Universities and Schools » Semmelweis University

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 [SE] Semmelweis University (175)

Biology | Genetics (7)
Biology | Studies, essays, thesises (4)
Chemistry | Biochemistry (2)
Chemistry | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Education | Pedagogy (1)
Environmental protection | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Eroticism, sexology | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Information Technology | ERP systems (1)
Mechanical engineering | Maintenance (1)
Medical knowledge | Anaesthetics (3)
Medical knowledge | Anatomy (9)
Medical knowledge | Cardiology (15)
Medical knowledge | Dentistry (2)
Medical knowledge | Dietetics, human nutrition (3)
Medical knowledge | Diseases (16)
Medical knowledge | Embryology (1)
Medical knowledge | Endocrinology (1)
Medical knowledge | Hematology (3)
Medical knowledge | Higher education (5)
Medical knowledge | Medicine (4)
Medical knowledge | Neurology (8)
Medical knowledge | Oncology (7)
Medical knowledge | Optometry (3)
Medical knowledge | Otorhinolaryngology, ear, nose, throat (2)
Medical knowledge | Paediatrics (18)
Medical knowledge | Pulmonology (5)
Medical knowledge | Studies, essays, thesises (22)
Medical knowledge | Surgery (3)
Medical knowledge | Traumatology (2)
Music | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Physics | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Psychology | Studies, essays, thesises (6)
Sociology | Deviance sociology (1)
Sociology | Drugs and their effects (1)
Sociology | Family sociology (2)
Sociology | Studies, essays, thesises (2)
Sports | Studies, essays, thesises (10)

 [SE-ÁOK] Faculty of Medicine (7)

Biology | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Chemistry | Biochemistry (1)
Medical knowledge | Diseases (1)
Medical knowledge | Higher education (2)
Medical knowledge | Oncology (1)
Medical knowledge | Otorhinolaryngology, ear, nose, throat (1)

 [SE-GYK] Pediatric Center (42)

Medical knowledge | Diseases (2)
Medical knowledge | Paediatrics (39)
Religion | Church history (1)

 [SE-OKK] Medical Imaging Centre (23)

Medical knowledge | Radiology (23)