Tartalmi kivonat
IGEIDŐK: Egyszerű jelen PRESENT SIMPLE: • Képzése: V1 (E/3- ban s végződést kap) • Pl.: I work at home She works for the bank • Használata: rendszeresen ismétlődő, általános, szokásos cselekvést fejez ki pl.: A nap keleten kel fel - The sun rises on the East beszélt nyelvben a jövőidőt, mely menetrendszerű utazáshoz kapcsolódik (elbeszélés, programleírás) pl.: Mikor fog indulni a vonatod? - When does your train leave? pl.: Mikor kezdődik az iskola? - When does the school year begin rendszeres vagy pontszerű cselekvés a jelenben pl.: Reggelenként tejet szokott inni – In the mornings he has milk for breakfast. menetrendszerinti jövő pl.: Holnap 5-kor indul a gépem – Tomorrow my plane starts at five Simple Future-ben lévő időhatározói összetett mondat alárendelt mellékmondatában bizonyos szavak után ( Simple Future helyett) when (mikor), if (ha), before (előtte), after (utána), by the time (mikkora, mire), as
soon as (amint, mihelyt), till (mígnem), until (míg nem), unless (ha nem), the moment (ebben a pllanatban, amikor), while (mialatt), as long as (addig) Pl.: Ha okos leszel segítek - -If you are clever, I will help you Kérdés, tagadás esetén DO/DOES segédige használatos. Minden segédige után szótári alak Pl.: Where does he work? I don’t go to church Jellemző határozók: usually (általában), often (gyakran), always (mindig), never (soha), ever (mindig), seldom- rarely (ritkán), ever day (mindennap), once a week (egyszer a héten), int he mornings (reggelenként) 1 • Időhatározói: - rarely, seldom (ritkán) - always (mindig) - usually (rendszeresen) - often (gyakran) - sometimes (néha) - generally (általában) /Rendszerint az alany után állnak, de a sometimes, generally usually a mondat elején is előfordulhat!/ pl.: Rendszerint busszal megyek iskolába - I usually go to school by bus. pl.: Néha taxival megy dolgozni – She sometimes goes to work
by taxi. (Ha a mondatban létige van, akkor az időhatározók az után állnak.) elkésni az iskolából- to be late from school Soha nem kések el az iskolából.- I’m never late from school Gyakran elkésik az iskolából.- She is often late from school Egyenes szórend: A Á T módH helyH időH + He reads book every day. - He doesn’t read books. ? Fordított szórend: (Á-ra vagy bővítményére kérdez rá) (kérdőszó)+ segédige(1db)+A+Á(maradéka)+T+H Where does he read? 2 • • • • • • megszokott, állandó cselekvések (permanent actions) I live in Canada. rendszeres cselekvések (actions that happen on a regular basis) I go to school every day tények (facts) Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius az állítások, melyek mindig igazak (statements that are always true) állapot (to state feeling) He looks happy álltalános cselekvések (general actions) Example Past Present x x x x x I go to school everyday I live in New York. Water boils at 100
degrees Celsius I love to go to my English class. This is a pen. x x x x x Futur e x x x x x Present Simple táblázat Subject + - ? Auxiliary Verb I We She I You He Do Do do do does I you Does she Main Verb live play plays live live live make learn not not not clean 3 in New york. football. outside. in New York. in London in a big house. a lot of money? English in school? the house everyday or once a week? Folyamatos jelen PRESENT CONTINUOUS: • Képzése: to be jelen idejű ragozott alakja + V ing pl.: She is working She isn’t working Is she working? • Használata: a cselekvés a beszéd (írás) pillanatában éppen folyamatban van pl.: Nézd, esik az eső – Look It’s raining Közeljövőben történő, tervezett cselekvésre is használjuk (ilyenkor mindig van jövőre utalás a mondatban) pl.: Mit csinálsz ma este? – What are you doing tonight? pl.: Vizsgázni fogok novemberben – I am taking my exam in November olyan cselekvésre is
használjuk, amely a jelen időszakban történik, de nem feltétlenül a beszéd (írás) pillanatában pl.: Olvasok egy jó könyvet – I’m reading a good book kifejezhetünk olyan cselekvést, amely rendszeresen, gyakran történik, és a beszélőt bosszantja pl.: Mindig rágja a körmét – She is always bitimg her nails „ to be going to” szerkezet kifejezhetünk jövő idejű szándékot: I’m going to study this evening. valószínűséget: It is going to rain. szándékolt jövő + időhatározó pl.: A hétvégen elutazom – I am travelling at the weekend rendszeres cselekvés rosszaláskor + always pl.: Józsi mindig megeszi a szendvicsemet – Joe is always eating my sandwich. Future Continuous- ban lévő időhatározói alárendelő összetett mondatban a tiltó szavak után pl.: Amíg te majd dolgozol, én aludni fogok – While you are working, I will bee sleeping. rendszeres cselekvések átmeneti, vagy ideiglenes végzésekor
