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Source: http://www.doksinet Journal WEIGHTS, HEMATOLOGY, SPECIES AND OF FREE-RANGING SERUM of Wi1d1fr CHEMISTRY TROPICAL 32(4), Diseases, pp. 643-657 1996. OF SEVEN PELAGIC SEABIRDS M. Work Thierry National Honolulu, Biological Hawaii ABSTRACT: species iformes, of Service, National 96850, USA I established free-ranging Pelecaniformes, Wildlife Health reference Center-Honolulu values Field for weight, Hawaiian tropical Charadniformes) hematology, total seabirds six families P.O and Box 50167, serum comprising (Procellariidae, chemistry for seven orders (ProcellariPhaethontidae, Diomedeidae, Sulidae, Fregatidae, and Laridae). Species examined included 84 Hawaiian darkrumped petrels (Pterodoma phaeopygia), 90 wedge-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus), 151 Laysan albatrosses (Diomedea immutabilis), 69 red-footed boobies (Sula sula), 154 red-tailed tropicbirds (Phaeton rubricauda), 90 great frigatebirds (Fregata minor), and 72 sooty terns
(Sterna fuscata). Hematoent, calcium, phosphorus, pelagic and Station, three plasma solids, total and differential white cell counts, serum glucose, acid, total protein, albumin, globulin, aspartate aminotransferase and were analyzed. Among and within species, hematology and chemistry uric creatinine phosphokinase values varied with age, sex, season, and island of collection. Despite this variation, order-wide trends were observed. Key words: Hawaiian dark-rumped petrel, Pierodoma phaeopygia, wedge-tailed shearwater, Puffinus pacificus, Laysan albatross, Diomedea immutabilis, red-footed booby, Sula sula, red-tailed tropicbird, Phaeton rubricauda, great frigatebird, Fregata minor, sooty tern, Sterna fuscata, he- matology, serum chemistry, body weight. INTRODUCTiON Clinical chemistry valuable adjuncts ease in leithner, matology able are clinical a variety hematology are most managed clinical cines, 1994; Most tic blood for literature gregarious poultry val-
et al., 1989; antarc- Rosa et al., 1993) or temperate coastal seabirds (Balasch et al., 1974; Wolf et a!, 1985; Melrose and Nicol, 1992), and some of these involve limited studies either smail information. on arctic and Kostelecka-Myrcha, Myrcha, 1987); present blood (<10) sample There pelagic are seabirds 1980; however, comprehensive chemistry values. few sizes of disease. These useful in the clinical seabirds lecaniformes. families and covers (Harrison, are susceptible to such during values may management also of anthropogenic as oil reference spills. clinical cachemistry and hematology for seven species of freeranging pelagic seabirds in Hawaii comprising three orders (Procellariiformes, Pe- (Campbell, hematology habits seabirds of of their In such cases, reference values a valuable aid in elucidating tastrophes I present and chemistry Because breeding captive psitta- and seabirds. pelagic cause prove for many captive or
outside these groups. on hematology epizootics. would be ref- Reference on pelagic 1990), chemistry groups that include of seabirds (Hawkey dis- avail- birds, in production 1994). numerous species chemistry birds and numerous and tropical Hochfor heare In Examples raptors, of 1994; values chemistry Hochleithner, are less free-ranging diagnosis of species. intensively settings. ues blood the data are hematology (Campbell, Reference and for erence values in animals 1994). of and Charadriiformes) (Procellariidae, and Diomedeidae, Phaethontidae, Su!idae, Fregatidae, Laridae). Where were compared suitable, by season reference or site tion, age, and and values of collec- sex. MATERIALS or six AND METHODS All seabirds were sampled from healthy colonies monitored continuously by biologists from the U. S National Park Service, U. S metabolic (Myrcha Kosteleckaof these Fish and Defense, hematology and There is a dearth Fish
served 643 and Wildlife or State Wildlife. catastrophic Service, of These U. S Department Hawaii biologists reproductive of Department had failure of not ob- at the Source: http://www.doksinet 644 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, VOL. 32, NO 4, OCTOBER of sampling or during the two previous breeding seasons. I sampled three species of procellariiforms including Hawaiian darkrumped petrels (Pterodoma phaeopygia), wedge-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus pacificus), and Laysan albatross (Diomedea immutabilis); three species of pelecaniforms including redfooted boobies (Sula sula), red-tailed tropicbirds (Phaeton rubricauda), great frigatebirds (Fregata minor); and one charadriiform, sooty terns (Sterna fuscata). time Twenty-one petrels National and chicks Park 35 were on Hawaiian sampled Maui (20#{176}43’N, Haleakala 156#{176}15’W) in adult frigatebirds (Pratt et as male al., Lack of sexual diclassification by sex of terns, albatrosses, shearPetrels
