Biológia | Állatvilág » Deficiency in Egg Rejection in a Host Species as a Response to the Absence of Brood Parasitism

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1 1 Deficiency in egg rejection in a host species as a response to the 2 absence of brood parasitism 3 4 5 Word count: 7168 6 7 8 Running title: Deficiency of egg rejection ability 2 9 Abstract 10 Different populations of a host species subject to variable patterns of selection due to 11 cuckoo parasitism provide an optimal situation for studying natural selection and 12 co-evolution in action. We compared egg appearance and egg rejection behavior of 13 two common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) hosts, the ashy-throated parrotbill 14 (Paradoxornis alphonsianus) and the vinous-throated parrotbill (P. webbianus) 15 between mainland China and island Taiwan populations, which have been segregated 16 since 2-3 million years ago. Avian visual modeling showed that the mainland host 17 population under strong selection from brood parasitism has evolved polymorphic 18 eggs whilst the island host population released from brood parasitism for a long time 19 has

maintained the original monomorphic egg phenotype. Furthermore, experiments 20 indicated that under such long historical segregation, egg rejection in the island 21 population decayed dramatically in the absence of cuckoo parasitism. This study 22 provides strong evidence that egg rejection ability can be dramatically deficient in 23 host population without brood parasitism compared to populations with parasitism, 24 and further enhances our understanding of changes in egg rejection behavior in birds 25 without the selection pressure of brood parasitism for an extended period of time. 26 27 Key words: brood parasitism, coevolution, inter-clutch variation, intra-clutch 28 variation, Paradoxornis alphonsianus, Paradoxornis webbianus. 29 3 30 Introduction 31 Avian brood parasites, such as parasitic cuckoos, lay eggs in other birds’ nests and 32 thus transfer the cost of parental care to their hosts (Davies 2000). Cuckoo parasitism 33 reduces or eliminates

the reproductive output of hosts thereby selecting for defensive 34 behavior in the host. This anti-parasite adaptation conversely triggers the cuckoos to 35 evolve counter-adaptations. This arms race provides a classic example of and a model 36 system for studying co-evolution. Among several defenses of cuckoo hosts against 37 parasitism, egg recognition and rejection behavior are among the most important 38 defense strategies (Brooke and Davies 1988; Davies and Brooke 1989; Moksnes et al. 39 1991). The intensity of such defensive behavior reflects evolutionary history of 40 contact with cuckoos. Hosts under high parasitism pressure from cuckoos show more 41 intense rejection abilities than hosts experiencing low parasitism pressure. This 42 pattern is apparent both among populations of single species and between various 43 species (Davies and Brooke 1989; Moksnes et al. 1991; Soler et al 1999; Lindholm 44 and Thomas2000; Stokke et al. 2008; Yang et al 2012a) 45

Variation in egg appearance of hosts is regarded as a defense strategy against brood 46 parasitism, especially if the parasite has evolved egg mimicry to counter host egg 47 rejection (Davies and Brooke 1989). On the one hand, cuckoos are believed to have 48 greater difficulty of parasitizing their hosts successfully when inter-clutch variation in 49 egg color among host individuals is large. On the other hand, low intra-clutch 50 variation makes cuckoo eggs become easier to detect by hosts because it increases the 51 uniformity in appearance of their eggs (Swynnerton 1918; Davies and Brooke 1989; 4 52 Øien et al. 1995; Soler and Møller 1996; Stokke et al 2002) The level of intra-clutch 53 variation may affect the costs of persistence of egg-rejection when parasitism is 54 absent (Soler 2014). Therefore, intense selection from parasitism may favor high 55 inter-clutch and low intra-clutch variation. 56 Environmental change can remove or weaken a source of

selection that was 57 formerly important for the maintenance of a particular trait, as when a host species is 58 released from the selection pressure caused by the introduction of the host to a 59 parasite-free environment (Lahti et al. 2009) Broad ecological shifts can render 60 previously adaptive traits nonfunctional. It is an open question how and how quickly 61 nonfunctional traits decay once the selective pressures that favored them are removed 62 (Lahti 2006). 63 Host defensive behavior in the absence of selection from brood parasitism is critical 64 for long-term host–parasite coevolution (Peer and Sealy 2004; Peer et al. 2011) New 65 World Bohemian waxwings (Bombycilla garrulus) that are allopatric with the 66 parasitic brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) have retained egg rejection behavior 67 up to 100 per cent (Peer et al. 2011) Such cases support the ‘single trajectory’ model 68 of host–parasite coevolution suggesting that once hosts

