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DE Metrology: Examples of S&T Challenges Subrata Sanyal, Ph.D Chief Scientist Operations (Code: MS02) Measurement Science Department Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division P.O Box 5000, Corona, CA 92878-5000 E-mail: subrata.sanyal@navymil Presented at the 19th Test Instrumentation and the 14th Directed Energy T&E Workshops Las Vegas, Nevada May 12 - 14, 2015 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 1 Disclaimer * Disclaimer of Endorsement * Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government. The views and opinions of author expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government, and shall not be used for advertising or product. DISTRIBUTION
STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 2 Plan for the talk • Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) vis-à-vis Electric Weapons • Naval DEW capabilities, missions and recent successes • Naval DE Vision-Strategy-Roadmap require improved measurement/metrology capabilities • Metrology, Calibration (METCAL), Standards, Traceability • Who are we? NSWC Corona’s role & responsibilities • METCAL program (Navy & Joint Service METCAL) • Challenges to DE T&E/METCAL community in my opinion • Some examples of S&T advances in DE metrology despite challenges • One obvious potential winning solution DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 3 Electric Weapons = DEW + EM launchers Some advantages of Electric Weapons: • • • • precise & quicker engagement drastically reduced cost per
engagements making training less costly large "magazine" capacity, limited only by onboard resources lower logistics cost & increased safety due to reduced/no ordnance storage • graduated lethality effects • DEW has speed of light delivery, minimal collateral damage, & Rapid retargeting capacity DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 4 Weapon Effectiveness: Kinetic vs. HEL Source: Dr. David C Stoudt’s ASNE day 2014 brief DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 5 Naval HEL Capabilities & Missions Source: Dr. David C Stoudt’s ASNE day 2014 brief DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 6 Naval HPRF Capabilities & Missions Source: Dr. David C Stoudt’s ASNE day
2014 brief DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 7 Recent Naval Successes in DE Source: Dr. David C Stoudt’s ASNE day 2014 brief DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 8 First at-sea T&E of Naval DE First at-sea Test & Evaluation (T&E) of HEL weapon aboard USS Ponce @ Persian Gulf in November 2014 Source: www.youtubecom DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 9 First at-sea T&E of Naval DE First at-sea T&E for EMRG is scheduled for Summer 2016 Source: www.youtubecom DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 10 Naval DE Vision-Strategy-Roadmap Source: Dr. David C Stoudt’s
ASNE day 2014 brief DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 11 HEL Requirements & S&T Programs across Naval Domains Counter MANPADS Counter MANPADS Source: Dr. David C Stoudt’s ASNE day 2014 brief All of these involve “Measurement Capabilities!” That’s where we come in. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 12 Hot from the press! Early Bird One Minute: 5 May 2015 * RAILGUN, LASERS - Hill To Navy: Hurry Up On Rail Guns, Lasers By Sydney J. Freedberg Jr, Breaking Defense, 4 May 15 http://breakingdefense.com/2015/05/hill-to-navy-hurry-up-on-rail-gunslasers/ WASHINGTON: Rail gun bullets move seven times the speed of sound. Laser beams fire at the speed of light. But Pentagon procurement? Not so fast But with both Congress and the Navy Secretary expressing impatience, the
Navy is accelerating its efforts to move both lasers and rail guns from the test phase into the fleet. Congress agrees. Just hours before, the House Armed Services Committee had passed its draft of the annual defense policy bill that included: a provision that “directs the Secretary of the Navy to develop a plan for fielding electric weapon systems” meaning both lasers and rail guns, which rely on electric power rather than gunpowder “and to provide a briefing on the results of this plan to the House Committee on Armed Services by March 1, 2016.” DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 13 Metrology and Calibration • Metrology - The science of measurement • Calibration - The comparison of a measurement device to a verified standard of higher accuracy • Measurement Traceability - An unbroken chain of calibrations to a verified standard and associated uncertainties
