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MAPS | BEACHES | DOGS | KIDS | GALLERIES | SHOWS | WEED | FOOD 2019 INSIDER’S GUIDE 55 S C A N’T M I S PICKS WHAT’S NEW IN 2019? SURVEY SAYS: BEST BARS, RESTAURANTS, DISHES, AND SHOPS. 4 2 7 CO M M E RC I A L ST R E E T ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 2 What’s this guide about, anyway? Welcome to Provincetown! We’re ptownie, a group of local residents and media specialists who work, laugh, create, and play together here year-round, and we’re passionate about sharing our love for Provincetown with you. This guide doesn’t pretend to be a complete rundown of everything there is to see, everywhere there is to stay, or everyone there is to meet. It’s just an overview of what we at ptownie think are things you shouldn’t missthe kind of advice you’d get if you were hanging out with us in person. You’ll find some of our special favorites in highlighted boxes throughout the guide. In some cases, we’ve polled other year-rounders for

their “must-haves,” so there are lots of options for you to choose from. We’re glad you’re here, and hope to see you around town this summer. Come visit us at 199 Commercial Street (downstairs from Kohi Coffee) and say hello! the folks at ptownie Special thanks to Ric Ide for his permission to include many of his beautiful photographs. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 3 ptownie guide to provincetown | summer 2019 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 HOW, WHAT, & WHY Do I need a reservation | 5 How to get here | 6 How to get around | 8 What’s new in 2019 | 11 Now that I’m here, what can I do | 17 When the sun goes down | 24 2 RESOURCES Essentials | 26 Survey Says: Best Bets | 28 Boo Boo Awards | 29 Must-shopping | 30 Galleries | 33 Ptown on a budget | 36 Staying with kids | 38 Hanging out with your best friend (dogs) | 39 3 WHAT’S HAPPENING Weekly events, in-season | 41 Theme weeks | 43 Open all seasons | 50 Map of Provincetown and

Ferry Schedule | 54 ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 4 Do I need a reservation? The short answer is, yes. No matter what you want to dostay, eat, play, get aroundyou’ll avoid disappointment if you plan in advance. Just write a list, make all your reservations in one fell swoop, and you’ll be set. That list should include: • Inns, hotels, guesthouses, B&Bs Don’t leave this to chance: they don’t let you sleep on the beach! • Restaurants Many of the most popular eateries take reservations weeks in advance, so make sure to plan ahead. • Bikes and cars Choose from the various rental places, but call before you come! Making reservations also includes weddings and other celebrations. Whatever kind of party you’re organizing, there’s someone to help. Ptown is Wedding Destination Central (we are, after all, where marriage equality all began!), and no matter what you need, the folks at Get Married in Ptown can help, from providing the

officiant to planning everything from venue to menu, with a lot of extras thrown in. Contact them as soon as you’ve set the date! ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 5 How to get here BY SEA Skip the traffic and enjoy the ride instead! There are two ferry services running between Boston and Ptown. Both have bar and snack services Be sure to book your tickets in advanceas in, right now. We’re not kidding: the ferry fills up quickly! • Provincetown Fast Ferry, operated by Bay State Cruise Company, leaves from the World Trade Center in the Seaport and operates the Provincetown IV fast ferry. Bay State Cruise Company is our favorite ferry service: with Bay State, your vacation starts the moment you board the boat for Ptown! Offering multiple sailings daily, seven days a week, it’s quick and convenient, and delivers the most departures and the newest fleet, operated by the nicest people. Bay State Cruise Company has served this route the longestsince the

1800sand it shows in everything they do. Check out their website to read Ferry Talesreal stories about real people whose lives have been changed by the journeyas well as the Deep Sea Dispatch to get you in the mood for your seaside vacation. Bay State Cruise Company: Boston to Provincetown Depart Boston Arrive Ptown Frequency 8:30am 10:00am Daily 1:00pm 2:30pm Daily 5:30pm 7:00pm Daily Bay State Cruise Company: Provincetown to Boston Depart Ptown Arrive Boston Frequency 6:30am 8:15am Mondays 10:30am 12:00pm Daily 3:00pm 4:30pm Daily 7:30pm 9:00pm Daily • Boston Harbor Cruises calls its fast ferry service ASAPtown; it operates the Salacia, the largest and fastest catamaran in North America (so sit indoors if you don’t want to get too wet from the spray), and has a concierge service on board. • Captain John Boats runs a fast ferry between Plymouth (MA) and Provincetown. BY AIR Since 1989, Cape Air has been operating direct flights to Provincetown from

Boston (and has recently added White Plains, NY) via a quick 20-minute ride in a Cessna 402 (single engine, eight seats). The views are terrific! See our What’s New section to hear about a new discounted program specifically for ptownie’s. BY BUS The Plymouth & Brockton Street Railway operates buses between Boston (Logan Airport & South Station), Hyannis, and Provincetown, with additional lines from Providence and New York. It takes slightly longer than driving but is virtually stress-free and the least expensive way to get to and from Ptown. Peter Pan has just started a service to Provincetown as well so check availability with them. BY CAR Be prepared for a lot of traffic, especially as you approach the Sagamore or Bourne bridge, and whenever Route 6 becomes one lane. Be very careful driving on Suicide Alley (you’ll understand why it’s called that once you see it) and in Eastham and Wellfleet, which have particularly vigilant speed-limit enforcement. ptownie’s

guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 6 WEED IN PROVINCETOWN A PTOWNIE PRODUCTION D I S P E N S A R Y L O C AT I O N S | R E G U L AT I O N S | T I P S | N E W S | U P D AT E S | A N D M O R E WEEDINPROVINCETOWN.COM ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 7 How to get around BICYCLES Your best bet for transportation is a bicycle, and we strongly urge you to reserve one in advance. Parking is very limited and expensive, the parking police are vigilant, and bicycles allow you to get around while seeingand being seen! • Ptown Bikes 42 Bradford Street Ptown Bikes is ptownie’s first choice for bicycle rentals, and for good reason: not only do they offer the best customer service in town, they’re also strong supporters of the community. By renting your bike here, you’re helping a number of organizations, services, and eventsin other words, doing your part to keep Ptown a thriving community! They also have electric bikes (e-bikes). Add in free

emergency roadside assistance, reservations you can make by phone or online, and an experienced staff, and you have a winner. • Gale Force Bikes 144 Bradford Street Ext • Arnold’s 329 Commercial St • Provincetown Bike Shack 63 Shank Painter Rd • Provincetown Bike Rentals 136 Bradford Street BICYCLE REPAIR STATIONS Cyclists, rejoice! Now there’s free help when you’re out and about on Commercial Street: we have three bicycle repair stations, one on each end of town and one right in the center! (So now all you have to worry about when you’re cycling around town is. watching that traffic!) Locations: – West station: next to the parking kiosk in the West End parking lot. – Central station: at the public bike rack by the CCRTA bus stop at Macmillan Pier. – East station: beside the Johnson Street parking lot kiosk. Pedal Ptown New this year. Guide and bicycle enthusiast Rik Ahlberg offers bicycle tours of Provincetown (Discover Ptown, Seashore Adventure, Best of

Ptown, and private tours) and bicycle classes (Surviving Commercial Street, Shopping by Bike). Tours depart from 6 Standish St. https://pedalptowncom TO & FROM THE WHARF Some hotels operate shuttles that will pick you up at the ferry. TAXI. Taxis are always at the wharf whenever the ferries dock, or you can call in advance to have one meet you there. There are taxi stands at several places ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 8 along Commercial Street, near the parking lot at MacMillan, and several taxi companies operating in town. Availability of Uber and Lyft is limited; check ahead with them. BUS. You can take the Flex Bus (from CCRTA) offering travel to and from up-Cape to get here; and once you’re in Ptown, The Shuttle will take you on a loop around the beaches, Beech Forest, Province Lands Visitor Center, airport, etc. It only costs two dollars per personone of the best deals in town!and both leave from MacMillan Pier and the Stop & Shop,

though you can also flag either one down. The Plymouth-Brockton Bus leaves from Macmillan Pier and the Stop & Shop a few times a day, terminating in Hyannis where you can connect with bus lines for other towns and cities, including Boston and New York. Peter Pan has just began service to Provincetown in the last few months. .OR WALK? Lots of people simply roll their suitcases down Commercial Street; why not join them and get a sense of what the town has in store for you? CAR RENTALS There are also car rentals via Enterprise at the Provincetown Airport. You need to make a reservation and let them know what time you’re coming, as the desk isn’t always staffed. PARKING Parking is a perennial problem in Ptown. Be very careful and read posted signs, as parking regulations are enforced between the beginning of May and the end of October, and towing is always an option. There are town parking lots at MacMillan Wharf and at Prince Street that are available 24/7, although if

