Commerce | Tourism » Anna Czimbalmos - Increasing market share and market awareness at go car tours Barcelona

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http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna BUDAPEST BUSINESS SCHOOL FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ECONOMICS COURSE Foreign economic enterprises specialization AVANS HOGESCHOOL INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL BREDA Faculty of International Management and Business INCREASING MARKET SHARE AND MARKET AWARENESS AT GO CAR TOURS BARCELONA General overview of market characteristics and market trends for sightseeing services in Barcelona, Spain. Internal and external marketing analysis for Go Car Barcelona, an innovative service provider offering sightseeing tours in unique GPSenabled motorized vehicles. Comprehensive marketing plan for Go Car Barcelona with specific promotional recommendations aimed at increasing market awareness and sales revenue. Prepared by Anna Czimbalmos Barcelona 2009 Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 2 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS

Anna Table of contents Executive summary.7 I. II. Introduction9 1. The nature of the study.9 2. The background of the study.9 3. The aim and objectives of the study.9 4. The structure of the dissertation.9 5. The summary of the introduction.10 Literature review.11 1. Introduction to tourism.11 2. Tourism in Europe.12 3. Tourism in Spain.12 A. Transportation13 B. Destinations13 4. Tourism in Barcelona.14 5. Recent developments in tourism worldwide.14 6. Marketing in the tourism sector.15 A. The marketing concept in tourism15 B. A marketing plan in tourism16 III. Consumer Behavior (Tourists in Barcelona).17 1. Introduction 17 2. General facts about tourism in Barcelona17 A. Tourists according to purpose of visit17 B. Tourists according to age18 3. Buyer motivation and expectations.18 4. Loyalty segments.18 5. Go Car’s customer profile18 6. Hungarian consumer (tourist) behavior analysis.19 7. Conclusion of the analysis.21 Increasing market share

and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 3 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna IV. Problem description.22 V. Internal analysis.22 VI. 1. Vision.22 2. Mission.23 3. Values.23 4. Targets and objectives.23 5. Products and processes.24 6. Management and organization .25 7. Technological developments26 External analysis.27 1. Market definition and size27 2. Market trends.27 3. Current economic situation.28 4. Porter’s five forces analysis.28 A. The competitive environment28 B. Threat of substitute products 30 C. Threat of new entrants30 D. Bargaining power of suppliers30 E. Bargaining power of suppliers30 F. Conclusions31 5. Porter’s Diamond: Competitive Analysis 31 A. Infrastructure31 B. Demand conditions31 C. Competitive advantages 32 D. Related and supporting industries32 E. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry32 6. Conclusion35 VII. SWOT Analysis.36 VIII. Confrontation matrix38 Increasing market share and market

awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 4 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna IX. General strategy to follow X. General marketing strategy to follow XI. Marketing tactics.40 1. Marketing mix40 A. Product41 B. Price41 C. Place41 D. Promotion41 a. Flyers42 b. Newspaper42 c. Online advertising42 d. Bloggers42 e. Mouth to mouth42 f. Personal selling43 g. Press43 h. Fairs43 i. Display promotion43 j. Additional promotions43 2. Marketing strategies44 A. The Treasure Hunt Tour44 B. Wheelchair friendly Go Car45 C. Hungarian agencies as new resellers45 D. Wizz Air46 3. Estimations and forecasts of new strategies47 4. Implementation plan48 A. Choice of best possible strategies48 B. Financial requirements and resources48 C. Implementation49 a. The Treasure Hunt Tour49 b. Wheelchair friendly Go Car49 c. Hungarian agencies as new resellers50 d. Wizz Air50 Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 5 http://www.doksihu Dissertation

submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna XII. Evaluation and conclusion.51 XIII. Recommendation52 XIV. Methodology53 1. Secondary research53 2. Primary research53 Appendix: Table 1: Most visited countries by international tourist arrivals.54 Table 2: International tourism receipts55 Table 3: Number of tourists and overnights in hotels.56 Table 4: Tourists according to purpose of visits.57 Table 5: Tourists according to age.58 Table 6: Destination of international trips .59 Table 7: Income of Go Car San Francisco .60 Table 8: Porter’s five forces analysis.61 Table 9: Pricing of rival companies.62 Table 10: Porter’s Diamond: competitive analysis.63 Table 11: Positioning of competitor companies.64 Bibliography:.65 1. Internet sources.65 2. Books66 3. Other sources67 Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 6 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna Executive Summary This document was created during my marketing internship at Go Car

Tours Barcelona, where the assignment was to create a marketing plan to increase the market share and market awareness thus increase sales. The company rents cars with a GPS guided sightseeing tours in Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona is a popular holiday destination, due to its sandy beaches, historical importance, and the beautiful Gaudi buildings. The city receives almost 7 million tourists a year and market is expected to grow as more young people come to Barcelona to the beach resorts next to Barcelona. The innovative sightseeing service of Go Car Tours Barcelona is suitable for this growing market sector. The objective of this document is to give advice for the management of Go Car Tours Barcelona to increase the market share and market awareness thus increases sales. Right now the market share is too low, as it is a young company. The aim is to double this year’s expected market share (0.06%) and sales (4500 tours) in 2010 The financial objective is for 2010 to reach and income

over $500,000. The market potential was measured and different marketing strategies were suggested to reach the goal. As far as the methodology concerns, the tourism in Europe, Spain and Barcelona were studied and also the recent developments worldwide and also the Hungarian travelling habits were investigated. An internal and external analysis was carried out, where the sightseeing market in Barcelona, and the substitute services were in examined. The untargeted segments were explored and the changes that have to be made to cover those sectors were explored. The expected outcome of this report and the marketing projects is to secure the market share gain in long term. The Treasure Hunt project increases the group sales by next summer, and fulfils the 100%of monthly group forecast which is € 10000. The wheelchair friendly Go Car project opens a new market segment for the company and the Hungarian Agencies and Wizz Air project increase the individual sales contribute to the income

gain for 2010. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 7 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna To conclude, I am convinced that the advised marketing actions are successful in long term by the increase of group reservations and more Hungarian tourists and the market share target of 0.13 % for 2010 will be reached The recommendation for the company is to use my advice on the general strategies, implement the suggested marketing projects and open more and more distribution channel and aim to get as much free marketing, free press as possible. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 8 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna I. Introduction 1. The nature of the study My dissertation is a marketing plan for Go Car Tours Barcelona. The company is active in the tourism industry and offers a GPS guided sightseeing tour by a Go car in Barcelona. 2. The background of the

study During the 7h semester of my International Business Studies I had to take part in an internship program at an international company. I was a marketing intern at Go Car Tours Barcelona for 20 weeks, and this is the reason why I decided to write about this topic. I choose this internship, as marketing studies were a major part of my college studies and I find this field fascinating, not to mention my interest in the field of tourism. It is an additional benefit that I have the opportunity to work in the tourism industry in Spain, which it is the second most visited country in Europe. 3. The aim and objectives of the study The general problem of the company is that the market share and market awareness of Go Car is too low, as it is a young company (the operation started in April 2008). The aim of my 5 month internship is to write a marketing plan and suggest marketing techniques which will increase the market awareness and market share and the sales of the company. 4. The

structure of the dissertation The dissertation consists of fourteen main parts. The literature review provides a theoretical background for my marketing plan. In this section I introduce tourism as notion and then write about the tourism in Europe, and in Spain in general followed by the recent developments in tourism worldwide. And I also introduce the habits of Hungarian tourist as far as the abroad trips concerns and finally the marketing in the tourism sector is presented. The following section goes into more detail to my Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 9 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna internship. First I describe the existing situation by analyzing the internal and external circumstances and as a result I create the SWOT and confrontation matrix and come up with the general strategies to follow and define the marketing objective. With the knowledge of all the previous data the marketing tactics are created.

Then the conclusion and the recommendations are shared as answer on the original problem description. The last part of the thesis is about the methodology of the research, as primary and secondary research was conducted. 5. The summary of the introduction The introductory chapter of the dissertation provides a general overview about the chosen topic. During this chapter it is explained why I have decided to write about this theme, stating the objectives and aims which is going to be proved during the dissertation. In the very last part of the first chapter the structure of the dissertation is summarized. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 10 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna II. Literature review This chapter provides a theoretical background to the understanding of the dissertation. First the term of tourism is defined and a general picture about tourism in Europe and the tourism in Spain in general is presented.

