Chemistry | Biochemistry » Graduate Programs in Chemistry and Biochemistry

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Source: http://www.doksinet Graduate Programs in Chemistry and Biochemistry 2014 ‐ 2015 Source: http://www.doksinet Introduction Welcome to the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Texas at Arlington. We are pleased to present this brochure to you, prospective graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, alumni, friends and colleagues around the world, to provide you with an overview of the outstanding programs and exciting research and training opportunities available in our department. This University is a comprehensive research and teaching institution whose mission is the advancement of knowledge and the pursuit of excellence. The Department is committed to the promotion of lifelong learning through its academic and applied programs. Our Department has comprehensive research and training activities in many areas of chemistry and biochemistry. Our state‐of‐the‐art research facilities, excellent faculty and support staff, combined with generous

external funding and partnerships, allow advanced studies in all of these areas. We offer several advanced degree programs but the most innovative is the Ph.D in Chemistry which includes career enrichment and internship opportunities. With such training, our graduates have had 100% success rates obtaining employment in their fields. The program is ideally suited for students interested in a career in chemical, pharmaceutical, and biotech industries, in government laboratories, or in academics. Source: http://www.doksinet Our Department has a tradition of excellence in education and training. It is exciting for our faculty to help students: From the initial contact; to progress through the selective admission procedure; through the rigors of modern courses; the presentation of oral seminars and proposals; to the challenging work of independent thesis research; and writing of dissertations and publications. It is a rewarding experience to observe a dedicated student grow from a

probing beginner to a creative scientist who is able make significant contribution to the knowledge of his or her field. It has been satisfying to see graduates succeed in subsequent industrial, postdoctoral, government, and academic positions. Our Department provides the intellectual atmosphere, an individualized‐mentoring, and all the help necessary for every aspect of that growth. The University is located in the center of the economically and culturally vibrant Dallas ‐ Fort Worth “Metroplex” and looks forward confidently to a bright future. We invite you to visit our department and meet with our faculty, visit our website, and/or call us with your inquiries (http://www.utaedu/chemistry/; 817‐272‐ 3171). The University The University of Texas at Arlington (www.utaedu) is a comprehensive research, teaching, and public service institution. With an enrollment of over 34,000 students, U.T Arlington is the second largest of the 15 institutions in The University of Texas

System and the 5th largest university in Texas. Founded in 1895, UT Arlington joined the University of Texas system in 1965. The student body has become increasingly diversified with students representing almost every state in the United States and more than 100 countries. Graduate students comprise approximately 25 percent of the total enrollment. The University has excellent sports and recreational facilities and a day care center available within the campus. Source: http://www.doksinet Location The University of Texas at Arlington is located on a modern, 392‐acre campus in the center of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex, midway between Dallas (the nation’s 9th largest city) and Forth Worth (“where the west begins”), a 20 minute drive from either city. Arlington, with a population of over 380,000, is the 49th largest city and one of the fastest growing suburban areas in the United States. The city of Arlington (www.ciarlingtontxus), home to The University of Texas at

Arlington, was established in 1876 as a midway railroad stop between Dallas and Fort Worth. In the last several decades, Arlington has grown into the “Midway of the Metroplex”, and it is located just 16 miles from the Dallas‐Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) (www.dfwairportcom) Arlington residents enjoy more than 40 city parks, four multipurpose recreation centers and six public swimming pools located throughout the city. It is home to the Texas Rangers (www.texasrangerscom) baseball team who play in the Rangers Ballpark at Arlington. It is also home to the Dallas Cowboys (www.dallascowboyscom) who play in AT&T Stadium. Both the Ballpark and AT&T Stadium are located only a few miles from the U.T Arlington campus. Dallas, located 15 miles to the east, claims the NBA’s Dallas Mavericks (www.nbacom/mavericks/) and the NHL’s Dallas Stars (www.dallasstarscom) Both teams play at the American Airlines Center (www.americanairlinescentercom) in downtown Dallas.

