Egészségügy | Fejlődéstan » Dr. Réthelyi Miklós - Embryonic disc, Notochord, Germ layers


Év, oldalszám:2005, 10 oldal


Letöltések száma:26

Feltöltve:2009. augusztus 07.

Méret:557 KB




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Tartalmi kivonat

EMBRYONIC DISC, NOTOCHORD, GERM LAYERS Dr. Miklós Réthelyi Embryonic disc Ectoderm Amnion epithel Amniotic cavity Yolk sac Heuser membrane Endoderm Extraembryonic coelom Extraembryonic mesoderm Somatopleura Splanchnopleura Allantois Connecting stalk Notochord Division and migration of the cells in the ectoderm Migration forward: notochord Migration sideways: intraembryonic mesoderm Notochord Ectoderm Amnion epithel Amniotic cavity Yolk sac Heuser membrane Endoderm Extraembryonic coelom Extraembryonic mesoderm Somatopleura Splanchnopleura Allantois Connecting stalk Significance of the notochord Head-end and tail-end Axis of the future embryo; right side, left side Induction of the neural plate Intraembryonic mesoderm Prechordal plate Cardiogen area (oropharyngeal membrane) Head mesoderm Extraembryonic mesoderm Tail mesoderm Intraembryonic mesoderm, left side Intraembryonic mesoderm, right side Extraembryonic mesoderm

Cloaca membrane