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ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2012. május 9 Azonosító jel: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN EMELT SZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2012. május 9 8:00 I. Időtartam: 90 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozat NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint írásbeli vizsga 0801 I. összetevő Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: Important information You must give unambiguous answers; indicate or correct your answers in an unambiguous way. In your answers concentrate on the main idea; do not exceed the given space. Only write the number of words or items specified in the task. (If you write more, your answers will be evaluated in the order in which they appear.) Your answers must be written in blue ink. Suggested approach: • Read the tasks very carefully. • Follow the instructions with care. • Study all the sources that accompany the questions (pictures, diagrams, extracts, maps). • Write your answers after thorough
consideration, if possible without corrections. • The names of persons, topographical data and concepts can only be evaluated if they are spelled correctly. Good luck! írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 2 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: I SHORT ANSWER TASKS 1 This task is about Judaism. Answer the questions using the sources and your own knowledge. "3 Thou shalt not have other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image [] 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh His name in vain. 8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 12 Honour thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. 13 Thou shalt not murder. 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house; thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his
man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s." (Excerpts from Chapter 20 of the second book of the Torah) „3. Ne legyenek néked idegen isteneid én előttem! 4. Ne csinálj magadnak faragott képet [] 7. Az Úrnak, a te Istenednek nevét hiába fel ne vedd; mert nem hagyja azt az Úr büntetés nélkül, aki az ő nevét hiába felveszi. 8. Megemlékezzél a szombatnapról, hogy megszenteljed azt 12. Tiszteld atyádat és anyádat, hogy hosszú ideig élj azon a földön, amelyet az Úr, a te Istened ad tenéked! 13. Ne ölj! 16. Ne tégy a te felebarátod ellen hamis tanúbizonyságot! 17. Ne kívánd a te felebarátodnak házát! Ne kívánd a te felebarátodnak feleségét, se szolgáját, se szolgálóleányát, se ökrét, se szamarát, és semmit, ami a te felebarátodé!” (Részletek a Tóra II. könyvének 20 részéből) a) Which fundamental laws from the Bible do the excerpts above form part of? Underline as
appropriate. (1 point) 1) The Ten Commandments 2) The Sermon on the Mount 3) Original Sin b) Which Jewish historical figure are the excerpts above traditionally linked to? (1 point) c) Which later religions found their roots in Judaism? (Score: 0.5 points per item) 1) 2) 3 points írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 3 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 2 This task is about trade guilds. Decide whether the statements in the table below are based on any of the regulations in the text of the source. If so, put the number of the regulation next to the appropriate statement. If not, put a cross (“X”) next to the statement (Score: 0.5 points per item) "2 If anybody from outside the guild is about to make a bargain for a stock of provisions or something of the like and a member of the guild steps in, only the latter may buy it regardless of the price the other has promised to pay. If a guild member is making a bargain for goods
which cannot be classified as food and are valued at five big solidi or more and another member of the guild steps in, this latter, if he wishes so, may demand a share in the bargain. If the member who initiated the bargain rejects the one who has stepped in and this latter can prove that he has been rejected with two witnesses to the dean (tithe collector), the former will pay a fine of two solidi. 3 When the time of drinking comes, it is the deans’ task to tell the members of the chapter to take their part in the drinking and to instruct them to arrive peacefully each at his own place at nine o’clock and that none of them should start a fight raking up matters from the recent or the very distant past. 5 If a person from outside the guild arrives to take part in the drinking, drinks secretly and is consequently discovered, he must either pay five big solidi or become a member of the guild there and then. Clerics, knights and foreign merchants are exceptions to this regulation. 8
If anyone should hit another with his fist, a loaf of bread or a stone, he must not reach for other weapons and he must pay two ounces. 13 If someone does not arrive at his chapter after the first toll of the bells, he must pay 12 denarii, and if someone should leave without permission, he must also pay 12 denarii unless he is ill. 15 Wine and all other costs of the guild are paid from the guild coffers. 17 When someone enters the guild, whether old or young, he must pay the clerk and the deans two denarii each until he is registered." (From the 12th-century regulations of the merchant guild of the city of Saint-Omer) „2. Ha a céhen kívüliek közül bárki valamely élelmiszerkészletre vagy bármi hasonlóra alkuszik, és valamelyik a céhbeliek közül közbelép, csak az utóbbi vásárolhatja meg, tekintet nélkül arra, hogy a másik milyen árat ígért. Ha a céhbeliek valamelyike bármi olyan árura alkuszik, amely nem minősíthető élelmiszernek és értéke 5 nagy
solidus, vagy annál több, és valamely más ugyancsak céhbeli közbelép, akkor ez utóbbi is, amennyiben úgy kívánja, részt kérhet az üzletből, és ha az alkut folytató elutasítja a közbelépőt, ez viszont a dékán (tizedszedő) előtt két céhbeli tanúval bizonyítani tudja, hogy amaz elutasította részvételét, akkor amaz két solidus pénzbírságot fizet. 3. Midőn beköszönt az italozás ideje, a dékánok feladata értesíteni a káptalan tagjait, hogy a kijelölt napon vegyenek részt az italozásban, és előírni, hogy kilenc órakor békésen jelenjenek meg a maguk helyén, és közülük senki ne kezdjen civakodást régi vagy közelmúlt dolgokat hánytorgatva. írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 4 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 5. Ha az italozáson nem céhbeli jelenik meg és titokban iszik, de ivás közben tetten érik, akkor ő 5 nagy solidust fizet, vagy ott nyomban köteles belépni a
céhbe. Ez alól kivesszük a klerikusokat, a lovagokat és az idegen országbeli kereskedőket. 8. Ha valaki bárkit ököllel vagy kenyérrel vagy kővel megüt, más fegyverhez ne forduljon, így két unciát fizet. 13. Ha valaki az első harangszó után nem jelenik meg káptalanjában, 12 dénárt fizet, aki pedig engedély nélkül távozik el, ha nem betegség kényszeríti, 12 dénárt fizet. 15. Szabály, hogy a bor és minden céhbeli szükséglet költségeit a céh vagyonából fedezik. 17. Ha valaki belép a céhbe, akár fiatal, akár öreg, köteles a lajstromba vételig két dénárt fizetni az írnoknak, a dékánoknak úgyszintén kettőt.” (Saint-Omer város kereskedőcéhének a XII. században született szabályzatából) Statement Number of regulation a) This regulation creates a basis of equality for the working conditions of guild members. b) Guild members share the burdens connected to their trade. c) Before entering the guild prospective members must pass
an exam. d) This regulation goes against competition in the market. e) The guild protects the interests of members against those who refuse to join it. f) This regulation specifies the number of apprentices masters can employ. 3 points 3 This task is about Hungarians during the period of the migrations. Complete the tasks using the sources and your own knowledge. "Hungarians are a kind of Turkish people. Their chief has 20,000 horsemen His name is: Kende. However, this is only a nominal title, and the man who reigns over them as their king is the Gyula. Every Hungarian follows the commands of the Gyula in military, defensive and other matters. They have tents and they follow the sprouting grass and the green vegetation. Wherever they go, they travel with all their belongings and stocks, the escorts [of their leader] and the throne, the tents and the animals." (Ibn Rusta, 10th century) „A magyarok pedig a türkök egyik fajtája. Főnökük 20 000 lovassal vonul ki
Főnökük neve: Kende. Ez azonban csak névleges címe királyuknak, minthogy azt az embert, aki királyként uralkodik fölöttük, Gyulának hívják. Minden magyar a Gyula nevű főnökük parancsait követi a háború dolgában, a védelemben és más ügyekben. Sátraik vannak, és együtt lovagolnak a sarjadó fűvel és a zöld vegetációval. Bárhová is mennek, együtt utaznak egész rakományukkal és raktárukkal, [az uralkodó] kísérőivel és a trónussal, a sátrakkal és az állatokkal.” (Ibn Ruszta, X század) írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 5 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: a) What form of government does the source describe? (1 point) . b) At which stage of their migrations and from which people did the Hungarians take this system? (Score: 0.5 points per item) 1) location (stage of migrations): 2) name of people or empire: . c) What form of economy did our ancestors have in this period? (1 point) .
"After making peace with the emperor of the Romans [Byzantines] again and so feeling secure, Simeon sent emissaries to the Pechenegs and made an agreement with them. To defeat and annihilate the Turks And when the Turks went to war the Pechenegs and Simeon came against them killing all their families and driving away those who had been left behind to guard their country in a most vicious manner. When the Turks returned and found their country bare and ravaged, they settled down in the country where they still live today []" (Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus of Byzantium, 10th century) „Miután azonban Simeon újra kibékült a rómaiak [bizánciak] császárával, és bátorságban érezte magát, a besenyőkhöz küldött és megegyezett velük. Hogy leverik, és semmivé teszik a türköket. És amikor a türkök hadjáratra mentek, a besenyők Simeonnal a türkök ellen jöttek, családjukat teljesen kiirtották, és a földjük őrzésére hagyott türköket gonoszul
kiűzték. Miután pedig a türkök visszatértek, és földjüket ilyen pusztán és feldúlva találták, letelepedtek arra a földre, amelyen ma is laknak []” (Bíborbanszületett Konstantin bizánci császár, X. század) d) What event does the above source describe? (0.5 points) . e) What people does the source designate as "Turks"? (0.5 points) . 4 points 4 This task is about the evolution of a world economy. Complete the tasks using the sources and your own knowledge. "On the fifth day [of February 1504] three galleons arrived in Venice on their way back from Alexandria [] They arrived empty and without any goods although nobody remembers it ever happening that a galleon should return from her voyage with no cargo. Merchants returning from Alexandria have been saying that his Highness the Sultan made great efforts to prevent the Portuguese and their galleons entering Calcutta in India. írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 6 / 20 2012. május 9
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: [June 1506] A letter which arrived from Genoa post-haste informs us that four loaded caravels landed in Lisbon, Portugal on the 24th day of March, just back from their voyage to India, and their cargo was 25,000 canteras [1 cantera equals approximately 72 kilograms] of pepper and sandal wood. A similarly swift missive came from Antwerp in Flanders on the 18th day of this month. This also confirmed the news adding that five caravels loaded with goods from Calcutta had arrived in Lisbon [] This news has been the source of great disheartenment in the city of Venice, as shipping is now threatened with ruin. By now it has become apparent that these voyages from Portugal to India will be regular and that caravels can normally make the voyage once every year. Consequently, the merchants of Venice cannot go to Syria, since they cannot buy goods there any longer. The discovery of the other route to India has been a truly great one. The
Republic of Venice has not been under a greater threat or in worse danger for a long time." (From the diary of Girolamo Priuli, 16th century) „[1504. február] ötödik napján Alexandriából visszatérőben Velencébe érkezett három gálya [] Ezek üresen, áru nélkül érkeztek, pedig senki nem emlékezett arra, hogy valaha is megtörtént volna, hogy egy gálya útjáról áru nélkül térjen haza. Az Alexandriából visszatért kereskedők azt is beszélték, hogy a szultán úr nagy erőfeszítéseket tett, hogy Indiában, Kálikutban a portugálokat és gályáikat ne fogadják be. [1506. június] Egy Genovából nagyon gyorsan érkezett levélből megtudtuk, hogy a portugáliai Lisszabonba március 24-én áruval megrakott négy karavella érkezett, melyek az indiai útról tértek vissza, és rakományuk 25 ezer cantera [1 cantera kb. 72 kg] bors és szantálfa volt. Ugyanígy hír érkezett igen gyorsan a flandriai Antwerpenből e hónap 18-án. Ez is
megerősítette az újságot, annak hozzáadásával, hogy Lisszabonba öt karavella érkezett Kálikutból árukkal megrakva [] Ez a hír Velence városában nagy elkedvetlenedést okozott, mert a hajózást nagy romlás fenyegeti. Most már kétségkívül világos lett az is, hogy ez az utazás Portugáliából Indiába rendszeressé válik, és hogy általában évenként tehetik meg a karavellák ezt az utat. Így ezután a velencei kalmárok nem mehetnek Szíriába, mivel árut ott már nem kaphatnak. Az Indiába vezető másik út felfedezése igen nagy dolog volt. A Velencei Köztársaságot régóta nem fenyegette nagyobb kár vagy veszély” (Girolamo Priuli naplójából, XVI. század) a) Use the above source to explain why the Republic of Venice was in danger? (1 point) . b) Use the above source to say where trade routes used to be and where they moved to. (Score: 0.5 points per item) Where they used to be: New routes: c) Explain why this change was unfavourable for the
Turkish Empire from an economic point of view. (1 point) . írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 7 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: d) Write the numbers from the map into the appropriate places in the table below. (Score: 0.5 points per item) Alexandria Lisbon Venice Antwerp 5 points írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 8 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 5 This task is about 17th-century Hungary. Match the geographical names to the events in the table by writing them into the appropriate box in the second column. Then also write the letters in the map into the appropriate box in the third column and establish the correct chronological order of the events. There is one extra geographical name that you do not need to use (Score: 1 point per row in the table.) Geographical names: Várad, Vienna, Pozsony, Besztercebánya, Buda Hungary in the 17th century Event Place Letter
Chronological order a) Bocskai signed a peace treaty with the Habsburgs. b) The Hungarian estates crowned Bethlen as king. c) The Turks presented Bocskai with the crown they intended for him not far from this town. d) After heavy fighting the Turks occupied the gateway to Transylvania. 4 points 6 This task is about political trends during the French bourgeois revolution. Identify the political trends illustrated by the quotes below. (Score: 1 point per item) a) "The time has come for a new crusade, the crusade of universal freedom. A nation, which has achieved freedom after 600 years of slavery, needs war. War will give it a solid foundation []" (Brissot) írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 9 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: „Eljött az új keresztes háború ideje, az egyetemes szabadság keresztes hadjáratáé. Egy népnek, amely hatszáz esztendős szolgaság után kivívta szabadságát, szüksége van a