Additionally, the cityʹs Morton H Meyerson Symphony Center (www.dallassymphonycom) ranks among the elite orchestral halls of the world. Fort Worth, a 20‐minute drive to the west, offers visitors a look at ʺwhere the west beginsʺ at the Stockyards National Historical District (www.fortworthstockyardsorg) (pictured below). In Fort Worth, cowboys and other residents meet and compete at the nationʹs premier equestrian center and the Cattlemanʹs Museum. They Source: http://www.doksinet also enjoy world‐class culture at the renowned Bass Performance Hall (www.basshallcom), the Kimbell Art Museum (www.kimbellartorg) (which features works by Rembrandt, Cezanne and Picasso), the Amon Carter Museum of American Art (www.cartermuseumorg), and the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth (www.mamfworg) Outdoor recreational activities in the area are enhanced by numerous lakes (suitable for both fishing and water sports), hiking trails and nature centers. Arlington and the surrounding cities

also have an extensive and exciting night life. With a total population over 65 million, the proximity of urban centers is particularly advantageous for spouses of graduate students who wish to work, since career opportunities of all descriptions are available within the region. Source: http://www.doksinet Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry The Department is housed in the Chemistry and Physics Building (CPB), which opened in 2006, the Chemistry Research Building (CRB) (circa 1996), and Science Hall (SH), which is newly renovated. Each of these buildings is specifically designed with sophisticated laboratories and state‐of‐the‐art infrastructures for performing high quality research and teaching in the field of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The steady growth of the program, has led to development of new laboratory spaces and hence the new buildings. The University of Texas at Arlington’s Chemistry and Biochemistry currently includes 19 full‐time research‐ active

faculty members. Each year it averages approximately two dozen postdoctoral fellows and visiting faculty. The Department currently has over three million dollars per year in external grant support. An extensive seminar program allows a variety of scientists from this country and abroad to visit our campus and interact with our faculty, postdoctoral fellows, and students. Source: http://www.doksinet Graduate Programs The Department offers graduate programs leading to both M.S and PhD degrees in Chemistry The PhD degree is unique in that all of our doctoral students are required to participate in career advancement or internship opportunities. Graduate degrees are also available through interdisciplinary programs in materials science and engineering, as well as in environmental and earth sciences. A special program has also been designed for industry professionals to pursue a Ph.D degree part‐time in a cooperative manner with the student’s employer. After entering the graduate

program, students are counseled by the Graduate Advisor and generally take 9 hours of course work and/or research per semester. During the first semester, students are encouraged to discuss research topics with faculty members in their areas of interest so that they may choose a research supervisor and begin their research. New students will enroll in a one credit course their first semester, in which all of the departmental faculty will present their research interests. Ph.D in Chemistry The Department offers the degree Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Chemistry which is designed to better prepare doctoral level chemists to enjoy productive careers in industrial laboratories, government laboratories or academic institutions. In addition to the traditional PhD curriculum, this program emphasizes that the student acquire the working knowledge of the type of research conducted in other institutions of research (government, industry, international, etc.) and of the constraints (both

practical and philosophical) under which it is carried out. Source: http://www.doksinet To facilitate this, each student is required to spend one semester or multiple shorter stays in career advancement programs. Most any opportunity for enrichment can be considered for credit. These are either arranged by faculty members, the Department, or initiated by the student. They are an important part of the studentʹs training and often open avenues for future employment. If a student already has industrial research experience, this requirement may be waived if the student desires. The traditional (required and elective) coursework includes analytical, biochemistry, inorganic, organic, and physical chemistry courses. Instead of taking comprehensive or cumulative examinations, our students are required by the middle of their second year, to write and orally defend a proposal based on their Ph.D research project. The final degree requirement, upon completion of their research, is the writing

