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Source: http://www.doksinet English Department Summer Work ALL YEAR GROUPS The Saltus Grammar School English Department believes that one of the most important habits to develop as an educated and well-rounded person is a love of reading; therefore, we feel it is vital for students to continue reading throughout the summer. For this reason we encourage students to complete independent reading over the summer break. Students should be prepared to discuss the texts, do a small creative project based on them, and/ or write about the books within the first few weeks of school. They do not, however, need to write reading logs or write book reviews during the summer break. It is imperative that students have read at least two books (and hopefully many more) as they will be required to complete a task on them when they return to class in the fall. There are recommended reading list for S7 – S9 on the website in case students are ‘stuck’ for ideas in terms of what to be reading this

summer. There is no expectation that students should have chosen their books from this list. SPELLINGS FOR S7 In addition to the summer reading, S7 are required to learn some spellings. We have compiled a list of words which students often spell incorrectly. By the time S7 students return in the fall, they are expected to know the spelling and meaning of the following words and be able to use them within a sentence. This should be completed for the first week back separate beginning definitely benefit occasionally responsible dependent permanent receive necessary remember unfortunately success tomorrow interesting disappear disappoint NB: All students, in all year groups, should be able to spell these words. embarrass(ment) lovely lonely surprise especially decide believe experience Source: http://www.doksinet BONUS SECTION FOR ALL STUDENTS For those students who feel they would like/ need to brush up on some of their grammar/ spelling rules there are a number of websites which

we recommend. Please see that section of this information pack Grammar and Punctuation and Sentence Structure:          http://www.grammarbookcom/ http://www.bristolacuk/arts/exercises/grammar/grammar tutorial/page 01htm http://www.bbccouk/skillswise/topic-group/sentence-grammar https://owl.englishpurdueedu/exercises/2/22/49 (tense consistency) http://www.funenglishgamescom/grammargameshtml http://www.kidinfocom/language arts/grammar helperhtml http://www.timeforkidscom/homework-helper/grammar-wizard/punctuation-practice http://grammar.yourdictionarycom/ - review of grammar terminology http://www.neok12com/Grammarhtm - with video clips of explanation Spelling and Vocabulary        http://www.spellingcitycom/students-overviewhtml http://www.howtospellcouk/spellingquizphp http://www.spellinghemscottnet/ http://stunt.samlagetno/Chapters/Chapter-5/Textras/Spelling%20Rules/Spelling%20Tipsaspx

http://www.bbccouk/skillswise/topic-group/spelling http://www.really-learn-englishcom/english-spelling-ruleshtml http://www.lauracandlercom/strategies/spellingvocabphp Interactive Sites  http://www.brainpopcom/english/studyskills/testpreparation/previewweml username: saltus Password: brainpop