Universities and Schools » Pázmány Péter Catholic University

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 [PPKE] Pázmány Péter Catholic University (34)

Arts | High school (1)
Communication | Higher education (1)
Economic subjects | European Union (1)
Economic subjects | General economics (1)
Economic subjects | Investments, Stock exchange (1)
Economic subjects | Non-profit sphere (1)
Education | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Information Technology | IT security (1)
Legal knowledge | Constitutional law (1)
Legal knowledge | Criminal law (3)
Legal knowledge | Higher education (2)
Legal knowledge | International law (2)
Legal knowledge | Labour law (1)
Legal knowledge | Media law (3)
Media knowledge | Film (1)
Philosophy | Higher education (3)
Politics | Higher education (1)
Politics | National radicalism (1)
Politics | Security and foreign policy (1)
Psychology | Higher education (1)
Sociology | Children protection (2)
Sociology | Drugs and their effects (1)
Sociology | Family sociology (1)
Sociology | Studies, essays, thesises (1)
Sports | Martial arts (1)

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