Education | Higher education » University of Southern California, Health Sciences Campus

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Source: http://www.doksinet C D University of Southern California 1 E F Consolidated Lot CVC 10 T5 ad Ro on ssi i M P 4 Monday-Wednesday Venue Lot 71 E L33 ISC Suggested parking for M-W 5 No rth Sta te S tree t South FWY Access COR CLB E E Biggy Parking Structure 8 E NRT NT T H NO R HC3 4 HC2 T1 EFC HM R Clinical Sciences Lot KMC T2 S5 HC4 E Zon al A ven ue go ren Ma A HR P RM R 3 E L15 Norfolk CCC Lot Norfolk Street O’Neal Lot 4 12 Henry Thomas Hazard Park MM R MC H UKC CSA L17 P1 Parkview Lot E CSC L25 BM T 2 S7 L19 E HC1 T3 7 E 6 NM L SRH t ee Str IRD P9 S4 L41 E KMC Parking Structure E BCC P4 KA M PSC GN H L31 E et tre yS g Big Lot 70 HSV ZNI VWB Valley Lot E E Soto Stre et et tre al S Zon MOL S6 CHP Eastlake Lot EDM E E S3 1 S2 San P ablo S treet C RS SSB 2 San Pab lo S tree t DAL Y ST . TOW E S1 Valley Blvd South San Pablo Lot E E Alcazar Street ue ven eA tlak Eas P

Griffin Avenue 3 ad Ro ion ss i M CRL L39 Soto Lot Thursday and Friday Venue 3 PHH I SBA North Main Street 2 LRB H SST Health Sciences Campus 5 G Soto Street B Play grou nd S tree t A 5 5 North FWY Access P P OPD T4 LAC + USC Outpatient Facility T7 Cum min gs S tree t T6 N 6 6 LAC + USC Inpatient Facility Ma ren go Stre et Cha rlot te S tree t P Cor nw ell S tree t 7 A B C D E Keck Medical Center of USC P8 Public Parking Other Patient Care L8 Permit Only Parking S Soto Street Tram Stops P1 Valet Parking T Patient Tram Stops E Parking Lot Entrance Dining P Other Public Parking 10 FWY Access F 7 7/7/14 G H I Source: http://www.doksinet Welcome to USC Health Sciences Campus Health Sciences Campus CCC Eli and Edythe Broad CIRM Center for Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at USC Bishop Medical Teaching and Research Child Care Center G4 CHP Center for the Health Professions F3 BCC BMT E5 CLB Clinical

Administration Bldg. D4 Clinical Sciences Annex H3 CSC Clinical Sciences Center H3 EDM Edmondson Building I1 EFC D4 Edmondson Faculty Center Auditoriums & Conference Centers F4 CSA HC1 USC Healthcare Center 1 F3 HC2 USC Healthcare Center 2 F3 HC3 Norris Healthcare Center F3 HC4 USC Healthcare Center 4 General Information (323) 442-2000 Public Safety and Security (323) 442-1200 Keck Hospital of USC (KMC) BCC Conference Center, First Floor CHP CHP Executive Conference, Room 102 F3 CSC Harkness Assembly, Room 250 H3 F4 HC4 USC Healthcare Center 4, Room 100 F4 HMR Hastings Auditorium, Room 100 E5 KAM Louis B. Mayer Auditorium E4 Keck Hospital of USC 1st Floor KMC Conference Rooms (Silver, Bronze and Cardinal); 5th Floor Salerni Room; 6th Floor Coliseum Room G3 MCH McKibben Annex 149, 249 and McKibben Hall 156, 256 E5 USC Healthcare Center 1 (HC1) E3 Visitor Parking and Transportation Employee/Student Parking and Transportation E4 Valet

