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BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК ДЕЛОВОГО ОБЩЕНИЯ Dear Students, Welcome to our new Business Communications! We will be exploring the many areas of communication as they pertain to the business world. We will be finding ways to make our writing, speaking and listening more effective in an increasingly diverse and multicultural society. I look forward to a good semester and hope that we all come away from this course with a greater appreciation of each other and the world of Business Communications. ОПИСАНИЕ КУРСА Курс Английского языка делового общения дает студентам возможность познакомиться с широким кругом коммуникативных навыков. Этот процесс позволит студентам хорошо ориентироваться в постоянно меняющемся, разнообразном и

конкурентном мире бизнеса. Курс включает в себя аудирование и межкультурное общение, групповые задания, совершенствование навыков письма и умений выступать перед аудиторией, а также содержит основы делового общения в устных и письменных формах в типичных ситуациях: устройство на работу, деловая встреча, командировка, ведение деловых переговоров, обсуждение и подписание контракта, деловая корреспонденция. Кроме того, студенты знакомятся с правилами написания резюме и прохождения интервью. Курс предназначен для широкого круга лиц,

стремящихся в максимально короткие сроки овладеть основами делового общения в типичных ситуациях, и содержит достаточное количество информации, необходимой для деловой корреспонденции. By Alison Baduel Russian text by Irina Nagai 1 ТЕМАТИЧЕСКИЙ ПЛАН Урок 1. Введение в курс Важность делового общения и его аспекты Урок 2. Человеческие ресурсы Бизнес терминология Урок 3. Продажа товаров в онлайне Деловые переговоры (Презентация в Пауерпоинте) Урок 4. Продукты/товары Рекламное письмо Презентация продажи – основы убеждающего письма. Урок 5. Составление

электронных писем и факсов Терминология маркетинга Урок 6. Новый бизнес и стратегическое планирование (Презентация в Пауерпоинте) Урок 7 Устройство на работу (анкета, сопроводительное письмо, резюме и CV, интервью, благодарственное письмо). Различия Британского и Американского английского. Урок 8 Изучение страны с целью исследования возможности расширенния бизнеса. Культурные проблемы и разнообразия. Урок 9 Вхождение в иностранный рынок. Влияние культуры на менеджмент и общение. Урок 10. Изменение стиля менеджмента Корпоративная культура

Новая лексика делового общения. Урок 11. Организационный дизайн Деловой жаргон Основные сокращения, используемые в деловой корреспонденции. Основы делового общения для менеджера. Урок 12. Презентация Проекта Урок 13. Заключительный Экзамен 2 Lesson 1 Career Paths, the Importance of Business Communications, and New Vocabulary Lesson Introduction Introduction to Business Communications Business Communications can be considered any form of correspondence or attemped correspondence between a company and any other person or entity. Business communications can exist on various levels. It can include communications amongst a certain company’s employees, or communications between a company and its clients, and it even includes communications between a business and other businesses that it

interacts with. These businesses can include governmental agencies, suppliers, distributors, partners, etc. Business communications also entails all forms of communication from verbal, non-verbal, to interpersonal formats of communication. The Importance of Business Communications Learning how to communicate successfully in the business world can help to ensure a successful business. It is a stated fact that if a business is unable to communicate with its customers, employees, or other businesses then it is certain that the business will not survive for long in the marketplace. However, a business must not only be able to communicate. It must also be able to communicate clearly, accurately, and in a manner that conveys goodwill towards the audience whom is being addressed. Business communications is crucial and it is a subject that should not be taken lightly. Even a company with the finest product, the best employees, and the highest level of quality will ultimately fail if they are

unable to communicate well with others. Class Discussion Exercise These are possible areas that students may want to go into after graduation. Can the students name at least one company for each business sector? • • • • • • • • • • • • Telecommunications/Media Engineering Retailing Construction Tourism Banking and Finance Transport Vehicle Manufacturing IT (Information Technology)/Electronics Food and drink Pharmaceutical Other 3 Homework Exercise A- The phrases below all include the word, “career”. Match them to their correct meanings. Use a good dictionary to help you 1) career ladder a) something you do in order to progress your job 2) career move b) period of time away from your job to, for example, look after your children 3) career break c) series of levels that lead to better and better jobs 4) career plan d) chances to start/improve your career 5) career opportunities e) ideas you have for your future career Exercise B- Complete these sentence

with the verbs from the box. make climb take have decide offer 1) Employees in large multinationals excellent career opportunities if they are willing to travel. 2) Some people a career break to do something adventurous like sailing around the world. 3) One way to a career move is to join a small but rapidly growing company. 4) In some companies it can take years to the career ladder and reach senior management level. 5) Certain companies career opportunities to the long-term unemployed or to people without qualifications. 6) Ambitious people often on a c areer plan while they are still at school or university. Exercise C- Look at the groups of words below. Cross out the noun or noun phrase which doesn’t go with the verb in each group. 1) make a fortune progress a living a training course 4) do research a mistake a job your best 2) get progress a promotion the sack a nine-to-five job 5) take a pension time

off early retirement a break 3) earn a bonus a part-time job money 40 thousand ($40,000) 6) work flextime anti-social hours overtime an office job Exercise D- Make sentences using the phrases in Exercise C. For example, “You can make a fortune with a career in computers”. 4 Tara Fashions Exercise for Business Communications Introductory Lesson (Pg. 27 Ex B of Course Book) Tara Fashions is a r elatively new fashion merchandiser who sells new and innovative clothing worldwide. Its main office is located in Cordoba, Spain though the company has many offices located all over the world. T ara Fashions has its largest number of stores located in Spain and other European cities although they also operate in large cities located in North America, South America, Asia, and North Africa. In total, Tara Fashions operates in 57 countries and has 25 stores located in Spain and another 42 stores located in other European cities. The number of stores that operate outside of Europe is

approximately 52. Most of Tara Fashions customers are people who belong to the middle class or upper middle class income levels of various countries. Tara Fashions does not target the middle class or lower class levels of the market though some of their consumers do i n fact belong to these classes. M ost people who choose to purchase clothing from Tara Fashions are those who are extremely fashion conscious and want to wear the latest fashion trends from Europe. In addition, Tara Fashions does not have a distributor. Instead the company chooses to distribute its clothing only through its own stores. It does not sell its clothing to retail companies. T ara Fashions is the producer and final distributor of its own clothing. Tara Fashions is a relatively new company that has only been in business for the past ten years now. The annual net profits of the company average around $12,000,000 a year but recently there has been a sharp increase in production costs so the annual profits of the

company have suffered. Last year’s annual net profit for the company was only $9,000,000 as a result of these changes in the marketplace and a high turnover rate. Due to changes in the employment market and a s urge of older employees retiring Tara Fashions also recently encountered a record high turnover rate for the company. T he turnover rate for employees was approximately 10 pe rcent. D ue to these factors, company profits also suffered this past fiscal year. Tara Fashions is aware that it will face many more changes in the marketplace but it is a company with various strengths. The company has found itself to be sustainable and popular among consumers for the past ten years and has built a reputation as being one of the most fashionable clothing producers in the world and many of the companies’ consumers are extremely loyal to the clothing Tara Fashions produces. Tara Fashions has also managed to secure one of the cheapest material distributors in the world and has limited

its production costs more so than other companies. In addition, Tara Fashions has been able to make multiple deals with transportation companies that have enabled them to ship more goods to their stores with less expense being incurred to them. In the future, Tara Fashions plans to extend its product line and start producing clothing accessories as well. T he company is particularly interested in producing such items as belts, purses, and jewelry. The company plans to sell these new products in their stores along with their clothing products. 5 Questions for the Class to Answer about Tara Fashions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Where is the head office? What does it sell? Who are its customers? Annual Turnover? Annual Net Profits? Number of stores in total? Number of stores in Spain? Number of stores in other European cities? Company Strengths? Future Plans? Lesson 1: English Grammar Exercise Working with Articles and Verbs Correct the following incorrect sentences. Example: My

name Victor. The corrct version is: My name is Victor. 1) I want that he called me. 2) Could you tell him call me? 3) I get him for you. 4) Hello. I’m Vladimir Ivanov speaking 5) I’m sorr. The line busy 6) Can I help to you? 7) He not here at the moment. 8) Can I taked a message? 9) I’m sorry. He have a meeting 10) I’ll put you back immediately. 6 Lesson 2 Human Resources Lesson Introduction Human Resources By definition, human resources are the individuals who work within your company. These individuals form your company workforce and your workforce can be considered the most important assest of your organization. The study of Human Resources spans over a variety of topics from employee compensation, new employee recruitment, the hiring/firing of employees, employee motivation, to career counseling. The basic idea of human resources is that your employees are the most valuable asset of your company and without a dedicated, capable, and motivated workforce your company

will eventually fail. In-Class Exercises Are certain careers more suitable fore women than for men? Which do you consider for women only? For men only? For either? Write down other careers that you think fall into any of these categories. • • • • • • • • • • Soldier Police Officer Car Mechanic Nurse Chef Pilot Teacher Hairdresser Politician Construction Worker The London Underground Railway system recently wanted to hire more women as train operators. T he company placed an ad in a popular women’s magazine called, “Cosmopolitan”. Below is an article based upon The London Underground placing this job advertisement in the magazine. Read the article below and answer the questions that follow. 7 Magazine Article from the Daily Telegraph Newspaper by Paul Marston: Cosmopolitan Readers Queue for Tube Job More than 1,400 readers of Cosmopolitan have applied to become a London Tube train driver. London Underground described the response to its single advert in

this month’s issue as ‘exceptional’. Successful applicants will have to get out of bed for regular 4:45am starts, but the 27,650 (pounds) salary and up t o eight weeks’ holiday pay may prove sufficient compensation. Lorraine Candy, editor of Cosmo, said the interest her reads had shown demonstrated that young women were not bound by traditional career patterns. ‘It’s always been a classic thing for boys to want to be train drivers. Now we’re seeing that girls can do it too’, she said. I don’t think the job is boring or un-sexy and I’m sure the passengers couldn’t care less whether the train is being driven by a man or a woman-as long as it it’s on time.’ The ability to break bad news to travelers more sympathetically is one reason London Underground is keen to increase its number of female drivers from 100- just three percent of its driving staff. Exercise A: What do these numbers in the article refer to? a) 1,400 b) 4:45 c) 27,650 d) eight e) one f) 100 g)

three Exercise B: Answer the following questions about the reading. 1) How many adverts did London Underground put in Cosmopolitan magazine? 2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the job? 3) What do passengers care the most about? 4) Why does London Underground want to hire more women? 8 In- Class Exercises Exercise A: Rearrange the words in 1 through 9 to make questions from a job interview. Then decide whether each question is making a request, making an offer, or asking about ability. 1) get you can I anything? 2) details contact your confirm I could? 3) can you software package use this? 4) speak languages any other you can? 5) about tell you job us your present more could? 6) tell your current salary me you could? 7) start you when can? 8) would you as soon as possible your decision let us know? 9) like coffee some more you would? Exercise B: Match the questions in Exercise A with the interviewee’s answers below. a) It’s $43,000. b) Yes, I use it a lot in my

current job. c) I can let you know next week. d) Yes, a cup of coffee would be great, please. e) Yes, the address is the same, but my e-mail has changed. f) I’d love some more. Thank you g) Well, I am currently responsible for European sales. h) Yes, I can speak French and Spanish i) My notice period is two months Useful Terms and Language Phone Conversation Dialogue: • • • • • • • • • • Could I speak to FIRST AND LAST NAME OF PERSON? Who’s calling please? Yes, this is YOUR FIRST AND LAST NAME. Could you tell me what it’s about? I’m calling about I’ll put you through. Could you tell him/her that I called? Can you hold? Could you ask him/her to call me back? I’m afraid that there’s no answer. Can I take a message? 9 Vocabulary Words 1. Absenteeism 2. Application 3. Appointment 4. Background (Information) 5. Bonus 6. Career 7. Career Ladder 8. Compensation 9. Human resources 10. Job advertisement (Job Ad) 11. Job opening 12. Labor force/workforce

