Manuals | Pool, spa » Instruction Manual Hitachi Twin-Tub Washer, model PS-99BSP

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HITACHI INSTRUCTION MANUAL lnspire t he Next HITACHI ITWIN-TUBIWASHER (~ c o n t e n ts ) Thank you for purchaslng lhe Hltachi Twln-Tub Washer Please carefully read this lnstruction Manual to ensure correct use of the machlne. Features ··--··---······································································ 2 Afler reading lhrough this manual, p lease keep it toget her wlth warranty ln a sale place for future reference. Salety Precaubons . 3 Precautlons far Proper Use . 6 Component Names and Funcuons . 7 Parts Oescripuon and Func11ons of lhe Operaling Panel •.•• 8 • Washlng Procedures Preparalion . - 0 8 8 (!) W~shing . 10 @ Prellmlnary Splnnlng . 10 @ Ains1ng . 12 @ Splnning . 12 When washlng Is completed . 13 Various Washing M odes 14 Wllen washing wool garments and olher delicate laundry When washlng blanket Hints lor Effective Washing . 15 Cleaning

the Machine . 16 lnstallalion . 17 Before Calllng far Service . 18 AJter-Sates Servlce and Warranly . 19 Specihcatlons . 20 l. F e a tu r e s High Speed Spinning Large-sized Spin Dryer Basket You can lead the basket with laundry and unload it Iram the basket with ease. Large-sized Pulsator This large pulsator enables laundry lead of up te 8kg te be washed. 2 j l. j s a f e ty P re c a u t io n s ■ The safely precaullons des,:rlbed herein are classified inlo lhe tollowing 1wo categories, -Wam,ng• and •cau110n·, ln otder 10 express a degree ol seriousness and urgency ol posslb!e injury and damage which may resul1 Jrom misuse and improper use ol lile washer due to tailure lo observe lhe individual insttuctions : & & WARNING CAUTION Wamtng{s) is used 10 Inda i.e thé *l)Cesenoe of a hawrd wtilch may cause severe peraonal in1ury ° death il iUI instnJaioos are not Wldl) ObS8tV8Cf.

Cal/tlon(s) t5 used IO lndlcaie the ·PftSet>ee of a tward whlch m,y cause personat injury or property damage ti its lnstrucvons are nol oorlee11y lollowod „ • Al!er r&ading through Ina manuat. be suro to koop 11 ln a safo plaoe where any u5EIB can always vi:sibly rooognl1& and refer to tl wtth ease ~ (9 E:rampte, ol W11m!ng Pic:tog1ap,h!I 0 The •4,.• mark$ lnölCIJle •wmnings and precaufk>ns to wt,iC:h all USOtS must pay and <ltec:l their attention.• Tho &" mat1cs . - ln a clrcie lndicals "p<ollbllSd aclJOnS lhal alt users aro not - IO perlorm. The .- mark$ wlth exdama1Jon mark ín them lndicruo some •i:wocedure that must be followed" a) The appllanco I& not intended f0t use by yo.-g chlldren or inflrm pelS()ns wtlhou1 SUf)CM:Sk,n b) Young chilctren should bo s ~ 10 ens.uro they do not play wlth lhe appiance e) lf appllance tS supplled Iram a cord ext.ension soekel or an electrlc portable outlet devlce, lhe

eo<d extansion set or eleetrlc ponablo outlcn device mus1 be pos.1bC>ned $0 lhat is not 5Ubject 10 splashlng or mgress ol moisture. d) The appl1ance iS to be connected 10 the mams u:smg new hose-sets Blld old hOSe•·sets: should not be roused e) 11 Ulé suppfy cord iS dama9&(J. h musl be roplacod by the manufao1urer or lhe manufaciurers agent or similatty qual!fled parson ln on:te, to avokf a hazard & Persons other than repalr teehnlcian must not dlsassemble, repatr or modlfy the unit. • Ooing so may resut1 ln fire or malrun011on,ng. whalch moy 0 Use a slngle socKet rated al 10A or more. lOA or more. • tt you use the OUlfet r.-o whlch a<hef - pt,g is lnsonod. IM ouuat may cause fire resulung from abnonnol heat. eaus. 1n;ury 0 WARNING Whon lhe prong (s) ot power ptug or the base Be sure to apply the specifled voltage to lhe of the prong (s) Is soflod with dfrt or dusl, wipe unit. lt off wfth a clean cloth. • Othetwlse, fire mii) resull