pl,: A bátyám most Londonban dolgozik. – My brother is working in London ha a rendszeres cselekvés csak átmeneti, ideiglenes pl.: Minden reggel kávét iszom, de ma teázom – Every morning I drink coffee, but today I am having tea. 4 Vannak igék, amiket folyamatosan nem használhatunk, de ha mégis előfordulnak, más a jelentésük. Csoportosításuk: 1) Gondolkodást, véleményt kifejező igék: understand, remember, think expec (gondol, vél), agree (egyetért) 2) Érzelmet kifejező igék: like, dislike, love, hate, adore (imád), forgive (megbocsájt), want, wish 3) Érzéki észlelést kifejező igék: feel, see, smell (szagol), hear, taste (ízlel) (Ezeket a can segédigével használjuk leggyakrabban.) 4) Birtoklást kifejező igék: to have, own, belong to (tartozik v.mihez, vkihez), possess (birtokolni) 5) Egyéb igék: matter (számít), mind, contain (tartalmaz) • Időhatározói: - at moment (ebben a pillanatban) - now (most) -while (mialatt) -at the
moment (ebben a pillanatban) -now (most) Tiltó listás igék: érzékelést, érzelmeket, gondolati dolgokat jelentő igéket nem teszünk folyamatos igeidőbe –see-lát, hear-hall, notice-észrevesz, love-szeret, hate-utál, want-akar, understandmegért, know-tud,ismer stb. Birtoklást kifejező igék: have-birtokol, own-saját, possess-birtokol Létige: be 5 • • • • A cselekvés idõszakos vagy eltérõ a megszokottól (The actions is temporary.) I usually drink milk but now Im drinking coffe A cselekvés a közel jövõbentörténik (The actions is going to happen in the near future.) Are you coming with us to the store? A cselekvés a beszéd pillanatában történik (Actions that are happening at the time of speaking/writing.) Im speaking now A cselekvés tervezett (Future actions that are planned) She is traveling to Moscow next week. Example Past Present Futur e x x x I am eating dinner. We are playing a game. My sister is going to Paris next week. The
girls are not doing there homework. Are you coming with us to the store? x x Present Continuous Tense Chart + - ? Subject Auxuilly Verb Main Verb I am going We are playing ball. She is eating dinner. I am not reading the newpaper. You are not cooking dinner. He is not watching the movie. Am I going to the store with you? Are you fixing the car? Is she cleaning 6 to the store. the house today? PRESENT PERFECT: • Képzése: have/has + V3 pl.: He has already seen this film She hasn’t benn to New York Where have you been so far? • Használata: olyan cselekvésre használjuk, amely a múltban kezdődött, de a jelenben is tart (hat), illetve éppen most fejeződött be pl.: 3 éve itt lakom – I have lived here for 3 years pl.: Éppen most érkeztem meg – I have just arrived valamilyen látható, érezhető eredménye van a jelenben pl.: Megebédeltem – I have had lunch pl.: Bezárta az ablakot – He has closed the
window / Nem az a fontos, hogy mikor történt a cselekmény, hanem, hogy megtörtént ,és van eredménye. De ha megadom a cselekmény időpontját, akkor egyszerű múlt időt kell használnom./ I had lunch at noon He had closed the window 5 minutes ago. A cselekvés még nem történt meg, de megtörténhet. pl.: Még nem olvastam ezt a könyvet – I haven’t read this book yet nem tudjuk, mikor történt a cselekvés. csak azt tudjuk, mikor kezdődött és tartott a jelenig, vagy mennyi ideig tartott a jelenig pl.: Hétfő óta nem találkoztunk – Since Monday we have not met Három napja nem olvastam újságot. – For three days I have not read a newspaper Future Perfect helyett jövő idejű időhatározói alárendelt összetett mondatokban pl.: Amint hazaérsz, én majd elolvasom a könyved – As soon as you have got home, I will read your book. 7 • Időhatározói: - not yet (még nem) - yet? (már) - already (már) - just (éppen most) - often
(gyakran) - never (soha) - ever (valaha) - lately, recently (mostanában, nemrég, múltkor) - still (még mindig) - today, this week, this morning (ha még délelőtt van) - for, since (óta) for 3 years (időtartam), since 1994 (időpont) - so far, untill now, till now, upto now (mostanáig) /- it is the first time (ez az első alkalom, hogy) - in the last 10 days (az utóbbi 10 napban)/ Since + időpontot kifejező szerkezet, szó: megnevezett időpont. Monday, January, spring alkalom: accident (véletlen esemény, baleset) cselekvés, ami időpontban történt (Simple Past-ban): we went home 0 last-os kifejezések előtt: last week, last month For + időtartamot kifejező szerkezet szó: kisebb időmértékegységekre felosztható időmértékegység: hour, minute, year bizonyos kifejezések: for a long time, for ages the last-os kifejezések előtt: for the last week Kapcsolat van a múlttal (There is a connection with the past.) I have broken my
leg. A cselekvés pontos idejét nem tudjuk (The exact time of the action is not known.) 8 "For" vagy a "since" használata, ha a cselekvés idejét akarjuk kifejezni. ("For" and "since" can be used to state the time of the action.) I have lived in Budapest for 2 years A cselekvés még nem fejeződött be a beszéd időpontjában (The action is not completed at the time of speaking/writing) She has worked since 2 oclock. She will finish work at 8 (at the moment is 4) A cselekvés az előtt történt, hogy vártuk volna. (The action happened before you expect.) A cselekvés már sokszor megtörtént és újra megfog történni. (The action has been repeated numerous time, and is expected to be repeated in the future.) Example Past Present Future I am not hungry. I have eaten at the school cafeteria. I have learned English since 1956. We have not known her for very long. Have you been to China? Has she finished collage?