13. Labor union 14. Morale 15. Motivation 16. Overqualified 17. Overtime 18. Overwork 19. Promotions 20. Qualifications 21. To apply 22. To appoint 23. Turnover 24. Under-qualified 25. Unemployment 26. Unemployment rate 27. Unskilled 28. Workaholic 29. Workload 10 Lesson 2: English Grammar Exercise Working with Antonyms Exercise A: Match the words on the left with their antonyms on the right. 1) incorrect 2) interesting 3) terrible 4) last 5) answer 6) near-sighted 7) unhappy 8) clean 9) indoors 10) difficult 11) safe 12) cheap 13) fast 14) hate 15) noisy a) dull b) first c) far-sighted d) dirty e) quiet f) dangerous g) outdoors h) easy i) correct j) expensive k) ask l) like m) happy n) slow o) wonderful Exercise B: Find the antonyms for the words in the sentences on the left with the words listed in the column on the right. 1) Mary is very tall. 2) John is quite thin. 3) The floor is wet. 4) Why are you so sad lately? 5) She is an elderly woman. 6) I know he is right about

this. 7) This is a very narrow street. 8) The weather is getting much warmer. 9) This water is far too hot. 10) They are the same products. 11) Today has been a horrible day for me. 12) He is going to be early to class today. 13) We had gone on a long trip to the city. 14) This is a new book. 15) That car is the quickest one. 16) I bought a secondhand car yesterday. 17) You have a very small suitcase. wide long slowest large fat cooler different old new short wet young wrong cold wonderful late happy 11 Lesson 3 Selling Online & Business Negotiations Lesson Introduction: Online Selling With the continued rise in the the popularity and availability of the Internet many companies have chosen to operate online in addition to operating in their traditional stores in order to become more competitive and make more profitable. In addition to traditional companies opening up online websites in order to sell their products, many new companies have been created that operate only online

and do not have traditional stores where customers may go to and buy their products. These types of companies are referred to as “.com” or “comers” It is important to understand how technology and the use of the Internet has revolutionized the way companies do business. These days it is extremely hard for a company to remain competitive and make large profits if they do not operate online and are not technologically savvy. Business Negotiations By definition, negotiations are simply talks, discussions, or communications between businesses about areas of business where two or more companies have a mutual concern. Business negotiations take place often when companies are seeking to form a partnership, create a new working relationship with one another, facilitate a company buyout, or change the terms of previous contracts made with one another. There is an art to business negotiations that company negotiators have learned to follow in order to be successful in business

negotiations. This art includes individuals knowing when and what to say and how to convince others to either meet their demands or how to strike a compromise where all parties involved are content with the outcome of the talks. Business negotiations are a fine art that is mixed with an awareness of human behavior and eloquent, convincing speech. Some Information on “.Com Companies” • • • “Bad ideas don’t get better online”- IBM advertisement “.Comers” said as “dot comers” are companies that are only online and are not inperson retailers .Com companies were very popular and made a lot of money in the late 1990’s and early 2000. However, many com companies in the US went out of business or failed right after the September 11th attacks. Many com companies that operate only online are still struggling or going out of business. 12 Warm-up Questions • • • • • Do you enjoy shopping? Do you shop online? Have you ever bought something over the

internet? If so, what? Why do you think some people prefer not to buy goods and services over the internet? What are the advantages of shopping online? Exercise A: Fill in the blank with the correct word. 1) We offer a to customers who buy in bulk. a) Refund b) Discount c) Delivery 2) We ask customers who are not fully satisfied to t heir purchases within 7 days. a) Discount b) Refund c) Return 3) In order to get a full , customers must send back goods in the original packaging. a) Discount b) Refund c) Return 4) Goods will be within 24 hours of your order. a) Dispatched b) Purchased c) Exchanged 5) Goods are kept in our until ready for delivery. a) Stock b) Storage c) Warehouse Exercise B: Match the terms on the left to their definitions on the right. 1) Credit card details 2) Cooling off period 3) Money back guarantee 4) Method of payment 5) Interest-free period 6) Out of stock 7) After-sales service A) The time when you can change your mind and

cancel an order B) The name, number, and expiration date on your credit card C) The way you choose to buy the goods you want D) When you can pay some time after you buy, but at no extra cost E) When the goods you require are not available F) A promise to give you your money back if you are not happy G) The help you get from a company when you start to use their product 13 “The Arrival of Virtual Pocket Money”, an article from the Financial Times by John Willman They like using the internet. They have lots of money to spend And they spend a higher proportion of it online than the rest of us. Teenagers are just the sort of people an Internet retailer wants to sell to, and the things they want to buy-games, CD’s, clothing-are easily sold on the Web. But paying online is a tricky business for consumers who are too young to own a credit card. Most have to use a parent’s card ‘Kids are frustrated with the Web’ Says Phil Bettison, European Managing Director of WorldPay, an

Internet payments company. ‘They want a facility that allows them to spend money’. That may come sooner than they think: new ways to take pocket money into cyberspace are springing up on bot h sides of the Atlantic. If successful, these products could provide an important stimulus to online sales. In general, teenagers spend enormous amounts: Visa calculates it totaled $153 billion in the US last year, while the UK market estimated $29.4 billion Most teenagers have access to the Internet at home or at school-88% in the US, 69% in the UK. One in eight of those with Internet access have bought something online-mainly CD’s and music. I n the US, 12-17 year olds spend an average of six hours a month online according to Jupiter Research. O ne in six buys things over the Internet, with CD’s, books, games, videos and clothing being the most popular items. In most cases, parents pay for these purchases with credit cards, an arrangement that is often unsatisfactory for them and their

children: ‘Pressing parents to spend online is less productive than pressing on the high street. A child who sees a pair of shoes in a shop can usually persuade the parent to buy them. They’re more like to ask “Why?” if you ask to spend some money online,’ says Mike Young of Mondex, the electronic payments company. One way to help them convert notes and coins into cybercash is through prepaid cards such as InternetCash in the US and Smart cards in the UK. Similar to those for pay-as-you go mobile telephones, they are sold in amounts such as $20 or $50 w ith a concealed 14-digit number that can be used to load the cash into an online account. Exercise A: Answer the following questions as True/False based upon the reading. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adults spend a greater proportion of their money online than teenagers. Most teenagers pay for goods online with their own credit cards. More than 66% of teenagers in the US and the UK have internet access. Most teenagers in the US and the UK

have bought something online Children find it easier to persuade parents to buy in a shop than online. 14 Exercise B: Place a “T” next to the statements that are true about company negotiations. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Be friendly Have clear aims Tell the other side what you want Don’t listen carefully Pay attention to the other’s body language Don’t change your plan during the meeting Never be the first to make an offer Be strong and try to win Prepare carefully before you negotiate Ask a lot of questions Make sure you have only one option Summarize often the points you agree on Change your strategy during the negotiation, if necessary Never show any emotions Main Strategies and Key Phrases for Business Negotiations • • • • • State your aims/your goals- “We’d like to.”, “We must” Make concessions- “I can do that if you.”, “That could be all right as long as” Rejecting suggestions- “We prefer”, “We’d

rather.” Bargaining- “How about?” Focusing on the discussion- “Let’s talk about” Negotiations Case Study Background Information: Lifetime holidays is a package holiday firm. It has many high street shops and a large catalog of holidays. However, it is currently facing problems Fewer people are visiting its shops, and demand for its holidays has fallen. Most of its customers are aged over 50, so it now wants to appeal to a wider range, especially those aged 30 to 50. The solution seems to be to sell holidays online. As Lifetime has no experience of e-commerce, they want to join with an existing online company, DirectSun. D irectSun is a low-budget holiday website It offers cheap flights to a small range of destinations and can arrange accommodation, insurance, and car rentals. It has a good customer base, but it wants a bigger catalog of holidays to offer. The two firms have met several times and are now ready to negotiate the details of a possible joint venture. 15

Number of Lifetime Vacations Sold 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Lifetime Holidays Consumer Profile by Age Ages 20-29 Ages 30-39 Ages 40-49 Over 50 Negotiations Case Study Task • • Half of the class are directors of Lifetime Holidays Half of the class are directors of DirectSun Activity: Each company needs to come up with their goals and demands for the negotiation of the joint venture and present these demands to the representatives of the other company. 16 Items on the Agenda Length of the contract Range of holiday destinations Car rental and insurance Advertising budget The structure of the joint venture (who will be in charge of the online services, how the profits will be split, etc.) Homework Assignment Make up your own online company. Make sure you include all of the information below when writing about your company. • • • • • • Your Company Name • Your Company Website Address • Product/Services Offered • Your Target Market

• What Countries You Operate In • The Price Range of Your Goods/Services • If You Provide Money Back Guarantees What Kind of After Sales Service You Provide to Your Customers Lesson 4 Products and Writing Ads/Sales Presentations Lesson Introduction Advertising/Sales Promotions While there are many forms and approaches to selling products, any approach will require a good command of the English language and the ability to speak to customers in a way that is convincing and appeals to their needs or desires. When attempting to sell a product, you must keep in mind the audience you are speaking to. You must remember the Who, What, and How aspects of your presentation or advertisement. You must keep in mind: • Who will read or see what you are about to write or advertise? What point of view might they be coming from? • What is it that you want to accomplish through your advertisement? • What are your main points about your product? What main features are you going to

concentrate on when it comes to trying to sell your product? • How will you organize your ideas? How will you reach the customers of your target market? 17 Warm-Up Questions 1) Describe some of your favorite products. Why do you like them? 2) If you could afford any product, what product would you like to own? 3) Why would you like to own that product? 4) What are some words you could use to describe that product to the class? In-Class Exercises Exercise 1-Read this report which was written by an expert on products. Each of the underlined words is incorrect. Write the correct form of the incorrect word “Can we have too many products?” There are two cars in the garage. In the living room, there is a wide-screen TV with 100 channels, and first-class hi-fi equipment. E ach child has a television in his or her bedroom. The kitchen contain a dishwasher, an ordinary oven and a microwave oven The cupboard in the bedroom is fill of designer-label clothes. Is it possible too have so

many products that we don’t need any more? Some economy think so. They points to Japan, where demand for certain goods has been flat for 10 years now. They say that one reason for this is that Japanese people have all the material goods they want and save their money instead of buying more. C ompare this with the poorest countries in the world, where there is one TV set for every 60 people! Exercise 2-Look over the words used below and define them in English and write their Russian equivalents. Common adjectives used in advertising products: • Attractive • Reliable • Economical • Comfortable • Expensive • Practical • Popular Exercise 2- The opposites of these adjectives are made by adding prefixes. The prefixes are un-, in-, im-. Write the words above in the correct boxes below in order to give the adjectives negative meanings. Un- In- Im- 18 Exercise 3- Compound adjectives are also common in the advertising world. Use the words in the box to complete the

sentences below. well high best long hard high 1) IBM manufactures -tech computer products. 2) Timberland makes a range of -wearing footwear. 3) Ferrari produces -quality sports cars. 4) Coca-Cola and Pepsico both developed -selling soft drinks. 5) Duracell sells -lasting alkaline batteries. 6) Levi jeans are a -made clothing product. Exercise 4- The following verbs are also terms commonly used when speaking about products and when a company is advertising their products. Match the verbs on the left to their meanings on the right. 1) launch 2) test 3) promote 4) manufacture 5) modify 6) discontinue 7) design 8) distribute a) to stop making b) to build or make c) to introduce into the market d) to change in order to improve e) to try something in order to see how it works f) to make a plan or drawing g) to increase sales by advertising, etc. h) to supply to shops, companies, customers 19 Business Communications Products

and Advertising In-Class Quiz Name: Complete the following sentences using a compound starting with the word in brackets, and using one of the words from a) to f). Each word is used only one time a) wearing b) quality c) tech d) lasting e) selling f) made 1) Go to SaveMoney Supermarkets for (high-) m et produced with the best farming methods. 2) Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann has sold 30 million copies- it is the (best-) of all time. 3) Doc Martens boots which average a life of seven years are said to be (long-) footwear. 4) Buy Good Era tires. They’re so (hard-) : 200,000 kilometers later and they still look the same! 5) German cars are famous for being solid and (well-) . 6) No more posting of documents from one department to another- Docushare is the (high-) solution to distributing information on the Internet. 20 Lesson 5 Email/Fax Communications and Marketing Lesson Introduction Email and Fax

