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Tartalmi kivonat

Tartalom Tartalom .1 1. Hungarian kitchen 2 2. Talking on a plane7 3. Making complaint at the restaurant 12 4. Talking to a landlord about problems 17 5. Asking for advice about eating out23 6. Explaining public transport tickets 28 7. Returning goods to a webshop 33 8. Negotiating a better price 38 9. What to serve at a party 42 10. The hotel doctor 48 11. Let’s go sightseeing 55 12. Talking about weekends 60 13. Opening a bank account 64 14. Can you find me accommodation?69 15. Sorry, I couldn’t come to your party 74 16. Calling the estate agent 78 17. Going out on a Saturday night85 18. I’m moving house 90 19. Talking about plans95 20. Giving advice about shopping 101 1 Tartalom 1. Hungarian kitchen You help your friend to chose from the menu A: Shall I help you with the menu? B: Yes, please. I don’t really know what to chose A: Ok, so usually we start the meal with a starter or a soup. Which would you like? B: I’d like some soup first. A: Ok, have you tried Goulash?

B: Not yet, is it good to start a meal? A: Well you must try it. It’s a very rich, spicy soup with beef and vegetables, and of course with paprika powder. I think you should ask for a small portion if you want to go for the main course, too because it’s quite hearty. B: Ok, I’ll have a small one. I hope it’s not too greasy. A: Ok, and for the main course would you like chicken, pork, beef, or fish? B: Well, I’d like to try something that you suggest. Something traditional. Something meaty A: Well if you like beef, I recommend you the Tenderloin Budapest style. It’s a steak with a rich 2 1. Hungarian kitchen ragout with chicken liver, peas and mushrooms. I think it’s a very typical Hungarian dish. B: It sounds good. I like beef, but I’ve never tried it with chicken liver. So I’ll go for it A: Do you want to choose some dessert now, or we can come back to it later. B: I don’t know how I will struggle with all of this, so maybe later, yes. WORDS: meal - étkezés

starter - előétel soup - leves rich - gazdag, tartalmas spicy - fűszeres beef - marhahús paprika powder - őrölt paprika portion- adag main course - főétel hearty - laktató greasy - zsíros pork - sertés to suggest - javasol traditional - hagyományos 3 1. Hungarian kitchen meaty - húsos to recommend - ajánl tenderloin - bélszín liver - máj peas - zöldborsó mushrooms - gomba dish - fogás dessert - desszert to struggle - megküzd EXPRESSIONS: Shall I help you with the menu? Segítsek az étlappal? I don’t really know what to chose Nem igazán tudom, mit válasszak Which would you like? Melyiket szeretnéd? Have you tried Goulash? Kóstoltad már a gulyást? You must try it Ki kell próbálnod It’s a very rich, spicy soup with beef and vegetables 4 1. Hungarian kitchen Ez egy nagyon gazdag, fűszeres leves marhahússal és zöldségekkel I think you should ask for a small portion Szerintem csak kis adagot kérj If you want to go for the main course, too

Ha főételt is akarsz I’ll have a small one Kérek egy kicsit I hope it’s not too greasy Remélem, nem túl zsíros For the main course would you like chicken, pork, beef, or fish? Főételnek mit szeretnél: csirkét, disznót, marhát vagy halat? I’d like to try something that you suggest Vmi olyat szeretnék, amit te ajánlsz If you like beef, I recommend you the Tenderloin Budapest style Ha szereted a marhát, akkor ajánlom a bélszínt Budapest módra It’s a steak with a rich ragout Ez egy steak egy gazdag raguval So I’ll go for it Szóval megpróbálom 5 1. Hungarian kitchen Or we can come back to it later Vagy visszatérhetünk rá később I don’t know how I will struggle with all of this Nem tudom, hogy fogok ezzel mind megküzdeni 6 1. Hungarian kitchen 2. Talking on a plane You start a conversation with your neighbour on the plane A: Hi. I’m sorry Would you mind taking a picture of me? B: Yeah, sure. Are you a tourist? A: Yes, but actually I’m

going to Amsterdam on business. How about you? Are you going home? B: Yeah, I’ve just been to my friend’s wedding. He married a Hungarian woman, and I went to the ceremony. It was fun A: Was this your first time in Hungary? B: Yes, first time. I really enjoyed it I stayed for only 3 days, but I’m definitely planning to come back for a longer stay. And you? Have you been to Amsterdam before? A: Yes, I have. I was there about 10 years ago with my friends, but we didn’t have much time to see everything, so I hope I will have more time to look around now. And which part of Amsterdam do you live in? 7 2. Talking on a plane B: Actually I live outside the city in a small town, but I work in Amsterdam. So I commute everyday by train. Are you going to a conference? A: I’m going to take part in a workshop. I’m going to work with other European colleagues on a project. It’s two weeks B: Oh, and what do you do? A: I’m a chemical engineer. I work for a car company, and we

develop and test new materials. And you? B: I’m a programmer, I work for a software development company. We develop software for banks. A: That sounds interesting. And do you have a family. 8 2. Talking on a plane WORDS: wedding - esküvő ceremony - szertartás definitely - mindenképpen to commute - ingázik conference - konferencia to take part - részt vesz workshop - műhelymunka colleague - kolléga chemical engineer - vegyészmérnök to develop - fejleszt material - anyag software development company - szoftver fejlesztő cég EXPRESSIONS: Would you mind taking a picture of me? Csinálna rólam egy képet? I’m going to Amsterdam on business Amszterdamba megyek üzleti ügyben How about you? És ön? I’ve just been to my friend’s wedding A barátom esküvőjén voltam 9 2. Talking on a plane It was fun Jó volt Was this your first time in Hungary? Először volt Magyarországon? I’m definitely planning to come back for a longer stay Mindenképpen tervezem,

hogy visszajövök hosszabb időre Have you been to Amsterdam before? Volt már Amszterdamban? We didn’t have much time to see everything Nem volt túl sok időnk megnézni mindent I hope I will have more time to look around now Remélem, most több időm lesz körbenézni Which part of Amsterdam do you live in? Amszterdam melyik részén lakik? Actually I live outside the city Tulajdonképpen a város mellett lakom I commute everyday by train Minden nap ingázom vonattal I’m going to take part in a workshop Egy műhelymunkán fogok részt venni 10 2. Talking on a plane I’m going to work with other European colleagues on a project Több európai kollégával fogunk dolgozni egy projekten We develop and test new materials Új anyagokat fejlesztünk és tesztelünk I work for a software development company Egy szoftver fejlesztő cégnél dolgozom We develop software for banks Bankoknak fejlesztünk programokat That sounds interesting Ez érdekesen hangzik 11 2. Talking on

a plane 3. Making complaint at the restaurant You have some problems in a restaurant 1. A: Waiter! B: Yes, sir. A: I’d like to make a complaint. I’m afraid this meat is off, it smells very strange. I can’t imagine how you can serve this. B: Oh, I apologise, sir. I’ll bring another one 2. A: Excuse me. I think my food is just not warm enough, actually it’s totally cold. Could you warm it up a bit? B: Sure. I’m terribly sorry Just a moment, I’ll be right back. 3. A: Waiter, I think there’s been a mistake. I’m afraid this is not what I ordered. Can you exchange it? B: Oh, I’m sorry for the inconvenience, sir. I’ll bring your food as soon as possible. 12 3. Making complaint at the restaurant A: Thank you. 4. A: Excuse me, but this steak is simply inedible. B: What’s the problem with it, sir? A: I tried to chew it, but it’s as tough as an old boot! B: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. I’ll replace it for you immediately. 5. A: Waiter! B: Yes, sir. Is there

a problem? A: Actually there is. We ordered our food an hour ago, but we haven’t received it yet. I can’t understand what can take so long. First we had to wait for our table for half an hour, and now our food is not coming. This is really embarrassing B: I’m terribly sorry, sir, but you must understand that this is a Saturday night, and our restaurant is fully booked. May I offer you a bottle of champagne for your inconvenience? 13 3. Making complaint at the restaurant WORDS: to make a complaint - panaszt tesz off - romlott to imagine - elképzel to serve - felszolgál to apologise - bocsánatot kér to warm up - megmelegít mistake - tévedés to exchange - kicserél (egy másikra) inconvenience - kellemetlenség inedible - ehetetlen to chew - megrág tough - rágós to replace - kicserél (ugyanarra) immediately - azonnal to receive - kap embarrassing - kínos fully booked - telt házas EXPRESSIONS: I’d like to make a complaint Panaszt szeretnék tenni I’m afraid

