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Source: http://www.doksinet INSTRUCTIONAL NOTES • • • • • • Instructional philosophy and goals Pedagogical aims and learning model Teaching strategy: PowerPoint instructional platform Chapter overviews of PowerPoint presentations Use of in-depth cases About the authors This book is based on a simple premise: All managers are global managers, regardless of where they live and work. As such, they need to prepare themselves for a world that may only be partially observable today, but will soon become much clearer on the near horizon. In the words of Eric Hoffer, “In a time of drastic change, it is the learners who will inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves prepared for a world that no longer exists.” Such is the challenge of mangers today, and such is the challenge of teaching a course or program on global management. INSTRUCTIONAL PHILOSOPHY AND GOALS To help meet this objective, this book explores the interrelationships between culture,

organization, and management. It aims to present a comprehensive lookneither simple nor difficultat how cultural differences can influence management thought and action, as well as what managers can do to better prepare themselves for success in today’s highly competitive global economy. In doing so, the book draws heavily on recent research in cultural anthropology, psychology, economics, and management as they relate to how managers structure their enterprises and pursue the day-to-day work necessary to make a venture succeed. It emphasizes both differences and similarities across cultures, since we believe that this mirrors reality. It attempts to explore the psychological underpinnings that help shape managerial attitudes and behaviors, as well as their approaches to people from other regions of the world. But, most of all, this book is about learning It introduces a learning model early in the text to guide in the intellectual and practical development of managers seeking global

experience. It further assumes a lifelong learning approach to global encounters, managerial performance, and career success. We wrote this book primarily to express our own views, ideas, and frustrations. As both teachers and researchers in the field, we have grown increasing impatient with books in this general area that seem to have aimed somewhat below the readers’ intelligence in the presentation of materials. In our view, both managers and would-be managers are intelligent consumers of behavioral information. To do their job better, they are seeking useful information and dialogue about the uncertain environment in which they work. Source: http://www.doksinet They are not seeking unwarranted or simplistic conclusions or narrow rulebooks. In our view, managers are looking for learning strategies, not prescriptions, and understand that becoming a global manager is a long-term pursuita marathon, not a sprint. 2 We have likewise been dismayed seeing books that assume one

worldview, whether it is British, American, French, or whatever, in interpreting both global business challenges and managerial behavior. Instead, we have tried to cast our net a bit wider and incorporate divergent viewpoints when exploring various topics, such as communication, negotiation, and leadership. For example, asking how Chinese or Indian management practices differ from American or French practices assumes a largely Western bias as a starting point. (“How are they different from us?”) Instead, why not ask a simpler and more useful question like how do Chinese, Indian, American, and French management styles in general differ. (How are we all different from each another?”) Moreover, we might add a further, also useful, question concerning managerial similarities across cultures. (“How are we all similar to each other?”) To achieve this, we have resisted a “one-size-fits-all” approach to management, locally or globally, in the belief that such an approach limits

both understanding and success in the field. Instead, our goal here is to develop multicultural competence through the development of learning strategies in which managers can draw on their own personal experiences, combined with outside the information such as that provided in this book and elsewhere, to develop cross-cultural understanding and theories-in-use that can guide them in the pursuit of their managerial pursuits. In this way, multicultural competencies can support, enrich, and help explain the more traditionalyet still vitalmanagerial competencies (Exhibit 1). These two sets of skills should work in tandem, not in opposition or competition, with one another. Exhibit 1. Global management skills (p 37) Managerial competencies Global management skills Multicultural competencies Planning, coordination, and control within a culture Integration of management and multicultural skills Understanding and working effectively across cultures PEDAGOGICAL AIMS AND LEARNING MODEL