Communications With the increased use of technology in the business world and in the workplace more and more forms of communications are emerging. With each new medium of communicatins a new procedure and style are set as the standards for formal business communications. This lesson will help you to understand the main outlines for both formal and informal communications using the mediums of email and fax communications. Marketing In any company, marketing is a key aspect of how a company remains in business and successful. The general idea of marketing is to let your current and potential consumers know what you have to offer them. However, marketing is not only conveying what you have to offer. In its own right, marketing is also an art form It is the art of convincing consumers that your product is the best and that they want your product versus the product of your competitors. Marketing is the art of displaying and maintaining a positive company image while getting the attention of

the marketplace. In-Class Exercises: “An Introduction to Marketing” Exercise A: What are the “Four P’s” of the Marketing Mix? P P P P Exercise B: Using the words above, complete the sentences below. 1) The is the cost to the buyer for the goods or services they want or need. 2) informs consumers about the products a company offers and persuades consumers to buy those products. 3) A is where goods or services are available for people to buy them. 4) is the actual good or service that is sold to the consumer. 21 Exercise C: Fill in the missing vowels in the words below. Market Market Market Consumer Consumer Consumer Product Product Product Sales Sales Sales Advertising Advertising Advertising r s r c h= information about what consumers want and need s g m n t= a group of customers of similar age, income, and social group s h r = the percentage of sales a

company has b h v r= where and how people buy things p r f l = description of a typical consumer g d s= things people buy for their own use l n c h= introduction of a product into the marketplace l f c y c l = length of time people continue to buy a product r n g = set of products made by a company f r c s t= how much a company thinks it will sell in a period f g r s= how much a company has sold in a period t r g t= how much a company wants to sell in a period c mp g n= program of advertising activities over a period of time b d g t= the amount of money available for advertising g n c y= a business that advises and makes ads for other companies 22 In-Class Assignment Case Study Group # Names of the People in the Group: 1) What do you think the normal consumer profile is for your customers? • Age: • Gender: • Job: • Income Level: 2) If you were an advertising agency what recommendations would you make to this

company? Ex: advertise in different ways-billboards, TV, radio, magazines, etc. And WHY does the company need to use these different ways to reach its customers? 3) If you worked for this company, and had an advertising budget of $25 million, how would you try to increase their sales? 4) What seems to be the target market for this company? Ex: children, young adults, university students, young professionals, older professionals, retired individuals, families, or any combination of the above. 5) Do you think that it would help this company to expand its advertising campaign to reach children or university students? 23 Class Materials Fax and Email Forms of Business Correspondence Things to Include in a Fax: • • • • • Have the headings of: To, From, Fax Number, Date, Number of Pages, and Subject The style of the fax can be formal, as in a business letter, or informal. This depends on who you are writing to. Points can be but do not have to be numbered for clarity.

“Regards” or “Sincerely” is often used for the closing of the letter. The person’s name and position are typed out and the individual also signs their name. Example of a Fax: Denton County Chamber of Commerce FAX TRANSMISSION To: Arnold Coleman, CEO From: John Smith Date: October 10, 2004 Subject: Your letter, October 2, 2004 Fax Number: 972 298 8160 Faxed From: 717 245 4356 Pages: (including this page) 1 Dear Mr. Coleman, Thank you for your letter of 2 October 2004 asking about the possibility of opening a factory for the manufacture of your products in Denton County. Let me answer some of your questions. 1. Employees Yes, Denton County has a large workforce of well-trained and hard-working possible employees available. 2. Infrastructure Road and rail links to the main cities in TX and throughout the U.S, the airports and ports are excellent. 3. Local Tax In certain situations it is possible to arrange favorable tax conditions for start-up organizations. If you would

like to discuss the possibilities further, please call my office at (972) 567- 8160 to arrange a meeting for when you are in the area. I look forward to hearing from you Regards John Smith John Smith Chief Development Officer 24 Things to Remember When Writing an Email: • They can have a formal business style or a very informal style, similar to spoken English. There is also a semi-formal style which is in between these two styles • Remember who you are talking to in order to decide how you should compose your email. The Semi-Formal Email: It is similar to a standard business letter, but less formal and usually shorter. The ending is typically “Best wishes” rather than “Sincerely”. This style is best used when you are sending an e-mail to somebody who is outside of your company, or whom you do not know very well. The focus is on giving or asking for information quickly The Informal Email: It is the most suitable for e-mails within your company and for people whom you

know well. The greeting is often, “Hi”, “Hello”, or even “How are you?” Sometimes endings are omitted altogether. Sometimes the writer will type only in small letters This style is much more similar to spoken than written English. Sometimes people use abbreviations if they want to save time. Ex: CU=See you, Thx=Thanks, 2=to/too, 4=for, RUOK?=are you okay?, TTYL=talk to you later, WBS=write back soon, ASAP=as soon as possible, How R U?=How are you? Example of a Formal Email: To: From: Cc: Subject: Cooperation agreement Attachments: Word Document 52K Dear Jim, To celebrate the signing of the agreement between our two companies we would like to invite you to participate in our annual sales meeting which is taking place this year in Hawaii, October 2529. Please feel free to bring another person with you as our guest if you would like to join us I hope it will possible for you to join us. Please let us know Best wishes,

Tammy Tammy Smith Product Manager Bank One 21 Gold Street Garland, TX 75210 Phone: 001 972 675 8760 25 Lesson 5: English Grammar Exercise Prefixes Prefixes are placed before a word and change the meaning of the word. If you are not familiar with what certain prefixes mean you can completely change the meaning of a word and the message that is being conveyed may not make sense or you may interpret it incorrectly. It is important to know what prefixes are, how they are used, and how they affect words in the English language. Prefix AntiBiContraDiDisExEx-, EExtraHyperIn-, Im-, Il-, IrInterIntraIntroMacroMicroMisMonoMultiNeoNonOmniPolyPostPreReRetroSemiSubSuperTriUnUni- Meaning Against Two Against Two Apart, Away from Former Go out from Beyond Extremely Negative, Not Between With Inward Large Tiny, Small Wrong One Many New Negative, Not All Many After Before Again Backwards Half Under Above Three Negative, Not One Examples Antibiotic Bicycle Contradict Diameter Dissatisfied

Ex-employee Exit Extraterrestrial Hyperactive Irresponsible, Impossible Interaction Intracostal Introduction Macroeconomics Microeconomics Misunderstand Monolingual Multilingual Neopolitan Non-Aggressive Omnipotent Polymer Postwar Previous Reapply Retroactive Semi-annual Submarine Supercede Tricycle Unknown Unicycle 26 Exercise A: Describe what the words below mean based upon sentence context and what you have learned about prefixes. 1) There was an anti-war campaign going on in Austrailia. 2) Her ex-boyfriend hasn’t talked to her in years. 3) One of the computer’s microchips was damaged so we had to take the computer to be repaired. 4) Her new outfit was multi-colored and very fashionable. 5) The couple decided that a non-traditional wedding was the best choice for them. 6) The post-depression period left many people without money or food. 7) In retrospect, it was not a good idea to. 8) International relations are much better now. 9) He was mistaken to think that he could

cheat. 10) He is an unreliable person. You can’t depend on him to do what he says he will do Lesson 6 New Business and Strategic Planning Lesson Introdction New Businesses In order to create a new company you must first evaluate your marketplace and make an estimation of the future success of the company you wish to create. The typical approach to make this kind of assessment is through writing a business plan. A business plan will allow you to get a better idea of whether or not your idea for the new company you are considering is a good idea or not. When writing a business plan there are many factors that and individual must consider and evaluate in order to conclude whether or not a business idea is a good one or not. Strategic Planning Strategic planning is key to the evaluation of a new business idea and to the established company. Strategic planning goes through a very rigorous process of identifying strengths and weaknesses of different ideas and directions the company is

considering. This process allows the company to make well –informed decisions and plans for the future. The evaluation system of strategic planning helps to ensure that the company will remain stable and profitable in the future. Although strategic planning is limited due to a company’s inability to see unpredictable changes, it offers the company a plan of action to follow. This plan of action helps the company to stay in business and be aware of its goals. 27 Factors that are Important for New Business • • • • • • • • • Low taxes Skilled staff available for hire Low interest rates Cheap rent prices Stable economy Good transportation links Cheap labor Strong and stable currency Government grants Exercise 1: Match the words on the left to their definitions on the right. 1) Interest rate 2) Exchange rate 3) Inflation rate 4) Labor force 5) Tax incentives 6) Government bureaucracy 7) GDP 8) Unemployment rate 9) Foreign investment 10) Balance of trade A) B)

C) D) E) F) G) H) I) J) The market value of a country’s output General increase in prices Cost of borrowing money Price at which one currency can buy another Percentage of people without jobs People working Low taxes to encourage business activity Money from overseas Official rules/regulations/paperwork Difference in value between a country’s imports and exports 28 New Vocabulary Review 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) The interest rate is the cost of borrowing money. The exchange rate is the price at which one currency can buy another. The inflation rate is the general increase in prices. The labor force is the total number of people working. Tax incentives are low taxes that are offered to encourage business activity. Government bureaucracy consists of official rules, regulations and paperwork. GDP is the Gross Domestic Product and is the total value of goods and services produced in a country. 8) Unemployment rate is the percentage of the population without jobs. 9) Foreign

investment is money from overseas. 10) Balance of trade is the difference in value between a country’s imports and exports. Vocabulary Exercise The economy is stable following the problems of the past two years. By following a tight monetary policy the government has reduced the i r to 2%. After going up dramatically, the i r to 8%. The last six months has seen a slight improvement in the e r against the dollar. The G has grown by 15% Exports are increasing and the b of t is starting to look much healthier. The u r continues to be a problem as it is still at 16%. In order to stimulate the economy and attract f i the government is offering new t i as well as making a renewed effort to reduce g b . Finally, a large skilled l f means there could be attractive investment opportunities over the next five years. Answers to Vocabulary Exercise The economy is stable following the problems of the past two

years. By following a tight monetary policy the government has reduced the interest rate to 2%. After going up dramatically, the inflation rate to 8%. The last six months has seen a slight improvement in the exchange rate against the dollar. The GDP has grown by 15% Exports are increasing and the balance of trade is starting to look much healthier. The unemployment rate continues to be a problem as it is still at 16%. In order to stimulate the economy and attract foreign investment the government is offering new tax incentives as well as making a renewed effort to reduce government bureaucracy. Finally, a large skilled labor force means there could be attractive investment opportunities over the next five years. 29 Homework Assignment Try to answer the following questions about Ukraine. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) What is the population of Ukraine? What is the population of Berdyansk? How many people study at ARIU? What is the average salary in Ukraine? What is the inflation rate in