This section is followed by a chapter about the recent developments in tourism worldwide and at the end marketing in the tourism sector is presented. 1. Introduction to tourism Tourism is travel for leisure or recreational purposes or the supply and maintenance of services to support this leisure travel. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited". The motivation is to get away from the usual environment and usual activities. The terms tourist and tourism were first used as official terms in 1937 by the League of Nations. They defined tourism as people travelling abroad for periods of over 24 hours Tourism is vital for many countries, due to the large investment of money for businesses through services and different goods and

tourism provides the opportunity for employment in travel related services as well. These service industries include accommodation such as hotels and entertainment venues, transportation services such as taxis and buses, and also other hospitality industry services. The interest for tourism, as a global leisure activity is wide all around the World. The following table shows the 10 most visited countries of the World by number of travelers from 2006 to 2008 according to the World Travel Organization .( Table 1 in Appendix) The most visited country is France with 79.3 million international tourist arrivals in 2008. The USA received 58 million tourists the same year, and Spain is at the 3rd place with 57.3 million in 2008 So on European level Spain was the 2nd most visited country in 2008. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 11 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna 2. Tourism in Europe According to the United Nations World

Tourism Organization, tourism will be the most important service industry in Europe. It is already the most popular destination around the World, with the sector generating up to 12% of Gross Domestic Product, provides workplaces for 6% of the population, and 30% of external trade. Every 15th employee works in the tourism, which gives about 130 million people worldwide. As stated the forecasts the demand for tourism is expected to raise by around 50% by 2010, creating 2-3 million additional workplaces to the 9 million recently supported ones. Tourism also has a multiplication effect, which means that 1 tourist creates 8 workplaces on average. Any industry which is this large and expands so fast is going to cause in most of the cases environmental problems, and tourism is no exception. This industry is not just getting bigger, but the way, how people are going on holiday is also changing. The growing trend is favorable for people, who like to take shorter trips and to travel further

from home. As a result, environmental problems caused by transportation, such as pollution, are already significant and are expected to grow even faster in the future. During holidays and vacations people tend to consume more water and energy and they also produce more waste. Building second homes in getting more popular among Europeans, which requires more land than other accommodation types. Finally, most of these pressures are concentrated in a few small regions during a few weeks of the year, making dealing with these problems even more difficult. The Mediterranean coast is expected to see almost twice as many tourists in 2025 as in 1990. 3. Tourism in Spain Tourism, as an industry in Spain has developed during the final period of Francisco Franco’s dictatorship, when the country became a popular summer holiday destination, mostly for tourists from the United Kingdom, France, Germany and Scandinavia. Spain was the second most visited country after France in 2007 and the third

after France and the USA in 2008 according to the World Tourism Organization, which has its headquarters in Madrid. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 12 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna As for international tourism spending, Spain receives $61.6 billion from tourist spending (Table 2 in Appendix). A. Transportation Spain’s national airline is Iberia, but it is possible to fly into the country with a many international airlines and cheap flight companies such as Spanair, Air Europe, Vueling, Air Berlin, Wizz Air and charter airlines. B. Destinations Because of the mild climate Spain is a popular vacation destination during the whole year and attract tourist not just from North Europe and the Spanish sandy beaches are attractive for Spaniards too. The most popular summer resorts are: Costa Brava, the Costa Daurada and the Costa del Maresme in the autonomous community of Catalonia,; Costa del Azahar, Costa de

Valencia whose capital city is Valencia, The Costa Calida in Region of Murcia. The Costa de Almería, the Costa Tropical, the Costa del Sol and the Costa de la Luz, all in Andalucía. Some of its summer towns are worldwide famous, like Marbella or Sotogrande in San Roque, Cádiz, destinations of tourists with big purchasing power. Málaga is also one of the largest harbors in Spain. Spain also has two archipelagos, the volcanic Canary Islands, in the Atlantic, and the Balearic Islands, in the Mediterranean, both very popular with Spaniards and foreigners. The cultural tourism in Spain is also very trendy especially in cities like Seville, Granada, Córdoba and Toledo. Thirteen Spanish cities have been declared World Heritage Cities by the UNESCO: Alcalá de Henares, Ávila, Cáceres, Córdoba, Cuenca, Ibiza, Salamanca, San Cristóbal de la Laguna, Santiago de Compostela, Segovia, Tarragona and Toledo. Cultural tourism peaks on the two big metropolis of Spain: Madrid and Barcelona, both

with great historical importance. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 13 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna 4. Tourism in Barcelona Barcelona is recognized as a global city, it is the capital city of Catalonia and, situated in the north-eastern part of Spain. Located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, about 120 km. south of the mountain chain of the Pyrenees and the French border, bounded by the sea in the east, the coastal mountain range (Sierra de Collserola)in the west, the river Llobregat to the south and the Besos river to the north. The visitors are attracted because of the historical importance of the city and the famous Gaudi buildings and also because of the museums, churches, parks. The most popular sights are: Sagrada Familia, Colombus monument, Cathedral of Santa Eulalia, Park Güell, Font de Canaletes, La Rambla, Montjuïc and Camp Nou. Barcelona has six beaches that occupy more than 4.2 linear miles

coast The beaches are well connected and accessible within minutes from anywhere in the city. According to the Barcelona City Council, each year the city receives more than seven million tourists. This table shows the Number of tourists and overnights in hotels (Table 3 in Appendix). 5. Recent developments in tourism worldwide It is possible observe an up-market trend in the tourism during the last decades. This tendency can be easily measured especially in Europe where international travelers gladly spend short breaks. Tourists have higher levels of disposable income, they are better educated and they show more interest towards arts and culture. Nowadays there is an increase in demand for better quality products, which has resulted in divided mass market. People want more specialized versions for etc beach vacations, family-oriented holidays, or market-targeted destination hotels. The developments involves technological improvements and transport infrastructure such as airbuses and

low-budget airlines ensures that lower budget travelers can enjoy many types of tourism which were not affordable before. During the last decades there have been changes in lifestyle, such as there are retired-age people who can afford to travel and be tourist. The online booking and purchasing contributed to this process and some websites have now started to offer strong packaging. There are inclusive prices Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 14 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna within these customized packages created upon the clients’ requests. A couple factors are retaining tourism such as the September 11, 2001 attacks and terrorist threats to tourist destinations such as Bali and European cities which resulted in decreasing demand of some tourist destinations. Another big tragedy a tsunami on December 26, 2004 caused by the Indian Ocean earthquake, which affected Asian countries alongside the shores of the

Indian Ocean, and also the Maldives Thousands of citizens and tourists died and due to these occurrences the interest toward this tourist destination dramatically decreased. Since people are starting to realize that not appropriately planned tourism has destroying effect on communities, nowadays sustainable tourism is becoming more and more popular. In many developing countries the receptive tourism is often the most important economic activity in local Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and it is growing at a very rapid rate. Due to the increase in people’s disposable income in the last few years, vacation and second holidays become more popular. There are several popular combinations of tourist packages to the typical mass tourist resort, with either a winter ski holiday or city breaks. 6. Marketing in the tourism sector A. The marketing concept in tourism “Tourism marketing is a management philosophy that, in the light of tourist demand, makes it possible through research

forecasting and selection to place tourism products on the market the most in line with the organisation’s purpose for great benefits “(Coltman 1989). “Tourism Marketing is a directed, goal-oriented activity that balances the objective of the tourist destination or supplies within in, with the needs of tourists “(Coltman 1989). Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 15 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna B. A marketing plan in tourism To gain knowledge of the marketing plan in tourism several marketing books were studied (see bibliography). And marketing methods in tourism, tourism behavior and the method to write and implement a successful marketing plan were learnt. The marketing plan is a written essay which contains the actions to be taken to get from the existing situation to the desired place with the help of marketing projects. It starts with an executive summary which is a short summary of the long report.

It gives an idea about the whole report. Before developing any given marketing strategy it is important to analyze a company internally and externally. This study describes the current situation, the external part presents the given market situation the internal section is about the company inner circumstances. The SWOT analysis is crucial part of the marketing plan, as it helps to formulate the problem which has to be solved with the help of marketing strategies. The weakness, strength, threat and opportunity features are defined by the situational analysis. This part leads to the confrontation and this matrix includes the attack, defense, withdrawal and strengthening strategies next to the company’s general strategies. The previous section gives a clear idea what kind of strategy the company should follow to reach the defined goals. As a next step the marketing mix and the advised marketing tools are defined. Then the author evaluates and concludes the findings, and the

recommendation section serves as an answer on the original problem description. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 16 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna III. Consumer behavior (Tourists in Barcelona) 1. Introduction In this part the consumer behavior towards tourism in Barcelona is introduced. First, facts about the tourism in Barcelona in general are revealed, and then data of the number of tourists and their motive to visit the city, their origin and age are presented. Also the buyer motivation, expectations, and loyalty segments are mentioned. After the general situation was analyzed, Go Car’s Customer Profile is launched. Finally the habits of Hungarian tourist are introduced as far as the abroad trips concerns, and the reasons why Hungarian tourists would fit into Go Car’s consumer profile were highlighted. 2. A. General facts about tourism in Barcelona  7 million visitors a year  The 5th European

