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General information on ISO 1.1 Whats the bottom line on ISO? ISOs work makes a positive difference to the world we live in. ISO standards add value to all types of business operations. They contribute to making the development, manufacturing and supply of products and services more efficient, safer and cleaner. They make trade between countries easier and fairer. ISO standards also serve to safeguard consumers and users of products and services in general - as well as making their lives simpler. You will find an introduction to ISO in the About ISO section of ISO Online. 1.2 Just what is ISO? Not "what", but "who"! Our standards are often highly technical - and they need to be - but theyre developed for people by people. So who we are is a network of the national standards institutes of some 140 countries, with a central office in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system and publishes the finished standards. 1.3 Who runs ISO? All strategic decisions are

referred to the ISO members, who meet for an annual General Assembly. The proposals put to the members are developed by the ISO Council, drawn from the membership as a whole, which resembles the board of directors of a business organization. Council meets twice a year and its membership is rotated to ensure that it is representative of ISOs membership. Operations are managed by a Secretary-General, which is a permanent appointment. The Secretary-General reports to a President who is a prominent figure in standardization or in business, elected for two years. 1.4 What does "international standardization" mean? When the large majority of products or services in a particular business or industry sector conform to International Standards, a state of industry-wide standardization can be said to exist. This is achieved through consensus agreements between national delegations representing all the economic stakeholders concerned - suppliers, users and, often, governments. They agree

on specifications and criteria to be applied consistently in the classification of materials, the manufacture of products and the provision of services. In this way, International Standards provide a reference framework, or a common technological language, between suppliers and their customers – which facilitates trade and the transfer of technology. 1.5 What benefits does international standardization bring to businesses? For businesses, the widespread adoption of International Standards means that suppliers can base the development of their products and services on reference documents which have broad market relevance. This, in turn, means that they are increasingly free to compete on many more markets around the world. 1.6 What benefits does international standardization bring to customers? For customers, the worldwide compatibility of technology which is achieved when products and services are based on International Standards brings them an increasingly wide choice of offers,

and they also benefit from the effects of competition among suppliers. 1.7 Where can I find facts and figures on ISO? ISO in figures and the ISO Annual Report can both be accessed on this site. They include facts and figures on ISOs membership, standards production, etc. 1.8 How can I keep up to date on ISO and its activities? Check out this site regularly and read the monthly ISO Bulletin which provides an overview of ISOs activities in international standardization. To subscribe, contact the ISO member for your country or our sales department: sales@iso.org 1.9 Who pays for ISO? ISOs national members pay subscriptions that meet the operational cost of ISOs Central Secretariat. The dues paid by each member are in proportion to the countrys GNP and trade figures. Another source of revenue is the sale of standards, which covers 30% of the budget. However, the operations of the central office represent only about one fifth of the cost of the systems operation. The main costs are borne

by the organizations which manage the specific projects or loan experts to participate in the technical work. These organizations are, in effect, subsidizing the technical work by the travel costs of the experts and allowing them time to work on their ISO assignments. 1.10 Can anyone join ISO? Not as individuals or as enterprises - although both have a range of opportunities for taking part in ISOs work, or in contributing to the development of standards through the ISO member in their country. Membership of ISO is open to national standards institutes or similar organizations most representative of standardization in their country (one member in each country). Full members each have one vote, whatever the size or strength of the economy of the country concerned. This means that they can all make their voices heard in the development of standards which are important to their countrys industry. ISO also has two categories of membership for countries with fewer resources. Although

such members do not have a vote, they can remain up to date on standardization developments. Lists of the three categories of ISO members are available on ISO Online. 1.11 Where can I find out what standards ISO has to offer? The ISO Catalogue can be accessed on this site. This electronic version lists the titles and numerical designations of all of ISOs published standards. It includes a search function that will help you quickly locate individual standards when you know exactly what you are looking for, or will generate specific lists of standards based on a search by one or more keywords, by committee, or by other criteria. Alternatively, you can simply browse the catalogue to get an overview of what is available in a particular area of technology. 1.12 What is ISOs relation to governments? ISO is a non-governmental organization (NGO). Therefore, unlike the United Nations, the national members of ISO are not delegations of the governments of those countries. As far as those national

members are concerned, some are wholly private sector in origin, others are private sector organizations but have a special mandate from their governments on matters related to standardization, while still others are part of the governmental framework of their countries. In addition, government experts often participate in ISOs standards development work. So, while ISO is an NGO, it receives input from the public sector as it does from the private sector