this meat is off Attól tartok, ez a hús romlott 14 3. Making complaint at the restaurant It smells very strange Furcsa szaga van I can’t imagine how you can serve this El sem tudom képzelni, hogy szolgálhatják ezt fel I apologise, sir Elnézést kérek, uram I think my food is just not warm enough Szerintem, az ételem nem elég meleg Could you warm it up a bit? Meg tudná egy kicsit melegíteni? I’ll be right back Rögtön jövök I think there’s been a mistake Azt hiszem, itt vmi tévedés van I’m afraid this is not what I ordered Attól tartok, ez nem az, amit rendeltem Can you exchange it? Kicserélné? I’m sorry for the inconvenience sir Elnézést a kellemetlenségért I’ll bring your food as soon as possible Hozom az ételét, amint lehet This steak is simply inedible Ez a steak egyszerűen ehetetlen 15 3. Making complaint at the restaurant It’s as tough as an old boot! Rágós, mint egy cipőtalp I’m sorry to hear that Sajnálattal hallom I’ll

replace it for you immediately Azonnal kicserélem We haven’t received it yet Még nem kaptuk meg I can’t understand what can take so long Nem tudom megérteni, mi tart eddig This is really embarrassing Ez igazán kínos You must understand that this is a Saturday night Meg kell értenie, hogy szombat este van Our restaurant is fully booked Az éttermünk telt házas May I offer you a bottle of champagne for your inconvenience? Felajánlhatok egy üveg pezsgőt a kellemetlenségeikért? 16 3. Making complaint at the restaurant 4. Talking to a landlord about problems You call your landlord to discuss a few problems A: Good morning, Mr. Rich This is Tamás Kiss B: Hi, Tamás, is everything alright? A: Yes, but I’d like to ask you a few questions. Do you have time? B: Sure, go ahead. A: Ok, so first of all, there are a few problems in the flat that I noticed when I moved in. So these were existing problems. B: Yes, I actually know about the dripping tap. I’m going to send a

plumber to fix it. A: Thanks, also there is a problem with the toilet. I can’t flush it. B: Oh, really? I’ll tell the plumber to check that as well. Anything else? A: Only a few things which are not clear. First of all, I can’t adjust the gas boiler, the water is not hot enough. Can you show me how to do it? B: Yes, but the plumber can show you, he installed it. Just tell him when he’s there 17 4. Talking to a landlord about problems A: About the water bill, what do I have to do exactly? B: You have to read the water meter every month and report it to the water company online. A: I see, ok. And talking about bills, it’s not clear whether the maintenance fee is included in the rent or I have to pay it separately. B: It is included, you don’t have to do anything about it. A: Thanks, and one more thing: I noticed that there is a water spot on the ceiling in the bathroom, I think it’s a leak. B: Hmm, thanks for telling me, I’ll check it next week when I’m coming. A:

Ok, thanks for everything. And please let me know when the plumber is coming. B: Sure, bye. WORDS: to notice - észrevesz to move in - beköltözik existing - létező dripping - csöpögő tap - csap 18 4. Talking to a landlord about problems plumber – vízvezeték szerelő to fix - megjavít to flush the toilet - lehúzza a WC-t to adjust - beállít gas boiler - gáz bojler to install - beszerel water bill - vízszámla water meter - vízóra to report - bejelent maintenance fee - közös költség rent - bérleti díj separately - külön water spot - vízfolt leak - beázás EXPRESSIONS: Is everything alright? Minden rendben van? I’d like to ask you a few questions, do you have time? Szeretnék kérdezni egy pár dolgot, van ideje? There are a few problems in the flat that I noticed when I moved in 19 4. Talking to a landlord about problems Van egy pár probléma a lakásban, amit észrevettem, amikor beköltöztem These were existing problems Ezek létező

problémák voltak I actually know about the dripping tap Ami azt illeti, tudok a csöpögő csapról I’m going to send a plumber to fix it Küldök egy vízszerelőt, hogy megjavítsa There is a problem with the toilet, I can’t flush it Valami baj van a WC-vel, nem tudom lehúzni I’ll tell the plumber to check that as well Szólok a vizesnek, hogy azt is nézze meg Only a few things which are not clear Csak egy pár dolog, ami nem világos I can’t adjust the gas boiler, the water is not hot enough Nem tudom beállítani a bojlert, nem elég meleg a víz Can you show me how to do it? Meg tudná mutatni, hogyan kell? Just tell him when he’s there Csak szóljon neki, amikor ott van About the water bill 20 4. Talking to a landlord about problems És a vízszámlával kapcsolatban. What do I have to do exactly? Mi kell tennem pontosan? You have to read the water meter every month Le kell olvasni az órát minden hónapban And talking about bills Ha már a számlákról van

szó. It’s not clear whether the maintenance fee is included in the rent Nem világos, hogy a közös költség benne van-e a bérleti díjban Or I have to pay it separately Vagy külön kell fizetnem You don’t have to do anything about it Azzal nem kell csinálnia semmit And one more thing És még egy dolog I noticed that there is a water spot on the ceiling in the bathroom Észrevettem, hogy van egy vízfolt a plafonon a fürdőben Thanks for telling me Köszönöm, hogy szólt 21 4. Talking to a landlord about problems I’ll check it next week when I’m coming Megnézem jövő héten, amikor jövök Please let me know when the plumber is coming Majd szóljon, hogy mikor jön a vízszerelő 22 4. Talking to a landlord about problems 5. Asking for advice about eating out You ask the hotel receptionist where to go for dinner A: Excuse me. Can you recommend a good place to eat out? B: Sure, what kind of restaurant are you looking for? A: I don’t know, a traditional

one with reasonable prices and a nice atmosphere. Somewhere where the locals go. B: Well, if you want to try the local kitchen, I think you should try Giuseppes in the city centre. It’s not very far, they have fantastic Italian dishes, and the prices are not very expensive. A: Sounds good. How can I get there? B: If I were you, I would take a walk, it’s only ten minutes. You can find it on the main square opposite the Cathedral. A: Ok, we’ll go there. And what is the best place to go for a walk after dinner? B: Hmm, I think it’s a good idea to take a walk on the promenade by the beach. There are plenty of things to see and do. You can find bars and 23 5. Asking for advice about eating out nightclubs, but also there is an amusement park where you can have some fun. A: Thanks, it’s a good idea. And do you know where I can change some money? B: There are some exchange offices in the city centre, but they have very high commission. So I think your best bet is to find an ATM

of your home bank’s network and withdraw some money. They shouldn’t have high fees. A: That’s a good idea. I’ll check it on the internet Thanks for your help. B: You’re welcome, and have a nice evening! A: Thanks. WORDS: to recommend - ajánl traditional - hagyományos reasonable prices - reális árak atmosphere - hangulat locals - helyiek local kitchen - helyi konyha Italian dishes - olasz ételek main square - főtér opposite - szemben 24 5. Asking for advice about eating out promenade - parti sétány plenty of - jó sok amusement park - vidámpark exchange office - pénzváltó commission - jutalék best bet - legjobb választás network - hálózat to withdraw money - pénzt vesz ki fees - díjak EXPRESSIONS: Can you recommend a good place to eat out? Tud ajánlani egy jó helyet, ahol lehet enni? What kind of restaurant are you looking for? Milyen fajta éttermet keres? A traditional one with reasonable prices and a nice atmosphere Egy hagyományosat, reális

árakkal és jó hangulattal Somewhere where the locals go Ahova a helyiek járnak 25 5. Asking for advice about eating out I think you should try Giuseppes in the city centre Szerintem próbálják meg a Guiseppe-t a központban How can I get there? Hogyan jutok el oda? If I were you I would take a walk, it’s only ten minutes Az ön helyében gyalog mennék, csak tíz perc You can find it on the main square opposite the cathedral A főtéren találja a templommal szemben What is the best place to go for a walk after dinner? Melyik a legjobb hely sétálni menni vacsora után I think it’s a good idea to take a walk on the promenade by the beach Szerintem jó ötlet sétálni egyet a sétányon, a parton There are plenty of things to see and do Sok mindent lehet csinálni és látni Also there is an amusement park where you can have some fun Van egy vidámpark is, ahol tudnak szórakozni 26 5. Asking for advice about eating out Do you know where I can change some money?

