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ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2012. május 16 Név: . osztály: Földrajz angol nyelven FÖLDRAJZ ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2012. május 16 14:00 I. Időtartam: 20 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM középszint írásbeli vizsga 1012 I. összetevő Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Important Information The written examination consists of two papers (Paper I and Paper II). The available time for Paper I is 20 minutes. The use of the Geography Atlas for Secondary Schools or any other help is not allowed in this part. After the time is up, hand the completed Paper I over to the supervising teacher. You can answer the questions in any order. First, read the questions carefully, think over your answer then write your answer in ink (with a pen) in the appropriate place. You can correct your answer if necessary, but in the cases of equivocal or unclear corrections, cancellations or corrections made

with a pencil, no points can be awarded for your answer. The total number of points and the subtotals that can be awarded for tasks are shown beside/below the tasks. Please leave the grey squares blank írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1012 2/8 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Paper I The use of atlas for this paper is not allowed. 1. Solve the problems after examining the outline map below a) Name the cities labelled by numbers from No. 1 to 5 in the outline map 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 5. . 5 points b) What is the name of the river labelled by No. 6? 1 point c) What is the name of the island labelled by No. 7? 1 point 7 points írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1012 3/8 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: 2. Solve the problems after examining the outline map below a) Aerial photographs were taken of the region around Lake Balaton. The airplane took off from near the county seat

labelled by A and landed near the county seat labelled by B. Which counties did the plane fly over in its flight? Name the counties in the sequence they were passed in the course of the flight. 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 4 points b) Name the county seat labelled by No. 1 in the outline map 1 point c) In the course of the flight photographs were taken of waterflows labelled by small letters. Name them. a) . b) . 2 points d) Near the place of landing another lake could be spotted by the pilot. What is the name of this lake? . 1 point 8 points írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1012 4/8 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: 3. Solve the problems after examining the outline map below a) Name the cities labelled by numbers from No. 1 to 4 in the outline map 1. . 2. . 3. . 4. . 4 points b) What geographic places are labelled by capital letters in the outline map? A. Sea B. Mountains C. (channel) D. (country) 4 points c) Name the most

notable mineral resource of places labelled by A and B. A. B. 2 points 10 points Total score in Paper I: írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1012 25 points 5/8 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1012 Név: . osztály: 6/8 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1012 Név: . osztály: 7/8 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint I. Tasks assessing topographic knowledge and skills. Név: . osztály: No. of task 1. 2. 3. TOTAL Total score 7 8 10 25 Student’s score examiner Date: . score attained rounded to the nearest integer (elért pontszám egész számra kerekítve) points (in integers) included in the program (programba beírt egész pontszám) I. Tasks assessing topographic knowledge and skills. (Topográfiai ismeretek, készségek feladatsor) Registrar of the

Board of Examiners/jegyző examiner/javító tanár Date/Dátum: . Date/Dátum: Notes: 1. If the candidate has started completing Paper 2, this table and place of signature should be left blank. 2. If the completion of Paper 1 is interrupted or not followed by the completion of Paper 2, then this table and place of signature is to be filled in. Megjegyzések: 1. Ha a vizsgázó a II írásbeli összetevő megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész üresen marad! 2. Ha a vizsga az I összetevő teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a II összetevővel, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő! írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 1012 8/8 2012. május 16 ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2012. május 16 Név: . osztály: Földrajz angol nyelven FÖLDRAJZ ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2012. május 16 14:00 II. Időtartam: 100 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM

középszint írásbeli vizsga 1012 II. összetevő Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Important Information The written examination consists of two papers (Paper I and Paper II). The time allowed for Paper II is 100 minutes. The use of the Geography Atlas for Secondary Schools is allowed. A calculator can be used if necessary, but every time the steps of problem solving should also be presented. You can use compasses and rulers if necessary. You can answer the questions in any order. First, read the questions carefully, think over your answer then write your answer in ink (with a pen) in the appropriate place. You can correct your answer if necessary, but no points can be awarded for your answer in the cases of equivocal or unclear corrections, cancellations or corrections made with a pencil. Give the most adequate answers to the questions. More answers than required (eg naming three examples instead of the required two) are not awarded by extra points. The