were classified as on date of collection and morphism precluded tropicbirds, boobies, waters, and petrels. chicks or adults based presence or absence or female based on 1987). of juvenile plumage (Si- mons, 1985). All birds were captured manually or with large hand-held hoop nets. Petrels were captured with double-door wire box traps (Simons, 1985). Petrels and tropicbirds were weighed to the nearest 10 g with a 1 kg spring scale, frigatebirds and albatrosses to the nearest 100 g with a 5 kg spring scale, boobies to the nearest a 2.5 kg to spring the scale, nearest 1 g and tems with a and 500 g spring scale. I assessed all birds visually and chose only healthy animals, defined as those individuals that were in good flesh, bright, alert, resistive to restraint, and with no detectable morphologic or behavioral abnormalities. Five ml of blood was taneous ulnar vein in boobies, and tropicbirds and 20 gauge 26 mm rels, October 1993 and October 1994,
respectively, and 28 adults were sampled from the same site in July 1994. Forty-five wedge-tailed shearwater chicks and 45 adults were sampled on August and October 1994, respectively, from offshore islets along southeastern Oahu including west and east Makoluas and Popoia (21#{176}23’N, 157#{176}43’W). Twenty and 16 Laysan albatross adults were sampled in October 1993 from Laysan Island (25#{176}46’N, 171#{176}44’W) and Tern Island-French Frigate Shoals (23#{176}45’N, 166#{176}10’W), respectively, and 43 adults were sampled from Midway atoll (28#{176}13’N, 177#{176}22’W) in June 1994. I sampled 41 Laysan albatross chicks from Midway in June 1993, and 15 and 16 Laysan albatross chicks from Midway and Kilauea Point, Kauai (22#{176}13’N, 159#{176}26’W) respectively, in June 1994. I sampled 35 and 34 red-footed booby adults and chicks, respectively, from Kanehoe Marine Corps Air Station on Oahu (21#{176}27’N, 157#{176}44’W) in August 1994. Fifty-three redtailed
tropicbirds adults were sampled from Tern Island in March 1994, and 36 adults and 65 chicks from Johnston Atoll (16#{176}45’N, 169#{176}31’W) in April 1995. I sampled 60 and 30 great frigatebirds from Laysan Island and Tern Island, respectively, in March 1994. Thirty-five sooty tern chicks and 37 adults were sampled from Johnston Atoll in July 1995. Birds were classified as adults or chicks and plumage g with shearwaters blood dark-rumped from 50 1996 were terns, obtained and procured from the cufrigatebirds, albatross, using 5 ml syringes needles. Three ml of from similar shearwaters using sites in pet- 3 ml syringes and 22 gauge 26 mm needles. One half ml of blood was placed in 500 i.l ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) tubes and the remainder in 5-ml clotting tubes. Whole blood in EDTA was stored cessing was at for 4 C for up hematology. allowed to to 8 hr The clot for 12 prior to remaining hr at problood 27 C, centri- fuged, serum
decanted into 1.5 ml cryovials (Corning, Corning, New York, USA), and frozen at -20 C. For albatrosses from Midway, an extra 1 ml of blood was stored in EDTA and analyzed for lead (Fernandez and Hilligoss, 1982) at the National Wildlife Health Center, Madison, Wisconsin (USA). Only healthy birds with blood lead levels at or below the limit of detection (0.02 p.g/ml) were Combined were done included heterophil in the ocytometer, field 1994). with eosinophil (Becton Dickinson, USA) and a microscope. (103/pJ) were then I obtained in and the study. eosinophil counts a Neubauer unopettes hemno. 5877 Rutherford, New Jersey, Total white cell counts calculated (Campbell, hematocrit values by spinning whole blood in heparinized capillary pipettes in a microhematocrit centrifuge for 5 mm (Campbell, 1994). Plasma total solids were estimated using a temperature-adjusted refractometer (Schuco, American Caduceus Industries, Carle Place, New York) (Campbell, 1994). Blood
smears from EDTA blood were made in duplicate, allowed to air dry, stored in slide boxes and returned to the laboratory for staining and microscopic examination. Prior to conducting differentials, blood smears for each species were pooled, randomized, and read blind. For differential counts, I stained smears using Difquick (Fisher Scientific, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA) and counted 200 white cells under oil immersion (1,000x). Cells were classified as heterophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, or basophils based on morphology and staining characteristics (Campbell, 1994). Percentages were calculated and multiplied by the total white count to obtain absolute counts of each white cell type Source: http://www.doksinet WORK-WEIGHTS, HEMATOLOGY, AND (Campbell, 1994). I recorded presence or absence of hemoparasites. Serum chemistry values including total protein (g/dl), albumin (g/dl), uric acid (mg/dl), calcium (mg/dl), phosphorus (mg/dl), SERUM chicks
Island (AST) (lUlL), creatinine phos(lU/L), and glucose (mg/dl), were determined at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine in Madison, Wisconsin, using a Kodak Ektachem 500 analyzer (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, New York). This system is a dry analyzer that uses slides on which the sample is placed. The slides consist (CPK) of a dry ester each multilayer support analyte. tracting analytic containing Globulin albumin element on a poly- specific reagents was calculated by from total protein. for sub- Serum chemistries were analyzed blind. Hematology and blood chemistry values were summarized using means, standard deviations, medians, and ranges. Chemistry values from hemolyzed serum or analytes which were below the limit of detection were excluded from analysis. I compared summarized hematology and serum chemistry parameters using one way analyses of variance (ANOVA) for groups of three or more, or t-tests for pairs. To adjust for test-wise error and
