Architecture | Bridges » Butterfly Bridge

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Alan Williams Source: http://www.doksinet Butterfly Bridge What: Where: Who: How: Cable-stayed double arch Bedford, England Engineer: Jan Bobrowski & Partners Architect: Wilkinson Eyre Steel Fact The two steel arches of the Butterfly Bridge reflect the curves of JJ Webster’s 1888 footbridge nearby. The bridge created a new landmark for Bedford and becomes a viewing platform during its annual regatta. Top Trump Scores Year Built 1997 Clear span 32m Total length 32m Ingenuity 3 Beauty 4 Daniel Hopkinson Source: http://www.doksinet Media City Footbridge What: Cable-stayed / Swing Where: Salford, England Who: Engineer: Ramboll (formerly Gifford) Architect: Wilkinson Eyre How: Steel Fact Linking Media City in Salford with Trafford Wharf over the Manchester Ship Canal, this swing-mechanism footbridge uses asymmetric cablestays with their anchor points adapted into seating. Top Trump Scores Year Built 2011 Clear span 65m Total length 83m Ingenuity 4

Beauty 3 Stéphane Compoint Source: http://www.doksinet Millau Viaduct What: Cable-stayed Where: Millau, France Who: Engineer: Michel Virlogeux Architect: Foster + Partners How: Steel, concrete Fact This is a recording breaking vehicular bridge: it is the world’s tallest bridge, with one mast reaching a height of 343m. It supersedes the Eiffel Tower as the tallest structure in France and on certain days appears to float on the clouds. Top Trump Scores Year Built 2004 Clear span 342m Total length 2460m Ingenuity 5 Beauty 5 Image: www.nEmoGruppoorg / CC Ros BY-NC-SA Kavanagh 2.0 Source: http://www.doksinet University of Limerick: Living Bridge What: Cable Where: Limerick, Ireland Who: Engineer: Arup How: Architect: Wilkinson Eyre Steel File information Creating a ‘living link’ between the established and developing campuses either side of the River Shannon, it’s minimalist form has enabled the bridge to blend seamlessly into the natural beauty of

it’s domain. Top Trump Scores Year Built 2008 Clear span 44m Total length 350m Ingenuity 5 Beauty 4 Till Niermann / CC BY-SA 3.0 Source: http://www.doksinet Vasco da Gama Bridge What: Cable-stayed Where: Lisbon, Portugal Who: Armando Rito , Michel Virlogeux How: Steel, concrete Fact Standing at 10.7 miles (172 km), this is the longest bridge in Europe. It is cable-stayed with viaducts that span the Tagus River near Lisbon. It is designed to withstand winds of up to 250 km/h. Top Trump Scores Year Built 1998 Clear span 420m Total length 17,200m Ingenuity 4 Beauty 3 Synwell/ CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Source: http://www.doksinet Second Severn Crossing What: Cable-stayed Where: Wales and England Who: W.S Atkins Maunsell & Partners How: Steel, concrete Fact Much of the Severn estuary is mudflats at low tide, but has a tidal range of 14.5 metres This presented the engineers with a unique set of constraints with work being scheduled and completed at low tide.

Top Trump Scores Year Built 1996 Clear span 456m Total length 5128m Ingenuity 4 Beauty 3 Jim Boud / CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 Source: http://www.doksinet Langkawi Sky Bridge What: Cable-stayed Where: Malaysia Who: Wyss Planning Consulting How: Steel Fact Located 700 metres above sea level at the peak of Gunung Mat Chinchang on Pulau Langkawi Island, this curved pedestrian bridge was helicoptered to the site in pieces before being assembled. It is held in place by cables from a single 82m high pylon. Top Trump Scores Year Built 2005 Clear span 125m Total length 125m Ingenuity 5 Beauty 4 CC 0 1.0 Source: http://www.doksinet Baluarte Bridge What: Cable -stayed Where: Durango, Mexico Who: Grupa Triada Tradeco Infraestructura, IDINSA, Aceros Corey , VSL México How: Steel , concrete Fact It is the highest cable-stayed bridge in the world, crossing a rocky ravine known locally as the ‘devil’s backbone’. It is part of a modern transportation link connecting