destination  2500 incentive events, seminars, conventions and conferences each year  Market: 2 million use the tour bus  Segment: 58.2% of visitors aged between 25 and 44 years  Climate: Average minimum temperature around 14 ° C  Sites of interest: at least 48 major Tourists according to purpose of visit (Table 4 in Appendix) The tourists who come here for vacation (42.3%) are the prior targets, but the people, who come to Barcelona for professional reasons (52%), are also potential clients, as they want a quick way to discover the city. The conferences are held in hotels, which are our resellers. Categorizing tourism in Barcelona is important to know the largest markets for visiting the city. Then the characteristics of each market will know how best to manage the service. In this case the 51% comes from Europe with an average stay of 2.16 nights, indicating that most tourism is given for a weekend This is interesting Increasing market share and market

awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 17 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna because the tourist to be a few days in the city requires a convenient and fun to visit the city. The Go Car business model fits perfectly to these needs B. Tourists according to age (Table 5 in Appendix) Go Car is characterized as an innovative product so age is an important factor as may be verified in the statistics of 2006 for 64.1% of tourists visiting Barcelona ranging from 25 to 44 year old target for this product. This is an opportunity for within the 7 million tourists who come to Barcelona for 64% are tourists and travel, seeking innovative ways to visit the city, financially stable and know when the city is much more demanding the product they choose. 3. Buyer motivation and expectations The buyer’s motivation is to discover Barcelona in a fast and fun way. The consumer expects the freedom, to choose the sights their own. As it is not a well known service yet, the

tourists usually do not know how much fun the tour is and after they are back, they cannot stop praising the tour and they say it was one of the best experiences of their life, and they would like to try it in different cities 4. Loyalty segments As the offered tours are covering all the famous sight of Barcelona the customers are taking the cars just once, but as we have a special promotion for returning customers (50% off) it often happens that the customers come back the next day and just drive around the city, or go shopping with the go car. 5. Go Car’s customer profile  Tourist in Barcelona, whether you visit for pleasure or business  The users age is 25 to 44 years, male or female  Social class: medium-high, high  Education and cultural level high and medium high Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 18 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna  With limited availability of time to see Barcelona

 Personality: modern, fashion, open, genuine, willing to try new things and take risks  Appreciate quality products and services  Highly sensitive to world trends This is an expected customer profile and based on the existing consumer profile in Go Car San Francisco and on the statistic figures of the official website of Turisme de Barcelona. That latter source shows the profile of the visitors of Barcelona according to the purpose of visit, age, nationality, number of tourist, average stay. And also psychological factors were taken into consideration and the attitude towards the prices, as in who can afford it. In view of all these factors was this consumer profile made The priority is to get and retain the position that Go Car is the most fun and effective way to discover the city and look for the product when travelling to other cities in Europe. This is the biggest gamble of Go Car and where we want is our business, succeed in creating a brand that retain consumers

to be a reference when visiting a city, our marketing efforts will be focused on this because we believe that Go Car is a trademark and product of long-term and continuous expansion. As now we are aware of the profile of the tourists in Barcelona and the Go Car customers, it can be stated that the 2 profile overlaps in many points .For example the majority (64,1 %) of the tourists visiting Barcelona are between 25 and 44 years old and Go Car users are the same age, and the tourists both professional and vocational motives are potential Go Car users. This means that the majority of the visitors in Barcelona are likely Go Car customers. 6. Hungarian consumer (tourist) behavior analysis In the following section I analyze the country from the outgoing tourism point of view. In this part I am presenting the latest survey of Hungarian tourist behavior towards vacations. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 19 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted

by CZIMBALMOS Anna Now the last survey (2005) of the Hungarian Tourism organization is presented. According to the analysis 53% of the inhabitants were on a holiday during the summer months and the majority of the travelers are between 18-40years. The Hungarian Tourism Organization distinguishes 3 different types of holidays, 1 day, few days and long vacations. One day getaway According to the Hungarian Tourism Organization survey the most popular destination for a 1 day vacation is Austria and 11.3% of the households in Hungary make the 1day trip abroad. The most popular destinations are Austria, (577%) Slovakia, (151 %) and Romania (11.4 %) As far as the motivation of the trips concerns city break ( 29,4%) is the most well-liked and it is followed by shopping (22,5%) and visiting family and friends (16,4). When Hungarians go on a holiday most of them (55,1% ) prefers to get information from tourist guide books, and some from past experiences of friends 50%, brochures 42,3 % and

internet 42%. Few days 23 Hungarian household out of 100 get to go abroad on a vacation for a few days. The most popular destinations are: Austria (19, 2 %), Italy (9, 4%) and Croatia (9%) The motives of the trips are mainly a beach vacation (28,1 %) visiting family and friends (15,1%) city tour (13,8%) and mountain getaway (11,4 %). The average period is 6, 95 nights and most of them were spent in July (21,8% ) August (28, 5%) and during the winter months less than 10% (9, 7 %). In case of the foreign holiday the most popular source of information was the brochures (52, 7%), and then the internet (52, 1%) and also the past experiences of friends (50, 3%). Long vacations 39 out of 100 Hungarian residents spend their main vacation abroad. The post popular destination last year was Croatia (15, 3%) and then Italy (13, 4%), Austria (11, 8%) and Bulgaria (6, 2%). Only 15, 3% of the trips were outside of Europe The main motives of these getaways were beach holidays (43,5%), city tour(15,2%)

visit of friends and Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 20 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna family (11,5%). Most tourists took their holiday in August (36,4%) , one third of the people choose the summer months and the average period spent was 8, 28 nights. When it comes to arranging the holidays and get more information, 23, 3 % of the Hungarians used the internet. 8, 5% used the World Wide Web for booking and 2,5% paid the expenses of the holidays on the internet. This table shows the planned destinations of Hungarian tourists and Spain is the 7th most popular holiday destination with 5 % (Table 6 in Appendix). 7. Conclusion of the analysis Hungarian tourists fit to Go Car profile as one of the main motives for Hungarian travelers is city tour and the age of the travelers are the same as he Go Car target customers. The target customers could be the category of Hungarians who take a few days or a long vacation. As

far as the few days holiday concerns 419 % chooses a city break or beach vacation and 50.8 % and most of them during July and August The potential Hungarian customers can go for a beach vacation in the holiday resorts around the city (Costa Brava for example) and visit Barcelona for one day, or enjoy the city and the beaches of Barcelona at the same time during the peak months of Go Car. 51% of Hungarian travelers get information from the internet, where Go Car is presented on much tourism related and social networking websites. 587 % of Hungarian holidaymakers take their long vacations on a beach resort or in a city Barcelona satisfies both needs, and 23, 3 % of them get informed and books on the internet. Spain is the fifth most visited country by Hungarian visitors and their travelling habits and profile fits into the Go Car’s customer profile. That is why I think Hungarian travelers are potential Go Car customers. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours

Barcelona 21 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna IV. Problem description The general problem of the company is that the market share and market awareness of Go Car is too low, as it is a young company (the operation started in April 2008). The aim of my 5 month internship is to increase the market awareness and market share and the sales of the company through my market project. The biggest competitor Barcelona Bus Turistic possessed 28, 6% of market share, and Go car only had 0.03% at the end of 2008. The rest of the market share is divided by small percentages among other companies. (For example: Barcelona walks has 0, 24% market share) This year the predicted market share is 0.06%, and the objective is to reach the market share of 013 % for 2010 by getting the hold of 1% of the customers of Barcelona Bus Turistic. In the essay a marketing plan is presented, which aims to increase market share and market awareness of the company. The aim of an analysis

is to introduce the company, measure the internal capabilities and learn the external situation. This examination will help to draw a conclusion and design the SWOT and confrontation matrix. V. Internal analysis The internal analysis helps to measure the potential of the organization. The company was analyzed internally and mission, values and corporate objectives were defined. The targets and the marketing, financial objectives were also explored. The product and processes and also the management and the organization were introduced in this section. At the end of this section the critical success factor and the development of technology was highlighted. 1. Vision The vision is to become the largest tourist sensation in Europe and North America .To see the transforming of the common form of tourism by providing a sample for the tourism industry. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 22 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS

Anna 2. Mission The company’s mission is to offer and to create a unique and innovative tourism product, which thereby meeting the needs of tourists and following market trends. The purpose is to make the tourists visit a unique and fun experience, providing a good quality 3. service. Values Professionalism: give the best to achieve customer satisfaction. Uniqueness and cost effectives: provide the customer with the best deal and a unique experience. Teamwork: support each team member Go Car and maintain good work environment. Honesty: having a clear and open with our customers, suppliers and partners. 4. Targets and objectives The company has marketing, financial and sales objectives. The marketing objective is to create a well established brand for Go Car by overcoming the barriers of city advertising by gaining market share. The market share in the first operating year was 0.03%; by the end of 2009 the expected market share is 005% The target for 2010 is to reach