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 14 Navy Metrology and Calibration Measurement Traceability (METCAL) Program Navy METCAL Program • A coordinated Navy-wide program responsible for ensuring that measurements are accurate and traceable to national standards • An enabling program that supports the success of other programs Navy policy (OPNAVINST 3960.16A) is to assure measurement requirements are understood and addressed as early as possible to: • • • • Reduce lifecycle calibration costs Minimize technical risk Improve readiness/reliability Maximize use of existing organic capability (equipment, labs, personnel) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 15 Purpose of the METCAL Program • Give the Navy improved measurement assurance through measurement traceability to SI
units. Accomplished by starting with establishment of reference standards at NIST that are the physical embodiment of the SI units, with established uncertainties. • Establish Navy test, monitoring, and diagnostic capability • Reduce total ownership cost – accurate decisions require accurate data • Deliver technologically sound, sustainable, and affordable diagnostic and measurement systems Mission and System Performance Requirements Production TECHEVAL Delivery Maintenance Development & Demonstration Test Monitor Diagnose Material Solution Mission Measurement Capability Acquisition Logistics & Engineering Calibration Sustainment Diagnostic & Measurement Systems Measurement Assurance DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 16 Navy METCAL Program Lead SYSCOM (NAVSEA) Calibration & Measurement Requirements METCAL Executive Director (NAVSEA 04)
Fleet METCAL Technical Agent (NSWC Corona) METCAL Deputy Executive Director (NAVSEA 04RME) PEOs Test and Monitoring Systems (TAMS) Executive Board PMs SPAWAR BUMED NAVSEA NAVAIR SSP USMC 298* 76* 3 19 FFC Coast Guard NAVFAC Other Navy Calibration Activities - 396 *Includes shore-based and shipboard calibration activities DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 17 Navy METCAL Program Scope Test Equipment Different Models: Different S/N: ~ 140K ~ 1,850K Approved Calibration Standards (Different Model #s) Annual Calibrations ~ 1.85M ~ 5,000 ~ 500K Approved Calibration Procedures Annual Engineering Inquiries/Actions Calibration Laboratories Shore 165, Ship 244 ~ 6,000 ~ 2,000 409 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 18 Goal of the Navy METCAL Program Address
Measurement Requirements Early Early METCAL engagement in the acquisition process supports validation of acquisition decisions and promotes a culture of affordability Best: Early Initial Engagement Acquisition Timeline Costly: Late Initial Engagement Acquisition Timeline Measurement Requirements Known and documented Unknown, unchallenged, strategy to achieve undetermined Cal Support/ Logistics Planned and prepositioned Cobbled together afterwards Methods Developed and validated Left up to labs, duplicate methods developed & not validated Standardization High priority and maximized Not achieved, savings not realized Lab Capability and Workload Understood and efficiently utilized Uncoordinated and inefficiently utilized Intervals and Reliability Optimized, monitored, adjusted Default value used at greater cost and/or risk Benefit: Improves Fleet Effectiveness and Efficiency DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC
SUBGROUP PHYSICAL / MECHANICAL SUBGROUP RADIOLOGICAL SUBGROUP CHEMICAL / BIOLOGICAL SUBGROUP DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 21 Industry/Professional Involvement NSWC Corona Represents the Navy in the Measurement Science Field National Conference of NATIONAL DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION International National Standards Laboratories International DoD Navy METCAL JTCG-CMT Joint Technical Coordinating Group Calibration and Measurement Technology ASME DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 22 • • Challenges to DE T&E/METCAL community Strategic – METCAL is maintenance/sustainment, so comes later in the life cycle: outdated mindset! Financial – Early direct program tasking to NSWC Corona for DE metrology would help immensely • Technical – Early METCAL
engagement in DE will allow timely technology-developments, training, and Traceability: - High Energy Laser (HEL) metrology • • Some capabilities exist @ Corona Preliminary work is underway - High Power Microwave (HPM) metrology • Some capabilities exist @ Corona • Need to initiate relevant work - Electro-Magnetic Rail-Gun (EMRG) metrology • Need to initiate capabilities DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 23 S&T research avenues for NSWC Corona (in absence of direct program tasking) Navy Metrology R&D Program NAVY / MARINE CORPS • Electrical SEA AIR LAND SPACE TECHNOLOGY AREAS • Physical/Mechanical Calibration Standards & Traceability • Electro-Optic • mm-/Micro-wave • Analytic Metrology • Radiation • Chemical/Biological Defense Provide Advanced Measurement Technology for Emerging Weapons Systems & Improve Effectiveness and