Three pedagogical goals were established to guide in both the book’s conceptual development and its approach to organization and writing: 1. Identify: Examine how management practices and processes can often differ sometimes substantiallyacross national and regional boundaries, and the role played by cultural differences in many of these differences. Source: http://www.doksinet 2. Understand: Develop a learning model that can be used by managers to better understand and adapt to ever-changing, ever-challenging, and culturally distinct business environments. 3 3. Implement: Suggest specific management strategies and tactics that can be used by global managers as they work to survive and succeed in doing business across around the world. The pedagogy underlying the text is based on an application of Kolb’s learning model (Exhibit 2). This model is introduced and discussed in Chapter 2, and used throughout the book as an organizing framework for linking conceptual, analytical,

and experiential materials to management development. Exhibit 2. Kolb’s experiential learning model (p 40) Our aim has been to apply this model to the challenge of developing global management skills. For this, we identified a learning model that begins with developing awareness and understanding through analysis and self-reflection and then proceeds to developing multicultural competence and action plans for managers through conceptualization and action planning (Exhibit 3). This model underlies much of what is introduced and discussed in this book. Exhibit 3. Developing global managers: A learning strategy (p 42) Developing awareness and understanding Developing multicultural competence and action plans Analysis and reflection: Learning from observations, descriptions, actions, experiences, reflections, and analyses. Understanding cultural differences and similarities and their consequences. Conceptualization and action planning: Adjusting behavioral strategies or developing

new strategies in response to what has been learned, and then experimenting with these strategies in the field. Management focus: What have we learned about ourselves as managers and about the global environment in which we work? Management focus: How can use what we have learned to become better global managers in the future? Source: http://www.doksinet 4 TEACHING STRATEGY: POWERPOINT INSTRUCTIONAL PLATFORM While there are many ways to teach a course of this nature, our preference is to run it off of a PPT teaching platform. To this end, an integrated package of 340 color-coded Power Point slides is available for instructors (Exhibit 4). This package is designed so instructors or session leaders can add or delete slides, or groups of slides, to suit their instructional approach to the topic, as well as available class time and physical settings. As evidenced by the organization of these slides, our preference is for highly interactive class sessions with abundant opportunities

for classroom discussions and debates, although this is only one option. Page numbers from the text are included in these slides where relevant. Exhibit 4. Color-coded PPT instructional platform The integrated PPT package consists of the following materials for each chapter: • Opening slides: Opening slides (using a blue font) are designed to warm-up the class in preparation for the topic to be studied. Included here are: a) quotes from philosophers and management experts designed to begin each class session on a reflective note: b) an opening question to highlight the lecture or seminar theme; c) a Source: http://www.doksinet 5 topical outline for the class session; and d) an opening example from the chapter on which to base classroom lectures and discussions. These slides aim to set the stage for what follows. • Informational slides: Information slides (using a blue font) summarize or highlight the principal ideas and concepts presented throughout the chapter. They are

generally “quantitative” in nature (emphasizing “what”), and tend to present models, facts, and figures. Included here are: a) summaries of the key theoretical points; b) pictorial or graphic representations of various models and processes that are discussed; and c) data slides from the chapter. All are designed to provide a backdrop for lecture presentations or seminar discussions. • Discussion slides: Discussion slides (using a brown font) provide in-depth examples from the chapter or raise questions and concerns for managers and policy makers that follow from the conceptual or informational materials presented in the chapter (in blue). These slides aim to accomplish two goals: a) tie materials under discussion to specific case examples found throughout the chapter; and b) raise questions pertaining to the application of the materials under study to the practice of management. They are generally “qualitative” in nature (emphasizing “why” or “how”), often begin

with the word “Consider,” and tend to identify quandaries, controversies, challenges, and unanswered questions facing global managers in the field. • Manager’s notebook slides: Manager’s notebook slides (with beige backgrounds) summarize on-the-ground lessons, as well as action recommendations for managers, which follow from the conceptual and discussion materials presented in the lecture. They aim to provide advicetake-aways, if you willto managers working across national and regional boundaries. • Application slides: Application slides (with yellow backgrounds) are designed for inclass group exercises or small discussions aimed at applying what has been learned towards the development of managerial problem-solving skills. They can also be assigned on an individual basis either in preparation for classes or as post-class assignments. Apps are designed to be self-contained within the PPT slides; they require no handouts or background materials. • Think-about-it