Ukraine? What is the interest rate for savings in Ukraine? Interesting International Facts (data as of the year 2000) Biggest cities in the world (population in millions): 1st Tokyo, Japan- 26.4 2nd Mexico City, Mexico-18.1 3rd Lagos, Nigeria-13.4 Oldest populations (% aged over 65): Italy-18.2% Sweden-17.4% Belgium- 16.7% Computers per 100 people: United States 45.5 Switzerland 42.1 Australia 41.1 Cars per 1,000 people: Lebanon 732 (268 people without cars) Italy 539 (461 people without cars) Germany 506 (494 people without cars) 30 Lesson 6: English Grammar Exercise “When,While, Before, After, Until, As Soon As” Exercise A: Fill in the blanks below using the word(s); when, while, before, after, until, as soon as. 1) Don’t make a decision we’ve seen the report. 2) I’m meeting with Angela this afternoon. Send her up she arrives 3) Let’s sort out this problem she gets here. 4) I’m going to fly out to Paris tomorrow. I’ll phone you I get

there 5) Will you type this report for me I am away. Case Study Company Name: Marcia Lee Jeans Company Information: Marcia Lee Jeans is a company that is based in NY. It is a brand that is well known in the U.S T he jeans sell in the upper price ranges and appeal to fashion conscious people aged 15-40. T hey are distributed in major department stores throughout the country. A t present, the jeans are made in the US by a number of factories on t he East coast, none of which are owned by the company. Competition in this segment of the market is strong, so the company has to keep costs as low as possible in order to remain profitable. In the next 10 years, the company plans to expand in Europe and Southeast Asia so that it becomes a global company. T o do t his, it has decided to build its own factory in an overseas country. The factory will have approximately 2,000 w orkers who will produce the jeans. T hese workers will be recruited locally. Denim, the raw material which is used

to make jeans will be imported from several countries. The company is considering two countries as a location for their new factory. B ased upon t he information you have about the two countries, which country do you think is the best place for the new factory to be located in? 31 Country A Country B Economy Growth Rate: 2% a year Inflation Rate: 5% Interest Rate: 10%-15% Unemployment Rate: 25%-30% The country has a lot of debt and is Trying to modernize its economy. Economy Growth Rate: 1.5% Inflation Rate: 0.5% Interest Rate: 8%-10% Unemployment Rate: 3% Transport Good rail and network but poor roads New international airport Main seaport is in poor condition Labor Unskilled labor available. A lot of training Will be needed for jeans production. No unions in most industries Wage rates very low Comments The country has a military government. Bribery is common. Political problems: people In the North want to become an independent state. The government will contribute 30%

towards the cost of a new factory. Transport Has a fully integrated road and rail network International airport No seaport Labor Not a lot of skilled labor available Strong unions Wage rates are high Comments The country has a stable government. It is a member of a large trading group. There are strict new laws on pollution. There are no tax incentives for building new factories. Business tax is very high 32 Lesson 7 British English versus American English Lesson Introduction British and American Variants of English Although most individuals who learn English as a second language are unware of it, the British and American variants of English are very different. However, native speakers of English are easily able to recognize the differences between the two dialects. There are a number of words that exist in the British variant of English that do not exist in the American variant of English and vice versa. There are also grammatical, spelling, and sentence contruction differences

between the two variants. Although native speakers of American English and British English can usually communicate with one another with few misunderstandings there are many instances where clear communication may be made difficult due to the differences between the two variants. The likelihood of misunderstandings is even higher when non-native speakers of English mix together British and American English. This typically confuses the native speaker of English and can lead to many misunderstandings. It is important to note that although British English is widespread in use it is becoming second to American English in terms of popularity. This is especially true in terms of business and business communications. American English is quickly becoming the standard of English that is expected of those who learn English as a second language. Common Words in Everyday Speech British English words defined in American English Blag (verb)- to mooch or get something for free Blimey (exclamation

word)- “wow” or “my goodness” Brill (adjective)-shortened version of the word “brilliant” Busk (verb)-to busk is to sit in the street playing music and hoping people will give you money for it. Cheerio (exclamation word)-a light-hearted way of saying “goodbye” Cheers (exclamation word)- “thank you” in informal conversations Crikey (exclamation word)- an expression of surprise Dear (adjective)- when used as an adjective it means, “expensive” Fluke (noun)- a rather fortunate chance win, a stroke of luck Give Over (exclamatory phrase)- equivalent to the American expression “Give me a break”. Gobsmacked (adjective)- someone is very surprised or taken aback Haver (verb)- to ramble incoherently, or to speak nonsense Hire (verb)- the American word is “to rent” Kip (noun)- sleep, a short nap Natter (noun)- to gossip or to talk about nothing 33 Nick (verb/adjective)- as a verb it means to steal, as an adjective it means to be in some state of condition. Phut

(adjective)- something is described as such when it has died, expired, or breathed its last Pinch (verb)- to steal Post (noun)- equivalent to the American word, “mail” Queue (noun)- a line of people Rubbish (noun)- everyday waste, in American English, “trash” or “garbage” Skive (verb)- to be absent for no real reason, “to play hookey” Smashing (adjective)- describes something as being good or great Sterling (adjective)- also describes something as being good or great Tad (noun)- American equivalent is the word “bit” or “a bit” Tick (noun)- a checkmark or a short space of time similar to a second Wee (adjective)- equivalent to the American English word, “small” Whinge (verb)- American equivalent is the word “whine”, “to whine” Whoops-a-Daisy! (exclamatory phrase)- American equivalent is the phrase “Oops” Wonky (adjective)- American equivalent is to say that something “just isn’t right” Yonks (noun)- an unspecific length of time but typically

used to describe some period of time from a minute to years. Some Facts about American English and British English • • • American English is the language spoken by U.S government officials, network newscasters, et. It does not include Canadian English which falls outside of the definition of “American English”. C anadian pronunciation is similar to American English but the spelling is more often like the Commonwealth form of English. American English is also used by countries and organizations like Japan, Philippines, and Liberia where English is the most influenced by the United States. British English is otherwise known as “Commonwealth English” and is assumed to be the form of English spoken in southeast England and the BBC and understood in other parts of the United Kingdom. Various forms of pronunciations exist throughout the region. Commonwealth English is written in most of the English-speaking world including Australia (though the dialect is different), New

Zealand (different dialect like the one in Australia), South Africa and the United Kingdom. The dialect differs some from country to country but is much like Commonwealth English versus American English. British English, or Commonwealth English is widespread throughout the areas that Britain had or currently has as colonies. Although British English and American English are similar there are enough differences between the two languages to cause some awkward situations and misunderstandings. Sometimes the differences between the two languages can even lead to a co mplete communication failure. T here is a f amous quote by George Bernard Shaw that the United States and United Kingdom are “two countries divided by a common language”. 34 Spelling Differences between American English and British English -or/-our American words ending in –or may end in –our in Commonwealth English. American English Examples: color, flavor, honor, favorite, savory Commonwealth English Examples:

colour, flavour, honour, favourite, savoury -er/-re Some words of French or Greek origin in Commonwealth English end in consonants and are followed by –re which is unstressed and pronounced “r”. Most of these same words have a –er ending in American English. T his is especially true of words in Commonwealth English that end in –bre and –tre. American English Examples: fiber, saber, center, specter, theater Commonwealth English Examples: fibre, saber, centre, spectre, theatre -se/-ce American English retains the noun/verb distinction in certain words which are indicated by their endings. F or example, advice/advise, device/devise, licence/license, practice/practice. American English Examples: defense, offense, pretense Commonwealth English Examples: defence, offence, pretence -ction/-xion American English Examples: inflection, deflection, reflection Commonwealth English Examples: inflexion, deflexion, reflexion -ize/-ise American English Examples: colonize, harmonize,

realize, organize Commonwealth English Examples: colonise, harmonise, realize, organize -yze This ending is possible only in American English. American English Examples: analyze, catalyze, hydrolyze, paralyze Commonwealth English Examples: analyse, catalyse, hydrolyse, paralyse -og/-ogue American English Examples: analog, catalog, dialog, Commonwealth English Examples: analogue, catalogue, dialogue 35 Miscellaneous Spelling Differences between American English and British English American English Aluminum Ax Check Disk Forever Jail Gray Jewelry Curb Tire Percent Program Commonwealth English Aluminium Axe Cheque Disc For ever Gaol Grey Jewellry Kerb Tyre Per cent Programme Class Exercises Exercise A: What do you think the following British English words mean? Match them with what you think to be their correct American English definitions. 1) Blimey 2) Cheerio 3) Cheers 4) Crikey 5) Gobsmaked 6) Kip 7) Hire 8) Wee 9) Tick 10) Pinch A) Small or to be small B) To steal C) To be

surprised or taken aback D) Checkmark or a second in time E) “Wow” or “My goodness” F) To rent G) A way of saying “goodbye” H) “Thank you” in informal conversation I) An expression of surprise J) A short nap, or to sleep Exercise B: What do you think the following British English Expressions mean in American English? 1) There was a queue of people waiting to pay their phone bills. 2) The car was phut, there was no way to repair it or fix it any longer. 3) He is just totally brill! I have never met anyone so smart in my life! 4) A bill for electricity just arrived in the post today. 5) People just don’t seem to care about the city. There is rubbish everywhere on the streets. 6) It’s positively smashing that you could join us tonight! 7) Whoops-a-daisy! It appears that I’ve lost my car keys. 8) He was not feeling well so he havered on about nothing and we were not able to understand what he was talking about. 36 Exercise C: Is it British English or American

English?Place an “A” next to those sentences with an American spelling of the word and a “B” next to sentences with a British spelling of the word. 1) This disc doesn’t work on my computer. 2) The sky is really gray today. 3) I need to buy new tyres for my car. 4) I am 100 per cent sure that I can find a new job. 5) This television program is not very good. 6) I think that I have a high level of organizational skills. 7) The company placed an advert in the newspaper last week. *Please read on to Lesson 8 and read the introduction to the lesson and complete the homework assignment before Lesson 8 so that you are prepared to participate in class discussions. Lesson 8 Country Studies, How Culture Affects Business Communications Lesson Introduction Country Studies It is important to be aware of not only your own country and culture but also the world around you, especially in terms of business communications. In order for a business to survive in such a global marketplace it must

have a good understanding of how its own country and other countries as well. It is important to note that every country has its own form of culture, history, habits, ideas, style, language, manners of speech and so on. Even countries that border one another and speak the same language contain their own culture. It is also possible that even within the borders of one country, communication can be hindered by different subcultures. A good example of this is the US where subcultures have developed throughout the country. These various subcultures sometimes make it difficult for people of the same country from different regions of the country to communicate with one another even though they speak the same language. This proves the fact that language is not the only key to successful communication. In order to be successful in business communications you must be knowledgable and mindful of the cultural climate in which you are operating. The differences between different cultures can make

for horrible problems in business communications and the complete failure of a business. This is why it is good to learn more of the world around us and how it operates 37 Homework to prepare for Lesson 8 before the class Please bring with you to Lesson 8 some information on any country that you find interesting. You will need to learn about some of the cultural differences between that culture and your own and you will need to find out some of the following information about the country: • Population • Geograhpich location • Literacy rate • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per household/family • Currency • Main language(s) • Type of government • Main religion(s) • Main export • Main import • Percentage of population below the poverty line • One interesting fact about the country’s culture *You are welcome to look up any additional information about the country that you would like. You will need to discuss the information that you find out about your country

during the next lesson. *There are many sources on the Internet that will help you to find the information above. One of the best sources that will help you to find this information is www.ciaworldfactbookgov This site has all of the information listed above for every country in the world and the information is up to date. It should take you approximately 15 minutes to complete this assignment. Below are some ideas of countries that you may be interested in researching. Please feel free to look up information on any country aside from your own country. Saudi Arabia Germany France Spain Britain China Japan Singapore Taiwan Malaysia Chad Zimbabwe South Africa Egypt Austrailia Canada Venezuela Cuba Argentina Brazil 38 Lesson 9 Entry into Foreign Marketplaces Lesson Introduction Foreign Marketplaces Business is truly global. More so than ever we live in a global world where international business is unavoidable and many business markets are already very dependant upon one another.

