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Source: http://www.doksinet Kidney International, Vol. 54 (1998), pp 672– 677 International Society of Nephrology Membership Any member of a national society of nephrology is eligible for proposal to membership in the International Society of Nephrology and receipt of the Society’s official Journal, Kidney International. A subscription to Kidney International (including all Supplements) for calendar year 1998 is included in the annual 1998 dues of US $120.00 Potential members can secure application forms for membership by writing directly to Dr. William E Mitch, Treasurer, International Society of Nephrology, Emory University, Renal Division, WMB Room 338, 1639 Pierce Drive, Atlanta, GA 30322, USA. (Checks must be made payable to the International Society of Nephrology. Checks from outside the USA can be paid through any United States bank.) ISN World Wide Web Page The ISN Computerized Information Committee cochaired by Drs. Kim Solez (Edmonton) and Zal Agus (Philadelphia) is

maintaining and updating the ISN Home Page on the World Wide Web. This Home Page describes ISN programs, lists officers, councilors and members of the Commission for Developing Countries, and supplies general information regarding ISN membership and subscription to Kidney International. The uniform resource locators (URLs) for the Web Page are: Canada: United Kingdom: hispathcamacuk/ mirrors/isn/000i0000.htm Guidelines for sponsorship of symposia, postgraduate courses, or workshops by the International Society of Nephrology The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) encourages the organizers of scientific symposia, postgraduate courses, or workshops to apply to the Society for sponsorship. ISN sponsorship will provide: (1) use of the Society’s name as a sponsor or co-sponsor; (2) announcement of the meeting in Kidney International, contingent upon the receipt of written information in the Editorial office at least 6 months in advance of the meeting; (3) the

possibility of partial financial support. Applications must include the following information: (1) the topic, purpose, location and date(s) of the meeting; (2) the names and titles of the members of the scientific organizing committee; (3) a list of all co-sponsoring institutions, if any, and sources of financial support; (4) the total revenue and expense budget for the proposed meeting, by major category; (5) the names and institutions of origin of all invited speakers, and their topics; (6) a statement as to whether manuscripts will be solicited from invited speakers, or free communications sought from others; (7) an expression of willingness to include the following acknowledgment on all publications: ‘‘. was held under the auspices of the International Society of Nephrology.’’ These guidelines do not apply to satellite symposia to be held in close proximity to a biennial Congress. Furthermore, the ISN will not sponsor or co-sponsor any regularly scheduled or routine

international, national, or regional meeting, nor will it co-sponsor postgraduate courses with other international societies or groups. Applications for sponsorship must be submitted directly to Kiyoshi Kurokawa, M.D, Tokai University School of Medicine, Bohseidai, Isehara-shi, Kanagawa 259-11, Japan. Tel: (81) 463 93 1121 Ext 2111/Fax: (81) 463 93 1130/Email: kurokawa@is.iccu-tokaiacjp ISN Archives Dr. Leon Fine has accepted the responsibility of maintaining the Archives of the International Society of Nephrology The Archives consist of photographs, announcements, activities, and names of Council Members and Officers of the Society. Relevant information, documents, or photographs that are pertinent to the development and evolution of the ISN are assembled in the Archives. Members of the ISN or other readers of Kidney International having such material are requested to forward it to Dr. Fine at the following address: Leon G Fine, FRCP, F.ACP, FRCP (Glasg), Professor of Medicine and

Head of the Department, Chairman, Division of Medicine, University College London Medical School, The Rayne Institute, 5 University Street, London WC1B 6JJ, United Kingdom. MEETINGS The 12th Asian Colloquium in Nephrology will be held August 5– 8, 1998, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The colloquium will incorporate a seminar for renal nurses There will also be an advanced course in nephrology on August 3–5, 1998, co-sponsored by the American Society of Nephrology and the Malaysian Society of Nephrology. For further information, contact the Colloquium Secretariat, AOS Convention Sdn. Bhd, No 39 & 40 C, Jalan Mamanda 9, Ampang Point, 68000 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, 672 Source: http://www.doksinet International Society of Nephrology Malaysia. Telephone: 60-(0)3-4529100; FAX: 60-(0)34529800/451/4001; E-mail: aos@aosttpomy; Website: www msn.orgmy The VIIIth Congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) will be held in Seoul, Korea on August 23–26, 1998. For