• Failure to do so may cause ru, etectrlc .shodt or fire, 3 Safety Precautions (continued from the previous page) WARNING 0 u tno spfn dryer besket doe5 nol stop wln,ln 15 MConds Be sure to puJI oul lhe power plug from the sockel after opening its Hd during 1110 spJn cyele, lm mediatefy when rnaJntalnlng tht unit. Do not pun out lho plug stop using lhO machlno snd conlact an autho rllod from 1he socket wfth wet hands. 1ervlce dea1er to req-uest repair. • Fal.l ure to do 10 may resuh ln ln1ury • Fallure lo do so may reMll1 ln etectric $hoc:k or injury Do nol lnsu1ll 1he washer ln a bi1throom or outcroors whero 11 Is exposed to wfnd and ratn or high humfdity. Wllen carrylng Oul m.alntona nce on the unit, avoid appfyfng water dlrec:Uy onto any unit seclion. • M e!8Clric $h0ck, ítre, maffuncuon and delormation may Never put any of tha rouowlng thlngs lnto the washlng tub or Spln drycr basket: ke.rosene, gasoUno, bcraeno, ~ zy Novor touch the laundry ln lhO

s-pln dryer basket until lt comes lo a full stop. aklohol, lhlnne rs, or c lothes Wé1 wflh ony ot lhe:se substances. • Evon slow splnnlng ol thé bas.k01 may cause the laundry 1o g&I caught ln your ha~ cw hngors. whk:h may cause qury Particu&ar caro is requwed in lhis regan:I • An e);llosion mny oocur or a fire can break out. Oo not ulJow lnfanls lo look lnto the washlng tub and spln dryer baskél, end do not place a stand in tM pro,dmlty ot the washlng machfne. • This may result ln your child falling lnto thc tub OI bosl<,,I, poss;bly rosull,ng ln injury, 4 ,esuh. when children are lnvolvod. & WARNING Do no1 damage, break, p.rocess, forclbly bOnd or pull, tc:::. ,Y 00 not use lhe unit when lbe po-wer cord or power plug Is damaged, o, the plug lnse<1lon ln lhe socket 15 100. dislort or blnd lhe power cord. Do nol place any he1wy oblocts on lt, or allow lhe power cord 10 get caught ln eny obJect:a. • a tho powor SUA)ly lll-9 I• damoged.

• """ only be r"""8<1 by a ropolr 111,op awc,n,adbylho-orlls""""" agonts 111 Ofder ic, ~ hazan1 .i• • Ooing so may result in • This may damage lhe power cxwd. lfiUlllng lo fire or electnc shoek & 0 eléctrlc s~. or flro CAUTION Do nol pJace your hamf lnlt> tht was hlng meehlne Bo sure lo hold lhe lnsulated body of the power pi~, whUe il Is ln operalJon. not lhe cord, whon puJllng out the power plug. • Even t.aow spiooing ol lhe washlng 1ub may causo the laUOClry 10 oet caught in vour hands or rw,gers, which may cause inju,y. (Se suta to "1urn OFF the timt.lf" fir$1 lf • Failure 10 do so may cause en electric shock or short. resulIm9 ln llte Use the hot water ot so·c or below whenever us.lng warm wator tor washfng. ~ ---~ you shoold put your hancl into II.) tc:::. .,Y Do not stop on tho washtng maehlne or place any heavy obJOCI$ on lt. • Oo&lg oCherwi$e wll cause

d-elormabon o, damage to lho plasl>C pans. whlch may • Thls may caU"Se the washmg machíno to res.ul1 w, eleciric shock or bé delormod electflClly leak. . Be sure to keep lhe power plug unplugged when not ~ uslng lhe unit for an extended per1od. do so mny cfe;eriorate the unrts ínsulalion performance. whlch may cause an electrlc ShOck fue m trom olecf/lcity loak • FaJure to ° 0 ~ zy ° damagod, leadlng to lnjury, Do nol placc your hand or t oot underneeth the washlng machlne whllo ll Is ln uso. • Tho revoMng components located in thai area may cause injury. PJace 1he lnner cover (tor opcrallon) ln the Do not wash, rlnse or spin dry lhe wator proot sheets and spin dryor baskol correctly when you spln-dry launctry ck>the:s (5eej:llng bog, dlape< cover, sauna s uit. wet s ult ral11 coat and covers for blcycles motorcydos Md tafS) • OU.rwlse, IM lru,ndty may Jump OUl ot thO washer or abnormal Mlrat,ons • O!Jlenvise, the