háborúra, háború kell, hogy megszilárduljék []” (Brissot) . b) "[] I have been implicated in a lawsuit the outcome of which it is impossible to foresee because of all the emotions involved. Neither its pretext nor its means could be found in our existing laws." (Louis Capet) „[] belekevertek egy olyan perbe, amelynek kimenetelét lehetetlen előre látni az embereket elborító szenvedélyek miatt. Erre a perre sem ürügyet, sem pedig eszközt nem lehet találni a létező törvényekben.” (Capet Lajos) . c) "You must punish the indifferent as well as the treacherous – everyone who remains passive and does nothing for the revolution must be punished. []" (Saint-Just) „Nemcsak az árulókat, hanem a közömböseket is meg kell büntetnetek, mindenkit meg kell büntetni, aki a forradalomban passzív és semmit sem tesz érte. []” (Saint-Just) . 3 points 7 This task is about Austro-Hungarian relations concerning public law. Complete the tasks using
the sources and your own knowledge. "Art. 3 On the formation of an independent government Par. 3 According to the law His Majesty, and his palatine in his absence, shall exercise executive powers through the independent Hungarian government and any of their orders, commands, resolutions or appointments shall only be valid if signed by one of the ministers in Buda-Pest. [] Par. 5 His Majesty shall exclusively exercise his executive powers through the Hungarian government in all the affairs which earlier belonged or should have belonged to the sphere of authority of the Hungarian royal chancery, the council of the governor-general, or the royal treasury, including mining, and in general all civil, ecclesiastical, fiscal, military, and in general all affairs of defence. [] Par. 8 In questions of using the Hungarian army in foreign lands or appointments to military offices His Majestys decisions shall be countersigned by the future Hungarian minister delegated to the monarch. Par. 14
Apart from the member of the government delegated to the monarch [] it shall have the following departments: a) Internal affairs, b) National finance, c) Public works, transport vehicles and shipping, d) Agriculture, industry and commerce, e) Religion and general education, f) Justice and clemency, g) Department of Defence." (From the April laws) írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 10 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: „III. tc Független felelős minisztérium alakítására 3. § Ő Felsége, s az ő távollétében a nádor a királyi helytartó a végrehajtó hatalmat a törvények értelmében független, magyar minisztérium által gyakorolják, s bármely rendeleteik, parancsolataik, határozataik, kinevezéseik csak úgy érvényesek, ha Buda-Pesten székelő miniszterek egyike által is aláíratik. [] 5. § Mindazon tárgyakra, melyek eddig a magyar királyi udvari kancelláriának a királyi helytartótanácsnak, s
a királyi kincstárnak, ide értvén a bányászatot is, köréhez tartoztak, vagy tartozniuk kellett volna, s általában minden polgári, egyházi, kincstári, katonai és általában minden honvédelmi tárgyakban őfelsége, a végrehajtó hatalmat ezentúl kizárólag csak a magyar minisztérium által fogja gyakorolni. [] 8. § A magyar hadseregnek az ország határain kívüli alkalmazását, nem különben a katonai hivatalokra való kinevezéseket, szinte úgy, Ő Felsége fogja a király személye körüli leendő felelős magyar miniszter ellenjegyzése mellett elhatározni. 14. § A minisztériumnak azon tagján kívül, mely a Felség személye körül [] ügyelend, a következő osztályai lesznek: a) Belügyek, b) Országos pénzügy, c) Közmunka és közlekedési eszközök és hajózás, d) Földművelés, ipar és kereskedés, e) Vallás és közoktatás, f) Igazságszolgáltatás és kegyelem, g) Honvédelmi osztály.” (Az április törvényekből) a) What term
is used to designate the association between the two countries which was laid down in the April laws of 1848? (0.5 points) . b) Which political issues were fundamentally controversial between the two countries? List at least two of them. (Score: 05 points per item) . . c) Which document issued during the revolution declared Hungarys break with the Habsburg dynasty? Where and when was this document issued? (Score: 0.5 points per item.) 1) Name of the document: . 2) Date (day/month/year): 3) Location: 3 points írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 11 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 8 This task is about the colonial period. Complete the tasks using the sources and your own knowledge. a) Complete the legend for this map of India’s religions. (Score: 05 points) 1. 2. 3. "Every village must find or produce smuggled salt [] both young and old must turn the spinning wheel in every house and spin and weave plenty of thread.
Foreign textiles must be burned. Hindus must reject the idea of the untouchable Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Parsees and Christians must establish a sincere unity. [] Students must leave the schools and universities of the government; those in government service must give up their jobs and dedicate themselves to the service of the people." (Gandhi) „Minden egyes falu keressen vagy állítson elő csempészett sót [] a fiatalok és öregek minden házban forgassák a rokkát és naponta fonjanak, szőjenek sok fonalat. A külföldi textilt el kell égetni. A hinduk vessék el az érintetlenséget A hinduk, muzulmánok, szikhek, párszik és keresztények teremtsék meg az őszinte egységet. [] A diákok hagyják el a kormány iskoláit és egyetemeit, és a kormány szolgálatában állók mondjanak le tisztségükről, és szenteljék magukat a nép szolgálatának.” (Gandhi) b) List Gandhis methods in politics. Mention three of them (Score: 05 points per item) 1. 2. 3.
írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 12 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: c) Who was Gandhis chief follower, who continued his policies? (1 point) . 4 points 9 This task is about the economic situation in Hungary. Complete the tasks on industrial production between the two world wars using the table and your own knowledge. (Score: 05 points per item) 1913* 15.5 13.8 1.5 4.3 7.8 4.8 1.5 2.7 2.5 2.6 42.4 100% Iron industry and metallurgy Machine production Electricity production Building material industry Chemical industry Textile industry Clothing industry Leather industry Timber industry Printing industry Food industry Total for all industries 1929 11.3 10.2 4.2 4.8 7.4 14.2 2.2 3.2 3.2 2.4 35.7 100% 1938 14.2 9.7 4.4 3.7 9.7 15.3 2.4 3.9 2.5 1.7 30.4 100% *The data for 1913 is for the area of the country as it was in 1920 a) Which three industries showed the worst decline between 1913 and 1929? 1). 2). 3). b) What post-World
War I historical event was the cause of this decline? . c) Explain why this event led to economic decline. List at least two causes . . d) Which two industries significantly increased their share among all the industries between 1913 and 1938? 1). írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 2). 13 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: e) Explain the causes of the dynamic development of these two industries. 1). 2). 5 points 10 This task is about the fate of Hungarians living in neighbouring countries. Complete the tasks using the sources and your own knowledge. Chronology April 1945 February 1946 1948 the government programme of Kassa Czechoslovak-Hungarian population exchange agreement governmental regulation of reslovakisation "Par. 2 All persons considered unreliable from the point of view of the state will have their property on the territory of the Republic of Czechoslovakia put under state administration in accordance with the
following provisions of this decree [] Par. 4 From the point of view of the state the following persons are to be considered unreliable: a) German or Hungarian nationals. []" "Par. 1 (1) [] Czechoslovak citizens of German or Hungarian nationality will lose their Czechoslovak citizenship on the day this decree comes into force. [] Par. 1 [] In the interest of rebuilding the economy destroyed by the war all persons who [] have lost their Czechoslovak citizenship will be subject to compulsory labour." "Par. 2 All men between the ages of 14 and 60 and all women between the ages of 15 and 50 will be subject to compulsory labour, taking the completion of these ages as a basis." (Excerpts from the decrees of President Edvard Benes of the Republic of Czechoslovakia, May-September 1945) „2. § Az állami szempontból megbízhatatlan személyeknek a Csehszlovák Köztársaság területén lévő vagyonát állami kezelés alá veszik e dekrétum további rendelkezései
értelmében [] 4. § Állami szempontból megbízhatatlannak kell tekinteni: a) német vagy magyar nemzetiségű személyeket. []” „1. § (1) A [] német vagy magyar nemzetiségű csehszlovák állampolgár e dekrétum hatálybalépésnek napján elveszíti csehszlovák állampolgárságát. [] 1. § A [] háború által tönkretett gazdasági élet megújítása érdekében bevezetjük azon személyek munkakötelezettségét, akik [] elvesztették csehszlovák állampolgárságukat.” „2. § A munkakötelezettség a 14-60 éves férfiakra és a 15-50 éves nőkre vonatkozik, e kor betöltését véve alapul.” (Részletek Edvard Benes csehszlovák köztársasági elnök dekrétumaiból, 1945. május–szeptember) írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 14 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: a) Which human and civil rights of the Hungarian population of Slovakia were restricted by the Czechoslovakian authorities? Mention two of
these rights. (Score: 1 point per item.) 1). 2). b) What was the overall purpose of the decrees? (1 point) . c) How was population exchange supposed to work according to the agreement? (1 point) . . 4 points 11 This task is about the situation in the Balkan states in the last decade of the 20th century. Complete the tasks using the source and your own knowledge. (Score: 05 points per item.) "The principal nationalities, Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, no longer shared common political aims; indeed some of their aspirations of the time distinctly contradicted each other. The beginning of a new era in world economy, the acceleration of European integration and the disintegration of the Soviet Bloc obviously made the issue of the meaning and the function of Yugoslavia a high priority among them. Slovenia and Croatia [] feared that if they stayed enclosed in Yugoslavia, they might be left out of the process leading to modernisation and EU integration. This moved them to assert their
intention to become independent. This conflicted with the geographically dispersed Serbs efforts aspirations towards unity." (The Disintegration of Yugoslavia by József Juhász) „A meghatározó nemzeteknek, a szerbeknek, horvátoknak és a szlovéneknek nem voltak már közös politikai céljaik, sőt aktuális törekvéseik egy része kifejezetten ellentétes volt. A világgazdasági korszakváltás, az európai integráció felgyorsulása és a szovjet tömb felbomlása magától értetődően újra napirendre tűzte körükben Jugoszlávia értelmének és funkciójának a kérdését. Szlovénia és Horvátország [] attól tartottak, hogy »Jugoszláviába zártan« kimaradhatnak a modernizációs és az EU-integrációs folyamatokból. Ezért függetlenségi szándékokat fogalmaztak meg Ezek ellentétesek voltak a földrajzilag szétszórtan élő szerbek egységtörekvéseivel.” (Juhász József: Jugoszlávia felbomlása) írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 15 /
20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: a) Complete the map with the missing names of the two countries (successor states). 1. 2. Glossary: Belgrád: Belgrade Horvátország: Croatia Koszovó: Kosovo Szarajevó: Sarajevo Szerbia és Montenegró: Serbia and Montenegro Szlovénia: Slovenia Újvidék: Novi Sad Vajdaság: Voivodina Zágráb: Zagreb b) List the causes of the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Write two causes 1). 2) . 2 points írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 16 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 12 This task is about social conditions in Hungary. Complete the table using the sources. (Score: 1 point per item) The proportion of pensioners and people receiving social security allowances, 1952-1994 Year Average number per The proportion The proportion of year (in thousands) of pensioners as pensioners as compared to compared to the actively employed people total population (%)
1952 552 5.8 12.8 1960 759 7.6 16.2 1970 1415 13.7 28.3 1980 2058 19.2 40.6 1990 2520 24.3 52.6 1994 2972 29.0 80.3 "The proportion of the population which was entitled to receive a pension and was included in mandatory social security did not amount to more than 4.4 million, or half of the total population. [] Later, from 1951 onwards, mandatory social security covered everybody. [] Retirement age was fixed at 60 years for men and 55 years for women, and the pension received was dependent on the number of years spent in employment and the average salary. As a result, the number of pensioners and pensions grew very fast. Between 1960 and 1980 the number of pensioners more than doubled, raising their proportion to the total population from 8% to 19%. The pensions paid in the same period increased from 4.4 billion forints to 268 billion, in other words they rose sixfold. In 1980 29% of pensions paid out were covered by the pension contributions of people in employment. The remainder
was provided out of the national budget." (A 20th-century History of Hungary by Ignác Romsics, 1999) „A kötelező társadalombiztosításba bevont és nyugdíjjogosult lakosság aránya 1950ben még nem haladta meg a 4,4 millió főt, azaz az összlakosság felét. [] Ezt követően 1951-től a kötelező társadalombiztosítás gyakorlatilag mindenkire kiterjedt. [] A nyugdíjkorhatárt a férfiak esetében 60, a nők esetében 55 évben állapították meg, és a nyugdíj összegét a szolgálati időtől és az átlagfizetéstől tették függővé. A nyugdíjasok száma és a nyugdíjak összege mindezek következtében rendkívül gyorsan nőtt. 1960 és 1980 között a nyugdíjasok száma több mint megkétszereződött, és arányuk ezzel az össznépesség 8%-áról 19%-ára nőtt. A kifizetett nyugdíjak összege ugyanezen idő alatt évi 4,4 milliárd forintról 26,8 milliárdra emelkedett, tehát meghatszorozódott. A nyugdíjak 29%-át 1980-ban a munkavállalók
által fizetett nyugdíjjárulék fedezte. A többit az állami költségvetés biztosította” (Romsics Ignác: Magyarország története a huszadik században, 1999) írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 17 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: In the following task you can read some compound sentences which are made up of a statement and a justification. You have five options to judge them Mark the appropriate box with an X in each row after deciding on the correct option. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Both the statement and the justification are true, and the justification is a genuine explanation of the statement. Both are true, but there is no connection between them. The statement is true, but the justification is not. The statement is not true, but the justification in itself is true. Both the statement and the justification are false. Statements a) The number of pensioners and people receiving social security allowances continually grew,
because the amount of the pension depended on the number of years spent in employment and the average salary. b) The money spent on pensions did not increase, because the proportion of pensioners and people receiving social security allowances continually grew. c) The number of pensioners grew approximately 5.5-6 fold between 1952 and 1995, because their proportion to the total population also grew continually. d) The number of pensioners grew during the Kádár era, because the state contributed only a small part of the pensions that were paid out. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4 points írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 18 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 Azonosító jel: 19 / 20 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: I Short answer tasks Max. score 1. Judaism 3 2. Guilds 3 3. Migrating Hungarians 4. The evolution of a world economy th 5. Hungary in the 17 century 6.