slides: “Think about it” slides (with blue backgrounds) allow participants to leave class with their own “internal” homework assignments; that is, they ask participants to consider how the materials under study apply to them directly or personally as current or prospective global managers, thereby internalizing what has been learned. These slides are intended for participant reflection, not classroom discussion. As with the Apps, these slides are designed to be self-contained within the PPT slides; they require no handouts or background materials. CHAPTER OVERVIEWS OF POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS CHAPTER 1: GLOBAL REALITIES AND MANAGEMENT CHALLENGES (22 slides) Opening example: Excellent companies. This example focuses on how so-called “excellent” companies can falter when they ignore global challenges and Source: http://www.doksinet 6 opportunities. Also at issue here is how to define an excellent company in today’s global economy? Principal topics (from instructional

slides): The new global realities; globalization pressures; challenges facing global managers. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Characteristics of successful (and unsuccessful) global firms. Application (group exercise): Learning objectives. This exercise asks group members to collectively consider their learning objectives for the course. The aim here is to secure student involvement and investment in course from the outset. Think about it (individual exercise): Becoming a global manager. This exercise asks individual students to consider what skills they currently have to succeed as a global manager, as well as what skills need to be developed? CHAPTER 2: DEVELOPING GLOBAL MANAGEMENT SKILLS (21 slides) Opening example: Management development at Google (USA). What is unique about Google’s approach to global management development? More generally, how should global managers be developed? Principal topics (from instructional slides): Traditional views of management; types of

global managers; rethinking managerial roles; rethinking managerial skills; presentation of a learning strategy for global mangers. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Changing managerial roles and responsibilities; different types of global managers (e.g, expatriates, frequent flyers) Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Most peopleeven most managersfail to recognize how difficult it can be to manage people from other cultures; while people may agree on a definition of management, its implementation can be very different in different regions of the world; there are several types of global managers and each has its own unique challenges and job requirements; successful global managers are always learning; use experiential learning cycle to understand how managers learn; use learning strategy to help develop management skills suitable for the global arena; in working across cultures, work to know what you don’t know. Application (group exercise): Building a skills

development program. Identify three key multicultural skills and then develop the outline of a training program aimed at developing these skills. Think about it (individual exercise): Developing your global management skills. For what type of global manager’s job are you best suited, and how will you personally develop the necessary skills to succeed there? CHAPTER 3: CULTURE, VALUES, AND WORLDVIEWS (40 slides) Opening example: Anna Håkansson (Sweden). How should a manager learn about a culture he or she knows little about? Principal topics (from instructional slides): Culture, socialization, and normative behavior; comparing cultures; regional trends in cultural differences; understanding cultural complexities; avoiding cultural stereotypes. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Cultural differences between Sweden and Bahrain; Islamic business practices. Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Comparisons between cultures require more than just identifying several core

dimensions; recognize individual differences within single cultures; small differences between two cultures can be just as problematic as large ones; work to see cultures in neutral terms; understand various ways to avoid Source: http://www.doksinet 7 cultural stereotypes; learn these useful managerial skills for dealing with the unexpected. Application (group exercise): Multicultural teams. How can a manager organize and run a team meeting aimed at exploring cultural differences among team members? Think about it (individual exercise): Your views on cultural differences. Do you personally have any cultural stereotypes, and what steps might you take to overcome them? CHAPTER 4: INSIDE THE MANAGERIAL MIND: CULTURE, COGNITION, AND ACTION (34 slides) Opening example: Executive leadership at Kia (South Korea). Compare different culturebased leadership styles and their relative effectiveness Principal topics (from instructional slides): Patterns of managerial thinking; geography of

thought; culture and the managerial role; variations in management patterns across cultures; are management patterns converging? In-text examples (from discussion slides): Management patterns in France, Malaysia, and Nigeria. Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Culture can influence patterns of managerial thinking; different managerial reasoning patterns can lead to different behaviors; continually being on the lookout for different patterns of managerial and employee behavior; seek understanding instead of judgment or control; be prepared to accommodate differences where possible without jeopardizing operational goals or organizational integrity; managers should remain flexible as they remain focused on their goals and responsibilities. Application (group exercise): Are management styles converging? Will management styles begin to converge over time in response to globalization pressures or will culture remain a dominant force in limiting such convergence? Think about it