1aundty may pop oul of lhe l>aSk&t. re:sulting ín in~ ry may bé gene,a1ed, rc.sulllng in person~ lojury or damage lO 100 washer, we!I. noor and dothé$ 5 l. j P r e c a u ti o n s fo r P ro p e r u s e Keep the washer away from heat sources or flame, includlng a llghled csndle, mosqulto coil, clgarette, When malntainlng the washet heater, kerosena stove, etc. Do nol use bentene, lhlnner. cleanser, wax, sllghUy alkalíno detergent to wipe 1110 unit, and never scrub II w1th a acn.,b brush • Oomg a.hecwse wil causo detomietlOO OI damage to lhé wQShor and tire • Ooing otherwlse will cause defomltlon aocldenL lf you find Ihat waler pressure Is 100 hlgh, close lhe fauce1 accordlngly. damage 10 the p&a$1)0 part& Close 1he washer lld, tf necessary, when washlng water splashes n • OthelWISG, tho water 1t1pply hose may be dlslodged and OC" and pai:ot-flnlshed surtoces. wa18r may leak from other sectlons 11a.n lhe wa1er ln101

port • Thls is a pruven!lvo measure 10 avold moislonillg the floor When dewdrops ere deposlted on the unit: Take proper care after uslng the washing machlne IJ the dlfference botween the omblenl lemperalure and weiter Be su,- to puli out the power plug from Che $0Ckel. temperalura l-a 100 hlgh, u ln summer, the tJoor may get wol due to dewdrops dcposlled on the outer surtace ot IM wuhlng tIJ.b • lhas is to prevoot a fire accldent When lreezlng may occur: Oraln lhe waler lo.h ln 1ho washlng tub, lhen se1 lhe Wash Model Ora1n 10 lhe • NQRMAL„ posltlon. ° • Should lreozing occur, pour approx. 2L (lilors> wann willef ot about 40"C 1n10 lhe IUI> and leave il as it is far a whlle Then. use 1he washer aflm )OU can ro1ate the putsator m~oly Avold machlne-washlng and spln•drylng shoas and the llke. • Otherwlse, lt mey resull Jn damOQO to the: washer or causa an MCldent. 6 The openlng must not be obstructed by when the washing machlne Ja

lnstalled on a carpel floor. j l- - - - - - -- - Component Names and Functions Overllow !Hter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 16) Spin dryer lid <Cf Operation panel-- - - - - - - - -- - - ~ ~ - - - - - - -- - lnner lld Water supply lnlet - - - - - - - -----. -----f =~:;~f~=l;i~i5l~~~*;;:c:===::i. "-~---==-.:=::::+~ Convenlent excess water lndlcator outlet. Overllow from the excess water lndlcator outlet means too much water has been supplled. Ad)ust the tap accordlngly. ( Ő" 13) Draln fllter - - - - - -+++-- +--+1-t-+---!+--+1--!+--1-1~ ( Cf 16) Washer lld - -----·-> Washlng tub -------!-+ Attachments Waler supply jolnl (1 plece) ( Ű" 8) Water draln hose (1 piece) ( U 8) U plpe (1 piece) castors (4 plecas) (e,- 8) ( e;- 17) Leg cap (4 plecs) Water supply hose (1 plece) ( U" 8) lnner cover (1 plece) ( C;a 10) 7 Parts Description and Functions of the Operation Panel -· Giant . /VASl<lllil.1" Wlth

thls. selector, you can choose to supply walA>r lo washlng 1ub or spin ctryer bosl<et • lf fO<J set ~ 10 Che "SPIN" poslbOn, "Prehmlnary splnning• wlJI be achvated. • lf ·Prellmtnary spinning" ts perlonnlld, ll wlll take less time lor yoo 10 porlorm "Main rinslng" • lTessing the power sw,ICh Cl1C8 tums the power on. Use thls tJmor to set washlng Presslng 11 agam 1urns lhe powe-r ott. • This swi1ch works bolh as length of llme. a main switch and dmin pump switch. After washing Is compleled, please sel ti 10 or rtn.slng llme 10 your desired U&e lhlt soloctof lo selecl elther ··wator Curren1 or Yash Mode (NOAMAL or SOFT)" or „Draln". • H you wanl to set lhe t,mer IO 2 mirt or less, tum the control be yond the 5-min posit1on Md s.lhen turn it back to the deslred posltiOn, the OFF pos,llon. Otherwise pomp motor contlnuas ro n.m Washing Procedures Water Pre.ssure 0.00-0 8 MPa (03·81<QUCm) Preparation

