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Verb Patterns - I considered buying OR to buy? The correct answer to the question in the title is: I considered buying a new . The verb consider when followed by another verb takes the ing form. Other verbs, such as hope (I hope to see you soon.) take the infinitive form Still other verbs such as let take a (pro)noun followed by the base form of the verb: She let her child stay out late. These reference guides provide lists of the most common verbs used in these combination of verb patterns: Verbs followed by the gerund - Verb + Ing Verbs followed by a (pro)noun plus the infinitive - Verb + (Pro)Noun + Infinitive Verbs followed by the infinitive - Verb + Infinitive Verb Patterns (to be continued in Issue 83) There are also many verb patterns which are common in English. When two verbs are used, it is especially important to notice which form the second verb takes (infinitive - to do - base form - do - verb ing - doing). Verb Pattern Structure Examples verb infinitive This is
one of the most common verb combination forms. Reference list of: Verb + Infinitive I waited to begin dinner. They wanted to come to the party. verb + verb+ing This is one of the most common verb combination forms. Reference list of: Verb + Ing They enjoyed listening to the music. They regretted spending so much time on the project. verb + verb+ing OR verb + infinitive - no change in meaning Some verbs can combine with other verbs using both forms without changing the basic meaning of the sentence. She started to eat dinner. OR She started eating dinner. verb + verb ing OR verb + infinitive change in meaning Some verbs can combine with other verbs using both forms. However, with these verbs, there is a change in the basic meaning of the sentence. This guide to verbs that change meaning provides explanations of the most important of these verbs. They stopped speaking to each other. => They dont speak to each other anymore. They stopped to speak to each other. => They
stopped walking in order to speak to each other. verb + indirect object + direct object An indirect object is usually placed before a direct object when a verb takes both an indirect and direct object. I bought her a book. She asked him the question. verb + object + infinitive This is the most common form when a verb is followed by both an object and a verb. Reference list of: Verb + (Pro)Noun + Infinitive She asked her to find a place to stay. They instructed them to open the envelope. verb + object + base form (infinitive This form is used with a few verbs (let, help and make). She made her finish her homework. They let him go to the without to) concert. He helped him paint the house. verb + object verb+ing This form is less common than verb object infinitive. I observed them painting the house. I heard her singing in the living room. verb + object + clause with that Use this form for a clause beginning with that. She told him that she would work harder. He
informed him that he was going to resign. verb + object + clause with wh- Use this form for a clause beginning with wh(why, when, where) They were instructed where to go. She told me why she had done it. verb + object + past participle This form is often used when someone does something for someone else. He had his car washed. They want the report finished immediately. Verbs Followed by the Gerund Verbs with Ing - Reference List Many verbs are followed immediately by the gerund or ing form of the verb. These are also known as verbs used with ing. The following list provides verbs combined with ing (verbs followed by gerunds). Each verb with ing is followed by two example sentences to provide context. All of these verbs follow no specific rules, and must be memorized You can practice your knowledge once youve reviewed this sheet, as well as the other verb pattern reference lists by taking these quizzes: Phrasal Verbs Followed by Ing Phrasal verbs are verbs that are made up of a
verb with one or two particles such as look into, put up with, etc. Phrasal verbs generally end in prepositions Prepositions are always followed by the gerund or ing form of the verb. Therefore, all phrasal verbs that are immediately followed another verb combine with the ing form of the verb. For example: Lets look into buying a new car soon. Jane got over leaving his home town after a few years. 1. acknowledge She wouldnt acknowledge breaking any of the rules. You should always acknowledge needing help and then go find it. 2. admit Jane admitted steeling some candy from the other boy. Doug doesnt admit knowing anything about the situation. 3. advise Anthony advised selling shares short in this market situation. Our counselor advised applying for colleges well ahead of the February deadline. 4. anticipate We dont anticipate waiting times of more than twenty minutes. Angela anticipated wanting some extra food and brought a sandwich along. 5. appreciate We appreciate
spending time together on Saturdays. Tom appreciated being alone for the weekend. 6. avoid Id recommend you avoid spending too much time on a computer. She avoided speaking to Tim for more than a month. 7. complete Jack completes posting his messages by 12 noon every day. Do the students usually complete doing their homework on time for class? 8. consider Im considering buying a house in the countryside. Sarah shortly considered getting married to Fred, but decided she didnt really love him. 9. defer The client deferred paying his bills for a few months and was fined. Have you ever deferred doing something for a long time? 10. delay Its not a good idea to delay having a child for too long. Well delay starting the class until all the students have arrived. 11. deny Cathy denied lying about the situation to her boss. Jason doesnt deny cheating on the test. 12. discuss We shortly discussed purchasing a new car, but decided against it. Are you going to discuss scheduling a
new class time? 13. dislike I dislike getting into arguments with people I dont know well. They disliked eating so early every morning when they went to school. 14. enjoy She enjoys playing tennis and riding horses in her free time. Do you enjoy hiking or skiing in the mountains? 15. entail The job entails getting to work by five in the morning. It doesnt entail spending any extra money to join. 16. finish Have finished writing that report yet? Tom finished cleaning his apartment and went outside for a jog. 17. forget Have you ever forgotten doing something terrible? Shelly forgot playing tennis when she was young. 18. cant help I cant help thinking that you could do better if you really tried! James cant help making so many complaints. Its in his nature 19. involve The job doesnt involve lifting heavy objects. Getting a degree involved studying late into the night on many occasions. 20. justify The CEO justified wasting so much money because he felt entitled. How
can you justify spending so much money on vacation? 21. keep Tom keeps putting his foot in his mouth when he speaks. What has kept you working so hard for so many years? 22. mention Id like to mention playing the role of Karnak in 1998. She mentioned having problems in her chemistry class. 23. mind Do you mind moving over to let me sit down? Jason doesnt mind working overtime on Wednesdays. 24. miss I really miss speaking Italian on a daily basis. They are going to miss playing golf every day when they get back to work. 25. postpone Lets postpone meeting until next week. The students postponed doing their homework until the last possible moment. 26. practice I usually practice playing the piano for an hour every day. How often do you practice speaking Russian? 27. quit James quit smoking three years ago. Have you ever quit doing something that was healthy, but boring? 28. recall Henry recalls traveling throughout Europe when he was a young boy. Do you recall visiting
this town two years ago? 29. recollect Peter recollects having a good time in Jamaica a few years ago. Do you recollect meeting Mr. Snyder? 30. recommend Cheryl recommended going to the Italian restaurant instead of the Iranian restaurant. I highly recommend reading Hemingway to improve your English. 31. regret She regrets having spent so little time with her daughter. I wonder if Hank regrets spending so much on golf. 32. resent The children resent having to do chores on Saturdays. Do you resent working for such an incompetent boss? 33. resist Id resist investing in the stock market these days. She resisted speaking to him for as long as possible. 34. risk Have you ever risked breaking a leg or an arm while playing a sport? Jack risked making a mistake by working so quickly. 35. stop The verb stop can also be followed by the infinitive with a change in meaning. He stopped smoking two years ago. Have you ever stopped doing something that wasnt good for you? 36.
sanction The government sanctioned living in private quarters for the soldiers on tour. The football league sanctioned stepping on the field. 37. suggest She suggested looking for a new job. Do you suggest staying in New York for vacation? 38. tolerate The teachers didnt tolerate making noise during class. Dan wouldnt tolerate smoking in his house. 39. understand Do you understand thinking out of the box? She understands working with computers