you’re exiting late at night you will need to use a credit card. Smaller town parking lots with payment kiosks are located at Johnson Street and at the West End. Private parking lots are dotted around town, the largest being at the Provincetown Marina and the Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum (the latter includes a free museum entrance). All of these lots fill up, so if you have any other options (such as not bringing your car into town!), you might want to consider them. the rain blazer coffey men 173 commercial st. | coffeynyc@aolcom ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 9 FAST FERRIES TO PROVINCETOWN FROM THE WORLD TRADE CENTER IN THE SEAPORT DISTRICT Boston to Provincetown in 90 minutes 3 departures daily May - Oct. Only 10 minutes from Airport Steps from the Silver Line T 877-PT.FERRY (877-783-3779) World Trade Center Boston FROM THE WORLD TRADE CENTER IN THE SEAPORT DISTRICT Make reservations online www.baystatecruisescom ptownie’s guide

to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 10 What’s new in 2019 You know how it is: you turn your back on a place and, before you know it, everything’s changed! We want to keep you “in the knows” about what’s new in Ptown for 2019, and also about what changes are happening. We’re excited about a lot of the changes and the new ideas percolating this season, and we think you will be, too. The Club Lea DeLaria and Frank Christopher opened this cozy supper-club-type establishment in the space formerly occupied by the Pied Bar. No longer a dance club, it features top-level performers, small plates, and Lea DeLaria herself. There is a full menu page of Ptownesque crafted cocktails, and in good weather there’s barbecue out on the patio. AWOL Hotel One of our Best Kept Secrets series for the year. Part of the Lark chain, the AWOL is located in the West End on the site of the former Inn at the Moors and provides a boutique hotel experience: classic Cape Cod with

just a hint of playfulness, luxurious surroundings that maintain their simplicity. awolhotelcom Respoke Espadrilles New in the far West End, beside the Monument barber shop, it features unique espadrilles made from authentic designer scarves (including Hermes, Pucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Etro, Alexander McQueen, and more). The company sources from major auction houses and dealers around the world. Provincetown Brewing Company (PBC) Tap room and brews officially roll out in summer 2019. Every PBC product highlights a cause or organization, from LGBTQ+ rights to conservation and more. Charities will receive a percentage of sales from each product sold. Owner Chris Hartley previously worked at Turtle Swamp Brewing. They’re located at 141 Bradford Street in the space formerly occupied by the health-food store and online at LuluLemon is a chain retail store for yoga-inspired technical apparel, located in the former Marc Jacobs space at 184

Commercial Street. The store is seasonal only. See them online at lululemoncom Snack & Supply a new health-based convenience store located next to Café Heaven and carrying a powerhouse selection of true grab-and-go-style food made fresh daily from GrabN’Go Health Bar. Cape Air offers a special Ptown residents’ rate: $82.50/one way for off-peak hours only Cape Air doesn’t advertise the rate and it is only good between Boston and Provincetown; tickets must be booked in person showing a valid Provincetown driver’s license. Pedal Ptown Guide and bicycle enthusiast Rik Ahlberg offers bicycle tours of Provincetown (Discover Ptown, Seashore Adventure, Best of Ptown, and private tours) and bicycle classes (Surviving Commercial Street, Shopping by Bike). Tours depart from 6 Standish St. pedalptowncom ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 11 LIVE MUSIC. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT. LIVE SEAGULLS. A new kind of dining experience 193A Commercial St. Provincetown, MA •

(508) 487-1527 www.theclubptowncom • follow @theclubptown ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 12 Far Land Provisions has added a food truck this year that will be parked out at Race Point Beach for most of the summer. Far Land is also excited to be providing baked goods for the Bay State Cruise Company ferry this year. farlandprovisionscom The former PBG “Shack” is now the LGBTQ Welcome & Resource Center. Located at 368 Commercial St., it will provide information and resources, tickets for themed events, and branded items for sale. Outermost Supply This art-and-objects store is a small design partnership characterized by its choice of modern shapes and style rooted in the natural forms, textures, and rich history of its surroundings. Tween the Tides is a new-quick service restaurant in the Aquarium Mall, bringing you international street eats, standard American fare, and eclectic Cape Cod fusion. Plant-based options aren’t just an afterthought at

Tween the Tides! Provincetown Commons is a shared workspace and artistic collaboration site that develops accessible space and resources. Meeting rooms, individual workspace, and gallery space are all here. Complete Pilates & Sports Therapy Located at 368C Commercial Street, it offers class types from Pilates reformer and Pilates tower to Pilates mat classes, with a sports therapy clinic as well. Classes run Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. AirOtic This erotic version of Cirque du Soleil débuts at Fisherman Hall. AirOtic uses physique, strength, burlesque, and acrobatics to break the fourth wall and connect with its audiences. Sharing an LGBT-focused story of love, passion, sexuality and eroticism, the show features more than 1000 handmade costumes and elaborate sets. Michael Dreyer The Singing Chef The singing Chef offers live acoustic entertainment for boat, beach, and house parties. Take him home to rock out a

feast in your kitchen! Raw bar, Sushi, and Vegetarian too. Weed Weed in Provincetown Brought to you by your friends at ptownie. brings you all things you need to know about 420 in Ptown. Dispensaries Curaleaf (recreational): 170 Commercial St. Green Harbor (medical and recreational): 45 Court St. Haven Center (medical and recreational): 308 Commercial St. Heal, Inc. (medical and recreational): 48 Shank Painter Rd. Hennep (recreational): 246 Commercial St. Verdant (medical and recreational): 44 Captain Bertie’s Way But as we said, it’s not just about what’s new, but also about what’s changed. Some of your favorite places are still here, with new, enthusiastic owners who can’t wait to meet you and start the season. And some of them have some great surprises in store for you! ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 13 Simple. Thoughtful. Nourishing. We are International Street Foods and some Standard American Street Eats Deeply Rooted

with a Passion for Plant Based Options “ Cape Cod Infused And Confused . it’s Cape Cod the way Cape Cod never imagined it would be . ” 774.7227223 205 Commercial St Provincetown, MA ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 14 WHAT’S CHANGED IN 2019? A lot of places are under new ownership this year, and others have added features to complement what they’re already doing. Perry’s Wine and Liquors Now owned by Charlie Greener and Billy Marshall, who are bringing in new products they love and want to share. Stowaway Guest House, formerly Roux, now owned by Steven Azar and Michael Wiskar, the inn is undergoing a transformationa different name, a different vibe, and a great deal more community contact. Watch this space for more information soon! joe coffee Now owned by Mark Shaw, Peter McBrien Jr., and Glenn Siegmund, the café now emphasizes high-quality coffee as an artisanal foodstuff rather than a commodity. The

café is also supplying coffee to the Bay State Cruise Company ferry. The East End Market is now owned by Claudio Gervasi and Kevin Moss and offers a full selection of breakfasts, lunches and dinners; they’ll prepare beach picnics, bake you something special, or send you home with a Centerville pie. The former Rego’s Automotive at 656 Commercial Street is now Outermost Automotive, owned and run by Pat and Lacey (and their dog and kids). This has become the locals’ most trusted garage. The family all comes from the Outer Cape and we think it’s great to see an old-school family business flourishing here. facebookcom/regoauto The West End Inn is not under new ownership, but is reopening and renovated this season. The captain’s house is a favorite among insiders who love the West End and is also part of our series of best-kept secrets in Ptown! Seaplane Shirts is moving to 347 Commercial Street. Seaplane does fun shirts for men and women

They produce tiny numbers of very special prints in Philadelphia, selling direct to consumers. At ptownie, we’re on top of all the changes going on in our ever-changing town, and we’ll keep you in the knows. If you want to see what’s going on every week, then subscribe to the ptownie dispatch, bringing you new events, schedule reminders, and our top picks. WHAT’S NEW THIS SUMMER IN THEATRE? Peregrine Theatre Ensemble Cabaret (July 5-August 31): In a Berlin nightclub, as the 1920s draw to a close, a garish Master of Ceremonies welcomes the audience and assures them they will forget all their troubles at the cabaret. With the Emcee’s bawdy songs as wry commentary, Cabaret explores the dark, heady, and tumultuous life of Berlin’s natives and expatriates as Germany slowly yields to the emerging Third Reich. The Peregrine Theatre Ensemble performs at Fishermen Hall. Provincetown Theater August: Osage County (May 9-26): Winner of the 2008 Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award for Best

New Play, August: Osage County centers around the Weston family, brought together after their patriarch, world-class poet and alcoholic Beverly Weston, disappears. The matriarch, Violet, depressed and addicted to pain pills and “truthtelling,” is joined by her three daughters and their problematic lovers, who harbor their own deep secrets, her sister Mattie Fae and her family, well-trained in the Weston family art of cruelty, and finally, the observer of the chaos, the young Cheyenne housekeeper Johnna, who was hired by Beverly just before his disappearance. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 15 Provincetown Dance Festival (June 21-22): Cape Cod’s largest dance festival will deliver several diverse companies with over a dozen dancers, presented by Truro Center for the Arts at Castle Hill in partnership with The Provincetown Theater. Sweeney Todd (July 8-August 29): One of the darkest musicals ever written, Sweeney Todd: A Musical Thriller is the

unsettling tale of a Victorian-era barber who returns home to London. Harbor Stage Company The Hermitage (June 13-July 20): Calming, inspiring, spiritual a hermitage is the perfect addition to any modern luxury estate. provided it comes with an actual hermit. Original, hilarious, and absurd, this offbeat look at class and charity helps us understand our search for sanctuary and how we come upon kindness. Three Sisters (July 25-Sept. 1): A whole-hearted look at simmering passions and elusive ambitions, this exhilarating classic tells the story of a tight-knit family navigating life in a provincial town. Kropf’s invigorating new version captures the exquisite ache and bittersweet beauty of great expectations. A series of readings will round out the season: - Party of Jays - Mary Coffin - In a Word - The Realistic Joneses Theatre in Ptown builds on the legacy of Tennessee Williams, Eugene O’Neill, and Susan Glaispell, keeping the spirit of the old Lewis Wharf alive. The Provincetown

