Information Technology | High school » Creating a StorageCraft ShadowProtect IT Edition 3Day ISO, How to Guide

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How to Guide: Creating a StorageCraft ShadowProtect IT Edition 3-Day ISO *Note: Before beginning these steps, you will want to follow the instructions in the How To Guide: Using StorageCraft Recovery Environment Builder. 1. Run the StorageCraft Recovery Environment Builder A. Open StorageCraft Recovery Environment Builder and select IT Edition 3-Day ISO as the output product type B. Enter a valid ShadowProtect IT Edition product key This will begin the ShadowProtect IT Edition licensing period. C. Make sure Windows ADK Directory and ISO Output Directory are pointing to the right paths 2. Add or Remove Drivers (32-bit only) Note: Typically, the StorageCraft Recovery Environment does not require additional drivers. Most installations provide sufficient support for the StorageCraft Recovery Environment to run. However, manufacturers may release new hardware or release new versions of drivers or a site may use custom hardware with unique drivers. These drivers must be 32-bit even if

the restored target OS is 64-bit. (The StorageCraft Recovery Environment is a 32-bit application and requires 32-bit drivers, particularly to access storage devices.) The StorageCraft Recovery Environment ISO also supports adding these drivers later on during each individual restore. Important: The StorageCraft Recovery Environment created by the StorageCraft Recovery Environment Builder does not currently support iSCSI. A. Add drivers to the ShadowProtect IT Edition 3-Day ISO by selecting the ‘Add Driver’ icon B. Locate the (*.inf) driver files in your directory to include in the 3-Day ISO Note: RE Builder displays an error message if the driver is 64-bit only. Confirm that the driver SYS file is 32-bit and that it is correctly referenced in the driver .inf file Warning: Do not delete any of the listed driver files or move them to a different folder until after using the RE Builder to burn the last required copy of the ISO. If the RE Builder cannot find the driver file(s),

it will fail If this occurs, restart the program and recreate the list with the corrected driver location(s). C. Remove ShadowProtect IT Edition 3-Day ISO Drivers by selecting the ‘Remove Driver’ icon 3. Create the ShadowProtect IT Edition 3-Day ISO A. Click the green play button to create the ShadowProtect IT Edition 3-Day ISO B. Once the StorageCraft Recovery Environment builder has completed successfully, the ISO will be located in the selected Output Directory. Select OK to continue C. RE Builder will display the option to burn the ISO to CD/DVD or USB 4. Burn the ISO to Selected Media Important: Selecting to burn to a USB device (such as an external hard drive or USB key) will prompt an Overwrite Destination dialog. Choosing Yes for the ShadowProtect IT Edition 3-Day ISO will wipe the USB device A. If you don’t want to burn an ISO at this time, close the ‘Write Recovery Environment Media’ dialogue Note: To burn the ISO later, rerun the RE Builder, select

IT Edition 3-Day ISO for the Output Product Type and select the Burn icon. B. Select the suitable drive letter to burn the ShadowProtect IT Edition 3-Day ISO to, and select Burn StorageCraft Technology Corporation – Backup Fast, Recover Faster 2014 StorageCraft Technology Corporation. All Rights Reserved This brochure is for informational purposes only STORAGECRAFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY. StorageCraft and ShadowProtect names and logos are trademarks of StorageCraft Technology Corporation Other product and company names mentioned herein are or may be the trademarks of their respective owners