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NAVAIRINST AIR-417 16 Jan 92 13650.1C NAVATR TNSTRUCTTON 1365O.lC From: Commander, Subj: NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS COMMANDAIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE MATERIAL READINESS LIST PROGRAM Ref: (a) OPNAVINST 4790.23 Encl: Naval Air Systems Command (1) Acronyms Definitions Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List Program Coordination Description and Use of the Individual Material (4) Readiness List Procedures for Maintaining the Individual Material (5) Readiness List Support Equipment Resources Management Information (6) System Source Data Review Management of Naval Aviation Maintenance Support (7) Equipment Inventories Support Equipment Resources Management Information (8) System and Responsibilities of the Primary Support (9) Functions Equipment Controlling Authority for the Transfer nor Loan of In-Use Aviation (10) Procedures Maintenance Support Equipment to Non-AMMRL Program Activities (11) Management of Support Equipment Pools Local Asset Management System (12) Support Equipment

Standardization System (13) Marine Aviation Logistics Support Program (14) Management of Test Program Sets (15) (2) (3) To provide policy and procedures for the management 1. PurPose, of in-use aviation maintenance support equipment. This instruction, defines organizational with its enclosures, relationships and responsibilities as they relate to the conduct of the Aircraft Maintenance Material Readiness List (AMMRL) Program. 2. Cancellation Instructions 1986. Since . This instruction supersedes NAVAIR 13650.1B of 26 June 1987 and 1363OlA of 25 June this is a major revision, changes are not indicated. 3. BW. The AMMRL Program is a set of policies and procedures detailing for given activities the kind and quantity of aviation maintenance support equipment those activities are required and authorized to have to accomplish their specific mission. The program provides various presentations S/N: of support 0808LD0557900 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C equipment asset

inventories and excess/deficit calculations used by support equipment managers at all levels to establish and improve activity readiness. The AMMRL Program includes procedures governing the nature of the source data and its configuration, acquisition, availability, and use by program The authority and foundation for the AMMRL Program is managers. derived from the Naval Aviation Maintenance Program as the sole program providing information required for the effective management of in-use support equipment at all levels of aircraft maintenance. By that instruction, the Chief of Naval Operations designates the Naval Air Systems Command to manage the AMMRL Program. 4. Scope The AMMRL Program encompasses all Navy and Marine Corps activities concerned with the management and utilization pf in-use Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) Headquarters and others cognizant field activity (CFA) approved end items of equipment required to support the three levels of aircraft maintenance detailed by

reference (a). 5. Qbjectives. The objectives of the AMMRL Program follow: a. To determine and establish allowance requirements for support equipment (SE) at activities performing organizational,intermediate, or depot level maintenance. b. To provide C. To assist d. To provide a base for budgeting e. To assist in measuring material 6. Pali~ policies: standard inventory in the redistribution The AMMRL Program control procedures. of in-use assets. requirements. readiness. is governed by the following a. The AMMRL Program Manager is responsible for achievement of the objectives of the AMMRL Program. the maximum b. All command participants to the AMMRL Program will cooperate fully with requests and direction from the AMMRL Program Managerand will develop and issue necessary implementing instructions and procedures to their subordinate activities. C. The Support Equipment Resources Management Information System (SERMIS) shall be the sole automated source of

in-use SE asset information used-by SE managers when determining equipment allowances and excess/deficit status. Exception The Tailored Outfitting List (TOL) produced by the Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) shall be the sole source of equipment allowances for Test Program Sets (TPSsj used in conjunction with Automatic Test Equipment (ATE). This exception shall be cancelled upon incorporation of TOL equipment data into the SERMISdata base. 2 . ~~ ~~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C d. The Automated Support Equipment Recommendation Data (AUTOSERD) shall be the sole input to SERMIS for AMMRL Program source data. e. AMMRL Program SE shall be subject to formal SE allowance computation, inventory management, accounting, distribution, and transaction reporting procedures. Annual physical inventories will be conducted as required by reference (a). As a minimum, in conjunction with the annual inventories, Support Equipment Controlling Authority (SECAS) will ensure that

activities under their cognizance utilize the Local Asset Management System (LAMS) Activity Inventory Record Comparison (AIRCOMP) utility program to compare their LAMS and SERMIS inventories and process Transaction Reports to correct all discrepancies in accordance with enclosure (7). f. The LAMS shall be the sole automated system used by an organizational or intermediate level maintenance activity to manage SE inventories for which it is reporting custodian, and for providing automated input of inventory transactions to SERMIS. . The Support Equipment Standardization System (SESS) shall-be t:e sole automated system used by an activity to manage its SE planned maintenance. h. All suggestions or proposals for functional changes to the AMMRL Program or to its supporting automated data processing (ADP) systems (SERMIS, LAMS, SESS, or LMIS) shall be directed to the AMMRL Program Manager. i. Tasking related to the maintenance of ADP systems supporting the AMMRL Program will be subject to

the. approval of the AMMRL Program Manager. Maintenance of ADP systems are those expenditures of resources to accomplish or resolve any one or all of the following: (1) Problem Investigation Requests. Those efforts to resolve problems which cause the existing software configuration and/or functionality to operate not as they are intended to operate. (2) Program Change Requests. Those efforts to add, change, modify, or delete application, data base, systems operational software, and/or any aspect of ADP system documentation, to reflect new program management requirements associated with existing system functionality. (3) All efforts to enhance the efficiency of existing applications, data base, systems operational software, or ADP systems documentation, or systems functionality. will j. The Marine Aviation Logistics Support Program be managed in accordance with the AMMRL Program. 3 (MALSP) .- NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650,lC k. All end items AMMRL Program. of in-use SE will

be reportable under the SECA sponsored SERMIS users will have access to SERMIS 1. output products, queries, or hard copy reports consistent with their assigned duties; however, only users with specific functional responsibility for updating SERMIS will have update capability and for only those SERMIS update screens related to their respective management responsibility. Oth er SERMIS users will have access to SERMIS as approved by the AMMRL Program Manager. m. Formal AMMRL Program coordination will be accomplished by the Support Equipment Management Board (SEMBO), the Technical Working Team, and the Configuration Control Board. The AMMRL Program Manager will establish annually the schedule for these coordinating board meetings and shall-serve as chairperson of each. n. Management of SE, both common and peculiar, having application to out of production aircraft and aircraft systems, will be accomplished in accordance with the AMMRL Program. 0. The Primary Support Equipment Controlling

Authority is the only authority to effect permanent transfers or loans of inuse SE to non-AMMRL Program activities. EXceptJon : Transfers or loans of TPSs for ATE to non-AMMRL Program activities will be accomplished outside the coordinating and authorization process of the Primary SECA. This exception shall be cancelled upon incorporation of TOL equipment data into the SERMIS data base. to establish and maintain SE pools P. SECAs are authorized and to provide associated facilities, personnel, funding, and maintenance support of included SE. q. inventory The Primary accounting SECA is authorized of in-use aviation to ensure accurate maintenance SE. r. The Primary SECA is the only authority to approve action tailor an item of SE t 0 a val .ue greater than it s comput .ed all .owance to S. Employment Data must required, of Weapons Systems Documents, Training Project (Posture Planning Documents Employment Data for activities weapons Type, Model, Series, i.e, NAVAIR Field Activities,

NAVAIR instructions published and tasks of those activities. this policy must be requested, Manager. reflect current issue, amended as Planning Documents, Program Planning Plans, or Posture Planning Documents. apply to Navy Aviation Depots.) whose mission is not dependent on system assigned to that activity, will be supported by approved to define the mission, functions, NOTE: Approval of exceptions to in writing, from the AMMRL Program 4 = NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C t. SECAs will conduct frequent reviews of their respective SE asset inventories against allowances and will ensure timely redistribution/disposition instructions for assets excess to an activitys allowance. Conversely, SECAs, seeking to satisfy deficit SE requirements, will review their respective asset posture and that of other SECAs to locate assets potentially in excess of another activitys allowance; affected SECAs will ensure timely redistribution actions to satisfy the excess/deficit imbalance-~ When

deficit requirements cannot be satisfied by available excesses or if no excesses exist, the requiring SECA will refer the question to the Primary SECA via naval message. U. SECAs will not initiate nor will SECAs process or honor requisitions for SE having Cognizance Codes of 2V or 6R. SE assigned Cognizance Codes of 2V or 6R will be shipped to requiring activities based on SECA established priorities and review of activity inventories against allowances. V. All SE will be maintained in a Ready for Issue or Ready for Use condition.When equipment is transferred, permanently or temporarily, it will be in a Ready forIssue or Ready for Use condition unless otherwise stipulated by the transferring and receiving activities. . All SECAs controlling SE assigned Cognizance Code of "2V" or !RII found to be either Beyond Repair or Beyond Economical Repair will notify NAVAIR (Head, Fleet Support and Programs Branch), for "2V" SE, or the Aviation Supply Office (AS0 Code 03323),

for "6R" SE, for disposition instructions. X. All contract Procurement Requests (PRs) which include the stipulation that the government furnish aviation maintenance SE to a contractor for that contractors use in satisfying contractual obligations, must be reviewed by the Primary SECA prior to contract award. The PRs must include specific identification data for the proposed government furnished equipment (i.e, Part Number, CAGE, Nomenclature and Quantity). This equipment identification requirement is limited to those items of proposed government furnished equipment that have been or are intended to be approved for fleet use: over Marine Air Groups and Y- A SECA having cognizance Marine Aviation Logistics Squadrons will ensure that its designated MALSP and Maritime Prepositioning Ships (MPS) Program Coordinator reviews and approves all Source Data Revision Recommendations (SODARRs) having application to- or impact on the MALSP and/or the MPS Program and which are originated

by the SECA or any of its subordinate activities. This review and approval will occur before the SODARR is released to other SECAs for their respective review and approval. Likewise,a SECA will ensure that its MALSP/MPS Coordinator reviews and approves all SODARRS originator by other SECAs when the SODARRs have application to or impact on the MALSP and/or the MPS Program. 5 -. NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC . 7. ResponslbllJties . The following provides identification of the activities/commands who are users of the AMMRL Program along with a brief statement of the responsibilities each one has to the AMMRL Program.Activity codes are not provided for all activities listed below because the coding structure for each activity is subject to change by authority outside the control of the AMMRL Program Manager. Those interested in determining specific activity codes are advised to contact the AMMRL Program Manager. Exception: Management responsibilities -for TOL equipment are

provided separately in this instruction. The provisions of that enclosure will be cancelled upon incorporation of TOL equipment into the SERMIS data base. a. NiXR Headquarters (NAVAmHO) (1) The Director, Support Systems and Logistics Management Division (AIR-417) is assigned overall responsibility for the AMMRL Program. As program manager, the Director determines program requirements, establishes budgets, develops plans for support, and executes the AMMRL Program. Other responsibilities include those of Acquisition Manager (AM) andBasic Design Engineering (BDE) agent for calibration standards; serves also as the Inventory Control Point (ICP) for 2V Cognizance Code SE items. AIR-417 designates the AMMRL Program Manager who is assigned to the Head, Fleet Support and Programs Branch (AIR-4171). The AMMRL Program Manager serves as chairperson of the SEMBO described in enclosure (3) of this instruction. (2) The Director, Support Equipment Division (AIR-552) is designated as the AM and

BDE agent for procurement oft most AMMRL Program SE. AIR-552 will participate in the execution of the AMMRL Program and will provide engineering, acquisition, and program support essential to AMMRL management, and will provide representation to SEMBO meetings. . I b. Naval Aviation Maintenance Office (NAV~VN~?JATNTOFF) . The NAVAVNMAINTOFF is responsible to the AMMRL Program Manager for the maintenance of SERMIS, LAMS, and SESS. With respect to SERMIS, the NAVAVNMAINTOFF conducts functional analysis of maintenance requirements and prepares associated specifications for maintenance of computer programs, assures quality output products as programmed and configured by the Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station (NCTS), New Orleans, conducts user training in the operation of SERMIS and the use of its products, coordinates production scheduling with NCTS, serves as customer point of contact for all SERMIS issues, coordinates production of ad-hoc query/report support, and provides

other related services as may be specified by the AMMRL Program Manager in appropriate tasking. With respect to LAMS and SESS, the NAVAVNMAINTOFF performs the full range of automated data processing functions of requirements analysis, programming, testing, implementation, documentation, and maintenance. NAVAVNMAINTOFF is a participant at SE Management Boards. 6 ~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 c. * CAlrWarfarerst * . 13650.1C ~~~ (NAVAIRW,A,RCENACDTVTtKR). The NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE is the basic design engineering agent and procuring activity for AMMRL Program SE and serves as the CFA for most non-avionics common SE and Support selected peculiar SE. NAVAIRWARCENACDDIVLKE processes Equipment Recommendation Data (SERD) as well as Source Data Revision Recommendations and when designated by NAVAIRHQ as a authority. Commodity Manager, is a SERD approving NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE maintains the AUTOSERD System which is the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE is a origin of SERMIS source data. participant at SE

Management Boards. 4 . d. Clommander, Air Warfare Center Weapons Division DTV PT MUGU). The NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU is activity for the basic design engineering agent, and procuring gun system peculiar SE. missiles, free fall weapons, and aviation NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU is CFA for peculiar SE required to free fall weapons, and aviation gun systems. support missiles, NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU coordinates common SE requirements for these systems with NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE and releases SERDs to extend the application of common armament/weapons transporting SERDs for and loading SE. NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU processes SE as well as Source Data Revision Recommendations and, when designated by NAVAIRHQ as a Commodity Manager, is a S~ERD approving authority.NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU is a participant at SE Management Boards. out e. Aviation Supply Office (ASO) . The AS0 carries inventory control point responsibilities for aviation SE. AS0 provides cataloging information necessary

for SERDs and SERD revisions and procures end items of SE for requirements under its AS0 maintains and updates cataloging information in cognizance. of the SE Management Boards. AUTOSERD. AS0 is a Participant f. Ships Parts Control Center fSPCC). The Ships Parts Control Center carries out inventory control point responsibilities for specific aviation common and peculiar SE cataloging information requirements. As such, SPCC provides necessary for SERDs and SERD revisions and procures end items of SPCC maintains and SE for requirements under its cognizance. updates cataloging information in AUTOSERD. SPCC is a participant of the SE Management Boards. overall planning, direction, g. SECAs The SECAs exercise and control functions for executing the AMMRL Program for The SECAs print and activities under their cognizance. Supplements, distribute SERMIS products (IMRLs, IMRL Monthly maintain and update selected SERMIS data (including etc.), employment and inventory information), submit Source

Data maintain in-use asset inventory Revision Recommendations, and redistribute and report in-use SE. SECAs publish control, instructions giving specific direction and detail for operation of the AMMRL Program to AMMRL SE managers under their cognizance. The following is a SECAs participate in SE Management Boards. list of SECAs. 7 -- .~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650,lC (1) Commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific. (2) Commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic. (3) Commander, Naval Air Reserve (4) Chief of Naval Air Force. Training. (5) NAVAIRHQ, Navy Ranges and Field Activity Resources Management Division. NOTE: SECA functions for this activity are delegated to NAVAVNMAINTOFF. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF performs SECA functions for NAVAIR controlled field activities. (6) NAVAIRHQ, Support Systems and Logistics Management Division. This division performs SECA functions for New Construction Ships and MPS. (7) Commanding Officer, Naval Air Maintenance Training Group h.

Commanding Officer, Navy Depot Operations Center (NADOC) . The NADOC carries out the operation of the SE Rework Program and uses SERMIS to enter rework planning and scheduling information. Officer, Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft I . i Commanding -r71~13017~ (NAVATRWARCENACDTVIND) . The NAVAIRWARCENACDIVIND manages SERD for assigned commodities of SE. 7 737 s70n j. ConvlJacksonvllk NADEP, Jacksonville manages SERD for assigned commodities The of SE. - . Commanding k. C Officers and Officers-in-Charge of Navy and Marine Corps aviation maintenance activities who use AMMRL Program SE are responsible for complying with. reference (a), this instruction, and SECA ~~ implementing instructions. 8. Action instruction immediately. Addressees shall and its enclosures ~ adhere to the provisions of-this (1) through (15) effective This instruction recognizes that situations may exist 9. Note. where the interests of the Navy and overall management of SE may be served best by departing

from established policies, or responsibilities. Requests to waive, deviate procedures, from, or vary SE management policies, procedures, or responsibilities as specified in this instruction shall be considered and approved or disapproved on a case by case basis by the Director, Support Systems and Logistics Management Division, with justification Naval Air Systems Command. Such requests, statements, shall be submitted by naval letter to the AMMRL Program Manager who will coordinate the necessary-research and develop the decision response. 8 ~~ .~ ~~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC DONALD V. BOECKER Vice Commander Distribution: (2 copies each unless otherwise indicated) SNDL: 24A; 24D; 24Jl; 24J2; 29B; 2952; 31G; 31H; 31J; 32TT; 42; 42D2; 46; A3; C58; FA5; FA6; FA7; FB6; FB7; FBlO; FC4; FC7; FC14; FKAlB; FKAlC; FKAlF; FKAlG; FFl; FF58; FRAlA (AIR417, AIR-552); FRM13; FKM15; FKRlA; FKRlC; FKR2A; FKR3E; FKRGA; FRR6B; FKR7; FR3; FR4; FR5; FTl; FT2; FT5, FT6; FTlO; FT1.2; FT13: FT16

(Corpus Christi); FT55; FT90; FT9l; V3; V4; V5; V6; V22 (2 copies each unless otherwise indicated) copy to: SNDL: A3 (OP-514, OP-09Bl); A6; C21 (1 copy); FB29 (Subic Bay); FKALA (AIROOD A/L (1 copy), AIR-04, AIR-410, AIR-411, AIR-412, AIR-4171 (20 copies), AIR-421, AIR-05, AIR-551, AIR-71232 (10 AIR-71233B (40 copies)); copies), FKP3A; FKRlB; NPPSO-NDW C/L (1 COPY) Naval Publications and Forms Directorate, Navy Aviation Stocked: Supply Office, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120- 5099 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C ACRONYMS AAI ACC ADP AESE AHE AIMD AM AMMRL APA ARR ASE AS0 ASTE ATE ATR AUTOSERD AVCAL AWSE BDE CAGE CCB CDA CFA CI CMC COSAL CNO CNATRA COG COMNAVAIRESFOR COMNAVAIRLANT COMNAVAIRPAC COMNAVAIRSYSCOM CSE DDN DEV DIPEC DLA DLSC DON ERL AMMRL Activity Identifier Aircraft Controlling Custodian Automated Data Processing Armament Equipment Support Equipment Armament Handling Equipment Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department Acquisition Manager Aircraft

Maintenance Material Readiness List Appropriation Purchase Account Allowance Requirements Register Armament Support Equipment Aviation Supply Office Armament Systems Test Equipment Automatic Test Equipment Automated Transaction Report Automated Support Equipment Recommendation Data Aviation Consolidated Allowance List Armament Weapons Support Equipment Basic Design Engineering Commercial and Government Entity Configuration Control Board Central Design Agency Cognizant Field Activity Control Identifier Commandant of the Marine Corps Coordinated Shipboard Allowance List Chief of Naval Operations Chief of Naval Air Training Cognizance Code Commander, Naval Air Reserve Force Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S Atlantic Fleet Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S Pacific Fleet Commander Naval Air Systems Command Common Support Equipment Defense Data Network SECA Deviation Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Center Defense Logistics Agency Defense Logistics Service C-enter Department of the Navy

Equipment Requirements List Encl (1) - ~~ .; ail NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C FASOTRAGRU FMF FSC FSCM GFAE-TBI GSA GSE GUCL I ICP ID IMA IMRL IOL LCN LM LSA LSE MILSTRIP MIS MF MRIL MTPSI NAVAIRHQ NAVAIRWARCENACDIVIND NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU NAVAVNDEPOT NAVAVNDEPOTOPSCEN NAVAVNMAINTOFF NAVDAF NAVSUP NALCOMIS NAMP NAMTRAGRU NAMTRAGRUDET NATSF NCTS NICN Encl Fleet Aviation Specialized Operations Training=Group Fleet Marine Force Federal Supply Classification Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers Government Furnished Aeronautical Equipment For Test Bench Installation General Service Administration Gun Support Equipment General Use Consumables List Intermediate Inventory Control Point Interconnection Device Intermediate Maintenance Activity Individual Material Readiness List Initial Outfitting List Local Control Number Logistics Manager Logistics Support Analysis Logistics Support Equipment Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure Management