Theater offers productions of classic American plays as well as connections to other cultural events such as the dance festival and the Tennessee Williams festival. The Peregrine Theatre Ensemble performs at Fisherman’s Hall and delivers excellence in the quality of production, casting, and selection. Just out of town you’ll find the Payomet Performing Arts Center under the tent in Truro, and the Harbor Stage Company and Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre (WHAT) in Wellfleet. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 16 Now that I’m here, what can I do? BEACHES • Herring Cove Beach in the Cape Cod National Seashore actually comprises several beaches. Turn right at the guard shack after you pay for admission for kid- and disabled-friendly beach access. (FYI, it’s free after 5:00 for sunset watching: this is one of the few places in the East where you see the sun set into the water). Turn left at the guard shack and you’ll find: – A concession stand run by

Far Land Provisions: get some food and hang out on the benches or take it out on the sand with you. There are also showers and changing rooms here. Far Land On The Beach: Beer and wine are now available, as well as an assortment of signature snacks and sandwiches. And don’t miss the Sunset Music Series on Sundays and Wednesdays at 6:30 pm (6:00 in August), with free admission to listen to great local music (Zoe Lewis, the Rip-it-Ups, Chandler Travis and more). Come sit by the bonfire, enjoy a drink and a light dinner, and watch the sun go down. Cash only for your provisions, please – Women’s beach: At the end of the parking lot is a path leading down to the water. The name is a misnomer: this is really an everyonefriendly beach. – Boys’ beach: You can go pastway pastthe women’s beach and you’ll find it. Alternately, cycle out, park your bike with all the others across from the Moors, and take the path in. Either way, it’s a hike. Clothing is required on all National

Seashore land, but the rule is often ignored here. • Race Point Beach is also in the Seashore, located past the airport on Race Point Road. This is a particularly family-friendly beach. If you have a four-wheel drive vehicle and want to get a permit to drive in the dunes, this is where you’ll be able to do that. – A food truck run by Far Land Provisions is newly available and will primarily be stationed this summer at Race Point Beach. •T  own beaches: You can access the town beaches on either side of MacMillan Pier or through labeled access points strategically placed throughout town. This is a great way to take a little break from a long day of shopping or sightseeing in the town. •L  ong Point Beach: You can’t drive to this beach: it’s an adventure to get here! You can either walk across the breakwater on the West End of town or you can take a water taxi (see Flyer’s Boat Rentals) across Provincetown Harbor. Since it is harder to get to, it is a quieter, more

secluded beach that offers a wonderful view of town and has its own lovely lighthouse. •H  atches Harbor Beach: If you want to visit a more marshy, grassy part of town, Hatches Harbor (and the walk there) is the right place for you! Park just past Herring Cove and walk along the fire road through the salt marsh. It’s a very photogenic area so be sure to take your camera! • Great white sharks are now regularly sighted off Outer Cape beaches, so use common sense. Don’t swim anywhere near sealsthey aren’t cute and cuddly themselves, and they’re the ones attracting the sharks. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 17 See Provincetown Harbor from the deck of the BAY LADY II See the sights! 3 trips daily 2 hour sailings on 73 ft Schooner Throw a party! 41 person capacity comfortable Sunset Sails! Wind down with a beautiful sunset www.sailcapecodcom 9 MacMillan Pier ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 18 508-487-9308 BONFIRES

Who doesn’t love a bonfire on the beach? The Cape Cod National Seashore allows bonfires, but only with a permit, and you must apply in person at the Province Lands Visitor Center. A limited number of permits is available every day, so be in line when they open their doors at 9:00am (you can try calling, but they take in-person reservations before opening up the phone lines). You can apply for your permit up to three days in advance, and pick it up by 3:30pm on the day you’ll use it. You must bring your own wood (buy it at Stop & Shop or Cumberland Farms on Shank Painter Rd.) and observe commonsense safety precautions. There’s no glass allowed on the beach, so make sure your food and libations are in appropriate containers. Dogs are allowed to enjoy the bonfire with you, but they must be on leashes; you’re also more likely to see coyotes and foxes after dark, so keep an eye out. There are no bonfires allowed on town beaches. POOLS Want the water without the sand? There are

public swimming pools with free admission at • Crown & Anchor • Harbor Hotel • Provincetown Inn BOATING, WHALE-WATCHING, SCHOONERS, AND FISHING If you want to be out on the water, you’re in the right place! •W  ant to rent a motorboat or 19-foot sailboat and just hang around in the harbor or head over to Long Point for a day at the beach? Head over to Flyer’s Boat Rentals. They also give boating lessons, provide moorings, and run the water-taxi out to Long Point. • Dog Gone Sailing Charters • Fishing charters: – Ginny G (also offer private whale-watching) – Ceejay – S  ea Salt Charters (also offers private whale-watching) • Schooners: There are two, both of them in slips at MacMillan Pier: – Bay Lady Join Captain Bob Burns and the crew of the Bay Lady II for a memorable sail across Provincetown Harbor and into Cape Cod Bay. Depending on wind direction, your 2-hour sail will take you either across the bay towards the Bluffs of Corn Hill or around

Long Point Light at the tip of the Cape in the direction of Wood End Lighthouse. – Hindu • Boatslip All have cocktail bars and serve food from the inns’ respective restaurants.  hale-watching: •W Affiliated with the Center for Coastal Studies, the Dolphin Fleet is the oldest (and best!) whale-watching fleet in New England. Learn about whales, seals, and other pelagic creatures, or just enjoy the sundeck on a beautiful day. Ptown has gone from whaling to whale protection and we’re proud to be able ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2018 | page 19 to share that transformation with visitors. Take a moment to check out the online whalewatching handbook before you go, for comprehensive, impartial and free advice to would-be whale-watchers. • Kayaking: Venture Athletics, Provincetown Aquasports, Flyer’s Boat Yard •  Parasailing: Provincetown Parasailing on MacMillan Pier MUSEUMS • The Provincetown Art Association & Museum shows juried members’

shows, exhibitions from its own collections of Provincetown artists (Charles Hawthorne, Henry Hensche, Blanche Lazzell, Hans Hofmann, and more), and also runs classes and workshops in the summer. Summer workshops are also offered at the Castle Hill Center for the Arts in Truro. • That tower you can see coming into Ptown? That’s the Pilgrim Monument, and along with the Provincetown Museum it’s located up on High Pole Hill; you really should spend half a day up there. Climb to the top of the Monument for stunning views of Cape Cod and beyond, and visit the museum that keeps Ptown’s history alive. The Whydah Museum (colloquially known as the Pirate Museum), right next to the ferry landing on MacMillan Pier, looks pretty hokey, but it’s well worth a visitit contains artifacts from the pirate ship Whydah that sank off Ptown in 1717, as well as lots of general information around pirating. The gift shop will delight your kids! • Other cool attractions include: – The

Provincetown Public Library is home to the Lipton Cup, won in a schooner race in 1907; on the second and third floors, you can see a half-scale model of the winning Rose Dorothea. – Town Hall: The Provincetown Art Commission moves its collection around the town hall, the library, and the school on a seasonal basis, but whatever happens to be at Town Hall when you’re visiting is sure to be worth a stop. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2018 | page 20 ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 21 •  The Center for Coastal Studies has a presence on MacMillan Pier and headquarters at 5 Holway Street for displays, activities, and events. The Center has conducted scientific research, marine animal rescue, and public education since 1976, and we strongly urge you to support thembuy a t-shirt, go on a whale watch, or just make a donation! •  rovince Lands Visitor Center: Enjoy an P indoor theater showing five short films daily on a rotating schedule,

and a bookstore with seashore-related books, tapes, videos, toys, and gifts. The observation deck provides a 360-degree view of the Province Lands dunes, the outer beach, and the Atlantic Ocean.) • Step back in time at the History of Sex Museum, which occupies a section of the Toys of Eros shop on Commercial Street and where you’ll view a great collection of sex gadgets from various centuriesas well as some hilarious advertisements (“vibration is life!”) for them. TOURS into the wonders of Commercial Street and the beaches yourself. Part of the Bay State Cruise Company, which brings you the fast ferries from Boston, the Mayflower Trolley runs several times a day from two locations: mornings and afternoons out on MacMillan pier, and afternoons behind Art’s Dune Tours on Standish Street. Can’t make it down the pier? They’ll pick you up! For $20a bargainyou’ll enjoy a 50-minute narrated tour down Commercial Street and out into the Seashore on a 10-mile loop. Tour