The French Revolution 7. Austro-Hungarian relations concerning public law 8. The colonial period 9. The economic situation in Hungary 10. Hungarians living in neighbouring countries 11. The Balkan states 12. Social conditions Total 4 5 4 3 3 4 5 4 2 4 44 Candidate’s score examiner Date: . achieved points rounded up or down / elért pontszám egész számra kerekítve points (rounded up or down) to write in the software / programba beírt egész pontszám I Short answer tasks / Egyszerű, rövid feladatok examiner / javító tanár Registrar of the Board of Examiners / jegyző Date/Dátum: . Date/Dátum: . Notes: 1. If the examinee has started working on Part II of the written exam, this table and the place for the signatures must remain blank. 2. If the exam stops during Part I; or Part II remains intact for any reason, the table must be filled in and the exam paper signed here. Megjegyzések: 1. Ha a vizsgázó a II írásbeli összetevő megoldását elkezdte, akkor ez a
táblázat és az aláírási rész üresen marad! 2. Ha a vizsga az I összetevő teljesítése közben megszakad, illetve nem folytatódik a II összetevővel, akkor ez a táblázat és az aláírási rész kitöltendő! írásbeli vizsga, I. összetevő 0801 20 / 20 2012. május 9 ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2012. május 9 Azonosító jel: TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN EMELT SZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI VIZSGA 2012. május 9 8:00 II. Időtartam: 150 perc Pótlapok száma Tisztázati Piszkozati NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint írásbeli vizsga 0801 II. összetevő Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: Important information Give clear answers and make all your work unambiguous – even if you need to make corrections in your text. Try to be concise and keep to the point. Do not use more space than is provided Please write in blue ink. When working on the exam tasks consider the following. • Read the instructions carefully.
• Do exactly what the instructions tell you. • Study the sources provided (pictures, diagrams, texts, maps). Please keep in mind that the English texts will be only rough translations which render the meaning of the original texts, but not their sometimes archaic style. • Use the resources that you are allowed to use for each task: the maps of the secondary school Historical Atlas [Középiskolai történelmi atlasz] and the bilingual dictionaries. The names of persons, topographical data and concepts can only be evaluated if they are spelled correctly. • Consider your answers carefully before writing them down so that you do not have to correct them later. We advise you to follow these steps when dealing with the shorter or longer essay-type questions: 1. Identify the place and time of the given event or problem 2. Use the given sources and the secondary school Historical Atlas to understand the task 3. Collect the general concepts (for example: development, change,
production) and the time-specific concepts (for example: serf, guild, personality cult) that can be used to describe the given event or problem. 4. Include the information contained in the sources, or the conclusions that can be drawn from them, in your answers. 5. Make drafts or outlines before writing your answers if necessary 6. Identify the events leading up to the given situation, its causes and its results 7. Describe assumptions about, and explanations of, events 8. Include your own knowledge of the era (names and dates) as well as your own opinions and personal perspective of it. 9. Make sure that your sentences are clearly structured, and that your ideas are easy to follow. 10. Your whole answer should have a clear structure Check your grammar and spelling For your information: The following will be considered when your essays are evaluated: • understanding of the task • proper and relevant content • logical overall structure and accurate language. írásbeli
vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 2 / 32 Good Luck! 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: Read these instructions carefully! You must complete four of the following tasks. Choose according to the following principles: You are expected to work on: two short and two long tasks; all of them must refer to different historical periods and at least two must refer to Hungarian history. Study the tasks with special care. Number World history Hungarian history Historical periods and topics Type 13 Mercantilism short 14 The English constitutional monarchy long 15 Mussolinis foreign policies short 16 Economic life in the 1920s long 17 The evolution of serfs as a unified group short 18 The golden age of Transylvania long 19 The consequences of economic growth short 20 The 1848 revolution and Europe long 21 Anti-war efforts in Hungary short 22 The situation of Hungarian Jewry long After studying the tasks circle the numbers of
the ones you have chosen. Check your choices by filling in the following chart. Criteria of choice Yes Have you chosen four tasks? Are there at least two topics from Hungarian history among them? Is there at least one world history topic among your choices? Have you chosen two short and two long tasks? Does every task concern a different historical period? (In the chart historical periods are separated by a double-line) Have you indicated your choice of tasks clearly? Write ONLY about the four topics you have chosen; leave the remaining pages empty. You are allowed to prepare rough copies for your essays. írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 3 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 13 This task is about mercantilism. (short) Using the sources and your own knowledge present the aims and the methods of French mercantilist economic policy. "Colbert intends to make France wealthier than any other nation [] and he does not miss an
opportunity to introduce foreign industries in France []. In order to avoid the inconvenience of currency exchange, the money has to be sent to France, to Colberts total satisfaction, as all he wants to do is enrich France in this way." (A report by the ambassador of Venice on Colberts economic policy) „Colbert minden más országnál gazdagabbá akarja tenni Franciaországot[], s egyetlen lehetőséget sem mulaszt el, hogy Franciaországban meghonosítsa a más országbeli iparágakat[]. Hogy elkerüljék a pénzváltással járó kellemetlenségeket, Franciaországba kell küldeni a pénzt, Colbert teljes megelégedésére, aki csak arra törekszik, hogy Franciaországot gazdagítsa ezáltal.” (A velencei követ jelentése Colbert gazdaságpolitikájáról) Around 1660 Around 1670 Around 1680 Around 1690 Around 1700 The size of the French army during the reign of Louis XIV 80 thousand 120 thousand 250 thousand 330 thousand 400 thousand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 4 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 6 8 2 28 DIVIDED BY 4 7 14 This task is about the English constitutional monarchy. (long) Using the sources and your own knowledge describe the system of government of the English constitutional monarchy. Mention the circumstances and the social basis of its establishment. "And so whoever has the legislative or supreme power of any common-wealth, is bound to govern by established standing laws, promulgated and known to the people, and not by extemporary decrees; by indifferent and upright judges, who are to decide controversies by those laws; and to employ the force of the community at home, only in the execution of such laws, or abroad to
prevent or redress foreign injuries, and secure the community from inroads and invasion. And all this to be directed to no other end, but the peace, safety, and public good of the people." (The Second Treatise of Civil Government by John Locke, 1689) „Bárki rendelkezzék is tehát egy államban a törvényhozó vagy legfőbb hatalommal, annak kötelessége, hogy ne rögtönzött rendeletekkel, hanem érvényes állandó törvényekkel kormányozzon, amelyeket kihirdettek és ismertettek az emberek előtt; hogy a hatalmat elfogultan és igazságos bírák útján gyakorolja, akinek e törvények alapján kell eldönteniük a vitákat; és hogy a közösség erejét otthon csakis e törvények végrehajtására, idegenben pedig külső sérelmek megelőzésére vagy orvoslására használja, és megvédje a közösséget ellenségek betöréseivel és támadásaival szemben. És mindez nem szolgálhat más célt, mint az emberek békéjét, biztonságát és a közjót.” (John
Locke: Értekezés a polgári kormányzásról 1689) "Whereas the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons assembled at Westminster [] did upon the thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred eighty-eight present [] a certain declaration in writing []: That the pretended power of dispensing with laws or the execution of laws by regal authority, as it hath been assumed and exercised of late, is illegal. [] That levying money for or to the use of the Crown by pretence of prerogative, without grant of Parliament [] is illegal. [] That the raising or keeping a standing army within the kingdom in time of peace, unless it be with consent of Parliament, is against law." (From the Bill of Rights, 1689) „A felső- és alsóházak Westminsterben összegyülekezett egyházi és világi tagjai [] 1689. február 13-án írásban úgy nyilatkoztak: írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 5 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint
Azonosító jel: Hogy a törvényektől vagy végrehajtásuktól királyi tekintély alapján való eltekintés állítólagos hatalma, ahogy ezt a közelmúltban gyakorolták, törvényellenes. [] Hogy a felségjogokra hivatkozva a korona részére adót beszedni a parlament jóváhagyása nélkül [] törvényellenes. [] Hogy békeidőben a királyság területén állandó hadsereget gyűjteni vagy fenntartani, hacsak a parlament nem adja hozzájárulását, törvényellenes.” (A Jogok törvényéből, 1689) "It was actually after the civil war that England became the home of the aristocracy. [] However, the English aristocrat differed from his continental counterpart in that he did not look down on the economy. They were willing to make financial investments. Their chief income was from their motorised estates or land lease, but they often invested the profit in colonial goods, insurance, bonds, or the mining industry." (A History of England by György Tibor Szántó)
„Anglia igazából éppen a forradalom után vált az arisztokrácia hazájává. [] Az angol arisztokrata azonban abban eltért a kontinens előkelőitől, hogy nem átallotta a gazdálkodást. Szívesen forgatták a pénzt Fő jövedelmük ugyan gépesített gazdaságaikból vagy mezőgazdasági bérletekből származott, de a profitot szívesen fektették gyarmatárukba, biztosításba, kötvényekbe, bányaiparba.” (Szántó György Tibor: Anglia története) The English constitutional monarchy Glossary: A király: The king Uralkodik, de nem kormányoz: Reigns but does not govern A parlament: The Parliament A bíróság független: The courts are independent Lordok háza: House of Lords Alsóház: választott képviselők: House of Commons: elected representatives írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 Kormány: Government Irányítja a hadsereget, a bürokráciát: Supervises the army and the bureaucracy Választók (cezosos alapon): Voters (on the basis of financial
eligibility) Az ország lakossága: The population of the country 6 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 7 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . . . . . . . . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 Maximum Achieved points 8 4 6 10 12 8 48 DIVIDED BY 3 16 8 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 15 This task is about Mussolinis foreign policy initiatives. (short) Using the sources and your own knowledge, summarise Mussolinis activities and goals in foreign affairs between the two world wars. Italys foreign policy initiatives Glossary: A francia-német
és a belga-francia határokat garantáló locarnói szerződést Olaszországgal együtt aláíró országok Abesszínia Albánia Angol-Egyiptomi Szudán Ausztria Bulgária Csehszlovákia Dánia Egyiptom Északi-tenger Fekete-tenger Földközi-tenger Francia Egyenlítői Afrika Franciaország Görögország Hollandia Irak Irán Jugoszlávia írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 9 / 32 The countries which signed the treaty of Locarno with Italy guaranteeing Franco-German and Belgian-French borders Abyssinia Albania Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Austria Bulgaria Czechoslovakia Denmark Egypt North Sea Black Sea Mediterranean Sea French Equatorial Africa France Greece Holland Iraq Iran Yugoslavia 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: Kaszpi-tenger Korfu 1923 (sikertelen) Lengyelország Líbia Magyarország Nagy-Britannia Németország Nílus Olasz hadműveletek Olasz szerzemények 1939-ig Olasz Szomália Olaszország és gyarmatai 1918-ban Olaszország
Olaszországgal kétoldalú szövetségi viszonyban álló országok Országhatár 1920-ban Perzsa-öböl Románia Svájc Svédország Szaúd-Arábia Szíria Szovjetunió Törökország Transzjordánia Tunézia Vörös-tenger Caspian Sea Corfu, 1923 (failed) Poland Libya Hungary Great Britain Germany Nile Italian military operations Italian acquisitions until 1939 Italian Somalia Italy and its colonies in 1918 Italy Countries in bilateral alliance with Italy National border in 1920 Persian Sea Romania Switzerland Sweden Saudi Arabia Syria Soviet Union Turkey Transjordan Tunesia Red Sea Mussolini greeting Hitler on the occasion of one of his visits to Italy . . . . . . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 10 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . . . . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam
points Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 6 8 2 28 DIVIDED BY 4 7 16 This task is about the 20th century. (long) Using the sources and your own knowledge, analyse the transformations in the world economy between the end of World War I and 1929. Mention the economic consequences of the war and the economic consolidation of the 1920s. "So far as possible, therefore, it was the policy of France to set the clock back and to undo what, since 1870, the progress of Germany had accomplished. By loss of territory and other measures her population was to be curtailed; but chiefly the economic system, upon which she depended for her new strength, the vast fabric built upon iron, coal, and transport, must be destroyed. If France could seize, even in part, what Germany was compelled to drop, the inequality of strength between the two rivals for European hegemony might be remedied for many generations. Hence sprang those cumulative provisions for the destruction of highly organised economic
life []." (The Economic Consequences of the Peace, by Keynes, 1919) „Franciaországnak tehát a lehetőségek határain belül az volt a politikája, hogy visszaigazítsa az órát, és meg nem történtté tegye mindazt, amit 1870 óta Németország fejlődése elért. Ezen elgondolás szerint területcsatolás és egyéb rendszabályok révén csökkenteni kell népességének számát, legfőképpen azonban gazdasági rendszerét – a vasra, szénre és szállításra alapozott hatalmas építményt kell megsemmisíteni, amelytől új ereje függött. Ha Franciaországnak akár csak részben sikerül megszereznie azt, amiről Németország kénytelen lemondani, több nemzedékre helyre lehetne billenteni az európai hegemóniáért küzdő két vetélytárs hatalmi egyensúlyát. Ez a magyarázata a magas szinten szervezett gazdasági élet szétrombolására irányuló [] egymást erősítő cikkelyeknek []” (Keynes: A békeszerződés gazdasági következményei, 1919)
írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 11 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: The Dawes Plan for the restoration of the German economy Glossary: Adók: Taxes Állam: State Egyesült Államok: United States Franciaország: France Gazdaság: Economy Háborús kölcsönök törlesztése: Repayment of war loans Hitelek folyósítása: Payment of loans Jóvátételek: Reparations Nagy-Britannia: Great Britain Német bankok: German banks Németország: Germany "Twenty-seven different currencies were in use in Europe, compared to the fourteen of pre-war times; the length of borders increased by 20,000 kilometres, and the borders, which were created in a thoughtful manner, separated factories from raw materials, foundries from coalmines, businesses from their markets [] Without doubt, the modern war boosted the productivity of the economy. In the economic and technological fields these years brought huge advances. Car and aircraft
production prospered, as well as oil refining, the chemical industry, electricity, paint and high-alloy steel production, the production of refrigerators and canned food, and a series of other industries." (The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers, by Paul Kennedy, 1992) „A háború előtti tizennéggyel szemben már huszonhétfajta fizetőeszköz volt Európában, a határok hossza 20 000 kilométerrel növekedett; a »meggondoltan létrehozott« új határok elválasztották a gyárakat a nyersanyagoktól, a kohókat a szénbányáktól, a gazdaságokat a piactól [] Vitathatatlan, hogy a modern háború fellendítette az ipar termelékenységét, és ennek sok pozitív oldala is volt. Gazdasági és technológiai téren ezek az évek nagymértékű előrelépést eredményeztek. Fellendült az autó- és repülőgépgyártás, az olajfinomítás és a vegyipar, a villamos-, festék- és nemesacélipar, a hűtőgép- és konzervgyártás, valamint egész sor más iparág.”
