Information Technology | Artificial Intelligence » Mcgill Artificial Intelligence Society

 2017 · 7 page(s)  (3 MB)    English    4    July 19 2018  

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Source: http://www.doksinet MCGILL ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SOCIETY Sponsorship Package 2017 Source: http://www.doksinet Letter from the president Dear Prospective Corporate Sponsor, On behalf of the McGill Artificial Intelligence Society (McGill AI), it gives me great pleasure to present to you this unique opportunity to broaden your company’s exposure to and awareness amongst students across all disciplines at McGill University. As a new club emerging during an exciting period of rapid growth and development in the many fields belonging to AI, we have amassed a vast and diversified body of members eager to learn and work in AI. Currently, we have over 200 members from several different faculties representing one of the world’s top universities. The McGill Artificial Intelligence Society takes pride in being a particularly active club. With weekly meetings, tutorials, and talks, as well as HackAI, we provide many opportunities for our members to learn not only about AI but

also about you. At McGill AI, we stress the importance of both theory and practice, fostering well-rounded learning. More importantly, we encourage collaboration and sharing to facilitate accelerated learning and to keep up with the pace of the research and industry around us. The result is a group of knowledgeable, creative, and passionate students who are on their way to making positive contributions to companies like yours. Partnering with McGill AI is a rare opportunity to showcase your company to a group of talented and motivated minds excited at the prospect of working in AI. There are many ways that you can become involved with McGill AI, as will be presented in this package. I hope you will take a moment to consider the promotional opportunities that we have to offer. We look forward to developing and close, mutually-beneficial, and long-lasting partnership with your company. Thank you for your time Warm regards, Theo Szymkowiak President, McGill AI McGill AI Society |

Sponsorship Package | 2017 2 Source: http://www.doksinet About us Our Mission McGill AI’s objective is to foster interest in AI through teaching, sharing, and competition, to connect with industry in a collaborative manner, and to provide a passionate AI community within McGill University that is accessible to all, regardless of background or experience. Who We Are We are a team of over 200 talented McGill students from a myriad of backgrounds. We have members in computer science, engineering, math, physics, cognitive science, bioinformatics, philosophy, economics, and linguistics, among other disciplines. Our common thread is our passion for AI and our motivation to make its study a priority outside of our normal university routines. What We Do We take pride in being an active community. Here are just some of the things we do. • Weekly tutorials/talks • Kaggle competitions • Assist in AI research at McGill • HackAI (our March Hackathon) McGill AI Society | Sponsorship

Package | 2017 3 Source: http://www.doksinet Become a sponsor Get your name out to students (and others) Getting involved with McGill AI is a unique way to get your name out to a large number of enthusiastic and motivated students. Many of the students in our club are interested in someday working in AI in industry. Now is a great chance to develop strong relationships with students who could someday be working with you. As we also flaunt our sponsors with pride, sponsoring us will get your name out to many more within McGill and beyond. Encourage learning We’ve created a community, but we need you to help us thrive. Our sponsors help us in cultivating our environment of high-quality learning and technically-enriching experiences, while also providing inspiration to our members. At McGill AI, however, we learn more than just technical skills Our members also gain practice with invaluable skills including teamwork, organization, planning, time management, and real-world problem

solving. Get involved! At McGill AI, we are not just excited to wear your logo on our hoodies, but also to work with and learn with you. While there is much we can learn from your company, this is not a one-way street if you don’t want it to be. We have many eyes and ears and are always on the lookout for and sharing the newest and coolest ideas in AI, or are even trying to come up with them ourselves. In the rapidly evolving world of AI, some of these ideas might just what you need to implement that next cool idea you have for your own company. McGill AI Society | Sponsorship Package | 2017 4 Source: http://www.doksinet Sponsorship Tiers Logo and link on our website (sponsors page) Company name and logo on select promotional material and social media Opportunity for an info session for your company Access to our members’ resume book Logo printed on club clothing Logo and link on our website (homepage) Logo placed on event banners Three promotional ads on Facebook leading up

to our hackathon in March Logo placed prominently on event banners Logo placed in the header of our presentation slides Company featured in our newsletters (distributed to students and faculty members) Bronze $500 Silver $1500 Gold $2500 Platinum $3500 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Not interested in any of these offerings but still interested in helping us out? No problem! We are also open to setting up custom packages catered to you and your needs. Just get in touch with us using the contact information at the end of this package and we’ll handle the rest. McGill AI Society | Sponsorship Package | 2017 5 Source: http://www.doksinet Our promotional paraphernalia Online • Logo and link on our website (sponsorship page or homepage and sponsorship page) • Promotional ads on social media • Promotional ads in our newsletters Physical • Event banners • Presentation slides •

T-shirts and hoodies • Coffee mugs 6 McGill AI Society | Sponsorship Package | 2017 Source: http://www.doksinet Get in touch with us If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Email keithstrickling (at) gmail (d0t) com Website Facebook 7 McGill AI Society | Sponsorship Package | 2017