evolve defenses, they are 69 retained, forcing parasites to become more specialized over time (Peer et al. 2011) 70 Retention of egg rejection in the absence of parasitism has also been documented in 71 several European hosts of the common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) (Honza et al. 2004; 72 Aviles et al. 2010; Vikan et al 2010), although most of these populations are 73 sympatric with cuckoos and may therefore sometimes be parasitized (Moksnes and 5 74 Røskaft 1995). 75 Studies on African village weaverbirds (Ploceus cucullatus) showed that egg 76 rejection behavior in populations of the village weaver introduced to islands without 77 brood parasites has been compromised by changes in egg appearance, while there has 78 been no significant decline in the birds’ ability to recognize foreign eggs (Lahti 2005, 79 2006). Thus the removal of an agent of selection can sometimes bring about rapid 80 evolutionary change and provide insights into the ways in which

behavior can change 81 over time, especially in the context of recognition systems and the avoidance of brood 82 parasitism (Lahti 2006). 83 Hence, previous studies supported that egg rejection behavior can be maintained in 84 host populations that have become released from brood parasitism for a very long 85 time. However, comparative studies with much longer time scales are needed to reveal 86 the persistence of egg rejection behavior without brood parasitism. In particular, 87 intra-clutch variation in egg appearance may critically affect the costs of persistence 88 of egg-rejection ability when parasitism is absent, because the presence of one or 89 more different eggs in the nest would contribute to an increase in recognition errors 90 (Soler 2014). Therefore, different populations of a host species subject to variation in 91 selection due to cuckoo parasitism provide an optimal situation for studying natural 92 selection and co-evolution in action. The

extent to which host defenses are retained 93 without parasitism is crucial for the long-term coevolution between brood parasites 94 and hosts, because this will determine the coevolutionary trajectory (Soler 2014). 95 In this study we compare egg appearance and egg rejection behavior of two 6 96 common cuckoo hosts, the ashy-throated parrotbill (Paradoxornis alphonsianus) and 97 the vinous-throated parrotbill (Paradoxornis webbianus) between mainland and island 98 populations, of which the latter was studied on the island of Taiwan, which was first 99 separated from mainland East Asia 2-3 million years ago (Chen et al. 2000; Yeung et 100 al. 2011) While mainland populations coexist with common cuckoos and suffer from 101 brood parasitism (Yang et al. 2010, 2012a, 2013), the island population has escaped 102 from parasitism because common cuckoos have not reached Taiwan (Payne 2005; 103 Erritzøeet al. 2012; Severinghaus et al 2012; Yang et al 2012b) Although

the 104 mainland populations have evolutionary cycles with common cuckoos and have 105 evolved polymorphic eggs, the egg rejection behavior and egg color variation in the 106 Taiwan population, which is not parasitized by the common cuckoo, are still unknown. 107 Here we examined and compared egg color variation and egg rejection behavior in 108 parrotbill hosts in mainland and island populations. We predicted that (1) mainland 109 populations of the parrotbill should evolve higher inter-clutch but lower intra-clutch 110 variation in egg color maintained by cuckoo parasitism, while these properties should 111 be reduced in the island population; and (2) egg rejection of parrotbill in mainland 112 populations should be higher than in the island population. 113 114 Methods 115 STUDY AREA AND SPECIES 116 This study was carried out in mainland China and Taiwan during April-July 117 2010-2012. In the mainland, experiments were conducted at Kuankuoshui National

7 118 Nature Reserve, Guizhou, Southwestern China (28°10N, 107°10E), and Dongzhai 119 National Nature Reserve, Henan, Central China (32°15N, 114°25E). In Taiwan, 120 fieldwork was conducted at Shou-Feng, Hualien County (23°51 N, 121°31E) during 121 2010-2011. Kuankuoshui is situated in a subtropical moist broadleaf and mixed forest, 122 interspersed with abandoned tea plantations, shrubby areas and open fields used as 123 cattle pastures (see Yang et al. 2010 for more details) Dongzhai is situated in an 124 evergreen broadleaf forest between subtropical and temperate zones in Central China 125 with an altitude of about 200 m, where the average temperature and annual 126 precipitation are 15.1°C and 1,208 mm, respectively (Yang et al 2012c) 127 The study populations in Kuankuoshui and Dongzhai were the ashy-throated 128 parrotbill and vinous-throated parrotbill, respectively. The former species has long 129 been considered a subspecies of the latter