(Paul Kennedy: A nagyhatalmak tündöklése és bukása, 1992) írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 12 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: Price increases in Europe in 1923 (pre-war level = 1) France 7 Austria 14 000 Hungary 23 000 Poland 2 500 000 Russia 4 000 000 000 Germany 1 000 000 000 000 000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 13 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points Maximum Achieved points 8 4 6 10 12 8 48 DIVIDED BY 3 16 17 This task is about the establishment of unified serfdom. (short) Using the sources and your own knowledge, analyse how and in what respect serfs became a homogeneous group in Hungary in
the 14th and 15th centuries. "6. Moreover, from all our farming or vine-growing serfs from any free village, including the villages of the Lord High Steward and the Queen, except those living in walled towns, we shall collect a ninth [the ninth of the ten parts] of all produce and wine, and the Queen shall also collect it, and all the barons mentioned above shall collect a ninth of all produce and wine from all their farming or vine-growing serfs for their own use. [] And if anyone should do otherwise in connection with the above mentioned collection, those rebels and disobedient individuals shall have that ninth part of all the produce and wine on their estates, with no moderation or concession, collected by us for our own use. []" (From King Louiss laws of 1351) írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 14 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: „6. Ezen kívül bármely néven nevezett minden faluban, sőt még az udvarnoki és
királynéi falvakban élő valamennyi szántóvető és szőlőbirtokos jobbágyainktól is – kivéve a fallal övezett városokat – ezek minden terményének és borának a kilenced részét fogjuk beszedni, és a királyné asszony is be fogja hajtani, és a fent említett bárók és nem csak bármely birtokaikon élő minden szántóvető és szőlőbirtokos jobbágyuktól hasonlóképpen hajtsák be, és szedjék be azok minden terményének és borának kilenced részét a saját szükségletükre. És ha egyesek az imént említett behajtással kapcsolatban másként járnak el, az olyan ellenszegülőknek és jelen rendeletünk meghiúsítóinak a birtokain a terményeknek és bornak ama kilenced részét – bármiféle mérséklés és engedmény nélkül – a saját szükségletünk céljaira fogjuk behajtani.” (Nagy Lajos 1351 évi törvényéből) "10. We hereby set down that if any of our people of any rank or order should have a lawsuit against the serfs or
peasants of the prelates, the barons, the nobles or people of any other rank, they shall first and foremost take it to the landlords thereof. And if the lords of these village people or peasants either refuse to administer justice, or delay in doing so, then, for the refusal to judge the case, he shall take such lords to the court of the bailiff, deputy bailiff or magistrate of the county where the administration of justice was refused." (From Sigismunds so-called “greater decree” of 1405) „10. Aztán megállapítjuk, hogy ha országlakosaink közül akármilyen rendű vagy rangú, a főpapoknak, báróknak, nemeseknek vagy más rendű embereknek a jobbágyai vagy parasztjai ellen valami jogi keresete lesz, aziránt először és elsősorban azoknak földesurai előtt kell törvényesen föllépni. És ha e falusiak vagy parasztok urai az igazságszolgáltatást megtagadnák, vagy annak eszközlésében késedelmeskednének, akkor hívja az ilyen földesurakat az
igazságszolgáltatás megtagadása címén annak a megyének ispánja vagy alispánja vagy szolgabírái elé törvényesen perbe, amelyben az igazságszolgáltatás megtagadása megtörtént.” (Zsigmond 1405 évi, ún nagyobb dekrétumából) . . . . . . . . . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 15 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 6 8 2 28 DIVIDED BY 4 7 18 This task is about the history of Transylvania. (long) Using the sources and your own knowledge, support the claim that the period of Gábor Bethlens principality of Transylvania is rightly called the golden age of Transylvania. Mention the external conditions in which the prince created this golden age. "[] we are very far from the German
emperor, we are indeed in the lions mouth and it could easily lacerate us and tear us into pieces, while his imperial majesty is in council about us [] Still, we are not Turks, who we wish would be swept away and disappear, whatever people may say about us." (Gábor Bethlen, 1623) „[] a német császártól nagyon messzire vagyunk, valóban az oroszlán torkában vagyunk, s az oroszlán könnyen darabokra téphet és szétmarcangolhat minket, míg ő császári fölsége tanácskozik felőlünk [] Mégis: nem vagyunk törökök, akiknek azt kívánjuk, hogy bárcsak mindjárt pusztulnának s tűnnének el, akármit is hazudnak rólunk az emberek.” (Bethlen Gábor, 1623) írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 16 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: Hungary in the age of Gábor Bethlen Glossary: Az Erdélyhez csatolt hét vármegye (1621-1629): The seven counties annexed to Transylvania (1621-1629) Bányászok, habánok: Miners,
Anabaptists Bécs: Vienna Erdélyi fejedelemség: Principality of Transylvania Iskola: School Lengyel királyság: Kingdom of Poland Morvaország: Moravia Török birodalom: Turkish Empire Törököknek 1616-ban visszaadott terület: Territory returned to the Turks in 1616 "As soon as he received his principality, first and foremost Gábor Bethlen intended to calm the country, to restore peace and the reign of law and to build border castles. He had a friendly relationship with his neighbours, the voivods of Moldavia and Wallachia, and the Poles, and he rid [] the country of its many migrants and tormentors. As soon as his treasury somewhat increased [], he had splendid houses built and diligently tried to restore both the interior and exterior buildings of the border castles of his seat, [Gyula]Fehérvár, as well as Radnót, Alvinc, Balásfalva, Fogaras and Várad. He had the salt, gold, silver and mercury mines repaired and called expert masters to work them from far away and
at great cost. Above all [] he took great pains to build schools in the country and to have the arts taught in them, and also to continually educate the young scholars, who went to the academies of England and Belgium, at great expense. It was his prime concern to grace the country with Christian Protestant teachers and erudite professors [] He established a library for the school of Gyulafehérvár with wonderful books on various areas of study, which probably cost many thousands of tallér []" (Lamentable Hungarian Chronicle, by János Szalárdi, 1662) „Bethlen Gábor, amint a fejedelemségét elnyerte, az ország megcsendesítésére, békességnek, törvénynek helyreállítására, végházainak, várainak építtetésére fordítá írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 17 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: elméjét, s mind moldvai, havasalföldi vajdákkal, lengyelekkel jó szomszédságot, barátságot szerezvén, s az
országot a sok kóborlóktól, nyúzó-fosztóktól [] megtisztíttatta. Azonnal hogy tárháza [kincstára] valamit gyarapodni kezde [], székes helyén [Gyula]Fehérvárott, Radnóton, Alvincen, Balásfalván, Fogaras és Várad váraiban nagy, friss, fejedelmi pompás építésű házakat építtetett vala, a végházaknak minden külső-belső szükséges épületjüket, fogyatkozásukat nagy szorgalmatossággal dicséretesen igyekezvén helyreállítani, megorvosolni. A sóaknák, arany-, ezüst-, higany és rézbányáknak műveltetéseket jó helyben állíttatta, és azoknak míveltetésére messzünnen is nagy költséggel azokhoz jól értő tudós főmestereket hozatott vala. De mindenekelőtt [] nagy szorgalmatossággal igyekezte az hazában scholákat építtetni, azokban deák széptudományokat taníttatni, a belgiumi, angliai akadémiákban tudós ifjakat nagy költséggel szakadatlanul feljáratni és taníttatni; a hazát református tudós keresztyén tanítókkal,
tudós professzorokkal megékíteni fő gondja volt [] Bibliotechát, különb-különb tudományokhoz tartozó gyönyörűséges jó könyvekkel rakottat, olyat szerzett vala azon [ti. gyulafehérvári] kollegium szükségére, amelyeknek is megszerzése sok ezer tallérba kerülhetett []” (Szalárdi János: Siralmas magyar krónikája, 1662) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 18 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 19 / 32 Maximum Achieved points 8 4 6 10 12 8 48 DIVIDED BY 3 16 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 19 This task is about the period of the Dual Monarchy. (short)
Using the sources and your own knowledge, analyse the effect of economic growth on the natural and social environment. "Public health conditions in Pest were the worst possible at the time. The whole length of the bank of the Danube was used as a rubbish dump on both sides of the neighbouring towns." (Baron Frigyes Podmaniczky, President of the Metropolitan Council for Public Works) „Közegészségi viszonyaink Pesten az ekkori időben a lehető legalantasabb fokon állottak. Az egész Dunapart a szomszéd városok mindkét oldalán szemétlerakodásra használtatott.” (Báró Podmaniczky Frigyes a Fővárosi Közmunkák Tanácsának elnöke) Assembly floor at the MÁV machine factory in Budapest "Thanks to river control, the Tisza became 453 kilometres shorter and its flood basin shrank to a twentieth part of its former size. As a result, 26,500 square kilometres of land became arable. There were no more obstacles to further improvements in the transport
infrastructure, and the Great Plain finally became part of the national economy. The construction of the railway network was made easier, ferries were replaced by bridges on principal routes, and shipping became easier and faster." (The regulation of the Tisza) „A folyószabályozásnak köszönhetően a Tisza 453 kilométerrel lett rövidebb, s ártere huszadára csökkent. Ennek következtében 26,5 ezer négyzetkilométer vált megművelhetővé. Elhárultak az akadályok a közlekedés további fejlődés elöl is, az Alföld végérvényesen bekerült az ország gazdasági vérkeringésébe. A vasúthálózat kiépítése is könnyebbé vált, a fontos útvonalakon a réveket hidak váltották fel, a hajózás könnyebb és gyorsabb lett.” (A Tisza szabályozása) Population growth in urban and rural areas (1869-1890) Population (%) Area 1869 1890 6 9.3 Budapest 18.4 18.8 Towns 75.6 71.9 Villages írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 20 / 32 1890 12.6 19.3 68.1
2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 6 8 2 28 DIVIDED BY 4 7 20 This task is about the various effects of the 1848 revolutions of Europe. (long) Using the sources and your own knowledge, present the effects of the ideas of the age and European revolutionary movements on the events of 1848 in Hungary. "I arrived in Vienna on the evening of the first of March [], and called on Apponyi as soon as I got there [] I had hardly made the customary salutations when they handed me the latest issue of the Aachen newspaper, [] I could hardly breathe for excitement as I read about the downfall of Louis-Philippe and the establishment of the French republic. My first words to Apponyi were: My friend, within the next three days
Kossuth will demand a constitution for the hereditary provinces and a government responsible to the parliament for Hungary. After this shock the establishment of a constitution for the hereditary provinces can no longer be hindered either. So let the government act, before it is too late" (Memoirs of Emil Dessewffy) írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 21 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: „Március elsején estve érkeztem Bécsbe [], s egyenesen Apponyihoz szállottam [] Még alig tettem meg a szokásos köszöntéseket, midőn felém nyújtották az aacheni újság legújabb számát, [] Elállott a lélegzet bennem, midőn Lajos Fülöp trónjának bukását és a francia respublica kikiáltását olvasám. Első szavam ez volt Apponyihoz: barátom, legföljebb három nap alatt Kossuth az örökös tartományoknak alkotmányt, Magyarhonnak felelős minisztériumot fog kívánni. Ezen megrázkódás után nem lehet többé
az örökös tartományokban sem gátolni az alkotmányok létrejöttét. Tegyen tehát a kormány, míg nem késő.” (Dessewffy Emil visszaemlékezése) "But the constitutionality of our existence also requires progress towards real representation; our intellectual interests demand a cure based on liberty. Our defence system needs fundamental changes based on our national character and a unity of interests among the various groups of citizens, and this requires urgent measures both in the interest of Your Majestys throne and the self-assurance of our country. We can no longer postpone evaluating the revenues and needs of Hungarian society and subjecting them to responsible administration, because it is only in this way that we can fulfil our constitutional duty to provide for the grandeur of Your Majestys throne and the public needs and other legal obligations of our country [] But we are also convinced that the laws to be brought in the interests of constitutional practices
and the intellectual and material benefit of our nation may only be realised if an independent national government, which is free from any other influences, is appointed []" (From Kossuths proposal for a petition of March 3) „De alkotmányos életünk is valódi képviseleti irányban igényel fejlődést, szellemi érdekeink a szabadság alapján ápolást követelnek. Honvédelmi rendszerünk nemzeti jellemünknek, s a honlakosok különböző osztályai érdekegységének alapján gyökeres átalakítást kíván, ez pedig úgy Fölséged királyi széke, mint hazánk bátorléte tekintetéből nem halasztható intézkedést tesz szükségessé. A magyar közállomány jövedelmeinek és szükségeinek számbavételét, és felelős kezelés alá tételét tovább nem halaszthatjuk, mert csak így teljesíthetjük azon alkotmányos tisztünket, hogy úgy Fölséged királyi székének díszéről, mint hazánk közszükségeinek és minden jogszerű kötelességeknek
fedezéséről sikerrel intézkedhessünk [] De arról is megvagyunk győződve, hogy alkotmányos életünk kifejtésére és nemzetünk szellemi és anyagi javára hozandó törvényeink csak az által nyerhetnek életet és valóságot, ha végrehajtásukkal minden más befolyástól független nemzeti kormány lesz megbízva []” (Kossuth március 3-i felirati javaslatából) "The sun of liberty now shines in the bright sky of Italy [] In different parts of Germany princes are presenting and enriching their people with constitutional institutions. Everywhere we look, liberty and constitution have raised their victorious banner in the hearts of monarchs as well as their people. The hope to realise the desires, the truth and fairness of which has long seemed indisputable to all thinkers due to their very humanity, has only been denied to the nations which live within the Austrian empire; [] because the fossilised bureaucracy of a century of immobility held off the word of the
nations and prevented the prince from understanding the unavoidable demands of our time." (The statement of the Hungarian delegates on March 14) írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 22 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: „Olaszhon fényes egén a szabadság napja földerült [] Németország vidékein a fejedelmek alkotmányos institutiókkal ajándékozák és illetőleg gazdagíták népeiket. Mindenütt a népek, szinte úgy, mint uralkodók szíveiben a szabadság és alkotmány ütötte föl diadalos zászlóját; csak az ausztriai birodalom kapcsolatában élő nemzetektől látszék megtagadva azon vágyak valósításának reménye, melyeknek igazsága és méltányossága az emberiség törvényszerűségénél fogva minden gondolkozó előtt régen kétségtelenné vált; [] mivel egy százados mozdulatlanságban megkövesedett bürokrácia fölfogta a népek szózatát és akadályozá a fejedelmet, megérteni az