guides are all about Ptown’s history, eccentricities, and quirkiness, and are able to answer most questions, including the classic, “What do you do with the Monument in the winter?” (We’re not telling you the answer. Take the tour) •  Walking tour from Pilgrim Monument: This two-hour walking tour (wear comfortable shoes!) is excellent, in-depth, and is also a great deal, as the $20 also includes admission to the museum and monument. Offered Wednesdays at 9:30am. Provincetown Ghost Tours: 90-minute •  walking tours leave nightly from The Coffee Pot at Lopes Square. Who knows whose spirit you might encounter? • Art’s Dune Tours: This is one of our favorite things to doyou really shouldn’t leave town without taking at least one of these great tours! Choose from one-hour tours of the Peaked Hills dunes, or make it a sunset tour with a clambake, a lake-or-sea tour with kayaking added in, a tour with an additional sailing experience, or any number of specialized tours

you’ll find on their website. • Gyms – Mussel Beach Health Club: 35 Bradford St. – Provincetown Gym: 81 Shank Painter Rd. •  Mayflower Trolley: Seriously, do not miss this tour! There’s no better way to get an overview of the town, past and present, before delving • Yoga & Pilates – Yoga East Wellness Center: 43 Race Point Rd. WORKING OUT ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 22 – S  trength & Clarity Pilates: the basement at 170 Commercial St. – Provincetown Aquasports offers paddleboard yoga: 333R Commercial St. • Tennis – Provincetown Tennis Club (open to the public): 286 Bradford St. – Provincetown Recreation Department Free public courts at Motta Memorial Field PAMPERING • Spas – S  hui Spa (Kiehl’s) is at the Crowne Pointe Historic Inn – Namaste Spa is at the Carpe Diem Guesthouse. Recently updated and renovated. This is a favorite among locals for a true spa experience. – Blu Day Spa: 306 Commercial

Street – Seaglass Spa is at the Seaglass Inn – West End Salon & Spa: 155 Commercial Street – Jonathan Williams Salon and Spa: 139A Bradford St. • Hairdressers – Snip at 182 Commercial St. is especially popular with the locals. – Salon 54: 54 Bradford St. – Hair by the Sea Salon and Day Spa: 281A Commercial St. – Waves Salon: 81 Shank Painter Rd. – Hannah’s Headlines: 3 Freeman St. #1 •  Massage All spas in town offer massage. There are many very good massage therapists in town. Wonderful Hands Massage, located in Whaler’s Wharf, with a choice of shiatsu, CST, Swedish, and polarity massage, as well as reflexology and more; also offers a sliding fee scale. In addition, there’s Michael Perry Massage, Marilyn Massad Massage, and Ptown Massage and Bodywork. Jay Foley at Namaste Spa is a ptownie staff favorite. HOW ABOUT DANCING IN THE AFTERNOON? You absolutely need to go to Tea Dance at the Boatslip at least once while you’re here. Tea is the last

beverage served at this famous outdoor dance party, where you can limber up for your evening or meet someone new to spend it with. It’s every day at 4pm, with frequent special themed dances. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 23 When the sun goes down SPORTS (WHERE TO WATCH) ENTERTAINMENT Summer’s a great time for a beer and a game! And we have a number of places where you can enjoy them both. At the 1620 Brewhouse on Commercial Street, there isn’t a bad seat, with plenty of TV screens to choose from. You can also watch sports at the Squealing Pig, the Governor Bradford, the Pilgrim House, and the Wave Bar. For something a little (or a lot!) different from classic theatre, the Art House, the Crown & Anchor, the Pilgrim House (home to Miss Richfield 1981), and the Post Office Cabaret all offer a season filled with Broadway performers, comedians, and drag acts. Check out their individual websites for specifics. ADULT BEVERAGES Did you know that

Ptown has its own brewery and ciderworks? Provincetown Brewing Company (PBC) Tap room and brews officially roll out in summer 2019. Every PBC product highlights a cause or organization, from LGBTQ+ rights to conservation and more. Charities will receive a percentage of sales from each product sold. Owner Chris Hartley previously worked at Turtle Swamp Brewing. They’re located at 141 Bradford Street in the space formerly occupied by the health-food store and online at Shoal Hope (the name Bartholomew Gosnold first gave to the Cape) produces a number of ciders you can find at liquor stores and at many local restaurants. Buying ingredients for mixing your martinis at your rental? You’ll find that and more here: • Yardarm Liquors Tin Pan Alley, across from Town Hall, has become a local year-round favorite for live music. You can find local favorites, Jon Richardson on the piano Friday and Saturday nights and Gerald Goode on Sundays. Want to keep up with

what’s going on? Check out the listings and picks at, and listen in to Cape Cod’s only community radio station, WOMR (92.1 FM) every Thursday at 12:30pm for Arts Week, a rundown of arts and entertainment for the weekend. AND FOR LATE-LATE NIGHT FUN Provincetown shuts down earlier than Boston or New York, so be aware that most bars close by 1:00. But you don’t have to turn in yet! Check out Spiritus Pizza for a late-night slice and check out everyone else who’s doing the same thing (you know they’ll be checking you out, too!) And if things just didn’t happen for you at the club or bar, you can head over to the Dick Dock along the beachfront under the Boatslip’s pool. • Pennie’s Wine & Spirits • Big Vin’s Liquors • Perry’s Wine & Liquors •  Glass Half Full Drink & Smoke (they also carry fine cigars) ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 24 COMING IN 2019: - A KILLER CARNIVAL (AUGUST) - THE CHRISTMAS CORPSES

(NOVEMBER) Provincetown mysteries by Jeannette de Beauvoir from Homeport Press Available at the Provincetown Bookshop, East End Books, and online Cape Cod’s Oldest Attraction Since 1946 Dune Tours ▪ Sunset Beach Tours ▪ Clambakes ▪ Families & Groups 4 Standish Street • 508-487-1950 • ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 25 Essentials HEALTH & EMERGENCY SERVICES We really hope that your stay in Ptown is a healthy one! We don’t expect you’ll need any of these services, but they’re here if you do. • 911 In case of a clearly life-threatening emergency, 911 calls work here. Be aware that if your situation requires transportation via ambulance, the closest hospital is in Hyannis, more than an hour away from Provincetown. Just something for you to keep in mind when you’re partying so you don’t over-do anything. • Primary & emergency care  Outer Cape Health Services (OCHS) is a

nonprofit community health center located at 49 Harry Kemp Way. It offers primary care, urgent walkin services, mental health services, an on-site pharmacy, and some specialties. OCHS is open seven days a week, year-round. Call for hours 508-487-9395. • Sexual Health  OCHS is offering a new program this year called tNt which stands for Test and Treat. The clinic is at 49 Harry Kemp Way. Call for hours at 774-5383350 Services to include: - HIV, Hep C, and STI testing and treatment - PrEP navigation and access - nPEP access Sexual Health services can also be accessed at AIDS Support Group at 336 Commercial Street or • Dental services  No one wants to see a dentist on vacation, but sometimes things just happen. OCHS also shares a dental care space with Harbor Health Dental, also at 49 Harry Kemp Way. You can also see Scott Allegretti at Provincetown Dental Arts at 135 Bradford Street, 508-487-2800, or Cheryl Andrews at Provincetown Dental Associates, 86 Harry Kemp Way,

508-487-9936. • Eye care  Outer Cape Health provides comprehensive vision care services including routine eye exams, contact lens fittings, testing for glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and other eye abnormalities. • Pharmacy  There is a pharmacy at (you guessed it!) Outer Cape Health Services, and another at the back of Stop & Shop on Shank Painter Road. We strongly recommend that you use the OCHS pharmacy, as the community clinic is largely financed by its pharmacy, and we all need to keep it open! ATM & BANK LOCATIONS • Seamen’s Bank – Main office: 221 Commercial Street. 24-hour ATM. – 56 Shank Painter Rd. (next to Stop & Shop) 24-hour ATM. Branch is closed on Saturday & Sunday • TD Bank – Branch office: 103 Shank Painter Rd. 24-hour ATM – ATM only: 307 Commercial Street • Bank of America – ATM only: 299 Commercial Street There are cashpoints in a number of establishments throughout town as well. ptownie’s guide to

provincetown | summer 2019 | page 26 by the Sea Eclectic offerings from Provincetown’s Year-Round all day restaurant. 539 Commercial Street, Provincetown, MA 02657 Reservations Suggested ~ 508-487-1964 ~ www.fanizzisrestaurantcom ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 27 Survey Says: Best Bets In true ptownie fashionbecause we’re all about communitywe took polls to determine Provincetown’s notto-be-missed culinary pleasures and best bars. We got over 2,000 votes, so one thing is clear: food and drink(s) matter! Go out there and enjoy! EATS: Top-15 Choices 1. Clam Chowder Lobster Pot 2. Brussels Sprouts The Canteen 3. Burger Local 186 4. Sandwiches Far Land Provisions 5.  Lobster Roll The Canteen 12. Lobster Risotto The Mews 13. Beef Wellington Jimmy’s Hideaway 14. Filet Mignon The Red Inn 15. Duck Sliders Joon Bar BARS: Top-10 Choices 6. Lobster Lobster Pot 1. Harbor Lounge 7.  French Onion Soup Ross’