Washing ·See "lnstaOation· (on page 17). 1. Pull down tJe water dratn hose 2. Connect lhe wa.ter supply jolnl wlth • w1;11er supply hose. tnsert lhe • Set the power swftc:h to on. • Seled the Wosh Mode (or water cumml). Oluol vo detorgent we.11 ln water FUI 1he weshlng tub wl1h water. Use tlC Wesh Tlme,r to sel WHhlng Ume to your dülred length ot llmo. w supp!y tolnt lnto the w ator supply ln.let 3. Connect lhe power supply ~ug to the power • Before washlng, see "Hints t or EffoctJve ouuoi. • • • Washlng". --io,,,~ ater supply hose {WYlh on - WIMlf~Wlll!t~ cE5 8 lnner diamete, 0115mm). ( Ű 10) HITACHI Stainress Steel Spin Tub ,m lhts .sol• ctor 10 your doslntd nglh ot Urno when you spllMify und,y. 11 rou want 10 se1 the 1,mor IO 1 min. o, less Iurn lhe seloctor b8fO(lld tlle 2•m in. posltion, and Jhen 1um t1 badt 10 the desinicl po&lnon. Rinsing Pre1Jmi!1ary sp1nn1ng • Pc.rlorm lhc splnnlng for 2 to 3

min. • Thcn. &upply weter to lho spin dryor bnke1 for about 1 min. • • Spinning When wa~hing IS You cen perform elther „ pool rlnse (water-nonclrcutalirng completed rlnslng}" or "extra rlnse (water- cJrculatlng overflow rin.slng}" FoUowing lhe completlon of lhe seJd opetsllon, earry out the spin act.lon for t min ( Cf 10) ( Cf 12) ( Ó" 12) ( Cf 13) 9 Washing Procedures (continued from the previous page) 0 Sel the POWER 1wllch on. 2 1 SOt tho WASH MOOEIORAJN 10 "NOA~AL" or "SOFr 3 Sot th:e water lntot selector to "WASH" J>O$llion. NOAMAL,:j ~1~· POWER ~~ 0 WASH f m!nutes 10 d4,solve the- detorgent 11 1 compk!tel). - - : ~7 • 2 Open the Spin dtyor lld and lnne.r lld, Close Lhe lid and Spin dryer lld. 5el the spin tfmer to 2 to 3 min. fin 3 then perform the &plnntng aell~ BaJancers O,OFF Spin dryer lld 2 4 3 SPINTIMER tnnerCover lnner IJd Put the laund.ry lnto the

spin dryer basket avenf), and se1 lhe lnMr Cover horizonlaUy lnsidc the besket by putling II under lhe bottom of lhe balancer. Reference Guide tor Washing Tablo 1 ModelOraln and Washlrtg Time Types ol Laundry F~ IOad tlhin. cooon• ic::J eni.moly ~ lll"ld tdl.t WO"f unen. 0011X111,, (Smal 11:t m«lilATI loid) O.dlllaty ctoct5 Wash Mode/ Orain To-moorature $owl.3Smill NOIU,IAL WAAM (40.CJ The standard amount ol laundry to wnsh opplles lo the case whoro the laundry m&de ot 1host fabries end texuto& Ihat aro spe,clffed by JIS (Japon lndu.strial Standard) are washed 8to 10 min. NORMAL *~ However, lhe amount may vary aocordlng to coc.o Oek:alo c:bdIN. lncludJrlO 100% wool garmonta, WOOIblOtldltcl yam labric anc1 lhln rynchetic libltr Wlllt I QIO 210$fflll"I typos. t1XO$ and thlckneS$ ot llundry. 1 ""· t 10 • lOIO 15mn. Slgtwy s.!alMd sylIIIWtlc libtr NIICílbn; "ltölndWaMWIQ". Wash water Washlng Tlme o

IO S min. For ordlnarv type of clothes, about 80% ol the standard amount can be washed effecllvety. SOfT WAAM f25:°C-30"CJ ~ , Fii lhe tub wilh wa1of umJI 1he dra1n lift.el Is submerged 2. Pu1 measumd amount of óetergent into the 11.Lb 3. Se! the wash tlmc, to about two WASHINLET WASH MODE/DRAIN 1 SllN 4 Add wator to tho washing tub dissolvo detergent weU. Pul your laundry lnto lhe washlng tub, and add wat&r 10 lt u.ntll lho water loval reacllet tho auito.bla le-vet for the laund load. 6 Sel&ct yout dealred water curre.nt (Wash mode). 7 Set the washlng llme 10 lhe deslred Ume oceording lo your needs. 8 Sel ihe Wash ModeJDraln lo ·oratn" to dlscharge the washln g water. QIOFF NORMAL0 ~17 NORMAL0 SOTT~ S 10 WASHTIMER WASH MODE/DRAIN r (~)) D~ N WASH MODE/DRAIN ( IJ" Table 1) ( CF Table 1) Before rinsing, be sure to perform prellminary spinning to remove as much as soapy water possible. ln addltlon to thai, prellmlnary splnnlng

