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Source: http://www.doksinet GRADUATING STUDENT SURVEY June 2017 Survey Results Source: http://www.doksinet MIT Global Education and Career Development (GECD) is pleased to provide the results of the MIT Class of 2017 Graduating Student Survey, providing information about the immediate post-graduation plans of MIT baccalaureate and master’s degree graduates from the Class of 2017. There were 1,382 respondents to the survey, representing 63 percent of the graduating class (Bachelor’s and Master’s graduates). This report represents a collaborative effort between this office and Institutional Research I particularly want to thank Deborah Liverman, Director for Career Services, for her leadership of this survey. MIT’s Class of 2017 found a very robust job market, with 89 percent of job-seeking baccalaureate and 82 percent of master’s graduates who sought employment reporting acceptance of a job within three months of graduation. Highlights of our survey of the MIT Class of

2016 are presented below. • • • • There were 55 percent of baccalaureate and 82 percent of master’s graduates who planned to enter the workforce immediately following graduation, representing a decrease for both groups over the prior year. Nearly 37 percent of baccalaureate and 11 percent of master’s graduates planned to attend graduate or professional school. The primary sources of employment overall were career fairs, on-campus recruiting, networking, and internships leading to full-time employment; however the sources differed between groups. Graduating seniors reported that internships, followed by career fairs, on-campus recruiting, and networking were their primary sources of employment. Master’s graduates reported networking, followed by on-campus recruiting and internships as their primary sources. This is the first year that internships that led to a job offer was the highest source of employment for graduating seniors. The top industries for graduating

seniors were computer software, consulting, and engineering, which has remained consistent since 2012. Consulting was still the top industry for master’s degree recipients, with computer software and financial services rounding out the top three industries. Additionally, there was a slight decrease in graduates reporting work at a start-up company. The average median salary for undergraduates was $88,381 a 4 percent increase from the average $84,882 from 2016. Master’s graduates (SM, MEng, MBA) received an average salary of $112,719 However specific breakdown of Master’s salary data is available in the report as well as the average salaries by industry. The full report follows, providing a broad snapshot of the professional and education destinations for the MIT Class of 2017. We welcome any comments or suggestions from the MIT community and our employer partners regarding ways that we may improve our survey process or reporting. Thank you! Sincerely, Melanie Parker Executive

Director, Global Education and Career Development Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 Graduating Student Survey Report Table of Contents Overview 4 Plans after Graduation 5-6 Average Salary and Average Bonus 6 Additional Experiences (Internship, UROP, Service, International) 7 EMPLOYMENT Work and Job Search Experience 8-10 Top Employers, Top Industries, and Top Geographic Destinations 11-15 Employers by Department and Course Number 16-20 Employers of International Graduates 20-22 2017 MIT Employers 22-25 Salary by Department and Course Number 26-28 Salary by Industry 29-33 GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL Graduate School Process 33 Top Graduate School Destinations 33 Graduate School by Department and Course Number BACK TO TOP 34-36 3 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Welcome to the 2017 Annual Graduating Student Survey Preview Report. We are releasing the full report to allow for the MIT community and partners to view information about the MIT

Graduates. Please take a moment to learn more about the survey and the data we collect and present. PURPOSE: The purpose of the Graduating Student Survey (GSS) is to promote an accurate understanding of the immediate post-graduation plans of graduating MIT students and to provide data for related career issues. Data for our PhD graduates is presented in a separate format and available at http://gecd.mitedu/resources/survey-data METHOD: The GSS is a completely voluntary web-based survey. The survey was emailed as a link multiple times throughout the late spring, summer through fall in an effort to capture as much of the graduating student population as possible. Altogether, 68% of Graduating Senior and 60% Graduating Masters candidates from MIT participated in the June 2017 Survey. RESULTS: All data are self-reported and presented anonymously in aggregate form. Due to the variety and various levels of MIT degrees granted, the majority of statistics presented are related to specific

subsets of the population (e.g Bachelors, Masters, major, etc) and are labeled accordingly This is done to provide more meaningful and accurate data. Any data not labeled should be assumed to represent the entire sample The majority of results are presented in table format for ease of reading and comparison. Many tables contain empty cells. This is for two reasons; first, not all majors offer all types of degrees, and second, fewer than two students from that major and degree level responded to the survey question. The remainder of this report presents the data that we collect and analyze. We highly recommend that you start with pages 4-6, which highlight our most common requests for outcome information. Any questions about the survey and results can be directed to Deborah Liverman, BACK TO TOP 4 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 MIT POST GRADUATION STATISTICS* *Based upon 1382 responses overall to the 2017 Graduating Student Survey WHAT PERCENTAGE OF

UNDERGRADUATE & MASTER’S GRADUATES GO ON TO GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL, WORK OR OTHER?* ACTIVITY Bachelor’s Master’s Work Full-time 53.5% 80.8% Work Part-time 1.2% 1.6% Graduate/Professional School 37.4% 10.9% Enrolled in another Educational program (e.g post baccalaureate premedical program, second bachelors) 2.6% 1.4% Distinguished Fellowships 1.0% 0.6% Traveling 1.2% 1.1% Volunteer Activity (e.g Peace Corps) 0.0% 0.0% Undecided 1.8% 1.7% Other Activity 2.1% 1.3% Not seeking employment at this time 0.4% 0.1% Not seeking further education at this time 0.4% 0.1% Plans after Graduation for Bachelors Degree Recipeints 9.1% Graduate/Professional School 37.4% Work Full-time Other Plans (Work Part-time, PostBac, Travel, Distinguished Fellowships.) 53.5% BACK TO TOP 5 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Plans After Graduation for Masters Degree Recipients 8.3% 10.9% Graduate/Professional School Work Full-time 80.8% Other Plans

(Work Part-time, PostBac, Travel, Distinguished Fellowships.) WHAT WAS THE OVERALL AVERAGE SALARY/BONUS (for those receiving bonuses) OF WORKING MIT GRADUATES IN THE CLASS OF 2017? Mean Salary Median Salary Mean Bonus Median Bonus SB $88,381 $85,000 $17,814 $10,000 SM $87,812 $85,000 $15,256 $10,000 MEng $108,973 $115,000 $31,023 $25,000 MBA $129,403 $130,000 $30,161 $25,000 2017 Salary Mean Comparisons $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 $129,403 $108,973 $88,381 SB $87,812 SM 2013 2014 MEng 2015 BACK TO TOP 2016 MBA 2017 6 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet WHAT PERCENTAGE OF WORKING GRADUATES NEGOTIATED THEIR SALARY AND BONUS? Degree Level Negotiated Salary Negotiated Bonus Undergraduate 22.3% 17.4% Masters 30.1% 22.6% WHAT WAS THE AVERAGE NEGOTIATED INCREASE IN SALARY AND BONUS? Degree Level Increase in Salary Increase in Bonus Undergraduate $3,980 $13,804 Masters $6,927 $12,968 Additional