(individual exercise): How do you solve problems? What is your approach to problem solving, and is it culture-based in any way? How do you deal with people who approach problems differently than yourself? CHAPTER 5: INSIDE THE ORGANIZATIONAL MIND: STAKEHOLDERS, STRATEGIES, AND DECISION-MAKING (27 slides) Opening example: Strategy and structure at Wipro and Intel (India, USA). How do two highly successful technology companies differ in their approaches to strategy, structure, and people management? Principal topics (from instructional slides): Stakeholders and strategic choice; the strategy-structure nexus; organizational decision-making; decision strategies across cultures. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Institutional environments in Japan and the US; comparison of decision-making and employee involvement in China, Germany, Japan, and the US. Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Focus on relationships, not individual issues; always consider cultural explanations when

confronted with unanticipated behaviors; culture can influence TQM implementation strategies; organizational decision-making is often influence by a society’s normative beliefs about power distribution and social inclusion; there is no “correct” decision making strategy, only strategies that are (or are not) congruent with prevailing norms; consider tailoring decision making practices to local conditions to the extent practicable. Source: http://www.doksinet Application (group exercise): Employee involvement. Is employee involvement an employee right or a management prerogative, and who, how, and when should decisions be made concerning its use? Think about it (individual exercise): What is your decision-making style? What is your basic decision-making style, and how flexible are you in its implementation? 8 CHAPTER 6: ORGANIZING FRAMEWORKS: A COMPARATIVE ASSESSMENT (30 slides) Opening example: East Hope Group (China). Examine an example of a Chinese family firm and how

culture and family structure influence its organization and management. Principal topics (from instructional slides): Culture and organization design; U.S corporations (with comparisons to British and Canadian organizations); Japanese kaisha and keiretsu; Chinese gong-si; German konzern; Mexican grupo; comparative analyses. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Comparison of organization design trends in China, Japan, Germany, Mexico, and the US. Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Organization designs are often highly correlated with culture; organization designs evolve over time in response to changing environments and circumstances; attempts to identify the prevailing organization design of a particular culture requires a recognition that there are typically wide variations around the norm; key success factors for working with organizations from other countries and cultures include a knowledge of one’s own culture, the cultures of others, and the managerial skills to

bridge the two. Application (group exercise): Employee involvement. Is employee involvement an employee right or a management prerogative, and who, how, and when should decisions be made concerning its use? Think about it (individual exercise): Working for a “foreign” company. What are your preferences for working for a foreign firm? What challenges might you face and what would you do to overcome these challenges? CHAPTER 7: COMMUNICATION ACROSS CULTURES (29 slides) Opening example: Three brief examples of communication gaffes involving reading signs, unintentional but offensive gestures, and language-in-use. Principal topics (from instructional slides): Perception and communication; model of cross-cultural communication; language, logic, and communication; message content and context; communication protocols; strategies for improving cross-cultural communication. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Where is the fourth floor?; an 8:00 appointment; various short examples

throughout slides. Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Summary look at communication process; strategies for improving cross-cultural communication focusing on message clarity, comprehension, and alertness for breakdowns in the process. Application (group exercise): Communication protocols. Identify communication protocols in your own culture and examine how these particular protocols might cause friction when communicating across cultures. Think about it (individual exercise): Communicating across cultures. Reflect on your own experiences speaking with someone from a different cultures; how could this process have run more smoothly? Source: http://www.doksinet CHAPTER 8: LEADERSHIP AND GLOBAL TEAMS (36 slides) 9 Opening example: Carlos Ghosn at Nissan (Japan). Examines how Ghosn transformed Nissan in a global company. Did he succeed because he was a foreigner or in spite of this? Principal topics (from instructional slides): Leadership, east and west; GLOBE leadership

study; culture and leadership; global teams; working with global teams. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Richard Branson (UK); Konosuke Matushita (Japan); Howard Stringer (UK). Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Relationship between leadership and logic; leadership and individual differences; what is “acceptable” leadership; using substitutes for leadership; leading global teams; leading virtual global teams. Application (group exercise): Two leaders. Identify two leaders form difference cultures and examine how they differand how they would do if they exchanged places. Are there any universal leadership traits? Think about it (individual exercise): Your leadership skills. How would you approach leading a multicultural team? CHAPTER 9: CULTURE, WORK, AND MOTIVATION (31 slides) Opening example: Performance incentives at Lincoln Electric (US, Germany, Mexico, China). Examines how a highly successful American incentive system fares when the company takes it global.