maintain an penment-wise quential for a; error rate of 0.05, I used a se- adjustment (Rice, 1989) for n = 18, the total number of parameters compared including weight, hematology and chemistry. In cases where assumption of normality or equal variance were violated, a Kruskall-Wallis ANOVA or the 0.003 Mann-Whitney U comparisons, test for multiple respectively, were of significant differences ple pair-wise comparisons dent-Newman-Keuls and metric and non-parametric To chicks determine versus age adults used. In tests were Software, differences, for or pair-wise petrels, compared separately Laysan Island. all species, than In red cells, dark, blue-purple a clear brick-red obscured smaller had cases than mented, toplasm round ably with homogenous fined white borders. cell with nucleus ground-glass blue defined and males, Johnston females, Atoll in by well-de- were the largest finely granular by a pale with occasional were with ever,
species. ters, ill- variably- Eosinophil petrels were somewhat ange. tained Great loosely had defined about booby brighter to among Tropicbird blue of numerous amorphous granules small, Thrombocytes as red cells, purple-blue varieosin- cytoplasm numbers dull-orange dense or- eosinophils conplump, elliptical, distributed a clear graneosinophils and vacuoles. vacuoles. 75% as large a uniformly of loosely red-orange larger clear densely granules. contained frigatebird packed, granules sized of shearwa- plump bright granules while among contained round, round how- varied eosinophils tiny to het- nucleus; cytoplasm and orange, packed in size morphology terns, ules similar a segmented granule ably and with cytoplasm and Eosinophils erophils with in 1993 purple-blue surrounded surrounded wispy cy- vacuoles. spersed frigatebird unsegclear fine purple were van- round cytoplasm borders sized eosinophils, to
Monocytes an ameboid, blue-purple sparse large, Island a of partially were and nucleus blue taining round, Great or coarse Lymphocytes textured and masses homogenous, nucleus, many sized coarsely ophils Tern with heterophils dense, with granules. orange I compared shearwaters, nucleus, packed purple-blue Albatross done San larger homogenous, segmented a round, Johnston in 1995, and albatrosses collected from Midway in 1994. Group-wise comparisons for great frigatebird males, females and chicks were done separately for Tern Island and Laysan Island. I also compared individuals from the following groups to see if they could be pooled: petrel chicks collected in 1993 and 1994; albatross chicks from Midway in 1993, 1994 and from Kauai in 1994; albatross adults from Midway in 1994, Laysan Island, and Tern Island in 1993; red-tailed tropicbird adults 1995. Tern were a dense fusiform granules that the nucleus. Basophils terns, boobies, and tropicbirds
collected from from 645 between heterophils had cytoplasm packed, with ANOVA, multiwere done using StuDunn’s test for paraprocedures, respec- tively (Daniel, 1987). Statistical using Sigmastat (Jandel Scientific Rafael, California, USA). SEABIRDS RESULTS Bonferroni a were and OF TROPICAL aspartate aminotransferase phokinase CHEMISTRY conto inter- clear, well ovoid, were with nucleus and a clear to light blue cytoplasm. In all species, red cell morphology was uniform and polychromasia variable. The only hemoparasite seen was an intracellular organism in frigatebird red cells with Source: http://www.doksinet 646 JOURNAL TABLE adults 1. from OF WILDLIFE Reference Maui. DISEASES, weights, VOL. hematology 32, NO. 4, OCTOBER and serum 1996 chemistry of Hawaiian dark rumped Weight (g) SD 4955 62 49 5 chicks and Adults Chicks Mean petrels Range n 390-640 53 Mean SD 432 ri Range 32 380-500 28 Hematology Hematocrit
Total solids Lymphocyte (%) (gIdl) (1&31p.l) Heterophil (1&3/il) Monocyte 13.90#{176} 49 42-59 28 4.1 0.6 3.1-54 28 10.64 1.28-5861 55 4.36 2.59 1.12-1194 27 0.21-602 55 3.39 1.50 1.00-698 27 (10/p.l) 0.09 0.16 0.00-077 55 0.10 0.11 0.00-046 27 (1034d) 0.68 0.58 0.09-273 55 1.99 1.24 0.50-545 27 1.16 0.68 0.18-326 55 1.11 0.53 0.22-206 27 5.16-6512 55 10.94 3.46 5.03-1913 27 222-375 28 white Serum 4 56 1.26 (104iJ) Total 56 2.8-46 2.31 Eosinophil Basophil 34-58 0.4 3.6a cells (1&3/d) 11.09 18.14k’ chemistry Glucose Calcium (mg/dl) (mg/dl) Phosphorus Uric 316 (mg/dl) acid 35 256-405 21 0.8 8.5-122 28 7.0 1.6 3.1-94 21 3.6a 1.3 1.8-83 28 0.8 0.3 0.5-13 14 22’ 0.6 1.2-35 28 7.3 4.4 1.9-141 21 10.1 (mg/dl) 329 43 Protein (g/dl) 2.7a 0.9 1.7-65 28 3.1 0.5 2.4-45 21 Albumin (g/dl) 1.3 0.4 1.0-33 28 1.5 0.2 1.2-18 21 Globulin (g/dl) 1.3k’
0.5 0.7-32 28 1.7 0.4 1.1-27 21 104-667 21 23-72 10 Aspartate amino- transferase (LU/L) 106 28 71-169 28 212 116 114 90 23-344 23 46 16 ts (P < O.(X)3) Creatinine (lULL) phosphokinase a Value significantly different morphology no petrel 1994, nificantly to chicks, adult petrels weight, cell acid, albumin, and (AST) concentrations count, calcium, CPK concentrations, and (Table AST glucose, eosinophil and total and uric concentrations lowwhite acid, than boobies lymphocyte and significantly counts, and centrations, (Table 2). On albatrosses from Midway in 1994 weighed eosinophil but and counts, chicks and (Table and and and adult males Tern significantly 5). total white phosphorus solids Island AST tropicbirds lower lym- significantly total but hematocrit, counts, con- greater (Table he- 6). Laysan Island, and females greater On lower cell weight, calcium and Mid-