Tudja, hol tudok pénzt váltani? Your best bet is to find an ATM of your home bank’s network A legjobb választás keresni egy automatát, ami a saját bankjukhoz tartozik They shouldn’t have high fees Elvileg nincsenek magas díjak I’ll check it on the internet Megnézem a neten 27 5. Asking for advice about eating out 6. Explaining public transport tickets Your foreign friend asks you about travel tickets in Budapest A: I’m going to travel a lot in the city while I’m here. Can you explain to me the types of tickets I need for each type of transport? B: Well, it depends on how long you are going to stay, and of course how often you will travel. A: I’m leaving next Thursday, so I’ve got 8 days left, but we‘re spending one day away from the city. B: Ok, so there’s the single ticket, which is valid for one travel for basic public transport vehicles such as bus, tram, trolleybus, and underground. It costs 350 Forints, and you can buy it at underground stations and

some bus and tram stops from vending machines. A: Can I buy it on the bus when I get on? B: Yes, you can buy it from the driver, but it’s a little bit more expensive. I think it’s 450 Forints A: And are there any weekly or daily passes or travel cards? 28 6. Explaining public transport tickets B: Of course, your best option is to buy some form of travel card if you are going to travel a lot. There are all kinds of daily, weekly, and monthly passes and travel fdexcards. A: And what’s the difference between a travel card and a pass, do you know? B: Yeah, the travel card is more expensive, but it’s valid for a whole lot more vehicles, like boat, suburban train, funicular, and even some railway lines. The pass is cheaper, but it’s only for basic transport, and I think they only have a 15-day and a monthly pass. A: I think I’d rather check out the homepage. Do you know what it is? B: Sure, it’s BKK.hu I think they have an English version. A: Thanks for your help. B:

You’re welcome. 29 6. Explaining public transport tickets WORDS: type of transport - közlekedési eszköz it depends on - attól függ single ticket - vonaljegy valid - érvényes basic - alapvető public transport - tömegközlekedés tram - villamos trolleybus - trolibusz underground - földalatti, metró underground station - metróállomás tram stop - villamos megálló vending machine - jegy automata to get on - felszáll daily - napi weekly - heti pass - bérlet travel card - utazókártya monthly - havi vehicle - jármű boat - hajó suburban train - HÉV funicular - fogaskerekű railway - vonat 30 6. Explaining public transport tickets EXPRESSIONS: I’m going to travel a lot in the city while I’m here Sokat fogok utazni a városban, amíg itt leszek Can you explain to me the types of tickets I need for each type of transport? El tudod magyarázni, hogy melyik közlekedési eszközre milyen jegy kell? It depends on how long you are going to stay Attól függ,

mennyi ideig maradsz I’m leaving next Thursday Jövő csütörtökön utazom el I’ve got 8 days left 8 napom van hátra Ok, so there’s the single ticket Oké, szóval van a vonaljegy Can I buy it on the bus when I get on? Meg tudom venni a buszon, amikor felszállok? You can buy it from the driver A sofőrtől tudsz venni But it’s a little bit more expensive De az egy kicsit drágább 31 6. Explaining public transport tickets Your best option is to buy some form of travel card A legjobb választás, ha veszel vmilyen bérletet vagy utazókártyát If you are going to travel a lot Ha sokat fogsz utazni There are all kinds of daily, weekly and monthly passes Van mindenféle napi, heti és havi bérlet It’s valid for a whole lot more vehicles Sokkal több járműre érvényes The pass is cheaper but it’s only for basic transport A bérlet olcsóbb, de az csak az alapvető közlekedési eszközökre érvényes I think I’d better check out the homepage Azt hiszem jobb,

ha megnézem a honlapot 32 6. Explaining public transport tickets 7. Returning goods to a webshop You ordered a jacket from an online retailer and would like to send it back A: Good morning. MegaClothes customer service How can I help you today? B: Good morning. I ordered a jacket from your online store, but it’s not the right size, so I’d like to send it back. Can you help me? A: Sure, would you like an exchange or a refund? B: I’d like my money back please. A: Ok, so we can accept returns within 30 days of purchase. Make sure all tags and labels are attached and you haven’t worn or washed the product. Just send back the item to our warehouse, and we will transfer the refund to your bank account. B: Do I need original receipt of sale? A: No, you will need to fill in the return form which was included in the package. B: Shall I use post or courier service to send it back? 33 7. Returning goods to a webshop A: You can use both, but you can find a selfadhesive return

label, which is pre-addressed. You can use this for FedEx courier service. This is prepaid, but the shipping fee will be deducted from your refund. But of course you can use any other shipping method. Just make sure you have a tracking number as we are not responsible for lost packages. B: Thanks for your help. A: You’re welcome. WORDS: retailer - kereskedő customer service - ügyfélszolgálat to send back - visszaküld exchange - csere refund - visszatérítés to accept - elfogad return - visszáru within - belül purchase - vásárlás make sure - győződjön meg tag - címke label - felirat 34 7. Returning goods to a webshop attached - rajta van item - áru warehouse - raktár to transfer - átutal receipt of sale - nyugta to fill in - kitölt return form - visszáru nyilatkozat package - csomag courier service - futárszolgálat self adhesive - öntapadó return label - visszáru címke pre-addressed - előre megcímzett pre-paid - előre fizetett shipping fee -

szállítási díj to deduct - levon tracking number - nyomkövetési szám responsible - felelős 35 7. Returning goods to a webshop EXPRESSIONS: I ordered a jacket from your online store Rendeltem egy kabátot a webáruházukból It’s not the right size Nem jó a méret I’d like to send it back Vissza szeretném küldeni Would you like an exchange or a refund? Cserét szeretne vagy pénzvisszafizetést? I’d like my money back please A pénzemet szeretném vissza We can accept returns within 30 days of purchase A vásárlástól számított 30 napon belül el tudjuk fogadni a visszárut Make sure all tags and labels are attached Győzödjön meg, hogy minden címke és felirat rajta van Just send back the item to our warehouse Csak küldje vissza az árut a raktárunkba We will transfer the refund to your bank account Vissza fogjuk utalni a pénzt a számlájára 36 7. Returning goods to a webshop Do I need original receipt of sale? Kell az eredeti nyugta? You will

need to fill in the return form which was included in the package Ki kell töltenie a visszáru nyilatkozatot, ami benne volt a csomagjában Shall I use post or courier service to send it back? Postát vagy futár céget használjak? You can use both Mindkettőt használhatja You can find a self-adhesive return label Talál egy öntapadó visszáru címkét The shipping fee will be deducted from your refund A viteldíjat levonjuk a visszatérítésből You can use any other shipping method Bármilyen más szállítási módot is használhat Just make sure you have a tracking number Fontos, hogy legyen nyomkövetési száma We are not responsible for lost packages Nem vállalunk felelősséget eltűnt csomagokért 37 7. Returning goods to a webshop 8. Negotiating a better price You see a jacket on the market and you want a better price A: Hi. How much are you asking for this leather jacket? B: I’m asking 300$, madam. A: 300? That’s very expensive. Can you give me a better

price? B: How much are you thinking of? A: I was thinking more like 100. B: But madam, this is 100% original leather, just try it on. I can give you a little discount, you can have it for 280. A: Well, I just saw this jacket in other shops for half the price. I’ll give you 150 B: You are joking! This very same jacket costs 400 on the High Street, madam! How about 250? A: Is that the best you can do? I don’t think I can go any higher that 180. B: Ok, listen, why don’t you take two and let’s make it 400$. 38 8. Negotiating a better price A: Haha, why would I need 2? I think 200 would be fair for one of them. B: No, sorry. I can’t do that, 220 is my lowest price A: I’ll take it for 210, and that’s my final offer. B: Ok, it’s a deal! WORDS: leather jacket - bőrdzseki original - eredeti discount - engedmény fair - korrekt final - végső offer - ajánlat EXPRESSIONS: How much are you asking for this leather jacket? Mennyit kér ezért a bőrdzsekiért? Can you give