Principal topics (from instructional slides): World of work; work and leisure; culture, work, and motivation; culture and the psychology of work; incentives and rewards across cultures. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Why do people work?; Korean managers in Mexican maquiladoras; vacation policies, CEO compensation, gender-based pay discrepancies, and job satisfaction averages in select countries around the world. Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Motivating a global workforce; power distribution and incentives; social relationships and incentives; environmental relationships and incentives; time, work patterns, and incentives; uncertainty, social control, and incentives; Application (group exercise): Lincoln Electric, one more time. How could Lincoln managers have been smarter about developing incentive systems in difference countries? Think about it (individual exercise): Personalizing work motivation. What motivates you, and how will you seek to achieve your work

goals? CHAPTER 10: NEGOTIATION AND GLOBAL PARTNERSHIPS (27 slides) Opening example: General Electric and Mitsubishi (US, Japan). Examines how even the best preparation for an international negotiation can go wrong. Principal topics (from instructional slides): Seeking common cause; culture and negotiation; basic negotiation processes; negotiation process across cultures; building global partnerships; managing global partnerships; trust in global partnerships. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Successful strategic alliances at Hyundai and Samsung (South Korea); failed alliances at Secoinsa (Spain) and Pharmacia (Sweden); negotiating in Brazil and Japan. Source: http://www.doksinet 10 Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Can people be trusted?; building mutual trust; aligning corporate cultures; conflict resolution strategies; dealing with conflicts. Application (group exercise): Jeff Depew. If you could start again, how could the GEMitsubishi negotiation have been done

better? Think about it (individual exercise): Negotiating skills. What are your strengths and weaknesses as a negotiation, and what specific skills do you need to improve? CHAPTER 11: MANAGING IN AN IMPERFECT WORLD (30 slides) Opening example: Halliburton in Nigeria (US, Nigeria). What are the challenges facing an international firm when confronted with conflicting ethical standards? Principal topics (from instructional slides): Rules of the game; bases of cross-cultural conflict; universal vs. particularistic beliefs and values; what is “truth?”; ethics, laws, and social control; ethical conflicts and challenges; institutional conflicts and challenges; OECD guidelines for ethical managerial behavior. In-text examples (from discussion slides): China’s consumer market; Samsung Electronics; Tata Motors. Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Managing within ethical and moral constraints; managing within legal and institutional constraints. Application (group exercise): Ethical

behavior at work. Identify an ethical or moral issue in the workplace that you object to. What is the basis for your objection? How do you know your position is the correct one? Can you work in an environment where you disagree with the prevailing ethical practices? Think about it (individual exercise): Shopping money. What is a bribe? What would you do? CHAPTER 12: EPILOGUE: THE JOURNEY CONTINUES (10 slides) Principal topics (from instructional slides): Learning from the past; looking to the future. In-text examples (from discussion slides): Christopher Columbus; Mahatma Gandhi; Chung Ju Yung Manager’s notebook (principal lessons): Pursue your passion, but adjust your strategies en route; you must be the change you want to see in others; remember who benefits and who loses from the pursuit of short-term success; be prepared for future opportunities, but also be on the look-out. Think about it (individual exercise): All managers are global managers, and all managers face a

multicultural and multinational future. The question is how best to prepare USE OF IN-DEPTH CASES Instructional approaches to a course on global management vary widely in level, content, approach, and duration. Included here are lecture courses, seminars, case courses, and executive management programs. This book is aimed at providing an instructional platform that can accommodate these various approaches. For instructors preferring a decidedly case-oriented course, our experience has been that such teachers often have strong preferences concerning what typeand even whichcases to use. In view of this, we made a conscious decision not to include indepth cases in the book (We did, however, incorporate short case examples throughout Source: http://www.doksinet the booksee discussion slides above). In view of this, we have left the decision concerning which cases to use up to instructors. 11 In this endeavor, a number of case clearing houses are available. Most of these organizations

