacds The Converse website is a collection of free multimedia resources, games and essays, to help teachers and students of English literature. Converse is a joint project between Cambridge University and schools and colleges across Britain 8. English Literature Resources http://www.english-literatureorg/resources/ English Literature internet resources, essays, and books, for students of Literature in English, and find books online 9. BBC Drama: Bleak House http://www.bbccouk/drama/bleakhouse/animationshtml Animated video and stories Poetry 10. Poets http://www.poetsorg/ The Listening Booth section of this key

poetry site contains an extensive range of audio files of poetry readings, indexed by author and title. Featured poets include W.H Auden, ee cummings, TS Eliot, Robert Frost, Robert Graves, Ezra Pound, Wallace Stevens and W.B Yeats The full text of the poem is also given, and biographies. 11. The Wilfred Owen Multimedia Digital Archive http://www.hcuoxacuk/jtap/ This multimedia site is devoted to the works of the poet Wilfred Owen and required Real, Windows Media Player and QuickTime to access some of the content. Although the front page of the site is cluttered and unclear and can be quite discouraging to the casual user, in general WOMDA does in fact contain a wealth of material which can be accessed through the browse page. This includes digital copies of practically all of Owens original manuscripts, many of his letters, audio interviews with war veterans, as well as a large number of video clips taken from the Imperial War Museums holdings as well as material made more recently,

all of which also relates to the First World war in general 12. Poetry Zone http://www.poetryzonecouk/ The Poetry Zone is a web site set up primarily to enable children and teenagers to publish their own poetry and reviews Language, writing support, grammar 13. The English Accents and Dialogues collection http://www.collectbritaincouk/collections/dialects/ The English Accents & Dialogues collection at the British Library contains nearly 700 recordings showing how we spoke and lived in the 20th century 14. BBC Voices http://www.bbccouk/voices/ The BBC voices website contains a wealth of materials on the spoken word and downloadable learning materials 15. Blast http://www.bbccouk/blast/writing/ BBC Creative Writing site 16. The Poetry Express http://www.poetryexpressorg/ Find 15 poems you can write right now or at least get some ideas for them. Make, share, and revise your poems here 17. Writing Fix Interactive pages for writing skills for teachers and

students includes Writing Fix for kids with writing games 18. Grammer: British Council http://www.learnenglishorguk/grammar home framehtml Go hand-in-hand with the British Council through the maze of English grammar and pit your wits against their online games 19. BBC http://www.bbccouk/hardspell Spelling games English and media 20. English and Media Centre http://www.englishandmediacouk For teachers and learners with video and reviews of best books and links 21. The War to end all Wars http://www.firstworldwarcom/ The First World War is presented here in a series of in-depth collections which seek to inform the novice as well as the more knowledgeable user. These cover a variety of features related to the period, including posters, stills, moving images, as well as some of the best known songs and poems from that time. In addition to this, there are sections devoted to individual battles, specific weapons as well as tours of the battlefields and the cemeteries, all of which are

presented in a mixture of sound, vision and text. The video and audio clips can be accessed with Quick Time. Drama 22. Shakespeare’s Globe http://www.shakespeares-globeorg Information about workshops for all ages 23. The Garret http://www.thegarretorguk Workshops, lesson plans 24. Theatre links http://www.theatrelinkscom/associationshtm Loads of links for all genres of film, theatres 25. Stageworks http://www.stageworkorguk Behind the scenes video of new National Theatre productions from page to stage with lesson plans, in depth knowledge into drama productions 26. London Theatre Guide http://www.officiallondontheatrecouk/kids/teacher Everything you need to know about planning your school’s trips to the theatre and how students can get the most from master classes and special programmes and events Books online: internet archive 27. C4 Book Box http://www.channel4com/learning/microsites/B/bookbox/ Games, books sites, interactive site 28. Cool Reads Top

best books with reviews by KS3 and 4 children 29. Google Print http://print.googlecom/ Search the full text of books (and discover new ones) Student revision sites 30. BBC GCSE Bitesize http://www.bbccouk/schools/gcsebitesize/sosteacher/english/browseshtml Lists of plays, literature and a chance to post queries about GCSEs 31. S-Cool http://www.s-coolcouk How to write essays, poetry and stories at GCSE level 32. English Biz http://www.englishbizcouk Guidance on how to write essays, poetry and stories 33. C4 Homework High http://www.channel4com/learning/microsites/H/homeworkhigh/english/indexjs p Type in any homework queries and get answers 34. BBC – AS Guru http://www.bbccouk/education/asguru/english/ Message boards to post queries, literature and language areas, prose and verse 35. GCSEcom Revision http://www.gcsecom/english/indexhtm GCSE English section of the award winning tutorials, tips and advice website, covering exams for students, parents and teachers Teacher support –

resources and CPD for English 36. Web English Teacher http://www.webenglishteachercom/ At Web English Teacher educators can take advantage of online technology to share ideas and benefit from the work of others. New teachers can find guidance; experienced teachers can find inspiration. Think of it as the faculty library and faculty workroom on a global scale 37. English Teaching http://www.english-teachingcouk Online resource for teachers of English and Drama at secondary level 38. Chalk Face http://www.chalkfacecom/ Downloadable worksheets and resources for English 39. Teachers Evaluating Educational Multimedia http://www.teemorguk/ Resources and products for use in English teaching 40. Initial Teacher Education http://www.iteorguk/ NQT or teachers in training 41. Teachit http://www.teachitcouk/ Online community of teachers authoring and sharing a large database of classroom tested resources 42. Universal Teacher http://www.universalteacherorguk/ Andrew Moores resource site for

English teachers; free access to extensive teaching resources for English at KS3/4, GCSE and Advanced Level 43. Chalk Face http://www.chalkfacenet/pagecopy/subjectitems/english01htm From the the ISP portal and educational resource centre for teachers by teachers 44. Poetry Class http://www.poetryclassnet/ Poetry Class is the solution for teachers wanting to bring poetry alive in the classroom. Our online poetry classroom and unique INSET training provides teachers with a nuts and bolts insight into how poetry works. A training team of poets, all of whom are highly experienced with work in schools and have between them hundreds of tried and tested ideas, is available to work with teachers to overcome their problems and concerns with teaching poetry Teacher support: local authority and school sites 45. English Resources http://www.newiacuk/englishresources/ English Resources: Free resources for teaching and revising English language and literature at Key Stages 3, 4 and

A download for teaching and revising English Language and Literature 46. eRiding http://www.eridingnet/english/ The eRiding website is both a collection of resources and a set of tools that enable a wide range of users to access high quality teaching and learning materials, targeted at specific audiences Miscellaneous organisations 47. Film Education http://www.filmeducationorg Current events within film for education 48. Becta ICT for English http://www.ictadviceorguk/ The internet has many useful resources to support secondary English. You can bookmark these resources and they can then be used online, or downloaded and adapted to meet the teaching and learning of specific objectives 49. National Association of Teaching English http://www.nateorguk/indexphp Subject teacher association for all aspects of English from pre-school to university 50. DfES: The Standards Site http://www.standardsdfesgovuk/ The framework for teaching English