total number of points and the subtotals that can be awarded for tasks are shown beside/below the tasks. Please leave the grey squares blank írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 2 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint 1. Név: . osztály: Compare the astronomical data below. Put the correct letter before the number of the task according to the scheme below. A) If a) > b) B) If a) < b) C) If a) and b) are roughly equal . 1 a) The period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth. b) The period of rotation of the Moon around its axis. . 2 a) The period of rotation of the Earth around its axis. b) The period of revolution of the Moon around the Earth. . 3 a) The period of rotation of the Moon around its axis. b) The period of rotation of the Earth around its axis. 3 points 2. What is the real distance of those cities whose distance in a 1:8 000 000 scale map is 1.5 cm? Do your calculations here: The distance between the two cities: .km 2

points 3. Compare the two mountain ranges. Put the numbers in the relevant places of the Venn diagram. Eurasian Mountain Range 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Pacific Mountain Range Mountain chains are composed of mainly sedimentary rocks. It was created by the collision of two terrestrial plates. Its formation started in the Mesozoic Era. Its ranges stretch from North to South. Its typical rock is andesite. 5 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 3 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint 4. Név: . osztály: Answer the questions after examining the figure. a) What atmospheric phenomenon is shown in the figure? . 1 point b) In which direction is air circling in it on the Northern hemisphere relative to the movement of the clock hand? . 1 point c) In which direction is air moving vertically in the centre of the atmospheric phenomenon? . 1 point d) How does air pressure change toward the centre of the atmospheric phenomenon? . 1 point e) What effect does the

atmospheric phenomenon have on the weather? Underline the two relevant weather conditions. ⎯ clear weather, a lot of sunshine ⎯ changeable, windy weather ⎯ prolonged calm (weather) ⎯ wet weather 2 points f) Put a letter C on the symbol of warm front. 1 point 7 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 4 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint 5. Név: . osztály: Solve the problems after examining the pictures below. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Source: www.swisseducch//icons/push-morainejpg; http://galleryphotonet/photo/5428343-mdjpg; http://static.howstuffworkscom/gif/sand-dune-1jpg; http://wwwgeographichu/; http://farm1.staticflickrcom/53/125026944 93159d035ejpg; http://imagestravelpodcom/users/theboy picot/31149265860580x-nice-v-shaped-valleyjpg írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 5 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: a) Which external landscape shaping force played a determining

role in the development of the above (previous page) landforms? Put the number of the pictures in the boxes beside the relevant external force. You cannot put a number in every box External force Wind Water Ice Number of picture 7 points b) Which pictures show the landforms below? Put the number of the relevant picture in the boxes before the terms. Dune Fairy chimney/hoodoo/”rock mushroom” Former glacier valley 3 points 10 points 6. The climatic data shown by the charts below were supplied by four different weather stations over a many-year-long period. The weather stations are located on the Northern hemisphere. Solve the problems after examining the charts below The same letters represent the same weather stations. The data from the four weather stations: Középhőmérséklet a négy megfigyelőállomáson Annual mean temperatures at the weather stations Évi csapadékmennyiség a négy megfigyelőállomáson Annual precipitation at the weather stations 30 25 10 5 0 -5

A B C D -10 -15 -20 600 csapadék (mm) mean temperature középhőmérséklet 15 precipitation (mm) 700 20 500 400 300 200 100 -25 0 -30 januári középhőmérséklet középhőmérséklet January July meanjúliusi temperature A B C D a) Rank the climates of the weather station on the basis of annual range of temperature in decreasing order. Use the capital letters of the chart > > > 1 point írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 6 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: b) Weather station A and D are located on the same latitude. Which is closer to the ocean? Put the letter of that weather station on the dotted line. Give reasons for your answer using the data of the diagram. . 2 points c) The climate of which weather station are the following statements relevant to? Put the letter of the relevant weather station before the statements. Only one letter can be placed before each statement. 1. The annual