species (e.g Delacour 1946), and the latest 130 most complete phylogenetic analysis also indicates that these two species might 131 indeed be conspecific, although their relationship is still not fully resolved (Yeung et 132 al. 2011) Thus, we consider our studies of these two (sub-) species (hereafter 133 parrotbill) comparable. Parrotbills in the mainland were intensely used by common 134 cuckoo and they laid polymorphic eggs (Kim et al. 1995; Lee and Yoo 2004; Yang et 135 al. 2010) In contrast, no common cuckoos breed in Taiwan and the parrotbills laid 136 only monomorphic blue eggs (Robson 2007; this study). 137 138 EGG COLOR QUANTIFICATION 8 139 Nests were found by systematically searching all typical and potential nest sites and 140 by monitoring the activities of adults throughout the breeding season. Egg spectra 141 were obtained from Kuankuoshui (represent mainland population) and Taiwan 142 populations. The parrotbills laid immaculate eggs and we

obtained six measurements 143 of spectral reflectance for each egg, with two at the blunt, two at the middle and two 144 at the sharp parts of the egg with the spectrometer Avantes-2048 with a 10W tungsten 145 halogen light source (Avalight-Hal-S). Each measurement covered ca 1 mm2 and was 146 taken at a 45° angle to the egg surface, with the spectrometer and light source 147 connected with a coaxial reflectance probe (FCR-7UV200-2-ME). All egg spectra 148 from Guizhou and Taiwan populations were measured by the same spectrometer 149 model and following a same procedure mentioned above. A previous study revealed 150 that the slight change or ambient light conditions can affect the measurement even 151 though the spectra were measured with the same equipment (Cassey et al. 2012) 152 Therefore, we used a probe holder (RPH-1) to control for measuring angle and all 153 spectra measurement was performed indoors and under a light-proof box. The spectra 154 were

loaded into Ava-Soft7.0 software (Avantes, the Netherlands) and interpolated 155 with a step of 1 nm in the range of 300-700 nm. Many bird species have 156 ultraviolet-sensitive (UVS) photoreceptors as well as oil droplets that are absent in the 157 human eye (Goldsmith et al. 1984; Vorobyev et al 1998) Therefore, to account for 158 the differential stimulation of the four avian cone types, we mapped the spectra onto 159 Goldsmith’s (1990) tetrahedral color space that has recently been recommended for 160 analyses of color patterns as processed by tetrachromatic visual systems (Stoddard 9 161 and Prum 2008). We used the average spectral sensitivity curves for UVS-type retinas 162 provided by Endler and Mielke (2005). Essentially, each spectrum is represented by a 163 point in a tetrahedron, in which the vertices correspond to exclusive stimulation of the 164 ultraviolet (UV), blue (B), green (G) and red (R) -sensitive cones, respectively, in the 165 avian

eye. Each color point can be described by its spherical coordinates (θ, φ, r), 166 where angles θ and φ represent the horizontal (RGB) and vertical (UV) components of 167 hue, respectively, whereas r is the length of the color vector in chroma or color 168 saturation. As a measure of achromatic brightness, we calculated normalized 169 brilliance following Stoddard and Prum (2008). 170 171 COMPUTATION OF EGG COLOR VARIATION 172 We used avian visual modelling mentioned above to compute hue (RGB and UV), 173 chroma, and normalized brilliance of parrotbill eggs. These color properties were then 174 used to compare the inter- and intra-clutch variation of egg colors between mainland 175 China and Taiwan parrotbill populations. The methodology from Yang et al (2014) 176 was used for calculating the egg color variation of parrotbills. For inter-clutch 177 variation, we averaged the spectrum of each clutch and calculated its hue, chroma and 178 brilliance, and then

compared their standard deviation (SD) as egg variation between 179 mainland and Taiwan populations by using Levene’s test for equality of variances. For 180 intra-clutch variation, we calculated the coefficient of variation (CV) within each 181 clutch, and compared them between mainland and Taiwan populations. Only 182 non-parasitized nests were included for calculation of egg color variation. Data 10 183 analyses were performed in IBM SPSS Statistics 20.0 for Windows Values are 184 presented as means ± SD. 185 186 EGG REJECTION EXPERIMENTS 187 Experimental parasitism of parrotbill nests was carried out in Kuankuoshui and 188 Dongzhai, two mainland populations, by using non-mimetic model eggs 189 (cuckoo-sized blue model eggs in white clutches or white model eggs in blue 190 clutches). In the Taiwan population, the parrotbills only laid blue eggs and we used 191 the same white model eggs mentioned above as non-mimetic model eggs in blue 192 clutches.