Experiences WHAT PERCENTAGE OF THE CLASS OF 2017 COMPLETED AN INTERNSHIP WHILE IN THEIR CURRENT PROGRAM? YES NO Undergraduate 86.9% 13.1% Masters 54.7% 45.3% WHAT PERCENTAGE OF THE CLASS OF 2017 COMPLETED AN INTERNATIONAL EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCE? YES NO Undergraduate 53.3% 46.7% Masters 42.3% 57.7% WHAT PERCENTAGE OF THE CLASS OF 2017 COMPLETED UROPS? YES NO Undergraduate 91.1% 8.6% Masters 20.4% 57.8% BACK TO TOP 7 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet WHAT PERCENTAGE OF THE CLASS OF 2017 HAD LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE? YES NO DON’TKNOW Undergraduate 78.7% 15.1% 6.2% Masters 67.2% 30.0% 2.8% WHAT PERCENTAGE OF THE CLASS OF 2017 COMPLETED A SERVICE EXPERIENCE? YES NO DON’T KNOW Undergraduate 60.3% 34.1% 5.6% Masters 35.0% 61.0% 4.0% DO YOU PLAN TO ATTEND GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL IN THE FUTURE? YES, Now While I’m Employed YES, in 1-2 years YES, in 3-5 Years YES, in 5+ years NO DON’T KNOW Undergraduate 1.9% 33.7% 17.3% 1.9%

7.5% 37.6% Masters 1.1% 4.5% 6.9% 4.1% 52.4% 30.9% Work and Job Search Experience WHEN DID WORKING GRADUATES BEGIN THEIR JOB SEARCH AND RECEIVE THE JOB OFFER THEY ACCEPTED? Undergraduate Master’s Begin Search Received Offer Begin Search Received Offer Prior to Sept. 2016 38.0% 23.2% 33.3% 24.2% September 2016 33.1% 7.4% 23.5% 6.5% October 2016 4.9% 16.4% 5.2% 11.7% November 2016 2.2% 13.8% 2.9% 10.2% December 2016 1.6% 8.4% 3.8% 7.0% January 2017 6.3% 3.0% 5.8% 6.5% February 2017 3.6% 4.0% 4.3% 4.0% March 2017 2.5% 7.0% 5.2% 7.7% April 2017 1.4% 6.4% 4.2% 6.7% May 2017 0.5% 6.4% 2.0% 9.5% June 2017 0.8% 2.7% 1.6% 2.5% July 2017 0.3% 0.3% 0.4% 0.7% August 2017 0.3% 0.7% 0.4% 2.0% Other 4.6% 7.4% BACK TO TOP 8 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet HOW MUCH TIME DID YOU HAVE TO ACCEPT THE OFFER THAT YOU RECEIVED? Time Bachelor’s Master’s 1 week or less 11.2% 15.9% 2 weeks 21.7% 18.9% 3 weeks

11.9% 5.8% 4 weeks 12.2% 11.3% 5 weeks 3.4% 1.3% 6 weeks 6.4% 3.3% 7 weeks 1.4% 1.8% 2 months 8.5% 9.8% 3 months 4.1% 11.8% 4 months 1.7% 3.5% 5 months 0.0% 1.0% 6 months or longer 1.0% 2.5% The offer did not have an expiration date 16.3% 12.3% I have not accepted an offer 0.3% 0.8% WHAT IS THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF JOB OFFERS? Degree Level Offers Undergraduate 1.84 Masters 1.81 WHAT WAS THE PERCENTAGE OF GRADAUTES WENT ON TO A START-UP COMPANY? Degree Level Company is considered a Start-up Undergraduate 17.2% Masters 14.0% OF THOSE WHO WENT TO A START-UP, WHAT PERCENTAGE WERE A FOUNDING MEMBER? Degree Level Founding Member Undergraduate 5.1% Masters 2.9% BACK TO TOP 9 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet HOW DID MIT GRADUATES FIND THEIR JOBS? (Graduates could check all that applied so the number will be more than 100%) Undergraduate Masters Internship led to job offer 34.3% 15.4% Career Fair 26.5% 5.6% On-campus recruiting

25.2% 23.2% Networking 21.2% 26.9% Directly applied to employer 14.7% 13.4% Contacts from MIT Career Services, Faculty, Academic Departments 5.9% 6.9% MIT Sponsored Job Listings, Employer Database, INET 2.9% 5.6% Externally Advertised job listing (on-line, print) 2.6% 2.0% Returning to or Continuing Employment 0.3% 10.0% 2017 Top Ways Graduates Find Jobs Internship led to job offer Career Fair 26.5% 5.6% 25.2% 23.2% On-campus recruiting 21.2% Networking 26.9% 14.7% 13.4% Directly applied to employer Contacts from MIT Career Services, Faculty, Academic Departments 5.9% 6.9% 2.9% 5.6% MIT Sponsored Job Listings, Employer Database, INET 2.6% 2.0% Externally Advertised job listing (on-line, print) Returning to or Continuing Employment 34.3% 15.4% 0.3% 0.0% 10.0% 5.0% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350% 400% Undergraduates Masters BACK TO TOP 10 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet WHICH EMPLOYERS HIRED THE MOST MIT GRADUATES?* Undergraduate #

Master’s # MBA # Google 15 Amazon 10 Amazon 19 Microsoft 11 McKinsey & Company 10 McKinsey & Company 17 General Motors 10 US Navy 8 Bain & Company 16 Accenture 9 US Army 7 Boston Consulting Group 16 Facebook 9 US Air Force 6 Deloitte Consulting 5 Amazon 7 Deloitte Consulting 5 Facebook 4 MIT 7 Facebook 5 IBM 4 Northrop Grumman 7 Apple 4 Price Water House Coopers 4 Goldman Sachs 6 IBM 4 Samsung Corporation 4 US Navy 6 Apple 4 AB InBev 3 Apple 5 Google 4 Analysis Group 3 Bain & Company 5 Space Exploration Technologies 4 Ernst & Young 3 Boeing 5 Microsoft 3 McKinsey & Company 5 MIT 3 Oracle 5 * As reported only in the 2017 Graduating Student Survey. The number of hires may actually be higher Not all graduates responded to the survey or indicated their future employer. INDUSTRIES FOR JUNE 2017 GRADUATES (Bachelor’s) Industry Bachelor’s % Computer Software 22.1%

