Nyelvtanulás | Angol » Beginner Learners of English as an Additional Language, Useful Websites, publications for Secondary Schools

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Beginner learners of English as an additional language: Useful websites/ publications (For secondary schools) General guidance/ information • EAL area on Wokingham Schools Hub website http://wsh.wokinghamgovuk/learning-and-teaching/mea/eal/ This area includes: - Toolkit for supporting new arrivals - Polish and Arabic dual language resources for a range of curriculum areas and topics, including key word lists - List of websites with teaching materials in other languages - Guidance documents - Teaching materials - Training and network meeting materials - National Strategies materials including: ‘Teaching units to support guided sessions for writing in English as an additional language’ Information about pupils’ countries, cultures, languages • http://news.bbccouk/1/hi/country profiles/defaultstm; https://www.ciagov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/indexhtml; http://www.worldinfozonecom - Provide background information about learners’ home countries including maps

and photographs. • Information about the differences between English and other languages: - See the New Arrivals Toolkit page on the Wokingham Schools Hub for information about several languages, and also see http://esl.fisedu/grammar/langdiff/indexhtm • Information about cultures and languages: - A booklet produced by Milton Keynes LA is available on the Inclusion and Celebration page on the Wokingham Schools Hub: http://wsh.wokinghamgovuk/learning-and-teaching/mea/eal/eal-guidance/inclusionand-celebration/ Free teaching resources - including some in first languages • EAL Nexus https://ealresources.bell-foundationorguk/free-resources-teachers - Includes a searchable database of quality teaching resources, as well as guidance on teaching and assessment. It also has sections for learners and parents • http://www.bfinclusionorguk/Resources Englishhtm Bracknell Forest LA – Science resources (apparatus; using a microscope) - Writing resources (writing frames; starters and

connectives mat) • http://www.slnorguk/geography/spellingmathtm - Geography word mats • Maths word book (KS2 - 4) - In Arabic and Polish – on the Wokingham Schools Hub: http://wsh.wokinghamgovuk/learning-and-teaching/mea/eal/ - In Hungarian, Portuguese, Thai, English – http://www.bfinclusionorguk/Formshtm - Available to purchase from Hounslow Language Service in Albanian, Bengali, Bulgarian, Dari, French, Japanese, Lithuanian, Panjabi, Portuguese, Romanian, Somali, Spanish and Turkish - all with English. • Maths vocabulary in several languages: http://www.emathscouk/indexphp?option=com zoo&view=frontpage&layout=frontp age&Itemid=492 • https://www.sgstsorguk/SupportForVulnerablePupils/EMTAS/SitePages/Englishas px - Materials for teaching texts taught in English: Macbeth and Shakespeare’s sonnets. • https://www.bbccom/bitesize - BBC website containing revision activities for key areas and skills. Often recommended to EAL learners to catch up on

core content although not designed as such. • http://en.childrenslibraryorg/ - Online books for children in many languages. The website aims to enable families to have access to the books of their culture and language regardless of where they live. • Learning English: Oxford Owls e-books https://www.oxfordowlcouk/for-home/reading-owl/find-a-book/library-page - A huge library of free eBooks with visuals and audio, some with activities. • http://www.teachitlanguagescouk/elt-resources - Teachit English Language teaching resources. Free PDF resources • http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncilorg/ - A website with activities to support teenagers to learn English. Includes reading activities; videos for developing listening skills; writing activities; grammar and vocabulary activities; videos, games, puzzles and competitions. • https://learnenglish.britishcouncilorg/en/apps - Free apps to support the learning of English from the British Council. Apps available include:

LearnEnglish Elementary podcasts LearnEnglish GREAT videos (short videos about UK culture) LearnEnglish Grammar MyWordBook – an interactive vocabulary notebook Sounds Right – supports pronunciation ‘Phrases for school’ booklets • http://www.bfinclusionorguk/Formshtm - ‘Phrases for school’ booklet in Czech, German, Hungarian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish and Thai. Very useful for supporting communication between school staff and pupils. On-line dictionaries and translation • Google - Use Google to search for ‘(name of language) dictionary’. Also click on ‘language tools’ on the Google home page to translate text, or a web page or a document. Resources for working with parents • Booklets for newly arrived families answering questions about the English education system. Available in English, Arabic, Bengali, Italian, Polish, Portuguese.

