Medical knowledge | Pharmacology » About Astrazenecas Covid-19 Vaccine


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AstraZenecas COVID-19-vaccine The AstraZeneca vaccine stimulates the immune system to produce antibodies that protect against COVID-19. The vaccine gives 60% protection against COVID-19 15 days after the second vaccine dose. It remains unclear for how long this immunity lasts. Vaccine efficacy in clinical trials a generally milder disease course 100 vaccinated individuals 100 non-vaccinated individuals with 1 infected COVID - 19 3 Vaccines mean fewer people will get COVID-19. And those who are infected will have milder symptoms Without vaccines, more people will get COVID-19, and there will be more with serious symptoms infected with COVID - 19 Side effects recorded in studies before authorisation Mild or moderate side effects will pass within a few days; there is no need to consult a doctor. If you experience serious symptoms, you should seek medical assistance. Keep in mind that there are usually more side effects after the first shot. 100% af vaccinerede Very common side

effects - more than 10% Experienced by 64 Common side effects - 1 - 10% Redness at the injection site, swelling at the injection site, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever (of more than 38°C) Uncommon side effects - 0.1 - 1% Loss of appetite, enlarged lymph nodes, dizziness, sleepiness, excessive sweating, itchy skin, rash Tenderness at the injection site 54 Pain at the injection site 53 Tiredness 53 Headache 44 Feeling unwell 44 Muscle ache 34 Feeling feverish 32 Chills 26 Joint pain 22 0 20 40 60 80 Nausea Other very common side effects are warmth, itching and bruising where the injection is given. In very rare cases, the vaccine may cause a severe allergic reaction, so-called anaphylaxis Symptoms of anaplylaxis: Dizziness, changes in heart rate (pulse), shortness of breath, wheezing, swollen lips/face/throat, hives/rash, nausea/vomiting, stomach pain. Read more about the vaccines and side effects at or find the package leaflet at