me a better price? Tud adni jobb árat? How much are you thinking of? Mennyire gondol? I was thinking more like 100 Inkább olyan 100-ra gondoltam 39 8. Negotiating a better price I can give you a little discount Tudok adni egy kis kedvezményt You can have it for 280 Megkaphatja 280-ért I’ll give you 150 Adok 150-et You are joking! Maga viccel! How about 250? Mit szólna 250-hez? Is that the best you can do? Ez a legjobb ár, amit tud adni? I don’t think I can go any higher that 180 Nem hiszem, hogy feljebb tudok menni 180-nál Why don’t you take two and let’s make it 400$ Miért nem visz kettőt, és legyen 400$ I think 200 would be fair Szerintem a 200 korrekt lenne I can’t do that Az nem megy 220 is my lowest price 220 a legalsó ár I’ll take it for 210 Elviszem 210-ért 40 8. Negotiating a better price That’s my final offer Ez az utolsó ajánlatom It’s a deal! Áll az alku 41 8. Negotiating a better price 9. What to serve at a party You are

discussing with your friend what snacks to serve at the party A: I was just thinking that we should find out what to serve at the party ‘cos we only have one week left. What do you think? B: You’re right. How many people are coming? A: I think it’s eight people including us. I think we should just go for some snacks and like all kinds of appetizers, nothing serious. Do you have any ideas? B: Well, I agree. There’s no need for warm food, only party snacks. But maybe we could have just one main dish which is richer, something which is easy to make. What about a big bowl of stuffed cabbage? I can make it the day before, and then we’ll just have to warm it up and serve it. What do you think? A: Yeah, that might be a good idea. Will you make it? 42 9. What to serve at a party B: Of course, I’m the stuffed cabbage master, you know. Ok, and what else shall we have? Any ideas? A: I saw these dips at Pete’s party that you can serve with vegetable sticks or tortilla chips.

I’m thinking avocado or salsa or a cheese dip you know. We can also make them the day before B: That sounds good. Anything else? Why don’t we make some meatballs? I love meatballs, man. They’re easy to make and go well with the dips as well. You can serve them with these party sticks in them. A: Wow, cool. Can you do that as well? B: Sure, no problem, I have a good recipe for that. I will take care of it. Don’t worry A: Ok, then I’ll make the dips. I think that should be enough. B: Yeah, it’s gonna be a huge feast. Can’t wait A: Ok, now let’s move on to the drinks. 43 9. What to serve at a party WORDS: to find out - kiderít to serve - felszolgál appetizer - előétel party snacks - parti falatkák main dish - főétel rich - gazdag, laktató bowl - tál stuffed cabbage - töltött káposzta to warm up - felmelegít dip - mártogatós vegetable sticks - zöldség rudak cheese dip - sajtszósz meatballs - húsgolyók party stick - koktélnyárs recipe - recept to

take care of - gondoskodik róla huge - hatalmas feast - lakoma to move on to sth - áttér vmire 44 9. What to serve at a party EXPRESSIONS: I was just thinking that we should find out what to serve at the party Arra gondoltam, hogy ki kellene találnunk, hogy mit szolgáljunk fel a bulin We only have one week left Csak egy hetünk van hátra It’s eight people including us Velünk együtt nyolc ember I think we should just go for some snacks Szerintem legyenek csak falatkák Do you have any ideas? Van vmi ötleted? Well, I agree Hát, egyetértek There’s no need for warm food Nincs szükség meleg ételre Maybe we could have just one main dish Esetleg lehetne csak egy főétel Something which is easy to make Vmi, amit könnyű elkészíteni What about a big bowl of stuffed cabbage? Mit szólnál egy nagy tál töltött káposztához? 45 9. What to serve at a party Yeah, that might be a good idea Igen, az lehet, hogy jó ötlet And what else shall we have? Mi legyen

még? Any ideas? Ötlet? That sounds good Az jól hangzik Why don’t we make some meatballs? Miért nem csinálunk húsgolyókat? They’re easy to make and go well with the dips as well Azt könnyű megcsinálni, és jól megy a mártogatósokhoz is Sure, no problem Persze, simán I will take care of it, don’t worry Elintézem, nyugi Ok, then I will make the dips Oké, akkor én megcsinálom a szószokat I think that should be enough Szerintem ennyi elég lesz It’s gonna be a huge feast Hatalmas lakoma lesz 46 9. What to serve at a party Can’t wait Alig várom Now let’s move on to the drinks Na, most térjünk át az italokra 47 9. What to serve at a party 10. The hotel doctor You are feeling sick and call the hotel doctor A: Reception, how can I help you? B: Hello. I’m calling from room 303 I’m feeling really sick. I’ve got a very high fever and I’ve been on the toilet all night. I need to see a doctor immediately. Can you help me? A: I’ll just call the

doctor on duty. He will be with you in a short time. Room 303? B: Yes, Mr. Kiss A: I’m sending the doctor. C: Good morning. Where is the patient? B: It’s me. Thanks for coming so soon C: Can you tell me your symptoms? B: Yes, I have an upset stomach and a high temperature, and I’m feeling terrible. C: I see. Do you have diarrhoea? B: Yes, and I’ve been vomiting all night. C: Ok, can you tell me what you had for dinner last night? 48 10. The hotel doctor B: We had dinner here at the hotel. I had a seafood plate, and cheesecake for dessert. C: Do you have any allergies? B: No, none that I’m aware of. C: Are you feeling dizzy? B: No, not really. C: Can you tell me what seafood you had? B: Yes, there were some fish, some prawns, and some mussels. C: Well, mussels might cause strong allergic reactions, but I have to examine you to make sure it’s not food poisoning. Can you just lay down here? C: Well, it seems you are allergic to mussels. First I’m going to give you an

injection, you should feel better shortly, and after that take these pills three times a day. Make sure you have plenty of fluid to drink, and if you don’t get better by tomorrow, please call me on this number. B: Thanks for your help. How much do I owe you? C: My fee and the price of the medicine will be added to your hotel bill, and you will have to 49 10. The hotel doctor contact your insurance company to pay you back the money. B: Thanks doctor. C: Ok, just call me if you get any worse or if you don’t improve. B: Good bye. WORDS: to feel sick - rosszul van fever - láz immediately - azonnal doctor on duty - ügyeletes orvos patient - beteg/páciens symptoms - tünetek upset stomach - rossz gyomor high temperature - magas láz terrible - szörnyű diarrhoea - hasmenés to vomit - hány seafood - tenger gyümölcsei plate - tál cheesecake - sajttorta allergy - allergia aware of sth - tudomása van róla 50 10. The hotel doctor to feel dizzy - szédül prawns - rák

mussels - kagyló allergic reaction - allergiás reakció to examine - megvizsgál to make sure - meggyőződik food poisoning - ételmérgezés to lay down - lefekszik injection - injekció to feel better - jobban érzi magát shortly - rövidesen pill - tabletta plenty of - jó sok fluid - folyadék to get better - jobban lesz to owe - tartozni fee - díj medicine - gyógyszer to add - hozzáad to contact - felkeres insurance company - biztosító to improve - javul 51 10. The hotel doctor EXPRESSIONS: I’m feeling really sick Elég rosszul érzem magam I’ve got a very high fever Nagyon magas lázam van I’ve been on the toilet all night Egész éjjel a WC-n voltam I need to see a doctor immediately Azonnal orvosra van szükségem I’ll just call the doctor on duty Szólok az ügyeletes orvosnak He will be with you in a short time Rövidesen önnél lesz Thanks for coming so soon Köszönöm, hogy ilyen hamar jött Can you tell me your symptoms? El tudja mondani a

tüneteit? I have an upset stomach and a high temperature Rossz a gyomrom és magas lázam van I’m feeling terrible Szörnyen érzem magam Do you have diarrhea? Van hasmenése? 52 10. The hotel doctor I’ve been vomiting all night Egész éjjel hánytam Can you tell me what you had for dinner last night? Meg tudja mondani, mit evett vacsorára tegnap este? Do you have any allergies? Van vmilyen allergiája? No, none that I’m aware of Nincs olyan, amiről tudnék Are you feeling dizzy? Szédül? Can you tell me what seafood you had? Meg tudja mondani, milyen tengeri ételt evett? Mussels might cause strong allergic reactions A kagyló okozhat erős allergiás reakciót I have to examine you Meg kell vizsgálnom To make sure it’s not food poisoning Hogy biztosak legyünk, nem ételmérgezés-e Can you just lay down here? Lefeküdne ide? It seems you are allergic to mussels Úgy tűnik, allergiás a kagylóra 53 10. The hotel doctor You should feel better shortly