Consulting 13.5% Aerospace 8.6% Financial Services 8.6% Engineering 7.6% Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing 6.6% Pharmaceuticals 4.0% Automotive and Transportation 4.3% BACK TO TOP 11 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Investment Banking 4.3% Health/Medicine 3.3% Academia (Higher Education) 2.6% Education (K-12) 2.3% Military 2.3% Applied Research 2.0% Energy and Utilities 2.0% Business Services 1.3% Computer Hardware/Electrical Engineering 1.3% Chemicals and Materials 1.0% Non-Profit Agency or NGO 1.0% Communications, Arts, Entertainment 0.7% Law 0.7% Basic Research 0.7% Government 0.3% Architecture and Urban Planning 0.0% Other Industries Not Included Above 0.7% Top Industries for June 2017 Bachelors Graduates 25.0% 22.1% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 13.5% 8.6% 8.6% 7.6% 6.6% 4.0% 5.0% 4.3% 4.3% 3.3% 2.6% 2.3% 0.0% BACK TO TOP 12 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet INDUSTRIES FOR JUNE 2017 GRADUATES (Master’s) Industry

Masters’ % Consulting 24.8% Computer Software 12.4% Financial Services 5.8% Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing 5.8% Military 5.8% Engineering 5.6% Aerospace 4.9% Business Services 4.1% Investment Banking 3.4% Automotive and Transportation 2.7% Computer Hardware/Electrical Engineering 2.7% Pharmaceuticals 2.4% Energy and Utilities 1.9% Government 1.7% Academia (Higher Education) 1.5% Health/Medicine 1.5% Non-Profit Agency or NGO 1.5% Architecture and Urban Planning 1.2% Communications, Arts, Entertainment 1.2% Applied Research 0.7% Chemicals and Materials 0.7% Basic Research 0.2% Law 0.2% Education (K-12) 0.0% Other Industries Not Listed Above 7.3% BACK TO TOP 13 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Top Industries for June 2017 Masters Graduates 30.0% 25.0% 24.8% 20.0% 15.0% 12.4% 10.0% 5.8% 5.8% 5.8% 5.6% 5.0% 4.9% 4.1% 3.4% 2.7% 2.7% 2.4% 0.0% IS YOUR JOB RELATED TO YOUR MAJOR? Degree Level YES NO NOT SURE

Undergraduate 82.2% 13.8% 3.9% Masters 90.8% 6.6% 2.7% DO YOU EXPECT TO BE WORKING INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE U.S? Degree Level In U.S (including Puerto Rico, etc) Outside U.S Undergraduate 95.4% 2.0% Masters 76.7% 20.4% BACK TO TOP 14 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet TOP US DESTINATIONS for JUNE GRADUATES WORKING US STATE % of Undergraduates % of Master’s Massachusetts 32.0% 27.1% California 30.5% 24.2% New York 16.5% 13.4% Washington 5.1% 9.8% Texas 1.1% 3.3% Michigan 3.3% 0.3% District of Columbia 2.2% 2.9% Illinois 1.5% 1.3% Connecticut 1.1% 1.0% New Jersey 0.0% 2.3% Florida 0.0% 2.0% Georgia 0.4% 1.6% Maryland 0.4% 0.7% BACK TO TOP 15 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 Undergraduate Employers by Department Results are based on student report and not representative of all employers who hire MIT students by department. Course (Course Number) Employers Civil & Environmental Engineering (1) Accenture,

Amyris, Bates White, LLC, PA Consulting, The Brattle Group Mechanical Engineering (2) AB InBev, Accenture,, Inc, Apple, Applied Predictive Technologies, Aurora Flight Sciences, Bain & Company, Boeing, Broadway Technology, LLC, Brooks Automation, Creare Inc., Deloitte Consulting, Ford Motor Company, Gaia-Elements, General Motors, Harvard University, Hewlett Packard, Intuitive Surgical, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Kitty Hawk Corp, Kuchnir Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, MathWorks, Microsoft, MIT, Nest, Inc, Northrop Grumman, Oasis, Oliver Wyman, Revive Solutions Inc., Self-employed, SharkNinja Operating LLC, Shell Oil, Sistine Solar, Sonos, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), Starry Internet Service, Tactile Inc., Tesla Motors, US Navy, Verus Research, Wafer LLC, Wolf, Greenfield, and Sacks, ZOLL Medical Corporation Materials Science and Engineering (3) General Motors, Goldman Sachs, MarkForged, New Classrooms, Northrop

Grumman, U.S Navy, Vaxess Technologies, Inc. Architecture (4) Chemistry (5) Deutsche Bank EECS (6) Addepar Inc., Amazoncom, Inc, Asana, AT&T, Atlas5D, BNP Paribas, Boeing, Boston Consulting Group, Broad Institute, Broadway Technology, LLC, Capital One, Cimpress, Codecademy, D. E Shaw, Dimensional Inight, DNAnexus, Etsy, Facebook, Fitbit, Five Rings Capital, General Electric, General Motors, Goldman Sachs, Google, Hi-Rez Studios,, Intel, InterSystems Corp, iRobot, Jane Street Capital, JP Morgan, Khan Academy, Lockheed Martin, Lyft, MaestroQA, McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, MOTU, Nest, Inc,Nvidia, Oliver Wyman, Optum, Oracle, Palantir Technologies, Pandion Therapeutics, Pixar, PJT Partners, Pure Storage, Regal Beloit, RetailMeNot Inc., Rev, Salesforce, Scale Labs, Sourcegraph, Space Exploration Technologies, Square Inc., Systems and Technology Research (STR), Tulip Interfaces Inc., Two Sigma Investments, Uber Inc, Waymo, Workday, Inc, Yelp, Yext Biology (7)

Accenture, Broad Institute, Clearview Healthcare Partners, Massachusetts General Hospital, The Estee Lauder Companies Physics (8) Accenture, MIT, Warburg Pincus BACK TO TOP 16 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Course (Course Number) Employers Brain and Cognitive Sciences (9) Google, JoMI (Journal of Medical Insights), MIT Chemical Engineering (10) AB InBev, Accenture, Boston Consulting Group, Clearview Healthcare Partners, Clorox, Exxon Mobil, Genentech, General Motors, Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity, Lockheed Martin, Lyndra Inc., Mars & Co, MIT, Navigant Consulting, Novantas, Ohana Biosciences, Oliver Wyman, Poly6 Technologies Urban Studies and Planning (11) IBI Group EAPS (12) MIT, Observatory of the Cote dAzur Economics (14) Analysis Group, McKinsey & Company, University of Chicago Management (15) Accenture, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, McKinsey & Company, MIT, Potamus Trading, Self-Employed, The Blackstone Group Aeronautics and Astronautics (16) Apple,

