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Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar Inhaltsverzeichnis 1) Verbs . 2 a)  Imperative (Befehlsform) . 2  Simple Present . 2  Present Continuous . 2  Past Simple . 3  Past Continuous . 3  Present Perfect Simple . 4  Present Perfect Continuous. 4  Past Perfect Simple . 5  Past Perfect Continuous . 5  Will Future . 5  Will Future “continuous” . 5  Going to Future. 6  Present Simple und Present Continuous mit Zukunftsbedeutung . 6  Future perfect . 6  Future perfect continuous . 6 b) Passive Voice . 7 c) Modal auxiliary verbs . 8 d) If – Sentences . 9 e) Indirect speech (indirect questions, orders, advice, requests) . 10 f) Gerundium (ing- Form) . 11 g) das deutsche „lassen“ . 13 2) Adjectives . 14 a) Comparison. 14 b) Adjektive als Hauptwörter . 14 c) Adverbs . 14 3) Nouns. 16 a) Verneinung und Fragen . 16 b) Genetiv . 16 4) 5) 6) 7) Tenses . 2 Pronouns. 16 a) Prononomina

. 16 b) Relative clauses with relative pronouns . 17 Prepositions . 18 Linkers. 19 Kommasetzung im Englischen . 22 Seite | 1 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar 1) Verbs a) Tenses  Imperative (Befehlsform) Bildung positive Sätze: Infinitive ohne to negative Sätze: do not/ don’t + Infinitive   Open the window, please. Do not park here. Don’t park here Anwendung (wie im Deutschen) um jemanden aufzufordern, etwas zu tun bzw. nicht zu tun  Simple Present Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: Passiv: Infinitiv (he/she/it das s kommt mit!!!) does not/ doesn’t + Infinitive does + Subject + Infinitive am/is/are + past participle     He plays basketball. He doesn’t play basketball. Does he play basketball? I am paid. Anwendung gleich bleibende Zustände (=was immer so ist) und regelmäßige, wiederholte, zeitlos gültige Handlungen und bei Arbeitsplatzbeschreibungen, Organigrammen, Ablauf Prozess, in Schlagzeilen, Politik always  never

 often  rarely  (hardly) ever  sometimes  occasionally  seldom  now and then  generally  normally  regularly  usually  every day/week/month/  on Mondays/ ! Temporalsätze mit Bindewörter: once  as soon as  when (Bezug auf Zukunft) Signalwörter  Present Continuous Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: Passiv: am/is/are + -ing-Form des Verbs  am/is/are + not/ n’t + -ing-Form des Verbs  am/is/are + Subject + -ing-Form des Verbs  am/is/are + being + past participle  She is cooking currently. She isn’t cooking now. Is she cooking? I am being paid. Anwendung vorübergehende, in unmittelbarer Gegenwart ablaufende Handlungen und Situationen + häufig bei Pläne (konkrete zeitliche Abmachungen) mit Zeitangabe auf Zukunftsbezug + neu bzw. temporär Ausnahmen kein progressive bei static verbs (drücken keine dynamische und bewusst ausgeführte Handlung aus)       Sinneswahrnehmung: feel (anfühlen,

meinen), look (aussehen), smell (riecht), hear, see (sehen), taste (schmecken) Emotionen: admire, adore, appreciate, care for, care about, detest, fear, like, loathe, mind, want, etc. geistige Tätigkeit: agree, assume, believe, expect, forget, know, mean, perceive, remember, think Besitz: belong, have, owe, own, possess Zustand: account for, amount to, appear (scheinen), concern, consist, depend, involve, keep, say Hilfsverben: be (permanent), have (nur Besitz d.h dynamisch bei “She’s having a bath”) at present  just now  at the moment  currently  now  right now  look!  listen! ! Ausdruck von Ärger und Ungeduld: always  constantly  forever Signalwörter Seite | 2 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar  Past Simple Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: Passiv: Infinitiv + -ed (außer irregular Verbs) did not/ didn’t + Infinitive Did + Subject + Infinitive was/were + past participle     He watched TV. He didn’t watch TV.

Did he watch TV? I was paid. Anwendung abgeschlossene Handlungen, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt oder in einem bestimmten Zeitraum in der Vergangenheit geschehen sind z.B vom Vortag, wirtschaftliche Geschichten, when? Anmerkungen Vergangenheit von be = was & were/ Verneinung = was not (wasn’t) & were not (weren’t) Zeitangaben stehen am Satzanfang oder –ende z.B She cooked two days ago yesterday  the day before yesterday  the other day (neulich)  finally  two days/ weeks/months/years ago  last night/week/Christmas  then  in 2008/  at that time  in those days  when she was a small child  when we were at school  When did you/they/ ?  It is . years since + past Signalwörter  Past Continuous Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: Passiv: was/were + ing-Form des Verbs was/were + not/ n’t + -ing-Form Verb was/were + Subject + -ing-Form Verb was/were + being + past participle     She was walking. She wasn’t

walking. Was she walking? I was being paid. Anwendung Abgeschlossene Handlungen, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit im Gange waren, als eine zweite Handlung (Simple Past) geschah zB I was having lunch when my boss rang. ! Zurückhaltung/ Höflichkeit in Wirtschaft (I was wondering whether), geplante aber nicht ausgeführte Tätigkeit, indirekte Rede „She said „ von present continuous Ausnahmen kein progressive bei static verbs Signalwörter while  when  as long as  yesterday + bestimmter Zeitpunkt (z.B Uhrzeit) ÜBERSICHT past simple past continuous Betonung Handlung im Vordergrund Handlung im Hintergrund Sonstiges When? Ausdruck von Zurückhaltung, Indirekte Rede Seite | 3 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar  Present Perfect Simple Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: Passiv: have/has + zB never + past participle (3. Form Verb)  have/has + not/n’t/never + past participle  have/has + Subject + past participle 

have/has + been + past participle  He has (never) spoken. He hasn’t spoken. Has he spoken? I have been paid. Anwendung Handlungen und Vorgänge, die irgendwann einmal – oder noch nie – stattgefunden haben, also ohne genaue Angabe des Zeitpunkts, unabgeschlossen da sie in Vergangenheit begonnen und bis in Gegenwart andauern mit konkreter Auswirkungen auf die Gegenwart  Handlung/Ergebnis im Vordergrund ! positive Selbstdarstellung, Checklisten (Wurde Handlung schon ausgeführt?), first/second time, how many? Anmerkungen since =seit einem Zeitpunkt z.B since January, he lost all his money (abgeschlossene Handlung) for = seit einer bestimmten Zeit (Zeitdauer) z.B for three weeks Signalwörter since  for  ever (jemals)  just  (not) yet  up till now  already  up to now  so far  all day  still (not)  lately  recently  in the last few years  this month  long (seit langem)  unpräzise Zeitangaben  Present Perfect Continuous

Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: has/have + been + ing-Form des Verbs  She has been singing. has/have + not/ n’t + been + -ing-Form Verb  She hasn’t been singing. has/have + Subject + been + -ing-Form Verb  Has she been singing? Anwendung betont die Dauer bzw. Kontinuität einer Handlung, die in Gegenwart weiter andauern wird + ohne konkrete Angabe wie oft Handlung ausgeführt wurde, how long?  Dauer der Handlung im Vordergrund Ausnahme kein progressive bei static verbs siehe present (außer I’ve been wanting/meaning to for ages) Signalwörter since  for (ages, years)  ever  (not) yet  all day  the whole week  ever since ÜBERSICHT Betonung Handlung present perfect tense simple present perfect continuous Ergebnis/ Handlung How many? abgeschlossen (aber Bezug auf Gegenwart) Dauer der Handlung How long? noch im Gange Seite | 4 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar  Past Perfect Simple Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage:

Passiv: had + zB already +past participle had not/hadn’t + past participle Had + Subject + past participle had + been + past participle     It had (already) flown away. It hadn’t flown away. Had it flown away? I had been paid. Anwendung Handlung, die vor einem Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit stattfand ! indirekte Rede (present perfect, simple past) & If-Satz III Signalwörter already  just  never  (not) yet  once  until that day  Past Perfect Continuous Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: had + been + -ing-Form Verb  had not/hadn’t + been + -ing-Form Verb had + Subject + been + -ing-Form Verb  She had been going. She hadn’t been going. Had she been going? Anwendung Handlung, die zu einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Vergangenheit bereits begonnen haben und im Begriff waren weiter abzulaufen Signalwörter for  since  the whole day  all day  for a while  Will Future Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: Passiv:

will + Infinitiv will not/won’t + Infinitive will + Subjekt + Infinitiv will + (not) be + past participle     She will swim. She won’t swim. Will she swim? She will (not) be paid. Anwendung Bei Vorhersagen, Vermutungen, spontane Entscheidungen über die Zukunft zB Hoffnungen, , Versprechen, Meinungsumfragen, Trendanalysen, Stellenanzeigen, Unternehmensleitbilder in a year  in the next FEW years  tomorrow  I am afraid/ am sure/ believe/ bet/ doubt/ expect/ hope/ know/ suppose/ think/ wonder Signalwörter  Will Future “continuous” Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: will + be + ing-Form Verb will not/won’t + be + ing-Form Verb   She will be swimming. She won’t be swimming. Anwendung Handlung, die in Zukunft liegenden Zeitpunkt miteinschließt (zB This time tomorrow, he’ll be giving a speech), Handlung die als Teil einer Handlungsabfolge „sowieso“ eingetreten wäre (zB I’ll be seeing him tomorrow, so I can give him a message = Ich sehe

ihn ja ohnehin), Höflichkeitsklausel (zB Please tick if you will be joining us for lunch) Seite | 5 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar  Going to Future Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: Passiv: am/is/are + going to + Infinitive am/is/are + not going to + Infinitive am/is/are + Subject + going to + Infinitive am/is/are + (not) going to be + past participle     He is going to make it. He is not going to make it. Is he going to make it? She is (not) going to be paid. Anwendung Bei Plänen und Absichten, um auszudrücken was wir gerade vorhaben und was höchstwahrscheinlich geschehen wird zB bereits bestehende Absicht, logische Schlussfolgerung ! was/were going to (past): geplante, aber nicht ausgeführte Handlung & indirekte Rede (He said they were going to) Signalwörter in one year  next week  tomorrow  Present Simple und Present Continuous mit Zukunftsbedeutung Anwendung present simple: Handlungen nach fixem Ablaufschema, Kalender oder

Fahrplan present continous: fixe Vereinbarungen mit Zeitangaben für Zukunftsbezug Signale konkrete zeitliche Abmachungen  Fahrpläne  Temporalsätze (when, as soon as, once)  Future perfect Bildung Aussage: Verneinung: Passiv: will + have + past participle  will not/won’t + have + past participle  will + (not) have been + past participle  She will have swum. She won’t have swum. She will (not) have been paid. Anwendung Rückblick von einem bestimmten Zeitpunkt in der Zukunft auf Handlungen, die in Zukunft abgeschlossen sein werden Signale by  by then  Future perfect continuous Bildung Aussage: will + have been+ ing-Form Verb  She will have been swimming. Verneinung: will not/won’t + have been+ ing-Form Verb  She won’t have been swimming. Anwendung Betonung des Verlaufs der Handlung, die in Zukunft rückblickend abgeschlossen sein wird ÜBERSICHT going to will- future geplante Entschlüsse und Vorhaben, sichere Vorhersagen

Prognosen, Vermutungen, spontane Entschlüsse Present continous simple present fixe Terminvereinbarungen offizieller Zeit- oder Fahrplan ing- Form von will- future Teil üblicher Handlungsabfolge, die “ohnehin” passiert wären, Höflichkeit future perfect Rückschau von bestimmten zukünftigen Zeitpunkt Seite | 6 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar b) Passive Voice  Simple Form Umformung: Bildung Mary The living room Aussage: Verneinung: Frage: decorates is decorated Form von to be + past participle to be + not/never + past participle to be + Subject + past participle the living room. by Mary.    The house is destroyed. The house is not destroyed. Is the house destroyed? Achtung: kommt ein Hilfsverb vor, dann steht dieses vor der Form von be  Progressive Form Umformung: Bildung Luc The film is watching is being watched a film. by Luc. Aussage: Form von to be + being + past participle  The palace is being renovated. Verneinung: to be

