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VI. évfolyam 1 szám - 2011 március Petró Tibor petro.tibor@zmnehu THE CASE OF THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT FOR THE YOUTH IN HUNGARY, THE POSSIBILITIES OF THE IMPROVEMENT OF PREPARATION SYSTEM Absztrakt/Abstract Napjainkban az iskolás korosztály veszélyhelyzeti felkészítése, a lakosság katasztrófavédelmi felkészítésének egyik kiemelt célterülete. A veszélyhelyzeti oktatás célja, hogy a diákok részére olyan elméleti és gyakorlati ismereteket adjon át, mely segítségével a különböző veszélyhelyzeteket jó eséllyel tudják túlélni, illetve komolyabb egészségkárosodás nélkül élhetnek át egy-egy veszélyhelyzetet. Az oktatás további célja, hogy ne csak az önmentő képességük alakuljon ki, hanem szakszerű segítségséget tudjanak nyújtani társaiknak, szűkebb és tágabb közösségünknek, családjuknak. Ezen gyerekek, akik részt vesznek a veszélyhelyzeti felkészítésben, felnőttként is nagyobb eséllyel vesznek részt önkéntes

munkában, szívesen emlékszenek vissza azokra az ismeretekre, amit az ifjúsági veszélyhelyzeti felkészítéskor ismertek meg. A cikk megírását inspirálta, hogy célunkká váljon az embertársaink iránti felelősség növelése, az élet és környezet védelmének, a túlélés alapvető ismérveinek készség szintű elsajátítása, a veszélyektől, veszélyhelyzetektől történő elhatárolódás, illetve a még elfogadható kockázat megismerése, melyek az egyén biztonságához, biztonságtudatának kialakulásához kell, hogy vezessenek. Nowadays the preparation of the school age children is a pointed objective area of the preparation of the population of disaster protection. The objective of the emergency education is giving theoretical and experiential knowledge over to the students which could be a help to live through the emergencies without serious injuries. The further objective of the education is not only to build up their selfrescuer ability but to afford

technical help for their mates, closed and extended communities and families. The children, who take part in the emergency precondition, take free-will job on more occasions and they lovely remember for the knowledge, what they acquired at the emergency precondition. The article was inspired to write was that the followings become to our goal: the increasing of the responsibility for our fellow-men, the acquirement as basic skills of life and environment protection and the criterion of the rescue, distancing from threats and dangers, and the recognition of the still acceptable risks, which is a need for the evolvement of the individual safety and the feeling of safeness. 181 Kulcsszavak/ Keywords: ifjúságfelkészítés, iskolai veszélyhelyzeti oktatás, katasztrófavédelmi ifjúsági verseny youth preparation, school emergency education, youth disaster management competition Introduction “During the changes in the early ‘90ies the population preparation forms and methods

which are formed in the years before the political transformation significantly disappeared without would have been replaced by other possibilities and methods which meet the new needs.” [1] Nowadays the system of the population preparation hade to be rethought One of the main parts of the home precondition of the population is the precondition of youth, with a special attention for the students. According to our constitution everybody has the right to know the threats in his environment and the sources of the threats, and everybody is responsible for taking part in the settlement of the damages at the level of their ability. To accomplish this obligation it is necessary to acquire some expertise This should be the objective of the work of the precondition of population system. Challenges caused by the social changes of the last decade, the technical improvement and the global climate changing rewrite the form of the social safety. The individual feeling of safeness is being

influenced by the more occasionally happening emergency, which is not sure that gets the disaster level, and the more information, news correlate to a disaster situation appear frequently. In these situations the individual postpone his feeling of safeness to his own capacity and the national protection ability. The national protection ability is hardly influenced by the individual, but they can intensify their assurance by improving their self-rescue ability. It comes to be a basic question that we have enough knowledge to rescue ourselves, our environment till the commissioned first-aid association arrives. Nevertheless a practical common sense should be formed what for we except it during a liquidation of an emergency. The experiences of the last period’s disaster situation showed that the bigger part of the population doesn’t know the correct behavioural rules during an emergency, frequently they neither know how to ask for help. The fact that the citizens can also cause a