Hamarosan jobban kell éreznie magát Take these pills three times a day Vegye be ezt a tablettát naponta háromszor Make sure you have plenty of fluid to drink Figyeljen oda, hogy jó sok folyadékot igyon If you don’t get better by tomorrow, please call me on this number Ha holnapra nem javul, kérem, hívjon ezen a számon How much do I owe you? Mennyivel tartozom? My fee and the price of the medicine will be added to your hotel bill Az én díjam és a gyógyszer ára hozzá lesz adva a számlájához You will have to contact your insurance company to pay you back the money Fel kell majd keresnie a biztosítóját, hogy visszafizessék a pénzt Just call me if you get any worse Csak hívjon, ha rosszabul van Or if you don’t improve Vagy ha nem javul 54 10. The hotel doctor 11. Let’s go sightseeing You take your foreign friend around Budapest A: Hi, John. It’s me, Tamás I’m calling to fix tomorrow’s programme. I’d like to show you around the city. Is there any

place that you would like to see? I have some ideas in mind, too. B: Oh, it’s really nice of you. I wanted to see the parliament. Is it possible for tourists to get in? A: Actually it is. And I think it’s a good idea It’s really beautiful inside, and there’s a tourist entrance, where we can walk in. Also, I was thinking that we could go and look around Heroes’ square. There’s loads to see There’s the square of course, it’s a must see, and around it you can find some museums: the Museum of Fine Arts and the National Gallery. What do you think? B: Well, I rely on you. Yeah, why not And also I’d like to do some shopping. How about visiting a shopping mall? I need to get some presents to take home. What do you recommend? A: I think we should go to Arena plaza. It’s a huge mall with all kinds of shops, and we could have 55 11. Let’s go sightseeing dinner there when we finish. It’s got loads of restaurants. I think it would be a great idea to start with the

parliament, maybe it’s not so crowded at opening time. And after that the museums, and we could finish off with the mall. B: Yeah, sure. It’s ok with me What time shall we meet? A: Let’s meet at the Kossuth square underground exit at 9:00. Do you know how to get there? B: I think I do. It’s a few stops from where I’m staying. No problem A: Ok, so see you tomorrow. B: I can’t wait. Thanks for taking care of me WORDS: to fix a programme - megbeszélni egy programot to show sy around - körbevezetni vkit possible - lehetséges to get in - bejut entrance - bejárat must see - kihagyhatatlan to rely on sy - rábízza magát vkire shopping mall - pláza huge - hatalmas 56 11. Let’s go sightseeing crowded - zsúfolt to finish off - befejez underground exit - metró kijárat to take care of sy - gondoskodik vkiről EXPRESSIONS: I’m calling to fix tomorrow’s programme Azért telefonálok, hogy megbeszéljük a holnapi programot I’d like to show you around the city

Szeretnélek körbevezetni a városban Is there any place that you would like to see? Van olyan hely, amit meg szeretnél nézni? I have some ideas in mind, too Nekem is van pár ötlet a fejemben Oh, it’s really nice of you Ó, ez igazán kedves tőled Is it possible for tourists to get in? Be lehet jutni turistáknak? I was thinking that we could go and look around Heroes’ square Arra gondoltam, hogy elmehetnénk körbenézni a Hősök Teréhez 57 11. Let’s go sightseeing There’s loads to see Sok látni való van It’s a must see Kihagyhatatlan I rely on you Rádbízom magam How about visiting a shopping mall? Mit szólnál, ha megnéznénk egy plázát? I need to get some presents to take home Be kell szereznem egy pár ajándékot, amit hazaviszek What do you recommend? Mit ajánlsz? I think we should go to Arena plaza Szerintem menjünk az Aréna plázába We could have dinner there when we finish Vacsorázhatnánk ott, amikor végzünk I think it would be a great

idea to start with the Parliament Szerintem jó ötlet lenne a Parlamenttel kezdeni We could finish off with the mall Befejezhetnénk a plázával It’s ok with me Részemről oké 58 11. Let’s go sightseeing What time shall we meet? Hánykor találkozzunk? Let’s meet at the Kossuth square underground exit at 9:00 Találkozzunk a Kossuth téri metró kijáratnál 9-kor Do you know how to get there? Tudod, hogy kell odajutni? Thanks for taking care of me Kösz, hogy gondoskodsz rólam 59 11. Let’s go sightseeing 12. Talking about weekends Your colleague asks you what you did at the weekend A: So what did you do at the weekend, József? B: Ah, thanks for asking. I had quite a busy weekend. On Friday night I went out with some friends. We found a new beer place where they have 12 kinds of beer on tap. It was great fun But I didn’t stay out late ‘cos I had to get up early the next day. A: Family programme? B: Exactly. My mother in law had her 60th birthday, so we

went away for the day to the country. You know, usual family lunch. And on Sunday we just did the weekly shopping, and in the afternoon we went to the cinema. A: What did you see? B: We saw this new animation movie by Pixar, I forget its title Never mind, it was ok, I guess. What about you? A: For me it was more about work, unfortunately. I had to finish my report, so I spent most of Saturday working, so I was knackered by the 60 12. Talking about weekends evening, just dozed off in front of the telly. Sunday I had some family duties, taking the kids swimming, shopping for shoes, things like that. And in the evening we had some friends over for dinner. They left at about midnight, so I’m really tired. Hope next weekend I can get some rest B: Yeah. Ok, I’d better get back to work A: Ok, see you round. WORDS: to go out - kimozdul on tap - csapolva to stay out late - sokáig kimarad to go away for the day - elutazik egész napra family lunch - családi ebéd title - cím I guess

- azt hiszem knackered - hulla fáradt to doze of - elalszik telly - TV family duties - családi kötelességek to get some rest - pihen to get back - visszamegy 61 12. Talking about weekends EXPRESSIONS: Thanks for asking Kösz, hogy kérdezed I had quite a busy weekend Elég sűrű hétvégém volt I went out with some friends Kimozdultunk a haverokkal It was great fun Jó buli volt I didn’t stay out late Nem maradtam ki sokáig We went away for the day to the country Egész napra elutaztunk vidékre We just did the weekly shopping Megcsináltuk a heti bevásárlást It was more about work Inkább a munkáról szólt I spent most of Saturday working A szombat nagy részét munkával töltöttem I was knackered by the evening Estére hulla fáradt voltam Just dozed off in front of the telly Elaludtam a TV előtt 62 12. Talking about weekends I had some family duties Családi kötelezettségeim voltak Things like that Meg ilyenek We had some friends over for dinner