+ not/never + being + past participle  The palace isn’t being renovated. Frage: to be + Subject + being + past participle  Is the palace being renovated? Anwendung nur im Present & Past = Signalwörter des Present Progressive & Past Progressive  Anwendung Aktiv = hebt Verursacher (also z.B die handelnde Person) hervor Passiv = hebt Sache, Vorgang oder Person hervor mit der etwas geschieht (oft in Protokollen, Berichten) Indirektes Objekt = kommt im Aktiv- Satz ein indirektes Objekt (me, you, her, his, us, you) vor, wird dieses im Passiv- Satz an erster Stelle gestellt z.B She give him a present -> He is given a present (by her) bei folgenden Verben: advise, allow, bring, expect, give, help, lend, offer, order, prescribe, promise, sell, send, show, tell Unpersönliches Passiv (impersonal passive) = It is/was + Passivform + that -> z.B It is said that Wird in neutralen, objektiven Texten z.B Zeitungsberichten verwendet Passiv von Verben des Sagens und

Glaubens: drei bedeutungsgleiche Passivkonstruktionen (= „man“) Subjekt + Passiv + Infinitiv there + Passiv + Infinitiv it + Passiv + that-Satz He is thought to have resigned. There are thought to be five other applicants. It is thought that she will return. bei folgenden Verben: it is alleged, believed, claimed, feared, felt, known, reported, said, supposed, thought, understood Übersicht Zeitformen simple present simple past present perfect Infinitiv Gerundium und Partizip Präsens Gerundium und Partizip Perfekt I am paid I was paid I have been paid to be paid being paid having been paid present continuous past continuous past perfect Perfekt-Infinitiv will- future I am being paid I was being paid I had been paid to have been paid I shall/will be paid Seite | 7 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar may/ may not/might/ could can/could/cann ot need - not must - not c) Modal auxiliary verbs Bedeutung Modalverb Übersetzung Ersatzform present

Verpflichtung must müssen to have to must to have to Verbot must not/may not nicht dürfen to be not allowed to must not/may not to be not allowed to Notwendigkeit need to (aber auch Vollverb) brauchen, müssen to have to need to to have to Freie Wahl needn‘t (im Nachhinein unnötig) don’t need/ have to nicht müssen nicht brauchen to not have to needn‘t/ don’t have to/ don’t need to not to have to Fähigkeit can können to be able to can, be able to Erlaubnis can/could dürfen to be allowed to can/could be allowed to Unfähigkeit cannot nicht können, unfähig sein To be not able to cannot, to be unable/not able to Möglichkeit & Vermutung (von Bedeutung kaum Unterschiede) möglicherweise, vielleicht können may/might may, might dürfen to be allowed to may to be allowed to may/ might may Möglichkeit (oft: may ,but; may well) höfliches Verbot may not nicht dürfen, nicht können to be allowed to may not to be allowed

to/to be permitted to might/could könnten to be allowed to might/could to be allowed to ought to/ should sollten shall selten als “sollen” übersetzen will, would werden schwache Möglichkeit Vermutung & Verpflichtung Futur, Fragen, juristische Texte Vohersagen, sichere Annahmen Achtung – kein -s in der 3. Person Singular, keine –ing Form, kein edPartizip, kein to-Infinitiv deutsches “sollen”: recommendation (Empfehlung) should/ought to assumption (Annahme) should/ought to intention (Absicht, Plan) to be meant/ intended/ designed to (be supposed to, but) order by a third party (Anordnung) to be to/ to be supposed to hearsay (Hörensagen) to be said to/ to be supposed to “subsequent outlook” (mögliche Aussicht) was/were to In order to avoid this, we should/ought to send a mail. It should/ought to have arrived by now. That is meant to avoid any problems. You are to/ are supposed to send him a sample. Its credit rating is said to/ is supposed

to have fallen lately. The decision after the end of last year was to have consequences. Modalität: seem/appear, claim to, be un-/likely to, be expected to, be seen as –ing, had better (sollte), be bound to (wird sicher) Seite | 8 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar d) If – Sentences  Typ 1 Bildung if clause If- Satz main clause Hauptsatz if + present simple will + infinitive present continuous, present perfect present continuous mit Zukunft, Modalverben Anwendung was sein wird, wenn bestimmtes Ereignis/Umstand eintrifft Mögliche und wahrscheinliche Bedingung Beispiel If I see him, i will tell him that. They won’t enjoy the parry if the food isn’t good.  Typ 2 Bildung if clause If- Satz if + past simple main clause Hauptsatz would + infinitive (=Conditional I) should, was to/ were to (=sollte) Modalverben zB could, might, etc. Anwendung was, wie jemand sein könnte, wenn etwas Bestimmtes unter geg. Bedingungen eintrifft Möglich

aber eher unwahrscheinliche Bedingung Beispiel If I (or he, she, it) was/were you, I wouldn’t do that again. They would really go if their parents allowed them to.  Typ 3 Bildung if clause If- Satz if + past perfect simple main clause Hauptsatz + would + have + past participle (=Conditional II) Modalverben zB could, might, etc. Anwendung was hätte sein können, wenn bestimmtes Ereignis/ Umstand eingetroffen wäre Unmögliche Bedingung -> wegen Bezug auf Vergangenheit Beispiel If I had known that, I would never have done that. You might have got better marks if you had worked harder. ACHTUNG: If am Satzanfang: Komma vor Nebensatz // aber vor if kein Komma Bindewörter: unless (wenn nicht, falls nicht, außer wenn, es sei denn), on condition that (unter der Bedingung, dass), provided that (vorausgesetzt, dass), suppose/supposing that (angenommen, dass), in case (für den Fall  als Begründung, statt wie if Bedingung), if only (kann auch allein stehen)