disaster is not really in the common knowledge. The analysis of the last years disasters evinces clearly that the number of losses which is happened because of human default, unreadiness, and the missing of knowledge is very high. [2] The civil protection’s one of the main, structural tasks within the system of population protection is to improve the system of population precondition pay particular attention for the reform of the youth precondition. The methods and possibilities of the youth preparation Before showing the youth precondition, like one of the sub-tribes of the population precondition, it is recommendable to clear some definitions. Population protection: A range of activity with the purpose to protect the population’s life and assets. It could be individual or group protection The group protection can work out in the form of local and long-distance protection. During the local protection the population stay at home and the protection happens within the frame of

isolating or cover-trench protection. The local protection is significant in the future too, this happens with the help of the existent cover-trenches, and places with big capacity after a special conversion, which are being used for life-protection purposes. Must treat as a general theory that the priority of “stay in place and provide protection in place” have to be emphasized during the determination of 182 the tasks during the protection against the industrial accidents. The protection of the population living in the effect areas have to be solved – paying attention for my foreign experiences – by isolation and emphasizing the suitable conditions connected to the isolation. Population preparation for disaster management: on the one hand it is a range of activity which prepare the population for the emergencies, for the extent procedure and behavioural rules, for self-rescue and for rescue of others and the assets, and these knowledge should be formed into ability by

the way of practicing. On the other hand it is important to make them realize that they can cause an emergency too. In my interpretation the disaster management preparation of the population includes the civil protection, the fire-protection, the disaster-management knowledge, and those emergency knowledge which don’t even reach the threshold of disaster management. (1 picture) [3] The knowledge of disaster management preparation Disaster management knowledge Civil protection knowledge Fireprotection knowledge Knowledge of emergencies which don’t reach the treshhold of disaster management Figure 1. The knowledge of population preparation (Source: Veresné Hornyacsek Julia pv. szds A lakosság katasztrófavédelmi felkészítésének elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései doktori (Phd.) értekezés 2004) [3] To understand the actualities of the youth preparation and determine the possibilities of the improvement, a short historical overview is necessary, because it has extent

elements. In the end of the ‘30ies the education of youth was organised and directed by the National Air-raid Protection Captaincy (LOP) cooperated with the authorities which supervised the public education. In this period the 18 – 23 aged youth were busy as paladins, so they got regular trainings and took part in different field-works. The training occurred in general, specific and air-raid formed experience. Besides “Defence elements” subject appeared as a main subject in the frame of the school education. Later the separated subject education disappeared, these elements are integrated with other subjects. Though the school-work tided on, it centred round articles of the protection, the air-emergency, the individual and flock protection, the behavioural rules in emergency, the wearing of protective clothing and escape to the cover-trench.[4] 183 During the second world-war the education of the students, like the population preparation was integrated. At the schools the

intensity of the training was enlarged, certainly the preparation for the war conditions was emphasised. Near the school education the Scouting education became more importance like the paladin movement. [5] In the 60’s the civil protection appeared in the Hungarian law, so the education also concentrated on this trend. The school youth got civil protection knowledge at the 7th and 8th class of primary school in the frame of the form-master lesson. At secondary schools 16 hours basic skill was a must while at the colleges 16 hours civil protection knowledge had to be studied. [6] In the beginning of the 70’s the civil protection become an internationally recognized organization. It affects that the propaganda activity was getting stronger, what didn’t leave the youth untouched too. More exercises were organised by the official organizations in that the student youth was integrated. The main emphasis of the exercises moved the way of the protection from the weapons of mass

destruction. But the international softening pointed at the new role of the civil protection, which is the participation in the winding up of the natural and civilisation disasters. Naturally the education system was changing parallel with this The disaster of Csernobil reinforced the education system further and the transformation of youth preparation. New methods appeared with the technical development Series appeared in the television. The most successful was the “On our peace behalf” which lived through 50 broadcast.[7] Besides several slide series, videos got into the education The system of the competitions and quizzes also were organic parts of the youth preparation. These programmes were carried out with the help of KISZ (Hungarian Communist Youth Association) and the out starter campaign and in the frame of the defence education. The years followed the change of regime the system of the civil protection preparation also changed. The youth organization came to an end; the