The cuckoo-sized model eggs were not significantly different in volume 193 from natural cuckoo eggs found in parrotbill nests (2.65 ± 016 cm3 vs 268± 018 194 cm3, respectively, F = 0.44, df = 1, 39, P = 0511, ANOVA) Eggshell phenotypes are 195 presented in Figure 1 and 2. In all parasitized experiments, one host egg was 196 exchanged with one foreign egg. Experimental parasitism was conducted on the day 197 after clutch completion or at the beginning of incubation. The clutch sizes in mainland 198 and Taiwan populations were 4.30 ± 079 (n = 36) and 321 ± 070 (n = 14), 199 respectively. We monitored experimental nests on a daily basis for six days after 200 artificial parasitism. The host response was classified as acceptance (alien egg warm 201 and being incubated) or rejection (alien egg gone or left cold in the nest). In addition, 202 egg rejection data of Lee and Yoo (2004) and Lee (2008) in vinous-throated 203 parrotbills from South Korea, and Yang et al.

(2010) in ashy-throated parrotbills from 204 the same site at Kuankuoshui in Guizhou, were used for further comparison. Egg 11 205 rejection data from South Korea were used because they included ejection data of 206 bigger model eggs comparing our experiment and thus provided useful information 207 for comparison when combining the grasp indices of parrotbills there (see below). 208 209 MEASUREMENTS OF MORPHOLOGICAL TRAITS 210 We recorded the grasp-index values to compare the bill sizes of parrotbills among 211 mainland, Taiwan and South Korea. Moksnes et al(1991) showed that the apparent 212 mode of rejection in a number of cuckoo hosts depended on host bill size (grasp 213 index), with the largest species grasp ejecting, the smallest billed species deserting, 214 and those with intermediate bill size most often puncture ejecting the parasitic egg. 215 Tomial length was determined from the commissural point at the corner of the mouth, 216 diagonally to the

tip of the upper mandible (to ±0.01mm) Bill width was the distance 217 between the commissural points (to ±0.01mm, Rohwer and Spaw 1988) Grasp index 218 is the tomial length multiplied by the commissural width. Lengths of tarsus (to 219 ±0.01mm) and wing (to ±01mm) were measured to represent body size for 220 comparison. In mainland China, we surveyed parrotbill morphological traits in two 221 sites, Kuankuoshui in Guizhou, Southwestern China and Fusong, Jilin, Northeastern 222 China. Parrotbills in mainland China and Taiwan were captured by mist nests in a 223 single season and their morphological traits were measured by the same person (L. 224 Wang). 225 226 Results 12 227 EGG COLOR VARIATION 228 In total 36 clutches (18 blue clutches, 2 pale blue clutches and 16 white clutches) of 229 parrotbills in mainland China and 14 clutches (only blue clutches) of parrotbills in 230 Taiwan were measured using spectrometer, to compare inter- and intra-clutch

231 variation in egg color between mainland and island populations (Figure 1, Figure 2). 232 Both egg color hue and chorma were almost separated between blue and white eggs in 233 the mainland population although paleblue eggs were intermediated and seemed to 234 obscure the color boundary. Avian visual modeling showed that the egg colors of 235 mainland and Taiwan parrotbills had distinct hues and chroma (Figure 3). The 236 distribution of Taiwan parrotbill eggs was more compact and closer to the blue and 237 UV region in hue space than that of mainland parrotbills. The differences in both the 238 RGB and UV components of hue between mainland China and Taiwan were highly 239 significant (RGB: z = -5.25, P< 0001, Mann-Whitney U test; UV: t = -9302, df = 240 47.33, P<00001, Welch’s ANOVA) Furthermore, the chroma or color saturation was 241 completely separated between mainland China and Taiwan (Figure 3). The Taiwan 242 population was much more saturated

in color than the mainland population (0.151 ± 243 0.008 vs 0074± 0035, t = -12268, df = 4324, P< 00001, Welch’s ANOVA) In 244 contrast, the brilliance of eggs from the mainland population was higher than in 245 Taiwan (0.744 ± 0190 vs 0620 ± 0084, t = 3189, df = 4704, P = 0003) The 246 distribution of cuckoo egg color matched their corresponding host egg color. 247 All color properties representing inter-clutch variation in mainland parrotbills were 248 larger than those of Taiwan parrotbills (Table 1, hue of RGB: F1,30 = 5.049, P = 0029; 13 249 hue of UV: F1,30= 7.541, P = 0008; chroma: F1,30 = 48417, P< 00001; F1,30 = 7622, 250 P = 0.008, Levene’s test for equality of variances) However, further analysis showed 251 that such color properties did not differ between mainland and Taiwan populations for 252 blue clutches, suggesting that these differences were due to the white clutches of the 253 mainland population (Table 1). The hue of RGB and