AUSNAHME: if + would ) bei höflichen Bitten zB I would be grateful if you would send me a few samples. ) bejahende Antwort zB Shall I phone you when it arrives? Yes, please, if you would. ) höfliche Aufforderungen zB If you would like to find out more please visit . ) will als “wollen” zB If he won’t attend the course, he’ll fail again. ) as if (als ob) zB He looked as if he would soon be out of a job. ) if bedeutet “ob” (statt wenn) zB They were asked if they would like to Konditionalsätze ohne if: should, were to oder past perfect Seite | 9 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar e) Indirect speech (indirect questions, orders, advice, requests) reporting Verb (e.g she said that, told him, pointed out, argued, complained, explained, insisted, conceded, argued, added, replied, doubted) nicht in Present Tense  Zeiten, Zeit- und Ortsangaben, Pronomen verändern v.a bei Protokollen Zeitenverschiebung (backshift) direkte Rede present tense

Indirekte Rede past tense present perfect past tense past perfect past perfect will will continuous would would be + -ing “We’ll be travelling ” She said that they would be travelling future perfect would have + past participle “He’ll have left ” She said that he would have left future perfect continuous would have been + -ing “I’ll have been sleeping ” direkt can may will shall She said that she would have been sleeping must needn’t indirekt could might would had to (bei Verpflichtungen) oder unverändert didn’t need to/ have to oder unverändert (needn’t have immer gleich) used to had previously oder unverändert Zeit- und Ortsangaben direkte rede indirekte rede (einige Wochen später berichtet) now, at this time then, at that time today, tonight this week/ month/ year/ Easter/ that day, that night yesterday the day before / the previous day two days before / previously an hour/ week before the year/ august/ before, the

previous year/ august/ the day before yesterday an hour/ week ago last year/ august/ that week/ month/ year/ Easter/ the day after tomorrow next week/ month/ the next/following day in two days’ time, two days later the following week/ month/ this, these that, those, the here there, in that place tomorrow Indirect questions  Fragewörter (how, what, when, where,.) werden in der indirekten Frage beibehalten zB She asked „When did you meet Jim?”  She asked when I had met Jim.  bei Entscheidungsfrage (ja oder nein)  Frage mit if oder whether (=ob) eingeleitet zB He asked “Do you want to apply for ? “  He asked me if/ whether I wanted to apply for  Zeit- & Ortsangaben + Pronomen + Verben (reporting verb nicht in Present) Änderung wie indirect speech Indirect orders, advice, requests nach folgenden Verben: advise, ask, encourage, order, tell, urge, warn, invite, offer, refuse, remind, insist that he (should) Bildung: einleitendes Verb im

simple past + Pronomen zB me, us + (not) to + infinitiv zB “You had better phone the police”  She advised us to phone the police. zB “Don’t jump to conclusions”  She warned us not to jump to conclusions. Zeit- & Ortsangaben + Pronomen + Verben (reporting verb nicht in Present) Änderung wie indirect speech Seite | 10 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar f) Gerundium (ing- Form) Anwendung als Nomen zB als Subjekt Reading is good for you. nach festen Wendungen To be worth (sich lohnen)  need (passiv Beudeutung)  can’t help doing  What/How about?  there’s no point, sense in doing  it’s no use, good doing  it’s great fun, bad enough doing nach einer Präposition in, of, at, to, on, about, after, by, for, apart from (außer), because of (wegen), before, despite (trotz), in spite of (trotz), instead of (statt), without in Stellenanzeigen, Seminarabläufen e.g The main tasks include: analyzing policies, preparing material,

Zeitformen present (Gegenwart) perfect (Vergangenheit) aktiv reporting having reported passiv being reported having been reported Bildung the + Gerundium + of + noun The drafting of the contract was Gerundium + noun Drafting the contract was Pronomen (me, you, her, ) vorangestellt zB He insisted on () chairing the meeting. Objektfall: He insisted on Catherine, me chairing  nicht so förmlich, immer richtig Possesivpronomen:: He insisted on Catherine’s, my chairing .  höflich & nur für Personen immer mit dem to infinitve immer mit der –ing form to afford to do to hope to do to admit doing to keep doing to agree to do to learn to do to advise doing to mention doing to aim to do to love to do to avoid doing to mind doing to appear to do to mean to do to allow doing to miss doing to arrange to do to neglect to do to appreciate doing to permit doing to attempt to do to offer to do to consider doing to postpone doing to choose to do

to plan to do to delay doing to practise doing to claim to do to prepare to do to deny doing to recommand doing to dare to do to promise to do to enjoy doing X requires doing to decide to do to refuse to do X entails doing to resent doing to demand to do to seem to do to fancy doing to reject doing to expect to do to threaten to do to feel like doing to resist doing to forget to do to want to do to finish doing to risk doing to be good to do to wish to do to imagine doing to suggest doing to hesitate to do to hope to do to involve doing to understand doing Seite | 11 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar Ausnahmen Bedeutungsunterschiede Bedeutung mit Infinitiv Bedeutung mit Gerundium forget vergessen, etwas im Vorhinein zu tun I forget to book a room for tonight. vergessen, eine Handlung ausgeführt zu haben I’ll never forget apperaing on TV. go on mit etwas Neuem beginnen Go on to read. Mit dem Gleichen weitermachen Go on reading.

