Tartalmi kivonat
ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2012. május 25 Név: . osztály: KÖZGAZDASÁGI ALAPISMERETEK (ÜZLETI GAZDASÁGTAN) ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2012. május 25 8:00 Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 180 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint írásbeli vizsga 1212 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Important Information Dear Examinee, Before beginning the examination we suggest you read through all the questions. Please make sure to read questions and accompanying instructions very carefully. When solving test and multiple choice questions, make sure you thoroughly think your answers through. When solving book-keeping questions, please use the attached chart of accounts as required. When solving the questions, please use the tax and contribution rates indicated. During the
examination you are allowed to use a ruler, a non-programmable calculator, pencils and pens. Make sure you write in a clear and legible manner and please correct all mistakes you might make during the exam according to the instructions provided. Calculations and elaborations must be performed in the space provided for this purpose. Make sure your preliminary and partial calculations are clear and easy to review. Good luck with your examination! írásbeli vizsga 1212 2 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Multiple choice and short answer questions Question 1 Write the correct terms on the dotted line. 8 points a) .: anything, or any activity which requires the payment of taxes. b) The . is the day when the payment can be considered done. c) . refers to the provision of the financial coverage for the activity performed. d) . is the fee payable in exchange for the use of money received from a
financial institution with a pre-determined expiration date and payback obligation. e) .: The issuer promises to pay the holder of the security the amount specified on the note in its own name. f) A . is an accounting checking statement that contains the turnover data and balance data of the general ledger accounts opened and kept on the given day. g) The . describes the composition of statistical population h) A . is a property that characterizes the individuals within the statistical population. Question 2 4 points Determine which profit category the texts below describe. Write the exact name of the profit category in the space provided. • • • • As the difference of the net sales price of the products of the enterprise sold and the cost of their production, this category describes the income generated on the most important activities of the enterprise, which also serve to cover the other indirect costs of its business activity. . After the portion of the profit due to the
state (taxes) is subtracted, it is divided between the owner and management. . Refers exclusively to the difference between interest paid and received by the enterprise, its exchange rate gain and loss, and the dividend received and due on its business shares. . Refers to the profit generated on the business activity in the current year, and this is how much the shareholders’ equity of the enterprise increases or decreases in the given years . írásbeli vizsga 1212 3 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Question 3 5 points Distribution of the employees of a Zrt according to their average salary (person) Average salary Number of (HUF/person) employees (01/01/2010) 90 000 – 140 000 5 140 001 – 190 000 10 190 001 – 240 000 25 240 001 – 290 000 10 Total 50 a) Name the statistical line in the table and the method of its creation. b) Complete the statistical line by writing 2 possible
versions of a time criterion in the header fields. Complete the table with data content of your choice c) Name the type of table. . Question 4 5 points Name the type of the ratios specified below. In the case of a ratio of intensity, mark the linear and reverse ratios with (L) and (R), respectively. a) The ratio of persons performing manual labour in a Kft: . b) The value of the materials inventory grows year on year: c) Number of white collar employees per one blue collar employee: d) Value of production per one blue collar employee: e) Specific materials use: írásbeli vizsga 1212 4 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Question 5 Complete the following definitions. 9 points a) Demand is . . b) The Uniform Deposit Interest Rate Indicator (EBKM) is ., . . c) The balance sheet . . . d) Taxes are . . . e) Investments may be financed by: . . . Question 6 6 points Name the documents