significantly to chicks, adult had significantly and significantly acid, from 4). eosinophil, Tern uric chicks white than frigatebird chicks. Adult total and matocrits mono- 3, had greater phocyte, concentrations, glucose, (Tables 1994 lym- calcium, hematocrits, than Adult cell globulin, chicks and concentrations significantly heterophil counts, solids, counts, globulin concentrations in total white greater Compared from Johnston albumin, but total and heterophil globulin, 1). phosphorus, hematocnt, way to- significantly lower and significantly and amino-transferase had but AST greater protein, lymphocyte count, significantly sinophil (CPK) and total adults weight, had sig- phospho- significantly aspartate Shearwater had calcium, heterophil uric pooled. phosphokinase but solids, adul phosphorus, 1993 lymphocyte count, concentrations, cyte among Hae- in were creatinine greater of collected
values lower and er parameter differences their white counts, that significant chicks so Compared tal to sar ise phocyte were between rus, for spp. There total value compatible moproteus and that great had hematocrits Island more only, than than females chicks or Source: http://www.doksinet WORK-WEIGHTS, TABIE 2. from Reference weights, HEMATOLOGY, hematology and AND serum SERUM CHEMISTRY OF TROPICAL chemistry of wedge tailed Range n 365-590 45 39() 48 SEABIRDS shearwater chicks 647 and adults Oaliu. Chicks Mean Weight (g) SD 467a 50 Adults Mean Range n 315-450 45 SD 35 Hematology Ilematocrit (%) Total sOli(l5 (g/dl) Lymphocyte (1034d) Ileterophil (10/jil) Monocyte (1&3/p.l) Eosinophil 30-43 45 39-.53 45 0.3 3.0-44 45 3.9 0.4 3.()-48 45 26.04 13.49 7.61-7005 45 12.93 6.21 3.49-2742 45 45 (l0/d) 3 2.49#{176} 0.95 0.91-505 45 4.00 2.09 0.57-1047 0.15’ 0.19 0.00-077 45
0.45 0.48 0.00-205 45 0.74 2.21 0.00-1481 45 0.48 0.51 0.00-195 45 0.34 0.44 0.00-268 45 0.31 0.31 0.00-105 45 29.75 13.93 9.45-7656 45 18. 18 7. 17 5.03-3432 45 202-328 42 (1&3/p.l) Basophil (1&/pJ) Total white cells Seniiii 3 3.7 375 chemistry (;hicose (mgidl) Calcium (mg/dl) Phosphorus Uric 145-255 45 11.8k’ 1.2 7.8-138 45 8.8 1.4 3.8-105 42 8.8a 2.0 5.2-139 44 1.6 0.9 0.5-36 .35 6.2k’ 4,3 1.2-158 45 10.2 5.1 2.7-245 42 3.2 0.4 2.6-42 45 3.4 0.4 2.7-42 42 1.7 0.2 1.4-22 45 1.5 0.1 1.2-18 42 1.5 0.2 1.2-20 45 1.8 0.3 1.4-25 42 95-274 45 258 93 121-544 42 147-4,473 45 86 69 (mg/dl) acid Protein 202 (mg/dI) (g/dl) Albumin (g/dl) (g/dl) amino(lUlL) Globulin Aspartate transferase 23 153 41 89tP 899 248 28 Creatinine (lUlL) phosphokinase a Value different significantly males. Females calcium in turn, had than protein, concentrations, Female tal acid
adults solids, had than than chicks (Tables Sooty tern adults weights, counts, CPK greater lymphocyte and calcium, concentrations, hematocrits tions than chicks Great frigatebirds groups ly greater from Laysan glucose phosphorus to- phosphorus males or lower chicks from Kauai Island concentrations age had and significantthan cor- and signifithan 3). Albatross significantly and from Midway in 1994 (Table 4). Prenesting Laysan albatross adults from Tern in 1993 solids, and had and Laysan collected significantly albumin lower than post-incubation collected in 1994 chicks pooled total than lower protein, those significantly sex significantly glucose but (Table had white and concentra- albatross concentrations Island and total phosphorus, AST had counts, lower 9). of all groups Laysan Island significantly significantly 8). CPK Tern from phosphorus concentrations, from Great chicks corresponding 7, total solids, phosphorus,
globulin concentrations and (Table than significantly lower concentrations but Island. and lower lymphocyte cantly those Tern significantly on Tern (Tables adults from Laysan than chicks. on males concentrations 8). had had greater either 7, Laysan and greater and chicks. Male adults had total solids and phosphorus adult significantly significantly calcium concentrations, groups frigatebird Island 35 (P < 0.(X)3) responding albumin but adults which, concengreater concentrations and among greater Laysan total and uric On significantly globulin parameter than males greater had weights, for same significantly chicks. adults lower value concentrations had significantly trations only, than 2.5-306 from with October greater weight, concentrations, uric acid adults (Table Midway in 1993 those collected total but concentrations from Midway 3). Albatross could from not be Midway Source: http://www.doksinet 648
JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, VOL. 32, NO. 4, OCTOBER C) be C? a C’) It) I( C) ;t’ 1t. a 1996 QcCCC4 1tc1 cN C) C) C) > a C) C’1 L’-c’)If) C’) C LI) IoN C,’ a a C a a - - It)CC) - C) ()CC) C, C, C)Ct’-C N C’) “. - o4 C,’ Nit) - a C’) a C’) ‘ C Ci CC) CC’1 N C.c#5 be tC) dC’) C N C,’ C,’C’) C,’ a E n’ 04 C,’ C’) CC’) C’JNCC a C’) ‘C C a C a a C’) CLC C,’ arN)C) a C) a C It) C,llt)C C’) LI) C’)It)CCC)C’)It) C,’ - -(C) C)CC,’CIt) - C’) C,’ 04 It) as C’) “C- N n’lf) ‘ -C a C CCCCCCCC C,’ C N N N N N N ‘- NC,’ N N N 04d a C) INC’) C - a be a C NcC-( C’) a ‘C j C ‘)C,It),Q - C’) N C C.C) -Old,’ CC It) CC as n’ 0104 0) N it) 01 I C’) I C’) (C N It) I C’) -Cl I N CC) C’)C, a C)C’) C C’) as01 01 C V a C, C)ascCC) C E