Bezug auf Zukünftiges  daran denken Please remember to give him the thing. Bezug auf Vergangenes  sich erinnern Do you remember giving him the thing? try etwas Kompliziertes machen  versuchen I tried to repair the car, but I couldn’t. etwas (aus)probieren  mal sehen was passiert Try talking to him. stop Unterbrechen, anhalten für 2te Handlung I must stop to get some petrol. Mit einer Handlung aufhören Lots of people stopped smoking. remember Kontextabhängig: to like, to love, to hate, to prefer  aber bei would (z.B would hate) nur Infinitive ohne Konsequenzen: begin, to continue, to intend, to plan, to start NUR Gerundium: to look forward to doing, to be used to doing (≠ used to play football as a child) NUR aktives Gerundium: need, worth Nomen/ Substantive mit Präpositionen Adjektive mit Präpositionen advantage of • alternative of •chance of • choice between • danger of • difficulty in (Schwierigkeit bei) • doubt about (Zweifel an) •

experience in • hope of • idea of (Ahnung) • opportunity of (Gelegenheit zu) • place for (Ort zum) • pleasure in (Freude an) • point in (Sinn in) • possibility of (Möglichkeit zu) • reason for • risk of • trouble in (Ärger mit) • way of (Möglichkeit zu) accustomed to (gewöhnt sein an) • afraid of • aimed at • angry about/at • bad at • believe in • clever at • crazy about • curious about (neugierig sein) • disappointed about • excellent at • excited about (aufgeregt wegen) • famous for • fed up with • fond of (mögen) • glad about (froh über) • good at (in etwas gut sein) • impressed by • interested in (sich für etwas interessieren) • keen on (auf etwas begierig sein) • object to • proud of • sick of • sorry about • succeed in • think about • tired of • used to • worried about Verben mit Präpositionen to accuse of (beschuldigen wegen) • to adjust to (sich anpassen an) • to be afraid of • to

agree with • to apologize for • to approve of (billigen, genehmigen) • to ask for/about (bitten um/nach) • to begin by • to believe in • to blame for (Schuld geben wegen) • to care for • to carry on • to complain about • to concentrate on • to congratulate on • to consist of (bestehen auf) •to cope with (etwas bewältigen) • to decide against/for (sich gegen/für etwas entscheiden) • to depend on (abhängig sein von) • to die of (sterben an) • to dream about/of (träumen von) • to escape from • to feel like (Lust haben zu) • to be excited about • to forgive for (vergeben für) • to give up • to insist on (drauf bestehen) • to keep on (weitermachen) • to look forward to • to object to (dagegen sein) • to pay for • to prevent sb from (jmdn. an etw hindern) • to protect from (schützen vor) • to put off (aufschieben) • to rely on (verlassen auf) • to spend money on • to succeed in (Erfolg haben mit) • to suspect of

(verdächtigt werden) • to take part in (teilnehmen an) • to talk about/of (sprechen über) • to thank (sb) for • to think of/about • to use for (verwenden für) • to warn against (warnen vor) • to worry about Seite | 12 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar g) das deutsche „lassen“ Anwendungsmöglichkeiten etwas machen lassen jemanden etwas machen lassen jemanden zwingen etwas zu tun to have sth. done We usually have samples tested (by ) to get sth. done (ugs) We got your car cleaned. to have so. do sth I could have Rosi learn. to get so. to do sth I could get Rosi to learn. to make so. do sth She made me wear a dress. passiv: to be made to do sth. I was made to wear a dress. etwas zulassen, gestatten let, allow etwas belassen/ zurück lassen leave Let me explain this. They didn’t allow us to speak. Shall I leave the door open? ugs = umgangssprachlich Redewendungen Das lässt sich machen That can be done. Jemanden warten lassen. to

keep so. waiting Das lässt sich schwer erklären. That is hard to explain. sich etwas gefallen lassen to put up with sth. Zeitformen von “have something done” to have sth. done to have so. do sth (ohne to) We have the reports changed regularly. We have Jim change the reports regularly. We’re having the reports changed. We’re having Jim change the reports. We had the reports changed. We had Jim change the reports. past continuous We were having the reports changed. We were having Jim change the reports. present perfect We’ve had the reports changed. We’ve had Jim change the reports. present perfect continuous We’ve been having the reports changed. We’ve been having Jim change the reports. past perfect We had had the reports changed. We had had Jim change the reports. past perfect continuous We had been having the reports changed. We had been having Him change the reports. will-Zukunft We’ll have the reports changed. We’ll have Jim

change the reports. We’ll be having the reports changed. We’ll be having Jim change the reports. We should have (had) the reports changed. We should have (had) Jim change the reports. We insisted on having the reports changed. We insisted on having Jim change the reports. Having the reports changed could be expensive. Having Jim change the reports could be expensive. simple present present continuous past will-Zukunft continuous Modalverben Gerundium Seite | 13 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar 2) Adjectives a) Comparison Steigerung Adjektiv Komparativ Superlativ Einsilbige Adjektive long big longer bigger (the) longest (the) biggest Adjektive, die auf –y enden lucky luckier (the) luckiest Adjektive mit zwei oder mehr Silben famous terrible more famous more terrible (the) most famous (the) most terrible good, well better (the) best bad, badly worse (the) worst much / many more most little less least far farther / further

farthest / furthest Unregelmäßige Adjektive Vergleiche Komparativ + than: X is older than Y as + Adjektiv + as: X is (not) as old as Y je desto: the the zB the sooner the better immer (mehr)+ Adjective: more and more, ever more b) Adjektive als Hauptwörter Anwendung  v.a bei Personengruppen: zB the rich, the unemployed  Nationalitäten zB the Chinese, the Swiss  nur in Mehrzahl zu verwenden d.h für Einzahl zB the rich man Ausnahmen Einzahl auch möglich: the accused (Angeklagter), the insured/assured (Versicherungsnehmer) Nationalitätenadjektive zB English - an Englishman - the English, Danish – a Dane – the Danes c) Adverbs Unterschied zwischen Adjektiven und Adverbien adjectives Anwendung Beispiel Besonderheit adverbs bestimmen/ beschreiben Eigenschaften von  Nomen beschreibt näher, wie etwas geschieht  Verben  Adjektive  andere Adverbien She is a careful girl. Wie IST sie? She drives carefully. Wie FÄHRT sie? nach den Verben to be 