0.13% To accomplish that, market segments were examined, which are not covered yet. The market share of the Barcelona Bus Turisme is 28, 58% and this company is the biggest player of the market. The rest of the 7142 % divided among the other competing companies by small shares. Due to the large initial investment, the company is partly financed with bank debt, for that reason the financial aim is to break even and then make a positive cash flow. Then company is able to pay back its liability, and make profit. In the matter of sales figures, this means that double the number (4500) this years tours. Barcelona Tourist Bus receives 2 million customers a year, a target to get 1% of their customers, so 20000 people which means 10000 extra tours. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 23 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna Go Car Barcelona would like to achieve the growth that Go Car San Francisco managed to do. Go Car now is in

the state that San Francisco was in 2004, and by 2011 the income should exceed $600,000 (Table 7 in Appendix). 5. Product and processes It is a room on wheels A trusted co-pilot. What is a Go Car? It is a tourist guide. A car that speaks. Go Car is a new concept of sightseeing. The small convertible cars are speaking, and take the customers on a tour around the city; the GPS-board audio system offers the driver the opportunity to visit the city and its attractions providing clear directions as well as relevant information about the city. The advanced navigation system (GPS) delivers an informative tour, highlighting specific locations around Barcelona while driving. It is installed in the car and set to the required language (English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Catalan). The GPS welcomes the tourists and the talks along the way. It tells you where to go; it talks to you about what you see, about the history and culture of the city. It offers you the choice between the

uptown and the downtown tour or the choice to return home .They have a very simple operation and are fun to drive Cars are approved for use on the cities, are fully equipped with direction indicators, brake lights, horn and headlights. The 49cc gasoline engine offers enough power to overcome the steep slopes. The Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 24 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna tourists can drive where the normal cars go with the speed limit of 50 km/h, and you can park it for free where the scooters park. The minimum is an hour tour and then the time charged in 5 minute increments. 1st hour: 35 € 2nd hour: 25 € Each additional hour 20 € More than 4 hours No further charge All day 99 € The tour price covers:  One full fuel tank  Unlimited mileage  Two registered drivers  Insurance (additional collision damage waiver is available)  IVA (VAT) The offered tours:, Uptown

tour, Downtown tour, One Hour Explorer, All Day 6. Management and organization The company is co-owned by 3 people, and all of them take part in the decision making process and the managing of the company. The tasks are divided, Damien Harris is responsible for the individual marketing and he is the technological expert of the company and he keeps in touch with the suppliers. He also takes care of administrative tasks and he creates and explores the new routes. Stephan Johnston is in charge of all the financial matters and Ben Mc Comb is responsible for the documentation of all operation. The marketing manager, Patricia Vargas is responsible for the B2B marketing, she is in touch with the travel agencies, hotels and arranges the group bookings and deals with the special requests of groups. She is also is in charge of the marketing projects, which are given to the interns. What happens is that she has a list of projects that she spreads among the interns and when the interns take over

she explains the tasks, sets up a Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 25 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna deadline, and when the tasks are ready, then the interns get a new task and new deadline to meet. The shop managers are responsible for everything that happens in the shop and they also take care of the groups. The mechanics take care of the cars and GPS units The interns are doing their marketing projects and helping out with the groups and in the shop. The critical success factors of the company are the Go Cars; they are the key to success. Without them Go Car would could not operate and would not have any customers and sales. 7. Technological developments For the future it is planned to replace gasoline-powered vehicles, with vehicles with an electric motor. According Go Cars provider (Trigger Car BV), the car will be available in late 2009 and possible to be purchased to from 2010. The company has been

looking at the prototypes of other companies, but has not found a perfect replacement of the current cars yet. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 26 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna VI. External analysis The external analysis answers the question, what is happening with the company externally. All these following observed factors exist independently of the corporation In this section the market, the market size and the market trend were defined, including the newest market trend and the recent forecasts were presented. The current economic situation was also explored. Then Porter’s five forces and Porter’s Diamond: analysis of international competitiveness were introduced. 1. Market definition and size The market is the tourism industry, where the sellers are the service providers and the buyers are the travelers, the market place is the selected tourist location. It is possible to define tourism in general

as a big market and the tourism in Spain also as it is 2nd most visited country in Europe and 3rd in the world with 57.3 million visitors The tourist expenditure goes up to $61.6 billion which is the highest income from tourism in Europe (Table 1 in Appendix). 2. Market trends The experts of ITB Berlin (World’s Leading Travel Trade Show) have been examining the habits of tourists for years and they are trying to define the new upcoming trends according to previous statistics. They predict that more tourists will choose train and car instead of airplanes as transportation. The industry will stagnate as less people will go in a holiday, but the number of tourists will increase again as the economic crisis will end. Over the past 25 years, the number of international tourist arrivals increased an average of one per cent more than world GDP. But this year the numbers stand still, or might decline by 2 % by the end of this year. The reason for the decline is that the economic growth

slowed down in almost all over the world, particularly developing countries, where the outgoing tourism is less strong. The tourism industry at the same time thanks to the low-cost airlines, as an impact of globalization - is expected to recover as soon as the current crisis ends. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 27 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna 3. Current economic situation As a consequence of the late-2000s recession, the number of international arrivals started to go down beginning in June 2008. The percentage of growth from 2007 to 2008 was only 3.7 during the first eight months of 2008 The Asian and Pacific markets were affected and Europe stagnated during the summer months, while the Americas performed better, lessen their growth rate but keeping a 6% expansion from January to August 2008. Only the Middle- East kept on its rapid growth during the same period, gaining a 17% growth, compared to the same

time in 2007. This slowdown on international tourism demand was also reflected in the air transport industry, with a decline in September 2008 and the hotel industry also reports a slowdown, as room occupancy continues to fall. As the global economic situation deteriorated dramatically during September and October as a result of the global financial crisis, growth of international tourism is expected to slow even further for the remaining of 2008.In 2009 the recession has already hit most of the top spender countries, with long-haul travel expected to be the most affected by the economic crisis. This negative trend strengthen as international tourist arrivals fell by 8% during the first four months of 2009, and the decline was stronger in some regions due to the outbreak of the influenza AH1N1 virus. This trend was also observed in the decreasing number of tourists in Spain (Table 1 in Appendix). 4. Porter’s five forces analysis (Table 8 in Appendix) A. The competitive environment

Barcelona is the capital city of Catalonia, it is situated in the north-eastern part of Spain. Located on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, about 120 km. south of the mountain chain of the Pyrenees and the French border, bounded by the sea in the east, the coastal mountain range (Sierra de Collserola) in the west, the river Llobregat to the south and the Besos river to the north. Barcelona has six beaches that occupy more than 42 linear miles coast. The beaches are well connected and accessible within minutes from anywhere in the city. According to the Barcelona City Council, each year the city receives more than seven million tourists. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 28 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna Spain was the second most visited country after France in 2007 and the third after the USA in 2008 according to the World Tourism Organization, which has its headquarters in Madrid. The competition is high due

to high supply in the market of travel. Investments of the government have been increased to further increase tourism by promoting the country and the city, attracting major events continues to benefit from increased tourism. Tourists tend to seek different options for sightseeing, especially now when the travel is easier than before. Spain’s national airline is Iberia, but it is possible to fly into the country with a many international airlines and low cost companies such as Spanair, Air Europe, Vueling, Air Berlin, Wizz air and charter airlines. Most visited countries by international tourist arrivals (Table 1 in Appendix): As you can see in the table the most visited country is France with 79.3 million international tourist arrivals in 2008. The USA received 58 million tourists the same year, and Spain is at the 3rd place with 57.3 million in 2008 So on European level Spain was the 2nd most visited country in 2008. International tourism receipts (Table 2 in Appendix): On this

table it is shown, how much money the tourists spend on their holiday. In 2008 the total of the international tourist receipts was $110.1 billion, which is almost double compared to the spending of $61.6 in Spain in the same year On European level the most money spent on holiday in Spain and then in France. Competition has increased in recent years in the tourism sector. Especially in cities and tourist countries like Spain and Barcelona specifically. Spain receives over 50 million tourists a year and Barcelona 7 million which shows a very interesting market. In the field of tours has been a change and significant increase in innovative tourism products, which in turn offer the same service, know the city, making it difficult to differentiate, price and location is important when promoting the product both as promotions and extras that offers the service, the tourist is very tender, well-publicized and little differentiation. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car