Átjött hozzánk pár barátunk Hope next weekend I can get some rest Remélem a következő hétvégén tudok egy kicsit pihenni I’d better get back to work Jobb, ha visszamegyek dolgozni See you round Viszlát később 63 12. Talking about weekends 13. Opening a bank account You go to the bank to open a bank account A: Good morning. How can I help you today? B: Good morning. I’d like to open a current account. A: Sure, I will ask a few questions to determine which plan is the best for you. First of all, will you have a regular income going to this account? B: Yes, my salary will go there. A: Would you like to open a savings account as well? B: Yes, please. A: Alright, naturally you will get a debit card, do you need a credit card as well? B: No thanks, a debit card will be fine. A: Ok, in this case I recommend you the Golden Savings Plus account. You can get 5% interest on your savings and the default card is a Standard MasterCard. B: What are the charges of using the

debit card? 64 13. Opening a bank account A: You can find the fees and charges on this paper. The annual fee is 10 Euros, money withdrawal is free from the bank’s own ATMs. B: I see, ok. That will be fine A: Ok, can I have your proof of identity? B: Here you are. A: Ok, may I ask you to fill in this form? B: Certainly WORDS: current account - folyószámla to determine - meghatároz plan - számlacsomag regular income - rendszeres jövedelem salary - fizetés savings account - megatakarítási számla naturally - természetesen debit card - bankkártya credit card - hitelkártya interest - kamat savings - megtakarítások default - alapértelmezett charges - költségek fees - díjak 65 13. Opening a bank account annual fee - éves díj money withdrawal - pénzkivétel ATM - bankautomata proof of identity - személyazonosságot igazoló okmány to fill in a form - kitölt egy nyomtatványt EXPRESSIONS: I’d like to open a current account Szeretnék nyitni egy

folyószámlát I will ask a few questions Felteszek néhány kérdést To determine which plan is the best for you Hogy meghatározzuk, melyik csomag a legjobb önnek Will you have a regular income going to this account? Fog érkezni erre a számlára rendszeres jövedelme? Yes, my salary will go there Igen, a fizetésem ide fog jönni Would you like to open a savings account as well? Szeretne megtakarítási számlát is nyitni? 66 13. Opening a bank account Do you need a credit card as well? Szüksége van hitelkártyára is? A debit card will be fine A bankkártya jó lesz In this case Ebben az esetben You can get 5% interest on your savings 5% kamatot kap a megtakarításai után The default card is a Standard Mastercard Az alapértelmezett kártya egy Standard Mastercard What are the charges of using the debit card? Mik a költségei a kártyahasználatnak? You can find the fees and charges on this paper Ezen a papíron találja a költségeket és díjakat The annual fee

is 10 Euros Az éves díj 10 Euro Money withdrawal is free from the bank’s own ATMs A pénzfelvétel ingyenes a bank saját automatáiból Can I have your proof of identity? Kérhetnék személyazonosságot igazoló okmányt? 67 13. Opening a bank account May I ask you to fill in this form? Megkérhetném, hogy töltse ki ezt a nyomtatványt? 68 13. Opening a bank account 14. Can you find me accommodation? You call your friend in Berlin to find accommodation for you A: Hi, Thomas. It’s me, Gábor B: Hi, Gábor. Long time no speak A: Yeah, it’s been a while. How are things with you? B: Everything seems to be fine, what about you? A: Fine here, too. Guess what, I’m going to Berlin next week, and I’m actually calling to ask you a favour. B: Sure, I hope I can help. What is it? A: So, I’m going to Berlin to take part in a conference, and it all turned out at the very last minute, so it’s very difficult to find accommodation. Most hotels near the conference centre

are fully booked. So I thought that maybe you could help me find a place near the venue. B: Well, of course. I can see what I can find Where will it be? A: It will be held at the Berlin Congress Centre, BCC, do you know it? 69 14. Can you find me accommodation? B: Sure, I know where it is. And when are you coming? A: Next Monday, and I’m staying for 4 nights. And I need a place which is not very far, if possible. Or something on the underground line, you know. I’d be really grateful. B: Ok, I’ll look around and send you something by email. A: Do you have my email? B: Yeah, I think I do. Ok, speak to you soon A: Ok, and thanks again, it’s a great help. I’m really lost. Cheers B: Bye. 70 14. Can you find me accommodation? WORDS: to ask a favour - szívességet kér to take part - részt vesz conference - konferencia to turn out - kiderül accommodation - szállás fully booked - telt házas venue - helyszín to hold/held/held - tart underground line - metró vonal

grateful - hálás EXPRESSIONS: Long time no speak Jó rég nem beszéltük It’s been a while Jó régóta How are things with you? Mi a helyzet veled? Everything seems to be fine Úgy tűnik, minden oké Guess what Képzeld! 71 14. Can you find me accommodation? I’m actually calling to ask you a favour Valójában azért telefonálok, mert egy szívességet szeretnék kérni I hope I can help Remélem, tudok segíteni I’m going to Berlin to take part in a conference Berlinbe megyek részt venni egy konferencián It all turned out at the very last minute Ez az egész az utolsó pillanatban derült ki It’s very difficult to find accommodation Nagyon nehéz szállást találni Most hotels near the conference centre are fully booked A legtöbb hotel a konferencia központ mellett telt házas I thought that maybe you could help me find a place Arra gondoltam, te talán tudnál segíteni találni egy helyet I can see what I can find Megnézhetem, mit találok It will be held

at the Berlin Congress Centre A Berlin Congress Centerben lesz 72 14. Can you find me accommodation? I need a place which is not very far, if possible Olyan hely kellene, ami nincs messze, ha lehet I would be really grateful Nagyon hálás lennék I’ll look around and send you something by email Körbenézek, és küldök vmit emailen Do you have my email? Megvan az emailem? it’s a great help Nagy segítség I’m really lost Teljesen el vagyok veszve 73 14. Can you find me accommodation? 15. Sorry, I couldn’t come to your party You couldn’t go to your colleague’s wedding A: You know I just want you to know that I’m really sorry I couldn’t go to your wedding. B: Never mind, it’s ok. What happened? A: Well I really wanted to go. I was really looking forward to it, but my boss told me 3 days before that I had to travel to Munich on a business trip. I was so disappointed, but there was nothing I could do. B: Don’t feel bad about it, I can understand. No

problem. A: Thanks, and how did it go? B: Well, I can say it went pretty well. It’s a shame you couldn’t make it. The ceremony was really moving in that old church, and after the reception was great fun, party of the decade. We danced until dawn and the band was fantastic. A: I’m glad to hear it. You know I thought that maybe we could make it up somehow. What about going for a beer at the weekend? 74 15. Sorry, I couldn’t come to your party B: It sounds like a good idea, but we’re going on honeymoon on Monday, and we have to get prepared for the journey. A: Oh, come on. We can go on Friday, and we won’t be late, just a few beers. B: Ok, I’ll talk to Betty, see what she says. A: Ah, I forgot you are married (haha) WORDS: wedding - esküvő to look forward to sth - nagyon várni vmit business trip - üzleti út disappointed - csalódott ceremony - szertartás moving - megható reception - lakodalom decade - évtized dawn - hajnal to make it up - bepótol honeymoon -

nászút to get prepared - összekészül journey - utazás 75 15. Sorry, I couldn’t come to your party EXPRESSIONS: I just want you to know that I’m really sorry Csak azt akarom, hogy tudd, hogy nagyon sajnálom Never mind, it’s ok Ne törődj vele, semmi baj I really wanted to go Tényleg akartam menni I was really looking forward to it Tényleg nagyon vártam I had to travel to Munich on a business trip Münchenbe kellett utaznom üzleti ügyben I was so disappointed Annyira csalódott voltam There was nothing I could do Nem tudtam mit tenni Don’t feel bad about it Ne érezd magad rosszul emiatt I can understand Megértem How did it go? Hogy ment? It went pretty well Egész jól sikerült 76 15. Sorry, I couldn’t come to your party It’s a shame you couldn’t make it Kár, hogy nem értél rá The reception was great fun A lagzi nagy buli volt I’m glad to hear it Örömmel hallom I thought that maybe we could make it up somehow Arra gondoltam, hogy talán

bepótolhatnánk What about going for a beer at the weekend? Mi lenne, ha elmennénk sörözni a hétvégén? It sounds like a good idea Jó ötletnek tűnik We have to get prepared for the journey Össze kell készülnünk az utazásra Oh, come on Ugyan már We won’t be late Nem maradunk sokáig I’ll talk to Betty, see what she says Beszélek Bettyvel, mit szól hozzá 77 15. Sorry, I couldn’t come to your party 16. Calling the estate agent You are interested in renting a flat A: Good Morning. Golden Home agency, Mandy Watson speaking. How can I help you? B: Good morning. This is Janos Nagy I’m interested in a rental you advertised on your website. A: Do you have the reference number? B: Yes, it’s 65245. A: Thank you, sir. Just a minute, I’ll look it up The two bedroom flat in Penny Street? B: Yes, that’s right. A: What would you like to know? B: Well first of all, can you give me some information about the area? I’m a stranger in this town. A: It’s located in