to taste  to look  to sound  to feel immer Adjektiv und nie Adverb Seite | 14 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar Bildung –ly an Adjektiv anhängen z.B fluently Ausnahmen bei der Bildung von Adverbs Endung auf –le zB terrible = terribly Endung auf –y zB easy = easily Endung auf –ic zB domestic = domestically Endung auf stummes –e zB whole = wholly, true = truly, due = duly good = well bleiben gleich: close, fair, far, fast, free, hard, high, late, long, low, right, wide, wrong Steigerung more & most zB slowly – more slowly – most slowly Ausnahmen: hard (harder, hardest), fast (faster, fastest), soon (sooner, soonest), late (later, latest), early (earlier, earliest) Position von Adverbien im Satz Adverbien der Art und Weise Ort und Weise Häufigkeit Position Beispiel kein Objekt: Adverb hinter dem Verb They act locally and globally mit Objekt: Adverb hinter Objekt oder vor Hauptverb They had restructured it thoroughly. They had

thoroughly restructured it. am Satzende oder Prices sank to new lows in London. am Satzanfang This year we plan to rewrite the report. Mittelstellung* She always leaves early. We usually prefer this ACHTUNG: He is always late. The details should never have been released. des Grades Bezug auf ganzen Satz + Einstellung bestimmen Adjektiv/Adverb: vor dem Wort, auf dass sie sich beziehen We are extremely anxious that bestimmen Verben: Mittelstellung* (considerably, remarkably, substantially, significantly) Satzanfang oder Mittelstellung actually, ideally, paradoxically, undeniably, not surprisingly They can hardly be blamed for * Mittelstellung: einteiliges Verb: Adverb vor Verb // mehrteiliges Verb: Adverb nach erstem Hilfszeitwort Reihung bei mehreren Adverbien: manner – place - time Adjektive, die auf –ly enden von friendly, costly, orderly, likely, weekly kann man kein Adverb bilden  Umschreibung mit way, fashion, manner zB greeting customers in a friendly

manner bzw. giving them a friendly greeting Checkliste  Adjektiv (beschreiben Nomen) oder Adverb (beschreiben Verben, Adjektive und Adverbe)  richtige Satzstellung  Bildung (Achtung auf Ausnahmen!) Seite | 15 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar 3) Nouns a) Verneinung und Fragen Bildung der Verneinung mit Hilfszeitwort: not oder –n’t hinzufügen zB You should not/ shouldn’t talk to her. kein Hilfszeitwort: mit do not + Infinitive zB He doesn’t speak French. verneintes Infinitiv: not to + Infinitive zB She told us not to worry. Achtung: must not = nicht dürfen (statt nicht müssen = don’t have to, don’t need to, needn’t + Infinitiv) Bildung von Fragen mit Hilfszeitwort: be, can, should, will, etc zB Is she a lawyer? Can you sing? Will you write the article? kein Hilfszeitwort (Wen oder Was?): mit do + Infinitive zB Where does he live? Did she cancel the meeting? Frage nach Subjekt (Wer?): ohne do d.h Verb bleibt in Zeit zB Who gave you this advice?

Which firm ranks first? I saw Jim (Wen hast du gesehen?) = Who did you see?// Jim saw me (Wer hat dich gesehen?) = Who saw you? Question Tags: deutsches “nicht wahr?” zB She’s a good speaker, isn’t she? He hasn’t finished yet, has he?  Sonderfälle I am entitled to the usual benefits, aren’t I? No one was prepared, were they? (unbestimmte Person/en: aus Einzahl wird Mehrzahl) There aren’t any other problems, are there? (there wiederholen) Let’s diskuss this tomorrow, shall we? (Aufforderungen mit let’s verlangen shall we) b) Genetiv Einzahl: Jim’s, her secretary’s, the cat’s Mehrzahl: the trainees’, her dogs’, the cildren’s, businesswomen’s Bezug auf Dinge: the foot of the mountain, the cover of the annual report, the outcome of the meeting 4) Pronouns a) Prononomina Personalpronomina Subjektfall: I, you, he, she, it; we, you, they // Objektfall: me, you, him, her, it; us, you, them Possessivpronomen vor einem Substantiv: my, your, his, her, its

(≠ it is – it’s  auch bei one’s ≠ e.g red ones); our, your, their allein stehend: mine, yours, his, hers; ours, yours, theirs Reflexivpronomonen myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself; ourselves, yourselves, themselves Demonstrativpronomen Einzahl: this (Nähe), that (Distanz) // Mehrzahl: these, those Seite | 16 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar b) Relative clauses with relative pronouns Relativsätze werden durch Relativpronomen (who, which, that, whose, whom) eingeleitet Subjekt Personen Sachen ganzer Satz wer, wen, wem dessen, deren der, die, das, den, dem welche/r/s, welche/n/m immer mit Beistrich, da nur Zusatzinformation who/ that which/ that which The woman who/that wrote it is now rich. Courses that/ which are popular will be repeated next year. They’re encouraging us, which has improved performance. nach Relativpronomen folgt Verb (wrote, are, ) Nomen kann mit wer oder was erfragt werden (Wer hat das geschrieben? Die Frau)

Possessiv Objekt whose whose The applicant whose CV was the best got the job. The books deal with theories whose relevance is limited. who/ that/ whom*/  which/ that/  which The man who/ that/ whom/  I wanted to see wasn’t in. The paper which/ that/  we wanted to use. He keeps doing this, which I find pretty annoying. / nach Relativpronomen folgt Subjekt (I, we, ) Nomen kann mit wen oder was/wem erfragt werden (Wen willst du sehen? Den Mann) *whom: sehr förmlich, eher zu who, that oder auslassen greifen AUßER bei all of, each of, many of, some of defining relative clauses non-defining relative clauses geben notwendige Info über Hauptwort wieder Umschreibung mit derjenige/diejenige geben Zusatzinformation zum Hauptwort wieder können weggelassen werden, ohne Sinn zu verändern keine Umschreibung You should speak to the person who heads the crisis management team. You should speak to Sue Carlson, who heads the crisis management team. sind

notwendig, damit Satz Sinn macht ja Verwendung von that niemals nein, kein Komma Setzen eines Kommas ja, Komma setzen weitere Relativpronomina where, when und why  v.a feste Wendungen wie the place where, a time when, the reason why Cleft sentences (“gespaltene Sätze”) mit it oder wh-Fragewort (zB what, which)  um Informationsteile besonders hervorzuheben zB It was Susan who came up with the idea, not Jim./ It is the interaction that counts zB What I don’t understand is the lack of communication with them./ What really counts, is not but Achtung “everything” Alles, was er sagte, war Unsinn. = Everything that/  he said was nonsense  nicht everything what Checkliste  Bezug auf Person (who/ whose/ whom/ that), Sache (which/ that/ whose) oder ganzer Satz (which)  Subjekt (vor Verb = Auslassen nicht möglich), Objekt (vor Nomen = Auslassen möglich) oder Possessiv (wessen)  Kommsetzung und that: Relativsatz unentbehrlich (defining) oder entbehrlich

