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Source: http://www.doksinet LEA Accounting Tutorial As of October 2, 2003 Source: http://www.doksinet After the LEA Accounting screen appears, Click “Select” located next to the system name. Source: http://www.doksinet 1. 2. 3. 4. Select the file type: Budget Original, Budget Amendment or Financial Statement. Select the appropriate Fiscal Year from the drop down box. If Budget Amendment is selected, Select the appropriate Fiscal Period. Select the desired function: a. PreProcess – runs an error check that will only review your codes and code combinations. Once the PreProcess is complete you can view your Error Report All Critical errors must me corrected. The PreProcess file is not submitted to LEA Accounting for review. b. Process – will process the file for all errors If the file is free of Critical Errors the file will be entered into the LEA Accounting system for manual review and status determination. If Critical errors exist in the Codes and Combinations the

process will stop and the errors will be written to the Error Report. If there are no Critical errors in the Codes and Combinations, the process will invoke the LEA Accounting Business Rule Validation. All errors will be written to the Error Report. If Critical Errors are detected during the Business Rule Validation, the file will NOT be accepted into the system until the critical errors are corrected and the corrected file is resubmitted and the Process is free of critical errors. c. Error Report – allows the user to view the Error Report of their latest submitted file. The Error Report will not be available until the PreProcess or Process functions have completed the file review. 5. Select “Continue” Source: http://www.doksinet To select the file to upload, Click the “Browse” button. Select the desired file and Click the “Open” button. Source: http://www.doksinet To upload the file, Click the “Submit” button. This screen will appear to show the status of the

upload. Source: http://www.doksinet This screen will inform you of the status of the uploaded file and whether it was accepted by the system to run the PreProcess or Process functions. It does NOT mean that LEA Accounting has accepted or approved your file. Select the “OK” button to continue. To view the Error Report, Select the “Error Report” button. Source: http://www.doksinet 6. 7. 8. 9. Select the file type: Budget Original, Budget Amendment or Financial Statement. Select the appropriate Fiscal Year from the drop down box. If Budget Amendment is selected, Select the appropriate Fiscal Period. Select the desired function: a. PreProcess – runs an error check that will only review your codes and code combinations. Once the PreProcess is complete you can view your Error Report All Critical errors must me corrected. The PreProcess file is not submitted to LEA Accounting for review. b. Process – will process the file for all errors If the file is free of Critical

Errors the file will be entered into the LEA Accounting system for manual review and status determination. If Critical errors exist in the Codes and Combinations the process will stop and the errors will be written to the Error Report. If there are no Critical errors in the Codes and Combinations, the process will invoke the LEA Accounting Business Rule Validation. All errors will be written to the Error Report. If Critical Errors are detected during the Business Rule Validation, the file will NOT be accepted into the system until the critical errors are corrected and the corrected file is resubmitted and the Process is free of critical errors. c. Error Report – allows the user to view the Error Report of their latest submitted file. The Error Report will not be available until the PreProcess or Process functions have completed the file review. 10. Select “Continue” Source: http://www.doksinet 1. Select the Type of Error Report you would like to see a. Error Report – Summary

will give you a total count of Critical and Warning errors and it will list the first 25 Critical Errors. b. Error Report – Full will list all Critical and Warning Errors 2. Click on the “Continue” button Source: http://www.doksinet Error Report – Summary - Example. Error Report – Full - Example