old textbooks didn’t meet the requirements. The educational materials which met the new principal’s requirements were limited, or totally were missing. The change was meaningful in every area, not only at the area of the youth preparation. This period was the term of way search The change started in 1993, when the European Union advertises the Year of the EU’s Civil Protection. In this time the political support was also gotten, so at schools the civil protection education turned up again, exercises, quizzes, camps, exhibitions were organized which task was the education of school youth, and profound their studies. The conception of the National Disaster Management Youth Competition was carried out in this time. This gave the basic of the present youth competitions.[8] “It is very significant by the view of people’s and community’s safeness and feeling of safeness that the disaster preventive and damage mitigation activities are realized with the support and cooperation of

the population. It is also a precondition of it that the youth be equipped with in time and correct with the basic knowledge which can help them becoming a responsible citizen who can also help themselves and the community.”[9] The place of the youth preparation in the system of disaster management nowadays It is important to determine that nowadays where we can find the youth preparation in the system of disaster management and civil protection. The present Hungarian system of disaster management as well-known has three parts which belong together. The first of these is the period of preparations then the period of intervention which includes the security 184 situation before the intervention and at last the period of restoring with the purpose of putting back the original circumstances. The youth preparation within the population preparation could be inserted in naturally in the task of the prevention period. The population preparation includes the preparation of: 

employees,  not employees,  students. During the determination of the youth preparation’s requirements must concentrated on the motivation of youth, and during the preparation must determine requirements which are essential during the execution. The main principles are the followings:  Voluntary principle of the trainers and the participants: It express the expectations that the participants don’t value the participation as a obligatory task, not the refusal because of its obligatory will be the motivation during the training. To attract the attention of the students increase the efficiency of the training.  The principle of the professional preparation: The trainer must be a well-educated person who has the knowledge to answer the questions asked by the students and which is suited to the requirements.  The principle of the application of those preparation forms and methods which to the age: During the collection of the tasks and auxiliary materials and the

development of the education style must aim at the easy understanding and the available purpose for the students. During the selecting of the training group must pay attention for selecting students in a group who are in the same age.  The principle of the preparation cost efficiency: During the selection of the educational form must pay attention for attainment of the practical knowledge, in this the instruments used in the rescue may help, and the theoretical knowledge should be strengthened in practice. On the other hand must take the maximum utilization of the available sources into consideration by emphasized easily, cheaply available instruments, materials.  The principle of complexity: It must be carried out in harmony of the tasks of the theoretical and practical preparation and in the detailed working up of the main danger sources.  The principle of actuality: The preparation can be coloured by the global world disasters building in the syllabus. During the

determination of the preparation’s requirements have to strive for:  The youth preparation should be in harmony with the professional materials, preparation’s requirements of the participant organizations,  The factual knowledge of the preparation should suit to the accepted factual knowledge of several areas,  The preparation of youth should be executed by the help of experts and in practice well-used pedagogical methods,  The system of mutual information should succeed during the preparation between the organizations doing preparation and the participants who taking part in the rescue,  The participants acquire a handy proficiency, ability for managing activities in an emergency,  The preparation should support the health and staying power of the youth. 185 We have to pay attention for the nature of danger sources near the abiding-place and the possibilities of the damage liquidation during the youth emergency preparation. Preparation in ”time-of-peace”

also have to support psychological, sociological, health, environmental knowledge near the global disaster management knowledge. We have to know the reasons of the evolution of the emergency, the tasks of the damage liquidation, the possibilities of the avoiding of an emergency, the expectable reaction of the environment, the possibilities how to avoid a panic etc. And also have to pay attention for that our liveable environment is a great asset and in its preservation more and more people work. The protection of soil, water and the air is everyone’s responsibility; compliance with the principles of sustainable development is also a major challenge for the future. The relevant legislation, the international cooperation, the education of the now growing-up generation for environmentally friendly consciousness – and waking up the present generation for a “greener” consciousness can effectively facilitate the compliance with the principles of development.[10] The youth preparation

has a widerange of possibilities The following methods are available for the implementation of these principles and requirements:  informative statements,  informative publications,  forums,  youth competitions,  cartoons,  exhibitions,  educational auxiliary materials,  organization of home and international disaster management camps,  integration of disaster management auxiliary materials to the syllabus,  organization of school open day in disaster management. 186 KiadványoK, ES ZKÖ ZÖ K Figure 2. Available tools and publications for school education (source: Dr. Hornyacsek Júlia „Felkészülten a katasztrófákkal szemben”c konferencia 2011.február 24 Pécel) [11] It could be an emphasized station of the system of youth preparation when the children can compare their abilities, proficiency and knowledge along the acquired knowledge. Since 1993 the state organizations dealing with fire and civil protection have provided the opportunity