C C’)CC’)C01C a a a C a a a a C C)I0)C’)CC’C) C’) - C’) C a ‘C > O(C’lCC)C1 N01CCI() 1tC)3),as C,101C’)C)N (C- I a C’)C -(C) CC C be a C C a a a a a a a a a ‘C C . a C C Ca a C a be ci . CC C C beE <C’) a Ca a >.‘C’C Q C aZ a a C C C a a L) C a a a C Source: http://www.doksinet WORK-WEIGHTS, C HEMATOLOGY, as C as as as AND as as be C’) C) C) C a CHEMISTRY - C’)N01 (C I I CIt)it)C’1 asciCC).’ C’) C’) C’) as C, C (C C C’) C’) (C it) c.i ci C’) OF TROPICAL NNNNNNNN(C as C’) 0110) 0101(CCit) a SERUM N I OICCCN C .< C) C) ‘C C (I) CC C) it) it)CC)Casas01 C C C) it) C (C 01 01 it) C’) Clas C C’) as as C’) C C’) as C’)(O it) N ‘C C a .C,C C .C a 0lC) a C’) a C) C) (Cit)C’ICNC) C, C’) C Cit)C)it)CasQO C’) - 01 .C as a a a aC’)(CN CCCC’)’’as01it)it) -as 01 C
C C It)C’) CC C a ‘C C ‘C C a C) N C)asCC’)(C a be C’)as C N - as as - - N ‘-4 01 N 01 C C C’) N 01 ‘-4 C C (C ClC)01Cas CCCCC as 01 C) C) C . C a as C LI) (C 0 C’) C’) (C OIC’)I0)Cit)I0)C’) (Cas0lOlCasC0l as it) as as N 01 C’) >‘ a ‘C C a a a C) .C i-t)Qasas’ aC Nit)it)CN(C C) ,C .C as (C Cit)CCC 01 C’) C’) as it)it)it)it)it)it) as as as C’) C’) as as it) .C as C’) N as as as as as C) C it) as as as C) ‘ as as as a C) it) a C (C 10)10) 01 a C a be as as as (C N C C) it) as it) ‘- C C) C) . E a C a C LI) (C C C’) - C I”- it’) NNCC01i0) C C C as 01 as C ‘‘ NNNC’)1() it)OC)OICasCC C’) C cias C 0 Cl as C as 01 01 C) E E a C a a a a CC’’NC) as04(CC01N Cl’’It)(CCasCC’) 01 ‘C C C’) 01 (C dC C’)asas as C’) a C C a a CC a a C) C a CC . Cl) C C CC CC I-
a C.4)C C C a’ a ‘C C) a a a ci) C’) C’) as C) it) SEABIRDS 649 Source: http://www.doksinet 650 JOURNAL TABLE Oahu. 5. OF WILDLIFE Referent DISEASES, weight, VOL. hematology 32, NO. 4, OCTOBER serum and 1996 chemistry of reel bo()l)y fcoted Chicks Meami Weight (kg) from Adults SD 0.1 1.oa chicks coal a(lultS Range n Mean 0.9-12 34 SI) 1.1 0.1 llangc it 0.9-14 35 Hematology Hematocrit (%) Total Lymphocyte (gldl) (1&3/p,l) Heterophil (1&/pi) solids 44 37-48 34 3.5 0.4 2.8-44 34 3.8 0.5 11.40a 8.21 2.32-4435 34 3.26 3.3W’ 1.66 0.26-685 34 0.10 0.12 0.()0-05() 0.28k’ 0.29 0.14 15.32a (1034d) Monocyte Eosinophil (1&3/p.l) Basophil (10/el) Total white Serum cells (104el) 3 48 3 4I-54 35 3.()-46 35 1.41 1.11-826 35 5.73 2.18 2.52-1197 35 34 0.19 0.23 0(30-0.79 35 0.0(3-097 34 0.57 0.40 0.03-179 35 0.14 0(30-0.59 34 0.16 0.12 0.()0-047 35
8.44 4.40-4928 34 9.91 2.69 5.27-1522 35 chemistry Glucose Calcium (mg/dl) (mg/dl) Phosphorus Uric 179 (mg/dl) acid Protein (mgldl) 94-237 32 1 13-293 32 8.2 35 2.8 3.4-132 32 8.5 1.9 4.5-109 32 7.1 4.5 2.1-209 32 5.9 3.5 2.1-129 32 8.8 3.0-327 32 13.8 7.1 3.3-278 32 2.7 0.3 2.1-34 32 3.0 0.4 2.3-45 32 16.2 (g/dl) 196 43 Albumin (g/dl) 1.2 0.1 1.0-15 31 1.3 0.2 1.()-2() 32 Globulin (g/dl) 1.6 0.2 1.2-19 31 1.7 0.3 1.3-25 32 Aspartate an)ino- (lU/L) transferase 302 150 134-922 32 502 163 341 210 22-937 32 256 220 279-831 32 Creatinine phosphokinase a Value (lUlL) significantly in 1994 than different (Table 4). value for same Similarly, paranie.ter among tropicbird adults from Tern collected in 1993 not be pooled with those collected Johnston in 1995 (Table 6). were weights of by within ranges and Frings, Nelson, 1975, 1978; et al., staining was 1984; There
adequate was species in of other 1989). and identified differential other avian been and those Haemoproteus in time try samples the differential human spp. the known, and ing sexual the variability its have that counts (10 there several history could the significant Rice a 95% history was not. pathologic (Rehder a!., et in species differences to to these encompas5 individual used labI read attempts However, population noted. was and in variation. observed more been chemissame technician, dimorphism I not adjustment even serum Although sex hema- location, at the things like inapparent diurnal variation processes, many , same . in sex, All analyzed values Hence, age, collection. were described parameters for all the eliminate roni para- variability by Had were marked chemistry of reference are (1996). oratory was prevalence Rameyer controlled and Dennett, of chickens of I 1982), noted
granules like of Variation has Description as was and confounders morpholand lym- of (Hawkey looked The distinction that basophil 1974). 1984; 1985). 1994). species (Hodges, for all species, monocytes to 1974; Nagy, eosinophils Often, bleached site similar (Campbell, morphology Fleet, to allow for study others and Simons, used white cell types; ogy of heterophils, phocytes by 1961; Flint method counts this observed (Frings Pettit in and and tology 28 O.(X)3) < Work when seabirds (P parasitemia, could from DISCUSSION Body a(hllts 40-1,067 lack- contnbute to here. sequential Bonferanalyze these data, differences (1989) chance vould pointed of finding out a Source: http://www.doksinet WORK-WEIGHTS, C ci HEMATOLOGY, AND SERUM 0101010101010101 C’) it) C’) asas be C C) C) C it)(C ‘C C C’) N as a as cc ‘a N it) C’) C’) C’) C, 1t). C’) SEABIRDS as (Ccc,C’) a a C’) OF