further information, contact Dr Hi Bahl Lee, Hyonam Kidney Laboratory, Soon Chun Hyang University, 657 Hannam Dong, Yongsan Koo, Seoul 140-743, Korea. Telephone: 82-2-709-9171; FAX: 82-2-7925812; E-mail: hblee@koreacom; Internet: http://koreacom The Ninth International Congress on Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal Disease will be held August 29 –September 1, 1998 at the Hofburg Congress Center, Vienna, Austria. Topics will include: metabolic impact of renal replacement therapy; exercise and rehabilitation in uremia and after kidney transplantation; molecular genetics of lipid metabolism in uremia; micronutrients in renal disease; nitric oxide and arginine metabolism in renal disease; nephrotic syndrome (metabolism in dietary management); calcium metabolism and novel vitamin D analogues; muscle wasting in uremia; molecular genetics of homocysteine metabolism; insulin resistance; growth factors in renal disease; and metabolic impact of acute renal failure. The attendance is expected to

be 500 – 600 individuals from throughout the world. The conference will be held in English, with some simultaneous translation. For more information, contact Springer-Verlag KGCongresses; Sachsenplatz 4-6, A-1201 Vienna, Austria. Telephone: 143/1/330 24 15-238; FAX: 143/1/330 24 26-260 The 5th Franz Volhard Symposium on “Twigs and BranchesMechanisms of Vessel Formation” will be held on September 3– 6, 1998 in Gross Doelln (near Berlin), Germany. The symposium will focus on the molecular mechanisms that play a role in blood vessel formation; the problems and possibilities of influencing vascular networks in the clinical setting will be addressed. The participation of researchers in the areas of endothelial cell differentiation, tube formation, branching, and network formation is particularly solicited. The symposium will address issues such as: the reasons why blood vessels in ischemic tissues do not form readily despite appropriate signals; the ways in which malignant tumors

sustain themselves and how this process could be attenuated; and how and why vascular formation takes place in chronic inflammatory disease. For further information, contact Hermann Haller, M.D, Franz Volhard Clinic, Wiltberg Strasse 50, D-13122 Berlin, Germany Phone: 49-30-9417-2203; fax: 49-30-9417-2206; e-mail:; Website: http://wwwfvk-berlinde The Fifth Budapest Nephrology Summer School will be held on September 11–18, 1998 in Budapest, Hungary. This session is designed as an in-depth review of current issues in nephrology and dialysis. Two workshops will be incorporated into the program, entitled, “An Introduction to the Application of Molecular Biology in Nephrology,” and “Workshop of Renal Pathology.” Teachers will be faculty 673 members of Semmelweis, Toronto, Vanderbilt, Yale and Heidelberg Universities. The session is sponsored by the Hungarian Kidney Foundation and other organizations. A limited number of grants is available, based on

financial need; inquiries about grants should be addressed to Professor Laszlo Rosivall, Semmelweis University of Medicine (E-mail: ROSLASZ@net.sotehu) For further information about the program, contact Shahrokh MirzaHosseini, M.Sc, MD, PhD, Coordinator, Semmelweis University of Medicine, Department of Pathophysiology, Nagyvarad ter 4, 1089, Budapest, Hungary. Fax: 136-1-2100-100; E-mail: shahos@net.sotehu The Third BANTAO Congress (Balkan Cities Association of Nephrology, Dialysis, Transplantation and Artificial Organs) will be held September 18 –20, 1998 in Belgrade Yugoslavia, followed by the Sixth Yugoslav Congress of Nephrology (September 20 –22, 1998). For further information, contact Nada Dimkovic, MD, PhD, Institute for Renal Diseases, Zvezdara University Hospital, D. Tucovica 161, 11 000 Belgrade, Yugoslavia. E-mail: dim@EUnetyu; Website: http://www.bantaocoyu The Congress for Nephrology 1998 (the 29th Congress of the Society for Nephrology and the 31st Annual Meeting of