and oral defense of the dissertation. M.S in Chemistry There are three types of masters degrees offered. The Masterʹs Degree with Thesis is a research degree and is generally obtained in two or three years of full‐time work. During this time, the student learns to recognize and solve problems in research. Graduate work in chemistry leading to this degree requires 24 hours of coursework and completion of a thesis based on the research performed by the student. The M.S Degree with Thesis Substitute is designed for students who are currently employed in industry. This thesis substitute option requires 27 hours of course work and 6 hours of an individual instruction course. The final requirement is a substantial report (the thesis substitute) rather than a thesis. In order to exercise this option, the student must have completed at least five years of Source: http://www.doksinet suitable professional experience in an industrial, government or other chemistry laboratory at the time

that the degree is awarded. A non‐thesis route to the M.S, requiring 36 credit hours of course work, is also available. Interdisciplinary M.S and PhD Programs The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry participates in several interdisciplinary programs which include special chemistry tracks leading to the Ph.D Materials Science and Engineering Ph.D The University of Texas at Arlington offers a very strong graduate program in Materials Science and Engineering (www.utaedu/mse) leading to Masterʹs and PhD degrees The present program fully accesses all of the Materials Science capabilities on campus, including those of related research centers that have gained national and international recognition. Our program allows students who complete the core Materials Science and Engineering requirements to carry out independent research and to develop a professional level background in a number of scientific and engineering disciplines. The core courses provide the underlying scientific

fundamentals upon which the discipline of materials science is based. These courses are augmented by elective offerings from the departments of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, as well as Electrical, Mechanical, Biomedical, and Aerospace Engineering. Students gain expertise in scientific research by designing original research projects, carrying out experiments to completion, explaining their results, and publishing their findings. Source: http://www.doksinet potential for our graduates and has excellent relationships with local industries such as Texas Instruments, Loral, Bell Helicopter, Textron, National Semiconductor, Surgikos, ITW, and Lockheed Fort Worth. Environmental and Earth Sciences M.S and PhD The interdisciplinary nature of the curriculum and research efforts are structured to give our students a broad‐based education in a variety of fields including physical and mechanical metallurgy, materials characterization, electronic materials (including conductors and

superconductors), ceramics, biomaterials, polymers (electrically conductive and conventional), polymeric‐matrix composites and metal‐matrix composites, as well as advanced materials. The University of Texas at Arlington holds tremendous Interest in the environment is an ever‐widening field. A cross‐disciplinary graduate program leads to M.S and Ph.D degrees specializing in understanding and resolving complex environmental problems. The Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry joins the Departments of Biology, Civil Engineering, Geology and the School of Urban and Public Affairs in an integrated multi‐disciplinary approach to develop the diverse background needed for resolving environmental problems. The program offers to students who have earned science or engineering undergraduate degrees a common ground for interdisciplinary communication and competence. For additional information contact Professor Andrew Hunt ( Source: http://www.doksinet Financial

Support Teaching and research assistantships and research fellowships are available to qualified students. Most students in their first and second years serve as teaching assistants. This requires about 12 hours per week of student contact in addition to some grading and lab preparation needs. Some well‐qualified applicants may be offered special fellowships or research assistantships the first year depending on availability and qualifications of the student. Beyond the first one or two years, students are usually supported either as research assistants, research fellows, or as teaching assistants; and are expected to devote their time outside of class to their dissertation or thesis research project. Fellowships from several sources and assistantships valued at $2,000 per month, including fringe benefits and an excellent insurance package are available. Assistantship support is maintained, or in some cases increased, on a yearly basis, assuming that all degree candidacy requirements

are met by the student. All doctoral level students meeting entrance requirements are provided a College of Science STEM tuition fellowship, which covers 85% of the cost of tuition. During the course of schooling, additional fellowships of up to $2000 per year may be garnered by graduate students who exhibit special promise and achievements. Besides the teaching and research assistantships, department scholorships also are available to qualified students for the first year. Additionally, during the time spent in career development and internship opportunities, the stipend received by the student is usually significantly greater than that for a teaching or research assistantship. Importantly, because the career advancement opportunities are required by the degree, international students limited by various visa requirements are still eligible to be supported by and participate in these opportunities. Summer Support The Department provides support for students in good standing through