Grill 2. Squealing Pig 3. Porch Bar 8.  Slice Spiritus 4. Boatslip 9.  Eggs Benedict Chach 6. Strangers & Saints 10. Fish & Chips Squealing Pig 8. Aqua Bar 11. Whole-Bellied Fried Clams John’s Footlong 5. Red Inn 7. The A-House (Atlantic House) 9. Tin Pan Alley 10. Purgatory ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 28 FAVORITE RESTAURANTS WINNE RO THE 20 F 18 1. Lobster Pot 2. Fanizzi’s BOO BO 3. The Red Inn O AWA RDS FAVO R IT E T H IN G S IN TO W N 4. Jimmy’s Hideaway 5. The Mews 6. Ross’s Grill 7. Front Street 8. The Squealing Pig 9. Sal’s Place 10. The Canteen 11. Mac’s Seafood BOO BOO AWARDS Ptownie’s yearly Facebook Poll gives you the inside scoop on what people love about Provincetown. • Restaurant with the Friendliest Staff The Canteen • Favorite New Thing in Town Rosie’s Cantina, Mexican Restaurant •  avorite Drag Personality F Miss Richfield • Favorite Summer Activity Far Land at the Beach,

Sunset, music, & bonfire • Best Act: Music Well Strung • Favorite Theme Party Bear Pool Party • Best Act: Non-Music Provincetown Theater, Love! Valor! Compassion! • Friendliest Town Employee Morgan Clark • Best Street Performer Will Harrington, piano and vocal ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 29 Must-shopping This was another ptownie poll on Facebook. There seems to be something here for everyone! • Cape Tip Sportswear. High-performance sportswear and footwear for all seasons. The top 15 shopping destinations include: • Cuffy’s. A local chain of Cape Cod clothing, known for its durability. • Marine Specialties. Want a Soviet officer’s pin? A collection of seashells? A 50’s lunchbox? A wedding gown? You’ll find all this and more in this venerable eclectic jumble shop. Serious army-navy stuff in the back, too. • Womencrafts. Handmade gifts from local artisans, lesbian fiction, political stickers, clothing, and

more in this reimagined feminist shop. Owner Michelle is one of ptownie’s favorite people. • Utilities Home Store. This shop is chock-a-block full of things you never thought you’d need and now that you’ve seen, you can’t live without! Some of the coolest things in town. • Botanica. Gifts and delights for home and garden alike, with everything from vintage items to tiles and plants to pet-themed objects • Provincetown Bookshop. A local treasure since 1932, the shop is run by knowledgeable, caring staff who support local authors. There’s a great selection of books about the area as well as fiction that takes place on Cape Cod and even in Provincetown. • D.Flax Established in 1987, DFlax (named for the original owner) is the go-to place for many vacationers looking for Provincetown apparel. • HRC store. This is the Provincetown branch of the nonprofit Human Rights Campaign store, your one-stop for LGBTQ apparel and gifts. • Taqwa Glassworks. The studio is in

Whaler’s Wharf, but the glassworks can be found in galleries all over town. Glass sculpture, art, and architecture. • Roots. A home and garden shop with a full line of décor, gifts, tabletop accessories, original artwork, furniture, rugs, and lamps. • Puzzle Me This. That cool purple building on Commercial Street? It’s filled with even cooler toys, games, puzzles, and fun. • Shop Therapy. If you long for the sixties, this place is for you. This “alternative lifestyle emporium” carries everything from incense and jewelry to bells and tapestries. Upstairs is a head shop and sex-toy nirvana. In addition to these fine establishments, Ptown has two thrift shops, both of which we think are awesome. Because a substantial number of Provincetown residents are wealthy and/or artistic, these shops often offer exceptional items at bargain prices. • The United Methodist Church on Shank Painter Road. Known affectionately in town simply as “The Methodist,” this thrift shop

is open MondaySaturday from 10am to 2pm. Sales benefit a wide range of local nonprofit groups. The church also hosts a daily soup kitchen in the off-season as well as a number of 12-step meetings year-round. •R  uthie’s Boutique on the corner of Center and Bradford Streets. Smaller than The Methodist but also beloved by the community, Ruthie’s often has special sales and events. Proceeds go to programs to help the homeless, women, and those with AIDS. The shop is open Tuesday-Saturday from 10am to 4pm. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 30 3 4 7 C O M M E R C I A L S T. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 31 PROVINCETOWNS CORNER MARKET Featuring Sandwiches, On Premise Bakery, Prepared Food including entrees, salads, and sides. Catering - On-Site or Take Out 508-487-0045 • 150 Bradford St • • FarLandProvisionscom Complete Pilates Provincetown’s state of the art Pilates & Sports Therapy

studio, Irish style!!! 857-241-0451 368C Commercial St ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 32 Galleries Did you know Ptown is the longest continuously operating art colony in the United States? Visual arts are alive and well here in 2019, and Provincetown has over 200 galleries to browse. Most of them are located in the classical East End, but you’ll find them spread out all along Commercial Street, with many down intriguing side streets off Commercial. You’ll find that the person staffing the gallery is often one of its artists! Take in a little art with the Friday-night Gallery Stroll. Art galleries are located primarily on Commercial Street, but are also tucked away on side streets and spilling out onto Bradford Street, and there’s truly something paintings, glass, block prints, and statueshere for everyone. Enjoy something to eat and drink, and take a piece of Provincetown home with you to enjoy all

year long! You can go anytime, but Friday evenings are the most welcoming, and your best bet for meeting the artists. Alden Gallery 508-487-4230 423 Commercial Street Cortile Gallery 508-487-4200 230 Commercial Street AMP Gallery 646-298-9258 432 Commercial Street (East End) Cusp Gallery 323-513-3161 115 Bradford Street Antonelli Giardelli Gallery 508-487-9693 416 Commercial Street Arthur Egeli Gallery 508-487-0044, 626-695-0551 382 Commercial Street Bakker Gallery 508-413-9758 359 Commercial Street at Harbor Lounge Berta Walker Gallery 508-487-6411 208 Bradford Street # 1 Bowersock Gallery 508-487-4994 373 Commercial Street Fine Arts Work Center 508-487-9960 24 Pearl Street Four Eleven Gallery 617-905-7432 411 Commercial Street Galería Cubana 508-487-CUBA (2822) 357 Commercial Street ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 33 Gallery at Anchor Inn 508-487-0432 175 Commercial Street Pilgrim Monument and Provincetown Museum 508-487-1310 1 High Pole Hill Road, Provincetown Gary Marotta Fine Art 617-834-5262 g-1 162 Commercial Street Provincetown Art Commission Gallery 444 617-710-2026 444 Commercial Street PAAM 508-487-1750 460 Commercial Street www.paamorg Hutson Gallery 508-487-0915 432 Commercial Street Julie Heller Gallery 508-487-2169 2 Gosnold Street (on the beach, near town hall) Julie Heller EAST 508-487-2166 465 Commercial Street Larkin Gallery 508-487-6111 x 107 405 Commercial Street Memories Gallery 508-487-9911 169 Commercial Street On Center Gallery 508-413-9483 352 Commercial Street Outermost Art + Objects 427

Commercial Street Rice Polak Gallery 508-487-1052 430 Commercial Street Room 68 774-538-6470 377 Commercial Street Sacha Richter Studio 508-487-3060 459 Commercial Street Stewart Clifford Gallery 508-487-0451 338 Commercial Street The Schoolhouse Gallery 508-487-4800 494 Commercial Street Thanassi Gallery 508-487-0233 234 Commercial Street Woodman/Shimko Gallery 508-487-0606 398 Commercial Street ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 34 WINNE RO THE 20 F 18 BOO BO TRADITIONAL MEXICAN CANTINA O AWA RDS FAVO R IT E N E T H IN G W IN TO W N Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, offering both table service and takeout. Start your day with breakfast chilaquiles or Mexican-style eggs, or enjoy authentic specialties like tostadas, enchiladas, tortas, molotes and fajitas! Daily specials will be served along with copious piles of chips, guacamole, and beans. There will

be fresh smoothies along with a variety of Mexican beers, homemade sangria, and wine. OPEN AT 11AM DAILY 331 COMMERCIAL STREET THE Singing Chef The Singing Chef offers live acoustic entertainment for boat, beach & house parties. Take me home to rock out a feast in your kitchen! Raw Bar, Sushi & Vegetarian too. Enjoy all the seafood the cape offers! Contact the infomation below for booking! Grilled Chicken with Spaghetti Squash & Brown Butter Gnocchi Michael Dreyer 508-246-8687 ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 35 Ptown on a budget A lot of people think they can’t stay in Ptown because of the expense. And while you can spend a lot of money here, you don’t have to: choosing where to spend your money is the key to a budgetconscious stay. BUDGET STAYS • The least expensive option is camping. There are two campgrounds in Ptown, Coastal Acres and Dune’s Edge. • If you can live dormitory-style with a shared