enables you to reduce more lime and water for rinsing lf you perform the steps 4 to 6. Open lhe Spin dryer Ud, and sel the water Intel Mlécior 10 MSPIN„ posfllon. Then f&éd water 10 the spin drvo< basl<et for abo<Jt 1 min. Conllnuo lho watcr suppfy tor about 1 min. 5 6 Close the both lids to start splnning operallon, . ~ Spin Dryer lld 3 SPIN TI MER Position II to "SPIN", Open the spin dryer lld. • Do not add water- to the baskel whUe the basket fs • No water remalns s!loted inside the spin dryer baske.t • Stop supplylng wetet to t~ spin dryer bttke1 and start spln-dryfn,g laundry fot one mlnuto. Tab~ 2 Welght of Leundry -- T)Ptof Uundry St!lllt~~ --- . Wha stwll .,,, Towtl oec,qwA o,.!l wooor,g c:blMt ta UO Type Of M&lttlAI Blt!l(ltcl ~ lal)ri(: ,.,, ·-, ·-- ~ t.wn tlorc lll0"4 COIIOII 8111fdcd ),llTI lillb:.< Toble 3 Weigtltl 1 PMce . -.,,,,,, M.ainrmm mass ol Ory clolh (WaslSpln> 8.0ko,

f-:::: . .,,-: - ·"" -·- f::, ., . ~Olt500g """""" Watcr levei a.nd dotergenl quantlty Wet01 lovel Pfease use ihe detc,vem M spec:1fied on the 1ns1n;cuon tag of laundry you YhSh to wasll. Water amount Oelergent quantlty (for 30 1 ol w,ter) 25g (CO<lCOOtralod) COg (norma~ Max 721 60g 96g 3 70 1 SGg 93g 2 551 46g 73g 1 CO I 33g 53g 11 Washing Procedures (conllnued !rom the prevlous page) You can perform either ··pool rlnse" or „extra rlnse", • The fom,or Is rocommenda.ble to save wa!er • The lane, rinse, laundry ~ 1 Put laundry lnto the washlng IUb. lete-ly. 2 Sét lhe Wath ModeJ0rofn fo "NORMAL„ or ··soFT" Set the water lnlel selector 3 lo "WASH" poslllon. WASH ~~ - ; J SPIN f1 . 1 WASHINl.ET WASH MODE/DRAIN Pul lhe laundry lnlo the spin dryer baskel and start spln-drying tt. (Follow lhe same procedures as lhe sleps 1 10 3 for Prellmlnary

splnnlng.) & WAANING / ® 0 ■ Hever put your hand$ into the s;pln dryer baske1 whe,n 11 Is spin.nJng Recommendable splnnlng llme: Loundry and unUI lt comos to o tull stop. • Should )OO do $0. clolhos can get caugh1 ln your fingan and you may Splnnlng Umo Llneo lOOtt.on, towel, etc) 3 10Smln Underwear (ootton} 2 to U the spin dryer basket does nol stop withfn tlftoo" second-S after you open the spin d.ryer fid, fmmodlllltly s top u11ng the wa,her, and ask for Shln (blended yom labrlc) 1 to 2 min. repalrs. Toin dothos (chemicat tlbers-J get tnjurod, EspociaJty kffp ch!ldren away from the washer whenover 11 Is ln operanon • O therwisé. you may g81 énjutod 4 min. 1 mii. . Hints for Rinsing ■ lf you wlsh to remove bubbles afler each nnslng p rocess, perform extra rlnslng (water-clrculatlon overflow rlnslng) ln Solt Mode (water current) at lhe !Inal stBge of the rl nslng for one ml nute or so. Thls helps you reduce bubbles remalnlng floaled •

12 on the rlnse water. lt saves water to wash clothes in the same waIer thai w as used !Of rinslng. 4 Flll lhe tub wflh wa1er up to the selected w ater level. Set the Umer 10 2 to 3 min, 5 6 ~ O;OFF 4 ~ Cios.e tho wator 1ap whon wa1or levei maches: tho des&od amoun.t ." J X WMH UOOf/OAJ.IM 11 rtnslng Is lncomplete. repeats the steps S lhrough 8 onee or twice more. rrom S.t the washtng tfmer to 3 10 5 min, 6 and porfom, rlnslng. ~0 . Ad]ust l.he water lev ei Jn s uc h e manner thai no water cwarflows the ·~ ~ lndk:ator 0ulle(, O;OFf wmar ~ l 1-- -- ~~{ e ~ SPINTIMER Contlnuo reedlng w at er 10 th• lub, whllo adju.stlng lhe water l evol 5 ln about t m in. attcr splnnlng, set lho W„h Mode,V.ln 10 ORAJN, • The reason why thl$ is ac:Msable Is thai the spin clryer basket squeezes wa!er wea from 1he laundry. WASH TIMER FUI the IUb wlth water up to 7 0) -r~ Closé the wat9f tap when wa!&r lovel f8a.CMS 1he d~fGd amouoL lho