Bank of America, Boeing, Goldman Sachs, Karem Aircraft, Merrill Lynch, Munich Re Trading LLC, Northrop Grumman, OneWeb, Orbital ATK Flight Services, Point., Pratt & Whitney, Space Exploration Technologies, The Boeing Company, U.S Navy Political Science (17) Bain & Company, U.S Army Mathematics (18) Ab Initio, Bain & Company, Citadel LLC, DeepMind Technologies, EF Education First, First Derivatives US Inc, Goldman Sachs, Google, Innovacare, Jane Street Capital, Jump Trading, Krypton, McKinsey & Company, Meteor Development Group, Oracle, SIG, Starwood Capital Group, Susquehanna International Group, Volant Trading Biological Engineering (20) AthenaHealth, Boston Consulting Group, Ginkgo Bioworks, Lyndra Inc., Massachusetts General Hospital, Oliver Wyman, Remora Therapeutics, Self-Employed, Tufts University Humanities (21) Capital One, Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton, Conduit LLC, Facebook, Kensho Technologies, Inc., Tulip Interfaces Inc Nuclear Engineering (22)

Oklo, U.S Navy Linguistics and Philosophy (24), Inc BACK TO TOP 17 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 Masters Employers by Department Results are based on student report and not representative of all employers who hire MIT students by department. Course (Course Number) Employers Civil & Environmental Engineering (1) Arup, Buro Happold, Deloitte Consulting, Hawaiian Airlines, Kleinfelder, MIT, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, The Walt Disney Company, Thornton Tomasetti, University of Stuttgart Mechanical Engineering (2) Accenture, Apple, Blue Origin, Columbus Technologies, Danaher Corporation, Desktop Metal, Lam Research, Lockheed Martin, Medtronic, Milwaukee Tool, Natel Energy, Shell Oil, Space Exploration Technologies, Tesla Motors, U.S Army, US Coast Guard, U.S Navy, Vicarious Surgical Materials Science and Engineering (3) Architecture (4) Accenture, Eskew+Dumez+Ripple, Georgia Institute of Technology

EECS Ab Initio,, Inc, Apple, Chain, Citadel LLC, D E Shaw, Deloitte Consulting, DNAnexus, Dropbox, Facebook, Google, GrokStyle, Gusto, iRobot, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, McKinsey & Company, MemSQL, Microsoft, MIT, Mozilla, Oracle, Pinterest, Rev, Samsara, Snapchat Inc., Texas Instruments Inc., US Air Force Chemical Engineering (10) Amgen Urban Studies and Planning (11) China Life Investment Holding, Detroit Economic Growth Corporation, Homeowners Rehab, Inc., Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly, MassDevelopment, MBTA, MiKinsey & Company, Midtown Detroit, Inc., nesterly, OFO, Pennrose, Selfemployed, Service Employees International Union, The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions EAPS (12) Management (15) AB InBev, Abraaj Capital, Adobe Systems, Advent International, Afiniti, Airbnb, Airtable,, Inc, Analysis Group, Apple, AT&T, AXA, Axon, Bain & Company, Banco de Credito de Peru, Bank of America, Bechtel, Bertelsmann, Bill

and Melinda Gates Foundation, Black Rock, Blue Origin, BlueWave Solar, Boeing, Boston Consulting Group, Cencosud, Central Bank of Mexico, Central Bank of Thailand, China International Capital Corporation, Cisco Systems, Citigroup, ClimaCell Inc., Clutter, Committed Advisors, Cornerstone Research, Credicom Consumer Finance Bank S.A, Dell, Deloitte Consulting, Delta Air Lines, Development Bank of Japan, Doro Corporation, Ernst and Young, Facebook, Fidelity, FirstData, Florez & Asociados Asesores Jurídicos, Ford Motor Company, FullStory, General BACK TO TOP 18 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Course (Course Number) Employers Electric, General Motors, Google, Green Harbor Investment, Honeywell, IBM, IDEO, Intel, InterContinental Hotels Group, Johnson & Johnson, JP Morgan, KBank, Koch Industries, Korean Airlines, Krungthai Bank, Kurt Salmon Associates, L.EK Consulting, Lenovo, LMI Consulting, LYFE Capital, Malin Plc, Marathon Asset Management, McKinsey & Company,

Microsoft, Ministry of defence, MIT, Mitsui & Co, Mizuho Financial Group, National Grid, Navigant Consulting, Nestle, New Balance, NIKE, Nimbus Therapeutics, Nissan, NS Solutions Corporation, Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, Paxos, PETRONAS, Pi-Crystal, Inc., PriceWaterHouseCoopers, Raymond James, Raytheon, Relay Investments, Rialto Capital Management, Risk.Ident GmbH, Samsung Corporation, Samsung Electronics, Schneider Electric, Self-employed, Sigma Ratings, Inc., Sophia Learning, State Street Bank, Suntory Holdings Limited, Temasek Holdings, The Blackstone Group, The Walt Disney Company, ThermoFisher Scientific, Third Sector Capital Partners, T-Mobile, Toshiba Corporation, U.S Army, US Coast Guard, US Government, Ubisoft, Vanke, Verizon, Wayfair, LLC, William Blair, William Morris Endeavor, Zugata Aeronautics and Astronautics (16) Airbus, Blue Origin, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Northrop Grumman, PA Consulting, Sikorsky Aircraft, Space Exploration Technologies, U.S Air Force

Political Science (17) Biological Engineering (20) AstraZeneca, Clearview Healthcare Partners, U.S Army Humanities (21) Nuclear Engineering (22) U.S Air Force, US Army Computation for Design and Optimization (CDO) LOreal USA, nference Engineering Management (EM) Canon, Ernst and Young, Industrial Growth Platform, Inc., Modern Meadow, PayPal, Salesforce, Saudi Aramco, Schlumberger, Shell Oil, Sony, spikeLab, Sumo Logic, U.S Army, U.S Coast Guard Engineering Systems Division (ESD) Amgen Health Sciences and Technology Harvard-MIT (HST) Flagship Ventures IDS, Inc, Bain & Company, Central Japan Railway Company, McKinsey & Company, U.S Air Force, US Army, U.S Navy Media Arts and Sciences (MAS) Facebook, Midnight Commercial, MIT, Valve Corporation Operations Research (OR) Uber Inc., US Army, Wayfair, LLC BACK TO TOP 19 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Course (Course Number) Employers Supply Chain Management (SCM), Inc, Apple, Boston