http://wsh.wokinghamgovuk/learning-and-teaching/mea/eal/faqs-document-for-newlyarrived-parents/ • Letters for parents in different languages http://www.primaryinteractivecouk/letters/indexhtm and http://www.education-supportorguk/teachers/ids/translated-letters-for-schools/ Also – http://www.ealhlsorguk/product-category/home-school-links/- available for £9.17+VAT Resources to buy • http://uk.mantralinguacom/ - Dual language story books - KS3 science CD Roms - ‘Talking pen’ subject posters for English, maths, science and geography with first language explanations of key terms. - Subject terms talking dictionary (ebook) – includes terms for KS3 for English, maths, biology, chemistry, and physics. 650 key terms defined and explained orally in English and the home language. Languages available: Sylheti, Polish, Lithuanian, Panjabi, Arabic, Romanian, Latvian, and Spanish. £1250 -‘Key terms in’ (ebook) – ebooks available for English, maths, science and geography for

KS3. The terms are explained orally in English and other languages Languages available: Arabic, Bengali/Sylheti, Farsi (Dari may understand), French, Lithuanian, Latvian, Panjabi (Mirpuri may understand), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Slovakian, Turkish, and Urdu. £350 • Bay Foreign Language Books https://www.baylanguagebookscouk/indexphp – Stockist of dual language dictionaries • http://www.ealhlsorguk/shop/ Hounslow Language Service Dual language and other resources available to purchase including: - ‘Teaching beginners in secondary schools’; - Activity booklets on Shakespeare plays and other texts used in English • Racing to English http://www.racingtoenglishcouk/orderinghtml – An excellent CD of resources and activities for EAL beginners (£45 + £5 p and p) • Clicker 7 software http://www.cricksoftcom/uk/products/tools/clicker/homeaspx Docsplus software http://www.cricksoftcom/uk/products/docsplus/homeaspx - A writing tool with audio

and vocabulary support Clicker resources at www.learninggridscom • http://www.toticitycouk/eal-studentshtml Materials to support EAL students in maths, including materials translated into Polish. • Language learning text books: o Side by Side Extra - Low Beginner to High Intermediate Real-life communication practice that is student-centered, interactive, and fun Pearson ELT o English for Life - A four-level English course By Tom Hutchinson, OUP o New English File - Books for Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate By Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson, OUP o Cutting Edge: Starter - For beginners By Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor, Frances Eales; Pearson/ Longman o English grammar in use - For intermediate EAL learners By Raymond Murphy Support for texts used in KS3 and 4 English lessons: • http://www.cuttingedgepublicationscom/publication listhtml - Simplified versions of KS3 and GCSE English texts with teaching packs. Audio CDs are also

available. • http://www.macmillanreaderscom/ - Readers at different levels including classic texts used in English lessons. Worksheets and some audio resources are also available • Fast Track Classics – available via various websites – Abridged versions of classic novels (with glossaries). • http://www.ealhlsorguk/shop/ - Booklets for students on Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, Much Ado About Nothing, The Taming of the Shrew, Of Mice and Men. Miscellaneous: • Wikipedia – Pages can be translated by clicking on the language on the left of the page • Simple Wikipedia http://simple.wikipediaorg/wiki/Main Page - A version of Wikipedia using simpler language. • www.tools4noobscom/summarize/ - Produces a summary of text or web pages • Formulator Tarsia software (free) http://mmlsoft.com/indexphp/products/tarsia - Enables the creation, printing and saving of jigsaws, domino activities and a variety of card sort activities. Further guidance: Lists of useful

websites/ publications on the following topics are available on the Wokingham Schools Hub http://wsh.wokinghamgovuk/learning-and-teaching/mea/lasupport-for-mea-eal/: Materials in other languages Supporting newly arrived beginners in English – useful resources English language learning software/ websites Resources for working with minority ethnic parents Resources for an inclusive ethos EAL, SEN resources list Resources to support EAL reading Readers for EAL learners KS2-4