Although many businesses are already deeply involved in international trade and international business, there are many other businesses that are seeking to expand into even more countries or to expand out of their home marketplace for the first time. It is important to be able to recognize how businesses go about expanding into a new marketplace and how the environmental factors of any country outside of your own can seriously affect your business. Every country has its own language, culture, history, habits, infrastructure, laws, and unique way of doing business and when entering into a foreign marketplace a company must be very aware of what they are getting themselves into. Whether the company is a global giant like Microsoft or a small, family owned company the differences that exist in a foreign marketplace must be researched and the necessary changes must be made in order to ensure the success of the company’s future operations in its new market. In-Class Reading Exercise:

Barham, John. Dell Tries to crack South America The Financial Times, Pearson Education Limited, 2001 Dell Tries to crack South America Dell computers, the Texas-based computer-maker that was among the pioneers of online ordering, is preparing to attack the difficult Latin American market. S oon, Dell will start making computers at a new factory in the small, southern Brazilian city of Eldorado in its first manufacturing venture in South America. With a few hours flying time of Eldorado lie four of the continent’s main metropolitan regions-Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Santiago- which generate about half the region’s wealth and where most of the computer-using populace is concentrated. Dell hopes to serve all these markets- including more distant regions in northern Brazil and the Andean countriesfrom Eldorado. According to Dell’s plan, aircraft from Miami will land at a nearby international airport carrying computer components that will be sent straight to Dell’s

factory. Together with parts delivered from suppliers in Brazil, they will be assembled to order, packed and delivered to consumers across the continent. The challenge for Dell is not only to mount an effective marketing campaign to educate customers about online ordering, it must also manage a complex logistics system and deal with the problems of unreliable road and air networks. And it must operate in half a dozen volatile Latin countries, with unpredictable governments and consumers as well as well-established competitors. 39 Dell could not afford to ignore the South American market much longer. It currently exports computers to a few Latin American countries such as Mexico and Colombia, but has never sold to markets in Argentina or Brazil. L atin American consumers last year bought 5 million PC’s and demand is growing at 15 per cent a year. Growth is likely to remain strong for some time to come: in Brazil, the region’s largest market, only 3-4 percent of the population

owns a PC. Dell is not the first company to view South America as a single market. F or a decade, Ford and Volkswagen and many other multinational companies have operated in the region’s main countries as if they formed one integrated market. That was a natural reaction to falling import tariffs and consolidation of the Mercosur customs union linking Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. However, the distances, the red tape, and the animosities between national governments often make fulfillment of this strategy difficult. Dell decided to locate in Brazil because it is the region’s biggest market and because the government gives computer companies substantial tax incentives as part of its plan to develop local high technology industries. If Dell meets Brazilian local content criteria and attains agreed production volumes, its products are considered to be 100 percent locally made and automatically gain duty-free access to Mercosur countries. However, there is little Dell can do

about the internal transport networks in Brazil or the bureaucracy in neighboring countries. Although roads, air transport and delivery systems are tolerably efficient in south eastern Brazil and parts of Uruguay, Chile, and Argentina, Dell may still find it is struggling to co-ordinate operations and sales over a vast region. In-Class Exercises Exercise A: These phrases summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Match each phrase to the correct paragraph. 1) the challenge for Dell 2) reason for choosing Brazil 3) an overview of Dell’s intentions 4) reason to enter the South American market 5) how Dell’s plan will work 6) other companies’ experiences 7) problems Dell may face in Brazil and elsewhere 8) advantages of Eldorado’s location a) paragraph 1 b) paragraph 2 c) paragraph 3 d) paragraph 4 e) paragraph 5 f) paragraph 6 g) paragraph 7 h) paragraph 8 Exercise B: Find a word or phrase in the text that has a similar meaning. 1) one of the first to do something (paragraph 1)

P 2) buying something through the internet (paragraph 1) O O 3) business activity with some element of risk (paragraph 2) V 40 4) general population in a country (paragraph 2) P 5) a difficult task which needs skill and determination (paragraph 4) C 6) describes something or someone that can change quickly and suddenly (paragraph 4) V 7) lots of rules and regulations, which often seem to have no purpose (paragraph 6) R T 8) strong dislike between people or groups (paragraph 6) A 9) reach or achieve an objective (paragraph 7) A 10) trying very hard to do something under difficult conditions (paragraph 8) S Exercise C: For each part match the words on the left to their pairs on the right. Part A- Match these nouns as they occur together in the text. 1) tax a) venture 2)

manufacturing b) incentives 3) import c) system 4) customs d) tariffs 5) production e) volumes 6) logistics f) union Part B-Match these verbs as they occur together in the text. 1) mount a) access 2) serve b) criteria 3) generate c) a campaign 4) gain d) a market 5) meet e) wealth Exercise D: Use an appropriate phrase from Exercise C to complete each sentence. 1) Many countries offer companies to encourage inward investment. 2) When we launch our new internet service we will need to a big marketing . 3) In order to be successful, the new manufacturing plant will have to reach target within six months. 41 4) Assembling to order and delivering to each customer means managing a complex . 5) When importing is expensive due to high the alternative is to manufacture locally. 6) In order to have free access to other EU market, Japanese car manufacturers in the UK need to minimum content . 7) In some

countries the only way to well is to have local production. 8) Most countries in Europe are now a part of a which allows free movement of goods. 42 Management Style Test Circle your answer to the following questions 1) Question: I need to keep my eye on my employees to ensure the job gets done. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 2) Question: Incentives such as bonuses and prizes keep my employees motivated. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 3) Question: My employees’ personal problems won’t affect their ability to work. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 4) Question: I instinctively know when my employees are unhappy. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 5) Question: I feel unable to praise my staff as I know it would stunt (lessen) their efforts. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 6) Question: I share an interest in the lives of my employees and whatever they feel is important to them. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 7) Question: I am open to employee suggestions in the workplace,

and willing to change how things are done. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 8) Question: My employees are aware of the impact their work contributions have on my company. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 9) Question: There is no need to share the company’s progress and achievements with my employees. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 10) Question: All employees should be encouraged to move towards a more demanding role. Your Answer: Agree or Disagree 43 Management Style Test Answers 1) Question: I need to keep my eye on my employees to ensure the job gets done. Answer: Disagree/No. Trusting your staff will help to build their respect for you 2) Question: Incentives such as bonuses and prizes keep my employees motivated. Answer: Disagree/No. These are only short-term measures and only act to instantly boost levels of motivation but this level of motivation is only short-lived. 3) Question: My employees’ personal problems won’t affect their ability to work. Answer: Disagree/No.

Countless business days are lost due to employees personal Problems, being aware and able to identify potential problems can help the situation. 4) Question: I instinctively know when my employees are unhappy. Answer: Disagree/No. Don’t rely on your instincts, instead ask your employees It is bound to eliminate guesswork and avoid other communication problems. 5) Question: I feel unable to praise my staff as I know it would stunt (lessen) their efforts. Answer: Disagree/No. Employee recognition is one of the greatest tools to boost Employee motivation levels. 6) Question: I share an interest in the lives of my employees and whatever they feel is important to them. Answer: Agree/Yes. Employees will feel you value them as a person and not just as a work unit. 7) Question: I am open to employee suggestions in the workplace, and willing to change how things are done. Answer: Agree/Yes. This is a good way to help your employees feel as if they are a part of your company. 8) Question: My

employees are aware of the impact their work contributions have on my company. Answer: Agree/Yes. Your employees will feel valued and have a sense of belonging your organization. 9) Question: There is no need to share the company’s progress and achievements with my employees. Answer: Disagree/No. Your employees make a large contribute to the growth of your Company and should be kept informed at all times. 10) Question: All employees should be encouraged to move towards a more demanding role. Answer: Agree/Yes. Not all employees are against the idea of a challenge and should at least be given the opportunity to progress in their careers. 44 Lesson 9: English Grammar Exercise Suffixes Suffixes are just as important as prefixes. Suffixes are added to the end of words and can also change the part of a speech a word represents in the English language. If you do not understand how a suffix impacts the meaning of a word it could lead to a business communications nightmare. This is why

it is important to review the suffix chart below and review it often to make sure you know what each of the following suffixes mean. Suffix -er,-or -ance, -ence -ant, -ent -ee -ess -ian -ism -ist -ity -ment -ness -ship -tion, -ation -ate -ify -ize -able, -ible -al -ful -ish -ive -ous, -ious -ly Part of Speech Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Noun Verb Verb Verb Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adjective Adverb Examples Teacher, Director Difference, Attendance Deviant, President Employee, Trainee Stewardess, Waitress Electrician, Beautician Communism, Theism Capatalist, Artist Rarity, Velocity Achievement Happiness Friendship Action, Coronation Deviate, Create Typify, Solidify Tenerize, Authorize Realiable, Sensible Comical, Radical Wonderful, Helpful Sheepish, Squeamish Creative, Sensitive Dangerous Quickly, Happily Exercise A: Identify the part of speech for the underlined word based upon the chart above. 1) He was not satisfied with the

results of his exam. 2) People rarely apply for jobs without resumes. 3) He had infuriated her with his words. 4) She is the Princess of Spain. 5) She slowly picked up her bags and walked away. 6) He has a very serious personality. 7) Her parents were proud of her for the accomplishments she had made in life. 8) It was a logical solution to our problem. 9) She was capable of doing the work assigned to her. 10) She is a very thoughtful person. 45 Lesson 10 Leadership vs Management Lesson Introduction Leadership and Management The idea of leadership and management are closely related but are not the same. A leader and a manager require different traits of character and different perspectives. These days it is far more common for companies to seek out the traits of character that exist within a leader. Leadership is becoming far more valued in the workplace than pure management This is a result of a change in western business practices and perceptions. Due to a heavy investment in

human resources, western companies are very focused upon their employees and have found that a leader interacts and motivates their employees much better than a person who is only able to manage and not lead. The ability to lead has become very valuable in the eyes of most companies. However, in the eyes of any company the ideal candidate for a job must possess both the qualities of a leader and the qualities of a manager. A person who lacks the ability to be a leader or a manager is at a serious disadvantage. Companies are now seeking out those who can be both leaders and managers. Such people are in high demand Both a manager and a leader may know the business well. But the leader must know it better and in a different way. S/he must grasp the essential facts and the underlying forces that determine the past and present trends in the business, so that s/he can generate a vision and a strategy to bring about its future. One telling sign of a good leader is an honest attitude towards

the facts, towards objective truth. A subjective leader obscures the facts for the sake of narrow self-interest, partisan interest or prejudice. Effective leaders continually ask questions, probing all levels of the organization for information, testing their own perceptions, and rechecking the facts. They talk to their constituents They want to know what is working and what is not. They keep an open mind for serendipity to bring them the knowledge they need to know what is true. An important source of information for this sort of leader is knowledge of the failures and mistakes that are being made in their organization. To survive in the twenty-first century, we are going to need a new generation of leaders leaders, not managers. The distinction is an important one. Leaders conquer the context the turbulent, ambiguous surroundings that sometimes seem to conspire against us and will surely suffocate us if we let them while managers surrender to it. 46 Leaders investigate