Consulting Group, Boston Scientific, Brooks Brothers, Converse, Deloitte Consulting, Fung Group, General Electric, General Mills, McKinsey & Company, Sanofi 2017 Employers of International Graduates* *Some companies hired more than 1 graduate but are only represented once below. Employers of International Undergraduates, Inc Etsy McKinsey & Company Oracle Apple Facebook Microsoft Point. Citadel LLC Google MIT Yelp Employers of International Masters Adobe Systems China International Capital Corporation KBank PriceWaterHouseCoopers Advent International China Life Investment Holding Kleinfelder Relay Investments Afiniti Citigroup Korean Airlines Risk.Ident GmbH Airbnb ClimaCell Inc. Krungthai Bank Salesforce Airbus Committed Advisors L.EK Consulting Samsung Corporation, Inc Converse Lam Research Saudi Aramco Apple Credicom Consumer Finance Bank S.A LYFE Capital Schlumberger AstraZeneca D. E Shaw MassDevelopment

Shell Oil AXA Danaher Corporation McKinsey & Company Skidmore, Owings & Merrill Axon Deloitte Consulting Microsoft Snapchat Inc. BACK TO TOP 20 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Employers of International Masters Bain & Company Desktop Metal Ministry of defence Sony Banco de Credito de Peru Development Bank of Japan MIT spikeLab Bank of America Doro Corporation Mitsui & Co Sumo Logic Bertelsmann Ernst and Young Mizuho Financial Group Suntory Holdings Limited Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Facebook Modern Meadow Temasek Holdings Black Rock FirstData nference The Blackstone Group Boston Consulting Group Florez & Asociados Asesores Jurídicos Nissan The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions Boston Scientific Fung Group NS Solutions Corporation The Walt Disney Company Brooks Brothers General Mills OFO T-Mobile Canon Google Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Toshiba Corporation Cencosud Green Harbor

Investment Oracle Uber Inc. Central Bank of Mexico IBM PayPal Ubisoft Central Bank of Thailand Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. PETRONAS Vanke Central Japan Railway Company JP Morgan Pi-Crystal, Inc. Wayfair, LLC BACK TO TOP 21 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 MIT Employers Some companies hired more than 1 graduate but are only represented below. Employers of Undergraduates and Masters Graduates Accenture Deutsche Bank Lyndra Inc. Rialto Capital Management AB InBev Development Bank of Japan MaestroQA Risk.Ident GmbH Ab Initio Dimensional Inight Malin Plc Salesforce Abraaj Capital DNAnexus Marathon Asset Management Samsara Accenture Doro Corporation MarkForged Samsung Corporation Addepar Inc. Dropbox Mars & Co Samsung Electronics Adobe Systems EF Education First Massachusetts General Hospital San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Advent International Ernst and Young MassDevelopment Sanofi Afiniti Eskew+Dumez+Ripple

MathWorks Saudi Aramco Airbnb Etsy MBTA Scale Labs Airbus Exxon Mobil McKinsey & Company Schlumberger Airtable Facebook Medtronic Schneider Electric, Inc Fidelity MemSQL Self-employed Amgen First Derivatives US Inc Merrill Lynch Service Employees International Union Amyris FirstData Meteor Development Group SharkNinja Operating LLC Analysis Group Fitbit Microsoft Shell Oil Apple Five Rings Capital Midnight Commercial SIG Applied Predictive Technologies Flagship Ventures Midtown Detroit, Inc. Sigma Ratings, Inc. Arup Florez & Asociados Asesores Jurídicos Milwaukee Tool Sikorsky Aircraft Asana Ford Motor Company Ministry of defence Sistine Solar AstraZeneca FullStory MIT Skidmore, Owings & Merrill AT&T Fung Group MIT Lincoln Laboratory Snapchat Inc. BACK TO TOP 22 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Employers of Undergraduates and Masters Graduates AthenaHealth Gaia-Elements Mitsui & Co Sonos

Atlas5D Genentech Mizuho Financial Group Sony Aurora Flight Sciences General Electric Modern Meadow Sophia Learning AXA General Mills MOTU Sourcegraph Axon General Motors Mozilla Space Exploration Technologies Bain & Company Georgia Institute of Technology Munich Re Trading LLC spikeLab Banco de Credito de Peru Ginkgo Bioworks Natel Energy Square Inc. Bank of America Goldman Sachs National Grid Starry Internet Service Bates White, LLC Google Navigant Consulting Starwood Capital Group Bechtel Green Harbor Investment Nest, Inc State Street Bank Bertelsmann GrokStyle nesterly Sumo Logic Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Gusto Nestle Suntory Holdings Limited Black Rock Harvard University New Balance Systems and Technology Research (STR) Blue Origin Hawaiian Airlines New Classrooms Tactile Inc. BlueWave Solar Hewlett Packard nference Temasek Holdings BNP Paribas Hi-Rez Studios NIKE Tesla Motors Boeing Homeowners Rehab, Inc.

Nimbus Therapeutics Texas Instruments Inc. Boston Consulting Group Honeywell Nissan The Blackstone Group Boston Scientific IBI Group Northrop Grumman The Brattle Group Broad Institute IBM Novantas The Estee Lauder Companies Broadway Technology, LLC IDEO NS Solutions Corporation The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions Brooks Automation Nvidia The Walt Disney Company BACK TO TOP 23 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Employers of Undergraduates and Masters Graduates Brooks Brothers Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. Oasis ThermoFisher Scientific Buro Happold Innovacare Observatory of the Cote dAzur Third Sector Capital Partners Canon Intel OFO Thornton Tomasetti Capital One InterContinental Hotels Group Ohana Biosciences T-Mobile Cencosud InterSystems Corp. Oklo Toshiba Corporation Central Bank of Mexico Intuitive Surgical Oliver Wyman Tufts University Central Bank of Thailand iRobot OneWeb Tulip Interfaces

Inc. Central Japan Railway Company Jane Street Capital Ontario Teachers Pension Plan Two Sigma Investments Chain Jet Propulsion Laboratory Optum U.S Air Force China International Capital Corporation Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly Oracle U.S Army China Life Investment Holding Johnson & Johnson Orbital ATK Flight Services U.S Coast Guard Cimpress JoMI (Journal of Medical Insights) PA Consulting U.S Government Cisco Systems JP Morgan Palantir Technologies U.S Navy Citadel LLC Jump Trading Pandion Therapeutics Uber Inc. Citigroup Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity Paxos Ubisoft Clearview Healthcare Partners Karem Aircraft PayPal University of Chicago Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton KBank Pennrose University of Stuttgart ClimaCell Inc. Kensho Technologies, Inc. PETRONAS Valve Corporation Clorox Khan Academy Pi-Crystal, Inc. Vanke Clutter Kitty Hawk Corp Pinterest Vaxess Technologies, Inc. Codecademy Kleinfelder Pixar Verizon