proving the occurrence of the economic events described below. a) External document proving freight paid in cash: . b) Our financial service provider is ordered to wire transfer the wages: . c) The advance requested by one of our employees has been paid in cash: . d) Basic document used for the payroll calculation of performance: . e) The bank is ordered to settle the debt owed to an investment contractor: . f) The accompanying document used in case of an inventory decrease when materials are utilised: . írásbeli vizsga 1212 5 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Question 7 Select and underline the correct definitions. 3 points 1. “The principle of prudence means that profit cannot be posted, if the financial realisation of income, sales revenue is uncertain.” “The principle of clarity means that the books and reports must be prepared in a clear, intelligible manner as required by
the Accounting Act. a) only the first statement is true b) only the second statement is true c) both statements are true d) none of the statements are true 2. At the time of the year-end closing first one must close the a) asset type accounts. b) profit type accounts. c) cost type accounts. d) liability type accounts. 3. Opening of asset accounts: a) T 1., 2, 3 K 492. Closing balance sheet account b) T 491. Opening balance sheet account K 1, 2, 3 c) T 492. Closing balance sheet account K 1, 2, 4 d) T 1., 2, 3 K 491. Opening balance sheet account Question 8 2 points Differentiate between the characteristics below. Write the letter B on the dotted line if the description describes a brand and the letter T if it describes a trademark! • • • • A name, a sign, a drawing, a symbol or a combination thereof A distinctive marking used to describe a product or a group of products Its purpose is to mark the products of producers and differentiate them from the products of the
competition Is under legal protection and may only be used its holder Question 9 . . . . 8 points a) Name the missing marketing communication elements. . Sales promotion Personal sales b) Put the means of promotion specified below in the appropriate columns. telemarketing, press conference, agent’s sample, donations, catalogue, moving picture, raffle, PR, bundling, external packaging, speeches, billboards írásbeli vizsga 1212 6 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Questions Requiring Calculations, Filling in Notes and Practical Book-Keeping Tasks Question 1 10 points Our enterprise, BÉBÉ Kft (1111 Budapest, Völgy Street 21, current account number: 11704854-04100002-10000006, tax number: 21454036-2-41, Managing Director Béla Békés, sales person Nóra Nagy). on May 5, 2011 has sold to K+L Kft (1115 Budapest, Hegy Street 5, current account number: 11502345-03624125-30000002, tax
number: 32622451-2-41, Managing Director Karola Kovács), 500 KLX products at a gross price of HUF 6000/pc (price includes 25% VAT). Number of the invoice: 0928 Method of payment: collection order based on a letter of authorisation, which shall be submitted on the 20th day after the goods are sold. Based on the above data designate the requested information for the documents to be prepared. Write down the necessary auxiliary calculations as well. a) Internal document proving the sales has taken place Name of document: serial number: . Name of the issuer of the document: . Amount total on the document: . Amount of VAT on the invoice: . Date of the issuing of the document: Auxiliary calculations: írásbeli vizsga 1212 7 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: b) Initiation of the financial settlement of the sales Name of document: . Basis of submission: Name of the issuer of the document,
current account number: . Name of authorised signatory: . Amount on the document: Date of the document: . Question 2 7 points Date January 1 January 8 January 11 January 20 January 22 January 30 Material inventory of a Kft Economic event Quantity (kg) Opening inventory Procurement Returned Procurement Quality discount Utilisation 200 800 40 500 1 400 Unit price (HUF/kg) 600 625 625 640 5% Calculate the following: a) The cost of materials for the month of January, if the company uses the FIFO procedure. b) The quantity and value of the inventory at the end of January. c) The value of materials utilisation for the month of January using the average price method. (If necessary round the average price to a whole number) írásbeli vizsga 1212 8 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Question 3 6 points Calculate how much is wire transferred to Károly Kiss on May 4, 2011 on the basis of the
following data. Károly Kiss’ gross monthly salary for the month of April is HUF 180 000. There were no additional amounts deducted from his salary apart from the percentage deductions. Károly Kiss wishes to take advantage of the tax allowance. (Pension contribution 10.0%, healthcare contribution 60%, labour market contribution 15%, flat personal income tax rate 16.0% tax credit of HUF 12 100 for income of up to HUF 2 750 000. supplement on super grossed tax base +27%) Question 4 12 points Using the data provided below calculate the profit generated by the enterprise for 2011 using total cost method “A”. Sales revenue (including 25% VAT) Other expenditures Total cost Financial revenues Other revenues Extraordinary revenues Direct sales expenditure Financial expenditures Extraordinary expenditures HUF 187 500 000 HUF 8 000 000 HUF 88 000 000 HUF 28 000 000 HUF 15 000 000 HUF 4 000 000 HUF 62 000 000 HUF 19 000 000 HUF 4 500 000 Data of self-produced inventories: Name Opening
