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Education British children begin their education at the age of five and must attend school to the age of 16. Some go to nursery school from the age of three to five There are state schools and private schools in Britain. Most of the British children (94%) are educated in state schools which are free of charge. In England there are several different systems nowadays. Until 1965 the most common schools were primary schools for children up to the age of 11 and then pupils had to pass an exam called Eleven Plus Exam decided whether pupils went to grammar schools for the best pupils (25%) or to secondary modern schools, which took the rest (75%). Now they take all children over eleven and do not select the best ones on the basis of the test. More ambitious pupils continue their education after sixteen for two years. During these two years students take a more academic form of study leading to an examination in two or three subjects. This examination is very important for those who want to

continue their students at some of the British universities. According to the results, universities choose their students The oldest British universities include Oxford University, and Cambridge University. Beside state schools there are private schools in Britain for children aged 11-18. Most of their pupils come from state primary schools on the basis of examinations. Some of these private secondary schools also have their own primary schools from which they take the best pupils. Only 5 per cent of all children attend public schools, because they are very expensive. The academic year begins in September. It is divided into three terms Christmas and Easter make intervals between them. Children have five week holidays in summer, two weeks during Christmas, and two weeks at Easter. There are two weeks of holiday in the middle of each term. Day schools work from Mondays to Fridays Classes are held from 9 am to 4 pm The average number of pupils in a class is thirty. Americans take great

pride in their schools and want their children to have the best possible education. Only one percent of the population cannot read or write The USA does not have a national system of education. Each state is responsible for its own educational system There are both state and private schools in the USA. Private schools are smaller Most of American children (88%) attend state school. There are three levels: 1 Elementary 2Middle Schools 3 High School Students have compulsory and elective subjects at high schools. The compulsory subjects include English, Modern Language, Maths, Chemistry and Biology. The electives include Music, Arts, and Physical Education. Every school has a band, orchestra or a choir There are also school teams that play baseball, basketball and football against other schools. All high schools students have mid-term and final exams in each subject. Anyone who fails can go to summer school or can take some extra courses. In the end of the final year at high school

the students take a nationwide standardized test, called Stanford Achievement Test (SAT). This test is in all subjects and the scores are used for college entrance requirements Therefore the SAT plays a decisive role for those students who wish to continue their education at some of American universities. Every year nearly two million high school students take the SAT. The USA has some of the World’s most outstanding universities, including Harvard University, Yale University, and others