reality, taking in the pertinent factors and analyzing them carefully. On this basis they produce visions, concepts, plans, and programs. Managers adopt the truth from others and implement it without probing for the facts that reveal reality. There is profound difference a chasm between leaders and managers. A good manager does things right A leader does the right things. Doing the right things implies a goal, a direction, an objective, a vision, a dream, a path, a reach. Lots of people spend their lives climbing a ladder and then they get to the top of the wrong wall. Most losing organizations are overmanaged and under-led Their managers accomplish the wrong things beautifully and efficiently. They climb the wrong wall Managing is about efficiency. Leading is about effectiveness Managing is about how. Leading is about what and why Management is about systems, controls, procedures, policies, and structure. Leadership is about trust about people. Leadership is about innovating and

initiating. Management is about copying, about managing the status quo. Leadership is creative, adaptive, and agile. Leadership looks at the horizon, not just the bottom line. Leaders base their vision, their appeal to others, and their integrity on reality, on the facts, on a careful estimate of the forces at play, and on the trends and contradictions. They develop the means for changing the original balance of forces so that their vision can be realized. A leader is someone who has the capacity to create a compelling vision that takes people to a new place, and to translate that vision into action. Leaders draw other people to them by enrolling them in their vision. What leaders do is inspire people, empower them They pull rather than push. This "pull" style of leadership attracts and energizes people to enroll in a vision of the future. It motivates people by helping them identify with the task and the goal rather than by rewarding or punishing them. There is a profound

difference between management and leadership, and both are important "To manage" means "to bring about, to accomplish, to have charge of or responsibility for, to conduct." "Leading" is "influencing, guiding in direction, course, action, opinion." The distinction is crucial. 47 Management is. Leadership is. Coping with complexity Coping with and promoting change Planning and Budgeting Setting a Direction Organizing and Staffing Aligning People Controlling and Problem Solving Motivating and Inspiring People Effective Action Meaningful Action *Both are necessary and important. Managers are people who do t hings right and leaders are people who do the right thing. The difference may be summarized as activities of vision and judgment effectiveness versus activities of mastering routines efficiency. The chart below indicates key words that further make the distinction between the two functions: • • • • • • • • •

• • • • The manager administers; the leader innovates. The manager is a copy; the leader is an original. The manager maintains; the leader develops. The manager accepts reality; the leader investigates it. The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people. The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust. The manager has a s hort-range view; the leader has a l ong-range perspective. The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why. The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leader has his or her eye on the horizon. The manager imitates; the leader originates. The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it. The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person. The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing. The most dramatic differences between leaders and managers are found at the extremes: poor leaders act like dictators, while poor managers are bureaucrats in

the worst sense of the word. While leadership is a human process and management is a p rocess of resource allocation, both have their place and managers must also perform as leaders. All first-class managers have quite a lot of leadership ability. 48 Managerial Functions and Activities 1-Formulating objectives and strategy 2-Planning and organizing the work 3-Handling disturbances 4-Directing subordinates 5-Motivating commitment 6-Facilitating cooperation and teamwork 7-Disseminating information 8-Monitoring operations and the environment 9-Recruiting and maintaining networks 10-Building and maintaining networks 11-Representing the organization to outsiders Communication Process in Organization Downward communication- flowing from top management down Upward communication- flowing from lower level positions up to top management Lateral communication- flow of information between people of the same amount of power in the organization Informal communication- “Watercooler talk”

Influences on Communication • Task interdependence • Physical facilities • Interaction of the individuals (parties, lunches, etc.) • Status of the individual- higher level individuals tend to dominate conversation • Cultural norms- specific to cultures: ex-Japanese vs American culture Requirements for Communication • Attention • Comprehension • Acceptance • Feedback Barriers to Understanding • The use of SRC- self-reference criterion, seeing things only from your perspective • Over interpretation- inferring the meaning from an incomplete message • Projection- trying to make others feel the way we do about something • Stereotypes- having preconceived notions about others • Arrogance- believing that your views are superior • Evaluative responses- judging a message as either right or wrong Steps to Improving Communication • Determine the objectives and analyze the situation • Clarify relevance and purpose • Use simple language • Avoid redundancy

(stating the same thing over and over again) • Ensure appropriate feedback 49 The 4 Main Types of Corporate Culture 1) Power Cultures In these cultures self-reliant and highly competitive self-development provides the basis of relations. A manager’s success is related to their charisma, ambition, and influence, rather than their knowledge and experience. The style of the chief executive (CEO) is the model for other mangers. In organizations of this type mangers need to be tough-minded and aggressive. Highlights: Charisma, ambition, influence, self-reliance are all important. This type of organizations has a highly competitive environment where aggression is rewarded. 2) Role Cultures In these cultures a manger’s role is completely related to their place within a centralized system. T heir success depends on how well they adhere to rules, procedures, and precedents. Individualism and aggression are NOT valued in these cultures Employees in these organizations should NOT

exceed the limits of their roles. Empowerment is not a management theory that is put into practice in this type of corporate culture. Highlights: Organizational structure, rules, regulations, and job titles are all very important. Individualism, aggression and assuming responsibility for job functions outside of your job are NOT highly valued. 3) Task Cultures In organizations of this type, they value everything that makes it possible to get the work done and get company goals accomplished. T he main concern in these types of organizations is to be successful with the completion of projects. A manager’s success is related to their knowledge and experienced required to achieve tasks, rather than to meet the requirements of their role. If something does not help the company to meet its goals, it is not considered to be of any value. Highlights: Things and people in the organization only have value if they add to the ability to get the job done. The “bottom line” is highly valued 4)

Individual Cultures In organizations of this type freedom of expression is valued the MOST. Effectiveness of any activity in these organizations is rated by how much the activity satisfies the staff rather than by how well it conforms to the company’s business plans. Independence, creativity, and innovation are highly valued in these types of organizations. Highlights: Freedom of expression and individualism are highly valued. People in the organizations are valued more highly than the “bottom line”. Independence, creativity, and innovation are all highly valued as well. 50 Lesson 10: English Grammar Exercise Common Root Words The following is a chart of common root words in the English language. By learning the meanings of root words you will be able to understand a greater variety of words just by knowing the root of a word. Even if you don’t know what a word really means, you will be able to guess at its meaning and figure out its what is being said based upon the root

word and sentence context. Root Aqua Arch Astro Bene Bio Chrom Corp Cycl Dict Fort Leg Log Manu, Mani Mar Path Ped, Pod Phil Phon Photo Poli Scope Tact Vac Ver Vert, Vers Meaning Water Ruler Star Good Life Color Body Round Say Strong Law Study, Word Hand Sea Feeling, Pain Foot Love Sound Light City See Touch Empty True Turn Examples Aquatic, Aquarium Monarch, Anarchy Astronomy, Astronaut Beneficial, Benevolent Biology, Biography Chromatic, Monochrome Corpse, Corporation Encyclopedia, Cyclical Dictionary, Predict Effort, Fort Legal, Legitimate Zoology, Ecology Manual, Manipulate Maritime, Submarine Sympathy, Pathologist Pedicrure, Tripod Philosophy, Bibliophile Telephone, Phonology Photon, Photograph Metropolitan, Politics Microscope, telescope Tactile, Contact Vacuum, Evacuate Verify, Veracity Convert, Reverse Exercise A: Define the underlined words based upon sentence context and the chart above. 1) He is a doctor in the field of astrophysics. 2) She has a very versitale

personality. 3) Dolphins are some of the most popular marine animals. 4) It would be beneficial for you to follow the doctor’s advice. 5) The study of phonetics in a second language is difficult. 6) A submarine uses a periscope when it is underwater. 7) He has a doctoral degree in podiatry. 8) Very few countries are still governed by a monarchy. 9) You will have to shift the gears of the car manually. 10) He has dedicated his life to the field of Sociology. 51 Lesson 11 The Basics of Organizational Design Lesson Introduction Organizational Design The organizational design of a company is extremely important in business communications because it changes the environment and the manner in which things are communicated. If a person outside of a company is able to discern the organizational design of the company they are trying to communicate with then they are more capable of making informed decisions on the best way to approach the company they are wanting to initiate

communications with. It is important to remember that every company has its own “corporate culture” and the culture within a company can have a huge impact upon business communications within the company as well as outside of the company. Knowing the structure and organization of a company not only helps others to understand how the company works but also how the company communicates. Being aware of how a company communicates will help to ensure that business communications are successful. 1) “Functional Organization” -Reduces duplication of activities -Encourages technical expertise -Creates narrow perspectives -Difficult to coordinate 2) “Divisional Organization” -Improves decision making -Fixes accountability for performance -Increases coordination of functions -Hard to allocate corporate staff support -Loses some economies of scale -Fosters rivalry among divisions 3) “Matrix Structures” -Reinforces & broadens technical excellence -Facilitates efficient use of

resources -Balances conflicting objectives of the organization -Increases power conflicts -Increases confusion & stress for 2-boss employees -Impedes decision making 4) “Lateral Relations” -Dotted-line supervision -Liaison roles -Temporary task forces -Permanent teams -Integrating managers 52 Organizational Designs Functional- organizational units are created on the basis of specialty functions (production finance, marketing, etc). Strengths: specialization and all the strengths tied to specialization. Weaknesses: slow response to change because of coordination and decision making problems, difficulty with the wide-system view. Divisional- evolve over time from a functional organization, are general decentralized organizations, a good example is the Chevrolet division of General Motors (GM). Is used in large organizations to provide better response to environmental change than the large whole could. Weaknesses: can lose well-focused technical specialization and in-depth

technical development. May lose economies of scale from larger functional organization Focus may be on the goals of the division rather than on the goals of the entire company. Hybrid- a combination of a functional and divisional organization with the hope of gaining advantages of each and getting rid of the weaknesses of each type of organization when it s tands by itself. Strengths: can be very adaptable to differences in products, customers, and changes in environment. Can provide efficient use of expensive shared resources and work well with economies of scale. Weaknesses: difficult to get uniform application of organizational policies with decentralized and duplicated functions. Integration is difficult. Potential for high administrative costs and communication and managerial difficulties. Matrix- an organic design alternative that includes both vertical and horizontal lines of authority. It will use functional and divisional chains of command simultaneously in the same parts of

the organization. It has dual lines of authority The functional hierarchy runs vertical. The divisional hierarchy runs laterally Is used when there is environmental pressure for both functional and departmentalization and divisional departmentalization. Strengths: more efficient use of resources than a single hierarchy, adaptable to a changing environment, allows development of both specific and general skills, expertise available to all divisions. Weaknesses: dual chain of command can be confusing, high conflict between the two sides of the matrix, many meetings are necessary to coordinate activities, need for human relations training, power domination by one side of the matrix may occur. 53 Business Jargon The Importance of Business Jargon In addition to companies having their own organizational designs, communication channels, and corporate cultures they also tend to have their own jargon. Below is a lsiting of some of the most commonly used phrases that exist in business

jargon. Companies do not expect that those outside of their company or their particular marketplace understand the jargon that exists within their company. However, they still continue to use common business jargon aside from the jargon that exists within their company and it is important to know these phrases and terms so that business communications is made easier on both parties involved. Exercise A: Match the term on the left the correct definition on the right. 1-The “bottom line” 2-20/20 hindsight 3-Catch 22 4-Deep pockets 5-Dog and Pony show 6-Fence mending 7-Free ride 8-“I needed it yesterday” 9-It will never fly 10-On a roll 11-Power lunch 12-Lay your cards on the table 13-To play hardball 14-Tongue in cheek 15-What makes him tick A) What his motivation is B) Getting something for free C) It will never work D) Big business dealing at lunch time E) Doing well, moving forward F) To say something jokingly or not truthfully G) It is needed now or immediately H) The final

result (from accounting) I) Be truthful or honest J) Perfect knowledge but too late K) Whatever you do, it won’t work L) A financial presentation M) An apology, smoothing of bad relations N) Wealthy or having the ability to pay O) To do business in a hard/tough manner Exercise B: Match the term on the left to it’s definition on the right. 1) Back door 2) Bait and switch 3) Bang for the buck/Bang for your buck 4) Basket case 5) Batting average 6) Beef up 7) Bells and whistles 8) Can of worms 9) Catch 22 situation 10) Dead wood/Dead weight 11) To cook the books 12) Dirty laundry A) a complex problem B) to falsify records C) a hopeless person/situation D) to expand, make stronger E) no longer contributing F) an unethical sales technique G) an unsolvable problem H) of questionable ethics, dishonest I) questionable past activities J) % of the time you are successful K) most results for your money L) features/details of a product 54 Common Business Abbreviations Introduction to

