Content extract
Managers’ How to Guide. Resignation Policy statement The Resignation Policy sets out the responsibilities and requirements of both you and the employee in respect of resignations from the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC). Scope All employees of the OPCC. How to use this document This document is not part of the formal policy. Instead it provides additional information to help you as the manager in the practical day to day application of the policy. It is expected that you will have an understanding of the Resignation Policy prior to using this guide. Roles and responsibilities. 3 How to manage a resignation when an employee is moving to another role within the OPCC . 4 How to manage a resignation when the employee is leaving the OPCC . 4 How to manage the withdrawal of a resignation . 5 How to manage the exit interview process . 5 Support . 6 Managers’ How to Guide Resignation Policy Page 2 of 6 Roles and responsibilities As the manager you are
responsible for: • ensuring adequate notice has been provided or agreeing an alternative notice period • sending a formal letter of acknowledgement of the resignation • where the employee is leaving the OPCC notifying the IBC of the resignation as soon as possible using the e-leaver form • making arrangements for and checking the return of any outstanding monetary loans and equipment All employees moving to another role or leaving the OPCC are responsible for: • notifying their manager of their resignation in writing • providing the required notice period or agreeing an alternative notice period • discussing and agreeing with their manager annual leave arrangements • returning any OPCC property prior to leaving • submitting all claims for expenses prior to their last day The HR person who is supporting the manager is responsible for: • advising on policy application and best practice • advising and supporting the completion of letters • HR does not perform a
decision making role Managers’ How to Guide Resignation Policy Page 3 of 6 How to manage a resignation when an employee is moving to another role within the OPCC The employee must formally submit their resignation to you either by letter or email. They should allow for the required notice period; although a mutually suitable date may be agreed between you and the employee if appropriate. Where the employee is moving to another role within the OPCC, you do not need to notify the IBC as the employee’s SAP record is changed as part of the recruitment process. You must discuss and agree on a transfer date with the employee and the new line manager. You must send a letter to the employee to acknowledge the resignation and confirm the agreed leaving date, outlining any work that needs to be completed or handed over prior to the transfer date. How to manage a resignation when the employee is leaving the OPCC The employee must formally submit their resignation to you either by
letter or email. They should allow for the required notice period although a mutually suitable date may be agreed between you and the employee if appropriate. You must send a letter to the employee acknowledging their resignation and confirming the agreed leaving date. You must advise the IBC as soon as possible of the resignation using the e-leaver form. You must establish if the employee has any outstanding annual leave. Where operationally possible this must be taken prior to leaving the OPCC. Where you identify an employee who works 52 weeks per year has taken more annual leave than their pro rata entitlement you must include this on the SAP e-leaver form. The appropriate deduction can then be made from their final salary. If the employee does not work a set pattern of hours each day the calculation is based on their actual hours and pattern of work. A payment in lieu of annual leave is only made where it has not been possible due to operational reasons to take the pro rata annual
leave entitlement in full in the final year of employment. If a payment is necessary you must include this on the SAP eleaver form and it is paid at basic salary. The employee is required to advise you of any equipment or loans that they have and you must ensure that any outstanding payments are recovered and that all OPCC property is returned. Managers’ How to Guide Resignation Policy Page 4 of 6 Employees need to submit all claims for expenses prior to their last day in service to ensure that these can be paid. IT access is cancelled automatically as a result of submitting the e-leaver form. How to manage the withdrawal of a resignation An employee does not have the right to withdraw their resignation once submitted. You are entitled however to consider any such request made by an employee and to use your discretion to decide whether to allow the employee to retract their resignation. You may wish to consider the following points when arriving at a decision: • does the
employee have skills and experience that are important to the department? • are there any existing management concerns regarding performance, absence or conduct? • is recruitment to the post already under way? • are there any budget implications? If you are happy for the employee to retract their resignation you need to contact the IBC and ask them to cancel the leaving action. How to manage the exit interview process Where an employee is moving to another role within the OPCC or leaving the OPCC, you must offer the employee an optional exit interview. Exit interview information may be considered so that trends and issues can be identified and used to assist and shape future decision making. Exit interviews are an opportunity for you to find out in more detail from the employee: • why they are changing jobs / leaving • their opinions about their employment with the OPCC in areas such as: - workload - employment policies - working conditions - management - organisation
culture - their views in updating and re-defining their job description Managers’ How to Guide Resignation Policy Page 5 of 6 It is helpful if you can encourage the employee to be open and honest as you, or your department, may use this information in the future as a basis for implementing changes in working practices that can help to improve both staff relations and client services. You will give the employee an exit interview form for them to complete. You and the employee will then meet to discuss the form before the employee moves post/leaves the OPCC’s employment. Where the employee raises an issue or concern during an exit interview, you should respond appropriately and take action which is proportionate and possible within the remaining notice period. The employee may request their exit interview to be with someone other than you. Where this is the case you can seek to make alternative arrangements either with your manager (the employee’s grandparent manager) or
another manager within the department. A copy of the completed questionnaire should be stored on the employees personnel file or ePF. Support Managers: Any queries can be directed to HR Operations. How to guide Governance Hantsfile reference: Date of publication: Planned review date: Owner: Managers’ How to Guide Resignation Policy 6954977 V1 – November 2014 3 years or sooner if required HR Operations Page 6 of 6