Tours Barcelona 29 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna The most influential rival companies of Go Car Barcelona include (a) the Barcelona Tourist Bus which covers guided tours covering three different tourist routes within Barcelona (North of Barcelona, South of Barcelona and Barcelona Forum), (b) Cooltra a scooter rental company offering unguided tours and (c) VIP Tour Harley Davidson a company offering a fully customized tour, which chooses the tourist who wants to visit and in what order, guided tour (Table 9 in Appendix). B. Threat of substitute products The threat of substitutes in the tourism sector in Barcelona is high, especially because the tourists have many options when it comes to tourism. Substitutes would be defined as any activity, service or product in which tourists can spend so much money and time. With this perspective the threat is high because Barcelona is a city that offers a wide range of activities both cultural and leisure

activities. For example the mentioned competition tours and companies above. C. The threat of new entrants The threat of new entrants is high in the tourism industry, as this is a growing, innovative sector and Barcelona has the advantageous position as it has not only beautiful sandy beaches but it is a cultural central of the region. So it is possible to expect some new competition in the future. Possible competition could be a new GPS guided tour, in a vehicle, which covers the same tourist areas that Go car does, but this would require a big investment and that can be a barrier. D. Bargaining power of suppliers For Go Car bargaining power of supplier is high as the options are limited when it comes to vehicle purchase. As the company needs a specific type of car, this limits the choice of suppliers. E. Bargaining power of customers Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 30 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna

Customers have much power in this sector due to the existing supply. The tourist has many ways to visit the city especially as regards tours. F. Conclusions In conclusion, the tourism environment in Barcelona is a very competitive, allowing the tourist a wide variety of choices when visiting the city, to spend money, spend and time. On the other hand the supplier has little bargaining power because there are many suppliers for similar products and services. On the other hand the client has high level of negotiation and the offer is so extensive and repetitive to be a profitable and recognized the value for money is important. On the other hand is a highly competitive environment that somehow degenerates good product, because the tourist is now down greatly in price, especially with such a high value of the Euro. 5. Porter’s diamond: Competitive analysis (Table 10 in Appendix) This is a model which helps to understand a company’s competitiveness on the home market factor

conditions. A. Infrastructure The factor that has the highest degree of immobility is infrastructure. This factor is a main advantage for Go Car, because Spain has a good infrastructure and that is the base of the company’s existence. During the preparation for the 1992 Olympics, the whole city has been restructured and renewed. There were some major road works, so Barcelona is now more accessible and the quality of the roads is better. The factors that have the least degree of mobility are the most enduring competitive advantages. This is because of the fact that competitors aren’t able to compete on this kind of factors. B. Demand conditions With the wide range of sightseeing offers in Barcelona, consumers often decide on the basis of prices not on the quality of the service. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 31 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna C. Competitive advantages  Go Car offers an innovative

product, it is a new form of tourism, and it takes the tourist to experience the city, changing the traditional concept of tourism.  Combines the market needs with the same trends, offering the tourist autonomy in making the tour. The tourist is the master of his time and his tour, with the advantage of having a GPS system that allows you not to miss and gives you the confidence to manage and move around the city without any problem.  Creation of brand and positioning as an innovative product, "The Cure for the common tour"  It is accessible to tourists in the most touristic places of the city, ensuring that tourists can find the product without much effort. The same car is promotion for the D. product as it is unique and has no direct competition. Related and supporting industries The IT industry supports Go Car, so it can offer a unique service with the technology of GPS. As the information technology is an always improving and changing field, it has

the potential to advance, which is a positive factor for the company. Car industry is closely related to Go Car. The cars are made in the Netherland, and the electric version of the car is under development right now. The infrastructure as an industry, as I mentioned before is very important and without good quality and quantity of roads the company could not be successful. Tourism itself is a big support, as lots of our customers hear from us through hotels, guide books, tourist information. Events and festivals that attract tourists, for example the La Merce festival and the Red Bull Air race Event this autumn also brought more tourists to the city and to Go Car as well. During these days, the company had lots of bookings and rented out more cars than during the usual weeks. E. Firm strategy, structure and rivalry Among others Go Car is focusing on the (a) growth, (b) segmentation, (c) positioning and the (d) distribution strategy. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go

Car Tours Barcelona 32 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna (a) The growth strategy is about spanning national presence in major tourist capitals of Europe: Madrid, Rome, Paris, London, Berlin, and. Constant innovation in the tours and new products to strengthen the brand and consumer loyalty is to make big moves merchandising. Go car is a model for expansion through finances around Europe and the world. The next possible city to open a Go Car is Madrid and then Rome Go Car Madrid is going to open next year, and when it is running without the management, and then they will focus on opening Rome. The Management of Go Car Tours Barcelona is working on this project right now. (b) Go Car seeks to satisfy the entertainment needs, innovation and independence of tourists through a car with GPS included Go Car covering these needs. For micro segmentation defined two variables that helped us to identify different micro segments, these variables are: economic level

and trend habits. The segment identified as our target would be the trend setters. Individuals with high service standards, travelled, coming from an economic segment high and medium high, aware and concerned about the habits that trend, always in the forefront of what is happening in the world. So are individuals with high level of originality and those willing to try new activities, so that other social groups follow. It is important to note that although these individuals are the target because we think it will be more adventurous when it comes to having a new tourism experience will be those who set the tone and position the product, the other customers will follow. (c) As a result of market trends are most valued attributes are independence, innovativeness and entertainment. The strategy is to analyze the toughest competitors in detail, but the competitors who have been on the market for a long time, are offering similar services. The existing supply is characterized by two

fronts, the high cost and low cost. Go car is between high and low cost Within the range are high-cost tourism products as private tours, night, day, full day and private tours by helicopter. These are individual tours for small group of people and the cost of these tours is quite high, demonstrating that the tourists visiting the city are willing to pay for a good product. However they are neither innovative, nor accessible to the majority of tourism in the city. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 33 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna Then there are the low cost products, these products are aimed more at the tourist masses and spontaneous, that does not have things planned and final group travel, but who nevertheless want to know the city. Within this group are products such as tourist bus, motorcycle rides, bike and audio guides. What these products a slightly more massive, addressing many tourist segments. On the

other hand because they are easily copied products try to differentiate the content and activities included. Finally there are the classic tourist guides, though not direct competition is also a product that has innovated and shows how within a segment is as much competition as there are tourist guides innovations are among the most innovative guides, which aim to teach tourists the "local” Barcelona, recommending tourist attractions outside the purely tourist routes, with special recommendations when to visit, eat, shop. I can state that the competition is quite strong, because for Go Car competition means any product that offers tourists the option of visiting the city (Table 11 in Appendix). (d) Go Car has a lot of agency and hotel contacts and also keeps in touch with the tourist information spots all around the city. The distribution channels are travel agencies, hotels and tourist information. The company placed flyers at the hotels and at the tourist spots and the staff

working there are trained to know all the information about Go Car. We often get phone calls from hotels that their customers would like to book the tour. The group bookings are mostly from travel agencies and we get individual reservations from them as well. The company has relationships with travel agencies and also event organizing agencies. It is possible to book a tour on the internet also. The customers are always been asked, how did they find about us, so we keep the statistics about the distribution channels. The government can influence each of the above four determinants of competitiveness. Investments of the government have been increased to further increase tourism by promoting the country and the city, attracting major events continues to benefit from increased tourism. Starting a business in Spain is quite difficult and time consuming It takes long time to get the permits and the licenses to open a company like Go Car, It took almost a year to get all administrative tasks

done. The tourism industry is in its growth maturity stage, but this is an ever growing field and tourists will always come Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 34 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna and visit the city, more and more tourists are expected. The market or the customer taste might change. The changes can be beneficial if it moves towards technical improvements as more people use GPS in their private life, they get used to the fact that they are guided. 6. Conclusion To measure a company’s competitiveness is difficult, as there are lots of factors have to be considered. As a conclusion of Porter’s diamond, it can be stated, that when it comes to prices the company is not very competitive as there are sightseeing services for lower price, but when it comes to group offers the price is very competitive. As a result of the company’s budget constraints, it does not have a big budget for the publicity; this

makes it less competitive in advertising than Barcelona Bus Turisme. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 35 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna VII. SWOT analysis After the company was analyzed internally and externally, the SWOT analysis can be created. This is essential, because subsequent steps in the process of planning for achievement and the objectives may be derived from it. Strengths Weakness  Uniqueness (there is no similar  Location :however the shop is located sightseeing service in Barcelona)  Attractiveness (the car attracts a lot of attention, and it is fun to drive)  No direct competition as it is no other 200 meters from the Cathedral which is in the central part of Barcelona, the street is quite hidden, not easy to find  Processes and systems: technical GPS guided sightseeing service in reliability of the GPS (the GPS does Barcelona not always picks up the signal from the 

Competitive advantage: innovative product, new form of tourism, changes the traditional concept of tourism.  Combines the market needs with the satellite quickly; need users drivers license.  Product: The engine noise is very high; audio: GPS is not available in all same trends, offering the tourist languages. (it is available in autonomy in making the tour. The English, German, Spanish, Catalan, tourist is the master of his time and his Italian and French.); Theft of vehicles tour, with the advantage of having a or parts of this is very easy and likely GPS system that allows you not to miss and convertible ; The cars are and gives you the confidence to manage convertible: so during the Spanish and move around the city without any winter, it is too cold to drive (Seasonal problem. service, the peak season is from April  The same car is promotion for the product as it is unique and has no direct competition.  Service: Little bureaucracy and much to