the summer months. Monthly stipends are essentially the same as academic year appointments. This allows students to make valuable progress toward their degree during the summer. Source: http://www.doksinet Fellowships, Scholarships, and Assistantships, 2014 ‐ 2015 Frequently Asked Questions about applying to the program: http://www.utaedu/chemistry/graduate/how‐to‐applyphp Graduate Teaching Assistantship Teaching and research assistantships and research fellowships are available to all qualified PhD‐bound students. Most students in their first and second years serve as teaching assistants. Some well‐qualified applicants may be offered special fellowships or research assistantships already in or after the first year. Fellowships are available from several sources, and assistantships are $18,000 per academic year (9 months) plus fringe benefits, including an excellent insurance package. All doctoral level students in good academic standing are eligible for tuition support,

covering 85% of the tuition (amounting to approximately $6,000 per year). The Department provides the opportunity for summer support for students in good academic standing. Monthly stipends are comparable to those during the academic year appointments. Additional Fellowships and Scholarships A variety of fellowships and scholarships are available for application or nomination to provide extra support funds to graduate students. Many are approximately $1000 ‐ $2000 annually Some are slated to support first year students and are awarded prior to beginning the program. Others are awarded to continuing students based on exceptional merit. More information on available fellowships can be found here: http://www.utaedu/chemistry/graduate/stipends‐and‐fellowshipsphp Source: http://www.doksinet Research Facilities & Instrumentation The Department is located in Science Hall (SH), the Baker Chemistry Research Building (CRB) and the new Chemistry and Physics Building (CPB). We are

well equipped to perform top‐level research in all traditional and interdisciplinary chemistry‐based fields. The major equipment available includes: Two multinuclear, superconducting (300 and 500 MHz) FT‐NMR spectrometers with both solids and liquids capability; Three single crystal X‐ray diffractometers with low‐ temperature capabilities; Analytical and preparative HPLC instruments; Capillary electrophoresis (CE) instruments; UV/Vis, fluorescence, chiral, and MS detectors for CE and HPLC; API (ESI/APCI) mass spectrometer detectors (single quad, QqQ, QIT, LIT, IT‐TOF); Numerous gas chromatographs; GC/FT‐IR spectrometer; Two GC‐MS/MS instruments; GPC instrument with multiangle laser light scattering detector; Three fast protein LCs; Gel electrophoresis instrument; Gel documentation system; HPLC‐ICP‐MS; MALDI‐TOF‐MS; Several FT‐IR spectrometers; Electron spin

resonance spectrometer; Numerous UV/vis spectrophotometers (some with diode‐array detection); UV/vis/NIR spectrophotometer; Two spectrofluorimeters; Circular dichroism spectrometer; Mössbauer spectrometer; Dynamic light scattering instrument; Rapid scan time‐resolved spectrometer; Fluorescence microscope; Phosphor imager; DNA fluorimeter; Flame and graphite furnace atomic absorption instrument; X‐Ray Photoelectron Spectrometer; Microwave synthesizer instrument; High pressure apparatus; Electrochemical analyzer; Karl Fischer titrator; Viscometer; Residual gas analyzer; Patch‐clamp apparatus; C,H,N elemental analyzer; Two ESCA systems; Source: http://www.doksinet Several potentiostat / galvanostats; Optical microscope; Ultracentrifuge; Two high speed centrifuges; Several standard centrifuges; Differential scanning