Parking Employee/Student Lots F3 P1 Keck Hospital P9 USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital NML Library Conference Rooms (East, West) E4 Patient Care Facilities* F4 HC1 USC Healthcare Center 1 F3 HMR Hoffman Medical Research Building E5 HC2 USC Healthcare Center 2 F3 NTT Catherine and Joseph Aresty Conference Center, Lower Ground 7th Floor Conference, Room 7409 HRA Health Research Organization A5 HC3 F3 ZNI Herklotz Conference, Room 112 F3 HC4 USC Healthcare Center 4 F4 HRA Health Research Organization A5 KMC Keck Hospital of USC G3 LAC LAC+USC Inpatient Facilities D6 LAC+USC Outpatient Facilities NOR USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital NTT Norman Topping Tower D6 KMC Keck Cafeteria H3 E4 KMC Zebra Café Coffee Cart G3 E3 NOR The Rainbow Café E4 OPD D5 SRH E3 LAC+USC Outpatient Clinic Plaza Marketplace and Café RSC Rand Schrader Outpatient Clinic B3 SSB E4 UKC USC Kidney Center H3 ZNI E4 *

See Off-Campus Map for more locations HSV Health Sciences Telephone Vault KAM Keith Administration Building, Keck School of Medicine KMC Keck Hospital of USC G3 MCH McKibben Hall E5 MMR Mudd Memorial Research Laboratory E4 NML Norris Medical Library NOR USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital NRT Harlyne J. Norris Cancer Research Tower NTT Norman Topping Tower PSC Stauffer Pharmaceutical Sciences Center, USC School of Pharmacy RMR Raulston Medical Research Bldg. E4 E4 E4 E5 SBA Soto Street Building Annex H1 SRH Seaver Residence Hall E4 Norris Healthcare Center LAC Dining EFC Edmondson Faculty Center D4 HC2 Zebra Café Coffee Cart F3 F2 L33 Lot 70 D4 Visitor Lots L15 O’Neal Lot H5 E4 P8 Biggy Parking Structure D4 L19 KMC Parking Structure G3 Seeds Marketplace H1 P12 O’Neal Lot H5 P10 Lot 71 C4 Einstein Bros. Bagels F3 P6 KMC Parking Structure G3 L41 Valley Lot I2 P10 Lot 71 C4 L39 Soto Lot H1 ATM F3 D6

Limited visitor parking is also available near the Soto Street Building (SSB) KMC ATM G3 * 7 p.m to 7 am only A5 SRH ATM E4 CHP CRL Cancer Research Laboratories B3 H3 SRH Bookstore E4 CRO Clinical Research Organization A5 VWB Valley Warehouse Building H2 SRH Credit Union E4 CVC B3 ZNI F3 IRD Intern and Resident Dorm D5 ISC Imaging Science Center C4 LRB Livingston Research Bldg. B2 MOL Medical Oncology Lab A3 OPD D5 P E3 Consolidated Lot D4 USC Kidney Center Rand Schrader Outpatient Clinic Eastlake Lot P3 Biggy Parking Structure UKC RSC L31 P8 H1 TOW Tower Hall F2 F4 H1 PHH Phinney Hall E4 F2 Soto Street Building Outpatient Clinic G3 South San Pablo Lot Parkview Lot* Soto Street Building II Zilkha Neurogenetic Institute Clinical Sciences Lot P2 South San Pablo Lot SSB Center for the Vulnerable Child L17 P7 SST COR Los Angeles County Coroner G4 P2 HSC Campus Services LAC+USC Medical Center LAC+USC Medical

Center NRT USC Healthcare Center 2 (HC2) Patient Trams Electric vehicles operate Monday through Friday, 8 a.m – 5 pm They run every 10 minutes between USC Norris Cancer Hospital, HC 4, Keck Hospital, HC 1 and HC 2. They also are available on-call: from Keck Hospital, Gold Lobby (323) 442-9919, Cardinal Lobby (323) 442-8787, from USC Norris (323) 865-3176. B3 B3 B3 County Parking Structures and Lots USC Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center and Hospital (NOR) Keck Medical Center of USC Trams Trams operate Monday through Friday, running continuously in a circuit between the Valley Lot, South San Pablo Lot, Keck Hospital, USC Norris Cancer Hospital and Soto Buildings. For more information, call Keck Hospital Parking Operations (323) 442-8630 or visit transnet.uscedu Inter-Campus Shuttle Busses run between USC Norris Cancer Hospital (S4 Stop), Union Station and University Park Campus every 30 minutes from 7 a.m until 3 pm with continuing service through 10 p.m at scheduled times.

For schedules and additional routes, visit transnet.uscedu 2014 Keck Medicine of USC (7/14)