x x x x x x x x x x Present Perfect Tense Chart + - ? Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb I have lived We She I have has have not played played lived You have not lived He Have has I not lived gotten Have you learned Has she cleaned 9 in that house for 2 years. football for 2 years. outside for an hour. here for a long time. with my parents for over 10 years. here for many years. any mail today? English for a long time? the house for a long time? Folyamatos jelen idő PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: • Képzése: have/has been + V ing • Használata: olyan cselekvésre használjuk, amely a múltban kezdődött, a jelenben is tart, illetve folytatódik pl.: Két órája alszik – She has been sleeping for 2 hours ha jelen pillanatban már befejeződött a cselekvés, de előtte tartósan folyt. pl.: Már 2 órája rád várok – I have been waiting for you two hours az eredmény kézzelfogható, szembetűnő, bár maga a cselekmény már
nem tart, előzménye van a cselekvés már egy egy ideje tart, de nem záródott le a jelenben, hanem továbbtart pl.: Már két órája várom a barátaimat – I have already been waiting for my friends for two hours a cselekvés ugyan már lezáródott, de hangsúlyozottan nem régen, az eredménye szorosan kihat a jelenre, feltűnően érzékelhető pl.: Nagyon fáradt vagyok, egész nap dolgoztam – I’m very tired I have been working all day. haragvást fejezhetünk ki egy tapasztalt cselekvés miatt pl.: Valaki használta a fogkefémet – Somebody has been using my toothbrush. • Időhatározói: - since - for -all day A cselekvés a multban kezdõdött és a beszéd pillanatában még mindig tart. (The action started in the past and The action continued at the time of speaking/writing) I have been waiting at the busstop for 2 hours and Im very angry. • • • Vagy a cselekvés éppen a beszéd pillanatában fejezõdik be. (or the action just finished at the
time of speaking/writing) A "how long" kérdésre való válaszadáskor. (The statement answers "how long" an action has been happening). A cselekvés megszakításokkal folytatódott. (The action has happened continuously with stopping.) 10 Past Present I have been waiting for my teacher for 1 hour. We have been learning English since the age of three. They have not been playing basketball for a long time. My sister has not been living in China for many years. Has your house been racing for a long time? Have you been living in that has since you have been married? x x x x x x x x x x x x Future Present Perfect Continuous Tense Chart Subject Auxiliary Verb + I have - ? Auxiliary Verb been We have been She has been I have not been You have not been He has not been Have I been Have you been Has she been Main Verb living in this house since I was a baby. playing football for 2 years. playing outside for an hour. living
here for a long time. living in with my parents for over 10 years. living here for many years. making a lot of noise? learning English for a long time? cleaning the house for a long time? 11 Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense A cselekvés nem volt folyamatos (to A cselekvés folyamatos state an action that was not continuous volt (to state an action that or was interpreted) is continuations) • A cselekvés A cselekvés idõ mennyiségének idõhosszúságának kifejezésére (to state the amount of kifejezésére (to state the times an action took place) length of time or to state "how long" the action took place.) Past Simple Tense with the Verb "to be" Chart I We Auxiliary Verb was were She was I You was were not not He was not Was Were I you Was she Subject + - ? short as a child. in New York last week. the top student in her class. tall as a child. funny last night. happy about failing the test. a lot of fun as a
child? the tallest in your class? a good runner in hight school? Egyszerű múlt- Simple Past PAST SIMPLE: • Képzése: V2 Kérdés tagadás esetén a did segédige használatos. 12 She went home. She didn’t go home Where did she go /Ha did van a kérdésben/tagadásban akkor V1 vagyis szótári alakban van az ige Használata: egy múltban történt esemény elmondásakor, illetve meséknél használjuk (elbeszélői stílus) pl.: Yesterday I went home, had dinner and I watched TV a cselekmény a múlt egy időpontjában befejeződött ha a cselekvés időpontjára kérdezünk pl.: When did you see this film? rendszeres vagy pontszerű cselekvés a múltban pl.: Tavaly minden héten felhívtalak – Last year I phoned you every week. elbeszélő múlt- a cselekvéseket felsoroljuk, időrendi sorrendben elmeséljük pl.: Reggel felkelt, letusolt, majd megreggelizett – In the morning he got up, had a shower and had his breakfast. ha a cselekvés a
múltban megtörtént, de ma már nem: USED TO, WOULD (a used to, would után szótári alak V1) segédige használatos pl.: Valaha tejet ittam vacsorára, de ma már teázni szoktam- I used to have milk for supper, but now I have milk. USED TO: létigével jelenik meg WOULD: rendes igék, cselekvés, történés Függőn beszédben ’’lenyomott igeidőként” a Simple Present helyett pl.: ’He loves music’ –she said She said he loved music Feltételes jelenben az if- es tagmondatban Ha a helyedben lennék- If I was/were you • Időhatározói: - yesterday (tegnap) 13 - yesterday morning/ afternoon/ evening - last night/ year/ week (múlt/éjjel/ évben/ héten) - in November - in 1995 -in the morning -on Monday - 2 days ago (2 napja) - at Easter, at Christmas (húsvétkor, karácsonykor) - for . years ( évvel ezelőtt) 1. Az esemény a múltban történt (The action happened in the past) Yesterday I went to the zoo. 2. Az esemény, cselekvés a beszéd
pillanatában már befejezõdött (The action/event is completed /finished at the time of speaking.) 3. Az idõ és hely már ismert (The time or/and place is stated or understood) 4. A cselekvés, esemény idõhossza nem fontos (The length of the event/action is not important.) Példák (Examples): 1. I went to the school 2. We did not not to the English class today 3. They did eat lunch at school Az alábbi idõhatározók kapcsolódnak hozzá. (In English, following phrases are often used with the Past Simple Tense to define time): yesterday last year last night two years last month ago many years ago a long time ago Past Simple Tense Chart Subject + Auxiliary Verb Main Verb lived played I We 14 in New york. football. - ? She I You did did not not played live live He did not live Did Did I you receive learn Did she clean outside. in New York. in London in a big house as a child. a letter in the mail? English in school? the house everyday or once a week?