November)  High investment (GPS, cars, franchise) and budget constraints in general  Brand awareness (Go Car might be flexibility (the customer only has to fill well known in Barcelona, but the brand out 1 contact, and a driving license is does not have an international required). recognition yet.) Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 36 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna Opportunities Threats  New distribution channels (Hungarian  Change in customer taste or behavior agencies, cruise ships)  New technology-new cars (as the technology advances the new will be  Euro - Dollar foreign exchange rate (GPSs are imported from the US)  Existing competition strengthen more sophisticated (electric, roof, more comfortable)  European Expansion: Madrid, Rome, Paris, London  Increased tourism in Barcelona, ("fashion city" )due to holidays, fairs and congresses; the Spanish government

supports the city financially to develop its tourism Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 37 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna VIII. Confrontation matrix strengthen Existing competition €-$ behavior Change in Consumer Threats Increased Tourism European expansion New technology New distribution channels Opportunities Uniqueness Attractiveness Competitive advantage Strength No direct competition Service Location Process and Systems Weakness Product High investment Brand awareness Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 38 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna IX. General strategy to follow As a result of the confrontation matrix, an attack, a defense a strengthening and a withdrawal strategy is advised to follow. Attack strategy: in this case strength of uniqueness and attractiveness combined with the opportunities of new distribution channels.

Defense strategy: adding up the strong features of uniqueness and attractiveness with the threat change in customer behavior. Strengthening strategy: the plan is to join the weakness of brand awareness with the opportunity of new distribution channels. Combining the weakness of low market share with the opportunity of new distribution channels is recommended. Connecting the weakness of the product and the seasonal service with the opportunity of new technology of cars is also advisable. Withdrawal strategy: the mission is to strengthen brand awareness to avoid change in consumer behavior, or to strengthen low market share to avoid the market share increase of the existing competition. The original strategies; the growth, segmentation, and the distribution strategy are also suggested to follow. Growth strategy: as far as the growth strategy concerns I support the idea of European expansion. The presence in major cities would increase the brand awareness of Go Car internationally. The

next Go Car cit will be Madrid next summer This move will increase the national market awareness, and it will give a boost to the reputation of Go Car Barcelona. Segmentation strategy: I advise to carry on with the segmentation strategy; target trend setters and promote the service as an entertaining fun tour. And promise the customers that it is going to be the best experience of their lives. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 39 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna Distribution strategy: currently the distribution strategy is considered to be the most effective one to increase market share thus sales. The company has contact with several travel and event organizing agencies from Spain. In the future the company has to focus on building foreign relations. X. General marketing objective After the marketing strategies were defined the marketing objectives are clarified. The marketing objective is to create a well

established brand name for Go Car by overcoming the barriers of city advertising and increase market share and market awareness. The market share in the first operating year was 003; by the end of 2009 the expected market share is 0.05%If the market stays the same, the target for 2010 is to reach 0.13 %The market share of the Barcelona Bus Turisme is 28, 6% and this company is the biggest player of the market. The rest of the 714 % divided among the other competing companies by small shares. The target is to scratch 1% of Barcelona Bus Turisme’s market share. The marketing objective is to enhance the sales target, which is to reach the income $ 500,000 by 2010. The intention is to reach that goal with the previously mentioned strategies and the following marketing projects. XI. Marketing tactics 1. Marketing mix Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 40 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna A. Product Go Car offers a

service in the tourism sector; it is a tangible product and service in the tourism industry. This is a GPS guided sightseeing tour around Barcelona by a Go Car, which is a small car with 49cc engine. The car can be rented with a GPS unit installed and then it will take you to discover the city, whilst it talks to you about the sights, history, culture and the language. B. Price The price for the car rental goes by the hour. The minimum is 1 hour for € 35 and the second hour is € 25, so the rental for 2hours is € 60, each additional hour costs € 20, so for 3 hours it costs € 80, up to 4 hours we have the daily rate of € 99. The price includes VAT, fuel, helmets and second driver. There is an optional insurance cost of 990 that we advise the customers to take, as it will limit their liability to the amount of the deposit which is € 300. Otherwise they will be liable for the cost of the damage they have caused on the car which worth € 5000. The market is differentiated

to high cost and low cost services, and this company’s service can be placed to medium cost service. C. Place The company is located in Barcelona, Span which is a 5th most visited city on the world according to the world tourism organization. The cars can only be rented in the shop, which is located at Freixures 23bis bajos, Barcelona, 08003 Spain, 200m from the Cathedral, in front of Santa Caterina Market. It is possible make reservations over the phone or on the internet. The resellers are also a distribution channel, the company is in contact with travel and event organizing agencies. D. Promotion Go Car Tours Barcelona has been using several ways to promote its services. All these activities have the purpose to increase the market awareness and market share of the company, which will result in increase in sales. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 41 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna a. Flyers Go Car flyers

and coupons can be found at all the tourist information spots around the city and most of the hotels and hostels in Barcelona. The flyers contain basic information about the GPS guided tour, pictures and a map to Go Car shop, with the coupons the customers get € 5 off. b. Newspaper The company is presented in several tourist magazines. See Barcelona, Metropolitan, and Barcelona Connect; these are free tourist magazines in English, they contain information about the city: tourist locations, current news, events and happenings, the nightlife and also advertisements for restaurants, bars, cafes. For example in the magazine See Barcelona, Go Car can be found under useful information section. c. Online advertising The website of Go Car (http://www.gocartourses/), informs the readers about the service and the company and also about the current offers and promotions. There are links to the Go car press and to other Go Car locations. The company is presented on community websites such as

facebook, myspace, hi5. On the company’s personal page you can find uploaded pictures and comments from past customers. d. Bloggers As bloggers get a price reduction if they try it and write about the company, so Go Car is present on many blogger websites. e. Mouth to mouth Often the customers are recommended to try Go Car by a friend or relatives. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 42 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna f. Personal selling During the summer months there are street sellers with a go car and flyers at the popular tourist spots in Barcelona, and they get commission after the number of tourist they are sending to the shop. g. Press Go Car tours Barcelona got free press, with article releases in Spanish newspapers, and in the above mentioned tourist magazines. h. Fairs: The company would like to attend national and international fairs such as World Travel Market, IEBTM, Fitur, but right now, the

company budget cannot afford it. i. Display promotion There are go cars parked all over the city at spots that is frequently visited by tourists. There are also flyers in the parked cars, which is a very smart idea, as the people who are interested can take it and read all the information. j. Additional promotions - St. Valentine: all of February, Special on the 14-02 get a free rose - Hotel B- NN Hotels: Feb, March 2009 - Barcelona Residents or Catalan Tour: Permanent, 10€ off ,click in Catalan Tour to get 10% off the first hour - Barcelona Card: 50% off first hour - OH- Barcelona: 10€ off any tour - GoCar - JetSki Combo: Exclusive Lifestyle Bcn till June15th, open to everybody else afterwards, 99 €, Jetski 15min (the GoCar will show the way to the Jetski @ Forum) 29€ for All Day - Talonario del viajero::5€ off any tour, free t-shirt Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 43 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by

CZIMBALMOS Anna - Halloween : get the 2nd card for half price if you come in a Halloween costume, 31st of October - Backpack offer: if the backpackers come from the partner hostels before 12pm, they can have the Go Car for €9 per person for 90minutes 2. Marketing strategies The elements of the marketing mix are the instruments of present and future marketing projects. This year’s promotion tools are listed in the marketing mix and this part presents my future marketing advice for the company, with the aim to focus on yet untargeted markets. The following promotion tactics contain the same place, price and product, but different promotion to increase the market share and awareness of the company. A. The Treasure Hunt Tour The company should launch the Treasure Hunt Tour because I investigated that Go Car is open to group requirements and so far there has been a lack of groups, and to foster this service I advise to launch a new group offer. This campaign increases group

tours, thus market awareness using the distribution, segmentation and the attack strategy. The general group offer existed before, but there was no specific package or deal, so the groups could choose the existing tours. Travel and event organising agencies kept asking if the company could set up a treasure hunt tour. So as an experiment Go Car decided to try to work out and develop such a tour. The first tour was a success and as the word spread other agencies were asking for it. And now, as the time and money is invested this offer could be included in Go Car services and could be done on a regular basis. The treasure hunt is a fun tour around Barcelona with various activities, the players collect points by and then the customer with the most points win. This deal combines sightseeing with a fun game. The passengers’ skills will be tested during the Treasure Hunt Tour, in which they will be asked to do different activities detailed in a road book. A camera or phone with camera per