Efficiency of Existing Measurement Systems DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 24 S&T research avenues for NSWC Corona (in absence of direct program tasking) Naval Innovative Science & Engineering (NISE/219) Program • • Section 219 of Public Law 110-417 of FY09 Established in FY11 @ NSWC Corona • May utilize up to 3% (typically ~ 1%) of all funds • ~ 20% projects are selected out of >100 submissions every FY • Focus: - Basic and Applied Research supporting military missions - Technology Transition from lab to operational use - S&T RDT&E Workforce Development - Revitalization & recapitalization - Support high-value, high-risk, cutting edge S&T RDT&E - Enhance lab capabilities to address DoN/DoD future missions - Collaboration across the enterprise promoted by WARCEN Command Technology Team site visits DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved
for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 25 NISE/219 Example Metrology for HEL Technologies Problem DoN/DoD is developing and experimentally deploying HEL DEW systems, but METCAL standards to support their RDT&E, and sustainment do not exist. Approach Conduct basic research into new methods and techniques for development of measurement standards to support HEL DEW. Assess methods for HEL beam parameters measurements and calibration traceability based on current work and NIST discussions. The approach will be based on the requirements for HEL performance parameters identified in the HEL JTO’s “HEL Lethality Data Collection Standards” and by the Navy/DOD HEL community. Collaborators • • • Deliverables • • • • Documentation of tracking the evolution of DE Metrology Research work to identify the METCAL RDT&E support required by Navy Working with NIST, DoD agencies, Industry, and Academia for
mutually beneficial technical capabilities development Generated research topics (e.g, DEW Metrology, etc) for NPS graduate research, NEEC BAA, etc. as Navy requirements • NIST NSWCs (PHD, Dahlgren, etc.) HEL Industry (to establish measurement traceability to NIST, and to further evaluate NIST system’s capabilities) Academia (NREIP interns, Faculty sabbaticals, etc.) Navy Interest Establish the required measurement capabilities, standardization, traceability to SI units, etc. for the HEL DEW systems & subsystems DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 26 NISE/219 Example Effects of Laser Light Scattering from Water Surfaces The testing of laser scatter from water surface was required for both indoor and outdoor scenarios. This phase of the project focused on the laboratory testing of pulsed 1064 nm linearly polarized energy on fresh water and on sea water. Various polarization
configurations and energy values and angles were taken into consideration. High Energy Laser weapons are being deployed on ships, but there is no data available for the potential of unintended laser reflection from the surface of the water. This NISE project was initiated to investigate these potentially dangerous reflections along with a CRADA with Envsioneering, Inc. and with the Naval Research Lab for collaboration. NRL performed calculations based on theoretical models for various conditions. Theory and reality do not always match so the goal of the modeling and the testing is to show how close they agree. Initial results indicate as predicted that the lowest angles of incidence and the horizontally oriented polarization resulted in the highest amount of reflection. The reflection from sea water for the 1064 nm wavelength was on average a few percent greater than that of the fresh water. The initial modeling data matched very closely with actual test data. Phase II of this
project will engage the CRADA which was finalized at the end of Phase I and will include the Readiness Assessment group for outdoor testing. Different types of lasers and conditions will be tested and the data gathered will help in the understanding of the dangers that may be associated with the inadvertent reflections of HEL weapons on the ocean surface. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 27 NISE/219 Example Metrology for Fiber Optical Launch Technology Problem Optical Launch (OL) condition variations for multimode fiber optic applications produce different power distributions that affect power measurement accuracy. Many NAVAIR and NAVSEA weapon and communications systems either do not take OL variations into consideration, or specify launch conditions based on different standards, resulting in measurements with less than the required accuracy. LED VCSEL LASER Approach