the Gulf of Mexico with the Pacific Ocean hoped to bring prosperity to the area. Top Trump Scores Year Built 2013 Clear span 520m Total length 1124m Ingenuity 4 Beauty 4 Arup Source: http://www.doksinet Kurilpa What: Where: Who: Brisbane, Australia How: Steel Tensegrity Cable-stayed Engineer: Arup Architect: Cox Rayner Fact Richard Buckminster Fuller coined the term ‘tensegrity’ to describe a system of balanced compressive and tensile forces. The Kurilpa is the largest structure to adopt these principles, creating a lightweight yet strong bridge. Top Trump Scores Year Built 2009 Clear span 120m Total length 470m Ingenuity 4 Beauty 3 Image: www.nEmoGruppoorg / CC BY-NC-SA Techniker 2.0 Source: http://www.doksinet Royal Victoria Dock Bridge What: Cable Stayed / Inverted Fink Truss Where: London, England Who: Engineer: Techniker Architect: Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands How: Steel Fact The 15m high bridge deck with stair and lift pedestrian

access allows tall boats to pass underneath. The structure allows for future installation of a gondola, transforming it into a transporter bridge. Top Trump Scores Year Built Clear span Total length 1998 127.5m 150m Ingenuity 5 Beauty 4 Marco Farino / CC BY 3.0 Source: http://www.doksinet Pont de Normandie What: Cable-stayed Where: Le Havre, France Who: Engineer: Bernard Raspaud. Architect: Charles Lavigne How: Steel , concrete Fact At its completion it briefly held the record as the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, and had the longest distance between piers for any bridge of that type. It used more than 70,000 cubic metres of concrete and over 19,000 tonnes of steel to build it. Top Trump Scores Year Built 1995 Clear span 856m Total length 2143m Ingenuity 4 Beauty 4 663highland / CC BY 2.5 Source: http://www.doksinet Miho Museum Footbridge What: Cable-stayed Where: Shigaraki, Shiga, Japan Who: Engineer: Year Built 1997 Architect: I M Pei

Clear span 120 m Steel Total length 120 m Dr. Leslie E Robertson How: Top Trump Scores Fact The footbridge is a combination of cantilevered, cable-stayed and posttensioned design creating a shallow depth of 2m. The bridge provides a transition from a nature reserve to the museum entrance. Ingenuity 4 Beauty 4 Arup Source: http://www.doksinet Øresund Bridge What: Cable-stayed Where: Copenhagen, Denmark Top Trump Scores and Malmö, Sweden Who: Year Built 2000 Engineer: Arup Architect: Georg Rotner Clear span 490m How: Steel , concrete Fact The Øresund Link is a 16km road and rail link split into three parts: a bridge, an artificial island and a tunnel. The bridge has two decks: vehicular on the upper, rail on the lower deck. The 490m span is the longest in the world to carry both decks. Total length 8000m Ingenuity 5 Beauty 4 Arup Source: http://www.doksinet Stonecutters Bridge What: Cable-stayed Where: Kwai Chung, Hong Kong Who: Engineer: Arup

Architect: Dissing+Weitling How: Steel , concrete Fact There is a clearance of over 73m under this rail and road bridge to allow large shipping vessels to pass underneath. The design included mitigation against ship impact as well as strong typhoon wind and had to be constructed with minimal impact to shipping traffic. Top Trump Scores Year Built 2009 Clear span 1018m Total length 1600m Ingenuity 4 Beauty 4 Arup Source: http://www.doksinet Queensferry Crossing What: Cable-stayed Where: Forth River, East Scotland Who: Arup, Jacobs Engineering How: Concrete, steel Top Trump Scores Fact The bridges overlapping cables secure the deck and avoid the need for a larger and stronger central tower, common to other cablestayed designs. Ingenuity 4 Beauty 4 Year Built 2016 Clear span 650m Total length 2700m Ramboll (whitbybird) Source: http://www.doksinet Spinningfields Footbridge What: Cable (underslung catenary) Where: Manchester & Salford Who: Ramboll

(formerly whitbybird) How: Steel Fact Originally assembled offsite, this pedestrian footbridge was cut into three sections, transported and welded back together. Top Trump Scores Year Built 2012 Clear span 44m Total length 52m Ingenuity 4 Beauty 5