időnek mellőzhetetlen szükségeit.” (A magyar követi kar nyilatkozata március 14-én) "[] we have an enormous task at hand, the task of not letting go of the reins as regards the spread of the movement which has been set in motion in our country; because as long as we do not let go, the movements can stay on the path of constitutionality and the victory of liberty and constitutional rights, which we doubtless need to achieve, [] will not be stained with the blood of our citizens []" (Kossuths statement in parliament upon the news of the revolution in Vienna) „[] nekünk egy roppant föladat jutott, azon föladat, hogy a megindult mozgalomnak hazánkban is mutatkozó terjedésre nézve a gyeplő kezünkben maradjon; mert még ez így lesz, addig a mozgalmak alkotmányos kerékvágásban és ösvényen maradhatnak, és a szabadságnak, törvényszerű jognak, kikerülhetetlenül kivívandó diadalát polgárvér [] nem fogja fertőztetni []” (Kossuth országgyűlési
felszólalása a bécsi forradalom híre után) "Gentlemen! [] We are coming from within the walls of Vienna where the centuries-old system of absolutism has collapsed. (Raptures of joy) We were received with fraternal love by the people who got their encouragement to accomplish their liberty from within the walls of Pozsony. (Repeated cheers) The news of our approach was the occasion Austria established its constitution. We believe and we hope that the people of our neighbouring empire will turn this constitution into deeds. (A speech by Kossuth on March 17, 1848) „Uraim! [] Megjöttünk Bécs falai közül, hol az abszolutizmusnak századokon keresztül tartogatott rendszere összedőlt. (Harsogó örömkitörések) Testvéri szeretettel fogadtattunk azon nép által, mely a szabadság kivívásának tettére Pozsony falai közül kapta a biztató szót. (Sokszoros éljen!) A mi közelségünk híre Ausztria számára az alkotmány megadásának perce volt. Mi hisszük és
reméljük, hogy a szomszéd birodalom népei azon alkotmányt, mely most szóban van, tetté fogják érlelni.” (Kossuth beszéde, 1848 március 17) . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 23 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 24 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . . . . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points Maximum Achieved points 8 4 6 10 12 8 48 DIVIDED BY 3 16 21 This task is about the history of Hungary during World War II. (short) Using the sources and your own knowledge, present anti-Fascist and anti-war activity in Hungary. Chronology: May 1944 The Hungarian Front [Magyar Front], the organisation of all the
antiGerman political forces, is formed. November 9, 1944 The Hungarian National Insurrection and Liberation Committee [Magyar Nemzeti Felkelés Felszabadító Bizottsága] is formed under the leadership of Endre Bajcsy-Zsilinszky and János Kiss. November-December 1944 Committee leaders are arrested and executed. "Neither words written down on paper, nor a confession, will suffice now []: more is needed here: active solidarity with all those who share similar ideas." (The Népszava editorial of December 25, 1941, written by Árpád Szakasits) „Nem elég az írott szó, és nem elég a vallomás []: több kell ennél: cselekvő szolidaritás mindazokkal, akik hasonlóan gondolkodnak.” (Szakasits Árpád vezércikke a Népszava 1941. december 25-i számában) "We consider it imperative to call into being a social movement on a national level, which would provide a viable setting for various initiatives [] the committee intends to function within its own framework and
not for its own sake. The whole of Hungarian society must act now." (Appeal of the Hungarian Historical Commemorative Committee in 1942) „Szükségesnek tartottuk egy olyan országos társadalmi megmozdulás életre hívását, amely életképes keretet adhat különféle kezdeményezéseknek [] a bizottság írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 25 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: önmagában és nem önmagáért akar élni. Szükség van az egész magyar társadalom megmozdulására.” (Magyar Történelmi Emlékbizottság felhívása 1942-ben) "The expulsion of the German occupiers and their accomplices, peace with the allies, and the foundation of a Hungary which is free and democratic all the way through. [] All are responsible for their actions before the tribunal of the nation, just as the nation has its responsibility before the tribunal of all the nations." (Proclamation of the Hungarian Front, 1944) „A
német hódítók és cinkosaik kiverése, béke a szövetségesekkel, s minden ízében demokratikus, szabad Magyarország alapjainak lerakása. [] Mindenki felelős tetteiért a nemzet ítélőszéke előtt, amint a nemzet is felelősséggel tartozik magatartásáért a népek ítélőszéke előtt.” (Magyar Front kiáltványa 1944-ben) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear language Total Exam points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 26 / 32 Maximum Achieved points 4 4 4 6 8 2 28 DIVIDED BY 4 7 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: 22 This task is about the situation of Jewry. (long) Using the sources and your own knowledge, analyse the evolution of anti-Semitism in Hungary between the two world wars. "Par. 1 As of the academic year of 1920/21 applicants to universities of arts
and sciences, the Technical University, the faculty of economics in Budapest and law academies must be fully reliable as regards morals and faithfulness to the nation and must only be accepted in numbers whose professional training can be ensured. Par. 3 [] Apart from morals and faithfulness to the nation, applicants intellectual abilities must be taken into account and it must also be ensured that as far as possible the number of young people of this country of certain nationalities and races is reflected among university students, or their number among the latter reaches at least nine tenths of their proportional number." (Act 25 of 1920) „1. § A tudományegyetemekre, a műegyetemre, a budapesti egyetemi közgazdaságtudományi karra és a jogakadémiákra az 1920/21-ik tanév kezdetétől csak oly egyének iratkozhatnak be, kik nemzethűségi s erkölcsi tekintetben feltétlenül megbízhatók és csak oly számban, amennyinek alapos kiképzése biztosítható. 3. § [] Az
engedély megadásánál a nemzethűség és az erkölcsi megbízhatóság követelményei mellett egyfelől a felvételt kérők szellemi képességeire, másfelől arra is figyelemmel kell lenni, hogy az ország területén lakó egyes népfajokhoz és nemzetiségekhez tartozó ifjak arányszáma a hallgatók közt lehetőleg elérje az illető népfaj vagy nemzetiség országos arányszámát, de legalább kitegye annak kilenctized részét.” (Az 1920 évi XXV Törvény) "Par. 4 The chamber of the press and also the chambers of dramatic art and cinematography may only accept Jewish applicants up to a limit of 20% of the total number of members. [] Par. 7 Chambers of lawyers, engineers and doctors may only accept persons described in clause 1 of paragraph 4 up to a limit of 20% of the total number of members []." (Act 15 of 1938 on the more efficient assurance of a balance in the economy) „4. § A sajtókamara, úgyszintén a színművészeti és filmművészeti kamara
tagjaiul zsidók csak olyan arányban vehetők fel, hogy számuk a kamara összes tagjai számának húsz százalékát ne haladja meg. [] 7. § Ügyvédi, mérnöki, orvosi kamarák tagjaiul a 4 § első bekezdése alá eső személyeket csak olyan arányban lehet felvenni, hogy számuk az összes tagok számának húsz százalékát ne haladja meg [].” (1938 évi XV törvénycikk a társadalmi és a gazdasági élet egyensúlyának hatályosabb biztosításáról) "Par. 5 Jews may not be employed as officials or in any other positions by the state, the courts of law, the local governments, or any other public organisation, institution, or company. [] Par. 7 Jews may only be accepted to study in the first year of university or college provided that the proportion of Jewish students is no more than [] six percent of all the students accepted at the faculty or class of the university or college concerned. []" (Act 4 of 1939 on the limitation of the number of Jews in public
life and the economy) írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 27 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: „5. § Tisztviselőként vagy egyéb alkalmazottként zsidó nem léphet az állam, törvényhatóság, község, úgyszintén bármely más köztestület, közintézet vagy közüzem szolgálatába. [] 7. § Az egyetemek és a főiskolák első évfolyamára zsidót csak olyan arányban lehet felvenni, hogy a zsidó hallgatók (növendékek) száma az egyetem vagy a főiskola illető karára (osztályára) felvett összes hallgatók (növendékek) számának hat százalékát [] ne haladja meg. []” (1939 évi IV törvénycikk a zsidók közéleti és gazdasági térfoglalásának korlátozásáról) "As regards the Hungarian state [] we can dismiss the excuse frequently insisted on by conservatives in defence of the Horthy regime, according to which the laws on Jews, which gradually [] satisfied the expectations of the Germans
and our national extreme right, served the purpose of warding off the danger of foreign occupation and the bloody persecution of Jews. Even if we admit the presence of such intentions [] and considerations among conservative leaders like Bethlen and Kállay, or Horthy himself, it still remains a fact that [] these governments [] totally legitimately accustomed Hungarian society to the thought of pushing Jews to the margins and showing disrespect for human dignity in their case (through the educational system, anti-Semitic propaganda, and [] discriminative measures)." (Historian Ferenc Fejtő, 2000) „A magyar államot illetően [] elvethetjük azt a Horthy-rendszer védelmében a konzervatívok által gyakran hangoztatott mentséget, mely szerint a németek és a hazai szélsőjobb elvárásait fokozatosan [] kielégítő zsidótörvények azt a célt szolgálták, hogy elhárítsák a megszállás és egy véres zsidóüldözés veszélyét. Még ha elismerjük is az efféle
szándékok és [] megfontolások jelenlétét a Bethlen- és Kállay-féle konzervatív vezetőknél, sőt magánál Horthynál is, tény marad, hogy a [] kormányok [] »teljesen törvényesen« szoktatták rá (oktatási rendszerük, az antiszemita propaganda és a [] megkülönböztető intézkedések révén) a magyar társadalmat a zsidók peremre szorításának gondolatára, arra, hogy az emberi méltóság tisztelete nem érvényes rájuk.” (Fejtő Ferenc történész, 2000) . . . . . . . . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 28 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 29 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: . . Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event Structure, clear
language Total Exam points írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 30 / 32 Maximum Achieved points 8 4 6 10 12 8 48 DIVIDED BY 3 16 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 Azonosító jel: 31 / 32 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Azonosító jel: Max. score I Short answer tasks II Longer, essay-type tasks 13 Mercantilism 44 14 The English constitutional monarchy 16 15 Mussolinis foreign policies 7 16 Economic life in the 1920s 16 17 The evolution of serfs as a unified group 7 18 The golden age of Transylvania 16 19 The economy of the Dual Monarchy 7 20 The 1848 revolution and Europe 16 21 Anti-war efforts in Hungary 7 22 The situation of Hungarian Jewry 16 II Long answer tasks 46 Candidate’s score 7 Total of I+II Total score of the written exam 90 Examiner Date: . achieved points points (rounded up rounded up or or down) to write down / elért in the software /
pontszám egész programba beírt egész számra kerekítve pontszám I Short answer tasks / Egyszerű, rövid feladatok II Long answer tasks / Szöveges, kifejtendő feladatok examiner / javító tanár Registrar of the Board of Examiners / jegyző Date/Dátum: . írásbeli vizsga, II. összetevő 0801 Date/Dátum: . 32 / 32 2012. május 9 TÖRTÉNELEM ANGOL NYELVEN EMELT SZINTŰ ÍRÁSBELI ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA 2012. május 9 emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 0801 Történelem angol nyelven JAVÍTÁSI-ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ NEMZETI ERŐFORRÁS MINISZTÉRIUM Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató Guide to the evaluation of the essays The paper should be corrected using the following symbols, and in a colour different from that used by the candidate. 1. Correct answer 9 2. Missing part 3. Not closely connected to topic 4. Unnecessary part that cannot be evaluated (crossed out) 5. Grave
mistake in the content (underlined) √ [ ] 6. Meaningless, unclear text, logical problems (underlined) 7. Inaccurate use of English (underlined)) 8. Grave spelling or punctuation mistake (underlined) ∼∼∼∼∼∼ Under each task, on the left-hand side of a box you can find the number of maximum points that can be given. Write the total (added-up) number of points achieved by the candidate in one task into the right-hand side of this box. The sub-points given for the sub-tasks should also be written on the test paper(s). Only the solutions provided in the key can be accepted, and the maximum number of points for each task should not be disregarded. The detailed key indicates if (parts of) alternative answers, i.e reasoning, can differ from the ones that are provided in the key I. Correcting and evaluating short-answer tasks The basis for evaluation is that the answers provided in the key must always be accepted. Scoring Correct answer/ or part of an answer: Incorrect
answer: Missing answer: 0.5 or 1 point (according to the key) 0 points 0 points 0.5 points can only be given where the key specifically allows for it Points allocated to individual parts of a task cannot be further subdivided. When adding up the sub points for a task, points should not be rounded up or down, e.g 3.5 should be left as 35 When scoring tasks with answers consisting of several elements or parts: • when 2 points can be given and the answer consists of two parts, each correct part can be awarded 1 point, • when 1 point can be given and the answer consists of two parts, each correct part can be rewarded with 0.5 points In the case of open-ended questions (e.g reasoning, text analysis) any answer that has the same content as the answer provided in the key should be accepted. (This is why írásbeli vizsga 0801 2 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató suggested solutions start "E.g") In the case
of tasks where the candidate has had to choose the correct answer from among several options (e.g to decide if a statement is true or false), no points can be given to a candidate who has underlined or marked all of the options. If a task specifies the number of item(s) to be given in the answer and the candidate writes more, the items must be marked in the order that they were written in. Extra points cannot be given. Points cannot be subtracted for incorrect or missing answers. If the total for short-answer tasks is a round number, nothing needs to be done, but if it is not, it should be rounded up or down according to the applicable mathematical rule (e.g 235 points will be rounded up to 24 points) The names of persons, topographical data and concepts which are listed in the national curricula can only be evaluated if they are spelled correctly. The key must be followed in all circumstances, except in very special cases, the reason for which must be explained in writing. II.