kitchen, Ptown also has the Outermost Hostel. • Renting a condo for a week can be expensive, but if you’re sharing the cost with a group of friends, this might be your most cost-effective option (if you camp, you need to buy all that gear!). BUDGET EATS • Consider making lunch your main meal of the day and eat out then. The food will be just as good and far less expensive than it is at night. Get your food to go from Far Land Provisions, or Far Land At The Beach, and take it out to the beach with you. • If you’re renting a condo, head over to the Stop & Shop for ingredients and have fun practicing your cooking skills together instead of eating out. Also, this is a good time and place to experiment with pretty cocktails, rather than ordering more expensive versions at a bar! • Several restaurants offer reduced-price appetizers during Happy Hour from 4pm to 6pm, including Mac’s Fish House and Saki. • The Aquarium Mall used to besurprise, surprise!a real

aquarium, starring three Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. All that’s left now are the funhouse mirrors; but the vibe is still there, and you’ll find great cheap eats at all the takeout places in the arcade, starting with Connie’s Bakery and moving in to Big Daddy’s Burritos, ‘Tween the Tides, Fortune Cookie, I Dream of Gelato, Mangia Pizza, and Native Cape Cod Seafood. If everybody in your party isn’t in the mood for the same food, then this is the place to come! It’s all to-go, though there are a few picnic tables in the mall itself, and you can take your food out back and enjoy it with a cocktail (and a stunning view) at the outside Aqua Bar as well. • Ptown has two places offering affordable Mexican street food: Rosie’s Cantina (ptownie Readers Pick for Favorite New Thing in Provincetown 2018) is right in the town center, and Yolqueria is a little farther into the East End. Both are places where you can fill up without breaking the bank, and the food is amazing.

•  Box Lunch is part of a small Outer Cape chain that has sandwiches, soups, and salads, with a nice selection of vegetarian and kid-friendly food. • Over on Shank Painter Rd., join the crowds that throng Chach at breakfast and lunch time. This is good, solid diner-type food that will fill you up and energize you for a day of sightseeing. • Across from Chach’s is a brightly painted shack housing delicious Jamaican take-out at Irie Eats, and if you plan to try it, go earlythey sell out quickly, and for good reason! • Finally, you can pick up food to go from Pop + Dutch or Relish, both in the West End (try Relish’s impossibly good gazpacho to cool down on a hot summer day!) and you’ll still have some cash for your suntan lotion. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 36 BUDGET ACTIVITIES • The best entertainment in Provincetown is free: a saunter down Commercial Street to see and be seen. There are lots of other places to explore on foot: watch

the boats come in at MacMillan Pier, walk the length of Ptown on the beach, explore the nooks and crannies of the side streets. • Renting a bicycle is inexpensive and opens up lots of possibilities. The bike path through the National Seashore on the Province Lands Bike Trail is a solid workout. Or just park your bike at Beech Forest and have a wander around the pond. You have to pay to enter the beaches, but they’re free after 5pm, so bring a picnic and some wine (or buy food at Far Land On The Beach at Herring Cove) and watch the sunset! S  peaking of the beach, if you’re over 62 you can buy a pass that will give you free access to every national park in the US for the rest of your life! See the ranger at Herring Cove Beach or Race Point Beach for details. • The Provincetown Public Library is free and has activities going on all summer. Plus it’s a museum in and of itself, with paintings, the Lipton Cup, and an impressive model of the Rose Dorothea. • There are

swimming pools that are free and open to the public: Harbor Hotel, Boatslip, Provincetown Inn, and Crown & Anchor. • As seen elsewhere in this guide, for a modest $20 you can spend 50 minutes taking a narrated tour through town and up to the Seashore on the Mayflower Trolley, one of the best deals in town. You’ll impress everyone with what you learn! • If you’re over 62, you can access many services via the Provincetown Council on Aging including using their gym for free workouts! BUDGET NIGHTS • For the price of a drink and a tip, you can enjoy live music at Tin Pan Alley or a sing-along at the Crown and Anchor lounge. • Drag karaoke, anyone? ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2018 | page 37 Staying with kids FUN • Ptown has two public playgrounds, the Chelsea Earnest Memorial Playground at the intersection of Bradford St. and West Vine St and the East End Playground at the intersection of Bradford St. and Howland St. • If your friend jumped off

a pier, would you do it, too? Jumping off Macmillan Pier into the harbor is actually quite fun and a popular activity! • The town puts on a variety of children’s programs year-round; an updated list can be found on its website. • Do your kids love to pop wheelies and do tricks on their skateboards? The Provincetown Skate Park (at the intersection of Jerome Smith and Shank Painter Rd.) could be the perfect place for them to hang out and socialize. • There are fun things to find in all the stores in Ptown, but kids might especially be enchanted by Puzzle Me This, The Penney Patch, Sidekicks Travel and Marine Specialties. • Don’t forget ice cream! There are lots of ice cream shops in Provincetown with such a variety of flavors you will find something for even the pickiest of eaters. Try Lewis Brother’s Homemade Ice Cream, the Nut House, the Purple Feather (for gelato), Ptown Scoop, Bliss, Twisted Pizza and Ice Cream, and Ben & Jerry’s. EDUCATIONAL FUN • For you

adventurous families, spend the day out on the water learning to sail with West End Racing Children’s Community Sailing. For aspiring marine scientists, sign up for Whale Camp with the Center for Coastal Studies. It’s a three-day program during July and August where you learn about local whales and disentanglement, and do art activities. • The Province Lands Visitor’s Center is a great educational resource all about the life and physiology of the local beaches and estuaries. It has a rotating theater, showing five short films every day, and a bookstore where you can buy field guides. • PAAM runs Children’s Art Adventures weekly throughout the summer for kids age 5+ where they are encouraged to explore different media to create art inspired by the world around them. • The Provincetown Public Library also offers fantastic events for children of various ages! • The Payomet Performing Arts Center puts on special children’s theatre productions for our younger

visitors! • The Provincetown Bookshop has a nice collection of children’s books, especially Cape Cod, feminist, and LGBTQ-friendly titles for kids, as does Womencrafts. Note that not every Provincetown inn or bedand-breakfast is kid-friendly, and many smaller establishments prefer not to cater to children at all. They’re filled with delicate antiques and their primary clientèle may be here to party, so don’t be offended. Choose instead a hotelthe Provincetown Inn, the Harbor Hotel, Seaglass Inn, and the Surfside all will cheerfully accommodate children, as will places in Truro and Wellfleet. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 38 Hanging out with your best friend (dogs) In case you haven’t noticed, Provincetown is definitely going to the dogs! You don’t want to leave part of your family home for vacation, and when traveling to Ptown, you don’t have to: Ptown loves your dogs almost as much as you do! TRANSPORTATION • Bay State Cruise Company

and Boston Harbor Cruises both allow dogs on board as long as they are leashed. • Cape Air will let you fly if your dog is crated. • The Plymouth & Brockton Street Railway Company allows service dogs on their buses. FUN •T  he Pilgrim Bark Park is a one-acre dog park filled with local art, water fountains, and happy dogs. The park even has a separate section for your extra small friends (25 pounds and under). • Want to go on an ocean adventure? The Dolphin Fleet, Dog Gone Sailing Charters, and SeaSalt Charters are all dog-friendly cruises. • If you want to go shopping for your pet, check out: – Paws & Whiskers, 304 Commercial St. – Friends of Heart, 301 Commercial St. WALKING • There are so many places for you and your dog to go on nice walks together! As long as they remain on a leash, you can go through a lot of the Cape Cod National Seashore (freshwater ponds, fire roads, beaches without life guards, and other trails on certain dates). Just steer

clear of areas that explicitly state no dogs, or have nesting shorebirds. Town beaches allow unleashed playtime between six and nine (morning and night) as long as you clean up your furry friend’s “buried treasures” (you can find bags for this along the beaches). Amenities: • Safety first! If you suddenly need to go to the veterinarian while in town, head over to: – Herring Cove Animal Hospital 83 Shank Painter Rd. – Provincetown Animal Hospital 9 Center St. • If you want to adopt a dog, head on over to the CASAS (Carrie A. Seaman Animal Shelter) to find your new best friend! • If you don’t want to leave your best pal alone while you go out to eat, call ahead and ask if the restaurant has outdoor seating where they will permit dogs. Massachusetts law forbids dogs from eating with you indoors, but several restaurants with outdoor seating don’t mind your best friend joining you: – Bubala’s –Crown & Anchor – Patio ptownie’s guide to

provincetown | summer 2019 | page 39 – Purple Feather – Rosie’s ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 40 Weekly events, in-season There’s a lot to do every week, and we bring our favorite picks to you in the weekly ptownie Dispatch. Here’s a list of general nights out, but always check ahead of time! In addition to the listings below, there’s nightly entertainment at The Pilgrim House, home of Miss Richfield 1981. MONDAYS • Shipwreck Lounge: Mellow Mondays • Tin Pan Alley: Jim Brosseau & Friends • Boatslip: Tea DanceI Love The ’90s FRIDAYS • Dive Bar: piano with Bobby Wetherbee • Throughout town: Gallery Stroll • A-House: theme & prize nights TUESDAYS • Boatslip: Tea Dance • Shipwreck Lounge: Chill Tuesdays • Velvet: disco soirée • Gifford House: piano bar with Doug Repetti • Dive Bar: piano with Bobby Wetherbee • Grotta Bar: Scream Along with Billy • Tin Pan Alley: Jon Richardson • Boatslip:

Tea Dance • Dive Bar: piano with Bobby Wetherbee • Tin Pan Alley: Todd Alsup WEDNESDAYS • Far Land at the Beach: various performers SATURDAYS • Club Purgatory: Fag Bash • Purgatory: underwear party •B  oatslip Tea Dance: Electric Dreams Tea (August 7: Madonna Tea) • Boatslip: Tea Dance • Paramount: DJ • Dive Bar: piano with Bobby Wetherbee • Tin Pan Alley: Jon Richardson •C  rown & Anchor: Stage and screen musical night • Dive Bar: piano with Bobby Wetherbee • Tin Pan Alley: Michael Ryan SUNDAYS THURSDAYS • Shipwreck Lounge: rehab Sundays • Far Land at the Beach: various performers • Club Purgatory: leather night • Club Purgatory: underwear party • Boatslip: Tea DanceSolid Gold Thursdays • Tin Pan Alley: Todd Alsup • Grotta Bar: Church • Dive Bar: piano with Bobby Wetherbee • Dive Bar: piano with Bobby Wetherbee • Boatslip: Tea Dance (June & July: Solid Gold) • Tin Pan Alley: Gerald Goode • Crown & Anchor:

Stage and screen musical night ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 41 RESERVE YOUR BIKE ONLINE Provincetown’s Most Comprehensive Bike Shop ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 42 508-487-8735 42 Bradford Street Theme weeks During the summer monthsand increasingly in the off-season, tooPtown celebrates just about every community that makes us who we are. MAY 2019 • T  wenty Summers (Fri. 5/17 – Sat 6/15) Concerts, Conversations, Artist Residencies, and more for one month each spring in the historic Hawthorne Barn. Season Six kicks off for 2019 with great music and conversations! •  Memorial Day Women’s Weekend (Thurs. 5/23 – Mon 5/27) Also known as “Baby Dyke Weekend” for the attracted demographic, there are myriad parties, along with boating, dancing, pool parties, and drinking. A lot of drinking • Provincetown Women of Color & Friends Weekend (Thurs. 5/30 – Sun 6/2) Women

of Color Weekend is a celebration of women of color in the LGBTQA+ community with talks, workshops, shows, and more. •  Cabaretfest (Weds. 5/29 – Sun 6/2): Provincetown CabaretFest began in 1999, and in 2015, singer and Cape Cod resident Patricia Fitzpatrick relaunched this popular event. The weekend is packed with activities that are educational, entertainment and fun, celebrating the art of cabaret! •  Provincetown Pride Weekend (Fri. 5/31 – Sun 6/2) Provincetown’s second annual Pride event features dance parties, food, and a “Global Rainbow,” neon lights piercing the night sky. JUNE 2019 •  WorldFest (Sun. 6/9 – Mon 6/10) An opportunity for all international students/ workers, residents, and visitors to learn about our international students/workers, their homes, and their creative talents. • Provincetown International Film Festival (Wed. 6/12 – Sun 6/16) One of the country’s preeminent film festivals presents a diverse array of American and

international narrative features, documentaries and short films. •  Portuguese Festival and Blessing of the Fleet (Thurs. 6/ 20 – Sun 6/23) This festival celebrates the rich history of Provincetown and the town’s unique Portuguese and nautical roots. It includes a parade, live music, dancing, a great deal of amazing food, the St. Peter procession, and the Blessing of the Fleet. • Independence Week (Fri. 6/28 – Fri 7/5) Independence Week in Provincetown is Party Central, with dances, DJs, pool parties, and lots and lots of fun! Check out your favorite bar or club for specials. There are fireworks over Provincetown Harbor and the crowd is young and energetic. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 43 JULY 2019 •  Bear Week (Sat. 7/13 – Sun 7/21) The largest bear event in the world, with Ptown overrun by hair, leather, and large men. Restaurants love the bears! • Girl Splash (Tues. 7/23 – Sun 7/27) Concerts, comediennes, parties, dancing, and

more for the summer women’s festival in Provincetown. Family Week •  (Sat. 7/27 – Sat 8/3) The largest annual gathering in the world of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queeridentified parents and their families. Sponsored by the Family Equality Council, this fun-filled week will include more opportunities than ever to build community. All families are welcome! •  Whale Week (Sun. 7/28 – Sat 8/3) Sponsored by the Center for Coastal Studies, this is a week filled with educational activities and opportunities for everyone. AUGUST 2019 •  Pan-Mass Challenge (Sat. 8/3 and Sun 8/4) The Pan-Mass Challenge raises money for lifesaving cancer research and treatment at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute through an annual bike-a-thon that crosses the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. • Immigration Equality by the Sea (Tues. 8/14 at 76 Commercial St, main front door) Join the first annual cocktail party to raise funds for LGBTQ and HIV-positive immigrants. All proceeds

benefit Immigration Equality, a nonprofit providing free legal services for queer immigrants fleeing persecution and seeking safety in the U.S Open bar, hors d’oeuvres, and hot tub will be provided! Have fun and support lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer asylum seekers. •  Carnival Week (Thurs. 8/15–Sat 8/24) Provincetown’s Carnival is one of the largest outdoor celebrations in Massachusetts with a week of revelry, costumes, and a parade on the 22nd. This year’s theme is The Enchanted Forest. • P  rovincetown Jazz Festival (Thurs. 8/15 & Mon 8/19) Since 2005, the Provincetown Jazz Festival™ has been held in Provincetown, home of the nation’s oldest art colony. SEPTEMBER 2019 •  White Party (Sun. 9/1) Starting out in 1981 as a private cocktail party and croquet tournament, the White Party has evolved into a popular fundraiser for the Outer Cape Health Services. •  Great Provincetown Schooner Regatta (Mon. 9/2–Thurs 9/5) A celebration of the

role of the Great Atlantic fishing bank schooner in Provincetown’s maritime history, while providing educational opportunities for residents and visitors to experience these historic vessels both in port and at sea through a series of races. •C  elebration of Life and Swim for Life (Fri. 9/6 – Sat 9/7) For three decades, in one of the largest natural harbors in the world, thousands of swimmers braved its unpredictable waters its chilly currents, surging tides, and their deep fears raising millions of dollars for AIDS research and treatment, women’s health, and the community. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 44 DISCOVER PROVINCETOWN’S NEWEST TREASURE Amenities include a hot tub and free bikes on premise Available for private dinners and events 2 1 0 B R A D F O R D S T • S T O WAWAY H O U S E . C O M • 8 5 7 - 9 9 8 - 2 3 7 8 ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 45 •  Afterglow Festival (Mon. 9/9 – Sat 9/14) A

gathering to Provincetown of both renowned and under-the-radar, innovative stage artists evolving the world of live performance. •  Gay Pilots Cape Cod Classic (Thurs. 9/12 – Sun 9/15) The Cape Cod Classic provides an intimate opportunity to experience Provincetown while bonding over our common love of aviation. The event features breakout sessions, a general aviation-themed keynote address, fly-in, and formal dinner banquet, among other activities. Yankee Lambda Car Club •  (Fri. 9/13 – Tues 9/15) The Yankee Lambda Car Club is in town with the coolest cars ever! Event includes car show, parade through town, banquet and awards, and a tour of the Heritage Museum car collection in Sandwich. • P  rovincetown Book Festival (Fri. 9/13 – Sun 9/15) The Provincetown Book Festival draws authors and readers from all over the country to spend three days in conversation about literature. Events include author readings and presentations, panel discussions, book signings, workshops,

and gatherings and conversations. • T  EDx ProvincetownLive: Step Up! (Sat 9/14, 6-9pm) The second TEDxProvincetown is Sept. 14, 2019 at Fishermen Hall (the former high school). It builds on the organization’s amazing first year and asks remarkable Provincetown and regional speakers to “Step Up!” TEDxProvincetown is organized by a team of local Cape Cod residents, driven by local volunteers and financially supported by local sponsors and partners. Its main goal is to create an annual event that showcases enormous regional talent and shares that talent with the world. TEDxProvincetown is an independent event licensed by the TED organization. CASAS Annual Pet Appreciation •  (Mon. 9/23 – Sun 9/29) A pet parade, dog show, and other activities all to benefit the Carrie A. Seamen Animal Shelter in Provincetown. • P  rovincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival (Thurs. 9/26 – Sun 9/29) The festival honors Tennessee Williams by presenting his classic and undiscovered