Information System Mobile Facility Master Repairable Item List Master Test Program Set Index Naval Air Systems Command Headquarters Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Indianapolis Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Lakehurst Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Point Mugu Naval Aviation Depot Naval Aviation Depot Operations Center Naval Aviation Maintenance Office Naval Data Automation Facility Naval Supply SystemsCommand Naval Aviation Logistics Command Management Information System Naval Aviation Maintenance Program Naval Air Maintenance Training Group Naval Air Maint Training Group Detachment Naval Air Technical Services Facility Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Navy Item Control Number (1) 2 .~ -- NIIN NSA NSN 0 OPNAV PI PN PSE PSECA PSICP SE SEARR SEC SECA SERD SERMIS SESS SHORECAL SLM SM&R Recoverability SODARR SPCC SSDR T8H TBI TCD TOL TP TPI TPM TPS TPSD TR TYCOM UIC UICP UUT WHE WSE WSPD WTE Encl 3 (1) NAVAIRINST 1365O.lC 16

Jan 92~PEFJNTTTOm Current policy-for management of the AMJ!dRL Program specifies that all end items of aviation maintenance SE are to be reportable. All end items will have Reportable Code "R" or "S" assigned. Therefore, the term Accountable Item is no longer operative. Accountable. . Those commands that provide tactical commands with the means to conduct tactical operations. Administration of training, supply, and repair of fleet units examples of their responsibilities. are g Custodian (ACC) . A term applied to air commands who exercise administrative control of the assignment, employment, and logistic support of aircraft and aircraft engines. The following aircraft controlling custodians have been designated by the CNO: COMNAVAIRLANT. COMNAVAIRPAC. CNATRA. COMNAVAIRESFOR. COMNAVAIRSYSCOM. AMMRL- The title of the overall program that provides the data required for effective management of SE: at all levels of aircraft maintenance. The AMMRL Program

encompasses all Navy -and Marine Corps activities concerned with the management and utilization of in-use NAVAIRHQ and other CFA approved end items of equipment required to support the three levels of aircraft maintenance detailed by the NAMP. The AMMRL Program also provides data for management of ATE related TPS. The program manages by the IMRL process over 35,000 line items of aircraft maintenance SE representing over 84,000 part numbered items for a total of over three million items of SE having a value in excess of $5 billion. In addition, the AMMRL Program includes over 10,000 items of TPS, or TOL, items used throughout the Navy by aircraft maintenance activities. The program recognizes the many ship and base loading combinations and various requirements for numerous airframe configurations, power plants, and avionics systems. The objective of this program is to document technical and cataloging data and in-use asset information concerning IMRL and TOL items that can be used by

management for the following purposes: a. To determine and establish at activities performing aviation allowance maintenance requirements for and/or training. SE Encl (2) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C To provide b. procedures. C. To assist d. To provide e. To assist standard in the AVCAL. b. SHORECAL. C. COSAL. d. IMRL. e. ERL f. Other redistribution and inventory of in-use a base for budgeting in measuring material A . required for aviation and maintenance of and other systems, standard of logistics to operating units a. accounting control assets. requirements. readiness. list of aeronautical material and equipment maintenance training and for the operation aircraft, air launched weapons, aeronautical aeronautical equipment to achieve a desired It is furnished readiness and endurance. through one or more of the following: individual allowance and outfitting An interchangeable item or suitable Alternate. capable of performing the same

function or functions item. lists. substitute as thee prime Used by SERMIS to identify an individual IMRL activity. The AA1 will be the same as the first 5 positions of the Unit For Identification Code (UIC) assigned to that activity. activities not having a unique UIC (detachments, vans, etc.), AA1 will be the first 5 positions of the UIC of the activity The 6th position will be unique and supported by that IMRL. it will be assigned by the SECA. alpha-numeric; .liAL the A category of SE where the principal function is the releasing and launching support of aircraft armament suspension, Primary users are the Squadron Armament Branch-and equipment. the Intermediate Maintenance Activity (IMA), Armament Equipment Examples of AESE include special tools and test sets Division. used to remove, replace, repair, test and assemble or service aircraft bomb racks and missile launchers. AESE. category of Armament Support Equipment which AHE. A specialized This category includes provides

direct support to an aircraft. both PSE, CSE, and special tools used to service an aircraft in providing installation, configuration, arming, loading, and armament systems, downloading of air-launched weapons, airborne Examples of AHE include bomb or weapon related components. Encl (2) 2 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C hoist ordnance bands, single hoisting bars, hoisting hoists, loading system-equipment, weapon loaders, and associated adapters. of SE that provides direct armament support to ASE. A category It is used by an aircraft squadron or the IMA. the aircraft. ASE includes both mechanical equipment used to load or download air-launched weapons and electronic test sets used for maintenance functions associated with the aircraft installed ASE is divided into two subAccordingly, armament system. AHE and ASTE. categories: ASTE. Armament design used to These systems. and indicating on an aircraft. checkout and testing equipment of an electronic test, maintain, or service

aircraft armament include suspension, arming, releasing, launching, systems contained either internally or externally category encompassing sub-categories of ASE, AWSE. An overall purpose) or peculiar WSE, and LSE. AWSE may be common (general (specific purpose). The quantity of an item-of SE allowed by to an IMRL activity to list series group (IMRL subsection) support the operation and maintenance of assigned aircraft This quantity may represent custody coded P, E, L, M, systems. Allowance is the same as the or D items of SE. An Authorized Computed Allowance unless the Computed Allowance has been tailored. * . of an item of SE . The quantity Authorized Allowance Activity allowed to an IMRL activity to support the operation and Appears in the maintenance of assigned aircraft systems. Used-in SERMIS to perform Activity Inventory Record of the IMRL. excess/deficit calculations. AUTOSERD. Activities a SERD will The automated system supporting the SERD Program. involved in the process of

developing and/or updating use AUTOSERD. Equipment used to accomplish predetermined and ATE. preprogrammed testing of aircraft systems without having The aircraft systems are tested on human intervention. automatically for predetermined malfunction possibilities. referred to as automatic checkout equipment. to rely Also A consolidated list of aeronautical material, tailored AllcAL. each individual ship or Marine Air Group (MAG), required to It support assigned or embarked aircraft flight operations. prepared by AS0 under direction of the air type commander. to is Support equipment of known accuracy used of value in the units of measurement comparison with higher echelon or national standards. . to maintain continuity embodied by periodic Encl (2) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC and designates the -cxG. A code that identifies exercising supply management over items of--SE: and used solely within the Navy. I2F.A logistics An activity assigned func tions. to perform

specified ICP activity it is assigned engineering and The quantity of an item of SE allowed by list series group (IMRL subsection) to an IMRL activity to support the operation and maintenance of assigned aircraft This allowance is computed from SERMIS source data systems. maintenance level range of allowances and extended range The Computed Allowance is based on the type of allowances code. SE, the activity maintenance level, and the number of models, list codes, or avionics systems supported. -Allowance. puted required operation quantity SE. . . The total quantity of an item of SE . Allowance ACtJVlty by and computed fork an IMRL activity to support the This and maintenance of assigned weapons systems. may represent custody coded P, E, L, M, orD items of alphareferred to as the FSCM. A 5 position CAGE. Previously numeric code assigned to manufacturers and to special nonmanufacturing organizations located in the United States, Canada, and other friendly nations. North Atlantic

Treaty Organization, an AAI, assigned by a SECA to each. IMRL A code, normally The CI may activity for computer posting and sequencing control. be the same as or different from the AAI assigned to the activity for identification purposes. CL. Consumable. installation, or cannot Refers to any item or substance loses its identity and is normally be economically repaired. which, upon consumed fin use Refers to the responsibility an-activity has to aircraft, equipage, equipment, material, and SE under its Further delineation of this term follows: cognizance. -. control of the a. Controlling Custody . Administrative logistic support, employment, of aircraft SE. A SECA assignment, is an example of an activity having controlling custody of SE0 or I level activities who are the assigned to its "subordinate" reporting custodians of that equipment. of aircraft SE. b. Physical Custody . Actual possession An activity This does not necessarily imply reporting custody. may have-an

item of SE to satisfy a r.equirement but notcontrol that item or be responsible for reporting it to the controlling custodian. c. Reporting Custody f Refers responsibility to procure, account Encl (2) 4 to an IMRL activitys for, and otherwise provide NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 information custodian. about assigned aircraftSE This does not necessarily 13650.1C to the controlling imply physical custody. . The total quantity by list series group (IMRL subsection) of an item of SE allowed to an activity to perform its maintenance function and the maintenance functions of activities it supports who require that custody coded item. It is a computation of the supporting activity and all its authorized allowances for custody coded (P, supported activities E, L, M, or D) items of SE within a subsection of the IMRL. I . quantity of an e Activity . The total item of SE required by a supporting activity to perform its maintenance function and the maintenance functions of its supported

activities requiring that custody coded item.- characters SE. These reporting activities sub-custody following Custody codes are single position,alphabetic which provide supplemental accountability detail for codes identify a specific category of SE in the These items are issued to other custody of an IMA. (usually an organizational maintenance- activity) on Custody codes are assigned-using the basis. guidelines: Assigned to items used infrequently (as a a. Code Custody Code "El less than once per month). general rule, indicates to a requiring activity that an item is available from Supporting IMAs are authorized its supporting IMA as required. a predetermined quantity consistent with the infrequent use. After the requiring~ activity has completed the maintenance for the item is returned to the supporting which it was required, IMA. Assigned b. Code following criteria: wheeled (1) Weighs equipment. over (2) Exceeds calibration to items which coded~for or over 200 pounds,

any one of the dimensions or subject (3) Is fragile, through transport. AND, is not meet any one of the infrequent pounds 300 for 6 by 3 by 2. to misalignment, or loss of use. The IMA custody coded allowance is the for sub-custody issue to each supported Custody Code PI maintenance activity. sub-custody basis to an 0 level activity utilization and will be returned to the deployment of the using 0 level activity. activities will be issued Custody Code basis from their new supporting IMA. total quantity required organizational level items are issued pn a for fullytime IMA prior to the When deployed, user liPI items on a sub-custo dy Encl 5 (2) - NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 which c. 1365O.lC Assigned to all items Code. also meet the following criteria: (1) Designated maintenance. for (2) Not already requiring calibration use at an organizational coded level and of "El or "PI The IMA custody coded allowance is the total quantity required for issue to

each supported organizational level maintenance activity. Custody Code L" items are retained by organizational activities when deployed. d. Code Assigned to items normally assigned Custody Code I PI or "E" when such items must be provided to an activity or detachment by its supporting AIMD when that activity is deployed to a location not having requisite IMA support. For example, Custody Code D" would apply to items required for maintenance support of aircraft deployed on Air Capable Ships not having AIMD These items would accompany the detachment and would capability. not otherwise be included in the IMRL of the Air Capable Ship. e. Code Assigned to non-calibratable items used in conjunction with calibratable items and which must also accompany the calibratable items when they are listed as required equipment in the Instrument Calibration Procedures of the calibratable items. Custody Code -Ml items will be managed in the same manner as the custody code assigned to

the calibratable items with which they are used (i.e, "PI, "E", or "L"). f. coded. Fnti !&de N. A discrete item ATE, or auxiliary ty . missile, On-hand Excess. SE listed a. allowance quantity. b. I2s.c first class FSCM. Assigned SE that to items are not such as an aircraft, power unit. SE that in the is not that meets IMRL that authorized one of the is term is no longer in use. propeller, following criteria: of the authorized IMRL. The first four digits of the National two identify commodity group and the within the community group. This Stock Number; the last two identify the See CAGE. A list of generally used consumable items for initial The GUCL is prepared by outfitting (i.e, common hand tools). the Fleet Material Support Office (FMSO), Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania as Section III, Part E, of a COSAL. This equipment is not contained in any other allowance list nor is it updated. GUCL. Encl (2) 6 ~ custody engine,

inexcess by the otherwise - NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650,lC component required as a part of a test set GFAE- TBI . An aircraft or test bench installation. External connectors, separate from those used by the UUT, are provided by the TBH for connecting the GFAE. In a test "set-up" that utilizes two or more items of GFAE, one of the GFAE items may -be removed from its connectors for insertion of a UUT. Determination of a GFAE requirement is through the technical manual or maintenance plan of the system supported. The Maintenance Plan is the only source of allowance information forGFAE. of SE where the principle function is in support GSE;. A category of aircraft guns. Primary users are the squadron Armament Branch and an IMA Armament Equipment Division (Gun Shop). Examples of GSE include special tools, fixtures, stands and test sets used to remove, replace, repair, test, assemble, and service aircraft installed guns and gun pod units. Holding position Fixtures during

. Support testing. equipment needed to hold a UUT in lIZMRT1Cumulative Al.1o~~upplee . A cumulative list, produced monthly, of the changes to the IMRL main b ody that occurred since the printing of the currently held IMRL. have I I T, Revlslom occur as a SECA does . Changes to an activitys IMRL. IMRL revisions as a direct result of changes made to SERMIS Source Data or result of SECA approved~deviations or tailoring actions. deviation or tailoring is executed at the SECA level and not of itself affect SERMIS Source Data. . The adjustment ~RTI Tailoring of the authorized allowance quantity or custody authorized allowance quantity for an item of SE listed in an activitys IMRL to a quantity either greater than or less than the computed allowance quantity. Tailoring is accomplished to reflect unique management requirements at . individual activities. Tailoring to a quantity greater than the computed allowance will be accomplished only-with the specific approval of the Primary

Support Equipment Controlling Authority .~ (Primary SECA). The basic requirements and allowance list of-aviation IMRL. maintenance SE prepared and provided uniquely for individual and Marine Corps aviation maintenance activities. Navy . The process of issuing, assembling, and delivering allowances of material and equipment to activities any one of the following categories: a. New construction. b. Conversion. C. Activating from reserve in fleets. 7 Encl (2) =-. ~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC Increases d. Provides IR. conditioning, or changes mechanical if needed, in mission scope. and electrical connection and signal between the ATE and the UUT. element or activity within the Department LCJZ. An organizational of Defense (DOD) supply system assigned the primary responsibility for the material management of a group of items either for a particular service or for the DOD as a whole. Material inventory management includes requirements computation,

distribution management, procurement, cataloging, and disposal direction. equipment into Jlist Codes . A data chain used to segregate List Codes different categories for application purposes. consist of the List Series (1st and 2nd positions), List Number or System Number (for avionics (3rd, 4th, 5th positions), and Configuration Code (6th position), or Subsystem equipment), "FE" List Series Code (for avionics equipment), or blank. (example a) will contain Work Center Code in List Number and "I" Examples follow: level organization in Configuration Code. Configuration b. List Number List Series Code (Except GO,- G3, and R5) G3 703 Configuration Encl Where the "TA" List Series refers to the airframe, the "884" List Number refers to a model (aircraft or nonaircraft), in this and the case, the F/A-18, "1" identifies a particular application of the item. TA 884 1 a. (2) List Number List Series Code (Blank ) (GO and G3)

Where the "G3" List Series refers to facility equipment for deployable the "703" Marines, List Number refers to HMH Marine Corps Heavy Maintenance only. No further clarification using a configuration code is required. NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 C. R5 634 B . Subsystem List Series Code (Optional) 13650,lC Where the "R5" List Series refers to avionics systems, the "634" System Number refers to the F-4 Model aircraft, and the Sub-system Code "B" refers to the System NumberRF-4B. (R5) The SERMIS Users Manual provides definition of all List NOTE Seribs Codes and refers to specific SERMIS output products which provide cross-references of List (or System) Code to Model and Model to List Code. LSE includes all equipment with a facility related L&z. function. This equipment is in the custody of many departments and is used in packaging, handling, storage, and stowage. The equipment is also included in transportability allowance

lists. Examples of this type equipment are pallets and container slings, trucks, forklifts, and facility-installed hoists. A listing in NIIN sequence of all repairable assemblies, MRIL. indicating the designated overhaul point (Navy or =commercial) and providing shipping instructions for assemblies when they become defective. This list is published as NAVSUP publication 107. Information usually transcribed on 5" by 8" cards and MTPSI. provided for each ATE system by UUT and ID. The MTPSI is in UUT part number sequence and identifies the SE needed for end-to-end test. m. A relocatable tactical shelter; includes the MF and its related equipment. The principle application of a MF is to provide relocatable housing for aviation weapons system and SE maintenance or functions. They may be used on-board ship or ashore. An identification number assigned by an authorized Navy activity, e.g, the ASO, or the Ships Parts Control Center temporarily an item of supply, pending (SPCC), to

(1) identify stock number assignment by Defense Logistics Supply Center; or (2) identify permanently technical information. NICN. A nine position nonsignificant NIIN. Logistics Services Center to identify within the Federal Catalog Program. A 13 position lsJs. the FSC. Positions is sub-categorized National Codification number assigned by Defense an approved item of supply number. The first four positions represent 5 through 13 represent the NIIN which itself as follows: Positions 5 and 6 represent the Bureau Code. The last seven positions 9 Encl (2) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC (positions 7-13) represent the National Item Identification Control Number. Serial Number, or the NICN, or the Activity m. Taken from a government or model and used to identify be accompanied by a CAGE. or manufacturers reference drawing an item of equipment. Each PN must The principal item, or preferred item currently procurable PI. (the latest version that will be procured upon requisition if

all wholesale stock and in-use excess items are depleted). An organizational unit or activity within the DOD supply PSICP. system that isassigned the primary responsibility for the material management of a group of items either for a particular service or the DOD as a whole, Material inventory management includes budgeting, cataloging, requirements computation, procurement, distribution, disposal, and general repair direction. -SE. Refers to SE end items listed in an activitys IMRL all of which by AMMRL Program policy are subject to transaction reporting for inventory control purposes. Reportable Codes "R" or "S" are used for transaction reporting. Items with reportable code of "S" must be reported by serial number. A SECA decision to (1) add gin item of SE not currently SECA. listed in SERMIS Source Data for a given application, or (2) add an item of SE not in SERMIS Source Data at all, to a specific activitys IMRL for a particular aircraft,

engine, system, or SE being supported by that activity. SECA Deviations may be accomplished only with the specific approval of the Primary SECA. SODARRs are approved by the applicable Acquisition Review Office (ARO), or Commodity Manager, responsible for disposition of the SERD which would be affected by the revision. The AR0 is the cognizant office within the technical support field activity tasked to recommend final technical disposition action of SERDs for designated commodities. The resultant changes are entered to the AUTOSERD System by NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE in the form of SERD revisions. Source Data revisions reflect SE requirements and allocations and result from COMNAVAIRSYSCOMsponsored SERMIS SSDRs or SECA submitted SODARRs. SODARRs are often the result of IMRL revision requests submitted by fleet activities. In turn, AUTOSERD updates SERMIS Source Data files. SODARRs include changes in SE allowance spreads, addition of new items of SE, changes in SE applications, deletion of

requirements for an item of SE, changes in maintenance level assignments, changes in land or vessel restrictions, etc. SODARR. A code assigned to SE end items as part of SERD SM&R* evaluation and to SE piece parts during the provisi .oning proc ess to convey specific intelligence to maintenance and supply personnel. The SM&R code consists of three parts: a sour& code, two maintenance codes, and a recoverability code. There Encl (2) 10 .- can be only one SM&R code assigned the lowest level of use and repair. for NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C each SE end item coded to required to make an aircraft system, support SE. The equipment or end item of equipment (s~upport equipment system, subsystem, This includes for SE) operational in its intended environment. all equipment required to install, launch, arrest (except Navy shipboard and shore based launching and arresting equipment), test (including ATE hardware and control, direct, inspect, guide, software),

adjust, calibrate, appraise, gauge, measure, assemble, disassemble, handle, transport, safeguard, store, actuate, service, repair, overhaul, maintain, or operate the system, SE is categorized as follows: subsystem, end item, or component. Comprised of general purpose itemssupplying or a. B measuring broad parameters of physical properties known to- be established in the using services inventory, e.g, electrical, and hydraulic power units; towing, hoisting, and pneumatic, fueling devices; signal generation devices; and voltage, The application of SE amperage, and phase measuring devices. or components does not in items to other end articles, systems, itself justify or classify the items as CSE. b. PSE An item of SE that must be designed in conjunction with the development of a particular system and does not meet the criteria of CSE. C. SE is further subdivided and developed weapons as follows: all . Includes (1) Avionic SF (co-d peculiar) equipment of an electronic nature used for

but not limited to the troubleshooting, alignment, or calibration of aircraft test, Examples of equipment are General systems and components. ATE, vacuum pressure testers, Purpose Electronic Test Equipment, temperature and fuel quantity indicator test sets. (2) Con anid pecllljar) . Includes all equipment that is non-electronic in nature and may be powered or mobile Examples of powered equipment are: non-powered. gas turbine powered service equipment, electrical power plants, Examples of and hydraulic service units. aircraft tow tractors, non-powered equipment are aircraft jacks, aircraft tow bars, maintenance work stands, special fittings, and aircraft slings, fixtures. d. following I Exceptions equipmen; For the purpose is excluded from of this instruction, the the definition of AMMRL SE. (1) GUCL items. (2) Office furniture and equipment, and items common to all activities defined in applicable allowance lists that are required as indirect support. 44 Encl (2) NAVAIRINST