inventory Unfinished production 1 600 000 Semi-finished goods 2 200 000 Finished goods 2 000 000 Closing inventory 1 200 000 1 200 000 3 500 000 Adjustment item modifying the tax base +HUF 400 000, corporate tax 10%. 15% of the after tax profit is paid out as dividend. írásbeli vizsga 1212 9 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Work table of profit calculation: Profit/loss account lines Net sales revenue Capitalized value of self-output Other revenues Total cost Other expenditures Operating (business) profit Income from financial transactions Expenditures of financial transactions Profit from financial transactions Profit on ordinary activities . . . Profit before taxes After tax profit - Dividend paid out HUF thousand Auxiliary calculations: Question 5 15 points Book the following economic events. 1. Procurement of raw materials HUF 5 000 000 + 25% VAT 2. Freight payable on the
purchase of raw materials according to the total featured on the cash invoice: HUF 150 000 (HUF 120 000 + HUF 30000 VAT). 3. Debit notice on the separation of HUF 3 000 000 in financial assets intended for investment. 4. 20% discount requested and received on the raw material purchased due to quality problems. 5. Total amount featured on the machinery purchase invoice: HUF 8 000 000, of which VAT represents HUF 1 600 000. 6. Credit notice on the separated financial assets 7. Wage costs during the period HUF 12 000 000 8. Machine has been put into operation 9. Depreciation in the current period HUF 200 000 10. Finished products taken into stock at cost price HUF 6 000 000 11. Sale of finished goods: at cost price HUF 7 000 000 + 25% VAT, at selling price HUF 10 000 000 + 25% VAT. 12. Notice from the bank on the satisfaction of investment contractors: the separated money has been utilised (HUF 3 000 000), the remaining amount (HUF 5 000 000) was satisfied from the authorised credit
limit. írásbeli vizsga 1212 10 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Chart of Accounts 1. Fixed assets 11. Intangible assets 12-15. Tangible assets 121. Real properties 129. Ordinary depreciation of land and buildings 131. Technical equipment, machinery, vehicles 139. Ordinary depreciation of technical equipment, machinery, vehicles 141. Other equipment, machinery, vehicles 149. Ordinary depreciation of other equipment, machinery, vehicles 16. Capital investments 161. Capital investments in progress 17-19. Financial assets 2. Stocks 21. Materials 22. Other materials 23. Unfinished and semi-finished goods 25. Finished goods 3. Receivables, financial and liquid assets, prepayments and accrued income 31. Trade debtors (Receivables from customers) 32. Receivables from affiliated undertakings 33. Receivables from other related undertakings 34. Bills receivable 361. Receivables from employees 37.
Securities 38. Liquid assets 381. Cash on hand 384. Deposit account for settling of accounts 389. Transit account 4. Liabilities 41. Equity 411. Subscribed capital 412. Reserve capital 413. Accumulated profit reserve 419. Balance sheet profit/loss from ordinary and auxiliary business activities 42. Provisions 43. Subordinated liabilities 44. Long-term liabilities 444. Investment loan 45-47. Short-term liabilities 451. Short term loans 454. Accounts payable (trade creditors, suppliers) 455. Suppliers for capital investments 46. Tax settlements 461. Settlement of corporate tax 462. Settlement of personal income tax 463. Liabilities to the central budget 464. Settlement of liabilities to the central budget írásbeli vizsga 1212 11 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: 466. Pre-charged value added tax 467. Value added tax payment liability 468. Financial accounting of value added tax 471. Income
settlement 473. Social insurance contribution payable 49. Settlement accounts 491. Opening balance account 492. Closing balance account 493. Accounting of after-tax profit account 5. Cost types 51. Material costs 52. Services used 53. Cost of other services 54. Payroll costs 55. Other personnel costs 56. Withholding taxes and contributions 57. Depreciation 581. Changes in self-produced inventories 582. Capitalised value of self-produced assets 8. Cost of manufactured goods sold and expenditures 81. Material-type expenditure 82. Personnel costs 83. Depreciation 86. Other expenditures 87. Financial expenditures 88. Extraordinary expenses 9. Incomes 91-93. Net sales revenue 96. Other incomes 97. Financial revenue 98. Extraordinary incomes írásbeli vizsga 1212 12 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: írásbeli vizsga 1212 13 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti
gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: írásbeli vizsga 1212 14 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: írásbeli vizsga 1212 15 / 16 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Topic Név: . osztály: Question number Maximum points Points scored 1. 8 2. 4 3. 5 4. 5 Multiple choice and short 5. 9 answer questions 6. 6 7. 3 8. 2 9. 8 1. 10 Questions requiring 2. 7 calculations, filling in 3. 6 notes and practical book 4. 12 keeping tasks 5. 15 Points scored in written examination Maximum points of topic Points scored in topic 50 50 100 Correcting teacher Date: . pontszáma egész számra kerekítve/ Points rounded to a whole number programba beírt egész pontszám/ Points (whole number) entered into programme Választást,
rövid választ igénylő feladatok/ Multiple choice and short answer questions Számítást, bizonylatkitöltést, könyvviteli tételszerkesztést igénylő feladatok/ Questions requiring calculations, filling in notes and practical book keeping tasks javító tanár/ Correcting teacher Dátum/Date: . írásbeli vizsga 1212 jegyző/Notary Dátum/Date: . 16 / 16 2012. május 25 ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 1212 KÖZGAZDASÁGI ALAPISMERETEK (ÜZLETI GAZDASÁGTAN) ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA JAVÍTÁSI-ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Important Information Only the indicated points can be given to the answers featured in the correctionevaluation guide. The indicated points can
only be broken down further if it is specifically indicated. The scores thus given can only be whole numbers. írásbeli vizsga 1212 2 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Multiple choice and short answer questions Question 1 Write the correct terms on the dotted line. 8 points a) Subject of taxation: anything, or any activity which requires the payment of taxes. b) The day of payment is the day when the payment can be considered done. c) Financing refers to the provision of the financial coverage for the activity performed. d) Interest is the fee payable in exchange for the use of money received from a financial institution with a pre-determined expiration date and pay-back obligation. e) Promissory note: The issuer promises to pay the holder of the security the amount specified on the note in its own name. f) A trial balance is an accounting checking statement that contains
the turnover data and balance data of the general ledger accounts opened and kept on the given day. g) The ratio of distribution describes the composition of statistical population. h) A statistical criterion is a property that characterizes the individuals within the statistical population. (8 x 1 points) Question 2 4 points Determine which profit category the texts below describe. Write the exact name of the profit category in the space provided. • • • As the difference of the net sales price of the products of the enterprise sold and the cost of their production, this category describes the income generated on the most important activities of the enterprise, which also serve to cover the other indirect costs of its business activity. Operating (business) profit After the portion of the profit due to the state (taxes) is subtracted, it is divided between the owner and management. After tax profit Refers exclusively to the difference between interest paid and received by the
enterprise, its exchange rate gain and loss, and the dividend received and due on its business shares. Profit from financial transactions • Refers to the profit generated on the business activity in the current year, and this is how much the shareholders’ equity of the enterprise increases or decreases in the given years Profit and loss according to the balance sheet (4 x 1 points) Points may only be awarded if the profit categories are named accurately. írásbeli vizsga 1212 3 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Question 3 5 points Distribution of the employees of a Zrt according to their average salary (person) Average salary Number of Number of Number of (HUF/person) employees employees employees * (01/01/2010) (01/01/2009) (01/01/2008) 90 000 – 140 000 5 6 6 140 001 – 190 000 10 10 12 190 001 – 240 000 25 24 26 240 001 – 290 000 10 12 14 Total 50 52 58 * marks
denoting half-yearly, quarterly data or other dates are also acceptable. The data can be selected freely, but the total line must contain the sum of the number of employees! a) Name the statistical line in the table and the method of its creation. Quantum line created through grouping (1 + 1) = 2 points b) Complete the statistical line by writing 2 possible versions of a time criterion in the header fields. Complete the table with data content of your choice 2 points c) Name the type of table. Grouping table 1 point Question 4 5 points Name the type of the ratios specified below. In the case of a ratio of intensity, mark the linear and reverse ratios with (L) and (R), respectively. a) The ratio of persons performing manual labour in a Kft: ratio of distribution b) The value of the materials inventory grows year on year: dynamic (link) relative ratio c) Number of white collar employees per one blue collar employee: coordination ratio d) Value of production per one blue collar