the German Study Group for Clinical Nephrology) will take place September 19 –22, 1998 in the municipal hall of Erlangen, Germany. For further information, contact: MCN Medizinische Congressorganisation Nürnberg GmbH, Wielandstr. 6, D-90419 Nürnberg, Germany Telephone: 09 11/39 31 60; Fax: 09 11/33 1204; e-mail: mcn@mcn-nuernberg. de; Website: http://www.mcnnuernbergde The 16th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Blood Purification will be held October 4 – 6, 1998, in Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Planned topics for symposia include: new directions in pre-ESRD therapies; current thinking about diabetes in renal failure; and the influence of a changing health care infrastructure on the management of kidney failure patients. There also be free communications and poster presentations For further information contact Michael J. Lysaght, PhD, PO Box 2480, Providence, Rhode Island, 02906, USA Telephone: (401) 8637512; FAX: (401) 863-1753; e-mail: ISBP98@Brownedu; Internet:

http://www.ISBPorg The International Symposium on Lipids and Renal Disease will be held on October 8 –11, 1998 in Kashikojima, Ise Shima National Park, Japan. Topics to be covered include: lipids and progressive renal disease (a review); lipids as a risk factor for renal disease; mechanisms of lipid-induced renal injury; treatment of dyslipidemia in patients with renal disease; and future clinical direction. For further information, contact Susumu Yukawa, M.D, Department of Medicine, Wakayama Medical College, Wakayama, Japan. Telephone: 81 734-31-2151; Fax: 81 734-26-2119; E-mail: mmune@wakayama-med.acjp The 11th International Conference on Psychonephrology will be held October 9 –11, 1998 in New York City, USA. Source: http://www.doksinet 674 International Society of Nephrology This meeting is devoted to psychosocial and ethical issues related to patients with kidney failure and the medical professionals caring for these patients. There will be plenary sessions, concurrent

large sessions, and small group discussions. Topics to be covered include: voluntary withdrawal from dialysis; quality of life issues, differences in cultural perspectives, and the question of whether there should be living unrelated donors. Free Communications abstracts of 300 words or less should be received by the conference coordinator no later than August 1, 1998. For further information, contact Norman B. Levy, MD, Department of Psychiatry, Coney Island Hospital, 2601 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, New York 11235, USA. FAX: (718) 616-5314. The Second Croatian Congress of Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplantation will be held October 21–25, 1998 in Dubrovnik, Croatia. For further information contact Prim S. Glavas̆-Boras, MD, PhD, Congress Secretary, Dialysis Centre, Urology Department, University Hospital CentreZagreb, 12, Kis̆paticeva, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. Telephone: 1385 1 212 517 or 1385 1 2333 233/497; FAX: 1385 1 216 088. Forefronts in Nephrology: Ion Channelopathies:

Hereditary Dysfunction of Ion Channels Ion Channelopathies: Hereditary Dysfunction of Ion Channels, a joint meeting of the International Society of Nephrology and the American Society of Nephrology, will be held October 28 –31, 1998 in Skytop, Pennsylvania, USA. Specific topics include: Mechanisms of ion channel dysfunction; defective ion channel molecular complexes and accessory subunit dysfunction; disorders involving abnormal ion channel assembly, trafficking, and targeting; role of ion channel defects in disorders with complex or multisystem pathophysiology; and therapeutic strategies in the ion channelopathies. Proceedings of this meeting will be published as a Symposium issue of Kidney International For more information regarding meeting registration, abstract submission, and applications for young investigator/trainee travel grants, please contact Neely Nichols. Telephone: 202-8571190; FAX: 202-223-4579; E-mail: neely nichols@dcsbacom The Sixth International Congress of the

Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation will be held November 13–16, 1998 in Karachi, Pakistan, followed by the Third International Symposium on Urology, Nephrology and Transplantation of the Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT) on November 16 –18, 1998, also in Karachi, Pakistan. Plenary sessions, symposia, discussions, and free communications (oral and poster) are planned, as well as workshops and courses. The abstract and registration deadlines have been extended to August 31, 1998 For further information, contact: Secretariat, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation (SIUT), Dow Medical College and Civil Hospital, Karachi-74200, Pakistan. Telephone: (92-21) 7730351, 7730387, 7724922, and 7728998; FAX: (92-21) 7737436 and 7766212. E-mail: info@siutorg or symp@siut.khisknpkundoorg Website: http://wwwsiutorg Nephrologisches Jahresgespräch 1998 will be held November 14 and 15, 1998 at the Dorint Kongresszentrum Rosengarten, Mannheim, Germany. For

further information, contact: Deutsche Dialysegesellschaft niedergelassener Ärzte e.V, Postfach 132 304, 42050 Wuppertal, Germany Telephone: (149) 202/248450; FAX: (149) 202/2484560 The 11th Berliner Dialyseseminar will be held on December 4 –5, 1998 in Berlin, Germany. The main purpose of the meeting is to provide basic knowledge of the field of renal replacement therapy. There will be only invited lectures For further information, contact Prof. Dr med Klaus Schaefer, St. Joseph-KrankenhausMed Abt II, Bäumerplan 24, 12101 Berlin, Germany Telephone: 03078822379; Fax: 0307882-2669 Renal Tubular Cells in Cultures: Tools for the Study of Tubulo-Interstitial Function in Health and Disease will be held on December 4 –5, 1998 at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. The meeting, for which attendance will be limited to 150, will be held under the auspices of the International Society of Nephrology. The program will consist of keynote lectures and poster sessions, covering diverse

aspects of human renal tubular epithelial cell/fibroblast culture, with an emphasis on current methodological aspects of primary cell culture, usefulness of permanent cell lines/non-human primaries, new research techniques in cell culture (oligodeoxynucleotides, perfusion cultures, genetically modified cells) and recent pathophysiological insights into tubulointerstitial inflammation and fibrosis based on in vitro studies. Presentations and abstracts will be published in a special edition of the Journal of Experimental Nephrology/Journal of Renal Cell Biology. The deadline for abstracts is August 31, 1998. For further information and attendance applications, contact Prof. ME De Broe, University Hospital Antwerp, Department of Nephrology, Wilrijkstraat 10, B-2650 Edegem/Antwerpen, Belgium. Telephone: 1 32/3/821-3421; Fax 1 32/3/829-0100; E-mail: nephro@uia.usacbe The Second Finlayson Colloquium on Urolithiasis will be held on January 29 –31, 1999, at the University of Florida,

Gainesville, Florida, USA. The program will focus on five topics: sites and mechanisms of crystal and stone formation, crystal/tissue interactions, modulators of crystallization; oxalate and its transport; and lithotripsy and other therapies. Symposia followed by roundtable discussions will be the format of the program. Presentations will be by invitation only. For further information, contact Saeed R. Khan, PhD, Professor of Pathology, Department of Pathology, Box 100275, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA. Telephone: (352) 392-3473; Fax: (352) 846-0155; E-mail: mirza.pathology@ mail.healthufledu Pediatric Nephrology Seminar XXVI: Millennium Mandate will be held February 26 –March 2, 1999 in Miami Beach, Florida, USA. Dr José Strauss is the Program Chairman Source: http://www.doksinet International Society of Nephrology Topics tentatively scheduled for presentation are: newborn renal/genitourinary disorders; mineral metabolism; nephrotic