16 Jan 92 13-650.1C (3) Common production tools plating equipment, presses, drills, etc. (4) Personal equipment (i.e, and tooling such as lathes, grinders, induction heaters, head sets,-microphones, etc.) to major aviation commands that exercise SECA. A term applied administrative control of AMMRL Program SE end items for The following is a list of allowance and inventory control. designated SECAs. a. COMNAVAIRLANT. b. COMNAVAIRPAC. C. CNATRA. d. COMNAVAIRESFOR. e. COMNAVAIRSYSCOM. NOTE: related Ships; related COMNAVAIRSYSCOMexercises to Maritime Pre-position COMNAVAIRSYSCOMdelegates to NAVAIRSYSCOM controlled f. SECA functions directly for SE Ships and New Construction authority to act as SECA for SE activities to NAVAVNMAINTOFF. NAMTRAGRU. The source of data for SERMIS Source Data. SERD. The primary SERD provides initial engineering data describing the function It also provides procurement, logistic requiring support. and allowance information for the

recommended SE end support, item. Requirements for design, development, procurement, test, and total quantities of SE are established through government per Data Item approval of the SERD. The SERD is submitted Description for each item of SE required to support the end SERD submissions, and subsequent revisions, are a article. continuing requirement throughout the life cycle of the aircraft or system. The AMMRL Programs MIS. SERMIS provides SECAs with onSERMIS. line visibility of source, allowance, inventory, and rework data SERMIS is the repository of master to aid inventory control. data for printing IMRLs and provides in-use asset visibility to the SECAs, ASO, SPCC, NAVAVNMAINTOFF, NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE, and COMNAVAIRSYSCOMnon-SECA functions. of SERMIS that provides cross-reference SLlM. An application information of all SE list codes to a specific aircraft, engine, equipment or operational site. list !li!cxl. An allowance the specific requirements Encl (2) of automatic of a given

12 test equipment activity. tailored to NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC Refers to Weapons Replaceable Assemblies installed~in a TBI. test bench harness, test set, or test console which are required to simulate in a shipboard or shore based maintenance shop a or component of the end article for the purpose system, assembly, of accomplishing all necessary operational and maintenance test and repair procedures. Refers to an automated program containing a coded sequence !IF. which, when executed by the ATE, provides the system with a set of instructions testing the UUT for selected function verification and faults. Refers to a document providing all information needed to !I!PI. execute testing (e.g, test set up, probe point locations, wave form diagrams, or other programmed operator interventions) and which cannot be provided conveniently by the ATE under~control of the TP. TEM. which The automated means, either a magnetic tape the TP for one or more UUTs is provided. or disk, by

TES. Refers to those items needed to test a unit on automatic test equipment. These include the electrical, mechanical, instruction, and logical decision elements. The TPS elements are: test program, interconnection device, test program instruction, and supplementary data. TPSD. Data which UUT, ID, or TP). assists in resolving a malfunction source (ATE, 11%11. See SECA Deviation The program supported by a single automated data UICP. processing system whose purpose is to automate and make standard the logistics functions at Naval Supply Systems Command managed ICP. of Weapons SE which provides direct support to !l!lHE. A category the weapons commodity. WHE includes both peculiar and common ordnance handling and transportation equipment as well as tools used for canning, decanning, magazine handling, and assembly of weapons and ordnance related commodities. Examples of WHE include hoisting beams, weapons carriers, strongbacks, handlift trucks, handling bands, magazine lifting

slings, weapons skids, trailers, bomb trucks (non-self powered), and their associated weapon adapters. This type of equipment also includes weapons assembly tools, gauges, jigs, alignment bars, bomb assembly tables,, maintenance stands, and other weapons related equipment. A category of SE where the principal function is support of IlsFl. the explosive ordnance component or weapon. It is primarily used by an aircraft squadron and the Weapons Department (Navy) or the Ordnance Division (Marine Corps). WSE includes both handling Encl 13 (2) ~-~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C equipment and electronic respectively. test equipment, defined or electronic JrTI!E. Equipment of an electrical test, maintain, or service aircraft weapons, missiles, special weapons, torpedoes, mines, explosive ordnance. Encl (2) 14 as WHE and WTE, design used to bombs, rockets, or any other NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 AJRCRAFTNCE 13650.1C MATERTATl READIJuSS TIT-ST GRAM COORDI-NATION The purpose of

this enclosure is to prescribe 1. Purme procedures and responsibilities for conducting and participating in AMMRL Program coordination. The increase in management complexity of 2. Discussion aviation maintenance SE in terms of application to weapons funding levels, dictates the systems, cost, and ever decreasing need for a high level of overall program coordination to assure SE management policies, procedures, requirements, and budgetary Program coordination must constraints are in synchronization. occur with predictable regularity with all organizational levels representing every activity associated with SE management to assure individual initiatives, if valid, are extended to all relevant managers and, if counterproductive, are discontinued. The AMMRL Program will satisfy the fundamental re quirement for program coordination with a system of management, technical, and control boards which meet with regularity, are guided by an and manage and control progress. items, agenda,

assign action 3. Procedures a. Support Equipment Management Board (SEMBO) The SEMBO is the fundamental coordinating (1) PurDose. It formulates and board governing the AMMRL Program. develops procedural options, examines their disseminates policy, and determines courses of action from among the relative value, An essential aspect of the SEMBO is the options considered. presentation of any mannerof briefings and discussions of SE management related actions and initiatives where expressions of opinions and developments of consensus are encouraged and sought. Program include The SEMBO will be chaired by the AMMRL (2) Part~ciwnk.s membership to the SEMBO will Manager, NAVAIRHQ. Policy the following activities: (a) SECAs. (b ) NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE. (c ) ASO. (d ) NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU. (e) SPCC. Representatives from activities who provide support services for the AMMRL Program will attend general meetings of the SEMBO and brief the policy membership on specific agenda NOTES:

Encl (3) ; NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C Activities issues. following: l l l who provides such support services are the NAVAVNMAINTOFF. Provides support services for SERMIS, LAMS, and SESS, three automated ADP Systems which support the AMMRL Program. NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE. Provides support services for the AUTOSERD System which~supports the AMMRL Program. NCTS, New Orleans. SERMIS. Provides support services for Representatives from other activities will be invited to attend generalmeetings of the SEMBO as agenda issues may require and to present informational issues to the policy membership. NOTE: The SEMBO will meet generally twice during (3) Meetiras. a calendar year-at sites to be determined by the AMMRL Program Each SEMBO will generally be 3 days in duration; Manager. specific dates for each SEMBO will be determined by the AMMRL Program Manager and will be announced to all participants with long lead times for planning purposes. The AMMRL Program Manager will

develop the (4) Baenda. will be asked to formal agenda for each SEMBO. Each participant Each agenda item submission submit proposals for agenda items. will be in writing with sufficient detail to provide the -. uninitiated a working understanding of the issue in question. (5) Support of the SRMRQ. All AMMRL Program participating activities will take necessary action to support the SEMBO fully. Official records and meeting minutes, (6) -Records. will be updated periodically including action item assignments, and issued as appropriate by the AMMRL Program Manager. Technical b. Working Team (TWT) (1) PurDose. The TWT focuses on issues involved in developing and delivering quality AMMRL Program Source Data, establishing basis of allowancing and allowance algorithms, and producing and delivering quality products to all AMMRL Program participants. The TWT will be chaired by the AMMRL (2) Participants. require as participants SE Program Manager, NAVAIRHQ, and will management and technical

level representatives from the following: (a) NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE, SERD and AUTOSERD Projects. (b) ASO. Encl (3) 2 ~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C ~- - . , (c) NAVAVNMAINTOFF, SERMIS Project. (d) NCTS, New Orleans, SERMIS Project, from other commands will be asked NOTE: Representatives participate in the TWT as agenda issues may require. to The TWT will meet generally six times (3 1 Meeti ws during a calendar year at sites to be determined by the AMMRL Program Manager. Each TWT will generally be 3 to 4.-days in duration; specific dates for each TWT will be determined by the AMMRL Program Manager and will be announced to all participants with long lead times for planning purposes. (4) Acrendia. The AMMRL Program Manager informal agenda for each TWT. Each participant submit proposals for agenda items. activities (5) SLlPDort. will take necessary All action will will develop an be asked to AMMRL Program participating to support the TWT fully. Official records

and meeting minutes, (6) -Records. including action item assignments, will be updated periodically and issued as appropriate by the AMMRL Program Manager. C. CCB. The primary objective of the SERMIS CCB is to develop and maintain stable configuration and optimize change procedures for SERMIS. The SERMIS CCB shall define and refine intersystem interfaces and reconciliations between all AMMRL Program Management information systems including the Naval Aviation Logistics Command Maintenance Information System (NALCOMIS) SE Asset Management Subsystem. The primary focus of ~~ the SERMIS CCB is to review, categorize, and prioritize SERMIS requirements placing special emphasis on the utility of the AMMRL Program and the impact to the management of intera-cting systems. Any and all changes that affect format, transfer, and utilization of SERMIS data must be closely coordinated and approved by the SERMIS CCB prior to incorporation. fleet functional (1) PurDose. The CCB establishes requirements

and their respective priorities which must be satisfied by SERMIS. The CCB will also consist of a technical advisory component to advise the AMMRL Program Manager of potential impacts to SERMIS which would or will be realized as a result of changes of any category to SERMIS host hardware system, the associated operating system, and/or the telecommunications system. (2) Partj cipan.Ls The CCB will be chaired by the AMMRL Program Manager, NAVAIRHQ, and will require as controlling participants SE management representatives from the following: Encl (3) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C (a) COMNAVAIRLANT. (b) COMNAVAIRPAC. (c) COMNAVAIRESFOR. (d) CNATRA. (e) NAMTRAGRU. (f) NAVAVNMAINTOFF. from other commands will be asked NOTE: Representatives participate in the CCB as agenda issues may require. to The CCB will meet at the convenience of (3) Meetincrs. the AMMRL Program Manager at sites to be determined by the AMMRL Each CCB will generally be 1 day in duration; Program Manager.

specific dates for each CCB will be determined by the AMMRL Program Manager and will be announced to all participants with long lead times for planning purposes. informal (4) Acrenda. agenda for activities (5) SUpportwill take The AMMRL Program each CCB. necessary Manager will develop an All AMMRL Program participating action to support the CCB fully. records and meeting minutes, (6) Cm Recorda . Official will be updated periodically including action item assignments, and issued as appropriate by the AMMRL Program Manager. Encl (3) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C DESCRTPTJON AND USE DF THE INDIVIDUAL MATERIAL 1. Bxgmse To provide a description of the IMRL, its content, format, and use. a I 2. Description . The IMRL is a consolidated list specifying items and quantities of SE end items required by a particular aircraft maintenance activity or activity component to perform its assigned maintenance level functions as detailed by the NAMP. The IMRL includes, as required, a

list of GFAE used in conjunction with IMRL end items. An IMRL is constructed for all Navy and Marine Corps aviation maintenance activities by extracting and processing applicable portions of SERMIS Source Data. The on-hand quantity listed in the IMRL is based on physical inventories as reported by IMRL~~TRs. Data is compiled and maintained to determine material supportability for each IMRL activity. Then data is also consolidated to.produce functional listings. wing, SECA, and Navy-wide The IMRL identifies material requirements and provides a basis for SE procurement. This information assists SE managers in formulating decisions regarding overall readiness, budget forecasts, equipment procurement, and redistribution of assets. 3. Preparation . IMRLs are prepared by cognizant SECAs for each of their IMRL activities using Employment Data developed and maintained by the SECAs. SECAs are responsible for printing and distributing IMRLs and IMRL products to aviation maintenance activities

under their cognizance. 4. Aggroval cognizant SECA. It is the activity to which itapplies. issued on an annual basis. as required by the SECA to aircraft reconfigurations, newly introduced equipment, receipt by the IMRL activity. IMRL are provided to IMRL Each IMRL is approved by the authorized SE allowance for the IMRLs are normally printed and IMRLs may also be printed and issued meet changing situations such as mission changes, deckload variations, etc. The IMRL is effective upon its Update supplements to the basic activities each month. 5. ILs2 The IMRL serves as an allowance and inventory management list for SE end items. IMRLs identify material requirements and provide a measure of supportability of aviation ~ maintenance by identifying authorized SE allowances and providing inventory data. The total-inventory quantities are obtained from the SE inventory records within SERMIS Data Base. IMRL inventory and authorized allowance data are used by AS0 to validate fleet requisition

actions and to assist the process of developing AVCAL and SHORECAL development for piece part support of SE end items. 6. mRTI Tailoring . "Tailoring" refers to the process of configuring the allowance quantities on a given activitys IMRL Encl (4) ;~ :- NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C to those quantities which meet the actual requirements of that specific activity. The AMMRL Program procedures provide for IMRL tailoring since SERMIS Source Data does not necessarily reflect peculiar use requirements caused by unique geography or operating conditions. Upon receipt of a new IMRL, each activity will review the allowances for accuracy and adequacy with respect to its specific support requirements. A primary function of tailoring is to eliminate or reduce SE quantities, particularly, quantities of common or general-type SE supporting a mix of weapons systems or components. Tailoring also serves to identify errors in the IMRL that affect not only the particular aircraft mix

supported, but also the support of aircraft and systems at other similar activities. The two situations allowing for the tailoring of an IMRL are IMRL Activity Tailoring and SECA Tailoring. NOTE: In either situation it is not permitted to tailor an item of SE to a value greater than its computed allowance. Requests for exceptions to this provision must be authorized by the Primary SECA on a case by case basis. a. IMRT, Activity Tailoring . IMRL activities will submit IMRL Revision Requests to request tailoring actions other than a SECA Tailoring Conference. IMRL Revision Requests will be submitted following the procedures outlined in enclosure (5). b. SECA Tailoring held tailoring conference SECA representative. Tailoring actions as a result will be accomplished on--line at . of a SECA by the actions must be complete and current NOTE: IMRL tailoring to beginning the AVCAL or SHORECAL process at ASO. prior 7. Contents The IMRL is presented in five major sections: Employment Data,

Change List, Index, Main Body, and the Activity Inventory Record. Every IMRL is preceded by an IMRL Legend. The IMRL Legend provides a listing of all SERMIS Data Elements printed in the IMRL with the headings as they appear. The following subparagraphs provide a general description of the major IMRL sections along with an explanation of their contents and related terminology. The employment data section of the IMRL a. wnt Data. provides the activity with the list of the employment data used to create the IMRL. This list will allow the activity to see the data that was used to calculate the allowances shown in its IMRL. b. Change J,ist This section is a listing changes to an activitys IMRL that have occurred printing of the previous IMRL. An update action the Change List to show additions, deletions, or affect an activity. The update action codes are Encl (4) 2 of all the since the code is used on changes that as follows: NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 (1) Prime A&L . This is

printed 13650.1C . when: by a NIIN, and existing (a) An item of SE, identified in SERMIS source data is added to an activitys IMRL by ~a SECA Deviation Add transaction. by part number and (b) An item of SE, identified CAGE, and not existing in SERMIS source data is added to an activitys IMRL by a SECA Deviation Add transaction. NOTE: Such items are assigned Indicator Code 4 (IC4") indicating that the part number/CAGE does not exist in source data; items are also assigned Inventory Management Code B (1MC"B") indicating that the SECA has authorized the item for use at a particular activity. (c) An employment change or a source data update causes a prime item of SE identified by NSN to be added to an activitys IMRL. (2) iFtrim Delete . This is printed when: by a NIIN, and existing (a) An item of SE, identified in SERMIS source data is deleted from an activitys IMRL by a SECA Deviation Delete transaction. by part number and (b) An item of SE, identified in SERMIS

source data is deleted from an CAGE, and not existing activitys IMRL by a SECA Deviation Delete transaction. Indicator Code 4 NOTE: Such items would have been assigned (IC"4") indicating that the part number/CAGE does not exist in source data; items also would have been assigned Inventory Management Code B (IMC"B") indicating that the SECA had authorized the item for use at a particular activity. (c) An employment change or a~source data update causes a prime item of SE identified by NSN to be deleted from activitys IMRL. number data is (3) NSN-RRV-PRTME. changed. This (4) NSN-RW-ATIT. number is changed. (5) Prime This is printed is printed when a prime when an alternate an NSN data NSN . (a) This is printed when, by source data update, an item of SE identified by NSN is designated as a prime item replaces an existing prime item of SE. The newly designated The prime item assumes the allowance of the replaced prime item. replaced prime item may be

designated an alternate to the newly if this was the intent, an ALT-CHANGE designated prime item; action will have been accomplished. Encl (4) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC (b) This is also printed when, by source data update, an item of SE identified by part number/CAGE which does not exist in SERMIS source data and which previously was authorized by SECA Deviation Add for use by a particular activity (IC"4"/IMC"B") is linked to an item of SE which does exist in source data and that source data item is designated to replace the IC"4"/IMC"B" item and to assume its allowances. NOTE: If, due to change to of the source data item changes, employment data, the allowance an update action of ALW-CHG will also be printed. when a prime item of SE (6) ATIT-CHAJWF. This is printed identified by NSN is designated as an alternate to a newly designated prime item of SE. This occurs by a Prime Change action in a SERMIS source data update. This is printed

when an item of SE (7) ATT-ADD. identified by NSN is designated as an alternate to an existing This action occurs by SERMIS sources data update. Prime item. when an item of SE (8) ATtT-DET,flTE. This is printed identified by NSN is deleted as an alternate to an existing prime item. This action occurs by SERMIS source data update. when a list series group (9) CHG-TlJST. This is printed or subsection of the IMRL is changed for a prime item of SE occurs-by SERMIS source data identified by NSN. This action update. - CHG. This is printed when a change occurs (10) FT~KktUWJT to one or more of the following elements of an NSN data item: Reportable Code, Custody Code, 3 Degree Code, Land/Vessel Code, Maintenance Level Code, Calibration Code, Julian Date Projected SECA Reportable Code. Requisition, when the computed (11) AT,W-CHG. This is printed or custody authorized allowance authorized allowance, allowance, for a prime NSN data item is changed for an activity to include whether alpha or

numeric. all changes to allowance fields, This is printed when a part number (12) RESEARCHED. with an IC4 has been researched and an inventory management code or when a part number, (IMC) other than "N" has been assigned, CAGE have been added to source data deleting the previously assigned IMC. Information (13) GFAENIINADD. has been added to~an activityl~s data item data (14) GFAE. item has been deleted printed when a GFAE NSN IMRL subsection. Information printed when a GFAE NSN from an activitys IMRL subsection. Information printed when the (15) GFAE. application data (model, list code, or system) has changed existing GFAE NIIN at the activitys IMRL subsection level. Encl (4) 4 for an NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C This section is divided into six parts or crossc. Index The six cross-references are part number, NIIN, references. Avionics System Name, Avionics System Number, and Nomenclature, The cross-references, as described in Line Item Number. provide a

rap~id means of identifying subsequent subparagraphs, and locating the position of an item in the Main Body section. They are the keys to proper use of the IMRL. (1) Parter Cross - Reference . This cross-reference provides a listing in part number sequence of all part numbers and their associated CAGES applicable to that IMRL cross-referred to their respective NSNs and further cross-referred to the IMRL line item number. This section also indicates the nomenclature of each item listed. . This section provides a list (2) NTJN Cross-Reference in NIIN sequence of all NSNs, both prime and alternate, applicable to that IMRL cross referred to their IMRL line item This same listing also provides a cross-reference of number. Prime NSNs to their respective Alternate NSNs and, conversely, the Alternate NSNs to their respective Prime NSNs. This section provides a source of ready information on nomenclature and prime/alternate relationships by NSN. provides (3) Nomenclature Cross - Refmxnce. This

section a list by nomenclature in alphabetic sequence of all items applicable to that IMRL cross referred to their respective Prime NSNs and IMRL line item numbers. (4) Avionicst Cross - Reference . This section provides a list in avionics system number sequence of all avionics systems applicable to that IMRL cross referred to This their respective system names and system descriptions. section also serves as a source of information linking system numbers to their corresponding IMRL line item numbers and to cross refer line item numbers to respective Prime NSN data and to Airborne electronic components required system nomenclature. with a TBI to completely outfit a test station are identified as The avionics GFAE GFAE and are listed in this cross-reference. entries are not considered to be SE and are provided in this section for information purposes only. They do not appear in the Main Body of the IMRL and cannot be authorized by the IMRL. . This section (5) Avionics provides a list in

avionics system name sequence of all avionics systems applicable to that IMRL cross referred to their This section is a source of respective avionics system numbers. information linking avionics system names to system numbers to ~ nomenclature. is in e Ttem-Number Cross-Reference . This section two parts6) : first, this section provides a list in line item number sequence of all line item numbers applicable to the previous IMRL for that activity cross referred to the line item Encl (4) c NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650,lC numbers applicable to the current IMRL and identifying the associated Prime NSN for those line item numbers; second, this section provides the same information as the first part except the cross reference is from the line item number of the current IMRL to the line item number of the previous IMRL. d. IMRT, Main Body This section lists all items that are (1) Description. allowed for the applicable activity and shows the authorized allowance quantity to the IMRL