employee: ratio of intensity L e) Specific materials use: ratio of intensity R (5 x 1 points, may only be awarded if a complete answer is provided) Question 5 Complete the following definitions. 9 points a) Demand is a way and quality of satisfying need, a specific procedure that eliminates a sense of need. (1 point) b) The Uniform Deposit Interest Rate Indicator (EBKM) is an indicator that reflects the actual interest attainable by the client. (1+1 point) c) The balance sheet contains the following for a specific date (accounting date) (1 point) the property (assets and liabilities) of a company, in consolidated manner, denominated in money value. (1 point) d) Taxes are a payment obligation set out in legislation, (1 point) without direct consideration. (1 point) e) Investments may be financed by: own funds, investment loan, bond issue or a combination of these. (Two definitions equal 1 point, more than two equal 2 points) (Occasionally, other technically correct sentences can be
accepted as well.) írásbeli vizsga 1212 4 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Question 6 6 points Name the documents proving the occurrence of the economic events described below. a) External document proving freight paid in cash: cash receipt b) Our financial service provider is ordered to wire transfer the wages: standing order c) The advance requested by one of our employees has been paid in cash: cash payment record d) Basic document used for the payroll calculation of performance: proof of work performed e) The bank is ordered to settle the debt owed to an investment contractor: transfer order f) The accompanying document used in case of an inventory decrease when materials are utilised: warehouse (inventory) withdrawal note (6 x 1 points) Question 7 3 points Select and underline the correct definitions. 1. “The principle of prudence means that profit cannot be posted,
if the financial realisation of income, sales revenue is uncertain.” “The principle of clarity means that the books and reports must be prepared in a clear, intelligible manner as required by the Accounting Act. a) only the first statement is true b) only the second statement is true c) both statements are true d) none of the statements are true 2. At the time of the year-end closing first one must close the a) asset type accounts. b) profit type accounts. c) cost type accounts. d) liability type accounts. 3. Opening of asset accounts: a) T 1., 2, 3 K 492. Closing balance sheet account b) T 491. Opening balance sheet account K 1, 2, 3 c) T 492. Closing balance sheet account K 1, 2, 4 d) T 1., 2, 3 K 491. Opening balance sheet account (3 x 1 points) Question 8 2 points Differentiate between the characteristics below. Write the letter B on the dotted line if the description describes a brand and the letter T if it describes a trademark! • • • • A name, a sign, a drawing,
a symbol or a combination thereof B A distinctive marking used to describe a product or a group of products T Its purpose is to mark the products of producers and differentiate them from the products of the competition B Is under legal protection and may only be used its holder T (2 correct letters equal 1 point, 4 correct letters equal 2 points) írásbeli vizsga 1212 5 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Question 9 8 points a) Name the missing marketing communication elements! (2 x 1 point) Advertising catalogue moving picture external packaging Sales promotion raffle bundling Propaganda press conference donations PR billboards 2 points Personal sales telemarketing agent’s sample speeches (2 p) (1 p) (2 p) (1 p) If the names of the two marketing communication parts are missing, the categorization of the tools cannot be evaluated. Points can only be given if the
columns have been filled out correctly. b) Put the means of promotion specified below in the appropriate columns! 6 points telemarketing, press conference, agent’s sample, donations, catalogue, moving picture, raffle, PR, bundling, external packaging, speeches, billboards Questions Requiring Calculations, Filling in Notes and Practical Book-Keeping Tasks Question 1 10 points Our enterprise, BÉBÉ Kft (1111 Budapest, Völgy Street 21, current account number: 11704854-04100002-10000006, tax number: 21454036-2-41, Managing Director Béla Békés, sales person Nóra Nagy). on May 5, 2011 has sold to K+L Kft (1115 Budapest, Hegy Street 5, current account number: 11502345-03624125-30000002, tax number: 32622451-2-41, Managing Director Karola Kovács), 500 KLX products at a gross price of HUF 6000/pc (price includes 25% VAT). Number of the invoice: 0928 Method of payment: collection order based on a letter of authorisation, which shall be submitted on the 20th day after the goods are sold.