for the participations in the youth competition for the children groups. During this traditional line can be motivated the students for attainment of auxiliary materials, skills and routine what they learn likely and later they use in an emergency with safety. We can be participants of a renewal organized by the Hungarian Civil Protection Association, which purpose must be: In the competition the students can number to their emergency knowledge – acquired during the school year – in theory and in practice, in a playful manner, in a form which appropriate to the age-specificity, which gives the basic of the building up of self-rescue ability and the complex explanation of safeness.[12] The organization of youth competition based on knowledge and real rivalry, the increasing of the competition’s rank and social appreciation could motivate the schools to make more efficient the organization of the competition, by the way a wider group of school youth could be educated. It is not an

easy task, first of all there is a need of trainers who has professional knowledge in disaster management and good pedagogic skills, who don’t frighten away but they endear this activity, on the one hand they provide the opportunity for participation in disaster management activity by the way of voluntary in the other hand they set up example to follow for the members of the community. Does not burn for good one to be, it is necessary to look good – the saying keeps it. In the interest of this aim we have to convince the local and national media that we make has a value. We have to wake their interest up with spectacular tasks which mediate values for the society. 187 Learning from some Western European examples, we have to determine the further increase of the rank of youth competition as a long-term aid, thus forming a system of vested interests, which is a spectacular increase in a number of participants will involve. So we might move from the three level to the four level

competition, where the entry level could be the school competition, and the present five-person groups could be changed to whole class groups. In this way the idea that the bottom up disaster management competition could be the top of the youth preparation might be realized. Near the associated organizations taking part in the liquidation it is worthy to consider to work with organization – which could be voluntary also – who play an important role in the life of the community, but don’t be in the focus as a primary intervening. Surveys show that young people like to support the disaster management preparation, but also they can acquire a wider emergency liquidator ability. Finally it could be stated by examining the economic background of the competition that the above mentioned objectives are not achieved with using pour state source. The strengthen of the application system, the long-term plans remain only plans without the sponsorship of economic actors. The management of

quality competition, waking up the media’s interest, the maximum use of application resources, and to convince the sponsors along the companies CSR activities gives the economic background of the successful organization of competition. Conclusion The system of youth preparation in disaster management, as a strong, most tangible subsystem of the disaster management preparation should be take precedence over both the professional disaster management agencies and the voluntary social organizations. Nowadays the preparations system must meet the conditions specified in the law, should follow the established and acceptable constituents, but also have to meet the challenges, to apply modern teaching methods. In addition must take into account the available financial and human resources, the local characteristics affecting only a few key aspects. The objective of educating emergency behavioural rules is transferring theoretical and practical knowledge to the students which can help in

survival during a protection against various disasters and emergencies, can help themselves and their mates, and they can reduce the damages occurred in the material properties and in the environment. Nowadays becoming increasingly important all awareness and knowledge transfer in favour of increasing the personal security in today’s globalized world. It is important a compilation of an educate program which is not a requirement, but a light, playful learning. The determination of the general requirements of the educational program which served for this purpose we have to pay attention for that the students should understand that their life sometimes is endangered by emergencies and disasters. These emergencies can caused be themselves, so this is important to know the types of the dangers, and the method how to avoid them. The students need to learn how to behave in an emergency, who have to be called for help, how the danger have to be made a signal and should make them aware of

using the correct behaviour can rescue their own and other’s life. They have to learn how can avoid a panic situation, know the vulnerability of Hungary, their living place and their schools, make them realize that the emergencies know no boundaries. In addition to these they need to recognize the significance of the alliance and to know that the civil protection obligations later also applies to them like the defence obligations.[13] The role of NGOs will continually increase in the future near the school education. The opening for the school youth of the associations taking part in the liquidation of emergencies and in the rescue and NGOs and the emergency education, training coordination organized by the official disaster management organizations must be an essential part of the future conception of the emergency education. 188 REFERENCES [1] Veresné Hornyacsek Júlia pv. szds: A lakosság katasztrófavédelmi felkészítésének elméleti és gyakorlati kérdései doktori

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