Subsection level for each item Applicable non-avionics GFAE will be listed in each allowed. subsection of the IMRL following the last line item number listed Each page in the IMRL Main Body presents in that subsection. Identification Data, Description Data, Land Vessel (LV) Code, Maintenance Level Data, and Allowance Data. following depending (a) The body may be comoosed of one or more of the categories of equipment) subsections (or support to which the IMRL applies: on the type of activity sectJon Encl J1ist port Series Category AIRFRAME TA TX TY TZ Airframe Misc. Aircraft Accessories StencilEjection Seat ESCAPAC EjectionSeat POWERPLANT TE TG TK Power Plants Gas Turbine Starting Units Kellstrom Power Wrench TP TS TU Propellers Sweeny Power Wrench Auxiliary Power Plant AVIONICS R5 Avionics GENERAL GO General WPN/ST/ LDG OL Weapons/Stores ARMT EQPT AE A/C Armament GUNS GU Guns FACILITY FE Facility Equipment and non-deployable (For Navy Marines) FMF

GENERAL G3 Facility Equipment deployable Marines) (For AV CAP SHIPS TD Equipment for Aviation Capable Ships (other than CVs, LHAs, etc.) (4) 6 SE Loading Support Equipment NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C COURSE NUMBER CN Course TRAINERS TR Trainers CAL STANDARD cs Calibration DEPOT SE NF Depot MMF MF Mobile ABN WEAPONS WE MD ME Weapons Support Equipment Ship Weap-on Support Equipment Missile Support Equipment (Mechanical) Missile Support Equipment (Electronic) MR Number Standards Support Equipment Maintenance Facility TPS HARDWARE QM TPS Hardware (Other than CASS) TPS SOFTWARE QS TPS Software (Other than CASS) CASS HARDWARE QT CASS TPS Hardware CASS SOFTWARE QZ CASS TPS Software (b) Each subsection (or support category) may be subdivided into two parts depending on single model application Part I contains items that are or multimode1 applications. Part II applicable to a specific model in an activitys IMRL. contains items that

are applicable to more than one model in an The facility subsection contains only part II activitys IMRL. and will define all applicable work centers. (2) Page H-fine Fom-d . IMRL main body data is It is easily presented both vertically and horizontally. identified by appropriate page headings that are listed in the Each IMRL main body page will start with IMRL legend. preparation date, file name, page number, subsection, AAI, IMRL pages will reportable code. activity name, and activity also include model in the page headings or for multiple will appear as the model. applications the word "multi" edition (a) Wn was prepared. the The date (b) -Number. with 1~. Sequential . (cl Subsection (See paragraph 7d(l) The grouping for a listing page starting group. Date . activity that a particular number assigned to each of NIINs by list of subsections.) The AMMRL Activity Identifier (d) AAI. for which the- IMRL is printed. series identifies Encl (4) -

NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 which the that all Inventory - I3650.IC (e) Activity IMRL 1s prepared. m.me The noun name of the activity (f) AAIReaortableend items of SE are reportable Management procedures. for NAVAIRHQ policy stipulates and subject to the AMMRL (3) Vertical Heading F0rma.L The column headings describe the type of information contained in each vertical These headings will be defined in subsequent ~ column. Horizontal data element components of each column subparagraphs. will also be defined under that column. For those NIINs appearing with multiple line item numbers, (allowance under more than one subsection) a reference to all subsequent appearance will be listed at the lowest line item All other appearances will have a number for~that NIIN item. statement referring only to the first appearance of the NSN and its line item number. NOTE: a sequential (a) Jtjne Item Nr . This column contains number, beginning with 1 in each specific IMRL, for every line An IMRL

line item number is only item listed in that IMRL. assigned to IMRL prime items. the NSN (b) USN Data.- CAGB- PN- This column contains CAGE, and part number of the prime and alternate items data, Prime part numbers listed applicable to each IMRL line item. NSNs are listed directly below the Prime NSN. Alternate~item Applicable below prime item information, slightly indented. CAGES and part numbers for each alternate NSN are aligned directly below the applicable NSN. Line items numbers for SECA Deviation Added Allowances for non-source data part number items "no NSN in source data" with the CAGE/PN listed will list directly below. Code (IC), Indicator alternate, does not designed currently included accurate decisions. This column may contain an Indicator (cl IC. The Inventory Management Code (IMC), or both. Code identifies a NIIN in source data (a prime, an or GFAE) or a part number and CAGE in inventory which The Inventory Management Code is exist in source data. to allow

the SECA to manage inventory items not This informat-ion is authorized by SERMIS source data. on IMRLS and supplements and give the SECA a more look at excesses and deficits to use for redistribution . I (4) DescriDtiInfn Within Vertical of descriptive information g Format I A variety The informational under this vertical column heading. are listed consecutively in the subparagraphs which of a column is identified NOTE: If the identification there is no column heading provided on parentheses, Identifications provided in capital letters without Encl (4) 8 Column his provided segments follow. below in the IMRL. parentheses ~~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 indicates Information a column heading which is provided for both 13650.X will be found on the IMRL. prime and alternate items. A name assigned to an end item (a) (Nomenclature). will consist of the most significant nouns and objectives for the item. of SE. It descriptive . Additional information lb) lNomenclatureed) regarding the

name assigned to an end item of SE. It consists the most significant nouns and descriptive objectives for the item. The packaged weight (cl (Wei crhtl. in pounds-and fractions of pounds. expressed in cubic feet maintenance of an item. of an item The packaged cube of an -item (d) (Cube). and fractions of cubic feet. (e) 0. authorized of expressed The code which identifies the levels of to maintain, repair, overhaul, or dispose (f) (JWlliment VaJue) . This of a NIIN, per unit of issue, rounded to value. This value is provided for prime current as of the most recent Inventory procurement. provides the unit value the nearest dollar NIINs only and is Control Point (9-j PROJ I sitlon) * . 117 . This provides the projected date that an item is expected to be in the supply system and available for requisitioning. The item should not be requisitioned prior to this date. (h) APPJlTCABJlF TO MOn~TlS/SYSTF;MS/WORK~CENTEBS tiple application onlv) . Indicates for a given activity the

applicability in terms of model, system, or work center of an item of SE. (5) !I!Ec. The Type Equipment Code (TEC) is a identifies a weapon system or aircraft per the Naval Maintenance and Material Management manual. TECs are character codes that identify either the end item or equipment on which work is performed. Codes in each structured to describe the equipment concerned. (6) 1. item is for land only. The letter vessel use. code that Aviation four category of category are The letter "L" indicates the use only. The letter "Vi indicates vessel use "B" indicates the item is both for land and (7) 3D (Three Degree Engine Repair Code) . This code is used to identify--SEused to support activities that perform the various degrees of intermediate engine maintenance. Encl (4) -- NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC . This code (8) ML identifies the level of maintenance, either intermediate (I"), organizational ("O"), and/or depot ("0")

that the equipment so identified is authorized to be used. The letter ("T") indicates a transient maintenance authorization. (9) RC (Reportable Code). NOTE: AMMRL Program policy stipulates that all end items of aviation maintenance SE are reportable and are -subject to Reportable Code "R", or "S" if an item is reportable by serial number. All calibration standards must be reported by serial number. (10) -portable policy stipulates that are reportable. all end items Code). AMMRL Program of aviation maintenance SE (a) Code R. (Reportable) Assigned by SECAs to items in source data which were originally assigned source data reportable code N" (non-reportable). SECA Reportable Code R will be assigned to all end items represented as an "N" in SERMIS source data. This action is consistent with Naval Air Systems Command policy stipulating that all end items of SE will be reportable under the Inventory Management Procedures. . * . Assigned to

items (b) Code S (Serlallzed1 requiring reporting of equipment serial number on the transaction report. (11) CC (Calibration Code) . This code is used to identify a calibration requirement. The letter "C" identifies item that requires calibration. "N" identifies an The letter item that does not require calibration. an (12) SUB AA1 (I" level IMRL only). The sub AA1 column lists the AA1 codes of all supported activities requiring that custody coded P, E, L, D, or M item. Beneath the sub AA1 codes, "CUST AUTH ALLOWANCE" is indicated horizontally and appears only if that item is custody coded P, E, L, D, or M. The custody authorized allowance quantity is listed directly to the right of the CUST AUTH ALLOWANCE heading and under the AUTH column. CUST AUTH ALLOWANCE represents the total number of an item of SE authorized by a SECA to a supporting activity to perform its maintenance function and the maintenance function of all of its supported activities

requiring that P, E, L, D, or M custody coded item. This quantity can be tailored. (13) CUSP CODE (Custody Code) . This code identifies specific characteristics and control procedures which because off practicality and expediency considerations, dictate that an item of SE be placed in the reporting custody of an intermediate level maintenance activity. These items are issued to other activities (usually an "0" level maintenance activity) on a sub-custody ~~ basis. For a complete listing of custody codes, refer to the definition of custody codes in enclosure (2). Encl (4) 10 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C generated . Then quantity (14) -c2OMP(computed allowance) by the computer by IMRL Subsection for an IMRL activity and for a given item of SE to support the operation and maintenance of that activity. This column will contain a numeric value or the letters AN, AZ, restrictions (Buno ZZ, or DEV: The AN, AZ and ZZ have special requisitioning instructions, special

allocation, effectivity, the nomenclature must be referred to in order etc.); therefore, to determine IMRL authorization or proper requisitioning DEV indicates the authorized allowance resulted instructions. Refer to paragraph 9 of this enclosure from a SECA Deviation. (Computing SE Allowance in SERMIS) for methods authorized to be used for computed allowance in SERMIS. code F is a (15) TC (tailoring code) . Tailoring temporary code to designate -those items yhose tailoring was automatically frozen upon conversion from ADMRL allowance .data to Tailoring code T indicates that a SECA: SERMIS allowance data. SECA Deviation does not exist not authorized (a) Has authorized an additional item of SE as a to an IMRL activitys allowances when that item in SERMIS source data or is in the source data and by application. (b) Has authorized allowance. an adjustment to the existing (c) Has authorized authorized allowance. an adjustment to the existing custody item of support quantity

allowance SECA has authorized quantity IF" will of an . The quantity (16) AUTHce) SE allowed to an IMRL activity by list series group to This the operation and maintenance of that activity. may include custody coded items of SE. The authorized is generated from the computed allowance unless the approved tailoring action, or the allowance was If the authorized allowance as a SECA deviation. differs from the computed allowance, the letter "T" or appear in the 32 column to denote approved tailoring. authorized e. CtMIXT,Activity Tnventory Record (ATRL . The IMRL Activity Inventory Record lists all items that are held in inventory at the applicable activity on the date this section is prepared. It is reissued in its entirety on a monthly basis as a supplement to the IMRL if, at any time during the reporting period, a If no Transaction Record is processed against that activity. then a negative report will beTransaction Record is processed, The AIR provides identification

data, management data, issued. authorized allowances, and nomenclature for inventory status, The following information applies to the IMRL each item. Activity Inventory Record: Encl (4) .~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC (1) The IMRL Activity Inventory Recor~d is produced in line item number sequence with prime NIINs that have allowance Prime part numbers with without consideration for inventory. Alternate NIINs will only be listed inventory will be listed. the inventory present is linked to that alternate NIIN. Alternate part numbers with inventory will be-listed. (2) Inventory and allowance be displayed only on the first will if for multiple appearance items a.ppearance of that item number at hand NIIN immediately the total line item under the (3) Complex NIIN assets will show inventory with part every occurrence but will not be included in total on"C" will be displayed A complex indicator family. to the left of the complex NIIN and to the left of A statement

indicating all other IMRL on-hand field. numbers that the NIIN is complex with will be printed inventory field. items (4) Forward included. is and back cross reference for multi-appearance IMRL Activity Inventory Record data is presented f. Format. It is easily identified by appropriate in vertical columns. headings which are listed in the IMRL legend. Inventory Record . Each IMRL Activity (1) Page Hew page will start with prepared date, IMRL preparation date, page name. number, AAI, and activity (a) Pregared. Inventory Record Activity The date was prepared. that particular IMRL .~ (b) IMRLation Date . The IMRL supplement editions of the Activity Inventory Record will list the date the activity IMRL was prepared to which the AIR applies. page starting the entity (c) PageNumber. with Sequential to each 1. The AMMRL activity (d) A.&I organizational entity for which the for number assigned that identifier identifies IMRL is printed. . The name of the (e)

Activitv which the IMRL is prepared. organizational (2) Vertical Column Head.iuai The column headings describe the type of information contained in each vertical These headings will be defined in subsequent column. subparagraphs of this section. This column contains (a) Line Item Nr. number, beginning with 1 in each specific IMRL, for An IMRL line item number item listed in that IMRL. Line item numbers in assigned to IMRL prime items. Encl (4) 12 a sequential every line is only the IMRL NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 Activity body for Inventory Record correspond the same prime NIINs. with those in the 1365O.lC IMRL main the lb) NSN Data, CAGfl- PN . This column contains prime NIINs that have allowance without consideration for Prime part numbers with inventory will be listed. inventory. Alternate NIINs will only be listed if the inventory present Alternate part numbers with linked to that alternate NIIN. inventory will be listed. is This column may contain an IC, IMC, or (c)

IC. IC is a code which identifies a NIIN in source data (a both. prime or an alternate) or a part number with CAGE in inventory IMC is a code designed to that does not exist in source data. -. allow the SECA to manage inventory items not currently authorized This information is included on IMRLs and--~~---by SERMIS source data. and gives the SECA a more accurate look at excesses supplements, and deficits to use for redistribution decisions. . code reflects the (d) CRC. The combined reportable highest reportable value at the activity level. The equipment serial number is (e) EOUIP. usually assigned by a contractor and is found on an equipment the number identifies and controls individual items name plate; of SE. on board is the number (f) OPJBRD. The total items by part number thatthe activity has in custody ~that in rework or on loan. (9) TBS. reportable SE by part from the IMRL activity It been transferred. transferring activity. of SE is not The total transfer out is the-number

number that has been ordered transferred but has not yet been reported as having is the quantity to be lost by the of The total transfers in is the number of (h) TRS. reportable SE by part number that has been ordered transferred to the IMRL activity but which has not been reported as having been It is the quantity due the gaining activity. received. part number (i-1 IN. in rework. The total number of specific SE items The total number of specific Cj) LOAN. or the total items by part number, ~loaned from the activity, number of specific SE items by part number loaned to the activity. (k) LOAN. due to be returned from The date a specific SE item by SE is loan. Encl (4) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C The date transaction serial (1) DATE. consists of the last number of the calendar year followed latest transaction serial number assigned to the ~specific This indicates the last transaction within the activity. into SERMIS affecting the inventory values for the item.

number by the item entered (m) CUST CODE (Custody Code). Custody codes are alphabetic characters that provide supplemental single position, accountability detail about a SE transaction and the effect of This code the transaction on supply and financial records. identifies a specific category of SE items placed in the primary These items are activity. custody of an I" level maintenance issued to other activities (usually an "0" level maintenance For a complete listing of activity) on a sub-custody basis. the definition of custody codes in custody codes, refer=to enclosure (2). Tailoring Code F is a code. (n) II%. Tailoring temporary code to designate those items automatically frozen upon The conversion from ADMRL allowances to SERMIS allowances. tailoring code indicates that a SECA, per paragraph 6 (IMRL has (1) authorized an additional tailoring ) of this enclosure, item of SE to an IMRL activitys allowances when the item does not exist in SERMIS source data or is in

the source data and not (2) authorized an adjustment to the authorized by application; (3) authorized an adjustment to existing authorized allowance; the existing custody authorized allowance. The activity authorized (0) AUTH. allowance is the total quantity of an item of SE allo wed to an IMRL activity to support the operation and maintenance of that This quantity may represent custody coded items of SE. activity. The authorized allowance is generated from the computed allowance unless the SECA has approved tailoring action, or the allowance If the authorized allowance was authorized as a SECA deviation. quantity differs from the computed allowance, the letter IT" or "F" will appear in the !I!C column to denote approved tailoring. The total on hand is the cumulative (P) TOT. number of SE by part number that is reported or maintained in It is the sum of total on board plus total in rework records. plus total loaned out for all part numbers/CAGES in that NIIN less complex

assets, for that activity. family, SE. It will descriptive to an end item (9) NOMENCLATURE. A name assigned consist of the most significant nouns and adjectives for the .item of 8. sent (CAS) . The IMRL CAS is a monthly change notice that is prepared and issued for each IMRL Beginning the first month after an IMRL is prepared activity. the CAS for that IMRL will list all and every month thereafter, An asterisk will appear in the first column of changes to date. the line item to differentiate changes that have occurred in the Encl (4) 14 ~~-- -. NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC current month from those previously appearing in the Cumulative Supplement. An update action is used on the CAS to show additions, deletions or changes that affect an activity. The update actions for the CAS are the same as those used on the IMRL Change List identified in paragraph 7b of this -enclosure. 9. mmient Allowances in SEEKLS . This section serves to document methods authorized to be used

within SERMIS application programs to calculate and provide computed allowances for various categories of SE and SE usage. It also provides general information on the overall system used by the AMMRL Program for computing IMRL allowances. Input data is provided by both the SECA and through SERMIS source data. Activity configuration information such as types and numbers of entities supported is provided by the appropriate SECA through the entry of employment data into SERMIS. Basis of Issue (locolumn spread) information for each application of SE is provided through SERMIS source data with entry and update from AUTOSERD. The employment data of the IMRL activity contains the information used as the selection criteria for obtaining the appropriate items of SE and the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread) from SERMIS source data. Except for 1" level maintenance activities, computed allowances are basically calculated in the same manner in SERMIS as previously

accomplished under the ADMRL system. Equipment Allowance . a *tipport . acJJ3t ?es or Trwng Courses Computation for Fixed (1) When the selected item pertains to a single list code/model combination, the SLM quantity supported is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (locolumn spread). The allowance from that column will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (2) When the selected item pertains to a multiple list code/model combinations, the allowance quantity for each list code/model combination is computed in the same manner as in (1) above. The resultant allowance for each list code/model combination is added to arrive at a computed IMRL allowance. See Exhibit lof this enclosure. port code/model Allowance allowance. Equent Allowance Computation for Transient (1) When the selected item pertains to a single list combination, the first column of the Range of (lo-column spread) is always used as the computed (2) When the selected item pertains

code/model combination, the first column of Allowance (lo-column spread) for each list will be used. The highest allowance of the IMRL to a multiple list the Range of code/model combination affected applications Encl (4) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 will this 1365O.lC be used as the enclosure. c. -port computed IMRL allowance. Equipment Allowance nt for Intermediate See Exhibit 2 of . I Computation for Avionics * . I and Denot T,evel Act>vities (1) When the selected item pertains to a single list code/model combination, the units per application for the list code/model is multiplied by the SLM quantity supported. The result is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The allowance from that column will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (2) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model combinations, the units per applicationfor each list code/model combination is multiplied by the applicable SLM quantity

supported. The result from each application is added. This resultant sum is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The highest allowance of the affected applications will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. See Exhibit 3 of this enclosure. s . d. tipport Equ&ment Allowance Computation * for Avionics * . izat~onal J,evel nctivJtles WYthoa (1) When the selected item pertains to a single list code/model combination, the SLM quantity supported is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (locolumn spread). The allowance from that column will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (2) When the selected item pertains to a multiple list code/model combination where the models are different, the SLM quantity support for each application is added. The highest allowance of the affected applications will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (3) When the selected item pertains to a multiple list code/model

combination where the model is the same, the SLM quantity supported for that model is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The highest allowance of the affected applications will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (4) When the selected item pertains to a multiple list code/model combination for both different models and the same model, the SLM quantity support for the like model will be added to the SML quantity for each affected application where the model is different. This resultant sum is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The highest allowance of the affected applications will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. See exhibit 4 of this enclosure. Encl (4) 16 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 e. wt ent for Allowance Oraani zational Computation I for T,evel ActivitiesI I 13650.1C . . AVIOTLJLS With (1) When the selected item pertains to a single list code/model combination,

the SLM quantity supported is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (locolumn spread). The allowarice from that column will be multiplied by the number of detachments. This result will be used as the computed IMRL allowance.(2) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model combinations where the models are different, the allowance quantity for each model is computed in the same manner as in paragraph (1) above. The resultant allowance for each ~~ model is added to arrive at a computed IMRL allowance. (3) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model combinations where the model is the same, the .SLM quantity supported is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The highest allowance of the affected applications will be multiplied by the number of detachments. This result will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (4) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model

combinations for both different models and the same model, the algorithms referred to in paragraphs 9e(2) and 9e(3) above are applied and the results are added together to arrive at a computed IMRL allowance. See exhibit 5 of this enclosure. . I Support Eqaent Al Dmputati on for Non - Av~-anics, f. 1. Tntermediate and nenot (1) When the selected item pertains to a single list code/model combination, the units per application for the list code/model is multiplied by the SLM quantity supported. The result is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The allowance from that column will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (2) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model combinations where the models are different, the units per application for each list code/model is multiplied by the applicable SLM quantity supported. The results from each application is added. The resultant sum is used to determine the appropriate column of

the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The highest allowance of the affected applications will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. code/model units per (3) When the selected item pertains combinations where the model is application of the affected list to multiple list the same, the highest code/model Encl (4) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650,lC combinations is selected. This unit per application is multiplied by the SLM quantity supported. The result is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (locolumn spread). The highest allowance of the affected applications will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (4) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model combinations for both different models and the same model, the highest units per application of the like models is multiplied by the SLM quantity supported. This result is added to the results of multiplying the units per application by the SLM quantity for each application for the

different models. The resultant sum is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The highest allowance of the affected applications will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. See exhibit 6 of this enclosure. . EcrulDmentutatjon forI *Non-Avionics, . CT . -Port . Faclllty or Courses at Organizational T,evel Activities Wjth Detachments (1) When the selected item pertains to a single list code/model combination, the units per application for the list code/model is multiplied by the SLM quantity supported. The result is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (lo-column spread). The allowance from that column will be multiplied by the number of detachments. The result will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (2) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model combinations where the models are different, the allowance quantity for each model is computed in the same manner as in paragraph 9g(l) above.