(non- defining) Seite | 17 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar 5) Prepositions Anwendung Präposition vor Verb verlangt Gerundium zB She’s really good at bargaining. - Fragen zB What are you looking at? getrennte, am Ende stehende Präpositionen nur bei - Relativsätzen zB The reforms that he insisted on wichtige Präpositionen mit Wirtschaftsbezug by nach Verb zB Prices rose by 4 %. // of nach Hauptwort zB a rise of 5 % Auf- und Ausgangswert: from // erreichter Wert: to, at Abwärtsbewegungen Sache, die steigt oder fällt: in zB a rise/fall in prices Firmennamen Telefonnummern Post-, Internet- und E-Mail-Adressen Zeitbezüge bei einer Firma arbeiten: at/ for Milka, Lindt, etc. bei einer Firma sein: be at/ with Milka, Lindt, etc. BE: on zB Please contact us on 020 7215 XXX. AE: at zB Please contact us at 020 7215 XXX. at zB You may apply on-line at www.worldbankcom (aber send to, write to, etc.) by: Zeitpunkt, vor dem Handlung fertig sein muss zB You must return the

book by Monday. until: Endpunkt eines Zeitraums zB You can keep the book until Monday. typische Fehler at 50 miles an hour on TV, the Internet at www.googleat on the whole at a certain level/ date on Monday, 1 January, etc. at a trade fair to spend money on sthg to live on the 10th floor on 0676 12 34 56 7 (BE) to pay duty on goods to go on sale to be on strike on certain terms/conditions at X (Firma) at/over lunch/supper/dinner to pay at agreed intervals at the moment at my/his/that age at the (very) last minute to be good at sthg. at a certain speed/rate to be interested in sthg. in the world to specialize in sthg. in the long term/ run to go in one’s own/ in Eli’s car to deal in goods (mit Ware handeln) a cheque for 80 dollars to be liable for VAT to pay for the goods to be good value for money to be proud of sth. to be an example of sthg. supply someone with sthg. (info) to be popular with a certain group to deal with a problem to be subject to (confirmation) in

contrast to Personal Assistant to the CFO send sthg. by mail/post to go by car/plane/air/train among the first 20 applicants are to grand a discount of 30 % on list prices to discuss (nicht about) sthg. Seite | 18 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar 6) Linkers Unterscheidung von Linkers  nach ihrer Bedeutung  Position im Satz: Conjunctions (C2C – kann nicht allein stehen) oder Linking adverbials (S2S)  Zeichensetzung: C2C: davor nur bei FANBOYS oder Kontrast (e.g although, whereas)/ nie nach Linker S2S: davor nur wenn mitten im Satz/ Komma meistens nach Linker Clause 2 Clause (C2C): Verbindung durch Konjunktionen because, as, since Ursache und Wirkung for* (veraltet) so* Zweck He was late, so he was dismissed. In order/ So as to avoid further problems, she was fired immediately. thereby (dadurch) We sell mainly local produce, thereby helping to reduce emissions. We made a high profit last year, and are happy about it. We made a high profit last year.

And we are happy about it We didn’t make a profit last year, nor is it expected this year. We didn’t make a profit last year. Nor is it expected this year before She phoned him before she boarded/ boarding the plane. after After she had phoned/phoning him, she boarded the plane. when You need to take extra care when you drive/ driving in the rain. while You shouldn’t drink alcohol while you take/ taking antibiotics. or* just as whereas, while (während) Gegensatz, Abwägen, Zugeständnisse He was late. So he was dismissed in order to, so as to (um zu) nor* (noch, auch nicht) Vergleich He was dismissed, for she had been late. He was fired immediately, so that/ in order that further problems could be avoided. Ergänzung Alternativen He was dismissed. For she had been late so that, in order that (damit) and* zeitliche Relation He was dismissed because he had been late. Since/As he had been late, he was dismissed. although, even though, though, despite, even

if, albeit (obwohl) We could drive there, or we could take a train. We could drive there. Or we could take a train Just as he has tended to promote it, I have changed plans. Whereas/ While he has tended to promote it, I have focused on (beide Teilsätze gleich gewichtet) The region is struggling, even though much is provided. (mit linker eingeleiteter Satz ist weniger wichtig) We are still making a loss, but/yet its CEO will receive a bonus. but*, yet We are still making a loss. But/Yet its CEO will receive a bonus (mit linker eingeleiteter Satz ist wichtiger) Bedingung if If we decide to do this, we’ll have to go now. We’ll have to go now if we decide to do this. (kein Beistrich vor if) in case (falls) We’ll reserve a seat in case the train in overcrowded. provided (that), on condition that You will receive a bonus provided (that)/ on condition that you are right. Ausnahme: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so  FANBOYS* als C2C und S2S einsetzbar Seite | 19 Source:

http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar Sentence 2 Sentence (S2S): Verbindung durch Adverbien Ursache und Wirkung as a result, consequently, as a consequence, in consequence He was late. As a result, he was dismissed therefore (deshalb) He was late. Therefore he was dismissed He was late; therefore he was dismissed. He was late. He was therefore dismissed thus (dadurch) You are sensitive, thus making us very careful. hence (daher) this is why, that is why Zweck Ergänzungen und Auflistungen You are quite sensitive. We are thus very careful Thus, we are very careful about your feelings. He was late. Hence he was dismissed He was late. Hence his dismissal (!!!) He was late. That is why he was dismissed (Relativsatz: He was late, which is why he was dismissed.) accordingly (folglich) We consider CSR a top strategic priority. Accordingly, we have set up a dedicated CSR unit. to this end (dazu) The government wants to reduce workplace accidents. To this end, it is considering new