the city centre with very good public transport. There are all kinds of shopping facilities, and basically you can find everything within walking distance. B: I see, that’s good. About the flat, is it fully furnished? 78 16. Calling the estate agent A: Yes, as advertised, all furniture and household equipment is included in the rent. B: Can you tell me what the rental fee includes? A: It covers all costs including all utilities and service charges. However, cable TV and internet service is not included. B: Ok, so I’d also like to know when the flat is available. A: You can move in from the beginning of next month. B: And how long is the lease term? A: The lease term is one year, and you can extend it after the end of the lease period if you wish to stay longer. B: Thank you. Can you tell me how much the deposit is? A: There is a 1000 Euro security deposit, which you have to pay when signing the contract. Naturally you will get it back when you move out. Also you will have to

pay two months’ rent when moving in. B: Do you think the rental fee is negotiable? A: I’m sorry sir, but there are many applicants. I don’t think the landlord will go down on the price. 79 16. Calling the estate agent B: Ok, no problem. And when can I see it? WORDS: estate agent - ingatlanközvetítő agency - ügynökség rental - bérlemény to advertise - hirdet reference number - azonosító szám to look it up - kikeres area - környék located - elhelyezkedik public transport - tömegközlekedés shopping facilities - vásárlási lehetőségek basically - alapvetően within walking distance - sétatávon belül fully furnished - teljesen bútorozott household equipment - háztartási gép rental fee - bérleti díj to cover - fedez costs - költség utilities - közművek service charges - közös költség to move in - beköltözik lease term - bérleti időszak 80 16. Calling the estate agent to extend - meghosszabbít to wish - óhajt security deposit -

kaució contract - szerződés naturally - természetesen to move out - kiköltözik negotiable - alkuképes applicant - jelentkező landlord - főbérlő to go down on the price - enged az árból EXPRESSIONS: I’m interested in a rental you advertised on your website Érdekelne a bérlemény, amit a honlapukon hirdettek Do you have the reference number? Tudja az azonosító számot? I’ll look it up Kikeresem What would you like to know? Mit szeretne tudni? 81 16. Calling the estate agent Can you give some information about the area? Tudna felvilágosítást adni a környékről It’s located in the city centre with very good public transport A központban helyezkedik el nagyon jó tömegközlekedéssel There are all kinds of shopping facilities Van mindenféle vásárlási lehetőség You can find everything within walking distance Mindent megtalál sétatávon belül All furniture and household equipment is included in the rent A bérleti díjban benne van az összes

bútor és háztartási gép Can you tell me what the rental fee includes? Meg tudja mondani, mi van benne a bérleti díjban? It covers all costs Minden költséget fedez Including all utilities and service charges Beleértve az összes közüzemi díjat és a közös költséget 82 16. Calling the estate agent However cable TV and internet service is not included Azonban a kábel TV és az internet szolgáltatás nincs benne There are no hidden costs Nincsenek rejtett költségek I’d also like to know when the flat is available Azt is szeretném tudni, hogy mikortól kiadó a lakás How long is the lease term? Milyen hosszú a bérleti időszak? You can extend it after the end of the lease period Meghosszabíthatja a bérleti időszak végén If you wish to stay longer Ha tovább óhajt maradni Can you tell me how much the deposit is? Megmondaná mennyi a foglaló? Which you have to pay when signing the contract Amit a szerződés aláírásakor kell fizetni You’ll get it

back when you move out Visszakapja, amikor kiköltözik 83 16. Calling the estate agent You will have to pay two months’ rent when moving in Kéthónapnyi lakbért kell fizetnie beköltözéskor Do you think the rental fee is negotiable? Mit gondol, alkuképes a bérleti díj? I don’t think the landlord will go down on the price Nem hiszem, hogy a főbérlő engedni fog az árból When can I see it? Mikor tudom megnézni? 84 16. Calling the estate agent 17. Going out on a Saturday night You call your foreign friend and fix a time A: Hi, John. It’s me Gábor B: Hi, Gábor. How’s things? A: I’m fine. Listen, what are you doing next Saturday night? B: Well, I don’t think I have anything planned yet. Why? A: I thought that we could go out and have some fun. B: Ok by me, I guess, but I have to ask Kate. Have you thought of anything? A: No, nothing in particular. What about a movie and a few drinks after? B: Well, I’m not really a moviegoer. I haven’t been for 10

years. I’d rather go and see a show A: You mean in the theater? B: Yes, I have this Hungarian friend of mine. He’s an actor, and he’s always inviting me to see one of his performances. Maybe we could go I think we can get tickets from him. He would be really happy, too. What do you think? 85 17. Going out on a Saturday night A: That sounds good to me. And why don’t we go to Joe’s pub after? We used to love that place. Have you been there recently? B: No, I haven’t, but we can go there, sure. Good idea. A: Shall I call them to book a table? B: Yes, that would be great. It’s always packed A: And shall we call anyone else? B: Yeah can you tell Sanyi? I love that guy. He’s really cheeky, but he’s fun. A: Sure, I’ll give him a ring, no problem B: Thanks, I’ll get back about the tickets. A: Ok, cheers. B: Bye. WORDS: to go out - kimozdul to have some fun - szórakozik I guess - azt hiszem in particular - különösebben moviegoer - moziba járó rather - inkább

performance - előadás recently - mostanában 86 17. Going out on a Saturday night packed - tömve van cheeky - pimasz to give sy a ring - felhív vkit to get back - visszacsörög EXPRESSIONS: How’s things? Hogy s mint? Listen, what are you doing next Saturday night? Figyu, mit csinálsz szombat este? I don’t think I have anything planned yet Szerintem nincs semmi betervezve I thought that we could go out and have some fun Arra gondoltam, hogy kimozdulhatnák egy kicsit szórakozni Ok by me, I guess Részemről oké, szerintem Have you thought of anything? Gondoltál vmire? No, nothing in particular Különösebben nem 87 17. Going out on a Saturday night What about a movie and a few drinks after? Mit szólnál egy mozihoz és utána egy pár ital? I’m not really a moviegoer Nem vagyok egy nagy moziba járó I haven’t been for 10 years Tíz éve nem voltam I’d rather go and see a show Én inkább megnéznék egy előadást You mean in the theater? Úgy érted a

színházban? I have this Hungarian friend of mine Van ez a magyar barátom Maybe we could go Esetleg elmehetnénk That sounds good to me Nekem jónak tűnik Why don’t we go to Joe’s pub after Miért nem megyünk el Joe kocsmájába utána? We used to love that place Régen imádtuk azt a helyet Have you been there recently? Voltál ott mostanában? Shall I call them to book a table? Felhívjam őket és foglaljak egy asztalt? 88 17. Going out on a Saturday night It’s always packed Mindig tömve van Shall we call anyone else? Hívjunk még vkit? He’s really cheeky but he’s fun Pimasz, de jó fej I’ll give him a ring Felhívom I’ll get back about the tickets Visszacsörgök a jegyek miatt 89 17. Going out on a Saturday night 18. I’m moving house You tell your friend about your new house A: Guess what! We are moving next spring. B: What do you mean moving? A: We are going to buy a house. It still seems like a dream, but we have already paid the deposit. B: Oh

no, I can’t believe it. I’m so happy for you guys. You always wanted to move into a house Tell me everything. I’m so excited A: Ok, it’s in the suburbs near the M4, next to St John’s road. We wanted to move to a green area but not very far from the city. There is this housing estate with terrace houses. First we wanted to buy a detached house or maybe a semi, but we ended up with this cute terrace. It’s not very big, but it’s cosy and it’s got quite a big garden. Can’t wait to have you round for a BBQ. B: And how many rooms have you got? A: Well it’s got two floors. Downstairs you can find the kitchen, the living room, and bathroom, and a small pantry, and upstairs we have 3 small bedrooms with plenty of place for storage. 90 18. I’m moving house B: Well, that doesn’t sound too small to me. A: And guess what, there’s a utility room in the basement for washing. No more laundry in the bathroom. B: And are you planning to do any decorating? A: No need to,

it’s brand new, actually it’s still not finished. We can chose the wall colours and the tiles, even the kitchen cabinet design. B: Well, that’s all very good news. I hope I’m invited to the housewarming party. A: Of course! WORDS: deposit - foglaló suburbs - külváros green area - zöld övezet housing estate - lakópark terrace house - sorház detached house - családi ház semi - ikerház cute - bájos cosy - kényelmes floor - emelet downstairs - lent 91 18. I’m moving house pantry - kamra upstairs - fent plenty of - jó sok storage – tároló hely utility room - mosókonyha basement - pince laundry - szennyes decorating - festés tile - csempe kitchen cabinet - konyhaszekrény housewarming party - házavató EXPRESSIONS: Guess what! Képzeld, mi történt What do you mean moving? Hogy érted, azt hogy költözünk? We are going to buy a house Veszünk egy házat It still seems like a dream Még mindig, úgy tűnik, mint egy álom We have already paid the deposit