The resultant allowance for each model is added to arrive at a computed IMRL allowance. (3) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model combinations where the model is the same, the highest units per application of the affected list code/model combinations is selected. This unit per application is multiplied by the SLM quantity supported. The result is used to determine the appropriate column of the Range of Allowance (locolumn spread). The highest allowance of the affected applications will be multiplied by the number of detachments. The results will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. The highest allowance of the affected applications will be multiplied by the number of detachments. The results will be used as the computed IMRL allowance. (4) When the selected item pertains to multiple list code/model combinations for both different models and the same model, the algorithms referred to in paragraphs 9g(2) and 9g(3) are applied and-the results are added together to

arrive at a computed IMRL allowance. See exhibit 7 of this enclosure. Encl (4) 18 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC PROCEnURT7SFOR MATNTATNTNG THF: TNllTVJnUAT, -Al-, READ-JNF,SS r,TST 1. PYrpose To provide procedures for processing IMRL activity and/or SECA initiated actions for maintaining the IMRL. Such actions include recommending revisions to data provided by the IMRL, for processing the disposition of excess on-hand SE, and for disestablishing systems/models from SERMIS Source Data. 2. Discussion a. Individual IMRL activities are responsible to their cognizant SECA for the continuous review of their respective IMRLs and the management of on-hand SE inventories. When such reviews result in identification of data discrepancies, including suspect SE allowance information, IMRL activities follow procedures to so notify their cognizant SECA. While these procedures may vary in detail between SECAs, all will include the following stipulations. (1) Submission of form NAVAIR

13650/l, Individual Material Readiness List Revision Request, to the cognizant SECA via the chain of command for action to correct data discrepancies or amend SE allowances. This includes recommendations for additions or deletions of GFAE-TBI. (2) Submission of requisitions code other than 2V or 6R to eliminate given line items. SECA, via instructions for SE assigned deficit quantities cognizance for (3) Submission of letter or message to the cognizant the chain of command, requesting disposition for excess SE. (4) Submission of requests for changes to the SM&R Code; such submissions will be in accordance with the policy and procedures specified by NAVAIRHQ Instruction 4423.11 of current issue. b. From time to time it is necessary to disestablish aircraft systems and/or specific aircraft models. This occurs when those systems/models are no longer applicable. When this determination is made, the AMMRL Program must remove that system from its supporting automated data processing

capability so as to provide an accurate representation of aircraft systems to aircraft models. Encl (5) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC . IiYlRT, and SERNTS Source Data RevisiQns . . Will submit form NAVAIR 13650/l to (1) I.MRJl Actlvltxes their SECA via the chain of command. A sample IMRL Revision Request is presented by exhibit 1 of this enclosure along with instructions for its use. a. (2) SECAs. (a) Review all requests for IMRL revisions submitted to them by their subordinate IMRL activities and either approve or disapprove the request. Annotate the IMRL Revision Request with the approval/disapproval decision and return the request to the originating IMRL activity. (b) If the request for IMRL revision is approved, determine if the request affects only the requesting activitys IMRL or if the request has application to other activities. (c) Execute the appropriate IMRL tailoring or SECA deviation if the request for IMRL revision affects only the requesting activity.

Additional SE procurement and/or SERMIS Source Data revision is not required. NOTE: SECA deviation adds or tailoring above computed allowances may be accomplished only with the specific approval of the Primary SECA. (d) Use the appropriate SERMIS input transaction and prepare an automated SODARR and enter that SODARR to SERMIS if the request for IMRL revision affects other IMRL activities. Refer to attachment A for a general discussion of the SODARR. (e) SODARR originating SECA: Assure all other review applicable SODARRs and record concurrence or nonconcurrence within 30 days from date of first entry by the originating SECA. SECAs (f) All other SECAs: Assure frequent query of SERMIS for the purpose of reviewing SODARRs recently entered to the system; record respective approval or disapproval within 30 days from date of first entry by the originating SECA. NOTE: To approve a given SODARR, unanimous concurrence from all other SECAs must be obtained. SODARRS not receiving unanimous

approval will be referred to the AMMRL Program Manager for action and disposition. If unanimous approval is not received after having been referred to the AMMRL Program Manager, the SODARR will be cancelled. Once unanimous approval has been received and entered to SERMIS, the SODARR will be forwarded automatically by SERMIS to the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE for action. Refer to exhibit 2 of this enclosure for a SODARR Processing Summary. Encl (5) 2 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 (3) (NAVATRWARCFNACDIVJeKF:) (a) Process each SODARR indicating plans for disposition action. preliminary 13650.1C via SERMIS the (b) Coordinate appropriate response for each SODARR with applicable Commodity Managers, all affected SECAs, and applicable commercial contractors. Maintain liaison with NAVAIRHQ, ASO, SPCC, NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU, and the NAVAVNMAINTOFF, relative to progress being made on individual SODARRs. concerning decisions, and asset (c) Maintain a record of all commun ications SODARR

information, priorities, fund ing, technical application information, substitutes I replacements ordering information. I (d) Provide a copy of all related-official correspondence to the NAVAIRHQ (AIR-417 and AIR-552), the applicable Commodity Manager, all SECAs, and concerned information addressees. all concerned (e) Provide information an on-line status addressees. report via SERMIS to (f) Coordinate the requirements of PSE for inproduction (by model) aircraft, avionics systems, or power plants with the NAVAIRHQ or the applicable Commodity Manager. NOTE: In-production (by model) aircraft, avionics systems, or power plants are those shown on the current NAVAIRHQ funded list. i. Upon approval by AIR-552 or the CFA Acquisition Manager (AM), NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE or the CFA will enter technical data in the AUTOSERD System. ii. When the AIR-552 or the against approval, NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE will and all supporting documentation to that AM of the forwarding letter will be provided to

denoting the transfer of action responsibility CFA, as applicable. CFA AM advises provide the SODARR for action. A copy all concerned, to NAVAIRHQ or the (g) Enter the approved data if a SODARR is determined valid for PSE for out-of-production (by model) aircraft, avionics systems, or power plants (not on the current NAVAIRHQ funded list). NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE or the responsible Commodity Manager with SERD approval authority will enter the approved data into the AUTOSERD System allowing AS0 or SPCC to process and incorporate this data into their files. Information will be available through SERMIS or off-line documentation to AIR-552, AIR-417, the applicable Commodity Manager, the originator of the SODARR, and all endorsees. 3 Encl (5) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC (h) Determine and/or accomplish the for in-production or out-of-production aircraft, or power plants: systems, of the SE involved i. The supply if, in fact, following avionics management cognizance a COG

exists. fpr SE assignment ii. The cognizance assignment through a DLSC screening process when no cognizance symbol can-otherwise be identified. DLSC responses will be processed as follows. When it is determined that the SE item involved does not have a supply management COG code assigned, and unless otherwise directed by NAVAIRHQ (AIR-552) or the Commodity Manager, NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE will forward the approved SERD revision to ASO/SPCC. Upon receipt of the approved revision, the Program Support Inventory Control Point (PSICP) will establish the item in the appropriate PSICP files and initiate procurement action for items under its cognizance. iii. Future funding requirements and coordination with the appropriate AIR-552 or Commodity for CSE having COG of 2V or 2M. Manager iv. Future funding requirements and coordination, when the financial impact has been determined, with each SECA for CSE. Funding requirements will also be coordinated with the PSICP and the PSICP will be

advised of anticipated requirements. If the requirement is still considered valid after. coordination with the SECA, PSICP, and AIR-552 or Commodity Manager, NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE will enter the approved SERMIS Source Data into the AUTOSERD files. generated by a SECA (4) TCP Actjon . Each SERD revision submitted SODARR will be processed by AS0 and SPCC as necessary to ensure that Turn Around Times (from date of receipt of an approved revision to date of AUTOSERD system update) should average 60 days or less. . * b. SUpportqRecrlllsitlons . I . When an IMRL activity has (1) U?IRL Actlvltles determined a deficit condition for a given item (the allowance for an item is greater than the on-hand quantity for that item), the activity will submit a requisition for that item to its cognizant SECA via its chain of command. Rxception : Support equipment having Cognizant Code of "2V" or "6R" will not be requisitioned; 2V and 6R COG SE will be "pushed" to the

activity. (2) SECAs (a) SECAs will review all requisitions for items of SE originated by activities under their respective cognizance and will ensure that no requisitions are processed if SERMIS National Item Identification Number Summary for All Activities (NIINSUMA) Encl (5) 4 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C indicates existence of any excesses within the control of their own SECA or within the control of any other SECA for the item being reviewed. Any requisitions for 2V or 6R COG SE will not be processed. Requests for exceptions to this policy will be in writing and will be referred to and considered for approval on a case by case basis by the Primary SECA. NOTE,: Cognizant Inventory Control Points are authorized to cancel any requisitions for SE where SERMIS NIINSUMA data indicates the existence of excesses for any SECA for the item under requisition; or, if the requisition is for an item of SE assigned cognizance code of 2V or 6R. (b) When review of a requisition

determines existence of excesses for that item within the reviewing SECA or any other SECA, the reviewing SECA will take action to obtain that excess SE to satisfy the deficit represented by the requisition being reviewed. c. at Assets . * (1) IMRTI Actlvltles (a) When an IMRL activity has reporting custody of SE in excess of its authorized allowance, the activity will so notify its cognizant SECA by letter or message traffic requesting disposition instructions for that excess SE. (b) When an IMRL activity has reporting custody of SE not authorized by its IMRL, the activity will so notify its cognizant SECA by completing form NAVAIR 13650/l and submitting that form to the SECA. (c) Upon receipt of SECA redistribution instructions, the activity will transfer expeditiously SE assets as directed the SECA and will document that transfer by preparation and submission to the SECA of Transaction Reports. by listed in the Tech Data section of the NOTE: Support Equipment excess to IMRL

and having IMC Codes of G, Z, or N are considered that IMRL and are subject to the procedures governing the management of excess SE assets. (2) SECAs (a) Plan for redistribution of excess SE assets to other of its activities or to other SECAs having valid, unfilled SE requirements. Issue redistribution instructions to the IMRL activity for excess SE for which other, valid SE requirements exist. (b) Request final disposition instructions Primary SECA for excess SE for which there no longer valid, unfulfilled requirements. from exists Encl 5 the (5) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C (c) Assure that, final disposition instructions, SE assets as directed. upon receipt activities of redistribution expeditiously or transfer d. Disestablishment of Aircraft Systems . The disestablishment of an aircraft system from an aircraft model is facilitated by the deletion of that system from the SLM files of the act~ion involves the AUTOSERD and SERMIS. Specifically, removal of a List Number

or, for avionics equipment, the Systems This is with an aircraft model. Number, from its linkage accomplished through an update action to the SLM. . 8 I . All requests for deletion of (1) Recruestjna Actlvltles a List Number or System Number (the two hereafter referred to as System/List Code) will be submitted using formNAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE SML-HOl, Support Equipment Recommendation Data (SERD) SLM Update Request. This submittal will be referred Weapons System to the cognizant Weapons System Manager, Avionics Manager, and/or Project Support Engineer for review and approval. No request for deletion of a System/List Code will be honored without this review and approval. (2) S UggOrtnt Weawns SystemManager, . . ~~-m-ws er. Protect Sunnort Engineer (These functions located at NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE or NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU, depending upon the equipment in question.) Code from (a) Review each request the AUTOSERD Data Base. for deletion of a System/List (b) Issue letter to all

SECAs announcing plans for imminent deletion of specific systems and request SECA input within 30 days of date of letter. Assure letter has been coordinated with and contains relevant input from the Primary SECA with regard to disposition guidelines to be followed for SE which will be found to be either in excess of authorized allowances or unmatched to authorizations as a result of the imminent disestablishment action. (c) With consideration of SECA input, make the final determination of approval or disapproval of the deletion of systems. Make the respective entries/notations, and sign-off the request. Ensure that a NAVAIR authorization or o~ther appropriate approval authority for the SLM deletion action is cited in the "REMARKS" field of the request form. (d) Forward approved NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE, Code 52A. requests to the SLM Manager at (3) SECAs Systems Support Encl (a) Review letter received from applicable SE Weapons Manager, Avionics Weapons Systems Manager, or

Project Engineer. (5) 6 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 (b) Note SE disposition guidelines, if 13650.1C applicable. (c) Determine SECA position for approval or disapproval of proposed disestablishment action and return request to its originator within 30 days of date of transmitting responses constitute acceptance. of the letter. NOTE: Negative intent to disestablish. ~ (4 1 NAVATRWARCENACDJVLKRSJJJ Manager request action AUTOSERD. (a) Receive from the .(b) Enter the approved System/List Code deletion cognizant approval official. the approved System/List Code deletion to to the (c) Return a "DATABASE UPDATED" screen print originator of the deletion action thus confirming the requested model deletion. 7 Encl (5) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1~ 1 Is. ocsc”IMNI,YITl~fKm SUPPORTING PART IA AcTI”ln *Am 1. -urw Tmwi4cuINo. 0R cm SlcNAN~L- I,. MHo)IpD Auow ALLW. m. wuunm IMA

IMRL DATA w. #A -No II. YllL OArf m%m7uhle*D.~Iow 0 -vu 0 -nwu. l&o -, ILUWXS rEu??!o?a?*o. CWE -TullA!mm INTERMEDIATE PART II Roy 0 mnw*mwIIFouMI(Q-AL 0 ronw.IocD YeouIww COMMAND 10 DATt ENDORSEMENT UCROYCD YmL ~“IIION lzNlS 10 mt rcu.owvm cnvm5 DBumovUi---l -llu n?Lsmow11o UIDC -MLuomu SECA DISPOSITION 1TO me-fv I •unrmlw~yu) PART UI ISCU a-Itr- 0A.m -‘mall 0 so(KD DLr. mYDD1) nEcoumATIoI( -“KS UPUTUL Exhibit (1) Encl (5) CODE Iwo mu NArvMvrnKannu, w. y* almu.tYw - 7 ,ulc*0(lIo. DATE -U*W.QPWA“- - NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC INSTRUCTIONS 1. This form is to be used by organizational for requesting changes to the IMRL. and intermediate level aeronautical mamtenance activities 2. The originating activity is to complete PaR l Of this fOtm and forward it to the cognizant suppan equipment controlling authority via the aPPrOPriateintermediate command. Information required in Pan IA will be obtained by the originating activity

from the supporting intermediate level maintenance activity, whenever the IMRL revision request concerns an item of SE having a custody code assigned. 3. Completion of the unnumbered 4. Complelion of the numbered blocks in Parts I through IA is as follows: blocks in Pans I through Ill is self-explanatory. a. Block 1. Check revision requested b. Blocks 2 and 16, Enter the AMMRL activity identifier c. Blocks 3 and 17. Enter the IMRL preparation d. Block 4. Enter the date of the most recent IMRL cumulative (AAI). dare. e. Block 5. Enter the IMRL item number f. Block 6. Enter the nomenclature g. Block 7. Enter the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers supplement. listed in the IMRL. (FSCM). h. Block 6. Enter the manufacturer’s i. Block 9. Enter the aircraft engine, or avionics system number(s) part number. i. Block 10. Enter the National Stock Number (NSN) k. Blocks 11. 12 18, and 19 Enter the computed and authorized SE allowances cited in the IMRL I.

Blocks 13 and 20. Enter the quantity of the SE item actually on-hand m. Block 14 As required, enter the publication or directive which cites the maintenance requiremem being supported or requiring revision because of the recommendation. n. . l”.U K)Ry Block 15. Provide a narrative description of the requested revision Identify work-around procedures if applicable. Justification should be quantified in terms of tangible benefits (i.e increased maintenance capability will allow reduction in the number of BCM actions. improve repair turn-around times, etc.) Indicate if an aircraft, weapon system or equipment maintenance plan change is required, or is in process, to accommodate the requirement for the recommended support equipment addition or deletion. 5. Part II is completed by the approdriate forwarded to the cognizant SECA. 6. Part Ill is completed by the SECA and returned to the originating activity, and represents the final disposition of the revision. I3etw type wing,

functional wing, air group, or area commander and IBW 94s) ,nAcKl EXHIBIT (1) ENCL (5) a NAVAIRINST 16 Jan92 13650.1C SUPPORT EOUTPMENT RESOURCES MANAGEMENTJNFORMATTON SYSTEM ATTON 1. When a SECA transmits a new SODARR, SERMIS assigns a computer The serial number is a five generated serial number to it. position number configured as follows: the last two positions of the calendar year plus a three digit sequential number. Example: the 25th SODARR of 1990 would have a serial number of 90025. All participating activities will refer to the serial number in all related correspondence. -~= 2. The SERMIS transmitted SODARR becomes immediately visible to all other SECAs and to NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE. SECAs have available several SERMIS queries which provide various information about SODARRs entered to the system. These queries provide the following capabilities: a. Allows a user to refer to all SODARRs linked particular part number, NIIN, or action agency. Identifies b. particular

SECA. SODA:;. Provides all SODARRs which a summary of the require to a a response SECA responses for from a a particular which have d. Allows the user to review the transactions occurred between NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLXE and the action agency for particular SODARR. e. Provides an average turnaround time for agency and an overall average for the group. a each action 3. There are four user requested reports that allow the users to track the status of any SODARR and the distribution of SODARRs among the action agencies. Three of these contain specific information about each SODARR and one contains information about the number of assigned and completed SODARRs for all action agencies. 4. Only the SECAs will be-authorized to enter SODARRs into SERMIS and only NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE and the action agency will be authorized to assign and complete the SODARR actions. Attachment Encl (5) A - NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.IC 1365O.lC LiVURIIST 16 Jan 42 b I--c~~QOU zs

oggg&js -12 9ow K-L ~pCJ0 +an e. 10 10 3 c? LU ar:r,r: -7 g 5: “2 Qc ca; rb’- - -c 0 3< I‘c---I a: a -- 2 E*lCl>SWt? Exhibit i5) s 05 f+E ?Epe z - I’ I I.’ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.3-C SUPPORT EQUTPMENT RESOURCESMANAGEMENTTNFORMATTONSYSTEM A REVTEW 1. Pum The purpose of this enclosure is to set the responsibilities and procedures for convening and conducting SERMIS SSDRs. 2. Piscussion The SSDR provides a means for verifying and revising SERMIS Source Data for a specific support application (aircraft model, engine, or commodity area). The SSDR does not effect the submission of fleet IMRL revision requests. The SSDR allows multiple changes to SERMIS Source Data for a particular support application. Each SSDR is planned and approved by the NAVAIRHQ AMMRL Program Manager. The NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE, Code 52, is responsible for coordinating and maintaining SSDR schedules and designating, with the concurrence of the NAVAIRHQ AMMRL Program Manager,

a chairperson for each review. 3. Procedures a. SSDRs will be convened by the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE. Not more than one SSDR will be scheduled per fiscal quarter. Permanent participants of the SEMBO or fleet operating activ -ities may submit requests for an SSDR to NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE, Code 52, via their respective SECA, with an information copy to the AMMRL Program Manager. Each request must identify the specific support application. Information copies of an endorsement and related correspondence will be provided to all affected SECAs. b. The SSDR will encompass the preparation, review, meeting, and subsequent adjustment of SERMIS Source Data for a specific aircraft model, engine, or commodity area, as outlined in the convening directive. Each review will be headed by the chairperson so designated in the convening directive. be comprised of selected SE and SERMIS C. The SSDR team will specialists designated by the chairperson subject to the approval of the AMMRL Program Manager. Team

composition for each review will depend on the specific element under review. Representatives may be selected from permanent SEM80 participating activities, SECA designated functional commands or operating activities, and CFAs. . * I , 4. Besponsiblllties a. NAVAIRHO (1) The AMMRL Program Manager will approve schedule, act as, designate, or approve the review and monitor completion of all assigned post-review in the review minutes. the SSDR chairperson, actions cited Encl (6) ~~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C action to budget (2) The NAVAIRHQ, AIR-552, will in itiate SE procurements for or provide funds for new or additional resulting from review decisions. b. NAVATRWARCRNACDIVTIKF: (1) SERMIS Source Data Review Designated Chairperson the scope of each review to include the following: define location, (a) Issuing and required a directive announcing command representation. (b) Ensuring the administrative review will dates, performance of the review. (c)