Based on the above data designate the requested information for the documents to be prepared. Write down the necessary auxiliary calculations as well. a) Internal document proving the sales has taken place Name of document: Customer invoice 5 points serial number: 0928. Name of the issuer of the document: BÉBÉ Kft. Amount total on the document: HUF 3 000 000. Amount of VAT on the invoice: HUF 600 000. Date of the issuing of the document: May 5, 2011. (1 point for every line) No points should be awarded for the amounts alone without the auxiliary calculations. Auxiliary calculations: írásbeli vizsga 1212 6 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 500 x 6 000 = HUF 3 000 000 3 000 000 / 1.25 = HUF 2 400 000 2 400 000 x 0.25 = HUF 600 000 (or 3 000 000 x 02) b) Initiation of the financial settlement of the sales 5 points Name of document: collection order Basis of
submission:letter of authorisation Name of the issuer of the document, current account number: BÉBÉ Kft. 11704854-04100002-10000006 Name of authorised signatory: Béla Békés. Amount on the document: HUF 3 000 000. Date of the document: May 25, 2011 (1 point for every line) 7 points Question 2 Date January 1 January 8 January 11 January 20 January 22 January 30 Material inventory of a Kft Economic event Quantity (kg) Opening inventory Procurement Returned Procurement Quality discount Utilisation 200 800 40 500 1 400 Unit price (HUF/kg) 600 625 625 640 5% Calculate the following: a) The cost of materials for the month of January, if the company uses the FIFO procedure. (2 points) 200 x 600 = HUF 120 000 (800-40) 760 x 625 = HUF 475 000 (1 p) 440 kg x 608 (640 x 0.95) = HUF 267 520 (1 p) 1 400 kg HUF 862 520 b) The quantity and value of the inventory at the end of January. Quantity: (200 + 800 -40 +500) – 1400 = 60 kg (1 p) Value: 60 kg x (640 x 0.95) = 60 x 608 = HUF 36
480 (1 p) 2 points c) The value of materials utilisation for the month of January using the average price method. (If necessary round the average price to a whole number!) 3 points 200 x 600 + (800-40) x 625 + 500 x (640 x 0.95) 200 + (800-40) + 500 HUF 899 000 1460 kg 615.75 Average price: HUF 616/kg (2 p) Value of materials utilisation: 1 400 kg x 616 HUF/kg = HUF 862 400 (1 p) írásbeli vizsga 1212 7 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Question 3 6 points Calculate how much is wire transferred to Károly Kiss on May 4, 2011 on the basis of the following data. Károly Kiss’ gross monthly salary for the month of April is HUF 180 000. There were no additional amounts deducted from his salary apart from the percentage deductions. Károly Kiss wishes to take advantage of the tax allowance. (Pension contribution 10.0%, healthcare contribution 60%, labour market contribution
15%, flat personal income tax rate 16.0% tax credit of HUF 12 100 for income of up to HUF 2 750 000. supplement on super grossed tax base +27%) Gross salary Deductions: HUF 180 000 advance on personal income tax 24 476 pension contribution (180 000 x 0.1) 18 000 healthcare contribution 10 800 (1 p) labour market contribution 2 700 -HUF 55 976 (1 p) Net salary (to be wire transferred) HUF 124 024 (1 p) PIT 180 000 x 1.27 = HUF 228 600 (1 p) 228 600 x 12 = HUF 2 743 200 ‹ 2 750 000 228 600 x 0.16= HUF 36 576 (1 p) 36 576 – 12 100 = HUF 24 476 (1 p) Question 4 12 points Using the data provided below calculate the profit generated by the enterprise for 2011 using total cost method “A”. Sales revenue (including 25% VAT) Other expenditures Total cost HUF 187 500 000 HUF 8 000 000 HUF 88 000 000 Financial revenues HUF 28 000 000 Other revenues Extraordinary revenues Direct sales expenditure Financial expenditures Extraordinary expenditures HUF 15 000 000 HUF 4 000 000 HUF 62 000