http://www.angoltananyagokhu/grammar/indexhtmlPAST CONTINUOUS Folyamatos múlt • Képzése: to be múlt idejű ragozott alakja (was, were) + V ing He was walking. He wasn’t walking Was he walking? • Használata: a múlt adott időpontjában végbemenő tartós cselekvés kifejezésére pl.:I was watching TV at 3 o’clock yesterday 2 múlt idejű cselekvés közül a tartósabb kifejezésére pl.: Éppen fürödtem, amikor hazajött az anyukám – I was having a bath, when my mother came home. pl.: Hazafelé sétáltam, amikor elkezdett esni a hó – I was walking home, when it started to snow. a múltban párhuzamosan folyó, egyaránt tartós cselekvések megjelölésére pl.: Levelet írtam, amikor ő a házi feladatát csinálta – I was writing a letter, when he was doing his homework. a múltban huzamosabb ideig tartó cselekvés 15 pl.: Egész nap esett – It was raining all day ha a múltbeli cselekvés tartós volt, s ez
fontos Tegnap egész délután tanult.- Yesterday he was learning all afternoon viszonyított igeidőnként, egy pontszerű cselekvéshez képest tartós volt a másik cselekvés Amikor bejött, mindenki aludt. – When he came in everybody was sleeping. viszonyított igeidőnként, két párhuzamos, tartós cselekvés a múltban Amíg énekeltem, Tom gitározott.- While was singing Tom was playing the guitar függő beszédben igeidőnként a Present Continuous helyett ’He is sleeping.’, she said – She said he was sleeping • Időhatározói: - all day/ night/ (the) morning (egész/nap/ éjjel/ reggel) - from.to/till/ until (tólig) - for the whole of March (egész márciusban) - all the last week (egész múlt héten) - while.and (mialatt, amíg) • Különleges használata: az always határozószóval a múltban gyakran ismétlődő és a beszélőt ezáltal bosszantó cselekvést fejez ki to be going to= want to • A esemény, cselekvés egy meghatározott
időpontban történt. (the action happened at a specific time.) We were studying English yesterday at 10:00. the action happened at a specific time - "10:00" • A cselekvést valami megszakította. (there was an interruption while performing the action.) I was eating dinner when the phone rang. "eating" is the action was being performed "the phone rang" is the action that interruped. • Két esemény egy időben történt (two actions were happening at the same time.) While I was eating my sister was working. Example I was eating dinner when the phone rang. We were studying English yesterday at 10:00. The dogs were not playing in the yard when something ate your flowers. Were you sleeping when I called last Past Present Future the action happened at a specific time "when eating dinner". x x x x 16 night? Was your mother cooking all night? x Past Continuous Tense Chart + - ? Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb
I was going We were playing ball yesterday morning. She was eating dinner when someone came to the door. I was not reading the newspaper all day yesterday. You were not doing He was not sleeping Was I going to go to you to the store? Were you fixing the car while it was raining? Was your mother sleeping 17 to the store when she called. your homework when I checked on you. when I went into his room. when I called this morning? PAST PERFECT: • Képzése: had + V3 He had met He hadn’t met Had he met? • Használata: olyan cselekvést jelöl, amely a múlt egy adott időpontja előtt történt két múlt idejű cselekvés közül azt jelöli, amely már befejeződött, mikor a másik elkezdődött a cselekvés a múlt egy pontjára befejeződött, eredménye lett Tegnap ötre elolvastam a könyvedet. – Yesterday by five I had read your book. két múlt idejű cselekvés közül fontos, hogy az egyik előbb történt mint a
másik Mielőtt hazament, vett egy pár cipőt. – Before he went home he had bought a pair of shoes. Függő beszédben lenyomott igeidőként a Present Perfect vagy a Simple Past helyett Feltételes mód múlt időben az if- es tagmondatban Ha a helyedben lettem volna - If i had been you. • Időhatározói: - by the time (mire, mikorra) - as soon as (amint, mihelyt) - after (miután) 18 - before (mielőtt) -yesterday by five (tegnap ötkor) -until (míg) pl.: Mire megérkeztek a vendégek, már megvacsoráztunk- By the time the guest arrived, we had had dinner. pl.: Amint a barátai megitták az összes bort, elmentek – As soon as his friends had drunk all the wine, they left. pl.: Miután kijött a moziból, bement a boltba – After he had left the cinema, he went into a shop. pl.: Bezártam az ajtót, mielőtt lefeküdtem – I had locked the door, before I went to bad. • • Két múltbeli esemény, cselekvés sorendjének kifejezésére. ( to clarify the
order of two past non-continuous events) Ez egyik cselekvés, esemény a másik előtt történt. (to state a past action was completed before an other action) 1. Két múltbeli esemény, cselekvés sorendjének kifejezésére ( to clarify the order of two past non-continuous events). o Ez elsőnek történt esemény , cselekvés kifejezésére a past perfectet használjuk (The first action uses the simple past perfect tense) o Az utánna történt esemény, cselekvés kifejezésére pedig a Simple past (The second action uses that past simple tense.) o Examples: I wasnt hungry when I came home from school. I had eaten on my way home from school. We had already left for school, when I found out that the my English class was cancelled. 2. Ez egyik cselekvés, esemény a másik előtt történt to state a past action was completed before an other action o I was very tired when my friends came to pick me up. I had worked all day o We slept only a few hours, when we had to wake up
to go to school. [AD] Simple Past Perfect Tense Chart + - Subject Auxiliary Verb Main Verb I had stamped your letter, and then sent it for you. We had read the books form the library, and returned them last week. She had played I had not lived in New York, before, I moved to Paris. You had not studied very much, that is why you failed your test. He had not eaten all day, so when he got home was hungry. 19 outside for an hour. ? Had the dog gone to the vet. He was very sick for last week. Had you called your teacher. She left you a message a few days ago. Had she cleaned the house yesterday, because we had a party. PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: • Képzése: had been + V ing • Használata: olyan cselekvést jelöl, amely a múltban kezdődött, és egy későbbi cselekvés megindulásáig vagy még azon túl is folyamatosan, megszakítás nélkül tartott. pl.: Amikor Mr White 1980-ban az iskolába érkezett, Mr Black már 5 éve itt