calorimeter; Thermogravimetric analyzer; Several vacuum atmospheres dry boxes; Liquid helium cryostat for conductivity; AC impedance analyzer; Two digital oscilloscopes; Surface tensiometer; Multiple HV pulse generators; Several vapor pressure osmometers; Transient electric bifringence apparatus; Laser‐induced Kerr effect apparatus; Several fast reaction instruments (T‐jump, laser‐E‐jump, P‐jump, flash photolysis and stopped‐flow apparatus); Thin film profilometer; Ellipsometer; Several RF plasma reactors; Quartz crystal microbalance; DNA sequencing apparatus; Centrifugal vacuum concentrator; Two UV transilluminators; Several incubator/shakers; Two liquid scintillation counters. In addition to select instruments from the above list, the Biochemistry facility in CPB also has: Tissue culture facility with temperature controlled CO2 incubator and

biosafety cabinet; Cell and tissue storage liquid nitrogen tank; PCR machine; Multiple water purification systems; Scintillation counter; Cold rooms and warm rooms; ‐80 °C freezer. Source: http://www.doksinet Housed in the Chemistry & Physics Building is the $8.5 million Shimadzu Center for Advanced Analytical Chemistry. As part of the $25.2 million partnership between U.T Arlington and Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, advanced spectroscopy, chromatography, and mass spectrometry instrumentation is available for use by all students, researchers, faculty, and external (even, industrial) partners in their research. www.utaedu/scaac For computational chemists, there is a 12‐seat PC‐based molecular modeling lab (PCs running Windows, Gaussian 03, GausView, and Hyperchem). Additionally, there are several Linux workstations and two high resolution graphics workstations. The U.T Arlington Computation Center consists of several high performance

nodes with a total of 146 processors, between 1 – 16 GB of memory each, and over 8.4 Terabytes of total disk space. This cluster is dedicated to computational research. There are also hundreds of PCs and Macintoshes, many available 24 hr/day, for student and faculty use. The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry contains several dozen PC’s and Macintosh computers connected to the University’s servers, and to the internet. Within the Department, there is a well‐equipped machine shop, two electronics shops, and a well‐equipped stockroom; all maintained and run by our dedicated staff members. The University Library has over 1.1 million volumes, 87,500 of which are in the Science and Engineering Library; both of which are in close proximity to the Department. Source: http://www.doksinet Research Program Sponsors Agencies and Foundations Companies The State of Texas Advanced Research Program Advanced Technology Program Research Enhancement Program U.T Arlington – UT

Dallas Collaborative Seed Program U.T Arlington – UNTHSC Collaborative Seed Program U.T Arlington – UTSW Collaborative Seed Program Texas Commission for Environmental Quality Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Thermo / Dionex Corporation Cray Research, Inc. DuPont Agrochemicals Pfizer Advanced Separation Technologies, Inc. (ASTEC) Alcon Research Laboratories Electronic Bio Sciences Sid Richardson Carbon and Energy Company DuPont Central Research Labs Source: http://www.doksinet Department of Defense Office of Naval Research Air Force Office of Sponsored Research Department of Energy National Institutes of Health National Science Foundation The Welch Foundation ACS Petroleum Research Fund Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Environmental Protection Agency The Gerber Foundation DARPA Texas Instruments Ethicon Advanced Sterilization Products (ASP) Vistakon Cordis Corp. Proctor and Gamble Dow Chemical LTV Aerospace and Defense Co. Supelco Eli Lilly & Company Shimadzu Scientific

Instruments / Shimadzu Corp. Corsitech Current Research Areas The disciplines of scientific research in the Department are broken down into traditional avenues, including Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Polymer Chemistry, and Biochemistry research. Within these disciplines, some specific foci include the following: Artificial Photosynthesis Asymmetric Synthesis Atmospheric Chemistry Automated Intelligent Analyzers Bioinorganic Chemistry Biochemical Kinetics Biochemical Redox Regulation Biosensor development Biosynthesis Carcinogenesis Cell‐Signaling Mechanisms Colloid Chemistry Computational Chemistry Drug and Radiation Resistance Drug Discovery Electrodeposition Enantiomeric Separations Environmental Chemistry Enzymology Eukaryotic Transcription Fast Reaction Processes Gene Expression and Regulation Heterocyclic Chemistry Heterogeneous Photocatalysis Homogeneous Catalysis In‐situ Medical Diagnosis Instrumentation Development Intervention of Anti‐Cancer Drugs Ion