chroma representing intra-clutch 254 variation in mainland parrotbills were also larger than in Taiwan (z = -2.442, P = 255 0.015 and z = 3557, P = 0001 for hue of RGB and chroma, respectively, 256 Mann-Whitney U-test), while no significant difference was found in hue of UV and 257 normalized brilliance (Table 1). However, when comparing intra-clutch variation in 258 color properties for blue clutches between mainland and Taiwan populations, no 259 significant differences were found (Table 1). The differences in overall intra-clutch 260 variation between these two locations were subsequently found to be due to higher 261 values in white clutches of mainland populations (Table 1). 262 263 PARROTBILL BILL SIZE AND EGG REJECTION BEHAVIOR 264 To compare grasp index of parrotbills between mainland China and Taiwan 265 populations, a total of 56 individuals from Fusong, 37 individuals from Kuankuoshui, 266 35 individuals from South Korea, and 45 individuals from

Taiwan were measured. All 267 three morphological traits of parrotbills differed significantly among the four sites 268 (tarsus length: F = 239.48, df = 3, 170, P< 0001; wing length: F =14659, df = 3, 170, 269 P< 0.001; grasp index: F = 2903, df = 3, 170, P< 0001, ANOVA; Table 2) 270 Parrotbills from Kuankuoshui had the longest tarsus while the Taiwan Island 14 271 population had the longest wing and largest grasp index (Table 2). These results 272 indicated that parrotbills in Taiwan has a sufficiently large bill to grasp parasitic eggs. 273 To test egg rejection behavior of parrotbills between mainland and Taiwan 274 populations, a total of 59 nests were used for experiments. The results of experimental 275 egg parasitism are presented in Table 3. There was no statistical difference found in 276 blue or white clutches between Guizhou and Henan (blue clutch: χ2= 0.976, df = 1, P 277 = 0.609; white clutch: χ2= 0051, df = 1, P = 1, Fisher’s Exact

Test) Therefore, results 278 from Guizhou and Henan were pooled and subsequently constituted mainland 279 populations. There was a significant difference in rejection of non-mimetic model 280 eggs between mainland China and Taiwan parrotbills (χ2= 19.848, df = 2, P< 00001, 281 Fisher’s Exact Test). However, no significant difference was found between mainland 282 China and South Korea (χ2= 3.574, df = 1, P = 0093, Fisher’s Exact Test) Deserted 283 nests were not included in Fisher’s Exact Test and no desertion was found in Taiwan 284 parrotbills. 285 286 Discussion 287 The present study showed that egg-rejection ability of a cuckoo host, the parrotbill, 288 can be dramatically deficient in the absence of brood parasitism comparing with the 289 population that is utilized by the parasite. Such deficiency in egg-rejection ability of 290 island populations can be explained by (1) release from brood parasitism as a response 291 to the cost of

maintaining such ability (Lahti 2006; Yang et al. 2014); or (2) the island 292 population has never interacted with brood parasites and has maintained a low 15 293 rejection ability. 294 Our results indicated that inter-clutch variation in egg color in mainland 295 populations of parrotbill hosts is considerable larger than in an island population as 296 predicted. The egg color of the mainland population has become polymorphic under 297 brood parasitism whilst egg color of the island population has remained monomorphic, 298 as revealed by avian visual modeling. The overall intra-clutch variation in mainland 299 populations was also larger than in the island population. These results were opposite 300 to predictions from the egg signature hypothesis. However, further analysis showed 301 that such difference arose from the high intra-clutch variation in white clutches in 302 mainland populations. Based on the results above we suggest that monomorphic blue 303

eggs should be the ancestral phenotype before the separation of mainland and island 304 populations by the Taiwan Strait while the pale blue and white colors evolved 305 subsequently due to selection by brood parasitism because (1) the Taiwan population 306 was not utilized by the cuckoo that laid blue eggs; (2) the white clutches of mainland 307 populations have high intra-clutch variation and that the white egg phenotype evolved 308 later, and therefore had a shorter duration of contact with brood parasitism than the 309 blue egg phenotype; (3) the high inter-clutch variation in white clutches of mainland 310 populations implies that the white egg phenotype was a later adaptation that was still 311 changing and unstable compared with other egg phenotypes; and (4) our result 312 exhibited a possible evolutionary pathway of egg color from Taiwan dark blue to 313 mainland blue, and then to paleblue and finally white (Fig. 2) Additionally, Lee and 314 Jabloñski