tanított. – When Mr White came to the school in 1980, Mr. Black had already been teaching here for 5 years pl.: 3 órai vezetés után megálltak ebédelni – After they had been driving for 3 hours, they stopped for lunch. Egy korábbi cselekvés eredménye kézzelfogható, szembetűnő a múlt egy adott időpontjában, bár a cselekvés abban a pillanatban már befejeződött pl.: Barnák voltak, mert napoztak – They were braun, because they had been sunbathing. pl.: Vizes volt, mert az esőben ácsorgott – He was wet, because he had been standing in the rain. a cselekvés a múlt egy pontja előtt már elkezdődött, de nem zárult le, továbbtartott 20 Mikor hazaértél, én már órák óta zongoráztam. – When you got home I had already been playing the piano for hours Függő beszédben ’’lenyomott igeidőként” a Present perfect Continuous és a Past Continuous helyett Jellemző határozók: for, since, before, after 1. Egy múltbeli esemény,
cselekvés előtt egy másik esemény cselekvés folyamatosan történt (The past perfect continuous tense is used to state the first action had been happening over a period of time, when more then one or more actions occurred) o When 2 actions happened in the past, the past perfect continuous tense is used to clarify which action happened first. Az elsőnek történt esemény, cselekvés kifejezésére a past perfect contimuus használjuk (The first action is clarified by using the past perfect continuous tense.) A második cselekvés kifejezésére pedig a Past simple (The second action is clarified by using the past simple tense.) o Examples: Mary looked tired. I could see that she had been studying for her English test recently. The children were soaking wet. I knew they had been swimming in the lake. 2. Sokszor következtetések levonásakor is használjuk (The past perfect continuous tense is used to make conclusions.) o Examples: There was a leak in the
pipes, that is why the water bill had been getting higher and higher each month. The teacher looks very tired. She has been marking test all day 3. Sok esetben a Past perfect és Past continuous felcserélhető (There are many cases where the past perfect continuous tense can be interchangeable with the simple past perfect tense.) o Examples: I had slept all night. - past perfect simple tense I had been sleeping all night. - past perfect continuous tense I have lived in this house many years. - - past perfect simple tense I have been living in this house for many years. - past perfect continuous tense A "how long" kérdésre való válaszadáskor. ( The past perfect continuous tense can be used to answer the question "how long".) o Examples: How long had you been waiting for the bus to come? How many year had you been studying to be a teacher? Past Perfect Continuous Tense Chart + Subject Auxiliary Verb Auxiliary Main Verb Verb I
had been studying We had been cleaning 21 really all night. I was really tired. all week, before my mother came to visit. - ? been playing not been sleeping had not been studying He had not been eating Had I been making Had it been raining Had she been cleaning She had I had You outside for hours. She needed to take a shower. for the last few days, so I went to the doctor. very much before your test, that is why you failed. for the last few day. She lost a lot of weight. a lot of noise, while you were sleeping? all night, because it is all wet outside.? the house last week. Simple Future – Egyszerű jövőidő FUTURE SIMPLE: • Képzése: shall (E/1)/ will (T/1) + V1 pl.: They will work They will not work Will they work? • Használata: egyszerű vagy pontszerű cselekvés kifejezésére jövő időben pl.: A barátom holnap reggel fog megérkezni – My friend will come tomorrow morning. jövőre vonatkozó ismétlődő vagy
szokásos cselekvés pl.: Újra jön a tél – Winter will come again jellemzi az alanyt pl.: Jó tanár lesz belőle – He will make a good teachar kifejezheti a beszélő véleményét 22 pl.: Azt hiszem otthon találjuk – I think we will find him at home ígéret kifejezésére pl.: Várni fogok rád – I will wait for you a sajtó, rádió hivatalos nyelvében tervbe vett jövőidőt fejez ki pl.: A miniszter holnap meg fogja nyitni az új repteret – The Prime Minister will open the new airport tomorrow SHALL- E.sz/1 és Tsz/1sz kötelező, ha -felajánló cselekvésről van szó: Kinyissam az ablakot?-Shall I open the window? -bizonytalan a cselekvés a jövőben: Itt fogunk lakni?-Shall we live here? -Javaslattétel:Elmenjünk moziba?-Shall we go to the cinema? minden más személyben -durva parancs esetén: Te el fogsz mosogatni!-You shall do the washing up! -Ígéret esetén- A fiam majd segít. – My son shall help you WILL- E.sz/1sz és
Tsz/1sz esetén kötelező, ha -erős akaratot fejezünk ki: El fogok utazni. – I will travel -ígéret jellegű cselekvés esetén: Én majd megcsinálom helyetted. – I will do it for you. Minden más személyben Will használatos a jövő kifejezésére • Időhatározói: - tomorrow (holnap) - the day after tomorrow ( holnap után) - next month/ year/ week (jövő hónapban/ évben/ héten) - then (majd) - soon (hamarosan) - when.? (mikor) - in 2 weeks (2 hét múlva) - in a few days (néhány nap múlva) • Különleges használata: shall: ( tanács, utasítás, vélemény) will: (udvarias kérés) 1. Future Simple Tense is used: o A jövöbeli cselekvést a beszéd pillanatában döntjük el (to make decisions that are made at the time of speaking) We will eat dinner today at 6:00PM 23 o o o o o We will clean your room this week. to state desire or willingness for something or someone The girls will be happy to go on holiday for a few weeks.