provide instructors with indexed abstracts of available cases from which to choose, based on the topics, industries, and management philosophies instructors wish to focus on in the classroom. Recommended sources for cases on global management include: • Asian Business Case Center: http://www.asiacasecom/ • China Europe International Business School (CEIBS): http://www.ceibsonlinecom/case/en/ • European Case Clearing House (ECCH): http://www.ecchcom/ • Harvard Business Publishing: http://hbsp.harvardedu/product/cases • IESE Publishing: http://www.iesepcom/listadoAreaaspx • INSEAD: http://www.inseadfr/facultyresearch/research/order casescfm • Ivey Publishing: http://cases.iveyuwoca/cases/pages/homeaspx • Stanford Graduate School of Business: https://gsbapps.stanfordedu/cases/ • Thunderbird School of Global Business: http://www.thunderbirdedu/knowledge network/case series/indexhtm ABOUT THE AUTHORS Throughout the process of researching and writing this

book, we as authors were fortunate in having an opportunity to create our own “global team,” consisting of management researchers from Brazil, Spain, and the United States. This combination opened up numerous opportunities for taking multiple, and not necessarily congruent, perspectives on various topics. The lessons were many Richard M. Steers (rsteers@uoregonedu) is a professor of organization and management in the Lundquist College of Business and former vice provost for international affairs at the University of Oregon, USA. He is a past-president and fellow of the Academy of Management, as well as a fellow of both the American Psychological Society and the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. His principal research interests include work motivation and cross-cultural influences on management. He has served on various editorial boards, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Asia-Pacific Journal of

Management, Asia-Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Journal of International Management, and the Journal of World Business. His most recent books include Motivation and Work Behavior (Irwin/McGraw-Hill, 2003), Managing in the Global Economy (Sharpe, 2006), and The Global Mindset (Elsevier, 2008). He is also co-editor Source: http://www.doksinet 12 of the Cambridge Handbook of Culture, Organizations, and Work (Cambridge University Press, 2009). Professor Steers has served as a visiting professor and lecturer in Denmark, England, Germany, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, Norway, and South Africa. Carlos J. Sanchez-Runde (CSanchez-Runde@ieseedu) is a profesor of people management at IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain. He graduated in law from the University of Barcelona, got an MBA from IESE Business School, and earned a Ph.D in Management from the University of Oregon His research focuses on crosscultural and international management, and strategic human resource management He

writes in English and Spanish, and is the author or co-author of three books and the coeditor of two other books, and has published more than twenty pieces in book chapters, journal articles, and specialized press. Some of his latest work include the co-editiorship of Multinationals, Institutions, and the Construction of Transnational Practices (Hampshire, UK: Palgrave, 2006) and Innovative Forms of Organizing: International Perspectives (London: Sage, 2003). He has presented his research in numerous conferences worldwide and is currently writing on the following topics: managing across cultures, comparative decision making in China and the West, and the functioning of human resource management departments. As a teacher, he has developed about twenty business cases and technical notes which are used regularly in his courses on cross-cultural management, human resource management, and organizational behavior. Professor Sanchez-Runde has held visiting appointments, both for research and

teaching purposes, at the following institutions: Austral University in Argentina; University of Montevideo in Uruguay, Pan American University in Mexico, University of Piura in Peru, Catholic University of Santiago in Chile and the University of Oregon. He has also conducted consulting and research activities for organizations like Accenture, AGBAR, Bayer, Bertelsmann, Philips, and Seat-Volkswagen. During 2001-2007, he served in IESE Business School as associate director and associate dean for faculty, and as a member of the executive board of the school. Luciara Nardon (Luciara is an assistant professor of management at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Canada. She has taught graduate and undergraduate courses focusing on international management in Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, and the United States. She received her bachelor’s degree in accounting from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and a graduate degree in accounting

from Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil. In addition, she holds two master’s degrees in business from the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales, Argentina, and the Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate University, U.SA She holds a PhD in international management and strategy from the University of Oregon. Professor Nardon’s recent research has been published in the Journal of World Business, Organizational Dynamics, and Advances in International Management. She is also a co-author with Richard M Steers of two chapters in the Cambridge Handbook of Culture, Organizations, and Work (Cambridge University Press, 2009) and the book Managing in the Global Economy (Sharpe, 2006). Prior to her academic career, Professor Nardon worked as a director of control systems and strategic planning for companies in Brazil, Portugal, and the United States. Source: http://www.doksinet 13