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Source: http://www.doksinet ZHENGZHOU UNIVERSITY OF LIGHT INDUSTRY Zhengzhou China V30/05/17 16:10 Exchanges Portfolio Source: http://www.doksinet KEY FACTS Subject Area Design subjects Language Classes are taught in English or Mandarin, depending on the modules selected. B2 in English is required Academic Calendar Semester 1 Late August to late December Semester 2 March to July Have a look through the module catalogue for modules available to exchange students. Fiancial Support Any forms of financial aid for exchange students in China are scarce, however some forms of financial support or advice on part-time work might be available. Visit csceducn for more information. CONTENT Source: http://www.doksinet 4 The City 5 The University 7 Accomodation & Living 8 Contacts 9 Student Experiences Source: http://www.doksinet ZHENGZHOU, CHINA Zhengzhou, located in the Central China plain with the Yellow River to the north and Mount Songshan to the west, is the capital of
Henan Province. At the junction of the Beijing-Guangzhou and Lanzhou-Lianyungang railways, it is also the political, economic, cultural, and transportation center of Henan. Zhengzhou is one of the most important textile centers in China, as well as having a well-developed machinery industry. Zhengzhou has a long history. As early as 3,500 years ago, it became the capital of the Shang Dynasty (Sixteenth - eleventh centuries B.C) which together with ancient Egypt, India, and Babylon, was considered to be one of the oldest civilizations of the world. Today cultural relics and historical sites abound in and around the city, attracting more and more tourists and archaeologists both from China and abroad. The famous Shaolin Temple near this city is the cradle of the Chinese martial arts that provided the inspiration for Kung Fu movies. Zhengzhou is a vital transportation hub especially for railways as many important railway trunks pass the city such as the Longhai Railway (Lanzhou to
Lianyungang) and Jingguang Railway (Beijing to Guangzhou). With a pleasant climate, the city is welcoming all year round. The hottest month is July and the average temperature is about 27C while the coldest month is January with an average temperature of -0.2C MORE INFO 4 china.orgcn Population 9.5 million CurrencyRenminbi (yuan) Time difference GMT+ 8 Source: http://www.doksinet ZHENGZHOU UNIVERSITY OF LIGHT INDUSTRY (ZZULI) 郑州轻工业学院 Zhengzhou University of Light Industry (ZZULI) locates in the city of Zhengzhou ,the capital of Henan Province. Founded in 1977, ZZULI presently has evolved into a multi-disciplinary engineering focused university promoting coordinated development of other disciplines such as Sciences, Liberal arts, Economics, Management, Law and Pedagogy. The University has accelerated its development at a breathtaking pace by educational reform and innovation, holding the educational philosophy of “putting
students first, dedication to learning, improving the quality of teaching and serving society,” and acting on the university motto of “nothing is too difficult for the willing mind”. Consisting of 15 colleges or departments, ZZULI offers 47 undergraduate programs, 26 master programs and 2 programs in the Master of Engineering. It is also authorized to award Master’s Degrees to the applicants with the equivalent education of the postgraduates. As a well-known university with a history of nearly 40 years, ZZULI presently has evolved into a multi-disciplinary, engineering focused university promoting coordinated development of other disciplines. The outstanding teaching staff and facilities distinguish it from other universities. en.zzulieducn Guide for International Students 5 Source: http://www.doksinet No of students 24,000 Style of study Practical and project-based. Undergraduates will receive systematic training in the respects of modern graphic design, visual
communication design, Creative product development, etc. Grade system Grade 优秀 良好 中等 中等 不及格 English translation Excellent Good Satisfactory Pass Fail Corresponding grade and percentage A (100% - 90%) B (89% - 80% C (79% - 70%) D (69% - 60%) F (<60%) VISA INFORMATION Application Times Please note that you have to apply to the exchange programme in your current year by 20 December. Applications for the host university must be submitted between Early March and Mid-April or Early September and Mid-October (depending on the Trimester), in the year following your initial application. Going abroad in Trimester 1 Going abroad in Trimester 2 6 FIND OUT MORE Initial Application Form 20 December (current year) Host University’s Form Early March - Mid-April (following year) Initial Application Form 20 December (current year) Host University’s Form Early September - Mid-October (following year) Source: http://www.doksinet ACCOMODATION & LIVING
Living Costs Compared to developed countries, the cost of living and studying in China is relatively low. Dormitory room approx. 5000 (£590)/per semester Food approx. 1,000-1,500 (£100 - £155)/per month Comprehensive Insurance Plan 800 (£83)/per year Monthly ticket public transport 90 (£9.33) Loaf of Fresh White Bread (500g) 8 (£0.83) Cappuccino (regular) 20 (£2.07) Cinema Ticket 80 (£8.30) More on Cost of Living in Zhengzhou Transport 7 Dormitories on campus usually have all the facilities that you will need, including lockers, bedding, air conditioning, TV sets, inexpensive or even free Internet access, toilets, shower facilities, hot water, etc. Dormitories generally offer single rooms, double rooms or deluxe rooms. You may also request to share a double room with a classmate. The city has 238 bus routes and almost 5,300 buses are used to serve the locals and all travelers. Regular daytime buses, overnight buses and tourist buses are available to meet the
different needs. Located at the crossing of Beijing-Guangzhou Railway Line and Lianyungang-Lanzhou Railway Line, Zhengzhou is one of the most important railway hinges in China to be regarded as the heart of China Rail System. Usually, international students in China can choose to stay at an on-campus dormitory or at the university’s hotel. You may also be able to live off campus with the permission of the University. Please contact ZZULI’s Office of International Relations at fao@zzuli.educn for further information As one of the seven highway transport hubs in China, Zhengzhou has very convenient long-distance bus facilities. There are around 10 longdistance bus stations for passengers’ convenience17 subway lines will operate in the city, linking the urban and suburban areas. The subway line 1 has started to operate since late 2013. LIFE AT ZHENGZHOU Source: http://www.doksinet CONTACT FOR INCOMING STUDENTS If you’re interested in the programme or you have any queries,
please contact the Edinburgh Napier University’s Global Mobility team first: studyabroad@napier.acuk 0131 455 4574/3412 napier.acuk/exchanges ZHENGZHOU UNIVERSITY OF LIGHT INDUSTRY Zhengzhou University Of Light Industry No.5 Dongfeng Road,Zhengzhou, Henan Province,PRC fao@zzuli.educn 86-371-63556926/86-371-63920143 F A X 8 86-371-63556927/86-371-63920143 Source: http://www.doksinet STUDENT EXPERIENCES detail “ preserving the , craftsmanship, and of their history is so strong Student Feedback Photos from students 9 ” Source: http://www.doksinet All images sourced from the university’s official website and social media accounts, except where noted otherwise. Notice something that we need to fix or update? Please email us studyabroad@napier.acuk