Correcting and evaluating longer, essay-type questions 1. Choosing the right tasks Altogether four tasks can be evaluated: two short and two long essays, which must all be about different periods, with at least two of them dealing with Hungarian history, and at least one with world history. Evaluating the paper when the essay questions were not chosen correctly If the candidate chose four tasks but disregarded the guidelines for choosing the right essay length or period, etc. • the task(s) that would bring the fewest points should be disregarded so that the total score is as high as possible • the task (or those two or three tasks) that are chosen correctly and that would bring the highest number of points to the candidate should be evaluated and scored If a candidate started working on more than four tasks, but his or her final choice of tasks is not indicated properly, and there are four tasks that were chosen correctly, then the task that comes earliest in the test booklet
should be evaluated, followed by those that were correctly chosen. For example these can be tasks eg 13, 16, 17, 20 or 14, 16, 17, 20) If the candidate starts working on more than four tasks, but s/he has not chosen at least four tasks correctly, then those or that one should be evaluated that were correctly chosen, and which would bring the highest number of points. If the candidate starts working on all the tasks but has failed to indicate which four s/he would like evaluated, then, according to the instructions to the test, tasks 13, 16, 19, 22. should be evaluated. 2. Evaluating the tasks When evaluating the tasks, the following should be taken into consideration: a) understanding of the task b) appropriacy by given criteria (skills, content) c) logical overall structure and accurate language írásbeli vizsga 0801 3 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató The essay-type questions should be evaluated using the key,
which contains specific guidelines for evaluating and the skills that are required together with appropriate content. a) Scoring of ‘understanding of the task’: When evaluating whether the candidate has understood the task properly, consider the following • Identifying the task (period, topic): did the candidate write about the problem, topic, and period in question? • Keeping to the topic, emphasizing the main points: did the candidate focus on the main point of the question? • Content value, complexity: how complex and relevant are the reasoning and the statements? • Variety and efficiency of skills used: did the candidate use the sources, and did s/he state the main points and draw the conclusion properly? First of all decide whether the candidate can be given any points at all, out of the maximum 4 or 8 points, for ‘understanding of the task’. If not, the total number of points achieved for that task can only be 0 too. For shorter, problem-solving essay tasks 4
points can only be given if the candidate has fully and correctly understood the problem, and his/her answer is proportionate, logical and focused. The candidate uses the sources to draw important conclusions; the ratio of specific and general statements is balanced. 3 points can be given if the candidate deals with the whole scope of the problem, understands it correctly, but the answer is unbalanced or not focused. 2 points can be given if the problem is only partially dealt with, and, although the sources are used, no main conclusions are drawn from them. 1 point can be given if at least one of the statements of the candidate proves that s/he has understood the problem, but most of the answer does not focus on identifying or discussing the problem task. 0 points can be given if the candidate has not understood the task or has completely misunderstood it, does not use the sources and his/her statements are not relevant to the problem. For longer, analysis-type essay tasks 7-8 points
can only be given if the candidate has fully and correctly understood the problem, and his/her answer is proportionate, logical and focussed. The candidate uses the sources to draw important conclusions; the ratio of specific and general statements is balanced. 4-6 points can be given if the candidate deals with the whole scope of the problem, and has understood it correctly, but the answer is unbalanced and not focussed. 2-3 points can be given if the problem is only partially dealt with, and, although the sources are used, no main conclusions are drawn from them. 1 point can be given if at least one of the statements of the candidate proves that s/he has understood the problem, but most of the answer does not focus on identifying or discussing the problem task. 0 points can be given if the candidate has not understood the task or has completely misunderstood it, does not use the sources, and his/her statements are not relevant to the problem. írásbeli vizsga 0801 4 / 25 2012.
május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató b) Scoring ‘skills and content’ In the key the skills and competences a candidate has to show (location, use of sources) are marked with the letter ‘S’, while the description of what is required in terms of content is marked with the letter ‘C’. Naturally, there is a close relationship between these two aspects of scoring, since the skills can only be realized and evaluated through (the study of) content. Usually one or two elements of content correspond to a skill or competence in the case of the shorter problem-solving essay tasks, whereas in the case of the longer, analysis-type essay tasks two or three elements will be involved, especially in the part where the causes of an event are to be identified. If the key identifies only one element of content as belonging to a skill, then the number of points given for skills and contents must be the same. (Eg in the case of shortanswer
tasks only 0, 2 or 4 points can be awarded for the criteria Location: era and place and Use of special vocabulary and the same points can be awarded for Location: era and place in longer, essay-type tasks.) If the key provides several content entries for a skill, certain points cannot be awarded because of the close connection between them (e.g 1 or 4 points cannot be awarded for Use of sources and 1 or 5 points cannot be awarded for Description of factors influencing events in short answer tasks, while in the case of longer, essay-type questions 1 or 4 points cannot be awarded for Use of special vocabulary, 1 or 6 points cannot be awarded for Use of sources and 1 or 7 points cannot be awarded for Description of factors influencing events). As a general rule, follow the guidelines below when scoring the ‘skills and content’ section: Scoring ‘Skills’ (‘S’) 2 points can be given if the score for content belonging to skill is relatively high (more than 50 percent of the
maximum points) 1 point can be given if the candidate achieved at least 1 point for content and there are no grave mistakes (incorrect facts or statements) 0 points can be given if the candidate does not get any points for content and his/her answer contains a grave mistake. The examples (E.g) provided in the contents section show what can be accepted as good answers. Most of the elements of content have two parts: identifying the period and the topic; using concrete and abstract concepts; listing (identifying and presenting) and interpretation (conclusion). If the answer fails to include both of these pairs, then of course it means that the score should be halved too, leaving 1 point instead of the maximum 2. Obviously in the case of the content other combinations of elements can be accepted, besides those provided in the key, especially in the case of lists and conclusions. Sometimes the key uses the word ‘or’ when listing several good examples, but not all correct answers are
listed here, so these are not the only ones that can be accepted. Scoring ‘Contents’ (‘C’) 2 points can be given if sufficient accurate information is included, the analysis refers properly and adequately to the sources (author, intentions, conditions, etc.); identifies several typical causes and results, and/or mentions people who are involved in the historical events. írásbeli vizsga 0801 5 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 1 point can be given if insufficient and not very relevant information, conclusions, or statements, and only few (and not very typical) data are included. 0 points can be given if no data are provided, relationships between events are not identified, or the statements are incorrect. c) Scoring ’structure and accuracy’ For shorter, problem-solving essay tasks 2 points can be given if the text is structured and well-built of clear sentences, without grave spelling or punctuation
mistakes. 1 point can be given if the text contains several grammar and spelling mistakes. 0 points can be given if the text is merely an outline, an incoherent set of sentences. For longer, analysis-type essay tasks 7-8 points can be given if the text is logically structured, coherent and well-built of clear sentences, suits the content, with detailed and varied statements, and without spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. 4-6 points can be given if the text is not very logically structured, but contains clear sentences; some of the statements are simple, one-sided, and there are some minor spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. 2-3 points can be given if the text contains clear sentences but is poorly structured, lacks the right proportions, and is incomplete (e.g the introductory, body or concluding paragraph is missing). The statements are simplified, one-sided, with errors in the use of language. 1 point can be given if the text contains sentences, but without textual or
contextual coherence, and with grave spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes. 0 points can be given if the answer is merely an outline made up of words, rather than sentences. 3. The length of essay-type tasks It is one of the fundamental writing skills to be able to express one’s thoughts within the limits specified by the task. The candidate may finish writing in the blank space below the dotted lines, and this part of his/her answer can also be evaluated. In the case of short tasks, this cannot be more than ca. 2-3 lines, while in the case of long tasks, ca 4-5 lines 4. The steps in evaluating the essay-type tasks 1. Study the key for the task 2. Study the evaluation guide above 3. Check whether the candidate has chosen the tasks correctly 4. Read the candidate’s essay at least twice 5. Give the various scores using the guides for scoring 6. Add up the scores that will give the total number of points, then divide it by 3 or 4 to get the exam points. írásbeli vizsga 0801 6
/ 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 7. Do not round the scores for the tasks up or down 8. Add up the exam points of the four essays If the total is − a round number, nothing needs to be done; − not a round number, it should be rounded up or down according to the applicable mathematical rule (e.g 2333 points will be rounded down to 23 points; 23.5 or 2366 points will be rounded up to 24 points) III. How to calculate the final score of the exam paper Add up the scores for the first and second parts (I and II). Tables for evaluating and scoring the tasks Short essay tasks Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Description of factors influencing events Structure, accuracy Total Exam points Maximum Achieved Points 4 4 4 6 8 2 28 DIVIDED BY 4 7 Long essay tasks Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources
Description of factors influencing events Structure, accuracy Total Exam points írásbeli vizsga 0801 Maximum Achieved Points 8 4 6 10 12 8 48 DIVIDED BY 3 16 7 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató I SHORT-ANSWER TASKS 1 Judaism (3 points altogether) a) 1) The Ten Commandments (1 point) b) Moses (1 point) c) 1) Christianity 2) Islam (0.5 points per item) 2 Trade guilds (0.5 points per item, 3 points altogether) a) 2 b) 15 c) X d) 2 e) 5 or 2 f) X 3 Hungarians during the period of the migrations (4 points altogether) a) dual principality (1 point) b) 1) Levedia (0.5 points) 2) The Khazars or the Khazar Empire (0.5 points) c) semi-nomadic or migrant, animal breeding (1 point) d) the Hungarian conquest or the Pechenegs and Bulgarians’ attack against the Hungarians (0.5 points) e) the Hungarians (0.5 points) 4 The evolution of a world economy (5 points altogether) a) E.g Levantine trade was in decline or trade routes
moved (Other correct answers are also acceptable.) (1 point) b) from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic (and the Indian) Ocean (0.5 points per item) c) its revenues from transit trade decreased (1 point) d) (0.5 points per item) Alexandria Lisbon Venice Antwerp 4 6 2 1 5 Hungary in the 17th century (1 point per line, 4 points altogether) a) Vienna, A, 2 b) Besztercebánya, C, 3 c) Buda, D, 1 d) Várad, J, 4 6 Political trends during the French revolution (1 point per item, 3 points altogether) a) Girondians or Gironde b) king or royalists c) Jacobins or followers of Robespierre or members of the Mountain írásbeli vizsga 0801 8 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 7 Austro-Hungarian relations concerning public law (0.5 points per item, 3 points altogether) a) personal union b) foreign affairs or defence or finance c) 1) The Declaration of Independence 2) April 14, 1849 3) Debrecen 8 The disintegration of the
colonial system (4 points altogether) a) 1 Hindus, Hinduism (Brahmanism), 2 Buddhists, Buddhism, 3 Muslims (Islam) (0.5 points per item) b) (civil) disobedience or non-violence or boycott (of British products) (Other correct answers are also acceptable.) (05 points per item) c) Nehru (1 point) 9 The economic situation in Hungary (0.5 points per item, 5 points altogether) a) 1) iron industry and metallurgy 2) machine production 3) food industry b) the Treaty of Trianon or the partition of historical Hungary c) E.g with territorial changes industries lost their sources of raw materials; industries partially lost their markets. (Other correct answers are also acceptable) d) 1) electricity production 2) textile industry e) 1) E.g due to modernisation in the period in the case of electricity production 2) E.g pre-war production did not meet the demands of the country in the case of the textile industry or the textile industry in the Monarchy concentrated in Bohemia before Trianon. 10
Hungarians living in neighbouring countries (4 points altogether) a) E.g confiscation of private property or termination/withdrawal of citizenship or prohibition of employment or abolition of free choice of residence. (1 point per item) b) E.g to eliminate the Hungarian nationality or to decrease the Hungarian population in Czechoslovakia or to assimilate Hungarians in Czechoslovakia. (1 point) c) E.g Czechoslovakia could resettle the same number of Hungarians as Slovak (and Czech) nationals intended to move from Hungary to Czechoslovakia. (1 point) 11 Problems in the Balkans (0.5 points per item, 2 points altogether) a) 1 Bosnia and Herzegovina 2 Macedonia b) E.g ethnic-nationality conflict or conflicting economic interests between member states or efforts to achieve autonomy or religious conflict or the disintegration of the Soviet Bloc. 12 Social changes (1 point per item, 4 points altogether) a) 2 b) 4 c) 1 d) 3 írásbeli vizsga 0801 9 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol
nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató II LONGER, ESSAY-TYPE TASKS 13 Mercantilism (short) Criteria Understanding of task Skills and content The candidate presents and analyses the mercantilist economic policy of French absolutism. Using the sources the answer reveals some fundamental connections (e.g protective duties and subsidies for the industries to develop the economy and the army, the economic foundation of French power aspirations). Points S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. C The candidate states that mercantilism evolved by the middle of the 17th century and was at its height in France under the reign of Louis XIV. [neither 1 point nor 3 points can be awarded] 0–4 0–4 Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources Describing the reasons behind an event írásbeli vizsga 0801 S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific 0–4 [neither concepts related to the period. C The candidate
uses the following general terms (economic 1 point nor 3 policy, industrial development, protective duty) and topicpoints related special vocabulary (mercantilism, factory, absolutism, can be permanent army, active trade balance) correctly. awarded] S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws conclusions from them. 0–6 [neither C E.g: the candidate mentions that mercantilist economic policy can be associated with Colbert, and s/he says that he intended to 1 point nor 4 increase national revenues by this economic policy. points C E.g: the candidate mentions that setting up a permanent army can be was an integral part of Louis XIV’s policy, and s/he says that it awarded] was made possible by the increasing revenues. S The candidate presents the mercantilist economy of French absolutism and describes and reveals its aims and methods. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the principal instrument of this economic policy was the policy on
duties, and s/he also says that the system of protective duties helped increase the import of raw materials and the export of manufactured products. 0–8 C E.g: the candidate mentions that subsidising the countrys [neither factories was one of the chief methods of this economic policy, 1 point nor 5 and s/he also says that Colberts economic policy achieved points significant results (the manufacture of arms, the textile industry can be and the manufacture of furniture were established, the road awarded] network and transportation improved). C E.g: the candidate mentions that the significant increase in revenues (active trade balance) made it possible to develop the army, and s/he also says that France became one of the continental powers of Europe. 10 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes.