TROPICAL 0101010101010101 it)it)it)it)it)it) C) C) ‘C C CHEMISTRY C- C It) C’) ‘, C? ‘-‘1’ C’) as as CIN 01 C’IC)C C’) 01 COOl C ‘C C a C LI) OICIt)NNN t)C’CNC CasasCCC01 C C’) (C C’) C,’ C’) It) C’) 01 N it) C’) C’) C’) It) 01 C’) C C CC)C C’) as as It) E ‘C asNClC)N(C C C), N C CasC’)CasCN It) C a ‘C a C a N N (C 01 ccC) 10)01 as C C C (C it)it)it)It)lt)it) C’) C’)C’)C’)C’)C’)C’) C’) C’) 0101 01 C’) C C ‘C it) N(Cas C NC a E C C C C) ‘C C) ‘C C as C CCC’ C’) as asas N as (C C C (C CCN C C it) C C) C) C as cc C,C)Cas CC’)asC)CCCN LI) C cc as01asasas< dIN ‘a C ‘ 01 OlCas be N a (CZ C’) C ‘C ‘C a It) it) C01C)0ICC1I) a a (C ‘l N it) (C Nit)01(C as01ClOasC(C it) C’) C) C) C’) (C 01-as C’) 01 01 ‘C asZ C) Ca C) ccio C C)C) C) It) t)it)as it) C)
01 ‘C a Cz it) C)C)N C) C) . ‘C a I. C (CC’)C’) as it)C1.itiQC ‘ 01 C C’) C’)0jC’),01,C, C E C C a ‘C asasC N C) 01 (CC N cc it) C C’) ‘01N 01 as C it) OIC it) as (C cc cccc It) as0104 C’) as C’) C CC as 01 04 C be 04 ,aa C a olt)cci- a C (C(Cit)01asC a a ‘C be CC CC a Ea a Cl C C LI) CI 00ias CCLI’) a C’) (C as C)C’) ,asC cc C’) C’) N (C C’) (C C’) C C’) C C’)cc(C.ol-as as C’) 01 (C as C’)C’) CC CC aa aa EE aa C C a E ab a ‘C ‘C CC a CC a C) C a ‘C’C CC’a a ‘C CC C C Ca) ‘C CC . F- a a ‘C a C) aE E a CCCC E bebe aaC a a Cl) -:-;< Ca 651 Source: http://www.doksinet 652 JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE DISEASES, VOL. 32, NO. 4, OCTOBER 1996 E dIN a C a -r as ; (CC)QC)C C’)(CC’)CccCC) C C C it) C’) as C 01 N asCIO it)ON C?-r . 04 1’ as 04 C’ (01C’)C)1t01 C’) C C C it)
‘ asC’)It)(C(CC) C’)C)C)CC’)CC’) CCCasCC’) . .C C 01 C as N NOICCOOCC C) C’) as C’) as04 as it)01 ‘C C) ‘C C a C C ccCC’)N’!rol . asccCCN it)as(CCO1CC .C C’) as as a a a E a be C C ‘C a a C as N(C C( C’) - N N N .(C cc (C C)(C 01 C’) asas C’) It) as as C,’ as (C 01 as C) NC’Cl cccc (C ci.NClc as,C’) Cas CC’)CC C) Ncici,.’as C’It) a C (CC’)N - C .a as C ‘ It)C’)OICNCIt) N C’)CCOICCCOI C it) as 01 cc it) OICCC CI C’) (C 01 it) Ccc as a E C a C ‘C ,C 0 C’)asOlIt)Cl it) ccC,as,O’’C C)C’)as(CCasCcc as a as it) It) as ccciC’asoas as as 2 cc as C’)C’) ‘C I. ‘C a 04 cc a CC a a ‘a C’) as C’) cc 01 N, C) It)CC) a I. 01 C’) 0l2C’) CC’)C Cl) C a I,- C C)N01 N,C’), V ‘ E C, C)C(C E a ‘C C) as C CC)(CC)C’) Cas01C)as0l 0101C’)CCCIt) (C. C)N01CC CCIC N 01 ‘C a a N
C. ‘C E a ‘C C C a 2 a (C as C asasNccC)it) (CccCCCICOI CIit)CIccCasCO1 it) a as ccN Olas as N it) C’) ‘‘04 ‘cc a (C (C C’) (CC’) 0104 CC C be a C C a a a -U- E a a ‘C C a a a ‘C CC a a‘C aa I . . a C) C a CC ‘C a Ci) .C CC CC CC C)’C C C C a’a E a-’ a aa C C .E a C C ‘Caa C Caa C C) a a Source: http://www.doksinet WORK-WEIGHTS, HEMATOLOGY, AND SERUM CHEMISTRY OF TROPICAL SEABIRDS 01 C a C It)’ ‘3 as C’)C’) a - a C C’) N01C’.h(CN be C I?1?r-r QC011t)01 C) 01C’501,C, Cas CCCas C)cc (C C 01 a It) cc- CasCC)C(C (CCasC’)CCC - C (C (C (C 01 asasasClCCCasIt) as asC,4 asC, C) ‘C C) C C a a a C a a as(CCIIt)lt)C) CC)C,CC ‘asNCasCC 01 as .C C (C(C Cl C) It) C as N, (C, (C C’) as 0LC 01 It) as CI C) a a E cc CC’)It) a be C a a CIt) N.OIC’ as .C (C as C’)C’) C,as,t It)It)Olas - C’C0 CC,1f)
C0IC It)01ClC’) - CCC’) a C 01 C a C C’) as ‘C ‘C LI) (C C) as It) lt)(CC’)CC)CC’) C 0C’as,C’) (CClas.CCCN CC01CCCC’) 04 OIC’) asOl a a E -C a a C’)aslt)asC’)C’) C’)asCCC C’) as as-C it) C ‘C a as(C C),(C,’),N,It)01 C’) as 01 (C as 01C’) 01 C’)Ol it) ‘C cc ‘C It) a a C, CC Cl a a a4CC aC ClNC)0.C’)as CCI It)asasC01 - lt),(CIt) dC’) CIt)(CC’)(C C) C’),C,C,01 CN CC’)CC a a C V C) (CNCNCC Cl as C’) (CCI It) (C CC CN It) ‘as 01 (Cas C ,LI) C, (C (C C’) C) 01 a C C) C) ‘C C) E a C a a a a (C. 1(C01(CC01C as 01(C01(CCCC It) ‘C C (C(CC(CC’)it) C (CN0lit)(CN asN as cc- as (C a C) CC NC) (C(C C OIC’) be a a a C C a a a E a ‘C C a ‘C ‘C CC a . a C) C a Cii a a .- Cl) ci CC ,.) >, ‘C CC C) C C C a C a ‘C C) a ‘C CCEa ‘ a C C a a a LI) L) LI a a C 653 Source:
http://www.doksinet 654 JOURNAL TABLE 9. OF WILDLIFE Reference DISEASES, weights, VOL. 32, NO. 4, OCTOBER hematology and Mean SD serum 1996 chemistry of soot’ tern adults and chicks from Johnston Atoll. Chicks Weight (g) 212a Adults 14 Mean Range it 170-245 35 199 47 SD 12 Range it 170-225 37 Hematology Hematocrit (%) Total (g/dl) solids Lymphocyte 40 (1o:3,.d) 3 .35-50 35 41-55 36 4.1 0.8 2.8-74 35 3.9 3 0.5 2.8-50 36 23.12a 12.08 5.80-5810 35 14.29 8.13 4.34-4140 34 Heterophil (103/p.l) 7.54 4.32 0.97-2164 35 5.25 2.65 2.20-1471 34 Monocyte (1034m,l) 0.40 0.56 0.00-242 35 0. 17 0.17 0.00-072 34 Eosinophil (104i.l) 1.67 1.36 0.05-650 35 1.23 0.93 0.10-394 34 0.26 0.23 0.00-080 35 0.27 0.21 0.00-079 34 32.99a 15.58 7.48-8082 35 21.22 8.99 6.78-4928 34 Basophil Total (103/.el) white cells (1&3/p.l) Chemistry Glucose (mgldl) Calcium (mg/dl) Phosphorus Uric
224 (mg/dl) acid (mg/dl) Protein 44 114-292 24 12.P 1.5 7.1-142 24 15.6a 4.5 9.3-252 24 3.9 10.7 7.9 3.9-296 24 12.3 3.6 0.5 2.5-45 24 3.3 (g/dl) 267 54 9.4 201-387 11 7.7-111 12 1.7 1.6-65 12 7.3 4.1-283 12 0.3 2.9-38 11 1.1 Albumin (g/dl) 1.7 0.2 1.2-20 24 1.5 0.2 1.4-18 11 Globulin (gldl) 1.9 0.3 1.3-25 24 1.8 0.2 1.5-22 11 Aspartate aminotransferase (lU/L) 239a 55 125-333 24 178-1,317 24 522 171 315-928 12 Creatinine phosphokinase a Value (lU/L) significantly different significant pairs 0.05 (1989) level iment-wide error when tests. Also, many cited ic serum or many have follow wood et variation, from cies white that great cell test statistical for such data do not (Kirk- trends and of all could orders. species be towards discerned for studied all phosphorus shortly before Laysan albatross speand concen- they juvenile not always appeared to Laysan