health legislation. also This will also make you more attractive. (mid- position) as well It will make you more attractive as well. (nur am Satzende) too It will make you more attractive, too. (meist am Satzende) (not) either I have no money. He has nothing either (verneintes also) in addition, additionally In addition/ Additionally, it will make you faster. furthermore, moreover, what is more (außerdem) Moreover, giving up cigarettes reduces the risk of cancer. besides, in any case, above all (mit linker eingeleitetes Argument ist wichtiger) In any case, carrying on smoking will mean an earlier death. (mit linker eingeleitetes Argument ist wichtiger) finally Finally, it makes you feel younger. last but not least Last but not least, giving up smoking provides a massive boost to your self-esteem. initially (zuerst) Initially, she concentrated on fund-raising. first (of all), second, third zeitliche Relation First, she raised some funds. Second, she Third,

(auch möglich: firstly, secondly, etc. aber nicht mischen) in the meantime, meanwhile Meanwhile, her partner designed the website. afterwards, later, next, subsequently, then Later, she took on more staff. eventually in the end, finally (letztlich) She eventually managed to make a profit. She managed to make a profit eventually. (Ausnahme) Finally, she retired. Seite | 20 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar Alternativen Vergleich Gegensatz, Abwägen, Zugeständnisse Verallgemeinern, Spezifizieren, Beispiele anführen alternatively We could negotiate with them. Alternatively, we could on the other hand On the other hand, we could go on strike. otherwise (ansonsten) Otherwise, we will have to call a strike. (immer Satzanfang) similarly, likewise (ebenso) Milka launched a new chocolate. Similarly, Lindt has promoted their latest innovation. in comparison (demgegenüber), by comparison (im Vergleich) Milka launched a new chocolate. By comparison, Lindt has

focused its efforts on product improvement. in contrast, by contrast Milka launched a new chocolate. Lindt, by contrast, has focused its efforts on product improvement. on the one hand, on the other (hand) On the one hand, we are addicted to sweets. On the other, we emphasize the healthy new lifestyle. conversely (im Gegenzug) We are happy. Conversely, they are sad however (jedoch) He went to Paris. However, he would have preferred NY He went to Paris; however, he would have preferred NY. He went to Paris. He would however have preferred NY though (jedoch) Lindt, though, has made larger profits. (zwischen 2 Kommas) Lindt has made larger profits, though. (Satzende nach Komma) nevertheless, nonetheless, even so, still (dennoch) Milka hasn’t paid much attention to its reputation. Nevertheless, it has succeeded in making profits. actually (tatsächlich aber) I look older than Meli. Actually, she is older on the contrary She wasn’t dismissed. On the contrary, she has

been promoted. admittedly, certainly, for sure, it is true (that), of course The market collapsed. Of course, that is what we had expected. in general, generally, on the whole In general, the outlook is very positive specifically, to be specific Specifically, our profit forecasts suggest a strong rise. in particular The marketing section, in particular, is keen to remain in NY. indeed, in fact (tatsächlich) The outlook is very promising. Indeed/ In fact, it has never been brighter. (verstärkt Aussage noch) in other words, that is Cows are ruminants. In other words, they chew Cows are ruminants; that is, they chew You aren’t perfect. For example, the report was incorrect for example, for instance You aren’t perfect; for example, the report was incorrect. You aren’t perfect. The report, for example, was incorrect Zusammenfassen to sum up, summing up, in sum, all in all, in short To sum up, Milka has outperformed Lindt recently. in conclusion, to conclude In

conclusion, it is clear that I love Milka. Sonstiges: as you may have noticed/ be aware, regarding , as far as I’m concerned, we are adopting two measures First(ly) Second(ly), in response to Seite | 21 Source: http://www.doksinet EBC Grammar 7) Kommasetzung im Englischen Komma bei gesprochenen kurzen Pausen  Faustregel: im Zweifel Komma besser weglassen nie durch Komma abgegrenzt  Objektsätze eingeleitet durch that, whether, if als „ob“, Fragepronomina wie how, what, who  defining relative clauses (notwendige Info über Hauptwort, können nicht allein stehen)  ing- und ed-Partizipien als verkürzte defining relative clauses zB They lack the information needed to  Subjekt und Verb werden nie durch Komma getrennt (auch wenn Subjekt sehr lang ist) meist nicht durch Komma abgegrenzt  Nebensätze, die dem Hauptsatz folgen (Zeit: when, while/ Bedingung: if/ Begründung: because, since/ Absicht: so that) durch Komma abgegrenzt 

non-defining relative clauses (Zusatzinfo, kann weggelassen werden)  ing- und ed-Partizipien als non-defining relative clauses zB Founded in 2002, it has seen a lot of changes.  einleitende Konditionalsätze (if-Satz zuerst) zB If the economy is to grow any faster, we will establish  einleitende purpose clauses (Absicht) mit to-Infinitiv zB To meet the deadline, they may be send by fax.  sonstige einleitende Nebensätze, die dem Hauptsatz vorangehen  einleitende Umstandsbestimmungen (Zeit: for almost 20 years, next week/ despite , to some extent)  Satzadverbien zB Worryingly, a growing share of ./ Remarkably, ten years later / Unsurprisingly,  verbindende Adverbien wie anyway, nevertheless, though, even so, by the way, on the other hand  Einschübe wie I think, it seems, she argued, of course, for example  Appositionen/Beifügungen, die Hauptwort als Kern haben und näher beschreiben zB Bawag, a bank, is möglich, aber kein zwingendes

Komma  Komma vor and oder or bei Aufzählungen von drei oder mehreren Elementen  Komma vor and oder but Seite | 22