Gépészet | Biztonságtechnika » How to Guide, Cylinder Lock Remove and Replace


Év, oldalszám:2017, 1 oldal


Letöltések száma:1

Feltöltve:2024. szeptember 23.

Méret:875 KB




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How to guide – Cylinder Lock Remove & Replace To change a cylinder; first remove the lock assembly cover plate screws and gently lever the plate off using a small flathead screwdriver (see picture). Next remove the cylinder retaining screw Next remove the cylinder retaining screw and set to one side. Next turn the key slightly and gently rock the cylinder back and forward until it moves freely (keep the key in the position that achieves this free movement). Still holding the key pull the cylinder towards you. Find a replacement cylinder and do the same process in reverse. Be careful not to over tighten screws any screws as this can make the lock difficult to turn. If the office is not open use a temporary cylinder but ensure that the office is notified as soon as possible (for Health & Safety purposes) especially if the replacement is not a cylinder that belongs to the master system (it does not work with master key)