those study were shearwaters at least 1 mo differences heterophil concentraage than of Manx were Sileo in shearwater shearwater situ- and Fefer were lower albatross chicks while Hemat- chicks by it 1984). with albatross reported gain al., decreased. wedge-tailed those this glucose increase Hematocrits (1987). in significant, concentrations time losing et while and to chicks begin sampled Although acid, than due (Pettit chicks were of been and fledging were fledging. to 1985; higher have age petrels to uric not al., birds, fledging near counts, are et consistently may and prior ilar (Wolf Procellariiforms as ocnts lymphocyte this sampling. had concentrations 1993). not weight tions Aside of but sampled 9 differences species al., were calcium AST age avian et weights pet- here chicks. adults lower and biologic Except than frigatebirds, counts and 22-239 procellariiform adults
normality distribution all For of greater Such Abelenda hematolog- analytic hematocrits tended in 1995). species adults seen of parametric or nontests accordingly. Yet, of inherent some greater Rice (including to a normal al., chicks. 65 O.(X)3) and than appro- of (P < trations exper- more data noted In spite 12 adults 90 each sequential investigators failed among of for was chemistry always a adjust tables their use statistical parameter one using of 0.05 here), others same analyzing to analyzing and adjust parametric for significance. that adjustment rels, of concluded pnate value when Bonferroni 237 between parameters the across than difference of at 487k’ and chicks Source: http://www.doksinet WORK-WEIGHTS, (Puffinus (Kirkwood pufjinus) Hematocrits of adults were stormy petrel petrel similar (Myrcha to adults and et al., and those to Manx chicks (Kirkwood et a!.,
procellariiform chicks of than 1980). higher form birds total protein, trend was an albumin conce chicks had count, and greater basophil tropical lower monocyte, protein phosphorus concentration, but and and counts pelican fledglings 1985), tropical pelecaniform glucose, acid concentrations. bies had bumin Adult but compared north Atlantic gannets et a!. , 1974). lecaniform Wolf et bird adults For blood group. samples species. difference two in not at Tern the results encountered Island handling of blood and trace between phosphokinase of detection account low in high al., or female ( Phalacrocorax and glucose 2 wk in from 1994. apart 1993, The out in a similar inability or Laysan on Tern seasonal We and fashion birds were all would not be or food albatrosses Laysan sam- 2 wk apart et be- presumably (Abelenda et during processed dayin islands. urnal variation (Rehder
variation in sample storage location val- pool interval would variation on and to and Kauai sampled samples existed chicks sampling islands al., concentrations. and short two et albumin albatross Midway the in or to frigatebirds also my in cormorants female lower frigatebirds noted pelecaniform Compared variation from sex. breed- (Balasch or by of fri- been great protein Geographic ues and Mac- in adult 1985). male and evidenced lower greater with carho) adult higher 1994) had values other et was et al., inaccormicki) has of males ing (Larus protein, adult calcium (Wolf al., 1993) light hours any gnlls (Balasch chemistry adult tween rule either and frigatebirds trations protein significantly females 1974), a!., than also (Catharacta birds in lower albumin, than and female pled Johnston for to Creatinine trop- tents varied notably, ing had et 1993). Hematology gatebirds
sampled hemolysis chemistry was limit frigate- from unable the 1974; of the I was sites. below many accounting adults et al., Islands delayed serum This from other the of al., and samples thus size pe- hematocrits. underwent clotting, (Bal- et sooty skuas (Rosa had bassana) tropicbird higher hemat- to captive reasons, 1995 sample values 1985), al- adult (Balasch had adult in while this a!., booand captive Compared unknown ichird atoll (Sum adults uric greater to Cormick’s Most Rosa concentrations breeding globulin, greater protein, concentrations, a!., had red-footed glucose, values et albumin, but ocrit to chicks concentrations, lower Compared (Wolf protein, AST calcium . brown and cell adults uric acid, concentrations AST 1974; 1980; black-headed or herring gulls Adult calcium, ( Melrose et al., concentrations common 1974). white tern phosphorus (Len- pelecaniform
concentrations lower ridibundus) decreased. fledglings 1992), adult hematocrits (Balasch 1987; Sooty age gnlls, Kostelecka-Myrcha, albumin and char- and higher auks and to skuas had little as lit- argentatus) Compared terns, adults for and with cormorant tern 1993). (1985) globulin, ntration fuscescens) Nicol, a!. (Pelecanus increased to black-faced rho asch et pelicans concentration Compared and Wolf brown in such (Larus 1985). Kostelecka-Myrcha, con- analyte chicks gnlls al., adult Myrcha hematocrit, of this 655 (Kostelecka-Myrcha, alle) herring et except pelecani- globulin hematocrit, protein coca in and age. in in increase with that occk/entalis), but observed albumin, centrations found and (Jeffrey sooty only SEABIRDS chicks had lower hematocrit, and uric acid concentrations (Plautus adriiform baso- size charadriiform auks 1987) total samples other tle tropical and low OF