TOTAL FOR THIS TASK Structure, clear language 0–2 28 7 EXAM POINTS 14 The English constitutional monarchy (long) Criteria Skills and content Points Understanding of task The candidate describes the circumstances of the establishment of the constitutional monarchy in England and s/he analyses its functioning. The answer focuses on the theoretical foundations of the system. Using the sources the answer reveals some fundamental connections (e.g the social basis of the constitutional monarchy). 0–8 Location: era and place S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. C The candidate mentions that the period of historical transformation lasted from the second half of the 17th century to the first decade of the 18th century (the glorious revolution was in 1689) in England. Use of special vocabulary Use of sources írásbeli vizsga 0801 0–4 [neither 1 point nor 3 points can be awarded] S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific concepts
related to the period. 0–6 C The candidate correctly uses the following general terms [neither (civil war, republic, constitutional monarchy, power 1 point branches, parliament, government). nor 4 C The candidate correctly uses topic-related special points vocabulary (House of Commons, House of Lords, law, can be awarded] suffrage based on financial eligibility, parties, legislative, executive and judicial power). S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws conclusions from them. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the parliament created a legal basis for its involvement in state affairs s/he also says that the Bill of Rights was drawn up as a guarantee of this. 0–10 C E.g: the candidate mentions that the king reigns but does [neither not govern and s/he also says that the executive power is in 1 point the hand of the government. nor 6 points C E.g: the candidate mentions that John Locke had a principal part in preparing the
theoretical model of the can be awarded] constitutional monarchy, and s/he also says that its central idea is the sharing of power or public welfare. C E.g: the candidate mentions the dominant role of the aristocracy in English society, and s/he also says that the aristocracy also participated in economic enterprises. 11 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató S The candidate presents the system of government, the social basis and the chief components of the evolution of the English constitutional monarchy. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the government which was responsible to the parliament played the leading part in the constitutional monarchy, and s/he also says that the monarch only had a nominal role, or royal power was checked by the elected legislature. C E.g: the candidate mentions that besides the bourgeoisie the enterprising nobility (aristocracy) were the supporters of the system, and s/he also says that
suffrage was conditioned on 0–12 [neither financial eligibility (high income). Describing the C E.g: the candidate mentions that several forms of 1 point reasons behind nor 7 government were attempted during the civil wars and the points an event restoration, and s/he also says that the transformation ended can be with the Glorious Revolution and the passing of the Bill of awarded] Rights. C E.g: the candidate mentions another element of the constitutional monarchy (the prime minister is appointed by the monarch from the majority party in the Commons, or the judiciary was independent from the two other power branches, etc.), and s/he also says that the separation of the power branches is one of the fundamental pillars of a constitutional system. C The candidate supports and complements his or her analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements. The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear and unambiguous. The analysis is an organized text serving the logical
discussion Structure, clear of the content. 0–8 language The candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical skills. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. TOTAL FOR THIS TASK 48 EXAM POINTS 16 15 Mussolinis foreign policy (short) Criteria Understanding of task írásbeli vizsga 0801 Skills and content The candidate summarises the objectives and achievements of Italian foreign policy. The candidate uses the maps, the picture and his/her own knowledge to come to some relevant conclusions (e.g in the years preceding the war Italy aligned its foreign policy with that of Germany). 12 / 25 Points 0–4 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Location: era and place Javítási-értékelési útmutató 0–4 S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. [neither 1 C The candidate mentions when Mussolini rose to power point nor (1922) and some areas of his activities concerning foreign 3 points can be policy (e.g
the Balkans, Ethiopia) awarded] S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific concepts related to the period. Use of special C The candidate uses the following general terms: Fascism, vocabulary alliance, colony, etc., and topic-related special vocabulary: Duce, axis powers, Anschluss, etc. S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from them. C E.g: the candidate mentions that Italy’s principal territory of expansion was Africa and also says that it also tried to Use of sources increase its influence in Europe (e.g in Albania) C E.g: the candidate mentions that Italy had closer relations with Nazi Germany from the second half of the 30s and s/he also says that this was due to the fact that it became clear that it could not accomplish its aims on its own. S The candidate reveals and analyses the objectives and achievements of Fascist foreign policy. C E.g: the candidate mentions that through his
systems of alliances Mussolini primarily intended to play the role of a great power in the Danube basin and s/he says that this is why he was willing to represent the aims of the countries concerned (e.g Hungarian revision), but s/he also says that this led to conflicts in the region. Describing the C E.g: the candidate realises that initially Italy had friendly reasons behind relations with Western powers, but later became opposed to an event them (e.g due to the Abyssinian question), and s/he also says that due to its efforts to make further conquests it sided with Germany. C E.g: the candidate mentions that German-Italian relations became closer with the formation of the Berlin-Rome axis, and also says that Italy even accepted the Anschluss in 1938 and gave up the Danube basin to Germany. The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical Structure, clear structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar language mistakes. TOTAL FOR THIS TASK 0–6 [neither 1
point nor 4 points can be awarded] 0–8 [neither 1 point nor 5 points can be awarded] 0–2 28 7 EXAM POINTS írásbeli vizsga 0801 0–4 [neither 1 point nor 3 points can be awarded] 13 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 16 Transformation in the world economy (long) Criteria Understanding the task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources írásbeli vizsga 0801 Skills and content The candidate presents the transformation of the world economy between the end of World War I and 1929. The answer focuses on the consequences of the peace treaties. In his/her analysis the candidate uses the sources to refer to relevant connections (e.g economic consolidation, birth of the new states and their economic objectives, the increasing role of the USA). The candidate uses and analyses the sources in his or her answer, and formulates major statements and conclusions. S The candidate locates the
era and the place of the events. C The candidate states that the war ended in 1918, the consolidation of the economy happened in the 1920s, and ended in the economic world crisis of 1929. S/he mentions, for example, Franco-German conflicts, the economic opportunities of the USA. S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific concepts related to the period. C The candidate uses correctly the following general terms: world war, crisis, development, credit, consolidation, world economy, great power, small state, industrial revolution, etc. C The candidate uses correctly the following topic-related special vocabulary: military production, inflation, reparation, Dawes Plan, retaliation, etc. S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws conclusions from them. C E.g: the candidate mentions that significant industrial developments took place, and s/he also says that these were the achievements of the second industrial revolution. C
E.g: the candidate mentions that after the war there was an economic crisis in the countries which had been engaged in military conflict (e.g extremely high inflation), and s/he also says that economic difficulties were the most serious in Germany and Russia. C E.g: the candidate mentions the characteristics and the aims of the Dawes Plan, and s/he also says that it helped economic and political consolidation in the countries in crisis through loans. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the French intended to use the weakening of the German economy to their advantage, and s/he also says that this caused economic recession all around Europe and involved the danger of another war. 14 / 25 Points 0–8 0–4 [neither 1 point nor 3 points can be awarded] 0–6 [neither 1 point nor 4 points can be awarded] 0–10 [neither 1 point nor 6 points can be awarded] 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató S The candidate presents and
analyses the causes and components of the post-war crisis and the consolidation which followed it. C E.g: the candidate presents the causes of the war crisis (eg military expenses, unsecured issue of money, running into debt, shortage of goods due to military production) and s/he also says that all these factors had an unfavourable effect on the world economy as a whole. C E.g: the candidate mentions the characteristics of the war losers economic difficulties (e.g obligatory reparations, 0–12 inflation) and s/he also says that with the loans provided by [neither 1 Describing the the Dawes Plan the European economy could be revitalized point nor reasons behind since the victors economies were restored with the help of the 7 points an event can be reparations paid by the losers. awarded] C E.g: the candidate mentions that due to the loans Europe became more and more dependent on the American economy and s/he also says that this was why the world crisis of 1929 spread throughout Europe
very fast and with devastating consequences. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the economic ranking of the great powers changed, and the USA became the leading economic power. C The candidate supports and complements his or her analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements. The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear and unambiguous. The analysis is an organized text serving the logical discussion Structure, clear of the content. 0–8 language The candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical skills. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. 48 TOTAL FOR THIS TASK 16 EXAM POINTS 17 The evolution of unified serfdom (short) Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place írásbeli vizsga 0801 Skills and content Points The candidate presents and analyses the process by which serfs became a unified group. The candidate also reveals major relationships by using the sources and his/her own knowledge (e.g serfs became a
0–4 legally unified group, but the financial differences remained). S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. 0–4 [neither 1 C The candidate states that Hungary was one of the significant th th point nor states of Central Europe in the 14 and 15 centuries. S/he 3 points mentions some relevant dates (e.g the laws of Louis the Great, can be 1351). awarded] 15 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific concepts related to the period. C The candidate uses the following general terms: e.g serf, Use of special law, tax, and correctly uses topic-related special vocabulary: vocabulary e.g ninth, tithe, socage, legally unified serfdom, financial differences. S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from them. C E.g: the candidate mentions what burdens Hungarian serfs in the Middle
Ages had (e.g ninth, socage), and s/he also says that serfs became legally unified as a result of a long historical Use of sources process. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the laws of 1351 did not so much serve the interests of the serfs, but rather those of the lesser nobility, and s/he also says that the prescription of uniform services was intended to prevent the serfs from moving to the large estates. S The candidate reveals the process by which the serfs became a unified group stressing relevant connections. C E.g: the candidate mentions that hospes were continually arriving in Hungary from Western Europe, and s/he also says that the economic and legal customs they brought with them gradually spread throughout Hungary. Describing the C E.g: the candidate mentions that serfs were living under reasons behind different natural and economic conditions and the services an event they were required to provide also differed, and s/he also says that this created financial differences
between them. C E.g: the candidate mentions that services to the landlord were only part of the serfs burdens, and s/he also says that the tithe for the church and the new state tax were also required from the serfs. The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical Structure, clear structure. language There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. TOTAL FOR THIS TASK EXAM POINTS írásbeli vizsga 0801 0–4 [neither 1 point nor 3 points can be awarded] 0–6 [neither 1 point nor 4 points can be awarded] 0–8 [neither 1 point nor 5 points can be awarded] 0–2 28 7 16 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 18 The golden age of Transylvania (long) Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources írásbeli vizsga 0801 Skills and content Points The candidate focuses on and analyses the high period of Gábor Bethlens principality. The answer
focuses on the interior policy measures which the prince employed to improve conditions in Transylvania. The analysis reveals the external connections of the princes 0–8 reign (e.g utilising the dependence on the Turks and participation in the Thirty Years War). The candidate uses and analyses the sources in his or her answer, and formulates major statements and conclusions. S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. 0–4 C The candidate states that the golden age of Transylvania was [neither 1 in the 17th century, s/he locates the reign of Bethlen in time, point nor 3 points s/he mentions the Thirty Years War (1618-48) and reveals the can be geographical features of Bethlens military campaigns. awarded] S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific 0–6 concepts related to the period. [neither 1 C The candidate uses the following general terms: e.g prince, point nor 4 points economic policy, feudalism, etc. C The candidate correctly uses
topic-related special vocabulary: can be awarded] e.g mercantilism, princely absolutism, monopoly, etc S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws conclusions from them. C E.g: the candidate mentions the economic foundations of the flourishing of the principality (e.g registration of estates, invitation of foreign craftsmen, monopolies), and s/he says that Bethlens economic measures helped the reconstruction of Transylvania after the destruction caused by the Thirty Years War. 0–10 C E.g: the candidate mentions that his contemporaries [neither 1 considered Gábor Bethlen to be a ruler with a strong hand and point nor s/he also says that by increasing his revenues Bethlen really did 6 points can be establish strong central (absolutist) power. awarded] C E.g: the candidate mentions that Transylvania was surrounded by great powers (the Turks and the Habsburgs), and s/he also says that the prince had to balance between the different
interests of the great powers. C E.g: the candidate mentions the central elements of Bethlens cultural policy (e.g foundation of schools, sending students to study abroad), and s/he says that culture also flourished in Transylvania during Bethlens reign. 17 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató S The candidate reveals the measures of Bethlen which brought about the golden age of Transylvania and outlines the external conditions which affected the princes policy. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the prince had to apply a mercantilist economic policy to make Transylvania prosper, and s/he also says that this was considered to be an effective and modern economic policy. C E.g: the candidate mentions that, thanks to Bethlen, Transylvania lived its days of glory both in outward appearance 0–12 and in the standard of education in this period (e.g new [neither 1 buildings, library, etc.), and s/he also says that these