Már befizettük a foglalót 92 18. I’m moving house I can’t believe it Nem hiszem el I’m so happy for you guys Annyira örülök nektek, srácok Tell me everything Mesélj el mindent There is this housing estate with terrace houses Van ez a lakópark sorházakkal First we wanted to buy a detached house Először családi házat akartunk But we ended up with this cute terrace De aztán végül ennél az aranyos sorháznál lyukadtunk ki Can’t wait to have you round for a BBQ Alig várom, hogy átjöjjetek grillezni It’s got two floors Két emelet van Downstairs you can find the kitchen Lent található a konyha Upstairs we have 3 small bedrooms with plenty of place for storage Fent van 3 hálószoba jó sok tároló hellyel 93 18. I’m moving house That doesn’t sound too small to me Ez nem tűnik túl kicsinek No more laundry in the bathroom Nincs több szennyes a fürdőben Are you planning to do any decorating? Terveztek festést? No need to Nincs rá

szükség Well that’s all very good news Hát ezek nagyon jó hírek I hope I’m invited to the housewarming party Remélem, meghívsz a házavatóra 94 18. I’m moving house 19. Talking about plans You are moving to England next month A: Hey, I haven’t told you about our plans. B: Yes, what is it? A: Well, it seems that we are going to move to England. B: Oh wow, are you serious? How come? Have you guys made any plans yet? A: Well, first it was just an idea, but now it’s getting serious. I’ve already booked my plane ticket B: Ooh, and what are you going to do there? A: Well first I’m going alone to organise everything, and then Nora will join me in a few weeks. I’m planning to find a job and a flat to rent first. I hope I will get a job quickly. B: And do you know anyone there to help you? A: Sure, I’ve got a very good friend there from college. He’s going to help me get the insurance number and a job. B: And what kind of job would you like to do? 95 19.

Talking about plans A: At first I think I will do any job. And then when I have a steady income and a place, I might look for a better job. B: And what about Nora, what is she going to do there? A: First she’s going to study English and maybe get a part time job. But it will definitely be more difficult without speaking English. So that’s why she’d like to go on a language course first. It will be much easier when she speaks the language. B: You’re right. I can see you’ve planned everything. And when are you flying? A: I’m leaving next month, and Nora will join me as soon as I find a job and a flat. B: And what if you don’t like it there? A: If we don’t like it, we will just simply come home. We have nothing to lose. B: Ok, well good luck! A: Thanks. 96 19. Talking about plans WORDS: it seems - úgy tűnik serious - komoly to make a plan - tervez to organise - megszervez to join - csatlakozik to rent a flat - lakást bérel insurance number -

társadalombiztosítási szám steady income - stabil jövedelem part time job - részmunkaidős állás to look for - keres definitely - mindenképpen language course - nyelvtanfolyam EXPRESSIONS: I haven’t told you about our plans Még nem meséltem neked a terveinkről It seems that we are going to move to England Úgy tűnik, hogy Angliába költözünk How come? Hogyhogy? Have you guys made any plans yet? Van már valami tervetek? 97 19. Talking about plans It’s getting serious Kezd komoly lenni I’ve already booked my plane ticket Már megvettem a repülőjegyemet What are you going to do there? Mit fogsz ott csinálni? First I’m going alone Először egyedül megyek To organise everything Hogy megszervezzek mindent Nora will join me in a few weeks Nóra majd pár hét múlva csatlakozik hozzám I’m planning to find a job Azt tervezem, hogy szerzek egy munkát I hope I will get a job quickly Remélem, hogy hamar kapok majd munkát He’s going to help me get the

insurance number and a job Segíteni fog megszerezni a társadalombiztosítási számot és munkát At first I think I will do any job Először szerintem bármilyen munkát elvállalok majd 98 19. Talking about plans When I have a steady income Amikor stabil jövedelmem lesz I might look for a better job Lehet, hogy majd keresek egy jobb munkát What is she going to do there? Mit fog ott csinálni? She’s going to study English Angolul fog tanulni It will definitely be more difficult without speaking English Mindenképpen nehéz lesz angoltudás nélkül That’s why she’d like to go on a language course first Ezért szeretne először nyelvtanfolyamra járni It will be much easier when she speaks the language Sokkal könnyebb lesz, ha már beszéli a nyelvet You’re right Igazad van I can see you’ve planned everything Látom, mindent elterveztetek When are you flying? Mikor repülsz? 99 19. Talking about plans I’m leaving next month Jövő hónapban megyek Nora

will join me as soon as I find a job and a flat Nóra csatlakozik majd hozzám, amint találok munkát és lakást And what if you don’t like it there? És mi van, ha nem szerettek majd ott lenni? If we don’t like it, we will just simply come home Ha nem tetszik, egyszerűen csak hazajövünk majd We have nothing to lose Nincs mit vesztenünk 100 19. Talking about plans 20. Giving advice about shopping Your friend wants to go shopping in Budapest A: Where do you think the best place to go shopping is? B: It depends on what you’re after. A: I’m thinking of buying some clothes and maybe grab a few presents to take home. B: I see. You can try one of the malls, if you like If I were you, I would go to Arena plaza. It’s one of the biggest malls and it’s not so crowded. A: Yeah, but I’m not really a mall person. I’d prefer something less crowded like a shopping street, you know. Do you have something like that here? B: Sure, if you want a traditional downtown shopping

street, you should try Váci Street. It starts from Vörösmarty square. Have you been there? A: Yeah, I think I know where it is. B: Or you can try Andrássy Avenue, but actually if you want better value for money, a shopping mall is your best option. These shopping streets might be too fancy for you. 101 20. Giving advice about shopping A: Ok, and where do you think I should go to buy some presents? B: Like I said, I still advise you to go to a shopping mall. It’s the best thing you can do, believe me A: Ok, I’ll take your advice. Thanks B: You’re welcome. WORDS: to grab - beszerez present - ajándék mall - pláza crowded - zsúfolt to prefer - jobban szeret traditional - hagyományos downtown - belváros definitely - mindenképpen avenue - körút value for money - jó ár/érték option - lehetőség fancy – csili vili to advise - tanácsol to take sy’s advice - megfogadja a tanácsát 102 20. Giving advice about shopping EXPRESSIONS: Where do you think the

best place to go shopping is? Szerinted mi a legjobb hely vásárolni? It depends on what you are after Attól függ, mit szeretnél I’m thinking of buying some clothes Azon gondolkodom, hogy veszek egy pár ruhát You can try one of the malls, if you like Megpróbálhatod vmelyik plázát, ha gondolod If I were you, I would go to Arena plaza A helyedben az Aréna plázába mennék I’d prefer something less crowded Jobban szeretnék vmi kevésbé zsúfoltat You should try Váci Street Próbáld meg a Váci utcát Have you been there? Voltál már ott? Or you can try Andrássy Avenue Vagy megpróbálhatod az Andrássy utat A shopping mall is your best option A pláza a legjobb lehetőséged 103 20. Giving advice about shopping Where do you think I should go to buy some presents? Hova menjek szerinted ajándékot venni? I still advise you to go to a shopping mall Még mindig azt tanácsolom, hogy menj el egy plázába It’s the best thing you can do Az a legjobb, amit tehetsz

Ok, I’ll take your advice Oké, megfogadom a tanácsod 104 20. Giving advice about shopping Mindennapi Angol Párbeszédek Középfok I. – 10 kiadás Birkás Gergely, 2017 - Minden jog fenntartva Szöveg: Birkás Gergely Nyelvi lektor: Duncan Watson A kiadvány vagy részleteinek bármilyen formában történő másolása, sokszorosítása, közlése, illetve adatfeldolgozó rendszerben történő tárolása a szerző előzetes írásbeli hozzájárulása nélkül tilos. Kapcsolat: www.learnandgohu info@learnandgo.hu