mean temperature is high, the annual mean range of temperature is low, therefore the annual precipitation of 200-300 mm is insufficient and aridity is typical here. 2. Due to low annual mean temperature evaporation is slight, therefore the water budget of the region is positive despite the annual precipitation of 200-300 mm. 2 points d) In which climatic regions may the weather stations labelled by capital letters be located? Put the letters used in the chart next to the name of the climate. Put letter X next to the name of the climate that has no matching weather station. . 1 Equatorial climate . 2 Wet continental climate . 3 Middle latitude (temperate zone) desert climate . 4 Tundra climate . 5 Savanna climate 5 points 10 points 7. Solve the problems on global population trends. a) Put the following processes in chronological order. Put No 1 next to the earliest process. Ever greater regions (North America, Central and Southern Europe) are affected by the Industrial Revolution. By

the development of sedentary and commercial agriculture, population growth speeded up. Population growth increases due to the Industrial Revolution. The achievements of the Industrial Revolution spread in the developing world starting a population explosion. 1 point írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 7 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: b) The chart below shows the population changes of the developed and developing world separately. Solve the problems after examining the chart below population y . heads The source of the figure: http://aylluinitiative.fileswordpresscom/2009/07/world-population-growth-to-20501jpg 1. The exact unit of measurement that makes data interpretation possible is missing from the vertical (y) axis. Select the correct unit of measurement from the choices below and put it on the dotted line by the chart. million, billion, a hundred million 2. Which letter labels the population change of the developed

world? 3. What was the population size of the developed world in 1950? heads 4. Draw a vertical line in the chart where it supports the statement below from part a) of the task. “The achievements of the Industrial Revolution spread in the developing world starting a population explosion.” 4 points c) Today the average annual population growth rate of the developing world is 2%. The share of the developing world in the world population (6790 million heads) is 85%. Calculate the annual population growth of the developing world. Do your calculation here: Growth (increment): . heads 2 points 7 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 8 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint 8. Név: . osztály: The table below shows the exchange rate of the Euro of the National Bank of Hungary on the given dates. Answer the questions after examining the table exchange rate of 1 Euro (Ft) 269 268 266 267 267 Date 1st of March 2010 2nd of March 2010 3rd of March

2010 4th of March 2010 5th of March 2010 a) A Hungarian citizen staying in France paid with a debit card every day between the 1st and the 5th of March. On which day was the exchange rate the most unfavourable for her/him? Date: . b) What happened to the forint relative to the Euro between the 1st and the 3rd of March? it became weaker, it became stronger 2 points 9. The statements in the first column of the table below refer to one of the economic regions of the USA and describe an important term typical to the given region. Determine the region which the statements are relevant to, then put the described term in the column of the correct region. One term can be matched with one region only. WESTERN MIDWEST SOUTHERN REGION REGION 1. The mineral resource explored on the cost of the region in the beginning of the 20th century, that has become the basis of petrochemical industry: 2. Beside the scanty cities this American type of rural, dispersed settlement is common here: 3. It is

the traditional textile plant of the region lying mostly in the subtropical belt: 4. It is the metropolis of the region with several millions of inhabitants, surrounded by the well known centres of microelectronic industry of the Silicon Valley: 5. It is the dominant livestock of extensive animal husbandry (pasture farming) typical in almost the entire region: 6. The branch of industry typical in the cities of the region called the “breadbasket” (pantry) of the country: 12 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 9 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint 10. Név: . osztály: Match the countries with the descriptions relevant to them. Put the number of the description on the dotted line before the relevant country. Not all descriptions can be matched with a country. . A) Austria . B) Slovakia . C) Rumania . D) Croatia 1. It joined the European Union together with Hungary 2. Significant regional disparities have developed in the country in