(2012) found a spatial variation of egg color polymorphism (morph ratio of 16 315 blue and white) in parrotbills with different latitudes, which may indicate different 316 status of coevolutionary history with cuckoo parasitism. 317 Lahti (2005) examined egg color variation in two independently and recently 318 introduced populations of the African village weaverbird in the Caribbean and 319 Mauritius and compared them with the West African source population. He found that 320 inter-clutch variation in the introduced population decreased as predicted. The two 321 introduced populations in Lahti’s studies were separated from the source population 322 by more than 200 and 100 years, respectively. Furthermore, Yang et al (2014) 323 reported a lower inter-clutch variation and intra-clutch consistency in an introduced 324 population of the red-billed leiothrix (Leiothrix lutea), which was utilized by common 325 cuckoo in native population but introduced to Hawaii

Island more than 100 years ago. 326 In the present study we tested egg color variation under different selection pressures. 327 We showed that the host population under strong selection from brood parasitism has 328 evolved polymorphic eggs whilst the host population, which had become released 329 from or never interacted with brood parasitism for 2-3 million years, has retained the 330 originally monomorphic egg phenotype. 331 Previous empirical studies have tested hypotheses about evolution of egg color and 332 the results showed some variation. Stokke et al (1999) found that reed warblers 333 (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) that were laying more uniform clutches tend to reject alien 334 eggs at a higher rate than those laying more variable eggs. Moskát et al (2008) 335 manipulated host clutch uniformity of great reed warbler (A. arundinaceus) and 336 showed that increase of egg phenotypes variation reduced the discrimination of alien 17 337 eggs. Furthermore,

Peer et al (2010) found that common grackles (Quiscalus 338 quiscula) with greater intra-clutch variation were more likely to accept cowbird eggs. 339 However, Karcza et al. (2003) reported that alien eggs were easy to detect even 340 among clutches with high variation. Avilés and Møller (2003) compared the egg color 341 of meadow pipits (Anthus pratensis) from populations allopatric with the common 342 cuckoo in Iceland and the Faeroe Islands with sympatric populations from England, 343 and they found that a history of parasitism reduced intra-clutch variation, but did not 344 affect any other aspects of eggs appearance. Furthermore, Moskát et al (2002) found 345 a tendency for lower inter-clutch but not intra-clutch variation in great reed warbler 346 population allopatric with common cuckoo. Some studies even suggested opposite 347 results implying that rejection rates of foreign eggs were predicted by higher rather 348 than lower intra-clutch variation

(Cherry et al. 2007) Although some of these results 349 are mixed and inconsistent, Kilner (2006) concluded that the increase in inter-clutch 350 variation and the decrease in intra-clutch variation have evolved as a consequence of 351 brood parasitism. In summary, the effect of intra-clutch variation on egg recognition 352 still needs more studies in the future. Low intra-clutch variation may have the 353 importance in egg rejection when host ejects alien eggs based on discordancy 354 mechanism. Intra-clutch variation may also increase the threshold required to trigger 355 egg rejection, even when the host eggs were apparently different from which of 356 parasites (Peer et al. 2010) 357 Our study showed that in the island population with no cuckoo parasitism rejection 358 of non-mimetic foreign eggs occurred at a significantly lower rate than in the 18 359 mainland parasitized populations. Furthermore, our morphological measurements 360 showed that the

island population had the largest grasp-index, and that South Korean 361 parrotbill populations with relatively small grasp-index, but high rates of cuckoo 362 parasitism could reject even much larger model eggs (Lee and Yoo 2004; Lee 2008) 363 thus excluding the possibility that the parrotbills in Taiwan fail to reject foreign eggs 364 due to the small bill size. Lahti (2006) used conspecific eggs to parasitize village 365 weavers in ancestral and introduced populations. He found no difference in the 366 rejection ability of alien eggs between source and introduced populations. Similarly, 367 red-billed leiothrix which was introduced more than 100 years ago to Hawaii Island 368 where no cuckoo was living still retained equal egg rejection ability as strong as 369 native population (Yang et al. 2014) Compared with our study, the introduced 370 populations in these studies were only separated from the source population for a 371 short time of 100-200 years.