Go Car will be needed for these tasks, the rest of Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 44 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna material will be provided by Go Car. Each task gives a specific number of points The aim is to accumulate the maximum points possible to be the winner. The winning team will be rewarded with Go Car T-shirts and free drinks at one of Barcelona’s coolest bars. The Treasure Hunt Tour includes 3 types of activities: the tour tasks (questions or activities to be answered or done in chronological order according to the chosen Go Car route), the challenges (specific tasks that can be done at any moment during the tour), the bonus (there are bonus points for the most difficult tasks). Different Treasure Hunt Tours available: Express Barcelona Treasure Hunt (2h) and Downtown and Montjuic Treasure Hunt (3h). These tours are recommended for a group of people who like challenges and fun activities. It is

suggested to team buildings, stag and hen parties Up to 3 cars this group offer is available. The expenditure: to set up the tour took 40 hours, and the try out least 5 working hours and then every time customizing it for a company the tour takes 2 working hours. The costs to launch it on the website and global social networking website are covered by the monthly internet cost (€25) and mass emails are € 20. The cost of the treasure hunt supply is €12 per car plus the fuel, which is maximum €5 per car. B. Wheelchair friendly Go Car Go Car Tours Barcelona offers a wheelchair-friendly sightseeing tour. The company should apply this distribution and strengthening strategy as I have learned that this is a new market for the company, as more tourism related services become accessible for disabled people, therefore more tourist visits Barcelona. The actions related to this marketing project would be to get on the accessible Barcelona website and to find a disabled blogger; as a

result the market awareness of the company will increase in the disabled community. And also a task is to put wheelchair signs on the Go Car Website The expenditure: the cost is the electronic distribution which is covered by the internet cost (€25 per month). C. Hungarian agencies as new resellers Go Car Tours Barcelona should open new distribution channels towards Hungary as I learnt from the statistics, in the history of Go Car there were only 2 cars rented by Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 45 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna Hungarians, so this is a yet untargeted market. This data led me to a research on the Hungarian tourist behavior (chapter II.) and it showed that their behavior fits to Go Car customer profile. The other reason why I choose this project is because I know that Spain is a popular holiday destination for Hungarians and as a native Hungarian it is a straightforward task to investigate the

market and find an entry mode. One of my aims is to dramatically increase the number of Hungarian customers, by making the company better known in Hungary. This is a perfect attack strategy combined with the distribution and strengthening strategy to target more customers and increase individual shares thus market share and awareness. The expenditure: the cost of electronic distribution (launch it on the website and global social networking website) are covered by the monthly internet expenditure (€25) and mass emails cost € 20. D. Wizz Air I discovered, that Go Car Tours has already contacted several airline companies as possible partners such as Air Berlin, Air France, KLM, Lufthansa, Ryan air, Easy Jet, Vueling, Spanair. As a result an article was published in the Easy Jet Flight magazine in October 2008. It is very difficult to measure the effectiveness, and the advertisement is very expensive, that is why Go Car is only presented in a form of free article in the past.

Although from my past experiences I can say that during a few hours flight all passengers opens up the flight magazine and reads the article about their destination. I propose to launch this project, as the company needs as much free advertising as possible and the article will reach wide range of consumers. The same strategies are applied to this campaign as to the Hungarian reseller’s project. My plan is to offer Wizz Air the possibility to come and try a 3hour Go Car Tour for free, and write about it in their magazine, and in addition I will ask about their advertisement prices. The expenditure: the cost of electronic distribution is covered by the monthly internet expenditure (€25). If they accept the offer, the cost is the 3hour tour (€80). All these recommendations go through a filtering process by the management and will be assessed according to effectiveness and feasibility. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 46 http://www.doksihu

Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna 3. Estimations and forecasts of the new strategies The aim of my marketing projects is to secure the tourist flow for next summer; therefore all of my marketing projects need to show a progress by the end of August 2010. The treasure hunt is expected to be recognized by the resellers and the possible partners by the end of November. Go Car expect the Treasure Hunt to be very popular by the beginning of next summer, and operate with full capacity of 36 cars and fulfill the 100%of monthly group forecast which is € 10000. Go car did not have any disabled customers so far, and there are no figures available about the quantity of disabled tourists in Barcelona. Therefore it is difficult to estimate the future, although any number of disabled customers would contribute to increase the number of individual sales. And at the same time if the word spread in the community they will recommend the service to each other, as this service is more

accessible for them then the tourist bus. Since there are now exact figures on the number of Hungarian visitors in Barcelona it is very difficult to predict the quantity of Hungarian customers in the future. If we base the estimation on the previous experiences as far as the mass emails are concerned, when 30% of the agencies were interested, and 20% became actual clients. I predict the same results and if I send the material to 200 travel agencies in Hungary and, expect a response of 20%, and it would be great if I could agree and send a contract to 10% of them right now, and the rest 10% maybe will corporate later. As I have pointed out before it is difficult to measure the response of an article, but I hope that this will be an additional positive message for the Hungarian tourists to come and try the Go Car. I hope that these marketing tools will jointly success and attract the Hungarians. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 47

http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna 4. Implementation plan An implementation plan of a marketing strategy is probably the single most important factor contributing to the long-term sustainable success of any business venture. This part contains the implementation of the best possible marketing strategies, starting with choosing the best possible strategies, then explaining the personnel and financial requirements and resources. It continues with the actual steps of implementation and then with the forecasts in sales figures and market share growth. A. Choice of the best possible strategies I suggest the Treasure Hunt project to implement, as the company needs more group bookings, as the forecasted and actual sales of groups are not even, in the last three months the actual figures are 59, 17% less than the forecasted. The benefit of group booking is that with one sale it is possible to make 20, 25 or even 32 tours, and driving more than 20 Go Cars on the

streets of Barcelona at the same time gives a huge publicity. It is more fun to drive go cars as a group and all the paper work and renting procedures are done forehand, so the customers only experience the fun part and the word of mouth is very good. These customers often come back with their friends or recommend Go Car to them if they come to Barcelona. Wheelchair friendly Go Car project: seeing that the company did not have any disabled customers, although the sightseeing tour would fit for them, as the car works a motorbike, customers only have to use their hands to drive. I advise to implement this plan, because this would be a new market for the company. The objective of the company is to cover untargeted segments, and open more distribution channels, that why I recommend contacting Hungarian agencies. As a result more agencies will sell the Go Car sightseeing service, which will result an increase in sells and market share. B. Financial requirements and resources The cost of

the actual implementation  labour cost Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 48 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna  the cost of digital distribution (the mass emails) 20 Euros per project  cost of internet advertising (cost of the monthly internet expenditure €25)  cost of phone bill at an international call C. Implementation a. The Treasure Hunt Tour This offer has to be presented in a tangible, written form, which explains the features and benefits of the tour with a thorough description and colorful pictures. This document has to reflect the fun and adventure this tour represents and have to be inviting to try. After the marketing material is done for the project, the task left to be done is to upload to the website and send it to the resellers and the possible new partners in a form of a mass email. The new offer has to be submitted on the company’s profile on the social networking websites

(facebook, twitter, hi5). If any agencies or companies like the offer, they can book a date for the tour and even try out the tour in advance. b. Wheelchair friendly Go Car To make public, that the Go Car is wheelchair friendly several action has to be taken. The website has to contain wheelchair signs and the marketing material has to be published there and on the social networking websites also (facebook, twitter, hi5). The marketing document contains pictures of people sitting in the go car, getting in and out of wheelchair, and a brief description of the service. Travel and event organizing agencies have to be contacted which organize travels and events for disabled people. There is a great website called accessible Barcelona (http://www.accessiblebarcelonacom/) The company needs to be presented there So the promotion text has to be sent to the contact person of the website. And I believe it would be a good progress to find a wheelchair blogger, and offer him the

possibility to try the service and then write about it in the blog and the person could recommend it to the readers. If we get a positive feedback, we could also work out a Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 49 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna group offer for them, or just organize tours for individuals. It is very important to emphasis that the Go Car headquarter is accessible for people with wheelchair. c. Hungarian agencies as new resellers First of all the general marketing material of Go Car needs to be translated to Hungarian. Then a list of travel agencies have to be created, the contact persons of the agencies have to be contacted and send the offer via email and also have will ask them to distribute the letter among their partners. This material also has to be sent to the Hungarian Tourism organization, and then have to ask them about the terms and conditions. If they are interested we can agree on a

commission percentage and they can advertise the service on their websites and even will be able to make reservations for their clients online. It is advisable to contact the Hungarian Tourism Organization too and ask them about the form of collaboration which would be beneficial for both parties. d. Wizz Air Wizz air is a Hungarian low cost flight airline company which has a Barcelona destination. Flights go back and forth between Budapest and Barcelona three times a week. The plan is to contact them and ask them about the form of cooperation or if it is possible to advertise Go Car in the airline magazine. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 50 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna XII. Evaluation and conclusion The aim of the dissertation was to prepare a marketing plan to increase market share and market awareness of Go Car Tours Barcelona. To be able to do this, the company had to be analyzed internally and