I will be happy to help you today. Tények a jövõrõl (to state a fact about the future) My teacher will be happy, the whole class passed the test. The phone bill will be very very high, my father will be very upset. Jövõbeli esemény, cselekvés elõrejelzése (to predicate a future event or action) I think it will rain this afternoon. My sister will be a great teacher. Hivatalos állítás a jövõre nézve (to make a formal statement about a future action or event) The president will make a public announcement on Tuesday at 8:00PM. The school will be closed for a few days. Felajánlás (to make suggestions or state ideas) o Will you come with me to the store? You will do your homework now. Positive Sentences Subject + Auxiliary + Main Verb Verb "will" + base form of the verb + I, We, They, You, He, She, It Singular Nouns + Plural Nouns Uncountable Nouns will + Continue the Sentence Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I will be at
school to today. They will go to the doctor tomorrow. My dog will come home this evening. Your coffee will be cold if you dont drink it. The girls will be home at ten. Negative Sentences Subject + I, We, They, You, He, She, It Plural Nouns + Singular Nouns Uncountable Nouns Auxiliary Continue the Verb + Not + Main Verb + Sentence "will" will + not + Examples: 1. I will not be at school to today 24 base form of + the verb 2. 3. 4. 5. They will not go to the doctor tomorrow. My dog will not come home this evening. Your coffee will not be hot if you dont drink it. The girls will not be home at ten oclock. Questions Auxiliary + Verb "will" Will Subject + I, we, they, you, he, she, it + plural nouns + singular nouns uncountable nouns Main Verb + base form of the verb + Continue the Sentence Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Will I have time to go to the store? Will you be home next week? Will your friends help you clean your room latter? Will there be hot
water when I come home tonight? Will someone buy some milk and cheese? Folyamatos jövő FUTURE CONTINUOUS: • Képzése: will/ shall + be+V ing He will be working. He will not be working Will he be working? • Használata: egy adott jövő időpontban, folyamatban lévő cselekvést fejez ki pl.: Holnap ilyenkor úszni fogok a tengerben – At this time tomorrow, I will be swimming in the sea. ha a cselekvés a jövőben tartós lesz és ez fontos pl.: Holnap ilyenkor aludni fogok – This time tomorrow I will be sleeping a jövőbeli cselekvés nagyon bizonyos, szinte már látom bekövetkezni pl.: Mindjárt jön a postás – The postman will be coming soon viszonyított igeidőként, ha egy pontszerű cselekményhez képest tartós lesz a cselekvés 25 pl.: Amikor hazaérsz, én főzni fogok – When you get home, I will be working. viszonyított igeidőnként – ha egy másik párhuzamosan zajló cselekvéssel egyidőben fog történni a
cselekvés pl.: Amíg te alszol, én dolgozni fogok – While you are sleeping I will be working. Jellemző határozók: this time tomorrow, while, all day tomorrow 1. Folyamatos cselekvés a jövőben (to emphasize an action or an event that will be in progress at sometime in the future.) o Next week we will be sking in the mountains. o Tomorrow my parents are coming to visit out new house. 2. Tervezett cselekvés a jövőre nézve (The future continues tense is used for events or activitys that are planned for a future time.) Positive Sentences Subject + Auxiliary Continue AuxiliaryVerb Main + Verb "to + + the "Will" Verb be" Sentence I, We, They, You, He, She, It Plural Nouns + Singular Nouns Uncountable Nouns will + be verb + +- + ing 1 Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I will be at that party on Monday night. You will be working for the next few days. The children will be starting school next week. My mother will be coming to the States next month. The storm
will be coming soon. Negative Sentences Subject + I ,We, They, You, He, She, It Plural Nouns + Singular Nouns Uncountable Nouns Auxiliary Auxiliary Main Continue the Verb + Verb "to + Not + Verb Sentence "will" be" will + be 26 + not verb + + -ing 1 Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. I will not be coming to work next week. I am on vacation. You will not be singing in the concert. The buses will not be running on Sunday, they are going on strike. My sister will not be going to Paris this summer. The wind will not be getting any stronger the storm is over. Questions Auxiliary + Verb "will" Will Subject + Auxiliary Main Continue Verb "to + + Verb the Sentence be" I, we, they, you, he, she, it plural nouns + + singular nouns uncountable nouns be + verb + + -ing 1 Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Will I be working this weekend? Will you be singing at the wedding tonight? Will we be sleeping in the hotel or at grandmas house? Will the dog
be coming with us on the trip? Will your sister be calling us from England this week? Going to Milyen esetekben, szituációkban használjuk: 1. Megtervezett események (Planed events) - A cselekvés előre megtervezett (When a future event that has been planed before the time of speaking.) • • • I am going to Mexico in a few days. We are not going to work next week. They are going to University next year. 2. Előrejelzés, ha tényeken alapul (Predictions - To make a future prediction based on facts). • • • There is going to be a really big storm in a few hours. The test next week is going to be really hard. The puppies are cute. I am sure someone is going to adapt them 3. Szándékossá kifejezésére (átvittértelemben) (Intentions - To state the something that is intended to take place in the future, in informal conversations.) • • • I am going to be a rich person someday. We are going to pass the test. The puppies are going to make a big mess in house. 27
Positive Sentence Main Auxiliary Verb Continue the + Verb "to + + "going Sentence be" to" + am + going to + Subject I We, They, You, + Plural Nouns He, She, It Singular Nouns + Uncountable Nouns are + going to + is + going to + Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I am going to be at school to today. They are going to the doctor tomorrow. My dog is going to come home this evening. Your coffee is going be cold if you dont drink it. The girls are going to be home at ten oclock. Negative Sentences Subject I, He, She, it Auxiliary Main Verb Continue the + Verb "to + Not + + "going to" Sentence be" + We, They, You + Plural Nouns Singular Nouns + Uncountable Nouns am + not + going to + are + not + going to + is + not + going to + Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. I am not going to be at school to today. They are not going to the doctor tomorrow. My dog is not going to come home this evening. The girls are not going to be home at ten oclock.