Furthermore, Peer et al (2011) showed that New World 372 Bohemian waxwings, which are allopatric with the brown-headed cowbirds, have 373 maintained egg rejection behavior. They suggested that egg rejection may have been 374 retained for 2.8 to 30 million years in this host species Similarly, Rothstein (2001) 375 found that the loggerhead shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) retain nearly 100% of 376 recognition from Old World congeners that were parasitized by cuckoos. However, 377 our study of experimental parasitism with non-mimetic alien eggs showed that such 378 large periods of segregation from brood parasitism cause considerable reduction in 379 egg rejection ability in parrotbill hosts. Moreover, it is noteworthy that the lack of 380 interaction with brood parasitism at the very start can be regarded as an alternative 19 381 explanation for such deficiency of rejection in island population. Our results also 382 indicated that successive contacts with brood

parasites could result in the evolution of 383 polymorphic eggs in a host population, while the original population without cuckoo 384 parasitism persisted in having monomorphic eggs. So far the common grackle has 385 been regarded as the only suspected case of a host species in which most of its 386 egg-rejection ability is being lost because its sister species (Quiscalus mexicanus and 387 Q. major) sympatric or allopatric with the cowbird parasite have strong rejection 388 abilities (Peer and Sealy 2004), but without any evidence of coevolutionary cycles 389 (Soler 2014). Furthermore, previous studies consistently showed that hosts sympatric 390 or allopatric with cuckoos but were rarely or never parasitized can retain their egg 391 rejection abilities (Table 4). Our study provides strong evidence that further enhances 392 our understanding of changes in egg rejection behavior in birds without selection 393 pressure of brood parasitism for an extended period of

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short (s), 564 medium (m) and long (l) wavelength vertices of the tetrahedron. 565 28 566 567 568 Legends to tables 569 570 Table 1. Comparison of egg color variation of parrotbill populations between 571 mainland China and Taiwan. Values are means ± SD whilst inter- and intra-clutch 572 variation in egg color were presented as mean and CV (coefficient of variance) of 573 clutches, respectively. 574 575 Table 2. Comparison of grasp indices (mm2), body mass (g) and body size (mm) 576 among subspecies of parrotbills. 577 578 579 Table 3. Summary for results from experimental parasitism on parrotbill clutches 580 Table 4. Summary of previous studies testing retation of egg rejection in cuckoo hosts 581 that have released from cuckoo parasitism. 582 29 583 584 Table 1. Comparison of egg color variation of parrotbill populations between 585 mainland China and Taiwan. Values are means ± SD whilst inter- and 586 intra-clutch variation in egg color

were presented as mean and CV (coefficient of 587 variance) of clutches, respectively. Hue(RGB) Hue(UV) Chroma Normalized brilliance Inter-clutch variation Mainland China 2.4802±04103 -11585±01379 00744±00354 07439±01896 Taiwan 2.9403±00699 -08985±00595 01518±00083 06204±00838 F1,48 5.049 7.541 48.417 7.622 P 0.029 0.008 < 0.0001 0.008 2.612±01012 -1.0921±00479 01063±00110 06118±00889 Mainland China (blue) Taiwan (blue) 2.9403±00699 -08985±00595 01518±00083 06204±00838 F1,30 0.021 0.542 0.487 0.515 P 0.887 0.467 0.491 0.478 Mainland China (white) 2.3143±05729 -12288±01743 00397±00167 08993±01639 Taiwan (blue) 2.9403±00699 -08985±00595 01518±00083 06204±00838 F1,28 13.860 6.669 2.117 5.744 P 0.001 0.015 0.157 0.023 Intra-clutch variation Mainland China 0.0595±01167 -00530±01280 01025±00755 00582±00566 Taiwan 0.0108±00068 -00328±00211 00489±00309 00729±00518 t /Z -2.442 -0.691 3.557 -1.037 df -

- 47.771 - P 0.015 0.489 0.001 0.3 Mainland China 0.0187±00263 -00201±00174 00589±00550 00512±00324 30 (blue) Taiwan (blue) 0.0108±00068 -00328±00211 00489±00309 00729±00518 t/Z -0.38 -1.785 0.608 -1.064 df - - 30 - P 0.704 0.074 0.521 0.287 Mainland China (white) 588 589 0.1101±01614 -00955±01855 01578±00623 00632±00756 Taiwan (blue) 0.0108±00068 -00328±00211 00489±00309 00729±00518 t/Z -3.949 -1.039 5.924 -0.873 df - - 28 - P 0.0001 0.299 0.0001 0.383 31 590 591 Table 2. Comparison of grasp indices (mm2), body mass (g) and body size (mm) 592 among subspecies of parrotbills. Subspecies Grasp index (mm2) P. w webbianus P. w fulvicauda P. a alphonsianus P. w suffusus P. w mantschuricus P. a stresemanni P. w bulomachus Total F df P Body mass (g) P. w fulvicauda P. w mantschuricus P. a stresemanni P. w bulomachus Total F df P Wing length (mm) P. w fulvicauda P. w mantschuricus P. a stresemanni P. w bulomachus Total