TROPICAL species. Sooty tern glucose and counts. The the Wilson’s 1995), CHEMISTRY several shearwaters eosinophil, SERUM for oceanicus) had lymphocyte, phil 1995). Kostelecka-Myrcha, compared AND shearwater (Oceanites When white, HEMATOLOGY, Hence, di- al., 1982) (Hochleithner, a likely cause. sources were Forag- possible or Source: http://www.doksinet 656 JOURNAL causes of islands OF WILDLIFE different islands were birds and from Laysan and glucose from Tern mined a (Sileo that both greater between uted, between In frigate- Tern species than interisland by in Fefer, this ability in at and the those and contami- However, healthy lead my including bird with should contaminant in birds have hematology and of van- chemistry variation could of the differences adult albatross I sland, Laysan on protein, hematocnit, increased They a et a!. to fairly noted acid, tora- phosphorus
period of December this foraging be Nishimoto Scott Henderson proventriculus and along common when to see whereas and this Tern. island for lead regurgiMidway Seasonal the on noted a 24% February by adults in 1994. loss could start mid-May; of ac- Laysan 104A: was Cathleen staff enough Hodges at Haleato let me banding who and Kaneo- expeditions. analyzed Gallagher albatross who analyzed L. cranes PUERTA. (Grus PALOMEQUE, M. of some L. JIMENEZ. great L. 1993. grus) Blood by age and and PhysiolS. PALACIOS, flying Mus- Hematological 1974. and aquatic Biochemistry diving and Physiology In Avian medicine: 137-145. T. 1994. Hematology. and application, Harrison, and L. Lake Worth, W. analysis W. in Sons, New R. the pp. health H. the A foundation John HILLIGOSS. furnace method in blood Cvov for and Wiley 734 pp. York, D. of lead and J. G. Wingers, 176-198. sciences. New
Ritchie, V. (eds.) Biostatistics: York, graphite B. Harrison Florida, 1987. F. J, AND photometry FISHER, J. A FERNANDEZ, MuN0Z-PuLID0, Biochemistry Principles DANIEL, A. R. M. Comparative cation in attrib- NAVA, AND AND mination alba- P. CITED 575-578. J., J BALASCH, proved (1967) incubation this onto Comparative FERNANDEZ, albatross Fisher in Midway, ALONSO, of common season. CAMPBELL, adults of on me Sue M. BAUTISTA, 49A: Tern could also exin the former weight weight from until pre-laying and solids and Chris on Johnston help on Kauai, allowing petrel J. C birds. Midway variation lower Midway versus refuges, assistance Smith M., QuERA, Laysan on remote assistance for her chemistries. Thanks also to Mike Samuel Tim Ragen for statistical consultation. Creekmore, Laurie Baetten, F. Josh David Phalen, Mark Pokras, and anon>reviewers all kindly provided constructive comments on the manuscript. Finally,
much of this work would not have been possible without the assistance of the Hawaii Department of Agriculture who graciously provided laboratory ogy It on on un- serum and Lynn Dein, mous values to adults in adults island their Milt for M. increased event albumin explained 1994) higher total adults tross rare Laysan groups. count a High and could be (Hochleithner, plain the two was the for ALONSO, feed 1994). apprehended in kind Viernes for on to values tate not chicks. LITERATURE moltlikely (Hochleithner, had of incubation Marine Corps Air Station. the resource management National Park were kind ABELENDA, to more re- space. to a combination would just to Bob Dusek and Bob Ravalued assistance in the field. to Ken McDermond for per- his June and stress on had sea and feed work through stage, Adults acid and (1985) and the Midway uric for Island uric reproductive full serum Mike tag pre-
albuminlglobulin attributed on have Tern calcium, physiology. chicks account between pelicans, from of weather, was Wolf November, May. for Kathleen Thanks values post-incubating albumin, all ing on versus brown tio, also seen Midway. adult through to blood Seasonal tal to Depkin Atoll, and kala elimi- as a source open care. sampled October prolonged foraging mission he un- of albatrosses. in the of parental adults in I am grateful meyer for their Thanks are due have Midway the rigors ACKNOWLEDGMENTS one values the Laysan from historically albatross from blood nated that and dergone toward has 1987) 1985). adults to heavier turned may bias hematologic samples nesting in part, contrast, undeter- variation exposure affect detectable with sample problem (Lumeij, many 1996 solids total of albatrosses lead can only both concentrations and nant had for 32, NO. 4, OCTOBER island.
sex, been in island caused Also, values consistent case sex. VOL. differences albatrosses the been blood Interestingly, . In DISEASES, 1982. for using platform. An the matrix Atomic im- determodifiSpectro- 3:130-131 I. 1967. Body weights in Laysan alba- Source: http://www.doksinet WORK-WEIGHTS, trosses, Diomedea HEMATOLOGY, The immutabilis. Ibis AND SERUM 109: cens. 373-382. FLEET, H. R. 1974. atoll. American D.C, The red-tailed Ornithological Ornithologists 64 on No. Union, of K. A. NAGY. free-living 1984. sooty Flight terns. The lar ener- Auk H., AND on Condor M. the FRINGS. 1961. albatrosses of Some 101: Atoll. C. history S. Press, C. of conservation. Ithaca, HAWKEY, Seabirds 1990. and New M., York, AND T. Hawaii, Cornell 249 B. natural Biochemistries. Itt Avian and application, B. V Ritchie, G J Harrison, and L. R Harrison (eds.) Wingers, Lake Worth, Florida, pp. 223-245
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