Language learning | English » Letter of Offer, Business English

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Source: http://www.doksinet Letter of offer: Opening sentences: I am writing in response to your inquiry of 21 June 2006 and would like to thank you for your interest in our products. I am writing with reference to your inquiry of 27 June 2006. Thank you for your letter of 21 October, in which you inquired about Main Part: I am happy to enclose a price list and a catalogue for your information. Please find enclosed our latest catalogue and export price list. You will find details of these products in the up-to-date catalogue and export price list enclosed. If you have any specific needs that are not covered in these publications, please do not hesitate to contact me/us. Please note that our prices are quoted (Incoterms), although other arrangements are possible on request. are available in all sizes For orders of 150 units or more we can grant you a 20 per cent quantity discount on the list price. Moreover, they are on sale until 31 July so that we can allow you a special 10 per

cent discount if you order before then. (product) are currently available for immediate delivery. Unfortunately, our (products) are temporarily out of stock due to heavy demand. However, we can assure you that delivery of these products can be effected within 30 days. You will appreciate that for initial orders we must require cash on receipt of order. However, should you place further orders with us we may be able to offer you more favourable conditions, provided you can supply us with suitable references. We can grant a 2% cash discount if the invoice is settled within 8 days. Payment should be effected within 60 days of receipt of invoice. We would like to assure you that are of superior quality. Closing Remarks: Finally, let me point out that our firm has been a leading player in the sector for more than years. This success has been based firmly on superior quality and I am confident that our goods will more than meet your expectations in that respect. Furthermore, it is our

strong market position that enables us to offer highly competitive prices, as you can now confirm for yourself. Source: http://www.doksinet We look forward to your initial order and a long and mutually beneficial business relationship