solocted weter levol. Pul t he t,undry ln·to lhe spín dryer blssket, a.nd perform spln f or t min --0,,,, -- • The wa1et leve! dunng extra rinse c:ycle beoomes higher than the water leveJ limit for wa5,hin,g cyc:le. . The reason 1s Ihat the overlows outi&! b: loca18d a1 hlghe, pos,bon lhan lho wator IOvol llml1 1$. WASHTIMER • Se! h to ? rrln. 11 you dki no1 porlom, preRmlna,y sp/nnl~ • When th8 rillsi"lg iS complOted. crosa tha WMEW 18P , 1. Puli lhe power plug !rom the socket & WARNING " & 0 S. ~u re to pult 001 tho p0wer ptug from tht socllel wllen malntalnl ng the unit. Do no1 pun o u1 l lle ptug r,om 1he aocite1 wllh w1 hands • Fa!iure 10 00 -SO may m ull ln e1ee1r1C $hOCk o, lnjury. & CAUTION So sure to ho ld thct l nsut11t•d body of powor plug, not tho cord. wtw»n pulllr,.g OUI lho power plog, • Fiailurt llil do so m#y cause 11n oltetri!: ~ or l1lort. tht.llllno in tlrt, , ■ Hints for Rinsing To plck out Iauncrry

wn1ch has ranen between lhe basket and tub: 1. Remove tho power plug lt0m the powe:r ouúet 2. ftcmove the spin dryer hatch • tnsert a fl•l•bJ/Jdo screwdrfver between tho l nsl<k ol the brlm llnd lho s pfn • Pul &mOJI.Ued laundry, auch as aocks and handkote:hlefa, ln th• bottom arca ot 1ho q,ln dryos batkor 10 prevent 1t1cm r,om popplng out or lhe bas kel • • 11 uu1: washer makn en y abnormai nolse durin,g lhe spln cyclc, s1op the spln nl ng operatJon and sp9ad the laundry l nslde the basket once again. • Fo, dryer ba$kct, and push the btlm outward to pry ott 1~ haoks. 3. Pick up the laundry • You may lllt 1tM •pin dryer bakc1 fo, euy pklcup. 4. Bo sure to plllCO blctc lhe spin dryer hDtch ln lts odglnal posldon • ln the httch rJrmly undi 1he hooks at the tront Is engeged aeicurety l!!Hy dralnlng, be sure 10 drafn lhe washtng w• tet romain.Ing ln the waahtng lub aft•r lhe a;pl n cycJe Is completed. 13 l ~j v

a r i o u s w a s h in g M o d e s When washlng wool garments and other delicate laundry ■ Precaution Recommendable water level for amount of laundry. Do nol m:ichlne-wash lhe tollowlng efothes and articlos: • 1hose items / Water loval Ihat come only wi1h a •ory Cleantn1f label bul nol wi1h a "Hand Washlng• tabte. 2 3 t ,5 kg or less 2.0 kg • Anlmal halt materials (such as angora Md mohalr) Amovnt of laundty exctuding w-ool. • Speciai knit items such cl.$ tace ■ Recommendable washing cycl„s. Helpful hints for effectlve washlng Wator Wtt$h Prellmlnary Extra aplnnlng rlnslng current SpinnlrQ • Prior to washlng, bO sure to use lhe fi.ind ol detergenl spedtied by 1he symbol attachéd IO doltles 10 be washed and dissotve il weO in water, 11 Is recommeodable lo use 2 mln. Soh 30 sec. or less 2 min. lukewarm water ai about 30 to, washing wool garments 30 se-e. or less and knil wear. • Tum tne laundry lnside

out and place is in oommerclally • How lO d ry lh& laundry. available washing net,. so thai soapy wa1er can ,mmerse lnto ltwel. • For hOavify stalned laundry, lt Is reoommendab6é to soak il Lel IM laundty dry by laying rt Ital on weh objeclS •• a bal/l IUb C()Vl!f 10 ensum Illa! il reU!lns lts Sl18j) ln soapy water bekNetla.nd (aboul S min) fOt betler washlng resuhs. When washing blanket ■ Precaullon Machln~washable blankets are as follows: • Some el&Ctrlc blankets are nol machline-wa$hable. lhereloro, e Those blankets that 31& labeled with ~Hand Washing• wh&n washtng a "machino--washa.t>le electric blank01·, observe • Slngle•slzed blank01 ol 100% chémical llbers (3.0l<g ■ 0< it$ !nstruetion manual 1. ;,, we,ght per plece) • Use the washlng nel when you wash lhe eledric blankol. Recommendable washlng cycle Of Water level Water current lau.ndr) ~8 kg" less Rccommendable washíng courso