syndrome, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; growth issues; and chronic renal failure and end stage renal disease. For further information, contact: Dr José Strauss, University of Miami School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Nephrology, P.O Box 016960 (R-131), Miami, Florida, 33101. Telephone: (305) 585-6726; FAX: (305) 547-1709. The Seventh European Meeting on Cardionephrology, sponsored by the Italian Society of Nephrology and of Cardiology, will be held April 15–17, 1999 in Assisi, Italy. Topics will include: hypertension and cardiorenal disease in women; ischemic heart disease in dialysis patients; cardiac change in glomerulonephritis and in polycystic kidney disease; proteinuria and the risk of cardiovascular disorders; cardiac derangement in diabetic nephropathy; cardiac and renal change in the edema syndrome; heart disease, hypertension and ischemic nephropathy; dialysis for congestive heart failure; and cardiovascular complications of renal

transplantation. Organizing committee: M Timio, V. Wizemann, F Bjork, F Locatelli, H Eliahou For further information, contact Prof. Mario Timio, MD, Meeting President, Department of Nephrology & Dialysis, Ospedale di Foligno, Via dell’Ospedale, 06034 Foligno, Italy. Telephone: 039-742-339760; FAX: 039-742-339310 XVth International Congress of Nephrology Buenos Aires, Argentina The XVth International Congress of Nephrology and the XIth Latin American Congress of Nephrology will be held on May 2– 6, 1999 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, sponsored by the International Society of Nephrology, the Latin American Society of Nephrology and Hypertension, and the Argentinean Society of Nephrology. The scientific program will have five main themes: hormones and the kidney; non-immune injury of the kidney and repair; dialysis; diabetes and the kidney; and renal transplantation. Symposia will be held on a variety of topics: hemolytic uremic syndrome; renal development; mechanisms of glomerular

diseases, channel transporters, polycystic kidney disease, infectious disease and the kidney; nephrology in the intensive care unit; renal vascular diseases; aging and the kidney; renal stone diseases; neonatal nephrology; emerging approaches to the treatment of renal diseases; and others. During the meeting a number of basic science sessions will be offered for research scientists, fellows, and interested clinical nephrologists. Continuing medical education (CME) courses will also be offered, in Spanish and English, on several topics, including: molecular biology for the clinician; metabolic bone disease; urinary tract infections; water, acid-base and electrolyte disorders; management of hypertension in renal patients; vascular access complications; chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis; and treatment, quality and outcome in dialysis. After the main 675 congress, satellite symposia will be held in Buenos Aires and other locations, giving attendees the opportunity to enjoy Argentina

and the neighboring countries of Latin America. The ISN will offer 120 travel grants in the amount of $1,000 US for young physicians and scientists who are submitting abstracts. Deadline for abstracts is November 9, 1998. For further information and abstract forms, contact the Secretariat of the XVth ICN, Ayacucho 937 1° “G”, 1111 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Telephone/Fax: 541-8121021; E-mail: Bayfem@ibmnet The 8th European Symposium on Urolithiasis will be held June 9 –12, 1999 in Parma, Italy. Topics to be covered include: genetic aspects, dietary factors, economic impact, medical treatment, role of tubular cells, macromolecular inhibitors, stone related diseases, endourology, ESWL, and residual fragments. For further information contact Professor Loris Borghi, Institute of Semeiotica Medica, University of Parma, Via Gramsci, 14-43100 Parma, Italy Telephone: (39) 521 991007; Fax: (39) 521 940993 Forefronts in Nephrology: News in Aldosterone Action News in Aldosterone Action, a

Forefronts in Nephrology meeting sponsored by the International Society of Nephrology, will be held August 15–18, 1999 in the Château de Montvillargenne, Paris-Chantilly, France. Topics will include: mineralocorticoid receptors, transcriptional regulation, mineralocorticoid selectivity, transgenic models, physiological effects in target epithelia, non-epithelial targets, non-genomic actions, genetics, pathophysiology and pharmacology. The organizers and scientific committee are: Nicolette Farman (INSERM, Paris, France), François Verrey (University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland), Haim Garty (Weizman Institute, Israel), John Funder (Baker Medical Research Institute, Australia), and Bernard Rossier (University of Lausanne, Switzerland). An international group of experts will present their research, and additional oral and poster presentations will be chosen from submitted abstracts on the basis of scientific merit and innovation. The maximum number of participants is 150;