measures Describing the point nor served the prestige of the princes power to a great extent. reasons behind 7 points C E.g: the candidate mentions the most significant factors of can be an event Transylvanias situation in foreign affairs (e.g the Thirty Years awarded] War, Turkish threat), and s/he also says that these obliged Bethlen to pursue a Turcophile policy. C E.g: the candidate mentions that through his Hungarian military campaigns Bethlen defended the rights of the estates, and s/he also says that without the support of Transylvania the Hungarian estates would have been unable to prevent the advance of imperial absolutism in Hungary. C The candidate supports and complements his or her analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements. The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear and unambiguous. The analysis is an organized text serving the logical discussion Structure, clear of the content. 0–8 language The candidate’s statements demonstrate
accurate analytical skills. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. 48 TOTAL FOR THIS TASK 16 EXAM POINTS írásbeli vizsga 0801 18 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 19 The consequences of economic growth in the period of the Dual Monarchy (short) Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources írásbeli vizsga 0801 Skills and content Points The candidate presents and analyses the effect of economic growth on the natural and built environment in the Dual Monarchy. The essay reveals major relationships by using the sources (e.g 0–4 the candidate points out that human activity which improved living conditions at the same time also damaged the natural environment, for example, in the case of flood control). 0–4 S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. [neither 1 C The candidate mentions the dates of the Dual Monarchy
point nor (1867-1918), and s/he also says that the Austro-Hungarian 3 points Monarchy was situated in Central Europe, or mentions the can be general natural/geographical features of Hungary. awarded] S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific 0–4 concepts related to the period. [neither 1 C The candidate uses the following general terms: e.g point nor environmental pollution, industrial revolution, changes in the 3 points natural environment, flood control. The candidate correctly can be uses topic-related special vocabulary: e.g compromise, dual awarded] monarchy, urbanisation, demographic boom. S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from them. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the economy developed in a spectacular way (e.g railway construction, industrial 0–6 regions, flood control) in Hungary after the compromise, and [neither 1 s/he also says that these activities accelerated changes in
the point nor 4 points natural environment. can be C E.g: the candidate mentions that economic development awarded] favoured the creation of new workplaces (the number of towns and urban population grew), and s/he also says that besides improving the standard of living, urbanisation also increased environmental pollution. 19 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató S The candidate reveals and analyses the effect of economic development on the natural and social environment. C E.g: the candidate mentions that huge flood control works were under way in Hungary in that period, and s/he also says that as a result the area of crop land grew, but at the same time the space available for aquatic life shrank, or s/he mentions that economic development caused greater 0–8 environmental pollution, and s/he says that urbanisation also [neither 1 Describing the played a part in improved hygiene. point nor reasons behind an C E.g: the
candidate mentions that the development of 5 points event transport, especially rail transport, gave momentum to the can be significant development of industry and commerce, and s/he awarded] also says that, for example, the construction of dykes and the opening of mines and factories increased environmental pollution. C E.g: the candidate mentions that large areas of woodland were cleared as a result of industrial development, and s/he also says that because of this soil erosion increased. The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical Structure, clear structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar 0–2 language mistakes. TOTAL FOR THIS TASK 28 EXAM POINTS 7 írásbeli vizsga 0801 20 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 20 The impact of the revolutions of 1848 (long) Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources írásbeli vizsga
0801 Skills and content Points The candidate presents and analyses the impact of the international wave of revolutions on the Hungarian revolution. The candidate names the movements (e.g Austrian, Italian, German) which influenced events in Hungary. The candidate analyses the impact of events in Europe (e.g the 0–8 wave of revolutions set events in motion in Hungary in the reform age). The candidate uses and analyses the sources in his or her answer, and formulates major statements and conclusions. S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. 0–4 C The candidate mentions that the period under analysis is [neither 1 Europe (e.g Paris, Milan, Vienna, Pest, Berlin) in the middle of point nor the 19th century, and s/he also mentions some specific dates 3 points can be (e.g 1848; March 15, 1848) in connection with the topic awarded] S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific concepts related to the period. 0–6 C The candidate uses the following
general terms: revolution, [neither 1 diet of the estates, diet, constitution, etc. point nor C The candidate uses correctly topic-related special 4 points vocabulary: civil rights, petition, the Youth of March, can be government responsible to the parliament, emancipation of awarded] serfs. S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from them. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the news of the wave of revolutions had reached Hungary, and s/he also says that as a result Lajos Kossuth drew up some radical demands in his proposal for a petition. C E.g: the candidate mentions the most common demands 0–10 made during the European wave of revolutions [neither 1 (constitutionality, national sovereignty or unity, etc.), and s/he point nor 6 points also says that similar ideas were conceived in Hungary as well. C E.g: the candidate mentions the most important demands of can be Kossuths proposal for a petition (government
which is awarded] responsible to the parliament, joint sharing of tax burdens), and s/he also says that Kossuth demanded a constitution for the other nations of the empire too. T E.g: the candidate mentions that the revolutionary events in Europe also caused fear among the nobility, and s/he also says that Kossuth gained supporters by offering to avoid radical revolutionary activities too. 21 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató S The candidate presents and analyses the impact of the international wave of revolutions on the Hungarian revolution. C E.g: the candidate mentions the impact of European revolutions in Hungary (e.g the drafting of the proposal for a petition, negotiations in the diet, the events of March 15, the effect of the revolution in Vienna), and s/he also says that the situation in Europe helped radically both the outbreak of the revolution and the successes of the military defence in 1848. C E.g: the
candidate mentions that nationalistic and liberal ideas were fundamental to the revolutions of 1848, and s/he 0–12 says that proposals for social change in Hungary were also [neither 1 Describing the based on these ideas. point nor reasons behind C E.g: the candidate mentions the role of the revolutions in 7 points an event Italy and Vienna (e.g they prevented an attack against Hungary can be in October), and s/he also says that revolutionary events in Italy awarded] and Austria eased the pressure on Hungary. C E.g: the candidate mentions the principal ideological aims of the revolutions of Europe (e.g the elimination of feudalism or absolutism, the achievement of national unity), and s/he also says that similarly to Hungary these aims were a threat to power relations in Europe as well, and so great power politics opposed them. C The candidate supports and complements his or her analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements. The candidate’s essay consists of sentences,
which are clear and unambiguous. The analysis is an organized text serving the logical discussion Structure, clear of the content. 0–8 language The candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical skills. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. 48 TOTAL FOR THIS TASK 16 EXAM POINTS írásbeli vizsga 0801 22 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 21 Anti-war efforts (short) Criteria Skills and content Points The candidate presents and describes the activities of the antiwar forces in Hungary. Understanding of The essay reveals major relationships by using the sources (e.g 0–4 revisionist aims owed their successes to Germany to a great task extent, so anti-German forces did not have significant support for a long period). S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. 0–4 C E.g the candidate mentions the dates of the German [neither 1 occupation (March 19, 1944) and the
Arrow-Cross takeover point nor 3 Location: era (October 15, 1944) as well as the territorial gains made by points can and place be Hungary, or s/he mentions that the value of Hungarys awarded] strategic position rose with the approach of the front-line. S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific 0–4 concepts related to the period. [neither 1 C The candidate uses the following general terms: civil point nor 3 Use of special forces, the Left, opposition party, occupation, etc., and points can vocabulary be correctly uses topic-related special vocabulary: anti-Fascist, awarded] separate peace, united front, attempt to leave the war, etc. S The candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from them. 0–6 C E.g: the candidate mentions that the anti-war forces [neither 1 pushed for cooperation and the actions of society as a whole, point nor 4 Use of sources and s/he says that this could not be realised for
various points can be reasons. awarded] C E.g: the candidate mentions that resistance was organised after the German occupation, and s/he also says that it failed because of the counter-actions of the state. S The candidate reveals and analyses how anti-Fascist forces worked. C E.g: the candidate mentions that it was in the interests of the regent and a significant part of the countrys leaders to avoid German occupation and to attempt to leave the war, and s/he also says that they had to be careful in their actions against the Germans because of the military, economic and 0–8 [neither 1 political weakness of the country. Describing the point nor 5 reasons behind C E.g: the candidate mentions the policies of the Hungarian points can governments of the period (e.g a fear of Bolshevism, Kállays an event be vacillating politics, the attempt to leave the war), and s/he awarded] also says that the Hungarian governments had a narrow scope for action: they could not successfully manage this
issue and they could not co-operate with left-wing groups. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the communists were anti-Nazi, they had very little support and they worked underground. írásbeli vizsga 0801 23 / 25 2012. május 9 Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató The essay consists of complete sentences and has a logical structure. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. TOTAL FOR THIS TASK EXAM POINTS Structure, clear language 0–2 28 7 22 Anti-Semitism in Hungary between the two world wars (long) Criteria Understanding of task Location: era and place Use of special vocabulary Use of sources írásbeli vizsga 0801 Skills and content The candidate presents and analyses anti-Semitism in politics in the period. The answer focuses on the factors which affected antiSemitism. Using the sources the candidate mentions some fundamental connections in his/her analysis (e.g the attitude of acceptance was followed by
one of exclusion in this period and the increasing Nazi German influence intensified anti-Semitic sentiments in Hungary). The candidate uses and analyses the sources in his or her answer, and formulates major statements and conclusions. S The candidate locates the era and the place of the events. C The candidate mentions that the period in question was the Horthy period in Hungary and s/he also mentions some specific topic-related dates and events (e.g 1920, 1938, 1939, 1941, 1942) and may also mention geographical aspects of the distribution of the Jewish population. S The candidate correctly uses the general and the specific concepts related to the period. C The candidate correctly uses the following general terms: law, Jewish, religion, race, civil rights, human rights, etc. C The candidate correctly uses the following topic-related special vocabulary: numerus clausus [restricted admission], anti-Semitism, anti-Jewish laws, ghetto, forced-labour service, holocaust, etc. S The
candidate includes the information provided by the sources in his or her essay and draws basic conclusions from them. C E.g: the candidate mentions the regulations of the numerus clausus, and s/he also says that they were primarily aimed at limiting the freedom of the Jews. C E.g: the candidate mentions the regulations of the first antiJewish law, and s/he also says that it fixed the maximum number of Jewish business and commercial employees and intellectuals at 20% on the basis of religion C E.g: s/he mentions the contents of the second anti-Jewish law, and s/he says that it was already racially-based and established a quota of 12% in industry and commerce, 6% in intellectual professions and 0% in state employment or s/he mentions that on the basis of this everyone with one Jewish 24 / 25 Points 0–8 0–4 [neither 1 point nor 3 points can be awarded] 0–6 [neither 1 point nor 4 points can be awarded] 0–10 [neither 1 point nor 6 points can be awarded] 2012. május 9
Történelem angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató parent or two Jewish grandparents was considered to be Jewish. C E.g: the candidate mentions the responsibility of the governments in intensifying anti-Semitic sentiments. S The candidate reveals the causes and consequences of legal and political developments concerning the Jewish question. C E.g: the candidate mentions that anti-Semitism became stronger as result of the defeat in the war, the revolutions and Trianon, and s/he also says that it increased the demand to reduce the economic and social influence of Jews among a limited (but growing) segment of Hungarian society or public opinion held the leaders of Jewish ancestry of the Soviet Republic responsible for the problems. C E.g: the candidate mentions that the far right gained strength 0–12 also in Hungary (e.g Szálasi’s movement) and s/he says that [neither 1 its ideology showed resemblance with that of the expanding Describing the point nor
Germany (e.g in its anti-Semitism) or the government made reasons behind 7 points efforts to take measures against the National Socialist groups. an event can be C E.g: the candidate mentions a cause of the anti-Jewish laws awarded] (the increasing influence of Nazi Germany and anti-Semitism), and s/he also says that the government introduced the antiJewish laws for reasons of internal and foreign policy. C E.g: the candidate mentions that anti-Semitism intensified and the state protection of Jews weakened in that period, and s/he also says that despite the measures which limited Jewish people’s rights, both their life and possessions were safe until the beginning of the war. C The candidate supports and complements his or her analysis with his or her own knowledge and statements. The candidate’s essay consists of sentences, which are clear and unambiguous. The analysis is an organized text serving the logical discussion Structure and of the content. 0–8 clear language The
candidate’s statements demonstrate accurate analytical skills. There are no grave spelling, punctuation or grammar mistakes. 48 TOTAL FOR THIS TASK 16 EXAM POINTS írásbeli vizsga 0801 25 / 25 2012. május 9