Business Abbreviations The use of business abbreviations in the business world is as common as the use of business jargon. Most businesses are unaware of the fact that they are using jargon or abbreviations because such forms of communications have become the standard in their workplaces. Abbreviations are typically used by businesses in an effort to save time and money. You will commonly find business abbreviations in memos, faxes, notes, emails and job advertisements. The following is a list of some of the most commonly used business abbreviations. A/C- account current adsd- addressed adse- adressee ad- advertisement app- appendix Attn.- attention cc- copies CEO- Chief Executive Officer Co.- company Corp.- corporation Dept.- department doc.- document e.g/ex- example exc.- except, excluding FY- fiscal year Inc.- incorporated info- information inv.- invoice IOU- I owe you L/C- letter of credit LLC- limited liability company mdse- merchandise memo- memorandum N/A- not applicable PO-

post office pp.- pages R&D- research and development ref.- reference V.IP- very important person vs- versus v.v- vice versa w/- with w/o- without &- and @- at #- number 55 Lesson 12 In-Class Final Project Have class use “Order” terminology to write formal business letters. Break the class into two groups or four groups depending on the size of the class. One or two groups will be ABC company writing to Xerox company and one or two groups of the class will be Xerox company responding to ABC company’s request. T he groups that are ABC company do not need to write their letter before the Xerox groups start their work. They can simply write a letter at the same time as the other groups since they know what the people who are part of the ABC group will be writing. B elow is what the letters from each group should be based upon. T his outline should go on t he board for the class to better understand what they are doing. ABC COMPANY You want to order 5 copiers from Xerox

but only can afford to pay for 3 of those machines right now. You want to see if Xerox will agree to arrange some kind of payment terms for you so you can get all 5 photocopier machines now. XEROX COMPANY You need to respond to ABC company’s request. You need to tell them if you are willing to extend credit to them or if you have other options available to allow them to get all 5 copiers right now. You can deny their request for the 5 copiers but must explain your denial in your letter. 56 Appendix A English-Russian Business English Reference Guide Useful Words and Expressions enquiry запрос enquiry for delivery запрос о поставке We ask you to inform us whether you are able to supply us with . Просим Вас сообщить нам, можете ли Вы поставить нам . Please inform us of your possibility to provide us with . Просим сообщить нам о возможности поставки . Please send us an offer

quoting your best prices and possible discounts. Просим выслать нам предложение, назначив наиболее выгодные условия и возможные скидки. We shall be very grateful if you could send us your quotation as soon as possible. Мы были бы очень признательны, если бы Вы направили нам Ваше предложение как можно скорее. We are in the market for . Мы намереваемся купить . We would like to know the lead time of the Мы хотели бы знать срок поставки goods and your payment terms. товара и Ваши условия оплаты. We would like the delivery to be made . Желательно, чтобы поставка была осуществлена . . on FOB conditions . на условиях ФОБ . during September . в течение сентября . no later than October of the current

year . не позднее октября этого года 57 Sample Letter Dear Sirs: Уважаемые господа! Our company is one of the major furniture importers in Russia. At present time we are looking for a foreign manufacturer who is able to supply us with modern elite models of kitchen furniture. Наша компания является одним из крупных импортёров мебели в России. В настоящее время мы ищем иностранного производителя, способного поставить нам современные элитные модели кухонь. Мы узнали из каталогов Вашей компании, что вы производите кухонные гарнитуры. Просим вас сообщить нам о ваших текущих экспортных ценах и условиях поставки. Если ваши условия окажутся

приемлемыми для нас, мы будем готовы разместить у вас регулярные крупные заказы. We learn from your catalogue that you are producing kitchen suits. Please inform us of your current export prices and delivery terms. If your conditions are acceptable to us, well be ready to place regular large orders with your company. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, T.P Ivanov Sales Manager Ждём Вашего ответа. С уважением, Коммерческий директор Т.П Иванов Quotations offer предложение We have received your enquiry. Мы получили Ваш запрос. We thank you for your enquiry for . Мы благодарим Вас за Ваш запрос о . Well send you our quotation in the nearest future. Мы направим Вам наше предложение в ближайшем будущем. We are pleased to quote as

follows: Мы рады предложить Вам следующее: In reply to your enquiry of ., we regret to inform you that we cannot offer you the goods required. В ответ на ваш запрос от ., мы с сожалением сообщаем Вам, что не можем предложить Вам требуемый товар. Referring to your enquiry we are pleased to Ссылаясь на Ваш запрос, мы с let you know that we can supply you with удовольствием сообщаем Вам, что мы . можем поставить . deadline for delivery delivery time срок поставки 58 Delivery: approximately 2 to 3weeks from receipt of order. Поставка: приблизительно 2-3 недели со дня получения заказа. stock склад ex works со склада delivery method способ доставки courier курьер forwarder перевозчик The price is .

per unit Цена - . за штуку total price общая стоимость VAT inclusive включая НДС exclusive of VAT без НДС bank charge банковская комиссия quoted in US dollars цены в долларах США payment terms условия оплаты Payment is net 30 days from the shipping date. Оплата в течение 30 дней со дня отгузки. Payment terms - open account 60days. Условия оплаты - открытый счёт 60 дней. prepayment предоплата The quotation is valid for 30 days. Предложение действительно в течение 30 дней. We trust we have supplied sufficient information for your requirements. Мы надеемся, что предоставили Вам достаточно информации по Вашему запросу. If you require any further information we shall be happy to let you have this, on request.

Если Вам потребуется какая-нибудь дополнительная информация, мы будем рады предоставить Вам ее по Вашей просьбе. We kindly ask you to confirm the present offer by fax. Просим подтвердить наше предложение по факсу. Trust the above quotation is of interest. Надеемся, что выше указанное предложение Вас заинтересовало. 59 Sample Letter Dear Sirs: Уважаемые господа! With reference to your enquiry of June 2nd we are pleased to confirm that we manufacture the goods you are interested in. Our current price-list is enclosed herewith. Please note that our price is understood to be FOB London, delivery time: three months after the order received. The terms of payment are the subject of negotiations. Ссылаясь на ваш запрос от 2-го июня, мы рады

подтвердить, что производим интересующие вас товары. Наш текущий прейскурант прилагается. Обращаем ваше внимание, что цена понимается ФОБ Лондон, срок поставки - три месяца со дня получения заказа. Условия оплаты - по договорённости. Надеемся, что наше предложение We hope our offer meets your requirements and will подходит вам и приведёт к result in an appropriate order. Your prompt reply соответствующему заказу. Просим will be appreciated. прислать ответ как можно скорее. Yours faithfully, С уважением, N.V Popov Начальник отдела импорта Н.В Head of Import Dpt. Попов Orders order заказ purchase order sales order заказ на покупку order

number номер заказа We thank you for your quotation dated . Мы благодарим Вас за Ваше предложение, датированное . We are glad to inform you that your terms of delivery and payment are quite acceptable to us. Мы рады сообщить Вам, что Ваши условия поставки и оплаты вполне приемлемы для нас. Unfortunately your conditions are not acceptable to us. К сожалению, Ваши условия для нас неприемлемы. We find your quoted prices much higher than those of other companies who have made us similar offers. Мы считаем, что предложенные Вами цены намного выше, чем цены других компаний, которые сделали нам подобные предложения. We could place an order with you if you reduce your prices at least by 5 per cent. Мы могли бы

разместить у Вас заказ, если бы Вы уменьшили Ваши цены по крайней мере на 5 процентов. Please tell us if its acceptable to you. Просим сообщить нам, если это приемлемо для нас. 60 We are placing an order for . Мы размещаем заказ на . We have decided to place a trial order with you for . Мы решили разместить у Вас пробный заказ на . Please acknowledge the receipt of our order Просим подтвердить получение нашего and fax your invoice for prepayment. заказа и отправить по факсу Ваш счёт на предоплату. Your prompt execution of our order would be appreciated. Будем признательны за быстрое выполнение нашего заказа. We are looking forward to your confirmation of the order. Ожидаем Вашего

подтверждения этого заказа. Sample Letter Dear Mr. Stone: Уважаемый господин Стоун! Many thanks for your offer of Apr. 5, 2001 Большое спасибо за Ваше предложение от 5 апреля 2001 года. Ваши условия доставки и оплаты нас устраивают, хотя мы считаем, что предложенные Вами цены несколько высоки. Однако мы надеемся, что Вы предоставите нам скидку, когда мы станем Вашими постоянными покупателями. Сейчас мы хотели бы разместить у Вас заказ на 5 станков. Просим прислать нам подтверждение заказа по факсу как можно скорее. Your delivery and payment terms suit us though we find your quoted prices a bit too high. We hope, however,

that you will grant us a discount when we become your regular buyers. Now we would like to place an order with you for 5 machines. Please send your order acknowledgement by fax asap. Yours respectfully, V.N Silin Manager С уважением, Менеджер В.Н Силин Order Acknowledgement acknowledgement confirmation подтверждение order acknowledgement подтверждение заказа Thank you for the order. Спасибо за заказ. 61 We are thankful for your order of . for Мы благодарим за Ваш заказ от . на We were so pleased to receive in todays mail your order for our equipment. Мы были очень рады получить с сегодняшней почтой заказ от Вас на наше оборудование. We are pleased to have your first order for . pieces of Мы рады получить Ваш первый заказ на . штук We confirm delivery of . in May

Мы подтверждаем поставку . в мае Please find our pro-forma enclosed. Прилагаем наш счёт-проформу. We are certain that a trial order will give you full satisfaction and we shall be very glad to hear from you. Мы уверены, что пробный заказ полностью удовлетворит Ваши пожелания, и будем рады получить от Вас известие. Sample Letter Dear Mr. Kapustin: Уважаемый господин Капустин! Thank you very much for your first order of 04/12/01. We shall be only too pleased to supply you with 500 barrels of oil within 2 months after your prepayment. Please note that we shall ship the first batch as soon as we receive the copy of your payment order. Спасибо за Ваш первый заказ от 12.0401 Мы будем очень рады поставить Вам 500 баррелей нефти в течение 2

месяцев после Вашей предоплаты. Сообщаем Вам, что мы отгрузим первую партию, как только получим от Вас копию платёжного поручения. We are quite sure that youll be satisfied with the Мы совершенно уверены, что Вы quality of our product and hope to have long lasting будете довольны качеством нашего mutually beneficial business relations with you. продукта, и надеемся на долгие взаимовыгодные деловые отношения с With best regards, Вами. John Smith Technical Director С наилучшими пожеланиями, Джон Смит Технический директор Cover Letter cover letter сопроводительное письмо We are sending you . Высылаем Вам . We are forwarding you . Направляем Вам . 62 Further to our

letter we are sending you . В дополнение к нашему письму мы направляем Вам . At your request we are sending you . В соответствии с Вашей просьбой мы высылаем Вам . In reply to you fax we are sending you . В ответ на Ваш факс мы направляем Вам . We are pleased to send you . С удовольствием направляем Вам . . by parcel post . почтовой посылкой . in todays mail . в сегодняшней почте . separately . отдельным пакетом Sample Letter Dear Mr. Johnson: Уважаемый господин Джонсон! In reply to your fax of 05.142001 we are sending В ответ на Ваш факс от 14.052001 you, under separate cover, the Contract of Guarantee мы направляем Вам отдельным пакетом No 365 for your signature. договор поручительства

№ 365 Вам на подпись. We kindly ask you to sign the Contract in the Любезно просим Вас подписать shortest possible time and send us the copy within a контракт как можно скорее и направить week. нам копию в течение недели. With best regards, P.O Sidorov Secretary С наилучшими пожеланиями, Секретарь Р.О Сидоров Opening Salutations Dear Sirs: Уважаемые господа! Dear Sir or Madam: Уважаемые дамы и господа! Dear Sir: Уважаемый господин! Dear Madam: Уважаемая госпожа! Dear Mr. : Уважаемый господин ! 63 Dear Mrs. : Уважаемая госпожа ! Referring Phrases Referring to your letter of . Ссылаясь на Ваше письмо от . In reply to your letter of . we are glad to inform you that . В ответ на Ваше письмо от .