travel grants are available to young investigators. For further information, contact Dr. Nicolette Farman, Aldo99 Meeting office. Telephone: 33 1 4485 6320; FAX: 33 1 4429 1644; E-mail: u478@bichat.insermfr or farman@bichat; Website: http://wwwunizhch/physiol/aldo99 The XXXIVth International Congress of Physiological Sciences, entitled “From Molecule to Malady” (A congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences) will be held August 26 –September 1, 2001 in Christchurch, New Zealand. The congress will emphasize pathophysiology, particularly modern molecular approaches to integretive biology For further information contact The Conference Company, P.O Box 90-040, Auckland, New Zealand; Internet: http;// www.iups2001orgnz Source: http://www.doksinet 676 International Society of Nephrology National Societies The Secretary General of the International Society of Nephrology is endeavoring to bring the Society’s list of national societies up-to-date. Many

such national societies are not affiliated with the ISN or their affiliation has lapsed. To retain their affiliated status and to vote at the General Assembly, a list of individual members is required to be sent annually. Secretaries of national societies therefore are asked to provide the Secretary General with the address to which correspondence should be sent, together with a list of their officers and individual members, and a formal application for affiliation where this has lapsed. Please send these to Jan J. Weening, MD, Academic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. CME COURSE The 13th Comprehensive Nephrology Review Course, offered by the University of California at Los Angeles, will be held October 2– 8, 1998 in Beverly Hills, California, USA. The course will include presentations on: dialysis; mineral metabolism; acute renal failure and hypertension; transplantation; fluid, electrolytes and acid base; tubule and the interstitium, progression

of renal disease-uremia; and the glomerulopathies (2 parts). The Office of Continuing Medical Education, UCLA School of Medicine, designates this continuing medical education activity for up to 44.5 hours in Category I credit towards the AMA Physician’s Recognition Award. For further information, contact: Sheryl Crowley, Program Manager, Comprehensive Nephrology Review Course, Office of CME, UCLA School of Medicine, 10920 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1060, Los Angeles, California, USA 90024-6512. Telephone: (310) 794-2620; FAX: (310) 794-2624. BOOKS RECEIVED South Asian Renal Disease; Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Nephrology, Urology and Transplant Society of SAARC Countries, 18th–20th February, 1997, Dhaka, Bangladesh, edited by Harun-Ur-Rashid. Dhaka, Asian Colour Printing, 1998, 332 pages. ISBN 984-310058-1 This proceedings volume is divided into 13 sections devoted to a variety of topics: glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, diabetic nephropathy,

hypertension, urinary tract infection, renal stone disease, carcinoma of renal tract, disease related to prostate, tropical renal disease, acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, dialysis, and renal transplantation. Nephrology, by Dr. Laurence Baker, London, Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1998, 166 pages. ISBN 1 85941 025 1 This book is devoted to medical-legal issues pertinent to renal disease. It explains basic principles of nephrology in layman’s terms, describes and discusses many illustrative medical case reports and includes appropriate legal commentary. Current Therapy in Nephrology and Hypertension, 4th edition, edited by Richard J. Glassock, St Louis, Mosby, 1998. ISBN 0-8151-3733-8 This textbook is designed to provide practical, concise accounts of current approaches to various clinical situations. There are 432 pages; the 74 chapters, by over 100 contributors, are categorized into 21 sections. AWARDS AND GRANTS International Fellowship Training Awards The International

Society of Nephrology announces the establishment of an International Fellowship Training Program to provide training in clinical nephrology to physicians from developing countries. It is the objective of this program to support the growth of nephrology in developing countries through an educational program that admits qualified applicants to clinical training in recognized nephrology programs around the world, and then to return to their home country to practice and/or teach. In unique circumstances, applicants who wish basic research training may be considered if the environment in the home country will permit continued research upon the completion of training. The guidelines for application are as follows: (1) Fellowship awards will be made only to physicians from developing countries. (2) Applicants must provide evidence of acceptance into a recognized and suitable training program before the award can be granted. (3) The Fellow must return to his or her home country upon

