Information Technology | Economical IT » Berrimah Weighbridge, Electronic Ticketing System, How to Use Guide

 2017 · 6 page(s)  (1 MB)    English    5    May 27 2021    Sydney Beaudreault  

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DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS BERRIMAH WEIGHBRIDGE ELECTRONIC TICKETING SYSTEM - “HOW TO USE” GUIDE Ver. 10 – December 2017 Note: The following pictures are shown from an iOS system (Apple iPhone) and will differ from using an Android mobile device (eg. Samsung mobile phone) or a Windows device However, the service should work on Android and Windows devices as well as Apple ones. Multi-Plate: 1. Go to the Wi-Fi settings on your device and search for available Wi-Fi connections 2. When the Wi-Fi options are displayed, select “Berrimah Multi-Plate” 1 DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS 3. When the “Berrimah Multi-Plate” Wi-Fi is selected, a login pop-up message will appear. Press “LOGIN” 4. Once logged in, the weigh page for the multi-plate will appear 2 DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS 5. Enter REGO plate in the space provided and press “Submit” Weights will appear on right hand side. 6.

Once “Submit” has been pressed, the weigh docket will be generated and opened in a PDF format. This can be screenshot, saved to your device or emailed 7. Press “Reset” once weighing has been completed Single-Plate: 1. Go to the Wi-Fi settings on your device and search for available Wi-Fi connections 2. When the Wi-Fi options are displayed, select “Berrimah Single-Plate” 3 DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS 3. When the “Berrimah Single-Plate” Wi-Fi is selected, a login pop-up message will appear. Press “LOGIN” 4. Once logged in, the weigh page for the single-plate will appear 4 DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS 5. Enter REGO plate in the space provided and press “Start” Weights will appear on right hand side. 6. If more axles are to be weighed over the single-plate, once the relevant axle is on the weigh plate, press “Capture Next Weight”. The weight will then be displayed in the box on the right hand side

and a note saying “weight captured” will be shown in red to confirm the weight has been recorded. 5 DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, PLANNING AND LOGISTICS 7. Once all weights have been captured, press “Finish” A PDF weigh docket will be shown. User can screenshot, save or email the weigh docket. Additional Notes: 1. Users can bookmark the weighbridge weigh sites and save to their “favourites” The relevant addresses to bookmark are: Multi-Plate: http://192.1681002/sevendeck Single-Plate: http://192.1681006/singledeck 2. Regular users of the weighbridge will see that their mobile device will automatically recognise and connect to the Wi-Fi connection when at the weighbridge. However, the user must ensure that the Wi-Fi they are connected to corresponds to the weigh plate they are on. For example, connected to the “Berrimah Multi-Plate” when using the multi-plate weighbridge and the “Berrimah Single-Plate” when using the single-plate weighbridge. 3. Refer to

ntgovau (https://ntgovau/copyright-disclaimer-and-privacy) for general information on Terms of Use for Northern Territory Government web services. 4. To report any faults or issues, please call (08) 8999 3121 between 8am-4pm Monday-Friday (except Public Holidays) or email: mvr@nt.govau 6