Columbus Technologies Koch Industries PJT Partners Verus Research BACK TO TOP 24 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Employers of Undergraduates and Masters Graduates Committed Advisors Korean Airlines Point. Vicarious Surgical Conduit LLC Krungthai Bank Poly6 Technologies Volant Trading Converse Krypton Potamus Trading Wafer LLC Cornerstone Research Kuchnir Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery Pratt & Whitney Warburg Pincus Creare Inc. Kurt Salmon Associates PriceWaterHouseCoopers Wayfair, LLC Credicom Consumer Finance Bank S.A L.EK Consulting Pure Storage Waymo D. E Shaw Lam Research Raymond James William Blair Danaher Corporation Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Raytheon William Morris Endeavor DeepMind Technologies Lenovo Regal Beloit Wolf, Greenfield, and Sacks Dell LMI Consulting Relay Investments Workday, Inc Deloitte Consulting Lockheed Martin Remora Therapeutics Yelp Delta Air Lines LOreal USA RetailMeNot Inc.

Yext Desktop Metal LYFE Capital Rev ZOLL Medical Corporation Detroit Economic Growth Corporation Lyft Revive Solutions Inc. Zugata BACK TO TOP 25 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 Average Bachelors & Masters Salary by Course (US Dollars) The numbers of respondents are in columns titled #. Blank represents 2 or less response s *Please note that salary by major index fluctuates yearly since major is not tied specifically to first jobs, therefore salary ranges are listed. 2016 Bachelor’s Salary by Course (US Dollars) Course (Course Number) # Mean Median Salary Range Sign-on Bonus Mean Sign-on Bonus Median Civil & Environmental Eng. (1) 3 87,667 80,000 - 10,000 10,000 Mechanical Engineering (2) 54 74,054 73,250 30,000-120,000 9,654 6,500 Materials Science & Eng. (3) 10 72,300 79,000 36,000-85,000 8,200 10,000 Architecture (4) - - - - - - Chemistry (5) - - - - - - EECS Overall (6) 72 105,984 107,000

47,000-260,000 24,639 15,000 Electrical Science and Eng. (6-1) 6 78,567 86,000- 47,000100,000- 8,667 10,000 Electrical Eng. and Computer Science (6-2) 27 103,426 103,000 74,000-200,000 24,222 15,000 Computer Science and Eng. (6-3) 62 110,247 107,000 70,000-260,000 24,309 15,000 Computer Science and Molecular Biology (6-7) 5 89,800 95,000 - 25.000 25,000 Biology (7) 9 59,643 65,000 35,000-77,500 6,250 6,250 BACK TO TOP 26 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Physics (8) 10 76,093 85,000 10,000-160,000 23,000 10,000 - - - - - - 21 71,138 72,500 30,000-99,000 7,700 7,500 Urban Studies & Planning (11) - - - - - - EAPS (12) - - - - - - Economics (14) 7 76,714 76,000 40,000-160,000 9,250 10,0000 Management (15) 16 88,438 85,000 40,000-260,000 11,154 10,000 Aeronautics & Astronautics (16) 16 79,313 79,500 60,000-98,000 8,813 8,750 Brain and Cognitive Sciences (9) Chemical Engineering (10)

Political Science (17) - Mathematics (18) 28 108,768 111,500 22,000-200,000 16,591 12,500 Biological Engineering (20) 10 61,850 63,750 24,000-110,000 6,667 5,000 Humanities (21) - - - - - - Nuclear Engineering (22) - - - - - - Linguistics & Philosophy (24) - - - - - - BACK TO TOP 27 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 Average Master’s Salary by Course (US Dollars) The numbers of respondents are in columns titled #. Blank represents 2 or less responses *Please note that salary by major index fluctuates from yearly since major is not tied specifically to first jobs, therefore salary ranges are offered. 2016 Master’s Salary by Course (US Dollars) Course (Course Number) # Mean Median Salary Range Sign-on Bonus Mean Sign-on Bonus Median Civil & Environmental Eng. (1) 14 81,507 75,002 55,000120,000 7,667 2,000 Mechanical Engineering (2) 27 111,093 110,000 68,500200,000 18,733 20,000 Materials Science & Eng.

(3) - - - - - - Architecture (4) 4 82,000 62,500 53,000150,000 - - EECS (6) 21 119,405 118,000 45,000250,000 38,360 25,000 - - - - - - Urban Studies & Planning (11) 12 65,842 65,500 37,00089,600 5,000 5,000 Finance (15) 24 71,671 7,143 7,000 Management Studies (15) 5 106,000 78,000 75,000 200,000 24,000 Management MBA (15) 188 131,335 130,000 10,000325,000 30,199 25,000 Aeronautics & Astronautics (16) 13 82,769 90,000 36,000111,000 5,667 5,000 Nuclear Engineering (22) - - - - - - Media Arts and Science (MAS) 4 106,875 80,000 47,500220,000 - - CDO -- - - - - Operations Research (OR) 3 106,677 - - 10,000- Supply Chain Management (SCM) 16 $124,750 $122,500 90,000145,000 25,000 19,615 Engineering Management (ID and SD) 16 126,076 122,500 83,018180,000 18,250 17,500 IDS 9 69,532 75,000 8,000-140,000 24,000 5,000 Chemical Engineering (10) BACK TO TOP 77,500 82,000130,000 -

28 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 Bachelor’s Industry & Employer Data Industry # of Offers Employers Average Salary Median Salary Salary Range Aerospace and Defense 26 Aurora Flight Sciences, Boeing, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Karem Aircraft, Kitty Hawk Corp, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, OneWeb, Orbital ATK Flight Services, Pratt & Whitney, Space Exploration Technologies, Systems and Technology Research (STR), Verus Research 79,108 79,500 65,000 100,000 Automotive and Transportation 13 Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Tesla Motors, Waymo 87,615 80,000 73,740 125,000 Business Services (Advertising, Real Estate, Retail) 4, Inc, RetailMeNot Inc, Yelp 104,250 103,500 100,000 110,000 Chemicals and Materials 3 Amyris, Lockheed Martin, Poly6 Technologies 62,333 60,000 52,000 75,000 Communications, Arts, Entertainment (Sports, Media, Leisure, Film) 2 AT&T, Pixar Computer Hardware/Electrical Engineering 5 Apple,