мы рады сообщить Вам, что . With reference to your fax dated . we are pleased to confirm that . Ссылаясь на Ваш факс, датированный ., мы рады подтвердить, что . We refer to our letter regarding . Ссылаясь на наше письмо относительно . In accordance with your order of . В соответствии с Вашим заказом от . Further to our letter of . we В дополнение к нашему письму от . мы . Notification notification letter извещение letter of advice уведомление Please note that . Сообщаем Вам, что . Let me inform you that . Позвольте сообщить Вам, что . We are pleased to inform you that . Рады сообщить Вам, что . I have pleasure in informing you that . Рад сообщить Вам, что . Рада сообщить Вам, что . We are sorry to have

to remind you that . К сожалению, вынуждены напомнить Вам, что . We regret to inform you that . Мы с сожалением сообщаем Вам, что . Be advised please that . Примите, пожалуйста, к сведению, что . This is to inform you that . Настоящим сообщаем Вам, что . Please take due note that . Ставим Вас в известность, что . We would like to notify you that . Мы хотели бы уведомить Вас о том, что Request 64 request просьба We ask you . Мы просим Вас . Please send me . Прошу выслать мне . We should be very glad/grateful/thankful if Мы были бы очень you would . рады/признательны/благодарны, если бы Вы . . send us your reply by return . прислали нам Ваш ответ с обратной почтой. . give us your banking

details . сообщили нам ваши банковские реквизиты. Please do your best to bring this matter to a Сделайте, пожалуйста, всё возможное, fast positive end. чтобы привести это дело к скорому положительному финалу. Asking for information Please let me know if . Пожалуйста, сообщите мне, если . Could you please tell us . Будьте добры, сообщите нам, пожалуйста, . We would be very much obliged if you could inform us . Мы будем очень признательны, если Вы сможете известить нас о . We would be pleased to hear from you concerning . Будем рады, если Вы сообщите нам о том, что касается . I would be very grateful if you could explain me . Я был бы благодарен Вам, если бы Вы объяснили мне . Я

была бы благодарна Вам, если бы Вы объяснили мне . I wonder if you could give me some information about . Хотелось бы знать, не сможете ли Вы дать мне информацию о . Confirmation confirmation aсknowledgement подтверждение We confirm . We acknowledge . Мы подтверждаем . We have received . We are in receipt of . Мы получили . 65 This letter shall confirm . Данным письмом мы подтверждаем . In confirmation of our telephone conversation . В подтверждение нашего разговора по телефону . I confirm with thanks the receipt of your letter. С благодарностью подтверждаю получение Вашего письма. Apology apology извинение We apologize for . Мы приносим извинения за . We offer apologies for . Просим

прощения за . Please accept our apologies for . Просим принять наши извинения за . . this mistake . эту ошибку . the delay in answering your letter . некоторую задержку с ответом на Ваше письмо. We are very sorry . Мы очень сожалеем, . . to have caused you so much trouble . что причинили Вам столько беспокойства. ., but we cannot be of assistance to you in this matter. . но мы не можем помочь Вам в этом деле. I regret any inconvenience that I may have caused your company. Я сожалею, что, возможно, причинил неудобство Вашей компании. Я сожалею, что, возможно, причинила неудобство Вашей компании. Gratitude gratitude благодарность Thanks. Спасибо. I thank you for . Я благодарен

Вам за . Я благодарна Вам за . I am writing to thank you very much indeed Пишу, чтобы поблагодарить Вас за . for . We are obliged for . Мы признательны за . We are most grateful to you for setting this matter in such a friendly way. Мы очень признательны Вам за урегулирование данной проблемы таким дружеским путём. 66 Thank you so much for your letter and consideration. Большое спасибо за Ваше письмо и внимание. Thank you in advance. Заранее Вас благодарим. Consent consent согласие I agree with you. Я согласен с Вами. Я согласна с Вами. We . agree with you Мы . согласны с Вами . quite . вполне . fully . полностью We agree with your proposal. Мы согласны с Вашим предложением. You

are right that . Вы правы в том, что . I am of the same opinion. Я такого же мнения. We are looking forward to your consent. Ожидаем Вашего согласия. Refusal and Disagreement refusal отказ disagreement несогласие I dont agree with . Я согласен с . Я не согласна с . We cant agree with you. Мы не можем согласиться с Вами. You are mistaken. Вы ошибаетесь. We cannot accept your point of view for the Мы не согласны с Вашей точкой зрения following reasons . по следующим причинам . We are of a different opinion. Мы придерживаемся другого мнения. We are sorry we are unable to meet your request. К сожалению, мы не можем удовлетворить Вашу просьбу. I regret that I cannot give you more complete information. Сожалею, что не

могу предоставить Вам наиболее полную информацию. 67 Expressing Worry So far we have received no reply from you. До сих пор мы не получили ответа от Вас. We are most disturbed that you will not be able to . Мы очень обеспокоены тем, что Вы не сможете . We are surprised that we have not yet received the goods. Мы удивлены, что до сих пор не получили товар. You can understand that this worries us a lot. Как Вы понимаете, это очень нас беспокоит. Should you have any comments regarding ., we would very much appreciate hearing from you. Если у Вас есть какие-либо объяснения, касающиеся ., мы с удовольствием выслушаем их. I hope that all is going well with . Я надеюсь, все идет хорошо с . We are very disappointed

about this fact, and hope that you can help us to clear out this very strange situation. Мы очень огорчены данным обстоятельством и надеемся, что Вы поможете нам разобраться в этой весьма странной ситуации. We hope that youll settle the matter to our full satisfaction. Мы надеемся, что Вы уладите дело к нашему полному удовлетворению. Assurance assurance заверение I assure you that . Заверяю Вас, что . We assure you that . Заверяем Вас, что . . well get in touch with you without delay мы незамедлительно свяжемся с Вами . well take urgent actions to correct the situation. . предпримем срочные меры для исправления создавшегося положения. . your order will be completed by the stipulated date. . Ваш

заказ будет выполнен к указанной дате. . well do our best to bring this matter to a fast positive end. . мы сделаем всё возможное, чтобы привести это дело к скорому положительному финалу. We are sure, youll find our goods excellently suited to your requirements. Мы уверены, что наши товары будут полностью соответствовать Вашим 68 требованиям. I can assure you that it will not happen again. Я могу уверить Вас, что это не повторится. Condolences condolence соболезнование We regret to learn from your letter that . Мы с сожалением узнали из Вашего письма, что . We were deeply grieved to hear of . Мы были глубоко огорчены, узнав о . Accept our most heartfelt/sincerest condolences on the death of .

Примите наши глубокие/искренние соболезнования по случаю смерти . We hold his/her in deep respect. Мы глубоко чтим его/её память. Congratulations congratulation поздравление Merry Christmas! С Рождеством! Happy New Year! С Новым годом! Happy birthday! С днём рождения! Let me congratulate you on . Разрешите мне поздравить Вас с . Congratulations on . Поздравляем Вас с . On behalf of . I congratulate you on От имени . поздравляю Вас с Please accept our best/sincerest wishes. Просим Вас принять наши самые лучшие/искренние пожелания. We wish you . Мы желаем Вам . . happiness! . счастья! . luck! . удачи! . success! . успехов! About Business Relations business relations деловые

отношения We value friendly relations between our customers and ourselves. Мы ценим дружеские отношения с нашими клиентами. 69 We value you as a business partner. Мы ценим Вас как делового партнёра. We would like to maintain cooperation with Мы хотели бы поддержать you. сотрудничество с Вами. We hope to have the pleasure of doing business with you again. Надеемся на приятное сотрудничество в будущем. It is a pleasure doing business with your firm. Мы с удовольствием сотрудничаем с Вашей фирмой. I look forward to cooperating with you on this new venture. Я рассчитываю на сотрудничество с Вами в этом новом предприятии I hope that we will continue our mutually satisfying relationship. Надеюсь на

продолжение нашего взаимовыгодного сотрудничества. About Assistance Please do no hesitate to contact us if we can Просим обращаться к нам, если Вам be of any service to you. потребуется наша помощь. If you ever have any problems with ., feel free to contact us for help. Если у Вас возникнут какие-либо проблемы с ., Вы всегда сможете обратиться к нам за помощью. We certainly appreciate your help. Мы высоко ценим Вашу помощь. We shall be very grateful for any assistance Будем признательны за любую помощь, you can give us I this matter. которую Вы можете оказать нам в этом деле. About Enclosure We enclose . We are enclosing . Мы прилагаем . We are sending you . under separate cover. Отдельно направляем

Вам . Please enclose . with your reply Просим приложить к Вашему ответу . Enclosed you will find a copy of the contract. Копия договора прилагается. Connective Words First of all . В первую очередь . 70 Please note that . Просим принять во внимание, что . We wish to bring to you notice that . We would like to note that . Обращаем ваше внимание на тот факт, что . The matter is . The point is . Дело в том, что . We think . We believe . Мы считаем, что . In fact . Фактически . In this connection . В связи с этим . In view of the above . Ввиду вышеизложенного . Apart from the above . Помимо вышеуказанного . In addition to the above . Further to the above . В дополнение к вышеуказанному . On the other hand . С другой

стороны . Moreover . Более того . Besides . Кроме того . Nevertheless . Тем не менее . Closing Phrases We are looking forward to hearing from you. We look forward to your reply. Ждём Вашего ответа. Your early reply will be appreciated. Заранее благодарим Вас за скорый ответ. We would appreciate your cooperation on this matter. Мы будем благодарны Вам за сотрудничество в этом вопросе. Awaiting your prompt reply. В ожидании скорейшего ответа. Best regards. Всего хорошего. With best wishes. С наилучшими пожеланиями. Yours faithfully, . С уважением, . Yours sincerely, . Искренне Ваш, . Искренне Ваша, . 71 ЛИТЕРАТУРА 1. Богатский ИС, Дюканова НМ, Бизнес курс английского языка, 5-е

изд., - Киев: ООО «ИП Логос», 2003 th 2. Business English and Communication, 7 edition, Clark, Zinmer, Tineria, MacMillian/McGraw Hill, NY,1988. 3. Market Leader; International Management, Business English Adrian Pilbeam, Pearson Education Limited, England, 2000. 4. Market Leader – Course book; Pre-Intermidiate Business Englaish David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Pearson Education Limited, England, 2002. 5. http://choofisutorontoca/FIS/Courses/LIS1230sharma/od2htm 6. http://wwwlearningrussiancom 7. http://wwwbasheduru/konkurs/ibatullina/eng/categorhtm 8. http://wwweslgoldcom 72