Universities and Schools » University of Miskolc

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 [ME] University of Miskolc (54)

Agricultural science | Husbandry (1)
Agricultural science | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Architecture | Earthworks (1)
Crime (investigation) subjects | Criminology (1)
Economic subjects | Management (1)
Economic subjects | Social insurance (1)
Economic subjects | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Education | Pedagogy (1)
Education | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Electronics | Digital technology (2)
Environmental protection | Waste management (1)
Food Industry subjects | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Geography | Physical geography (2)
Geography | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
History | Books (1)
History | Science and technology (1)
History | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Information Technology | Databases (1)
Information Technology | Higher education (2)
Information Technology | Information theory (1)
Information Technology | IT security (1)
Information Technology | Networks (1)
Information Technology | Operating systems (1)
Information Technology | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
Legal knowledge | Labour law (1)
Mathematics | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Mechanical engineering | CAD / CAM (1)
Mechanical engineering | Fabrication technology (6)
Mechanical engineering | Materials expertise (1)
Mechanical engineering | Studies, essays, thesises (3)
Medical knowledge | Reumatology (1)
Medical knowledge | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Music | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Philosophy | Books (1)
Philosophy | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
Physics | Higher education (1)
Physics | Hydrodynamics (1)
Physics | Thermodynamics (1)
Politics | European Union (1)
Programming | C / C++ (1)
Programming | OpenGL (1)