Washlng 3 Standard 5 min Spin dmo 1 min +é·i:.+18 • Be sure 10 usa. symhet»e detergent and dlssONe lt wel ln washing wa1er in advance • tr a blanke1 rosurfac:es whilé IM washing Is in operalion, pusti 11 under the waw,, • When you move the laundiy lmo 1he spin drye, baskel. sqvee-ze lghlly wator out ol 11 and pu1 ö itl the baSkel m the manner as shown ln ihe righl ,nusttadon. 14 Poci rlnse 2 min. Spin Extra rinse Spin 1 min 2 m;,, 3 min. j l------ -- - - Hints for Effective Washing Observe 1he " lnstructfons" glven on lhe 1ag auached to lhe clohes. Whcn you arc worrled 11bou1 tM 1angllng of a wool garmenl, 1um ll ln,,ld.e out before washlng Pul a Wfky laundr,, 1 such as sheels or jeans, firsl lnto thc W8$hlng lt clothes you wlsh 10 wash ere extremely solled, lhey may be tub, dipped ln soapy water ln advance. • 1hls alrns a1 fflCMIO IM tmlre launcty mott eatily waahno I& 1n pog,13$5 ° Ide lt!e washing IUb wtult lht Put lhose

laundry items thai are llkety to caslly damaged lnto a, Be surc to remove sharp edged obfects and torefgn maler1aJs (halr commerclally avallabfe washlng r,et before washlng. pfn, coin, etc,) from the pocbts of laundry befou1 washlng. Secure srtlngs and close fasteners. Be sure to remova dir1 or sand before washing. 15 l j c i ea n i n g th e M a c h in e Wlpe dust and diri away from lhe washers unit wlth a soft and clean cloth dampened with a small amount of water. When using a chemically treated cleanlng cloth, observe its lnstructions. Draln Filter Overflow Filter 1. Pull lho overftow filter forward as shown ln lhe llgure lo remove II 1. Aemovo lhe overflow fltter Remove waste throad.s 2. Remove tho screw • Usa a toothbNSh, etc. 10 clean 1he innOf hose, 3. Puli lhe knob to rcmove the draln filter Thcn, remove Unt 4. Set the WA SH MO0EIDRAIN to 0RAJN. Aemove Unt on the draln vaJve, and remove e:and and dlrt from the dtt1ln hole. • Saub

wilh il toolh bruSh, ;:ind wash away. 5. Replace lhe draln filter • lnser1 lt from lhe putselor side. Orain vatvó 2. Replace lhe ovcrflow fil ter lnner hose 16 l j lnstallation . . Wh&n uSing lhe wosher tor the rlrst 11me, you may flnd water remalnlng ln lhe dtaln hose. lt wat used ror the teetory performence test 11 does not lm~y any malfuncUon. Ous1 m,y also setlle on lhe unit when you unpack your washof, However, ttus results lrom lhe 11oragc or washer at waret!OUH$. lnstalling the washer Place lhe washer on a dry, well-vcntilated, levei lloor. Precaution • Avold a place wllere the washér CM be e.xposed to dltect sunlghl Othérwlse. the oomponenlS of washet may be Cfefomed or cítSCOlored lnstallation of Castors • 4 casto,s of the washcr aro talton ott and pac;ftecf ln the washer lor only transporting ea&e, Befoce Wtstal!ing. push thOm ln on the base Cabine1 Thrust to get nd of gap here • Castor Basa 17 lnstallation

(continued from the previous page) About the Drain Hose was.he, Beforo ope<atlng, inser1 the water drain hose on 1he waler out1ot and !be tt wrth lhe h0$8 band to avoid wat8f leakage, • Se.t tho washer ina dry plaoe • Se1 on horilontaJ and lla1 surfaco. • The draln hosa is packe<f ín lhe Hose Water Draln Hose Hose Band Wate, Draln Hose Water Outlet Detall Rear Vlew Before Calling tor Service U any abnormality Is found, check the followfng before asking for servlce: / Check poinl Trouble Check polnt Trouble • Is taund,y sp,ead evMly inside 1tie spin dryer baSket? • Is the fuse Is blown or Circutt b<eake, sw11ched off? Washer does not function at all. • Is poor conn~ioo between the powet suppty plug and outlel made? lnoomplete spiMing • Ne there bubblés all atound the spin dry8f baSket? • Is the wa!9f drain hose raised ln the halfway? IS the • IS atry water remalning in pu!Sator froten? Ű Laundry will not move smoothly. The spin dryer