Fitbit, Intel, Microsoft, Pure Storage 93,880 90,000 62,400 127,000 Computer Software (Gaming and Software Development) 64 Ab Initio,, Inc, Broadway Technology, LLC, Codecademy, Conduit LLC, Etsy, Facebook, General Electric, Google, HiRez Studios,, InterSystems Corp, Krypton, MathWorks, Meteor Development Group, Microsoft, MOTU, Nest, Inc, Oracle, Palantir Technologies, Rev, Salesforce, Scale Labs, Sourcegraph, Square Inc., Uber Inc, Workday, Inc, Yext 109,432 110,000 35,360 190,000 Consulting 39 Accenture, Analysis Group, Applied Predictive Technologies, Bain & Company, Bates White, LLC, Boston Consulting Group, Clearview Healthcare Partners, Deloitte Consulting, IBI Group, Mars & Co, McKinsey & Company, Navigant Consulting, Oliver Wyman, PA Consulting, The Brattle Group 79,615 80,000 60,000 105,000 Education (K-12) 1 EF Education First Energy and Utilities 6 Exxon Mobil, Gaia-Elements, Oklo, SelfEmployed, Shell Oil, Sistine Solar

85,625 96,750 50,000 99,000 Engineering 16 Apple, Asana, Brooks Automation, Dimensional Inight, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Lyndra Inc., MarkForged, Nest, Inc, Oasis, Oracle, Tactile Inc., Wafer LLC 84,912 80,000 20,000 130,000 Financial Services (Commercial 24 Addepar Inc., Bank of America, BNP Paribas, Broadway Technology, LLC, Capital One, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Jane Street 116,083 99,500 75,000 260,000 BACK TO TOP 29 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Industry # of Offers Employers Average Salary Median Salary Salary Range Capital, JP Morgan, Jump Trading, Kensho Technologies, Inc., Merrill Lynch, Munich Re Trading LLC, SIG, Susquehanna International Group, Two Sigma Investments, Volant Trading, Warburg Pincus Banking, Insurance) Health/Medicine 8 AthenaHealth, Atlas5D, Innovacare, Kuchnir Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Optum, ZOLL Medical Corporation 63,375 65,000 30,000 100,000 Industrial

and Consumer Manufacturing (Construction, Product Manufacturing, Consumer Products) 20 AB InBev,, Inc, Apple, Brooks Automation, Cimpress, Clorox, Fitbit, General Electric, Hewlett Packard, iRobot, Regal Beloit, SharkNinja Operating LLC, Sonos, Starry Internet Service, The Estee Lauder Companies, Tulip Interfaces Inc. 75,023 70,000 20,121 120,000 Investment Banking (Mutual Funds, Money Management) 11 Deutsche Bank, Five Rings Capital, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, PJT Partners, Potamus Trading, Starwood Capital Group, The Blackstone Group 105,000 85,000 85,000 200,000 Law 2 Cleary Gottlieb Steen and Hamilton, Wolf, Greenfield, and Sacks 85,000 Military 5 U.S Army, US Navy 45,000 36,000 33,000 60,000 Non-Profit Agency or NGO 3 Broad Institute, Khan Academy, New Classrooms 70,000 40,000 103,000 Pharmaceuticals (Biotech, Medical Device) 10 D. E Shaw, Genentech, Ginkgo Bioworks, Lyndra Inc., Ohana Biosciences, Pandion Therapeutics, Self-employed, Vaxess

Technologies, Inc. 74,900 67,500 24,000 200,000 Other 2 DNAnexus, Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity 65,000 Applied Research 5 Broad Institute, Creare Inc., DeepMind Technologies, Google, Nvidia 89,600 100,000 60,000 110,000 Academia (Higher Education) 8 Broad Institute, Harvard University, MIT, Observatory of the Cote dAzur, Tufts University, University of Chicago 37,425 39,200 10,000 60,000 BACK TO TOP 71,000 30 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet 2017 Master’s Industry & Employer Data Industry # of Offers Employers Average Salary Median Salary Salary Range Aerospace and Defense 22 Airbus, Blue Origin, Boeing, Central Bank of Thailand, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Lockheed Martin, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon, Sikorsky Aircraft, Space Exploration Technologies, Third Sector Capital Partners, U.S Air Force, U.S Navy 90,048 90,000 15,600 150,000 Architecture and Urban Planning 4 Eskew+Dumez+Ripple, nesterly, Selfemployed,

"Architecture Design Firm" 54,500 51,500 50,000 65,000 Automotive and Transportation 10 Central Japan Railway Company, Delta Air Lines, Ford Motor Company, Hawaiian Airlines, MBTA, MIT, OFO, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, Tesla Motors, Uber Inc. 97,222 95,000 52,000 150,000 Business Services (Advertising, Real Estate, Retail) 28, Inc, Cencosud, Central Bank of Thailand, MassDevelopment, Pennrose, Rialto Capital Management, Vanke, Wayfair, LLC 110,857 120,000 15,000 160,000 Chemicals and Materials 3 Honeywell, Koch Industries, Mitsui & Co 166,667 130,000 130,000 240,000 Communications, Arts, Entertainment (Sports, Media, Leisure, Film) 5 Airbnb, Bertelsmann, InterContinental Hotels Group, Sony, The Walt Disney Company 113,000 120,000 75,000 130,000 Computer Hardware/Electrical Engineering 10 Apple, Cisco Systems, Dell, Intel, PiCrystal, Inc., Samsung Corporation, Samsung Electronics, Snapchat Inc., Texas Instruments

Inc. 139,600 150,000 70,000 180,000 Computer Software (Gaming and Software Development) 46 Ab Initio, Adobe Systems, Afiniti, Airtable,, Inc, Apple, DNAnexus, Dropbox, Facebook, FullStory, Google, GrokStyle, Gusto, MemSQL, Microsoft, MIT, Mozilla, NS Solutions Corporation, Oracle, PayPal, Pinterest, Rev, Salesforce, Samsara, Samsung Corporation, Sigma Ratings, Inc., Sumo Logic, Ubisoft, Valve Corporation 126,413 120,000 50,000 220,000 Consulting 100 Accenture, Analysis Group, Bain & Company, Boston Consulting Group, Clearview Healthcare Partners, Cornerstone Research, Deloitte Consulting, Ernst and Young, IBM, Industrial Growth Platform, Inc., Kurt Salmon Associates, L.EK Consulting, McKinsey & Company, Navigant Consulting, PA Consulting, PriceWaterHouseCoopers, spikeLab, The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions 131,671 147,000 50,000 200,000 BACK TO TOP 31 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Industry # of Offers Employers