Transport Mechanisms Ionic Analysis and Separations Source: http://www.doksinet Ionic Liquids Luminescent Materials Mass Spectrometry Materials Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry Microbe Separations Molecular Recognition Nanochemistry Natural Products Isolation Natural Products Total Synthesis Nonlinear Phenomena Plasma Polymerization Process Analyzers for Industry Proteomics Quantum Chemistry Semiconductor/Electrolyte Interfaces Separation Science Solar Energy Conversion Supramolecular chemistry Surface Chemistry Synthetic Methods Development Thin Film Flow Devices and Sensors Thin Film Formation Transition‐Metal Chemistry Water Quality A high degree of collaboration and collegiality exists in the Department among faculty, students, and research fellows. Many faculty members also have active collaborations with other departments in the University. There is truly something for everyone here at U.T Arlington! Furthermore, all faculty members are happy to entertain new ideas as

exciting avenues of research. Application and Admission to Graduate Study A complete application form, official transcripts of all undergraduate and prior graduate grades, the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), and three letters of recommendation are required of all entering students. All the above should be sent directly to the Graduate School except the three letters of recommendation which should be sent to the Graduate Advisor in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. Applicants from foreign countries must also submit their TOEFL score and a financial statement. They also must be prepared to demonstrate competency in spoke English The deadline for applicants for admission to the Graduate School is several months before the semester begins and is listed in the current Graduate School Catalog. If financial aid is requested, application should be made much earlier Source: http://www.doksinet Each student who is interested in our graduate program is requested to fill out a

preliminary inquiry form at http://www.utaedu/chemistry/graduate/pre‐application‐formphp There is no cost to submit this form and the information provided will help us better assist each interested student through the official application process. Furthermore, a list of frequently asked questions related to applying to the graduate program is available at http://www.utaedu/chemistry/graduate/how‐to‐applyphp For further information, write to: The University of Texas at Arlington Graduate Advisor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Box 19065 Arlington, Texas 76019‐0065, USA Or visit our web site at: http://www.utaedu/chemistry/ Or contact us by: Phone: (817)272‐3171; FAX: (817)272‐3808; E‐mail: Chemistry Graduate Students Association The Chemistry Graduate Students Association (CGSA) was founded in 1994 to provide a formal means of communication between chemistry graduate students and the faculty and administration. During the last three years,

the CGSA has accomplished several goals. These include tasks from meeting with senior administration to discuss graduate student concerns, to social functions such as planning and organizing semi‐annual departmental picnics. Additionally, the CGSA performs many service projects for the department. Past projects include construction of the departmental recruiting booth and representing the department at regional and national meetings. During the grand opening of the new W. A Baker Chemistry Research Building in March 1996, the CGSA led tours of the facility. Many opportunities have presented themselves to our members. Recently, CGSA members participated with Source: http://www.doksinet faculty in interviewing candidates for new faculty position openings. Through these and other activities, the CGSA has provided a valuable resource for the department and has enhanced the professional development of our members. Source: http://www.doksinet Faculty and Their Research Interests

Source: http://www.doksinet Faculty Contact Information Name Phone Email Office Administrative and Advising Duties D. W Armstrong 817‐272‐0632 CRB 303 A. Bugarin 817‐272‐9399 CRB 205 S. Chowdhury 817‐272‐5439 CPB 352 P. K Dasgupta 817‐272‐3806 CPB 229 H. V R Dias 817‐272‐3813 CRB 305 Department Chair R. L Elsenbaumer 817‐272‐2103 Davis Hall 321 Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs F. W Foss Jr 817‐272‐5245 CRB 202 J. Heo 817‐272‐1076 CPB 352 J. Jeon 817‐272‐0262 CRB 203 K. Johnson‐Winters 817‐272‐3802 CPB 350 P. M Kroll 817‐272‐3814 CPB 353 C. J Lovely 817‐272‐5446 CRB 204 R. Macaluso 817‐272‐1762 robin.macaluso@utaedu CRB 102 F. M MacDonnell 817‐272‐2972