Coordinating attendee actions. (d) Arranging for the availability and distribution of copies of current SERMIS data extracts to attendees 45- days prior to the review date. (e) Publishing the review minutes not later than The minutes will include working days following the meeting. action organizations and milestones for post-review actions. 30 (2) Will provide personnel who are specialists in the or commodity area to be reviewed; initiate aircraft, engine, action to enable appropriate data entry into the EUTOSERD System and be responsible for completion of to record SSDR decisions; all assigned post-review actions cited in SSDR minutes. C. NAVAVNMAINTOFF will provide representatives and be responsible SSDR actions. SERMIS Project for completion of all assigned d. ASO will provide representatives who are competent in matters pertaining to the AMMRL Program; be responsible for completion of all assigned SSDR actions; ensure conference data is input to the Uniform ICP files upon

receipt of approved SERD; participate in allowance change discussions with NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE and fleet personnel; and input GFAE-TBI requirements into the AVCAL or SHORECAL. e. SECA and functional commands or -operating activities designated by these commands will pr&ide technical representatives who are specialists in the aircraft, engine, or commodity area to be reviewed and who are authorized to or disapprove SERMIS Source Data revisions; recommend, approve, provide maintenance requirements documentation, SE utilization, and other substantiating data to support recommended SERMIS and be responsible for completion of all Source Data revisions; assigned SSDR actions. Encl (6) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650,lC AGEMENT QF ANCE SUPPORT EO UTPMFNTTJWENToRTflS 1. Eurpose To establish inventory management. a standard system for AMMRL Program SE 2. General The AMMRL Program SE inventory management system provides for inventory control at the SECA and local levels as well as

providing on-line visibility of SE assets on a program wide basis. SE in-use inventory data are continually updated by form OPNAV 4790/64, SE Transaction Reports, submitted by reporting custodians. Each IMRL activity is required to submit a completed form OPNAV 4790/64 to the cognizant SECA each time a transaction occurs. NOTE: IMRL activities who are users of LAMS will submit automated TRs (ATR) in accordance with the transaction requirements of this instruction and SECA promulgated instructions on the use of LAMS by IMRL activities. Inventory data maintained in SERMIS are used when generating a variety of scheduled and requested reports that are available to user commands with SERMIS terminals. These reports provide the SE inventory data necessary to determine a measure of supportability of aviation maintenance for specific commands, geographic areas, ships, and the Navy overall. Consolidated inventory data is utilized by all levels of management for effective distribution or

redistribution of SE assets, budget development, and NAVAIRHQ and ICP procurement projections. 3. Transaction Reporting . Transaction reporting, commonly referred to as IMRL transaction reporting, is the method of reporting SE gains, losses, transfers, loans, rework, reidentifications, and surveys by an IMRL activity. OPNAV Form 4790/64 is specifically designed for the AMMRL Program In-Use SE Inventory Management and Reporting System and is used by each Navy and Marine Corps aircraft maintenance activity or component for which an IMRL is prepared and issued. (Component activities include mobile facilities, squadron detachments, NAMTRAGRUDETS, etc.) The SE TR is a four part, interleaved carbon set, designed so that all information is reproduced on all copies. Detailed procedures and guidance are further amplified in SECA instructions. 4. R-SE All naval aviation weapon and aircraft SE found in the SERD Program which has application to one or more of the three levels of naval aviation

maintenance, organizational, intermediate, or depot, are subject to transaction reporting. This includes all SE assets not listed in the IMRL that are being used in place of, or in addition to, SE listed in the IMRL, regardless of the funding source or utilization. 5. sports A variety of inventory reports are available to SERMIS users. Refer to SERMIS Users Manual for full discussion and description of these and other reports. Encl a (7) I NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC I. The AMMRL Program Support Equipment 6. Inventory Management System includes a closed loop subsystem. This subsystem provides tracking of in-use- SE during the transfer centralized maintenance of activity SE inventory records, cycle, and error detection in inventory management by exception, Inventory records are maintained, reporting procedures. authorizations granted, and reports generated through use of include user requested and SERMIS. Closed loop subsystem outputs scheduled SERMIS reports with the most

common listed below. Other SERMIS reports that may impact or aid in closed loop management may be determined by consulting SERMIS Users Manual. . . for a. Activity Asset Report . This output is designed The report reporting custodian and is printed upon request. and assets not on-hand by NSN or PN, the SE on-hand, lists, authorized by the IMRL. the but is designed b. Area In-Use Inventory Report . This output for the area commander and is printed as requested by an area lists, by NSN or commander via the respective SECA. The report PN, for all activities under the cognizance of the-area commander, the SE on-hand and assets not on-hand but authorized by the IMRL. c. Suspense Report by SECA This with a listing of all suspenses within satisfied under closed-loop processing. report provides the SECA a SECA that have not been .- of all transactions that d. Active TR. This is a report must be submitted to complete the closed-loop reporting cycle. This report is sorted by AMMRL

Activity Identifier (AAI), within area command, within SECA. e. TnventoryTransactJons Outsrde SERMTS Report . This output lists all-assets transferred to or received from outside the loop and allowing AS0 and NAVAIRHQ to monitor SERMIS, closing assets under a total approach methodology. lists f. SEBMTS Technical Data Analysis Report . This report all assets in the SECA Technical Data records for a particular SECA. 7. mFlow implementing transaction Detailed procedures will-Abe documented in instructions issued by the cognizant SECA. IMRL procedures include: will complete and submit form OPNAV 4790/64 a. Activities upon gain, loss, transfer, survey, temporary loan, or reidentification of in-use SE to the cognizant SECA. When SE is the Transaction Report will be transferred or temporarily loaned, This includes the shipment of submitted at the time of shipment. SE for depot level rework. Encl (7) ~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 process TR data no later than b. The SECA will TR receipt

from originating activity; the SECA will inventory directives (authorizations and approvals). C. The SECA will ensure system files-are and distribute closed loop outputs are printed, subordinate commands. all 1365O.lC 30 days enter updated, these from designated reports to utilize SERMIS suspense records to ensure d. The SECA will requirements of closed loop reporting are completed. 8. Lnstructions for Complqting Form OPNAV 4790/64 . Basic guidelines for completing segments of the TR form are provided Detailed instructions are provided in exhibit 1 of this below. SECA instructions must be However, individual enclosure. consulted for additional policy guidance and detail. T/C (Transaction a. Block-WMandatorv alpha code for Enter the applicable two position, The transaction code ~denotes type of transaction. suspense file action that is required and-determines IMRL activity inventory records should be updated Transaction codes the transaction being reported. definitions: activity

* DE - Used by fan IMRL activity previously identified in error. Code). the appropriate the type of whether the as a result of used and their to~report an asset the * GI - Used to report the gain of an asset by an used also to report the receipt of an asset for which inventory; This adds to the no authorization directive is available. reporting IMRL activitys on-board quantity. * IT - Not entered by TR action: when a SECA processes an In-Transit Survey. generated by SERMIS * RD - Used to report the return receipt of an asset This from a depot where the asset was repaired or reworked. moves the asset from an in-rework status to an on-board status; this action does not effect the on-hand quantity of the receiving IMRL activity. * identification RE - Used by an IMRL activity to report of an on-board asset resulting from: incorporation (a) A new part number assignment of a SE change (SEC); or incorrectly (b) A previously identified. * transferred reported gain RI - Used

to report the receipt from another IMRL activity. the resulting (GI) that refrom the was of an asset Encl (7) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC * of an asset This adds to this action quantity. RL that the does Used by an IMRL activity to report the receipt is on loan to it from another IMRL activity. borrowing IMRL activitys borrow ed quantity; not effect the borrowing activitys on-hand * RR - Used by an IMRL activity to report the return receipt of an asset it previously loaned to another IMRL This actionmoves the asset reported on the TR from an activity. on-loan status to an on-board status for the reporting (owning) this action does not effect the on-hand quantity of the activity; IMRL activity reporting the return of the asset. * RT - Used by a borrowing IMRL activity to report its This return of an asset loaned to it by another IMRL activity. subtracts from the borrowing activitys borrowed quantity; this action does not effect the borrowing activitys on-hand

quantity. * RX - Used by an IMRL activity of an asset from supply-~ * SD-- Used by an IMRL activity an asset that was in an in-rework status. * SI - Used by an IMRL activity in an on-board status. an asset to report the receipt to report a survey to report the of survey * TD - Used to report the transfer of an in-use asset This moves the asset from an on-board to a depot for repair. this action does not effect the status to an in-rework status; on-hand quantity of the transferring IMRL activity. * TI - Used to report IMRL activity. another the transfer of an asset to * TL - Used by an IMRL activity to report the loan of This moves the asset reported an asset to another IMRL activity. on the TR from an on-board status to an on-loan status for the this action does not effect the loaning reporting IMRL activity; activitys on-hand quantity. * of an asset * TX - Used by an IMRL activity to supply. to report VD - Voids for a TR serial number the a particular

transfer AA1 and year. output * XE - Not entered by TR action; generated to indicate the expending portion of a REAX. * XG - Not entered by TR action; generated output to indicate the gaining portion of an Activity Asset Exchange (REAX). Encl (7) 4 by SERMIS by SERMIS Rework of NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 b. Block--a that authorizes the transaction survey number, contract number, SEC number, etc.) in this block. noun name of the TR originating 13650.1C Enter the command directive being reported (document number, message date-time-group, letter, In addition, enter the activity activity (Block 1). Encl (7) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1 1365O.lC tNOIOI.Lf009110 Block 1 - UIC. Unit identification code for the activity submitting the report. The AYMRL activity identifier would be used for subactivities not having a UIC. listed on the SE nameplate is entered. Block 2 - LCN. Local control number is an optional

entry. Block 13 - Manufacturer’s Code. Mandatory entry of the live-digit manufacturer’s code for the end item being reported. Block 3 - Serial No. Optional entry number of the SE being reported. for the serial Block 4 - Date. Mandatory entry for the five digit Julian date. (Example: 84001 for 1 Jan 19641 Block S - Time. Optional entry for the item of SE being reported. Block 6 - IMRL Trans. Mandatory entry for all TRs being forwarded to the appropriate ACCA’YCOM. Block 7 - Trans. Ser No Mandatory four-digit serial number of the transaction based on calendar year listing sequentially from 001 through 999. (Example: first report for 1984 - 4001.1 Block 12 - Nomenclature. Mandatory entry of the noun name assigned the item of SE. Block 14 - Prime NIIN. Optional entry which may be of local benefit if alternate items are being reported. Block 15 - IMRL IT. Mandatory entry of the IYRL item number. Block 16 - A/A. Mandatory entry for indicating the authorized allowance of items

being reported in accordance with the activity’s IMRL. Block 17 - TOT O/H. Mandatory entry reflecting onhand quantity remaining aher action has been completed for which the report is submitted Block 18 through 21. Optional entries Block 8 - REC FronuTRANS To. Mandatory entry of the five-digit UIC of the activity that the item was received from or transferred to. On reidentification and survey transactions, the UIC in blocks 1 and 8 will be the same. Block 9 - QUANTITY. Mandatory entry to the number of items reported by the transaction. Block LO- NSP(. Optional entry for local records if desired. Block 1I - PartMod No. The part number actually Block 22 - E/C (Exception Code). Mandatory single position alpha or numeric code, depending on the type of transaction. Refer to NAVAIRINST 13650.1 (NOTAL) for specific information on the SE Transaction Repart data blocks. Blocks 23 through 298. These blocks are to be used by all activities to record local issuelreturn of SE. Block 34 -

Authority. The noun name of the activity given in block 1 is entered. For surveys, also include survey document number. . Exhibit (l)~C.rB I’), 5 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC .~ - SUPPORT EOUIPMFNT RESOURCES MANAGEMFNT TNFQRMAITONSYsTFM 1. The following Puae. are the purposes the relationship a. To establish and to other Program, to its users, management. b. To describe SERMIS and its To establish the procedures mana:ement of SERMIS. 2. Relatjonships of this enclosure: of SERMIS to the AMMRL ADP systems involved in SE subsystems-, for the maintenance and of SFRBIS SERMIS is the primary automated a. To the AMMRL Program management information system supporting the AMMRL Program. In SERMIS is subordinate to the AMMRL Program and is this capacity, subject to management decisions and priorities of the AMMRL SERMIS exists to assist AMMRL Program Program Manager. These objectives management in achieving its program objectives. are: (1) To determine and establish

allowance requirements SE at activities performing organizational, intermediate, or depot level maintenance. (2) To provide (3) To assist standard in the inventory control redistribution a base for budgeting (5) To assist in measuring material To SERMIS users. b. SERMIS users are: For purposes procedures. of in-use (4) To provide for assets. requirements. readiness. of this instruction, (1) SECAs. (2) NAVAIRHQ. (3) NAVAVNMAINTOFF. (4) NADOC. (5) NADEPs. (6) NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE. (7) Designated Commodity Managers. (8) ASO. Encl (8) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC (9) NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU. (10) NAVAIRWARCENACDIVIND. (11) SPCC. SECAs use SEMIS to provide SE allowance and inventory information to organizational, intermediate, and depot level = maintenance activities they support. SERMIS is the To all users, only authorized source for in-use SE allowance, inventory, technical information, asset location, excess/deficit, rework, and requisition and

procurement validation information. To other C. ADP Systems with SERMIS and (1) AUTOSERD. AUTOSERD interfaces provides the only input to SERMIS of AMMRL Program Source Data including SLM Data. The AUTOSERD input to SERMIS occurs once each month. SERMIS provides AMMRL Program Source Data reconciliation data back to AUTOSERD following the monthly AMMRL Program Source Data update. LAMS, when used by participating (2) LAMS. organizational, intermediate, or depot level maintenance activities, interfaces with SERMIS to provide to SERMIS automated inventory management transaction data. SERMIS provides IMRL information to LAMS. at (3) Workload Control SsL.em W2S) WCS is resident NADEPs and provides production status information to SERMIS regarding SE undergoing rework. (4) Masternt Rework Control !MCRCj. MCRC is resident at NADEPs and provides NADEP rework capability data SERMIS in support of the Support Equipment Rework Program. * . 3. Pescription of SERHLS also to a. The system

operates at a single site computer center located at the NCTS New Orleans, Louisiana. SERMIS users access the system using remote terminal devices located in their respective work spaces. Connection between the user terminals and SERMIS data base is accomplished by using the DDN and/or telephone lines. Using these methods and local NCTS intermediate data links as appropriate, SERMIS provides an interactive capability to AMMRL Program managers for purposes of obtaining immediate query output, accomplishing select. update transactions, and requesting hard copy reports. Exhibit 1 of this enclosure is diagram of SERMIS data network. b. A brief description SERMIS is made up of 8 subsystems. of each of the subsystems is provided in this enclosure. Refer to SERMIS User Manual for full details and descriptions of SERMIS Encl (8) 2 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 inputs, updates, and output products. programmed and ad hoc queries are also A variety available 13650.1C of both to SERMIS users. (1)

Descriptjon of Source Data Subsystem . The Source Data Subsystem processes basis of issue, catalog, and technical data provided by the AUTOSERD system from ASO, SPCC, NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE, and NAVAIRWARCENWPNDIV PT MUGU. The sole update medium to the Source Data Subsystem is provided by NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE as an output from the AUTOSERD system. Source data provided by AUTOSERD will also contain an update to the GFAE-TBI and SLM data. The Source Data Subsystem performs edit and validation routines on input data from AUTOSERD and returns data base reconciliation information including an error report to NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE who will coordinate corrective action in AUTOSERD. Exhibit 2 is a description of the AUTOSERD to SERMIS data flow and update. (2) Description of thnce Subsystem . The Allowance Subsystem provides SECAs with on-line capability to create and maintain Employment Data which provides essential information about IMRL activities and their assigned mission. Employment Data

interacts with AMMRL Program Source Data to produce allowances that are subsequently-reflected in an activitys IMRL. SECAs also have on-line update capability to perform tailoring actions and deviations to adjust equipment and allowances as necessary for their subordinate activities. The Inventory (3) nescriationoftisystem Subsystem provides various presentations of the asset inventory position for each IMRL activity. Changes to the inventory are ~ authorized by the SECA, based on OPNAV 4790/64, SE TRs, received from the IMRL reporting activities. (NOTE: IMRL activities who are also LAMS users may submit inventory information to their respective SECA via the automated TR capability). The subsystem provides capability for the SECA to submit inventory transactions on-line, but edits the input and holds each transaction in suspense until all complementing transactions required by closed loop reporting are accomplished. (4) csg The SEARR Subsystem updates and maintains activity

descriptive information records for use by other SERMIS subsystems. SEARR makes available a number of queries and ~~ produces a variety of reports with inventory, excess/deficit, management, and technical information to aid users in management of SE assets. Products of this subsystem include, for example, the activity IMRL, IMRL Cumulative Allowance Supplements, In-use Assets, and Excess or Deficit reports as well as many other scheduled and requested reports. -- (5) Description of the SECA Technical-. The SECA Technical Data Subsystem provides the SECA with capability for managing items of SE that are not otherwise Encl (8) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C included in the Source Data. This subsystem allows each SECA the capability to categorize these SE items through the use of inventory management codes. This subsystem~performs an additional valuable service in that it acts as a "safety net" to catch and record items which might inadvertently drop out of AMMRL Source

Data so long as any IMRL activity has a recorded inventory for that item. . (6) )ofthev~s~on Recommendation (SODARR) Subsystem . The SERMIS Source Data Revision Subsystem provides capability for SECAs to enter SODARRs into SERMIS thereby permitting on-line transmission of these recommendations to the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE with this information available to other users on-line through SERMIS terminals. This facilitates the tracking of SODARRs through the process until approval and entry of the revised data into the AUTOSERD system, and ultimately into SERMIS, or until the SODARR is disapproved. (7) Descriptjon of the SE Rework Subsystem. The SE Rework Subsystem provides rework capability, scheduling, and status data for end items of SE for all depot repair actions (fixed price, level of effort, and commercial). This subsystem is used by the NAVAVNDEPOTOPSCENand the SECAs to manage end items through the depot repair process. SECAs and the NAVAVNDEPOTOPSCENare provided on-line queries and

updates as well as paper copy reports (i.e, production status reports) to track end item progress. The NAVAIRHQ is provided cost information based on depot transactions for budget management. (8) Descrjptj on of the SWYT.C Requi remem This subsystem catalogs and tracks the -0. initiation and status of all maintenance actions applied to SERMIS. This subsystem is used by SERMIS Project personnel at the NAVAVNMAINTOFF for entering technical information relating to specific maintenance actions and for detailing aspects of the functional areas affected by the maintenance action. 4. lent of SFlRMllS a. Reference . Details on maintenance and use of SERMIS and SERMIS Products are contained in SERMIS Users Manual, NAVAVNMAINTOFF Document No. M-050 UM-02; SERMIS Requirements Document (RD); SERMIS Functional Description (FD); this instruction; and SECA implementing instructions. Major SERMIS user functions and products are described in the above documents. reference material intended primarily

for the NOTE: Additional use of ADP system technicians include SERMIS Computer Operations Manual (OM), NAVAVNMAINTOFF Document No. M-050 COM-02; SERMIS Maintenance Manual (MM), SERMIS Database Specification (DS); SERMIS Conventions Handbook; SERMIS Programming Standards, NAVAVNMAINTOFF Document No. TN-01; and SERMIS Documentation Standards. Copies of these references may be obtained by contacting the AMMRL Program-Manager. Encl (8) 4 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C of SERMIS will take the form of expenditures b. Maintenance of resources to accomplish or resolve any one or all of the following: (1) Problem Investigation Requests (PIRs) are efforts resolve problems which cause the existing software configuration and/or functionality to operate not as they are intended to operate. to (2) Program Change Requests (PCRs) are efforts to add, change, modify, or delete application, data base, or systems operational software, and/or any aspect of ADP system documentation, to reflect new