000 HUF 19 000 000 HUF 4 500 000 Data of self-produced inventories: Name Opening inventory Unfinished production 1 600 000 Semi-finished goods 2 200 000 Finished goods 2 000 000 Closing inventory 1 200 000 1 200 000 3 500 000 Adjustment item modifying the tax base +HUF 400 000, corporate tax 10%. 15% of the after tax profit is paid out as dividend. írásbeli vizsga 1212 8 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Work table of profit calculation: Profit/loss account lines Net sales revenue Capitalized value of self-output Other revenues Total cost Other expenditures Operating (business) profit Income from financial transactions Expenditures of financial transactions Profit from financial transactions Profit on ordinary activities Extraordinary revenues . Extraordinary expenditures . Extraordinary profit .(1 p) Profit before taxes Tax liability. After tax profit - Dividend paid
out Profit and loss according to the balance sheet(1 p) HUF thousand 150 000 (1 p) + 100 (1 p) 15 000 −88 000 −8 000 69 100 (1 p) 28 000 19 000 +9 000 (1 p) 78 100 (1 p) 4 000 4 500 −500 (1 p) 77 600 (1 p) −7 800 (1 p) 69 800 (1 p) −10 470 59 330 (1 p) The points awardable for the profit and loss statement may not be awarded without the necessary auxiliary calculations. No points should be awarded for any incorrect results, but if there are incorrect amounts that do not constitute a theoretical error and the method used is correct, points may be awarded for the subsequent calculations. Auxiliary calculations: HUF 187 500 thousand/1.25 = HUF 150 000 thousand Changes in amounts: 1 200 000 – 1 600 000 = −HUF 400 000 1 200 000 – 2 200 000 = −HUF 1 000 000 3 500 000 – 2 000 000 = + HUF 1 500 000 Total +HUF 100 000 (or 5 900 000 – 5 800 0000 = + HUF 100 000) Corporate tax Tax base: HUF 77 600 thousand + HUF 400 thousand = HUF 78 000 thousand Tax: HUF 78 000 thousand x
0.1 = HUF 7 800 thousand Dividend: HUF 69 800 thousand x 0.15 = HUF 10 470 thousand írásbeli vizsga 1212 9 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Question 5 15 points Book the following economic events. 1. Procurement of raw materials HUF 5 000 000 + 25% VAT 2. Freight payable on the purchase of raw materials according to the total featured on the cash invoice: HUF 150 000 (HUF 120 000 + HUF 30000 VAT). 3. Debit notice on the separation of HUF 3 000 000 in financial assets intended for investment. 4. 20% discount requested and received on the raw material purchased due to quality problems. 5. Total amount featured on the machinery purchase invoice: HUF 8 000 000, of which VAT represents HUF 1 600 000. 6. Credit notice on the separated financial assets 7. Wage costs during the period HUF 12 000 000 8. Machine has been put into operation 9. Depreciation in the current period HUF
200 000 10. Finished products taken into stock at cost price HUF 6 000 000 11. Sale of finished goods: at cost price HUF 7 000 000 + 25% VAT, at selling price HUF 10 000 000 + 25% VAT. 12. Notice from the bank on the satisfaction of investment contractors: the separated money has been utilised (HUF 3 000 000), the remaining amount (HUF 5 000 000) was satisfied from the authorised credit limit. írásbeli vizsga 1212 10 / 11 2012. május 25 Közgazdasági alapismeretek (üzleti gazdaságtan) angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató írásbeli vizsga 1212 11 / 11 2012. május 25