CRB 302 Associate Chair S. S Mandal 817‐272‐3804 CPB 349 Graduate Studies Chair B. S Pierce 817‐272‐9066 SH 300F K. Rajeshwar 817‐272‐3492 CPB 356 J. Rhinehart 817‐272‐1091 CRB 103 J. R Rogers 817‐272‐5442 CRB 104 K. A Schug 817‐272‐3541 CPB 358 S. Tanizaki 817‐272‐1056 CRB 102 Graduate Recruiting Committee Chair Graduate Advisor CPB = Chemistry & Physics Building; CRB = Chemistry Research Building; SH = Science Hall; COS – College of Science Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Molecular and Chiral Recognition • Ionic Liquids • Separation Science • Microbe Separations • Colloid Chemistry • Mass Spectrometry Selected Publications • • • • • Daniel W. Armstrong Robert A. Welch Professor B.S 1972, Interdepartmental Science and Math Washington & Lee University, Lexington, VA

• • • • M.S 1974, Oceanography, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX “Chiral Ionic Liquids: A Compendium of Syntheses and Applications (2005-2012)”, Payagala, T. and Armstrong, DW, Chirality 24, 17-53 (2012). “1,3-Dimethylamylamine (DMAA) in Supplements and Geranium Products: Natural or Synthetic?”, Zhang, Y., Woods, R M, Breitbach, Z.S and Armstrong, DW, Drug Test Analysis, 4, 986-990 (2012) “Complexation of Cyclofrunctans with Transition Metal Ions Studied by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry and CollisionInduced Dissociation”, Wang, L., Chai, Y, Sun, C and Armstrong, DW, Int J Mass Spec, Vol 323-324 21-27 (2012) “Structure and Dynamics of the 1-Hydroxyethyl-4-amino-1,2,4-triazolium Nitrate High-Energy Ionic Liquid System”, Carlson, P.J, Bose, S., Armstrong, DW, Hawkins, T, Gordon, MS, and Petrick, JW, J Phys Chem B, 116 503-512 (2012) “Metal Cation Detection in Positive Ion Mode Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using a

Tetracationic Salt as a Gas Phase Ion-pairing agent: Evaluation of the Effect of Chelating Agents on Detection Sensitivity”, Xu, C., Dodbiba, E, Padivitage, NLT, Breitbach, Z.S and Armstrong, DW, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 26, 2885-2896 (2012) Enantiomeric impurities in chiral catalysts, auxiliaries, and synthons used in enantioselective synthese. Part 4, “Qiu, H, Padivitage, N.LT, Frink, L and Armstrong, DW, Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 24 1134-1141 (2013) “Enantioseparation of flinderoles and borreverines by HPLC on Chirobiotic V and V2 stationary phases and by CE using cyclodextrin selectors”, Smuts, J.P, Na, Y, Vallakati, R, Pribylka, A, May, JA and Armstrong, DW, Anal Bioanal Chem 405 (9169-9177 (2013). “Enantiomeric Separations of Chiral Sulfonic and Phosphoric Acids with Barium-Doped CyclofructanSelectors via an Ion Interaction Mechanism”, Smuts, J.P, Hao, X, Han, Z, Parpia, C, Krische, MJ and Armstrong, DW, Anal Chem 86 1282-1290 (2014) “On the Use of Quadrupole Mass