baskel will nol hmction. 18 hose eiaaodOd kw 6 • Is exoesscve amount ol launclry put ln lhc washfng rub? • Is the spin ~ r &cl closed completely? • Are thEKé any clo1hes (socks. elc) thai fell out ol the spin diyo, baskel and clung 10 lhe axls? Cf 12 • IS lne draln p0fl is closed wíltI laun<ty fallng out of lhe úJb or ba:sket? Washing water 1eaks ffom lha hose. lncompfete cfralnlng mo,e than 2 merers? • Is the drain vaJvo or drain oullet clogged wflh lint, dirt. o, mud? (j> 16 • Is the drain fillOr o, overfJow litler clogged wiih 1!n1? (j> 16 • Is the dtain hose crus.hed 0f damag,ed? After-Sales Service and Warranty (Be sure to read through this Chapter.) / For lnqulrles and advlce for repalr: For any questlon or advlce on repal r about your washer., please get ln louch wlth the dealer lrom whom you purchased II or one or "our customer support centers" as described ln lhé separate copy. , "I / ln-tieid

services When you ask for sellVice Reter to the ~eerore Caling 10, SeMco· lo, troublWIOQt,ng any trouble. lf you lhlnk !hal the 1rouble s111 caMo1 be cu1ed, stop using lhe WMbot, pull ovi the p0wlN plug !tom the power ovilel, a nd con1act lhe dis1nbutot ltOm whom you bought il for checks and repairs. [ l Ourlng the warranty perlod: Please snow your warranty to a qua!diéd Sé-MOe dealer when ltie deale, repalrs your wa.sher Then u,e doal<K mak6S any oeeded repaír aceo<dlog 10 t.he léfms oncl concitions u stipulated ln lhe wa,ran1y Required information tor atter-sales services, checks and repalrs PIMH ódlcríblf any .asy-l0-98& WldinO, slgna MC ln yovr Produets name Electric Washlng Machine Your Address Modol Typo PS,99BSP Your Name Your ToJcphonc No. Oate or Purchase Trouble & Problem Please speclly il ln detall as nu:n as pos5iblo. [ n-.ihbothood u well Request del e for se.rvfce l When warranty explres: 11 your washer can béoome avrulable fOf

normel operalion after i1 is repalred, lh8 repair S8flice wm be 311allabfc upon requeScL , Please check your washer for posslble malfuncllon when 11 Is used for an extended perlod of tlme! Malntenanco w1th tender caro • The spin dtyer baskBI is d!ffQJII to stop. • The;e ar& watef leaks: (hose. washing tub, )Dint, eic) • Thete is smolf o1 IJurrMg o, strange noise and vibratlon whén tlle washer tS ln opera1,on Ctleck 1o see lf • 1f )OU touch lho washer, you receive an e4ectrlc shock. any of lhe fol1ow• • The washer rames or is installed on an inclined sutface. ing conditlons or • When you cum on lhe swllc:h, lhe washer sornetimM does not olher abnormalJ• lies exist: ope1a10. • Tlmer somotlmn slops tuncboning haJfway. • The powor corc::s OI plug is hea1ed 11 ony ol lhe aboveStop u11ing menhoned coodibons &xoessively. th • wUhe, or aboormalltles exlst, ln ti» at0f9o . mantioned be su1e 10 irnmedlately .switch oH lhe po-AGr switch 10

pr8Y9nt an acclden1 and dama(ie, and ask lhe deatef 10 • Olhot falllUre and malfunctlon are found in lht9 washer. inspea and repair the washet, 19 l j s p e c if ic a t io n s Max 721 Welght Electrlc Washing Machine Approx. 33 kg ProdLICl (Hi1achls Twi,n-.Tub Washe,) SUl.nde:rd (31701 A mount See below 01 spec Power Sou,ee Wash!ng · 30 min. Of WHhing (21 551 Wator Wash.lng system Max 3S min. (Wlth st>ak} Ratod Time Wtvrl Wolet Current (1)40 1 Splnnlng: 10 min. WasNog Cydc: See on namo J)lale 922 (W) Outer Olmonslon x 509 (0) x 934 (H) mm lndude draln hose Powor Consumplion Spl,ring Cyde: see on name pl8le . Model Type PS-99BSP SAA Twin Tub Washer 240V- Rated Voltage 50Hz Rated Frequency With Castor (4 Sets) Customofs Note: Ploase wnte down. the necessa,y lnforma.tion on your wasner for . Phone No. Place of Purchase: - - -- - - -- - -- - - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - -- - - fulure referencé. Thl:s.

no1e Is hllplul b you to ask a dealer for soMce ln the future. Oate of Purchase: ------,------------------------------ HITACHI THE HITACHI ATAGO BLOG. 3-J5766-5 20 15-12. Nlshí-Shinbaslll 2-chome, Mína10-ku Tokyo, 105-8410 Japan Te! : Tokyo (03) 3502-2111