AMMRL Program management requirements associated with existing system functionality. (3) All efforts to enhance the efficiency of existing application, data base, systems operational software, or ADP system documentation, or systems functionality. C. Procedures. (1) SERMIS Users. Document PIRs, PCRs, and proposals for software, documentation, or systems efficiency enhancements and submit them to the AMMRL Program Manager via SERMIS Project point of contact, NAVAVNMAINTOFF. Such requests may be submitted by telephone call, written correspondence, SERMIS User Mail, or by action item of the T-e-chnical Working Team or the SE Management Board. (2) NAVAVNMAINTOFF, SERMIS Project efficiency accordingly (a) Receive enhancements; on a routine PIRs, PCRs, and proposals advise the AMMRL Program basis. for system Manager (b) Validate PIR, PCR or system efficiency enhancement submissions for SERMIS applicability. If valid, enter the submission to the PIR/PCR Tracking System and notify the

originator of -the submission of this action. If not valid, notify the originator of the submission of this decision. complete necessary workload. (c) If applicable, interact with NCTS New Orleans all functionally and technically related actions to resolve submitted PIR, PCR, system enhancement to related to specific responsibilities and NOTE: D,etails procedures of NAVAVNMAINTOFF and NCTS in resolving assigned workload are the subject of a formal Memorandum of Agreement developed and approved by the AMMRL Program Manager and signed by the senior officer of NAVAVNMAINTOFF and NCTS respectively and promulaged by the Director, Support Systems and Logistics Management Division (AIR-417), NAVAIRHQ. Other tasking related to the continuing maintenance of SERMIS are provided by the AMMRL 5 Encl (8) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC Program Manager through specific AIRTASKs and Work Unit Assignments to the respective activities. the final efficiency ~ I (d) Notify action taken

enhancement originator to resolve proposal. of the workload submission the specific PIR, PCR, or of reports to the AMMRL taken to maintain SERMIS. . 5. nnce Support &.sponsibilities . The following is a summary of key functions of the activities directly involved in the maintenance and related support of SERMIS. Program (e) Provide periodic status Manager with respect to actions AMMRL Program a. Manager, NAVAIRHQ (AIR-417) (1) Approve all tasking related to the maintenance of SERMIS. Individual AMMRL Program Managers are authorized to establish separate procedures tailored to their specific management requirements for the approval of SERMIS maintenance tasking. (2) Coordinate development of all budgets involved in the maintenance of SERMIS: review on a continuous basis all expenditures of program funds against SERMIS maintenance budgets. (3) Develop, coordinate approval of and manage AIRTASRS awarded to the NAVAVNMAINTOFF, SERMIS Project, specifying SERMIS maintenance

support projects. Working b. (4) Function Team (TWT), as chairperson and the CCB. of the SEMBO, the Technical NAVAVNMAINTOFF, SERMIS Project (1) Serve as point of contact for all SERMIS users for customer initiated trouble calls; assure proactive involvement in identification of potential problem areas and early notification of anticipated impact to user activities; develop problem recovery options and recommend to the AMMRL Program Manager and user activities on selection of recovery option; coordinate with users to minimize the impacts of SERMIS scheduled and unscheduled "down" times. 1 1 (2) Establish and maintain Documentation Distribution List. (3) Establish training SERMIS product and procedural SERMIS Product plans and schedules training. and and conduct (4) Provide NCTS New Orleans with a daily schedule of SERMIS production processing and monitor the execution of the schedule. Advise NCTS of perceived or determined irregularities Encl (8) 6 in the

execution of the schedule; as necessary with NCTS technicians. coordinate NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C corrective actions (5) Serve as point of contact for all SERMIS users for coordination of research and accomplishment of ADHOC production. (6) Maintain to the Configuration Management. (7) Support the functions of and participate SEMBO, TWT, CCB, and the CRB. (8) Review before SERMIS systems (9) Apply submitting PIRs for as adviser validity. prioritization criteria to NCTS New Orleans for to individual resolution. (10) Conduct quality assurance upon acceptance completed tasking from NCTS New Orleans in accordance Quality Assurance Plan. (11) integrity; correction; implement usage. Maintain a Master File PIRs of with SEFMIS of SERMIS documentation. Manage SERMIS Data Administration; review functional verifications; review maintain SERMIS data definitions; and, long-range plans and recommendations for (12) assure data data anomaly establish and SEEMIS data

Manage and execute SERMIS applications security (13) system; coordinate SERMIS user access to alternate computer systems. NOTE: NCTS New Orleans is responsible for developing, implementing, executing, and monitoring procedures for.a security program for controlling user access to the host computer system. Once users have gained access to the computer system, security procedures under the control of the NAVAVNMAINTOFF will apply to user access to SERMIS applications, an ADP system resident on the NCTS New Orleans computer. C. NCTS, New Orleans. (1) Maintain (2) Develop work files and follow of documentation. a NCTS Quality (3) Correct data anomalies NAVAVNMAINTOFF, SERMIS Project. (4) Maintain SERMIS Error (5) Accept PIR/PCR proposed (6) Accomplish software to satisfy assigned PIRs/PCRs. products as applicable: as directed Assurance Plan. by the Message File. due dates. correction or development efforts Produce the following ADP 7 Encl (8) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92

13650.1C (a) Update software. (b) Update Unit Development Folder containing program test data and results, program and system listings, documentation updates; submit the updated Unit specifications, Development Folder to the NAVAVNMAINTOFF as an aid in functional testing. that (7) Produce periodically a progress/status report to the NAVAVNMAINTOFF, SERMIS Project. (8) Maintain and administer report; submit SERMIS Data Base. (9) Perform SERMIS File Management; accomplish extracts and releases of software programs and files; determine the impacts of new software releases on systems users and report these impacts to all concerned; generate statistical reports; maintain the master application files. (10) Provide "around the clock" production support in accordance with the Production Support Plan; ~accomplish ADHOC report requests asassigned by the NAVAVNMAINTOFF; provide a monthly Production Support Report to the NAVAVNMAINTOFF, SERMIS Project. Manage SERMIS host computer

system security (11) program. NOTE: NCTS New Orleans is responsible for developing, implementing, executing, and monitoring procedures for a security program for controlling user access to the host computer system. Once users have gained access to the computer system, security procedures under the control of the NAVAVNMAINTOFF will apply to user access to SERMIS, an ADP system resident on the NCTS New Orleans computer. Encl (8) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C FUNCTTONS ANn RRSPONSIRJT,l-TTRS OF TH.E ARY SUPPORT EQUIPMENT CONTROT,T,JNG AUTHORITY 1. Purpose the Primary To identify SECA. the functions and responsibilities of 2. BI$nd The CNO (OP-05)has established the Primary SECA as the central authority for the inventory management of aviation maintenance SE. This central authority contributes to increased and improved operational readiness by coordinating the redistribution of SE assets among the seven SECAs, or to non-SECA activities providing collateral services to

naval aviation maintenance, and by prioritizing equipment requirements and distributing new SE assets to satisfy allowances. 3. Eunctions of the Primary SWA. To accomplish the functions listed below, the Primary SECA will use SEMIS exclusively when determining activity or SECA allowance, inventory, and excess/deficit information. Fleet level coordination actions will be accomplished between the Primary SECA and the cognizant SECA or SECAs. a. Redistribute in-use SE assets among the SECAs. The Primary SECA shall monitor (coordinate and effect, if necessary) the inter-SECA redistribution of SE excesses to reduce activity deficits to the greatest extent possible. This action will be ~~ ~~~ based on but not limited to a determination for a given SECA or SECAs, its excess/deficit position overall or for specific items of SE. b. Coordinate the distribution activities. The Primary SECA will: of new SE assets priorities (1) Coordinate the establishment based on fleet asset deficits.

operational (2) Develop SE deficit requirements. (3) Provide the prioritized procurement authorities. (4) Establish procurement authorities satisfy the prioritized (6) Coordinate of SE procurement prioritized listings award and delivery delivery of newly as to fleet to appropriate closed loop reporting to track procurement SE deficits. (5) Track contract procurements are initiated. activities. listings to fleet procedures with plans and actions information procured to as SE to requiring Encl (9) -= NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC Coordinate the temporary loan, or, if required, the C. of in-use aviation maintenance SE to any permanent transfer, governmen-t-or~non-government, which is not a activity, participant in the AMMRL Program and which does not receive an Refer to enclosure (10) in this instruction which deals IMRL. with temporary loans or transfers of SE to Non-AMMRL Program Activities. and maintain a program Establish, execute, d. and procedures for

requirements identification and and management of aviation maintenance accounting, the SERD Program and provided as GFE to commercial with policy planning, SE found in contractors. and maintain program policy and e. Establish, execute, Refer procedures for the initiation and operation of SE pools. to enclosure (11) in this instruction which deals with the establishment and use of SE pools. Encl (9) 2 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC PROCEDURRSFOR THF: TRANSFER OR IlOAN ANCE SUPPORT EOUJPMFW TO NON-A.lWRTl PROGRAMACTIVITJFS 1. Purpose To provide detailed procedures and responsibilities for accomplishing temporary loans or transfers of in-use aviation maintenance SE to activities who do not report under the AMMRL Program. 2. Discussion The responsibilities of the NAVAIRHQ to aviation maintenance extend to providing specific items of SE on a temporary loan basis to other Department of Defense services, other government activities, or to non-government activities who provide

products or services to the government on a commercial contract basis. The CNO (OP-05) has determined that satisfaction of this requirement is in the best interest of the Navy but that a closely controlled procedure for carrying out this responsibility is likewise in the best interest of the Navy in order to keep track of equipment on loan and to assure its quick return to fleet operational activities. In keeping with its policy, the CNO (OP-05) has directed the Primary SECA to coordinate all loans of aviAtion maintenance SE to non-AMMRL activities. 3. Standard All requests-~for temporary loans of aviation maintenance SE tz*non-AMMRL activities shall be in writing and shall be directed to the NAVAIRHQ, Primary SECA, AIR-41713. b. The Primary SECA shall research each request to determine availability and best source of equipment. The Primary SECA will coordinate this research with SECA level equipment managers. Once this information has been determined, the Primary SECA will initiate

message traffic to the applicable SECA and cognizant Administrative Contracting Office (ACO) with information copy to the borrowing non-AMMRL activity. This message will authorize the temporary loan, specify the length of loan period, provide shipping instructions and points of contact. The message will include the provision that the borrowing activity assumes the responsibility to ensure that borrowed equipment will be returned to the lending activity in the same readiness for use condition as the equipment was received by the borrowing activity. NOTE.: The subject line of message traffic initiated by the Primary SECA will include the authorization number for the temporary loan. The authorization number will take the form of the following example: "PSECA 91-0001" where "91" refers to the calendar year and "0001" is a unique number assigned to a specific item to be temporarily loaned; the unique number will be assigned by the Primary SECA and will be

sequential. If more than one item of SE is authorized for temporary loan by a single message, each item will be assigned a unique authorization number in sequential order. Encl (10) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 136 5O.lC C. On authority SECA, the SECA will: of the (1) Initiate has selected passing instructions. correspondence to the lending activity on details of the loan and the shipping directing (2) Direct its lending management procedures specified this instruction. (3) Ensure required loan only condition and that consistent with the this provision may borrower. the message from activity to follow by the applicable the Primary it the inventory enclosure to that the lending activity select for the equipment which is in a ready-for-use all relevant calibrations are current or loan period and requirement. Exceptions to be granted upon concurrence of both lender and (4) Ensure the lending receiving activity of the activity loan. identifies AA.1 "PSECA" as (5)

Ensure the lending activity uses the authorization number assigned by the originating Primary SECA message as the transaction report authorization. related (6) Cite the applicable correspondence. authorization number d. The Primary SECA will verify receipt of the the non-AMMRL activity and will submit a transaction acknowledging receipt. The Primary SECA will track for the duration of the loan. in all SE loaned to report the equipment e. The Primary SECA will coordinate between the "loaned-to" non-AMMRL activity and the applicable SECA for all requests for extensions to the duration of the loan period. If the SECA shall agree to an extension, the Primary SECA will confirm that agreement by message traffic to the applicable SECA with information to all other activities concerned. f. Upon expiration of the loan period or upon completion its use, the Primary SECA will coordinate the return of the equipment to the lending activity. Once the non-AMMRL activity notifies the

Primary SECA that the equipment has been shipped the lender, the Primary SECA will submit a transaction report will notify the applicable SECA that the equipment is being returned. of to and assure that once the equipment has been 9-. The SECA shall received by the lending activity, the lending activity submits~a transaction report acknowledging the return receipt of the loaned equipment. Encl (10) 2 NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 4. Flxcentions to the Standard 13650.1C Procedures a. On occasion it may be in the best interest of the SECA and its lending activity to transfer the equipment on a permanent basis rather than offer it as a temporary loan. When this shall occur, the following procedure will be used with respect to the inventory management aspects of the transaction. activity transfer (1) The activity giving up the item to a non-AMMRL will complete the transaction report(s) for permanent of equipment to the Primary SECA. (2) The transferring activity will cite MI

"PSECA" as the "transfer-to" activity. Other actions of the transferring activity as to packaging and shipment of the equipment to the designated non-AMMRL activity shall proceed as for the temporary loan. (3) The Primary SECA will initiate a receipt transaction record once confirmation has been established that the equipment has been received by the non-AMMRL activity~. The Primary SECA will then activate its equipment tracking procedure. (4) When the non-AMMRL activity has completed its use of the SE, the Primary SECA will research fleet requirements as they exist at that time. The Primary SECA, in consultation with applicable SECAs, will determine which activity has the greatest need and will direct shipment of the equipment to that activity. The activity to which the equipment is shipped will not necessarily be, and most probably will not be, the activity from which the equipment was originally obtained. Encl (10) ~~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 ENT OF SUPPORT

1. Purpose of SE Pools. To provide procedures EOUJPMFINT for the 13650.1C POOJ& establishment and use 2. Discussion The AMMRL Program recognizes the importance of the strategic use of SE pools to sustain aircraft and activity readiness. The establishment of such pools is authorized subject to the specific approval of the Primary SECA, with the understanding that such approval does not include or imply billet and funding support, and with the stipulation that all assets= approved for management in a SE Pool will be taken from in-use assets/allowances; no assets wi 11 be procured or requisitioned to satisfy pool requirements. 3. Guidelines and Procedures a. All requests for the establishment of SE Pools will be submitted to the NAVAIRHQ Primary SECA. Requests will include a list of candidate items of SE proposed for the SE Pool. To be considered for approval, SE Pool candidates must meet one of the following criteria. (1) SE items for which the current on hand inventory

below authorized allowance and whose availability has been determined to be critical in sustaining operational readiness; and, where time constraints prohibit satisfying operational requirements from other activity sources. ~ is (2) SE items peculiar to out of production aircraft or aircraft being phased out of the inventory and which are excess to current authorized allowances. These items will be included in SE Pools approved, established, and controiled by NAVAIR-417 and operated by the applicable Program Manager Air (PMA) or Program Manager Air-Field (PMA-F). b. satisfy The following the criteria procedures apply to SE Pools established stated above in paragraph 3a(l). to (1) The SECA will submit its request for a new SE Pool to the Primary SECA. The SECA will also develop and submit an initial list of candidate items for a new SE Pool or will propose additions to an existing SE Pool. The SECA will identify each candidate by NIIN and will include for each candidate the

quantity proposed, a rationale as to why that item is being proposed, and a proposed level of inventory (threshold) for that item which the fleet must attain before that item can be removed from the pool and returned to fleet operational use. (2) The Primary SECA will consider each SECA request for a SE Pool and will approve or disapprove such request based on its evaluation of the list of candidate items to be included in the pool. If approved, the Primary SECA will assign an AMMRL Encl (11) = NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C Activity Identifier (AAI) to the SE Pool being will enter that AA1 into SERMIS thus completing of the SE Pool. established and the establishment (3) The Primary SECA will prepare and provide a Planning IMRL for the approved SE Pool. This IMRL will be prepared without benefit of Employment Data and will include in its main body as SECA Deviation Additions a list of those items the Primary SECA has approved for the pool. For already existing SE Pools, the

Primary SECA will provide a new Planning IMRL which will include the approved additional items. (4) The Primary SECA will assign and identify to the the unique AA1 to be used by that SECA to report the pool inventory and to prepare a production SE Pool IMRL. assigned (5) The SECA, upon receipt of the Planning AAI, will enter that AA1 into SERMIS. SECA IMRL and the (6) The SECA will follow the procedure for requesting a standard IMRL for the newly established SE Pool for the specific -~ and limited purposes of getting into the routine IMRL cycle, obtaining an initial inventory listing for the SE Pool, and receiving new inventory listings automatically and on a monthly basis. To accomplish this the SECA will use the MI provided by the Primary SECA and request an IMRL. The SECA will ensure that this IMRL is prepared without benefit of Employment Data and that no SECA Deviation Additions are applied; therefore, the Main Body of this IMRL will be vacant. The Activity Inventory Record

section of this IMRL will be present and will list those items the SECA has entered to the SE Pool. Thereafter, the SECA will receive automatically a new Activity Inventory Record each month as part of the IMRL Monthly Supplement process. (7) The SECA will take action to introduce approved assets into the SE Pool. The SECA will assure that all pool SE assets are reported in accordance with AMMRL Program inventory management procedures. Refer to the applicable enclosure in this instruction pertaining to Naval Aviation Maintenance Support Equipment Inventory Management. (8) The SECA will review SE Pool assets periodically with specific attention directed to pool asset line items whose fleet inventory levels are increasing as a result of procurement When fleet activity on-hand inventories reach the actions. threshold pre-determined by the Primary SECA, an item will no longer be considered a pool item and the SECA will distribute the respective assets to satisfy fleet activity allowances.