Deliverables * Develop knowledge, skills, and ability to address the impact of differing launch conditions on measurement accuracy, in order to provide the fleet with adequate calibration support for fiber optic power measurements and OL analysis. * Use of an optical launch condition analyzer and optical power meters to measure the impact of OL on measured power. • Expected collaborators • • • NIST DoD agencies Fiber Optic Industry • • Compare different OL standards for correlation and error analysis. Compare OL variations with near field, far field, encircled flux, and AS-100 specifications. Publish report of findings. Navy Interest The fiber optic communication backbones on Navy ships and aircraft require increasing level of calibration accuracy for fiber optic measurements to enable higher data rates and throughput. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 28 NISE/219
Example Performance Assessment for HEL DEW T&E Problem The goal of the Solid State Laser Technical Maturation (SSL-TM) program of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) is the design and build of a Advanced Development Module (ADM) prototype laser weapon suitable for deployment on a US combatant and ready for testing at sea. NSWC Corona will need to be prepared to support assessment of laser weapons based on SSL-TM program. Approach Participate in the SSL-TM Program to learn how T&E of laser weapon systems will be carried out and what may be expected of NSWC Corona’s Performance Assessment Department to support T&E in a program of record. Deliverables Identify Laser Weapon Systems KPI and MOE and gaps in NSWC Corona’s analysis capabilities. Progress would be tied to SSL-TM program schedule. Collaborators • • NSWC, Port Hueneme NSWC, Dahlgren Navy Interest NSWC Corona’s Performance Assessment Department will have little time to prepare to support T&E of
laser weapon systems for customers such as PEO IWS. This project will assess what action is needed to support a laser weapon system program of record. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 29 Potential Alternative Solutions: Collaborations • With NIST (http://www.nistgov/public affairs/tech-beat/) - “Natural” partnership in Metrology - No escape from similar financial constraints - Examples of DE/HEL metrology capabilities developments @ NIST: • • • • New Nanotube Coating Enables Novel Laser Power Meter (05/05/2009) Laser Radiometry: Powering Up (06/11/2012) NIST Launches New Calibration Service for High-Power Lasers (10/29/2014) NIST Fires Up Extended Calibration Service for Laser Welding and More (12/02/2014) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 30 Potential
Alternative Solutions: Collaborations • With NIST (http://www.nistgov/public affairs/tech-beat/) - Examples of DE/HEL metrology capabilities developments @ NIST: • P.A Williams, JA Hadler, R Lee, F Maring and JH Lehman Use of radiation pressure for measurement of high-power laser emission. Optics Letters (10/22/2013) DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 31 Potential Alternative Solutions: Collaborations • (even in absence of direct program tasking) Within DoN/DoD to support DEW IPTs (T&E, D&D, M&S, etc.) via - • NISE/219 funds METCAL R&D funds ONR funding Other relevant sources [e.g, DOD (S&T) T&E program, etc] With Industry - Industry developing technology • • • for sources, e.g, HELs, HPMs, HPRFs, etc for sensors/detectors, etc. for other required measurement equipment - Utilize/take advantage of the aforementioned collaboration and/or
NIST collaboration • • • inter-DoD/DoN NIST – Corona – Industry Other DoN/DoD agencies – Corona – Industry NIST – Corona – other DoN/DoD agencies – Industry DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 32 Potential Alternative Solutions: Collaborations (even in absence of direct program tasking) • Collaboration with Academia - Fellowships, e.g, DoD SMART, NSF GRFP, etc - ONR pathways • NREIP summer interns • Summer Faculty Sabbaticals • Topic generations - NPS research topics - NEEC BAA topics - Other DoD BAA topics, etc. • Utilize/take advantage of the aforementioned collaborations: Corona – NIST – other DoN/DoD agencies – Industry – Academia Collaboration is a mutual “WIN” for all involved! DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 33 Requirements
NIST S&T R&D Research Standards/Tech Acquisition Support NPSL Rqmts Analysis Logistics METCAL Acquisition Engineering Procedures Intervals Standards Training Database Mgmt Traceability Navy Cal Lab In-Service Maintenance TRACEABILITY TEST EQUIPMENT MEASUREMENT REQUIREMENTS DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited (NSWC Corona Public Release Control Number 2015-003) 3434