North South direction. 3. The main tourist region of the country is Dalmatia 4. The black coal reserves of the country are of European importance 5. Its lowland with dry continental climate is the major region of corn and sunflower cultivation. 6. Hydroelectric power has a preeminent role in the energy production of the country. 4 points 11. The numbers in the outline map indicate the spatial distribution of the more populous ethnic minorities of Hungary. Put the numbers in the map in the boxes after the relevant ethnic minority. Croatian: German: Rumanian: Slovakian: 4 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 10 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint 12. Név: . osztály: In which countries are the historical regions below located? Put the name of the relevant country after the name of the region on the dotted line. Felvidék: . Kárpátalja: . Vajdaság: . 3 points 13. Solve the problems after reading excerpt from an article below. „The

development, the building and the operation of wind turbines and the installation of solar panels offer remunerative jobs for highly skilled experts []. And for these fields those can be retrained, [] who have lost their job in the “traditional economy” due to the economic crisis. Estimates were also made on the work force migration in the labour market. According to a study by [] WWF France, if CO2 emissions are reduced in accordance with the undertakings by 2020, 316 thousand jobs will be created by the renewable energy sector, while the increase of energy efficiency will create 564 thousand new jobs. On the other hand this may result in the loss of 138 thousand jobs in the traditional energy sector and 107 thousand jobs in the automobile industry.” HVG, 26th of September, p. 61 a) List the renewable energy sources mentioned in the article. . . 2 points b) Name two natural resources used in the traditional energy sector. . . 2 points c) Give arguments against the statement

below, using the excerpt: “As a consequence of measures to reduce carbon dioxide emission, countries will have to face such social challenges as growing unemployment.” . . . 2 points 6 points Total score in Paper II: 75 points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 11 / 12 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Név: . osztály: Total score I. Tasks assessing topographic knowledge and skills 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. II. Tasks assessing 6. geographical knowledge 7. and skills 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Total score in the written part of the examination: Student’s score 25 3 2 5 7 10 10 7 2 12 4 4 3 6 100 examiner Date: . score attained points (in rounded to the integers) included in nearest integer (elért the program (programba pontszám egész számra beírt egész pontszám) kerekítve) (I. Tasks assessing topographic knowledge and skills II. Tasks assessing geographical knowledge and

skills) (I. Topográfiai ismeretek, készségek feladatsor II. Földrajzi ismeretek, képességek feladatsor) Score in the written part of the examination (Írásbeli vizsgarész pontszáma examiner/javító tanár Registrar of the Board of Examiners/jegyző Date/Dátum: . Date/Dátum: írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 1012 12 / 12 2012. május 16 ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 1012 FÖLDRAJZ ANGOL NYELVEN KÖZÉPSZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA JAVÍTÁSI-ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Paper 1 Task No. 1 a) 1. Perth 2. Melbourne 3. Canberra 4. Sydney 5. Wellington Each correct answer is awarded by 1 point. 5 points b) Murray 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point c) New Guinea Total:: 7 points Task No. 2 a) 1. Veszprém county 2. Zala county 3. Somogy county 4. Fejér county

Each correct answer is awarded by 1 point. 4 points b) 1. Kaposvár 1 point 1 point c) a) Zala b) Sió 1 point 1 point 2 points d) Lake Velencei 1 point 1 point Total:: 8 points Task No. 3 a) 1. Glasgow 2. Dublin 3. Birmingham 4. London Each correct answer is awarded by 1 point. 4 points írásbeli vizsga 1012 2/7 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató b) A. North Sea B. the Pennines C. the English Channel (La Manche) D. Ireland Each correct answer is awarded by 1 point. 4 points c) A: crude oil / natural gas / hydrocarbon B: black coal 1 point 1 point 2 points Total:: 10 points Paper 2 Task No. 1 1. C 2. B 3. A Each correct answer is awarded by 1 point. 3 points Total: 3 points Task No. 2 The method of calculation: 8 000 000 x 1.5 cm = 12 000 000 cm = 120 km The distance between the two cities: 120 km 1 point 1 point 2 points Total: 2 points Task No. 3 Eurasian Mountain Range 1, 2, Pacific Mountain Range 3 4,

