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KS5 Curriculum for Spanish: Students A Level studying Spanish still study the 4 main skills from Source:athttps://doksi.net GCSE. There is a key emphasis on sophisticated communication in the productive skills as well as the extensive study of Hispanic literature and authentic film to enhance the receptive skills. A Currar This topic expands your knowledge of talking about the world of work and your work experience from Year 10 Using ‘if’ clauses is your key grammar point Mock exams De Costumbre You will be tested in all 4 skills Year 11 GCSE exams: You will be able to in realistic exam conditions Listening 25% communicate in a Speaking 25% sophisticated register Mi Gente Reading 25% about your diet and Personal identity is a key Writing 25% daily routine theme in GCSE Spanish KS5 FINAL GCSE EXAM Hacia un mundo mejor Desconéctate This topic draws upon prior learning about holidays to give new GCSE students a confident start De Costumbre Intereses e Influencias 3 tenses

Being able to Una Aventura en Madrid communicate in 3 A cultural tenses in important at this stage adventure in Madrid YEAR 10 KS4 Negative forms Learning how to recognise and produce negative sentences to show variety is key to doing well Mi Gente Jóvenes en Acción In this topic you will talk about your rights and what you believe in Ciudades Jóvenes en Acción IR: preterite tense Learning how to say ‘I went’ will be very useful in this topic Connectives In Year 7, you will work on creating longer sentences using connectives Operación Verano A holiday topic exploring Spanish summer camps and other leisure activities Mi Insti A topic to learn how to describe your new secondary school life Mi Insti & Mi Tiempo Libre End of year project A creative project to enhance knowledge of a Spanish speaking country Oriéntate 9 Present & preterite tenses Revise the present tense and extend grammar Mis Vacaciones knowledge by introducing A topic to talk about the past

tense holiday preferences Mis Vacaciones & Mi Ciudad A Comer Learn how to talk about food and drink in Spanish. Present tense In Year 7, you will do lots of work on communicating in the present tense. End of year project A creative film project to show off your new Spanish skills YEAR 8 Mi Vida, mi familia y mis amigos A topic looking at describing yourself and people you are close to Noun gender Introducing grammatical gender in Spanish (el and la) Welcome to Spanish at Hayle Academy Mi Vida, mi familia y mis amigos KS2 KS2 Curriculum for MFL: Pupils at primary school focuson practical communication and enable children to recognise and copy common patterns and sounds in a foreign language. Tener que + infinitive You will learn how to talk about things you ‘have to do’ at work Oriéntate Explore a topic about work and your dream job A Comer Adjectival agreement A key grammar point for Spanish is matching the adjective to the gender of the noun Ciudades This

topic is about your local area, holidays and travel YEAR Mi Ciudad In this topic you will learn how to talk about where you live. What do you like and what would you prefer? Mi Tiempo Libre Talking about hobbies Future tense Using the simple future will enhance the complexity of your writing En Forma Operación Verano Todo Sobre mi Vida & Que Hacemos 11 Adjectives and Mi Vida en el Insti negatives You will revisit school language from Year 7 Make sure you show and expand this by variety and accuracy talking about lots of aspects of school life En Forma We will spend a term exploring Reflexive verbs this topic about Learning these verbs will allow you to talk about your diet, health and daily routine daily routine Revisit: Adjectival agreement Reinforcing a key grammar point is the key to success Comparatives Knowing the sentence structure to compare things Recap Recall is very important in Year 11 because this is your exam year. There will be lots of recall of

vocabulary and grammar from previous topics as well as refining your skills. Synonyms and antonyms Your exams will test your YEAR ability to use alternative words Mi Vida en el Insti Una Aventura en Madrid ¿Qué Hacemos? This is linked to the previous topic and focuses on how you prepare to go out and what you wear A Currar Soler + infinitive This grammar point is a Intereses e Influencias fancy way to talk about Extend your ability to talk what you often do about your hobbies and who inspires you Present Irregular 2 past tenses 2 key grammar points to extend your complexity Desconéctate Todo Sobre mi Vida This topic extends your ability to talk about hobbies. You will learn about television and technology. Spanish Learning Journey The key to success in primary MFL is to enable the smooth transition into Secondary learning via the receptive skills (listening and reading). This is most popularly taught through the use of songs and poems to encourage production of speech and

writing at the highest levels. YEAR 7 KS3