F df P Tarsus length (mm) P. w fulvicauda P. w mantschuricus P. a stresemanni P. w bulomachus Total F df P N Mean±SD Minimum Maximum Location 11 40 10 10 56 37 45 209 35.06±452 35.30±321 35.67±243 36.28±421 38.32±304 38.59±295 41.85±346 29.11 28.14 32.20 31.68 28.21 33.41 35.42 28.14 42.93 44.99 41.28 45.76 43.07 47.18 50.20 50.20 Guizhou South Korea Guizhou Guizhou Jilin Guizhou Taiwan 6 56 54 44 160 9.60±047 9.67±069 8.94±076 10.18±092 9.00 7.53 7.50 7.00 7.00 10.20 11.35 10.00 12.25 12.25 South Korea Jilin Guizhou Taiwan 35 56 54 45 190 44.60±232 41.78±262 47.91±169 51.57±282 39.53 33.82 43.92 46.00 33.82 51.85 46.66 52.84 61.5 61.5 South Korea Jilin Guizhou Taiwan 35 56 54 45 190 20.20±062 20.26±052 23.68±075 21.31±070 21.47±160 315.88 3 < 0.001 18.88 19.14 22.18 19.80 18.88 21.62 21.21 25.13 22.55 25.13 South Korea Jilin Guizhou Taiwan 17.92 6.00 < 0.001 20.767 3 < 0.001 153.692 3 < 0.001 32 593 594 595 596 Table

3. Summary for results from experimental parasitism on parrotbill clutches. Host population Parasite Kuankuoshui model (blue) (white) Kuankuoshui model (white) (blue) Dongzhai model (blue) (white) Dongzhai model (white) (blue) Taiwan (blue) model (white) South Korea model* (blue) (white) South Korea model* (white) (blue) South Korea model* (white) (blue) Kuankuoshui model (blue) (white) Kuankuoshui model (white) (blue) Deserted Ejected Accepted Total 1 6 3 (30) 10 1 9 2 (16.7) 12 0 11 2 (15.4) 13 0 7 2 (22.2) 9 0 2 13 (86.7) 15 4 11 0 (0) 15 Source this study this study this study Lee and Yoo 1 3 0 (0) 4 0 11 0 (0) 11 0 12 1 (7.7) 13 (2004) Lee (2008) Yang et al. 0 18 1 (5.3) 19 (2010) 597 Numbers in brackets are % acceptance within each combination. 598 * The size of model eggs used by Lee and Yoo (2004) and Lee (2008) in South Korea 599 were similar to natural cuckoo eggs, with a

volume of ca. 3243 cm3, much larger than 600 all model eggs used for mainland China and Taiwan parrotbill populations. 601 33 602 603 Table 4. Summary of previous studies testing retation of egg rejection in cuckoo hosts that have released from cuckoo parasitism Sympatric/Allopatric Parasitism Retation of Host species Cuckoo species Source with cuckoo circumstances rejection Moksnes and Røskaft 1992; Sylvia atricapilla Cuculus canorus sympatric rarely paraistized yes Honza et al. 2004 Sylvia communis Cuculus canorus sympatric rarely paraistized yes Procházka and Honza 2003 Emberiza citrinella Cuculus canorus sympatric rarely paraistized yes Procházka and Honza 2004 Emberiza schoeniclus Cuculus canorus sympatric rarely paraistized yes Moksnes and Røskaft 1992 Phylloscopus trochilus Cuculus canorus sympatric rarely paraistized yes Moksnes and Røskaft 1992 Luscinia svecica Cuculus canorus sympatric rarely paraistized yes Moksnes and Røskaft 1992 Fringilla montifringilla

Cuculus canorus sympatric unparasitized yes Braa et al. 1992 Fringilla coelebs Cuculus canorus sympatric unparasitized yes Braa et al. 1992 Moskát and Fuisz 1999; Lanius collurio Cuculus canorus sympatric unparasitized yes Lovászi and Moskát 2004 Lanius ludovicianus Cuculus canorus allopatric unparasitized yes Rothstein 2001 Acrocephalus Cuculus canorus allopatric unparasitized yes Moskát et al. 2002 arundinaceus Leiothrix lutea Cuculus canorus allopatric unparasitized yes Yang et al. 2014 Chrysococcyx Ploceus cucullatus allopatric unparasitized yes Lahti 2006 caprius