Information Technology | High school » Information Technology and Internet Survey, OECS Secondary School Students

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Source: http://www.doksinet Information Technology & Internet Survey: OECS Secondary School Students: 1 Introduction Throughout the world, information and communications technologies (ICTs) are changing the face of education. It has been argued that the transformation of education may be the most important of the many practical revolutions sparked by computer technology. Just as computers are about to replace books (some would argue this has already happened) as our main source of information globally, computers will come to occupy the central position in education once occupied by books1. In this regard, this survey seeks to capture critical data on the use of Information Technology by Secondary School Teachers and a sample of students in the OECS. The objective of the survey is to examine the use of Computers and the Internet, and in particular to determine: 1. the extent of use of Computers and the Internet by teachers and students at home and at school; 2. barriers to the

use of Computers and the Internet by teachers and students; 3. perceived benefits to the use of Computers and the Internet by teachers and students 4. levels of Computer proficiency of Teachers and students The results of this survey will be extremely useful in the preparation of Strategies and Action Plans for the implementation of “Policies for the Integration of ICT in the Education System” as well as the curriculum and pedagogical changes in the teaching of ICT as a subject and the integration of ICT in the teaching and learning of all subject areas. Please note that all information collected from schools and individuals will be treated with the strictest of confidence and anonymity is guaranteed as any reporting on the survey will not make reference to any specific school, teacher or student. Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey and for your invaluable input in this exercise. Robertson, D.S (2002) ‘The New Renaissance: Computers and the Next Level of

Civilization’ Oxford University Press. 1 Source: http://www.doksinet Information Technology & Internet Survey: OECS Secondary School Students: 2 Section 1 1. Please indicate the country where you attend school: Country Please Tick 1 Anguilla 2 Antigua & Barbuda 3 British Virgin Islands 4 Dominica 5 Grenada 6 Montserrat 7 St. Kitts & Nevis 8 St. Lucia 9 St. Vincent & the Grenadines 2. (i) Please state the name of your School: 2. (ii) Please indicate the District/Zone that your School is in: 3. Please state your form and the subjects that you do: Please tick as many subjects that apply: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Subject Mathematics English Language Social Studies Caribbean History Chemistry Biology French

Spanish Geography Physics English Literature Information Technology Music Office Procedures Physical Education and Sports Principles of Accounts Typewriting Visual Arts Tick Subject 19. Electronic Document Preparation 20. Agricultural Sc SA - Crops & Soils 21. Agricultural Sc SA - Animal Science 22. Agricultural Sc DA 23. Building Technology: Construction 24. Clothing & Textiles 25. Electrical and Electronic Technology 26. Food & Nutrition 27. Home Econ Management 28. Human and Social Biology 29. Integrated Science SA 30. Mech Eng Technology 31. Principles of Business 32. Religious Education 33. Social Studies 34. Theatre Arts 35. Technical Drawing 36. Building Technology: Woods 4. Please state your gender: (i) Male (ii) Female Tick Source: http://www.doksinet Information Technology & Internet Survey: OECS Secondary School Students: 3 5. Please indicate whether you use a computer? Please tick as many as apply a) b) c) d) e) I use a computer at home I do not

use a computer at home I use a computer at School I have access to a computer that I use away from School/Home I do not use a computer 6. If you use the computer, please indicate the frequency and type of use: (Internet/email use is covered in Questions 8 and 9. below) Purpose (Apart from Internet usage: which is covered in Questions 8 and 9 below) a) Do Homework and other school assignments/projects b) Play computer games c) Databases d) Spreadsheets e) Word processors f) Desktop publishing g) Other (Please state) 7. (1) Do Not use (2) Occasional ( 1 hour per week or less) (3) Moderate (2-5 hours per week ) (4) Extensive (More than 5 hours per week) Please indicate whether you use the Internet: (Please tick as many as apply) (1) Do Not use a) I use the Internet at Home with a Dial-up Connection b) At Home with a High-Speed (ADSL/X-Net) Connection c) I use the Internet at School d) I use the Internet at other locations (not home or school) e) I do not use the Internet (2)

Occasional ( 1 hour per week or less) (3) Moderate (2-5 hours per week ) (4) Extensive (More than 5 hours per week) Source: http://www.doksinet Information Technology & Internet Survey: OECS Secondary School Students: 8. 4 If you use the Internet, please indicate the frequency and type of use: Purpose (1) Do Not use (2) Occasional ( 1 hour per week or less) (3) Moderate (2-5 hours per week ) (4) Extensive (More than 5 hours per week) a) Communicate with family/friends b) Communicate with other students on School related matters c) Search for information on topics of personal interest (e.g Hobbies, etc) d) Download music, etc. e) Search for information for school assignments, projects, etc. f) Other (Please state) 9. Please indicate your view on the usefulness of the computer (including Internet Access) at the following locations: (1) Not needed (2) Of Limited Value (3) Valuable (4) Essential a) In a Computer Lab (a room with four or more computers) at the School b)

In Classrooms at the School c) At Students’ Home d) In Community Resource Centers or Community Libraries 10. From your experience, please indicate the usefulness of the computer, computer applications and information resources: (1) Not needed a) Information retrieved on the Internet for schoolwork b) Information accessed on CD/DVD c) Information created by you from research or other available data d) Online Communication with other students on homework/school work e) Classroom presentations by teachers (PowerPoint/CDs/DVDs) f) Databases g) Spreadsheets h) Word Processing i) Desktop Publishing j) Other (Please state) (2) Of Limited Value (3) Valuable (4) Essential Source: http://www.doksinet Information Technology & Internet Survey: OECS Secondary School Students: 5 11. Please indicate your skill level in the following: Please tick as appropriate (1) Cannot Use/None a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) (2) Low (3) Moderate (4) High Windows or other Operating systems File

handling (Creating/opening files, etc) Databases Spreadsheets Word Processing Presentation Software Web Search Engines (Google, etc.) Web Authoring tools Other: Please specify: j) Other: 12. How significant are the following barriers to your present and future use of Computers & the Internet? (1) 12.1 Barriers to use of the Internet: (2) Do not know Not Not relevant Significant (3) (4) Somewhat Very Significant Significant a) Security or privacy concerns (Viruses & loss of personal info.) b) Technology not user friendly/difficult to use c) Too Busy d) Don’t have a computer at home e) Internet connection cost too much f) Internet connection unreliable g) Not interested in technology h) Other: (1) 12.2 Barriers to use of Computers in general: a) Cost of Computers too high b) Too Busy/Don’t have time at home c) Don’t know how to use the Computer d) Don’t have access to Computer training e) Not interested in technology f)

Other: (2) Do not know Not Not relevant Significant (3) (4) Somewhat Very Significant Significant Source: http://www.doksinet Information Technology & Internet Survey: OECS Secondary School Students: 13. With the exception of Information Technology and Electronic Document Preparation, please indicate the subject which you produce the most assignments using ICT related tools and resources. Specify Subject: (1) 0-25% (2) 26% - 50% (3) 51% - 75% (4) 76% - 100% Word processor Spreadsheet Databases PowerPoint Publisher References from the Internet Submit assignments via email Teacher moderated online discussions Thank you. Your participation in this survey is much appreciated! 6