completion of approved training. (4) The Fellow must provide evidence of a guaranteed position in a medical institution upon return to the home country. (5) Fellows will receive a stipend from the Society such that, taking into account the home country and/or the host institution support that they may have, they achieve a $22,500 US revenue. (6) Fellows must be able to read and speak the language of the host country. An interview may be required to assess verbal fluency. (7) Fellowships will be offered primarily for clinical training of one to two years duration. (8) Clinical training programs should be practical in their orientation, and applicable to the needs and conditions of the home country. The ability of the host institution to provide such training will be an important factor in the selection process. (9) Fellows must have received sufficient training in internal medicine or other fields to pass all host country examinations that are necessary to the care of patients.

Fellowships may be awarded to senior individuals who seek additional training but, in Source: http://www.doksinet 677 International Society of Nephrology general, preference will be given to younger physicians who are at the beginning of their permanent careers. (10) Specific instructions and the necessary application forms can be obtained by writing directly to Jan J. Weening, M.D, Academic Medical Center, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Scholarships in the History of Nephrology The International Society of Nephrology Commission on the History of Nephrology is soliciting applications for four scholarships ($500 US) to support short studies on the history of Nephrology by students, junior physicians or junior scientists. Applications, including a Curriculum Vitae, a one-page description of the project, and the name of a supervisor, should be sent to: Professor L.G Fine, Chairman, ISN Commission on the History of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University

College London Medical School, 5 University Street, London, WC1E 6JJ, UK. Telephone: 0171 209 6186; Fax: 0171 209 6211; E-mail: l.fine@uclacuk Charles E. Culpeper Foundation Scholarships in Medical Science The Charles E. Culpeper Foundation is currently accepting applications for its 1999 Scholarships in Medical Science Program designed to support the career development of academic physicians. Up to four awards of $100,000 per year for three years will be made to United States medical schools on behalf of candidates who are U.S citizens or aliens who have been granted permanent U.S residence (proof required), have received their M.D degree from a U.S medical school in 1990 or later (except under extraordinary circumstances), and are judged worthy of support by virtue of the quality of their research proposals. All scientific research relevant to human health is eligible for consideration. No institution may nominate more than one candidate. In selecting awardees, emphasis will be on

identifying young physicians with clear potential for making substantial contributions to science as academic physicians. Since January 1988, 33 physicians have been selected as Charles E. Culpeper Foundation Medical Scholars The deadline for applications is August 14, 1998. Awards will be announced in January 1999, for activation on or about July 1, 1999. For more information and application forms, contact: the Charles E. Culpeper Foundation at Financial Centre, 695 East Main Street, Stamford, CT 06901-2155. Telephone: 203/975-1240;FAX: 203/975-1847; website: www. FOR SUBMISSION OF MANUSCRIPTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS New manuscripts and related editorial correspondence for Kidney International should be sent to: Saulo Klahr, M.D Editor, Kidney International Barnes-Jewish Hospital, North Campus Department of Medicine 216 South Kingshighway St Louis, Missouri 63110 USA Telephone numbers for the Editorial Office are: (314) 454-8919 (314) 454-8916 (314) 454-7107 The FAX number is

(314) 454-8907. E-mail correspondence may be sent to: snewell@imgate.wustledu NEW INSTRUCTIONS FOR ABSTRACTS ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPTS TO Authors preparing manuscripts for submission to Kidney International should note that beginning with the July 1998 issue, the abstract will consist of four paragraphs labeled Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. ERRATUM PLUM J, LORDNEJAD MR, GRABENSEE B: Effect of alternative peritoneal dialysis solutions on cell viability, apoptosis/ necrosis and cytokine expression in human monocytes. Kidney Int 54:224 –235, 1998 In Figure 2 of the article cited above, the pH values for Glu-poly/PBS and Glu/Lac were transposed in the bar plot in the lower half of the figure. The pH for Glu-poly/PBS should have been 7.4 and that for Glu/Lac 55 The Editors regret the error