Questions Auxiliary + Verb "To be" Am + Are Is Subject + I, we, they, you, plural nouns uncountable nouns he, she, it singular nouns + Main Verb "going to" going to + going to + + going to + Examples: 28 + + Continue the Sentence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Am I going to the hospital next week? Are you going to be home next week? Are your friends going to help you clean your room latter? Is there going to be hot water when I come home tonight? Is someone going to buy some milk and cheese? FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: • Képzése: shall/will have + V3 We will have made tea. He will not have made tea Will he have made tea? • Használata: olyan cselekvést fejez ki, amely a jövő egy adott időpontjában már befejezett lesz pl.: A hónap végére minden pénzedet el fogod költeni – By the end of this month you will have spent all your money. pl.: 2 óra múlva befejezzük ezt a munkát – We will have finished this work in 2 hours time a jövő egy
adott pontjára le fog záródni a cselekvés és eredménye lesz pl.: Holnap ötre elolvasom a könyvedet – Tomorrow by five I will have read your book két jövő idejű cselekvés közül az egyik lezáródik, mire a másik elkezdődik pl.: Mire kinyitod a szemed, készítek egy kávét – By the time you open your eyes, I will have made some coffe. 29 • Időhatározói: - by this time tomorrow ( holnap ilyenkorra) - in a few day’s time (néhány nap múlva) - in 2 years’ time (2 év múlva) 1. Ha a cselekvés, esemény a jövõben egy adott idõpontig befejezõdik Kifejezõ szavak: by, not, for, until (The future simple perfect tense often used with "by" and "not", "for" and "until" to state that the action or event will be completed at time in the future.) 2. Ha egy a cselekvés, esemény egy jövõbeli másik esemény, cselekvés elõtt befejezõdik. (To state an event or action that will finish before an other action
event in the future.) Szabályok: 1. A cselekvések nem folyamatosak (The future simple perfect tense is used for actions that are non continuous.) 2. Az idõpont meg van határozva (A specific time is usually stated or is understood.) 3. Gyakran idõhatározókkal használjuk: when while, by the time stb (The future simple perfct tense cant be used with "time claueses" such as when, while, "by the time", soon, before, after, if, unless, until etc.) Examples: 1. We will have worked at the school 25 years next week 2. My brother will be tired when he gets here, because he will have fl owen 12 hours. 3. The students will have finished all their exams tomorrow I sure they will be happy. Positive Sentences Subject Auxiliary Auxiliary + Verb + + Verb "have" "Will" I, We, They, You, He, She, It Singular Nouns + Plural Nouns Uncountable Nouns will have + Main Verb + Continue the Sentence V3 past + participle Examples: 1. On Sunday I have to
work late When I get home I will have eaten dinner 2. The test is in a week from tomorrow, I hope you will have prepared for it 3. Next week, we get our pay checks We will have gotten paid, and we can go out to dinner. 4. Please deliver the package after 6:00PM; I will have arrived home by then 5. I will have taken all of my exams in a week from today Negative Sentences 30 Subject Auxiliary Auxiliary + Verb + Not + Verb + "Will" "have" I, We, They, You, He, She, It Singular Nouns + Plural Nouns Uncountable Nouns will not Main Verb + Continue the Sentence V3/past participle have Examples: 1. On Tuesday I will leave at 8:00 in the morning, but will not have gotten to work in time for the meeting. 2. My sister is coming to visit next week I will not have moved into my new house by then. 3. Next year I will not have seen my brother for 2 years 4. In I few weeks, the plants will not have grown enough to pick the fruit 5. Next month, I will not have worked
long enough to get the bonus check Questions Auxiliary Verb + "Will" Will Subject Auxiliary Continue the + Verb + Main Verb + Sentence "have" I, we, they, you, he, she, it + singular nouns + plural nouns uncountable nouns have + V3/past participle Examples: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Will I have worked here long enough to get a bonus check? Will you have saved enough money to come see me next year? Will the car have been fixed, by the time I come home from work? Will the train have arrived, by the time the time I finish work? Will the children have gone to sleep, when I call tonight? • 31 FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS: • Képzése: will have been + V ing • Használata: olyan cselekvést fejez ki, amely a jövő egy adott időpontja előtt kezdődött, és folyamatosan tartott addig az időpontig, vagy azon túl is pl.: Jövőre lesz 10 éve annak, hogy ennél a vállalatnál dolgozom – Next I year will have been working to this company for 10 years. a
jövőben egy ideje már zajlik a cselekvés és nem záródik le (ritkán használt igeidő) pl.: Holnap lesz öt éve, hogy autót vezetek – Tomorrow I will have been driving for five years Jellemző határozó: fortomorrow IN, AT, ON 32 At On In Időpont (a specific time) Napok, dárumok (days and dates) Évek, hónapok, évszakok at 2:00 on my birthday in a few days at lunchtime on the first day of the school year in a couple of months at 4:00 AM on 11/10/90 in the summer (period of time - years, months, seasons ) Kivételek o o o o in the morning -because it is considered a period of time in the afternoon in the evening at night - Időhatározó szavak Prepositions of time Időhatározó szavak (Prepositions of time) The following are the most common prepositions used in English to represent time: • • • • • • • • • • • after - I will be there after work. (után) around - We will be there around 3 PM (körülbelül) before - I will
be there before I go to school. (előtt) between - I will be there between 3 and 5. (között) by - I will be there by the time that you leave for work. (-ig) during - I will be there during your class. (az idő alatt) for - I will be there for your birthday. (ideig pl 5 hétig) past - I wasnt there for the past 2 months. (elmúlt) since - I didnt see her since I was 10 years old. (óta) until - I will not be home until 7:00 PM. (-ig) within - I will be there within 2 hours. (bizonyos időn belül) Helyhatározók (Prepositions of place) 33 Az alábbi prepozíciók hely meghatározásra szolgálnak (Prepositions of place are used to clarify a specific place. Place prepositions are used with all grammar tenses.) A prepoziciók jelentése sokszor módusulhat szövegtől, szituáciotól függően. Common Prepositions of Position • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • aboard - She is aboard the boat. above -
The picture is above the sofa. (felett) across - My house is across the street. (keresztűl, át) against - The desk is against the wall. (mellet) around - My house is around the block. at - Is your house at the end of the street. (-nál,- nél, -ban, -ben) at the back of - We are going to sit at the back of the theater. (végén) at the bottom of - The coins are at the bottom of the lake. (fenekén, alján) at the top of - The books are at the top of the shelves. (tetején) between - We sit between the two boys. (között) behind - The girls sit behind the two boys. (mögött) below - The desk is below the window (alatt) by - The books are by the door. (mellett) in - I live in the big green and white house. (-ban, -ben) inside - I live inside the big green house. (belül) on the corner of - We live on the corner of 3rd avenue in the middle of - We live in the middle of the street. (közepén) near - I dont live near the supermarket. (közelében) next to - I live next to my best
