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Shopping and using services I sometimes go shopping. I buy clothes six times a year and I buy food every week My mother does the daily shopping. She goes to some small shops or rarely she goes to the supermarket. She buys vegetables, bread, milk, cheese and some sweets for the weekends My parents go to a supermarket once a month. They buy some bottled water, meat, butter and oil. They enter the supermarket, get a trolley, walk from shelf to shelf and put the things into their trolley. My mother looks at the shopping list and she sometimes buys DVD films Then they go to the cash-desk, they queue, and they pay for the things that they have in their trolley by credit card. Finally they put the things into their car, push the trolley back and go home. In the supermarket there are some counters for sweets, drinks, vegetables, fruit. At the meat counter you can buy sausages, cold-cuts, turkey, pork, beef, lamb, chicken etc. At the dairy products counter you can get milk, cheese, butter and

yoghurt. There are also bakery products, groceries, parfumery, stationery and electric goods. There are some advantages of supermarkets over small shops for example the great variety of goods. A supermarket is bigger, a bit cheaper than small shops, you can buy everything in one place and these are self-service shops so you can choose. But supermarkets have some disadvantages, too. Shop assistants tend to be unfriendly, inpolite and the quality of goods can be worse. (Nemtommi is) The biggest supermarket in Dorog (and it) is modern and tidy. Shop assistants are friendly and polite but the prises aren’t clearly marked. Goods are arranged on shelves and there is a great variety of goods. This is a self-sevice shop We can go shopping to a supermarket, to the market or to ordinary (small) shops. I think going to a supermarket is the most comfortable way of shopping because you queue once and there are some toilets. You can put your child into the trolley and she/he can enjoy it

Housewives like markets because they can bargain over things so the things can be cheaper. There are fresh vegetables, fruits and meat I prefer self-service shops because it’s ?easier? and I can choose as I please. At a post office we can buy stamps, envelopes, phone cards, newspapers and magazines. We can send letters, postcards, parcels, money, telegrams, urgent letters or registered letters. The letter or the parcel is weighed, a stamp is put on it and you pay for it. You have to write the addressee’s name and address on an envelope. If it’s a registered letter, you have to write the sender’s name and address, too