Sports | Fishing » Fishing Rules and Regulations Acknowledgment, Lake Summerside


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Lake Summerside


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Source: http://www.doksinet Fishing Rules and Regulations Acknowledgment Due to the growing violation of Rules and Regulations and trespassing, The Residents Association deems it necessary to regulate fishing access by the way of acknowledgment of the Lake Summerside Fishing Rules and Regulations The following Rules and Regulations for fishing in Lake Summerside must be read and agreed upon prior to any member being permitted to fish. This form must be acknowledged by the member This acknowledgement is only recognized if the members name. Address, member number and signature are completed at the bottom of this form. 1. Fishing privileges on Lake Summerside are restricted to Summerside Members only Guests are not permitted to fish without a member present. 2. The daily catch limit is two (2) fish (Trout) per day with a monthly limit of twelve (12) fish Any fish caught by guests will be included in the resident’s household limit. 3. All fish caught must be reported to the office 4.

No live bait or nets may be used to catch fish 5. Barbless hooks only 6. Only one (1) fish line per person is permitted 7. Unattended fishing line or equipment will be confiscated for violation 8. No cleaning of fish is permitted on the Lake Summerside Amenities 9. Membership cards are to be turned into the office while fishing 10. All fish must be reported to the main entrance before the return of membership card Catch limits and reporting allow for proper management and restocking which allows an enjoyable experience for all. 11. Random tackle box checks will be performed before and after entering the lake to ensure all Rules and Regulations are being followed. 12. Fishing is not permitted from any undeveloped or unoccupied lot on Lake Summerside 13. Fishing is not permitted from the boat docks or along and portion of the beach swim area In order to properly control and maintain the fish population in the lake the Residents Association reserves the right, from time to time and

without notice to suspend fishing rights in the lake for a period of time as the Residents Association, In its sole discretion, deems necessary or prudent . NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: ID # By completing the above information, you have acknowledged that you have read and understand the Lake Summerside Fishing Rules and Regulations. Violation of the above Rules and Regulations may results in restriction of your fishing privileges ant Lake Summerside