friend. (mellett) to the left of - The blue box is to the left of the green box. (balra) to the right of - The orange box is to the right of the yellow box. (jobbra) on - The sun heater is on the top of the building. (raja) on the side of - There is a big sign on the side of the house. (oldalán) on top of - There is a man on the top of the roof. (tetején) on the other side of - Do you see what is going on over there on the other side of the roof? (másik oldalán) opposite - The post office is on the opposite side of the street. outside - The car is outside the garsince (kint) under - The blanket is under the bed, in a box. (alatt) underneath - The pen is underneath the box. (alján) For/While/During FOR - For kifejezéssel fejezzük ki, hogy egy cselekvés, esemény mennyi ideig tartott. Tehát időhosszról beszélünk! (The preposition for is used to express how long something or someone is doing something. For is used to state a period of time For is used with a noun/pronoun (or
any other form of nouns) or a noun . o o o I have been riding my bicycle for 2 hours. The dog has been barking for a long time. The traffic has been bad for the last three days. While - Akkor használjuk, ha két cselekvés vagy esemény egyidőben történt. The preposition while is used to represent the length of time an action has been happening. While is used when speaking about 2 actions that are happing at the same time. The length of the action is not important. While is used with a subject and a verb. 34 o o o While I was playing with my dog, my sister was doing her homework. While we are playing cards, the radio was playing. My mother doesnt like the T. V on while we are eating dinner DURING - Időhossz kifejezésére használjuk. (The preposition during is used to represent the length of time of an action that is while the action is happening. ) During is used with a noun/pronoun (or any other form of nouns). o o o I will be really busy during the week. The kids
were sleeping during the party. The lights went out during the storm. "Than" is usually usually used after the comparative adjective. • The winter is colder than the summer. • cold - colder • The green hat is Egy szótagú szavak után -ersmaller than the • small - smaller t teszünk • tall - taller yellow hat. (-er is added to the end of a • Most basketball 1-syllable adjective) players are taller than me. • Kétszótagú szavak után, ha a szó -y-ra végződik, szintén -er (-er is added to the end of an adjective with 2 syllables, if the word ends in -y.) Ha a szó kétszótagú és nem y-ra végződik more-t használunk! ("more" is used for words that have 2 syllables, if the word doesnt end in -y. adjectives that end in -y, change the -y to i and add ed) • • • "e" betűre végződő szavakhoz, csak "r" betűt • • • • • • • "More"-t használunk, ha a szó két szótagnál több.
("more is used for words that have 3 or more syllables) early - earlier happy happier crazy - crazier • • • honest - more honest difficult- more difficult modern - more modern expensive more expensive difficult - more difficult comfortable more comfortable nice -nicer 35 • • I came home earlier than my sister. I am happier now than 1 year ago. My friend is crazier than me. The policeman are more honest than criminals. The last test was more difficult than the test today. Our generation is more modern, than our parents generation adunk. (adjectives that end in -e, only -r is added to end of the adjective) • safe -safer • adjective that end in a consonant, vowel, consonant - the last consonant is doubled • • • big -bigger fat- fatter hot -hotter • • My house is bigger than, my sisters house. My sister is fatter than me. The summer is hotter than the winter. Fokozás felsőfok English Superlative Adjectives Rules "-est"
teszünk az egy szótagú szavak után (-est is added to the end of an adjective1-syllable word) Két szótagból álló szavaknák, melyek "y"-re végződnek szintén "-est" teszünk. (Change the y to an -i.and add -est to the end of an adjective with 2 syllables, if the word ends in -y.) "most"-tal jelöljük a fokozást, ha a szó • • • • cold - coldest small - smallest tall - tallest • • early - earliest happy happiest crazy - craziest • • honest - most honest 36 • • • • • • This winter is the coldest, that I can remember. The green hat is the smallest hat in the store. I am the tallest, in my class Today is the earliest that I came home all week. She is the happiest, I have been seen her. I have the craziest dog, I have ever seen. The policeman are the most honest people that I 2 szótagból áll és nem "y"-ra végződik. • • ("most" is used for words that have 2 syllables, if
the word doesnt end in -y.) 3 szótagú vagy több szavaknál "most"-tal fokozunk "most is used for words that have 3 or more syllables "e"-re végződő szavaknál csak "st" adunk hozzá. (Adjectives that end in -e, only -r is added to end of the adjective.) Adjective that end in a consonant, vowel, consonant the last consonant is doubled and -est is added to the end of the adjective. • • • • • difficult- most difficult modern - more modern expensive most expensive difficult - most difficult comfortable most comfortable nice -nicest safe -safest • • • • • • • • • • • big -biggest fat- fattest hot -hottest • • know. The last test was the most difficult. Our generation is the most modern. That is the most expensive dress in the store. This problem is the most difficult, that I have had to solve in my life. These shoes are the most comfortable. Your family is the nicest that I have ever met. This car is
the safest on the market. My house is the biggest on the block. My sister is the fattest in the school. The summer is the hottest time of the year. A/an, some • This is an interesting book. o Common Error: This is a interesting book. • This is a unique experience. Lets enjoy it o Common Error: This is an unique experience. Lets enjoy it • Is this a hotel? o Common Error: Is this an hotel? • I always drink (some) water when I eat. o Common Error: I always drink a water when I eat. RULES 37 Use a 1. before a word that begins with a consonant o Id like a coke, please. 2. before a word that begins with u when the u is pronounced like the you in youth. o An inch is a unit of measurement. 3. before most words beginning with h EXCEPTIONS: hour, honest, heir(see below). o An honest person is a happy person. Use an 1. before a word that begins with a vowel sound o Id like an orange juice, please. 2. before the words hour, honest, heir where the h is not pronounced (see
above). o I will return in half an hour. Watch out! Dont use a or an before non-count* nouns like water, milk, money, etc. • I always have (some) money in my pocket when I go out. (*A non-count noun is a noun that we dont normally count. We dont normally say: "I have three moneys.") AS + ADJECTIVE + AS Tárgyak, személyek, helyek stb. összehasonlítása abban az esetben, ha nincs köztük különbség. (olyan-mint) (To compare people, places, events or things, when there is no difference, use as + adjective + as:) • Peter is 24 years old. John is 24 years old Peter is as old as John More examples: • • • • Moscow is as cold as St. Petersburg in the winter Ramona is as happy as Raphael. Einstein is as famous as Darwin. A tiger is as dangerous as a lion. 38