The Primary SECA will provide an updated Planning IMRL. (9) The SECA will submit a written report to the Primary SECA describing the status of each SE Pool and confirming for each pool item that the initial rational for proposing that item for the pool remains valid. The report submission will occur no Encl (11) 2 ~~~~~~~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 later than meeting. . sati:fy thirty days prior The following the criteria to a scheduled 13650.1C SE Management Board procedures apply to SE Pools established stated above in paragraph 3a(2). (1) The Primary SECA will such SE Pools based on notification Primary SECA by a SECA, a PMA at, the field (PMA(F)). to determine the requirement for or requests submitted to the NAVAIRHQ, or a PMA located in (2) The Primary SECA will consider each request for a SE Pool and will provide in writing its approval or disapproval. If approved, the Primary SECA will assign an AAT to the SE Pool being established and will enter that AA1 into

SERMIS thus completing the establishment of the SE Pool. The written approval will identify the site of the SE Pool. That site will have been determined by the Primary SECA after consultation with all activities concerned. Thereafter, the identified site will operate the SE Pool subject to controls imposed by the Primary SECA. (3) The Primary SECA will establish a list of items to be included in this pool after consultation with the SECAs and the applicable PMA or PMA-F. This list will be limited to SE peculiar to the aircraft in question and will reflect items and respective quantities excessto existing operational requirements all applicable SECAs having been considered. (4) The Primary SECA will use Navy message traffic and direct applicable SECAs to transfer specific equipment in specific quantities to the SE Pool site established for this purpose. (5) The SECA will assure compliance with the AMMRL Program inventory management procedures when-executing this transfer. Refer to the

applicable enclosure-in this instruction pertaining to Naval Aviation Maintenance SE Inventory Management. the (6) The designated equipment transferred operators oft the SE Pool will receive to it by the applicable SECAs. (7) An applicable SECA, PMA, or PMA(F) will submit all proposals for movement of pool equipment to satisfy requirements initiated from any source (other Navy activities, other DOD, or any non-DOD activity, including Foreign Military Sales (FMS)) to the Primary SECA. (8) The Primary SECA will approve or disapprove such proposals. If approved, the Primary SECA will use Navy message traffic and direct the transfer of specific pool assets in specific quantities to a specific destination. I Encl (11) - NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC (9) The operators of the SE Pool will assure compliance with the AMJYIRL Program SE inventory management procedures and will forward all Transaction Records initiated in this process to the Primary SECA. Refer ko the applicable

enclosure in this instruction pertaining to Naval Aviation Maintenance Support Equipment Inventory Management and forward all TRs initiated in this process to the Primary SECA. (10) The Primary operators of the SE Pool management procedures. SECA will enter TRs received from to SERMIS as part of the inventory the (11) The Primary SECA will produce periodically on its own initiative or at the request of an applicable PMA or PMA-F an Activity Asset Report which will list the specific inventory of the SE Pool. Encl (11) NAVAIRINST 13650. IC 16 Jan 92 1. Purpose. for LAMS. 2. Ovwvi To provide an overview of and supporting procedures ew LAMS is the only authorized means for the automated a. management, tracking, and inventorying of SE assets at the organizational or intermediate level of maintenance. Given that a single item of SE may cost over $1 million, the efficient use and accountability of SE at the organizational or intermediate level is of great importance to

fleet support. b. LAMS is an improved management informatio=n system for standardized local management of IMRL assets through the use of a desktop computer and bar code technology~ By using bar code equipment that records inventory results on~the computer data base, highly accurate wall to wall inventories can be accomplished and maintained with significant reductions in both manpower expenditures and operational disruptions. C. The functions of LAMS are to validate input data, update the data base, generate various reports on SE inventory status, use bar code methodology for inventory, and provide for update of SERMIS data base. d. LAMS is a set of computer programs designed to manipulate a data base composed of data extracted from- the SE TR (form OPNAV4790/64). The IMRL Manager uses the data input from the TR source document to produce periodic reports, lists, and summarized data. These reports are supplied to department heads, divisions, and work centers within an intermediate

maintenance activity and supported activities/squadrons. Also, data from LAMS is forwarded to the cognizant SECA in an automated format for easy review and subsequent direct entry to SERMIS. Two documents initiate data entry into the LAMS data base:. the first is form, Initial Inventory Form, used at the time of installation of LAMS; the second is form OPNAV 4790/64 for day-to-day transactions. . 3. Authorities a. LAMS is an ADP system under the AMMRL Program The AMMRL Program Manager exercises overall authority and control of the system including its functional configuration. As such, he is the focal point and official body that will act on all proposed functional changes and approve each new release or change to the software system. Changes or modifications to existing NAVAIR certified software is prohibited. Encl (12) - NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC ADP b. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF, is the NAVAIRHQs designated support agency for LAMS. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF will maintain

configuration management control of barcodes and barcoding equipment used in conjunction with implementation and maintenance of LAMS at all "0" and "I" level activities. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF responds directly to SECA generated requests to review ADP program problem areas and to resolve such problem areas if determined to be valid. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF shall prepare, maintain, and distribute LAMS system software and documentation to SECAs. In support of new activity implementation, the NAVAVNMAINTOFF will~provide barcoding material if required. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF responds directly to requests of the AMMRL Program Manager for functional changes to LAMS. 4. Procedures a. All requests by any organizational or intermediate level maintenance activity for entry into LAMS shall be referred to that activitys respective SECA. The SECA will approve or disapprove each request. If approved, the SECA will forward the request and its endorsement to the AMMRL Program Manager for

disposition. b. The AMMRL Program Manager will establish and coordinate the execution of plans of action and milestones (POA&M) for the introduction of LAMS to organizational or intermediate level maintenance activities. The POA&M will be developed with the advice and participation of the NAVAVNMAINTOFF. C. SECAs shall provide direct technical assistance in support of cognizant fleet activity implementation, training and software maintenance requirements, to include distribution of required software and possible dup-lication and distribution of corresponding documentation. d. All requests orproposals for functional changes to LAMS shall be referred to the AMMRL Program Manager via the applicable SECA through the LAMS ADP support agency point of contact, NAVAVNMAINTOFF. Once the CCB and/or AMMRL Program Manager has rendered,approval of any-request ore proposal for functional changes to LAMS, and a POA&M has been established in conjunction with the advice of the

NAVAVNMAINTOFF and with consideration to existing priorities and budgetary constraints, that request or proposal will be submitted to the NAVAVNMAINTOFF (NAMO-06) for action. e. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF will exercise ADP program development, modification, or deletion actions consistent with the execution of the POA&M for approved functional changes, or with priorities established by the AMMRL Program Manager for resolution of ADP problem areas. Additionally, the NAVAVNMAINTOFF will exercise overall standardization through configuration management, of releases of software and documentation. . Encl (12) 2 ~- I NAVAIRINST 13650.1C 16 Jan 92 SECAs will ensure that their f. activities fulfill all responsibilities inventory management by the accurate inventory actions. 3 respective participating associated with SE completion of TRs reflecting Encl (12) : NAVAIRINST 1365O.Zc 16 Jan 92 SUPPORT EOUTPMRNT STANDARDIZATION SYSTEM 1. for Purpose. SESS. 2. Overview To provide

an overview of and supporting procedures a. SESS is a component of the AMMRL Program. SESS is a stand-alone management information system that uses existing microcomputer technology to maintain aviation maintenance SE inventory information, facilitate preventative maintenance scheduling, and track incorporated technical directives within maintenance activity.SESS produces equipment status reports recall schedules for SE due for preventive maintenance. - a and Initially, b. SESS was designed and approved to serve as an interim capability until the NALCOMIS could be implemented at a given activity. At that time the operation of SESS at that activity would be discontinued and would be replaced by the NALCOMIS application. Those activities that have not received nor will not receive NALCOMIS will continue to operate SESS. C. SESS facilitates (1) Scheduling 3. the following of preventive (2) Tracking of supply (3) Tracking of incorporated functions: maintenance.

requisitions. technical directives. (4) Preparation of printed Maintenance Action (5) Preparation Authorlt- . of various maintenance control a. SESS is an ADP system under Program. The AMMRL Program Manager and control of the system including Forms. reports. the auspices of the AMMRL exercises overall authority its functional configuration. b. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF, is the NAVAIRHQs designated ADP support agency for SESS. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF responds directly to fleet generated requests to review suggested ADP program problem areas and to resolve such problem areas if determined to be valid. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF will p=repare, maintain, and distribute SESS system software and documentation to the SECAs. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF responds directly to requests of the AMMRL Program Manager for functional changes to SESS. 4. - a. referred All requests by any activity to that activitys respective for entry into SESS shall SECA. The SECA will Encl be (13) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92

13650.1C approve or disapprove each request. If approved, the SECA will prepare its endorsement and will forward it and the request to the AMMRL Program Manager for disposition. The AMMRL Program Manager will establish and coordinate b. the execution of a POA&M for the introduction of SESS to requiring ~activities. The POA&M will be developed with the advice and participation of the NAVAVNMAINTOFF. C. satisfactory SESS into The NAVAVNMAINTOFF implementation, new activities. will coordinate all-actions and ensure including necessary training, of d. All requests or proposals for functional changes to SESS shall be referred to the AMMRL Program Manager via the applicable SECA through the SESS ADP support agency point of contact, NAVAVNMAINTOFF. Once the AMMRL Program Manager has rendered approval of any request or proposal for functional changes to ~~ SESS, and a POA&M has been established in-conjunction with the advice of the NAVAVNMAINTOFF and with consideration to

existing priorities and budgetary constraints, that request or proposal will be submitted to the NAVAVNMAINTOFF for action. e. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF will exercise ADP program development, modification, or deletion actions consistent with the execution of the POA&M for approved functional changes, or with priorities established by the AMMRL Program Manager for resolution of ADP problem areas. The NAVAVNMAINTOFF SESS Project Manager responsibilities are to: (1) Provide for maintenance of existing software. NOTE: No changes or enhancements will be incorporated into the existing software unless approved by the AMMRL Program Manager. (2) Provide (3) Ensure and maintained. Encl (13) user that assistance all required and training documentation as required. is camp leted NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 23650.1C NF: AVJATION T,OGTSTICS SUPPORT PROGRM 1. Eurpose MALSP. 2. Dvervi To identify and describe the essential aspects of ekz The MALSP has been established to support the Marine

a. Corps war fighting capability. The program provides foran enhanced expeditionary capability based on a Marine Air Ground Task Force (MAGTF) concept. The MAGTF has capability to deploy and employ on short notice to accomplish a specific mission in a foreign country. The Air Combat Element (ACE) of the MAGTF is configured and task organized to provide the most efficient and effective mix of aviation assets to the MAGTF based on a given contingency. b. The AMMRL Program supports MALSP by providing IMRLs specifically configured by manipulation of the IMRL Employment Data assisted by selective tailoring of allowances to correspond to the various contingencies determined by Headquarters, Marine Corps. The IMRLs produced for the MALSP are unique in that the equipment categories and allowances, in order to establish and maintain the integrity of the MALSP IMRL program, require close management attention. All MALSP planning or standard IMRLs receive monthly supplemental updates which provide

the means to the NAVAIRHQ, SECAs, and other responsible activities, to maintain an accurate application of required SE to support the notional air mix and MALSP Program Planning Document (PPD), to identify valid excesses and deficits against specific employment requirements, and to determine redistribution and procurement needs. C. This enclosure identifies responsibilities of the various commands/activities. Specific procedures relative to the responsibilities are currently reflected in the NAVAIR MALSP IMRL Program Guide and will be incorporated into this instruction at its next update. . I 3. &as of Responsiblllty a. Program CNO (OP-05) (1) Provides overall policy and guidance (in consultation with OP-52). (2) Participates in the annual and certification conference. Group. (3) Serves the MALSP MALSP IMRL verification on the MALSP IMRL Policy 1 for Committee and Working Encl (14) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650,lC NAVAIRHQ b. (1) Provide the overall MALSP IMRL

management program. allowancing (2) Coordinate requirements and guidance and direct the incorporation within the AMMRL Program. (3) Schedule and serve verification and certification (4) Chair direction of ~the MALSP as chair of the annual conference. the MALSP IMRL Policy Committee folr the MALSP IMRL and Working Group. Commandant of the Marine C. Corps (CMC) (1) Develop and maintain the MALSP Contingency Support (CSP) notional air mix current to the total force inventory and to meet the requirements of put year and employment requirements. Package aircraft planning (2) Define and publish Air Combat Element employment, overall management requirements allowance categories. (3) Review official changes to the MALSP CSP (ACE) notional air mix, and impacting any of the MALSP the MALSP PPD annually and submit updates as necessary. (4) Coordinate with the CNO (OP-05) and the NAVAIRHQ (AIR-04) for specific CSP asset shortfall sourcing, funding, and joint service

employment support requirements. (5) Participate conference. certification (6) Serve in the annual MALSP IMRL verification on the MALSP IMRL Policy Committee and and Working Group. COMNAVAIRPAC; COMNAVAIRLANT and COMNAVAIRESFOR d. Fleet (1) Designate personnel MALSP IMRL coordinators. participate certification to execute SECA functions (2) Coordinate the scheduling and establishment in the annual MALSP IMRL verificationand conferences. as of and (3) Maintain designated MALSP IMRLs and employment current in support of the CMC developed notional air mix and the approved MALSP PPD. Ensure that no changes to any MALSP IMRLs are made without the specific review and concurrence of the designated MALSP IMRL coordinators. Encl (14) 2 ~~ NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 IMRLs. (4) Print and distribute (5) Receive recommendations. the required and verify (6) Incorporate SERMIS data base. all copies 1365O.lC of the MALSP MALSP IMRL tailoring the approved tailoring

actions into (7) Present all verified MALSP IMRL tailoring requests the quarterly SECA reviews and the annual MALSP IMRL verification and certification conference. at (8) Upon receipt of the JXALSP IMRL tailoring recommendations from the local reviews, review, verify, and compile the total MALSP IMRL package in preparation for the annual MALSP IMRL verification and certification conference. (9) Serve e. Marine as a member of the MALSP IMRL working Air Wing/Area Commander (1) When requested, designate Squadron (MALS) to serve as the model CSP IMRLs. ~~ reviewing (2) Receive activities. and forward (3) Schedule (4) Serve f. respective group. all and oversee all a Marine Air Logistics manager for specific MALSP IMRLs to the required MALSP assigned IMRL reviews. as a member of the MALSP IMRL Working Group. MALS (1) Conduct all MALSP IMRL reviews Area or Wing Commander. as scheduled by (2) When designated as a MALSP Model Manager, apply all SE qualifications and

application guidelines for proper item identification in required MALSP IMRLs. Organizational Maintenance Activities g. MALSP IMRL reviews as scheduled by respective Commander. will conduct Area (Wing) all 4. Procedures Detailed procedures for the development and maintenance of the MALSP IMRL Program are contained in the MALSP IMRL Program Guide maintained and promulgated by the NAVAIR MALSP Coordinator. These procedures will be updated as the MALSP IMRL Program matures and will be included in the next revision of this instr-uction. Encl 3 (14) - NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 1365O.lC MANACFMRNTOF TEST PROGRAMSETS 1. PurDose; To establish the management of TPSs. responsibilities and procedures for a. TPSs are aviation maintenance SE and are included in the AMMRL Program. In the past, however, this equipment has not been managed in its entirety under the same procedures governing SE managed under the auspices of the IMRL. Rather, TPSs have been managed with systems support from

the LMIS and its primary product, the TOL. Management of TPSs has been governed most recently by NAVAIRHQ Instruction 1363O.lA, now superseded by this instruction. b. Efforts have begun to include TPSs fully into SERMIS source data and thus into the IMRL. Until this objective is realized, some aspects of the responsibilities and procedures for managing TPSs will be separate from those which govern all other SE. These separate considerations are provided in this enclosure. Other management aspects which currently are common to both IMRL and TPS management are assimilated into other enclosures of this instruction, as applicable. Any aspect pertaining to management of TPSs not delineated in this enclosure is assumed to come under the governing procedures of IMRL equipment management. 3. l . Description I of the TOJ, and its - use a. General Description The TOL is a comprehensive list of TPS assets authorized at a particular user activity. The TOL : lists all the TPSs authorized

to perform diagnostic testing of the specific ATE testable Weapon Replaceable Assemblies or Shop Replaceable Assemblies designated for support at that activity. b. Preparation. TOLs will be produced periodically for all activities that have or will have installed ATE stations. A TOL will normally be generated for individual operating activities 180 days prior to site activation. TOLs will be issued annually upon SECA request or when directed by the AMMRL Program Manager. C. Use. The function of the TOL is similar to that of the IMRL. The TOL serves as an initial outfitting or subsequent reoutfitting management tool. It is a consolidated allowance list tailored for each ATE user activity. TOLs identify TPS requirements and offer a basis for measuring material readiness. TOLs also provide current identification, maintenance level, accountability, applicable system, and quantitative data for asset visibility and management. Encl (15) ~~~~ ~ , NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 4. 13650.1C . .

. * Bespons~b71 sties NAVAIRHQ a. (1) Support Systems and Logistics Management Division (AIR-417) (a) Responsible under the provision of referenceto this instruction for the management of the AMMRL Program; assigns AMMRL Program management to the Fleet support and Programs Branch, AIR-4171. (a) (b) Develop, test, document, implement, and maintain procedures and technical capabilities for incorporating TPSs fully into SERMIS source data, the IMRL, and all other AMMRL Program management procedures and products provided by the AMMRL Program and SERMIS. (2) SE Division (AIR-552) will direct and re-outfitting of TOL assets. outfitting b. the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE Code 52 TOL Program (1) Prepare and maintain TPS allowance initial Office lists. (2) Develop-and prepare TOLS for each requiring activity Weapon Systems Planning based on the latest deployment schedules, Program Planning Documents, and Training Project Documents, Plans. (3) Distribute TOLs to SECAs, Navy and

Marine Corps are organizational and intermediate level aviation commanders, maintenance and training activities, and CFAs, 180 days prior to an initial site activation or reoutfitting date, or when directed by the AMMRL Program Manager; file all (4) Develop and maintain an ATE logistics management data of technical application and in-use asset information for TPS elements. (5) Prepare and distribute listings, card decks, and other aids needed by the SECAs and area commanders to conduct physical inventories of in-use TOL assets. maintain (6) Receive records. inventory (7) Prepare and distribute files on-request. C. annual TOL inventories, data, TOL consolidated and in-use SECAs (1) Ensure that subordinate requirements of this instruction. Encl verify (15) 2 activities adhere to the NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650.1C (2) Ensure that subordinate activities prepare and submit accurate form OPNAV4790/64 SE TRs for inventory management Ensure that subordi~nate activities

prepare on an purposes. via the cognizant SECA, inventory lists annual basis and submit, of in-use TPS assets to NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE (Code 52)marked for i the TOL Program office. (3) Provide information to the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE TOL Program office on maintenance tasks, training workloads, and other data required to construct TOLs for each ATE aviation maintenance and training activity.~ (4) Inform the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE TOL Program office and the CFA not later than 60 days prior to a site activation deployment date of TPS elements required to satisfy ~activity deficiencies. overall (5) Distribute or redistribute TPS assets maintenance and training needs. (6) Ensure maintenance TOL user or to satisfy activities: (a) Review TOLs and evaluate allowance levels relative to support requirements. and (b) Forward recommendations for TOL revisions to NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE via the cognizant SECA: use form NAVAIR Refer to 13650/l IMRL Revision Request, for this purpose. enclosure

(51, exhibit 1, for a copy of this form and instructions on how to complete it. * . 5. SnRenlenishment of TOT, Assets Initial outfitting of TOL assets will be accomplished Requisitions are not undeF*the direction of NAVAIR (AIR-552) NAVAIR (AIR-5521 will determine the range and depth required. TOL assets to be provided to each ATE work center. b. Reoutfitting manner as initial requirements will be managed in the outfitting requirements. of same Test Program Medium (TPM), Test C. TPS software items (i.e, TPSD, or MTPSI) will be replenished by Program Instruction (TPI), the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE TOL Program office or designatedCFA. interconnecting devices and d. TPS hardware items (ie, holding fixtures) will be replenished by submitting requisitions to the applicable inventory manager via the activitys SECA. As with IMRL SE, the SECA must make every effort to satisfy the requirement from existing in-use assets within that SECAs control or in the control of other SECAs before

submitting a requisition for other than 2V or 6R cognizance code equipment to the cognizant inventory control point. Encl (15) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 a. 1365O.lC General Discussion (1) The NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE TOL Program office manages the consolidated TOL in-use inventory file. Information contained in this file is based on TRs, form OPNAV 4790/64, and physical inventories. This asset information is compiled and maintained to determine TPS material readiness for each aviation ATE maintenance and training activity. This information assists managers in making decisions regarding redistribution of assets, budget forecasts, and equipment procurements. (2) All TPS end items are subject to inventory transaction reporting. In addition, TOL activities submit TRs to report receipt of change kits which apply to TPS items. TOL ~ activities must forward timely, complete, and accurate TRs to the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE (Code 52) TOL Program office via their cognizant SECA. TOL inventory

transactions are initiated upon site activation and continue until deactivation. b. TOL Asset Reporting Procedures for ATE User Activities (1) Inventory reporting will be conducted consistent with the procedures described in enclosure (7) to this instruction. Specifically, activities shall use OPNAV Form 4790/64 (Rev-88) for inventory management. Refer to enclosure (7), Exhibit 1 for instructions on the proper completion of the SE TR. Completed TRs will.be~forwarded to the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE (Code 52) TOL Program office via the cognizant SECA. directed (2) On-site by SECAs. inventories will be conducted annually and as C. Identification and Disposition of Excess TOL Assets. Identification and disposition of excess TOL assets will be accomplished in accordance with the descriptions and procedures cited in enclosure (5) of this instruction. 7. m a. TOL software items include TPMs, TPIs, TPSDs, and MTPSIs. Transitioned items are those items managed and maintained by the

NAVAIR designated CFA for Navy organic ATE test program in= service engineering. Non7transitioned items are those still under the cognizance of the prime contractor. User Activity Procedures. b. User activities will requisition TOL software assets by naval message. Refer to Exhibit 1 of this enclosure for a sample of the naval message. (1) Naval are transitioned. Encl messages are to be sent (15) 4 to the CFA if the items ~~ I NAVAIRINST 16 Lfan (2) Naval messages are to be sent to the NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE (Code 52) TOL Program office are not transitioned. if 13650.1C 92 the items Encl (15) NAVAIRINST 16 Jan 92 13650,lC SAGE FORMAT FOR ORDERTNG TOTI SOFTWARE TTEJ!!lS FROM: (ORIGINATOR) TO: NAVAIRWARCENACDIVLKE applicable) INFO: (Include the following activities in the order indicated when detailing the INFO ADDRESSEES for this message; use the approved format structure and current organizational code identification: * * * * * * LAKEHURST NJ//52// (or