Average Salary Median Salary Salary Range Energy and Utilities 8 BlueWave Solar, National Grid, PETRONAS, Schlumberger, Schneider Electric, Shell Oil 105,444 101,500 50,000 177,534 Engineering 18 Apple, Arup, Bechtel, Buro Happold, ClimaCell Inc., Columbus Technologies, Desktop Metal, Facebook, IDEO, Kleinfelder, Lam Research, Natel Energy, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, Thornton Tomasetti, Wayfair, LLC 92,048 94,000 61,000 130,000 Financial Services (Commercial Banking, Insurance) 19 Abraaj Capital, Banco de Credito de Peru, Chain, China International Capital Corporation, China Life Investment Holding, Citadel LLC, Citigroup, Development Bank of Japan, Fidelity, FirstData, General Electric, Krungthai Bank, LYFE Capital, Mizuho Financial Group, Paxos, Risk.Ident GmbH, Sigma Ratings, Inc., The Blackstone Group, William Blair 110,132 110,000 36,000 250,000 Government 1 U.S Government Health/Medicine 6 Amgen, Johnson & Johnson, Medtronic, Nference, Saudi

Aramco, Sophia Learning 126,400 120,000 90,000 180,000 Industrial and Consumer Manufacturing (Construction, Product Manufacturing, Consumer Products) 24 AB InBev,, Inc, Apple, Axon, Converse, Danaher Corporation, Doro Corporation, Fung Group, General Electric, General Mills, LOreal USA, Milwaukee Tool, Modern Meadow, Nestle, New Balance, NIKE, Samsung Corporation, Suntory Holdings Limited, TMobile 109,865 119,000 60,000 170,000 Investment Banking (Mutual Funds, Money Management) 14 Bank of America, Black Rock, Citigroup, Committed Advisors, Credicom Consumer Finance Bank S.A, D E Shaw, Fidelity, Green Harbor Investment, JP Morgan, Marathon Asset Management, Ontario Teachers Pension Plan, Raymond James, State Street Bank, Temasek Holdings 119,533 100,000 35,000 325,000 Military 19 Ministry of Defense, U.S Air Force, US Army, U.S Coast Guard, US Navy 83,581 75,000 40,000 150,000 Non-Profit Agency or NGO 4 Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Detroit

Economic Growth Corporation, Homeowners Rehab, Inc., Jewish Community Housing for the Elderly 80,250 65,500 65,000 125,000 Pharmaceuticals (Biotech, Medical Device) 8 Amgen, AstraZeneca, Boston Scientific, Flagship Ventures, Nimbus Therapeutics, Sanofi, ThermoFisher Scientific, Vicarious Surgical 107,250 113,000 58,000 137,500 Other 13 AB InBev,, Inc, AT&T, Clutter, Facebook, IBM, MIT, Relay 126,846 125,000 70,000 175,000 BACK TO TOP 32 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet # of Offers Industry Employers Average Salary Median Salary Salary Range Investments, Samsung Corporation, Verizon Applied Research 3 iRobot, Midnight Commercial, The Walt Disney Company 67,667 50,000 33,000 120,000 Academia (Higher Education) 5 Georgia Institute of Technology, MIT, University of Stuttgart 43,900 47,500 10,000 72,000 Basic Research 1 IBM Blanks 2 ClimaCell Inc. Graduate and Professional School WHAT TYPE OF DEGREE WERE GRADUATES PURSUING?

(Graduates could check all that applied so the number will be more than 100%) Undergraduate MENG MS MA MBA PHD/ScD JD MD/DDS /DVM Other 40.5% 16.7% 0.4% 0.0% 42.5% 1.6% 6.3% 2.4% 1.4% 1.4% 0.0% 1.4% 93.0% 0.0% 0.0% 4.2% Masters WHAT WAS THE AVERAGE GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL APPLICATIONS/ACCEPTANCES? Degree Level Applications Acceptances Undergraduate 4.8 2.9 Masters 3.7 2.8 WHAT WERE THE TOP GRADUATE/PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL DESTINATIONS FOR GRADUATES? University # of Students Massachusetts Institute of Technology 177 Stanford University 22 Harvard 16 University of California, Berkeley 12 Caltech 4 Columbia University 4 BACK TO TOP 33 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Northwestern University 3 University of California, San Diego 3 University of Chicago 3 University of Michigan 3 2017 Undergraduates Further Education and Graduate/Professional School by Department Course (Course Number) Graduate/Professional School Civil

& Environmental Engineering (1) MIT, UC Berkeley, Stanford University Mechanical Engineering (2) Materials Science and Engineering (3) Carnegie Mellon University, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, MIT, Purdue University, Stanford University, UC Berkeley, UC Riverside, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, University of Southern California Carnegie Mellon University, MIT, UC Berkeley, University of Illinois Architecture (4) Chemistry (5) EECS (6) Harvard University, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley Harvard, MIT, Northwestern University, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, University of Cambridge Biology (7) Baylor University , Boston University , Duke University , Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Northwestern University, Stanford University, University of California, Berkeley, Washington University Physics (8) Brown University, Caltech, Colorado University- Boulder, Harvard University, MIT,

Stanford University, University of California , Berkeley, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania Brain and Cognitive Sciences (9) Columbia University, Harvard University, Northwestern University, UMass Medical School, UT Southwestern Medical Center Chemical Engineering (10) MIT, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of Washington, University of Pennsylvania Urban Studies and Planning (11) EAPS (12) Brown University, Harvard University, University of Chicago Economics (14) Management (15) BACK TO TOP 34 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Course (Course Number) Aeronautics and Astronautics (16) Graduate/Professional School MIT, Purdue University, University of Colorado at Boulder Political Science (17) Mathematics (18) Carnegie Mellon University, Georgia Tech, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, MIT, Stanford University, University of Arizona, University of California, Los Angeles, Vanderbilt, Yale University Biological Engineering

(20) Cornell University, Georgia Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University , MIT, Oakland University , Rice University, Stanford University, Uniformed Services University of the Health Science, University of California, Berkeley, Washington University, Yale University Humanities (21) Nuclear Engineering (22) University of Pennsylvania Linguistics and Philosophy (24) 2017 Masters Further Education and Graduate/Professional School by Department Course (Course Number) Civil & Environmental Engineering (1) Mechanical Engineering (2) Materials Science and Engineering (3) Architecture (4) EECS (6) Graduate/Professional School MIT MIT MIT ETH Zurich, MIT, University of California Berkeley Carnegie Mellon University, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, MIT, Stanford University Brain and Cognitive Sciences (9) Chemical Engineering (10) Urban Studies and Planning (11) EAPS (12) MIT London School of Economics and Political Science Harvard University BACK TO

TOP 35 | Page Source: http://www.doksinet Management (15) Aeronautics and Astronautics (16) Humanities (21) Princeton University MIT University of California Santa Cruz Nuclear Engineering (22) Institute for Data, Systems, and Society (IDSS) Media Arts and Sciences (MAS) University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill MIT BACK TO TOP 36 | Page