plays, the work of his peers, and new work inspired worldwide by Williams’ creative vision. OCTOBER 2019 •  Mates Leather Weekend XXII (Thurs. 10/3 – Mon 10/7) A weekend of fun and frolic for men who like leather, rubber, and uniforms, but that also has a serious side: raising serious money for the AIDS Support Group. • Inspiration Weekend (Fri. 10/4 – Sun 10/6) This is a weekend about self-reflection and spiritual development with the assistance of music, lyrics, and spoken word. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 46 •  Wellfleet Oyster Festival (Sat. 10/12 – Sun 10/13) Not technically in Provincetown, the Wellfleet Oysterfest is an annual celebration of local fishing traditions and delicious food. •  Spooky Bear Weekend (Fri. 10/25–Sun 10/27) The bears aren’t in hibernation yet! Spooky Bear features great food, outrageous costumes, dancing, and merriment! •  Women’s Week (Mon. 10/14 – Sun 10/20) This is a celebration of women

hosted by women, with more than 150 diverse events, dances, gettogethers, workshops, concerts, comedy shows, and more. •  Halloween (Thurs. 10/31) In true Provincetown fashion, we go all-out for Halloween, with dances, parties, haunted houses, flash mobs, and a pretty interesting walk down Commercial Street! Fantasia Fair •  (Sun. 10/20–Sun 10/27) The longest-operating transgender event in the world, Fantasia Fair welcomes everyone and their partners to an event that’s part conference, part social gathering, with a fashion show, banquets, and lots of speakers. • Provincetown Roundup (Wed. 10/23 – Sun 10/27) An event focusing on recovery and service among the LGBTQA community, featuring five days of 12step programs, meetings, activities, and fun. Restaurants Delicious seafood, sushi, seasonal fare Mac’s Fish House NOVEMBER 2019 •  Day of Dead Festival (Wed. 10/20 – Fri 11/2; Day of the Dead, 11/2) This annual event honors life and death with art, music, a

procession, workshops, and a public offrande; you can even make your own. •  Provincetown Men’s Weekend (Fri. 11/9 – Sun 11/9) This weekend brings all men in Ptown together, regardless of relationship status, with lots of parties and dances. MAC’S SEAFOOD 85 Shank Painter Rd in Provincetown New Outdoor Bar Taking Reservations Open All Year Seafood Markets Fresh, sustainably sourced seafood Mac’s Market Provincetown 85 Shank Painter Rd Next door to Mac’s Fish House Open All Year Mac’s Market & Kitchen Mac’s Shack 95 Commercial St in Wellfleet Raw Bar Sushi Cocktails Coastal Cuisine Open April - October 4680 State Hwy Rte. 6 in Eastham Seafood Soup Sandwiches Takeout Open All Year Mac’s On the Pier Mac’s Market On the Pier Mac’s Catering Mac’s Online Shop 265 Commercial St At Wellfleet Harbor Open May - October 265 Commercial St at Wellfleet Harbor Takeout (508) 349-9611 Open May - October The best of Mac’s for any occasion Catering for all

memorable events Grab ‘N Go party menu available Local shellfish, fresh seafood, gear Get the best of our local catch all year Ships fresh and fast Know where your fish comes from ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 47 •  Mr New England Leather Weekend (Fri. 11/16 – Sun 11/18) A regional section of the International Mister Leather competition to be held in Chicago. • P  ilgrim Monument Lighting (Wed. 11/21) Every year the distinctive Pilgrim Monument is beautifully lit to commemorate the Pilgrim’s first landing in the New World. There are speeches, entertainment, food, and more; everyone comes to it, so make sure to join us! Thanksgiving •  (Thurs. 11/22) Many restaurants will open their doors on Thanksgiving to present a hot delicious meal (often with a special Provincetown twist) for this holiday. DECEMBER 2019 •  Holly Folly (Sat. 12/28 – Wed 1/1/20) Holly Folly is a weekend of

shopping, partying, and revelry! Come get all your Christmas shopping done, sample soups at a special benefit lunch, and enjoy Provincetown in the offseason! • First Light (Fri. 12/27 – Sun 1/2/2020) An exciting weekend of celebrating a new year with festivities that include fireworks, the Canteen Holiday Market, parties, the annual Polar Bear Plunge, drag bingo, concerts, the Lite Brite bike ride, champagne brunch, and more! PHOTO: TRENT BELL PHOTO: MICHAEL ZAMOJSKI •  Lobster Pot Tree Lighting (Sat. 11/24) To really welcome in the holiday season, we light the lobster pot Christmas tree in a special ceremony at Lopes Square. These are real lobster traps on loan from local fishermen, and the tradition has been a gift to the town from the Popko family for over a decade. CUSTOM RESIDENTIAL R E N O VAT I O N COMMERCIAL 2 0 7. 9 8 5 2 7 0 0 B J B A R C H I T E C T. C O M ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 48 it won’t be provincetown’s best-kept

secret for much longer. 59 province lands road, provincetown | 508-413-9820 | ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 49 Open all seasons Ptown doesn’t exactly roll up the streets when visitors leave, but we do have significantly fewer choices for eating, shopping, and entertainment. Many places will stay open through Holly Folly or First Light, and then will close until spring. Others will open on weekends only. Below we’ve listed those establishments that remain open most if not all year. It is always wise to telephone ahead, as many of them keep irregular hours. FOOD & DRINK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1620 Brewhouse Angel Foods The Atlantic House Big Vin’s Liquors The Canteen Ciro & Sal’s East End Market Fanizzi’s by the Sea Far Land Provisions George’s Pizza Glass Half Full The Governor Bradford Grotta Bar (closing mid-March) Kohi (coffee shop) Kung Fu Dumplings Liz’s Café,

Anybody’s Bar • • • • • • • • • • • • Mac’s Seafood The Mews Napi’s Joe Coffee Pennies Wine & Spirits Pilgrim House Porch Bar (at The Gifford House) Spindler’s (closed Mon & Tue) Stop & Shop T  he Squealing Pig (closes one month in January) Wired Puppy Yardarm Liquors RETAIL • • • • • • • • • • • • • Arcadia (weekends only) The Artist-Loft (weekends) Botanica (weekends) Cape Tip Sportswear Captain’s Daughters (open Fri-Sun) C  ock & Bull Leather (listed hours & by appointment) Connie’s Bakery (closed until April) Conwell Ace Hardware & Lumber East End Books (check times) Good Scents (open Sat & Sun) Hook Provincetown (weekends) Land’s End Marine Supply Shor Home Furnishings ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 50 BENCHMARK INN P R O V I N C E T O W N 6 Dyer Street, Provincetown, Massachusetts ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 51

www.benchmarkinncom SELF-CARE • • • • • • • • • • • AIDS Support Group Blu Day Spa (by appointment) Hair by the Sea (by appointment) Monument Barber Shop Mussel Beach Health Club N  amaste Spa (closed for January; reopens February 1st) Provincetown Gym P  town Massage & Bodywork (by arrangement) Shui Spa (reopens Valentine’s) Snip Salon West End Salon INNS • 8  Dyer Hotel (closed until January 24, then from February 25-March 18 • A  dmirals Landing (closes the third week in February) • Anchor Inn • Aerie House • Benchmark Inn • Carpe Diem (closed January) • C  rowne Pointe (closed January 1-February 14) • The Gaslamp • • • • Land’s End Inn Pilgrim House Snug Cottage (closing January 7 until April) Somerset House GALLERIES All by appointment only, unless otherwise noted • Adam Peck Gallery • Albert Merola • AMP Gallery • A  ntonelli Giardelli Gallery (by appointment and on weekends) • Bakker Gallery •

Bowersock Gallery • Cusp Gallery • Ray Wiggs Gallery MISCELLANY • Mail Spot Express (closed during February) • Seamen’s Bank • Taqwa Glassworks the dispatch newsletter Subscribe to the ptownie Dispatch to for insider tips on what’s going on in town every week. news events our top picks and more. here are your updates! ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 52 ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 53 BAY STATE CRUISE COMPANY FERRY SCHEDULE Bay State Cruise Company: Boston to Provincetown Depart Boston Arrive Ptown Frequency 8:30am 10:00am Daily 1:00pm 2:30pm Daily 5:30pm 7:00pm Daily Bay State Cruise Company: Provincetown to Boston Depart Ptown Arrive Boston Frequency 6:30am 8:15am Mondays 10:30am 12:00pm Daily 3:00pm 4:30pm Daily 7:30pm 9:00pm Daily ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 54 bean busy? take a break. 170 Commercial Street · Provincetown, MA

02657 ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 55 navigator, wingman, confidential informant ptownie keeps you virtually connected to the community. Whatever you’re looking for, it’s on ptownie’s comprehensive calendar! Check us out for all things Provincetown, from drag shows to dune tours and everything in between. ptownie’s guide to provincetown | summer 2019 | page 56