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Feltöltve:2018. június 28.

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Source: http://www.doksinet Amtrak Fact Sheet, Fiscal Year 2017 State of Tennessee Amtrak Service & Ridership Amtrak operates one National Network train through Tennessee, the City of New Orleans (daily ChicagoMemphis-New Orleans). During FY17 Amtrak served the following Tennessee locations: City Memphis Newbern-Dyersberg Total Tennessee Station Usage: Boardings + Alightings 73,637 3,788 77,425 (up 2.1% from FY16) Procurement Amtrak spent $5,683,345 on goods and services in Tennessee in FY17. Most of this was in the following locations: City Chattanooga Knoxville Mascot $ $ $ Amount 1,571,524 2,348,027 1,452,102 Employment At the end of FY17, Amtrak employed 14 Tennessee residents. Total wages of Amtrak employees living in Tennessee were $1,203,017 during FY17. Amtrak Government Affairs: November 2017 Source: http://www.doksinet AMTRAK ROUTES IN TENNESSEE TO C HIC AG O Bumpus Mills Dover Tiptonville L ake Obion R idgely Lenox ns lea Or Cit C rockett Burlison

Covington Tipton Atoka Mercer S tanton B artlett Memphis Williston G ermantown C ollierville Malesus Medon Pinson Henderson Hardeman Hornsby C hes ter R eagan McNairy Hohenwald L ewis Lynnville S avannah Hardin Nixon Middleton Michie Cypress Inn Leoma Collinwood L awrence S aint Joseph Iron City Petersburg G iles Minor Hill Loretto E lkton C offee Ardmore Winchester Huntland F ranklin S ale Creek S oddy-Daisy Marion Whitwell R ed B ank Jasper C hattanooga Lakesite Hamilton Harrison Alnwick Greenback Madisonville Niota R iceville S equatchie Monteagle Vonore Charleston Athens Watauga E lizabethton Mountain City S houns C arter J ohnson C ity LimestoneWas hington G reeneville G reene Parrottsville Gray J ohns on E rwin Banner Hill Unicoi R ocky Fork Newport Neubert S evierville C ocke Pigeon Forge Hartford S evier Maryville Townsend B lount Gatlinburg Tallassee Tellico Plains Delano C leveland B radley J effers on

Bluff City E towah Hopewell Collegedale E ast R idge Mosheim Baneberry B ristol Blountville Monroe McMinn Calhoun K nox Alcoa Loudon L oudon Morristown Hamblen Dandridge R ockford Lenoir City S weetwater Halls K noxville Decatur Dayton Graysville Beersheba S prings Tracy City Decherd Fayetteville E lora B leds oe E vensville Dunlap R oane R hea Meigs Pikeville G rundy Karns F arragut Kingston Grandview S pring City Van B uren Warren Gruetli-Laager Tullahoma Lynchburg L incoln Taft McMinnville Ozone C umberland S pencer Manchester Moore Frankewing Pulaski White Hillsboro Oak R idge Harriman Crossville Viola Normandy Anders on Fairfield Glade G rainger Jefferson City White Pine S ullivan Jonesborough Baileyton Maynardville Clinton Church Hill Fall Branch Hawkins R ogersville R utledge Union Norris Lake City Morgan Wartburg S parta Lone Mountain Caryville S unbright Clarkrange Pleasant Hill Doyle Morrison S

helbyville Lewisburg Lawrenceburg Wayne Lutts R over Bell Buckle Mars hall E thridge Waynesboro Monterey S mithville Centertown B edford Mount Pleasant S ummertown Flat Woods S altillo Crump Chapel Hill Maury Clifton E nville S elmer Guys Decaturville Boma S cott P utnam Woodbury C annon R utherford E agleville C olumbia Kimmins Decatur S pring Hill Hickman Parsons Linden S ardis Finger Thompsons S tation Duck R iver Algood C ookeville Murfreesboro Williams on Wrigley S outh Carthage Wilder Hancock Camelot New Tazewell Tazewell La Follette Jacksboro K ingsport S needville C laiborne C ampbell Huntsville Allardt F entres s Overton R ickman Dekalb Auburntown Jamestown Livingston Gainesboro Watertown Wils on F ranklin Centerville P erry Lexington Henders on Beech Bluff S ilerton Hickory Valley S aulsbury Nunnelly Carthage Cumberland Gap Clairfield E lk Valley Oneida Allons J acks on Difficult Jellico Winfield P

ickett C lay S mith Mount Juliet B rentwood La Vergne S myrna Fairview Lobelville Parkers Cross R oads J ackson Bolivar S omerville Humphreys Huntingdon Nas hville Berry Hill Burns Dickson C arroll Oakfield Whiteville F ayette E va Davids on Dicks on Waverly Clarksburg Braden Millington Arlington S helby TO NE W OR L E ANS Atwood Madis on Haywood B enton Hendersonville Lebanon Ashland City Charlotte Byrdstown Forbus Celina Willette Hartsville C heatham G oodlettsville S layden Vanleer Big S andy Cedar Grove B rownsville Garland Munford Humboldt Alamo Bells R ipley Henning yo fN ew Gates Henry E rin New Johnsonville Trenton Milan Gibson Friendship Halls Hous ton Camden G ibs on Dyersburg Fowlkes Henry Cumberland City Tennessee R idge McKenzie Bradford Dyer Dyer L auderdale Weakley Gleason Trimble Kenton S haron Newbern Greenfield Bogota Macon White House G allatinTrous dale R idgetop Greenbrier S tewart

Paris Dresden Westmoreland Lafayette S umner R oberts on Cottage Grove Martin Troy Obion S pringfield Puryear Fulton Union C ity S amburg Mitchellville Portland Orlinda Montgomery New Providence C larksville Benton P olk Conasauga Farner Ducktown McCaysville TRACK OWNERSHIP Amtrak NS UP CP BNSF CN/IC CSX Other --Amtrak Government Affairs, summer 2011