externally, then according to the findings a SWOT and confrontation matrix were made. Problem statement follows as a result of the SWOT and confrontation matrix. As a conclusion from the confrontation matrix, the general strategies were stated and suggestions were made for the company. As a solution possible marketing strategies were worked out and using the company’s general strategies, and implemented them. During the internal and external analysis I found out that the competition is very strong and the biggest player (2008) of the market according to Turisme de Barcelona is Barcelona Bus Turisme with a market share of 28, 6%, the rest (71,4% ) is divided among the other competitors in small proportion. In comparison Go Car had 003% of market share in 2008, and the expected percentage for 2009 is 0.06% The SWOT and confrontation matrix made it clear that to increase market awareness and gain market share and more distribution channels have to be opened. I also learnt that the

company does not have enough group bookings and noticed untargeted segments, for example disabled customers. My research on the Hungarian (tourist) consumer behavior proved that Hungarian tourists are also a target for Go Car. This information was used, and marketing strategies were implemented to increase the number of group bookings and also increase the market awareness of Go Car in Hungary. To conclude I feel that my marketing actions will be successful in long term by the increase of group reservations and more Hungarian tourists and the market share target of 0.13 % for 2010 will be reached Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 51 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna XIII. Recommendation This section is dedicated to introduce and list the main elements and characteristics of my idea how the current situation of low market share and brand awareness could be improved and the problem could be solved within the

organization. The primary intention is to increase market share, market attractiveness thus sales. The following actions are suggested to reach this goal. I advise the management of Go Car Tours Barcelona to a take a look at the confrontation matrix and to apply the new marketing projects. With the implementation of the Treasure Hunt project the amount of group bookings will increase and applying the Hungarian Agencies and Wizz Air projects untargeted segments can be covered to increase individual sales. If all these actions are taken the company will have more publicity therefore more market awareness and sales. My further recommendation for the company is to use my advice on the general strategies, and open more and more distribution channels. They should also draw more conclusions from the confrontation matrix and carry on with the guerrilla marketing and try to get as much free marketing, free press as they can. If the management will consider my advices it is possible to reach the

desired market share and the company will have a continuous market share growth in the following years. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 52 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna XIV. Methodology In the dissertation I carried out two kinds of research, secondary and the primary. The secondary research, which involves the collection of data, already analyzed by others was carried out first. Newspapers, magazines, journals, publications, books and the internet served as a source in this stage of the research. Internet search played a big role in my information collection. After I collected the available secondary information I also gathered primary information, which has never been collected before. 1. Secondary research In order to carry out successful secondary research I had to make an extensive study of all the available resources. I used external and internal secondary information The external sources were the

general websites about tourism in general and tourism in Spain and in Barcelona specifically. The marketing books backed up my theoretical knowledge about marketing in general and the marketing plan in particular. I gathered the internal secondary information from the company’s server. I studied the previous projects of interns, all marketing and sales files and also the Go Car business plan was very useful. 2. Primary research As the most fundamental technique to conduct my primary research was to interview all competent persons within the department who could provide me with their expert and knowledgeable opinion about my marketing projects. I collected the primary information by interviewing the marketing director and the owners of the company. My intention was to explore several main fields with my questions and to get a full vision of my objectives and aims at the company. These were not typical interviews; I gathered my questions and asked for appointments on a weekly basis,

as my questions were arising along the way of my projects. I asked the managers about their experience and suggestions how I should carry out my tasks, every time I got stuck. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 53 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 1 (page 10, 27): Title: Most visited countries by international tourist arrivals Rank Country International tourist arrivals (2008) 79.3 million International tourist arrivals (2007) 81.9 million International tourist arrivals (2006) 78.9 million 1 France 2 United States 58.0 million 56.0 million 51.0 million 3 Spain 57.3 million 58.7 million 58.2 million 4 China 53.0 million 54.7 million 49.9 million 5 Italy 42.7 million 43.7 million 41.1 million 6 United Kingdom 30.2 million 30.9 million 30.7 million 7 Ukraine 25.4 million 23.1 million 18.9 million 8 Turkey 25.0 million 22.2 million 18.9 million 9 Germany 24.9

million 24.4 million 23.5 million 10 Mexico 22.6 million 21.4 million 21.4 million Source: http://en.wikipediaorg/wiki/World Tourism rankings Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 54 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 2 (page 12): Title: International tourism receipts Country International International International Tourism Tourism Tourism Receipts Receipts Receipts 1 USA (2008) (2007) (2006) $110.1 billion $967 billion $857 billion 2 Spain $61.6 billion $576 billion $511 billion 3 France $55.6 billion $543 billion $463 billion 4 Italy $45.7 billion $427 billion $381 billion 5 China $40.8 billion $372 billion $339 billion 6 Germany $40.0 billion $360 billion $328 billion 7 UK $36.0 billion $386 billion $337 billion 8 Australia $24.7 billion $223 billion $178 billion 9 Turkey $22.0 billion $185 billion $169 billion 10 Austria $21.8 billion $189 billion $166 billion

Rank Source: http://en.wikipediaorg/wiki/World Tourism rankings Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 55 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 3 (page 13) Title: Number of tourists and overnights in hotels Source: http://professional.barcelonaturismecom/imgfiles/estad/Est2008apdf Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 56 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 4 (page 16) Title: Tourists according to purpose of visit Source: http://professional.barcelonaturismecom/imgfiles/estad/Est2008apdf Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 57 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 5 (page 17) Title: Tourists according to age Source: http://professional.barcelonaturismecom/imgfiles/estad/Est2008apdf Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours

Barcelona 58 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 6 (page 20) Title: Destination of international trips Source: Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 59 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 7 (page 23) Title: Income of Go Car San Francisco GoCar Sn. Francisco $1 400 000 $1 200 000 $1 000 000 $800 000 $600 000 $400 000 $200 000 $0 2004 2005 2006 2007 Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 2008 60 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 8 (page 29) Title: Porter’s five forces analysis Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 61 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 9 (page) Title: Pricing of rival companies Product City Tours 4

Hour 8 Hour Cruise 4 Hours Tapas 1/2 day Private Tailor Made Tours 308 + 16% 430 + 16% 95 per person 95 per person Conditions minimum 4 Day tour (all day) 98 per person Morning tour (3:30) 45 per person Afternoon (3:30) 45 per person 5 min 10 min 35 min 45 per person 80 per person 240 per person Tour & Flamenco Limousine Tour 1 pax - 463 2 pax - 231 3 pax - 154 85 per person 1 day 4.95 per person 1 day 2 days 19 per person 23 per person All Day Two full days 4 hour tour 45 per person 35 for second passenger 4 hours 4 pax - 92 5 pax - 77 6 pax -66 Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 62 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 10 (page 32) Title: Porter’s Diamond: analysis of competitiveness Chance Firm strategy, structure and rivalry Factor conditions Demand conditions Related and supporting industries Government Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours

Barcelona 63 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna APPENDIX - Table 11 (page 14) Title: Positioning of competitor companies TREND + ECONOMIC LEVEL - + - Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 64 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna Bibliography 1. Internet sources A magyarok utazási szokásai , Az üzleti élet, a gazdaság és a logisztika szakmai lapja, 19. October 2008, Magyar Turizmus Zrt. , Statisztikai adatok, 13. October 2009 Quick MBA, Knowledge to power your business, Porters Diamond of National Advantage, 19 October 2009, http://www.quickmbacom/strategy/global/diamond Turisme deBarcelona, Barcelona Tourism Statistics, 2. October 2009, http://professional.barcelonaturismecom/imgfiles/estad/Est2008apdf Wikipedia, World Tourism Rankings,

7. October, 2009 http://en.wikipediaorg/wiki/World Tourism rankings Wikipedia, Economy of Spain, 29. September 2009, http://en.wikipediaorg/wiki/Economy of Spain World Tourism Organisation, Media Features, 10. October 2009 http://www.unwtoorg/indexphp Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 65 http://www.doksihu Dissertation submitted by CZIMBALMOS Anna 2. Books Marketing Tourism Products, A.V Seaton, 2004, Boston, Thomson Learning, Market Segmentation p. 28, Tourism Behaviour p 54 Marketing in Travel Tourism by Victor T. C Middleton with Jackie Clarke, 2002, Butterworth-Henieman, The Meaning of Marketing in Travel and Tourism p. 3 Marketing Management, Philip Kotler , Prentice Hall, 2005, Eleventh edition, Winning Markets through Market-Strategic planning p. 202 3. Other sources Personal interviews with Mr. Damien HARRIS and Mr Ben Mc COMB from Go Car Barcelona, Spain. Increasing market share and market awareness at Go Car Tours Barcelona 66