5, Each number written in the correct place is awarded by 1 point. Total: 5 points írásbeli vizsga 1012 3/7 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Task No. 4 a) (extratropical) cyclone/depression 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point b) In counter-clockwise direction c) ascending / uplifting d) decreases e) underlined: changeable, windy weather wet weather f) 1 point 1 point 2 points Putting letter C on the front line labelled by semicircles. 1 point Note: Putting letter C on any of the correct lines is acceptable. Even if both fronts are labelled, only 1 point can be awarded. 1 point Total: 7 points Task No. 5 a) External force Number of picture Wind 2 5 Water 1 4 7 Ice 3 6 Each number in the correct place is awarded by 1 point. The order of numbers in the rows does not matter. 7 points b) 5 Dune 1 point 2 Fairy chimney/hoodoo/”rock mushroom” 1 point 6 Former glacier valley 1 point

3 points Total: 10 points Task No. 6 a) D > B > A > C Only the correct descending order is awarded by 1 point. 1 point 1 point b) A 1 point annual precipitation is higher here / the annual mean range of temperature is lower here / summer is cooler and winter is milder. Naming one reason is sufficient 1 point 2 points írásbeli vizsga 1012 4/7 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató c) 1. C 2. B 1 point 1 point 2 points d) X A D B C Each correct answer is awarded by 1 point. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 points Total: 10 points Task No. 7 a) 3. 1. 2. Ever greater regions (North America, Central and Southern Europe) are affected by the Industrial Revolution. By the development of localized commercial agriculture population growth speeded up. Population growth increases due to the Industrial Revolution. The achievements of the Industrial Revolution gain ground spread in the developing world starting a population explosion. The

correct sequence 1 point 1 point 4. b) 1. 2. 3. 4. Billion B Acceptable between 0.8 and 1 billion The line drawn in the 1950–1975 (±10 years) period is acceptable. 1 point 1 point 1 point 1 point 4 points c) A The calculation of the population growth of the developing countries: The method of calculation: 6 790 million x 0.85 = 57715 million heads The calculation of the 2% annual growth rate: 5771.5 x 002 = 11543 million heads. Growth (increment): 115 430 000 heads 1 point 1 point 2 points Total: 7 points Task No. 8 a) b) 1st of March 2010 it became stronger 1 point 1 point Total: 2 points írásbeli vizsga 1012 5/7 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Task No. 9 WESTERN REGION MIDWEST SOUTHERN REGION 1+1 point crude oil 1. 1+1 point farm 2. 1+1 point cotton 3. 4. San Francisco 1+1 point 5. cattle 1+1 point food industry/meat industry/milling industry (mentioning one of them is sufficient) 6. 1+1

point The identification of the region is awarded by 1 point/row, the naming of the correct term is awarded by 1 point/row. (Therefore 1 point/row can be awarded if the term is correct but the region is not and vice versa.) Total: 12 points Task No. 10 A. 6 B. 1 C. 5 D. 3 Each correct answer is awarded by 1 point. Total: 4 points Task No. 11 Croatian: 4 German: 3 Rumanian: 2 Slovakian: 1 Each correct answer is awarded by 1 point. Total: 4 points Task No. 12 Felvidék: Slovakia Kárpátalja: the Ukraine Vajdaság: Serbia 1 point 1 point 1 point Total: 3 points írásbeli vizsga 1012 6/7 2012. május 16 Földrajz angol nyelven középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Task No. 13 a) wind energy, solar energy 1+1 point 2 points b) crude oil, natural gas, coal, uranium ore (Naming two of them is sufficient). 1+1 point 2 points c) The number of jobs disappearing in the traditional energy sector (and the traditional branches of industry) is smaller 1 point than the

number of jobs created by the new energy producing technologies using renewable resources. 1 point or The laid off from the traditional energy sector 1 point can be retrained to take jobs in the renewable energy sector. 1 point Alternative phrasings of the same content are acceptable. 2 points Total: 6 points Total score in the examination paper: 100 points írásbeli vizsga 1012 7/7 2012. május 16