Universities and Schools » University of Debrecen

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 [DE] University of Debrecen (109)

Agricultural science | Ecological economy (1)
Agricultural science | Farming (3)
Agricultural science | Husbandry (1)
Arts | Handicraft (1)
Biology | Animals (1)
Biology | Plants (1)
Chemistry | Biochemistry (2)
Commerce | E-commerce (1)
Economic subjects | Business plan (1)
Economic subjects | Decision theory (1)
Economic subjects | Environmental economics (2)
Economic subjects | European Union (1)
Economic subjects | Management (1)
Economic subjects | Marketing (1)
Economic subjects | Non-profit sphere (1)
Economic subjects | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
Economic subjects | Taxation (1)
Education | Pedagogy (3)
Education | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Electronics | Acoustics (1)
Environmental protection | Higher education (1)
Environmental protection | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
Food and drink recipes | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
Geography | Geology (2)
History | Higher education (1)
Information Technology | Databases (3)
Information Technology | ERP systems (1)
Information Technology | Graphics (1)
Information Technology | Studies, essays, thesises (6)
Information Technology | Virtualization (1)
Language learning | Hungarian (5)
Legal knowledge | International law (1)
Light industry | Printing industry (1)
Literature | Books (1)
Literature | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
Mathematics | Higher education (2)
Mathematics | Mathematical analysis (3)
Mechanical engineering | Drawing (1)
Mechanical engineering | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Medical knowledge | Anatomy (1)
Medical knowledge | Cardiology (1)
Medical knowledge | Dietetics, human nutrition (2)
Medical knowledge | Diseases (5)
Medical knowledge | Medicine (1)
Medical knowledge | Neurology (1)
Medical knowledge | Oncology (2)
Medical knowledge | Optometry (1)
Medical knowledge | Paediatrics (1)
Medical knowledge | Pharmacology (4)
Medical knowledge | Studies, essays, thesises (7)
Medical knowledge | Surgery (2)
Politics | National radicalism (1)
Politics | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Programming | Java, JSP (1)
Programming | OpenGL (1)
Programming | Programming theory (1)
Programming | SQL (2)
Programming | UNIX-Linux (1)
Psychology | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
Religion | Church history (1)
Sociology | Higher education (1)
Sociology | Studies, essays, thesises (4)
Sports | Studies, essays, thesises (1)