Sprectrometric Detection for Flow Modulated Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography”, Gorovenko, R., Krupcik, J, Spanik, I, Bockova, I, Sandra, P and Armstrong, DW, J Chrom A 1330 51-60 (2014). Ph.D 1977, Bio-organic Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX Awards: Great Britain’s Martin Medal (1991), Presidential Award for Research & Creativity (1993), 49th American Chemical Society Midwest Regional Award (1993), R&D 100 Award (1995), ACS Helen M. Free Award for Public Outreach (1998), ACS Award in Chromatography (1999), Weber Medal for Contributions to Pharmaceutical Science (2001), Chirality Medal (2003), Vladimir J. Zuffa Medal for Pharmaceutical Chemistry (2004), Dal Nogare Award for Separation Science (2005), Medal of the Slovak Medical Society (2007), UTA Distinguished Record of Research or Creative Activity (2012), Named American Chemical Society Fellow (2013), ACS Award for Separation Science & Technology (2014), M.JE Golay Award

(2014) Source: http://www.doksinet Research Research in our group focuses on catalytic reaction development with applications in natural product synthesis. Areas of fundamental interest include: the identification of new reactivity patterns, the evolution of related catalytic processes, and the development of new synthetic strategies. Specifically, we are pursuing new chemistry using azides, nucleophilic and electrophilic catalysis via N-heterocyclic carbenes, synergistic catalysis, redox economy, and metal-catalyzed tandem processes. Selected Publications Alejandro Bugarin Assistant Professor Patil, S.; White, K; Bugarin, A* “Novel Triazene Dyes from N-Heterocyclic Carbenes and Azides: Synthesis, Stability, and Spectroscopic Properties” Tetrahedron Lett. 2014, 55, 4826-4829 Bugarin, A.*; Martinez, L. E; Cooke, P; Islam, T; Noveron, J C “Solid-phase organic synthesis of 2-tridecanyl 1,4naphthoquinone and 2-tridecanyl 1,4-naphthodiol that form redox-active micelles” Bioorg

Chem 2014, 56, 62-66 B.S Chemistry, Pharmacy and Biology (2003) Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas, Mexico Sandoval, D.; Frazier, C, P; Bugarin, A Read de Alaniz, J “Electrophilic α-Amination Reaction of b-Ketoesters Using NHydroxycarbamates: Merging Aerobic Oxidation and Lewis Acid Catalysis” J Am Chem Soc 2012, 134, 18948-18951 M.S Chemistry (2006) University of Texas at El Paso, TX Frazier, C, P.; Bugarin, A; Engelking, J R; Read de Alaniz, J “Copper-Catalyzed Aerobic Oxidation of N-Substituted Hydroxylamines: Efficient and Practical Access to Nitroso Compounds” Org. Lett 2012, 14, 3620-3623 Ph.D Chemistry (2011) Texas A&M University, TX Bugarin, A.; Connell, B T “A Highly Active and Selective Palladium Pincer Catalyst for the Formation of α-Aryl Ketones via Cross-Coupling” Chem. Commun 2011, 47, 7218-7220 Highlighted as a "cutting-edge contribution" in the special issue entitled New Advances in Catalytic C-C Bond Formation via Late Transition

Metals. Post-Doctoral Research (2012) University of California, Santa Barbara, CA Bugarin, A.; Connell, B T “MgI2-Accelerated Enantioselective Morita-Baylis-Hillman Reactions of Cyclopentenone Utilizing a Chiral DMAP Catalyst” Chem. Commun 2010, 46, 2644-2646 Highlighted in Synfacts, 2010, 7, 788 Highlighted on the Organic Chemistry Portal. Highlighted in Synthesis of Cyclopentenones, 2011 Member: American Chemical Society SACNAS Bugarin, A.; Connell, B T “Acceleration of the Morita-Baylis-Hillman Reaction by a Simple Mixed Catalyst System” J Org. Chem 2009, 74, 4638-4641 Highlighted on the Organic Chemistry Portal Bugarin, A.; Connell, B T “ Chiral, Electron-Rich Benzene-based NCN Pincer Complexes with Nickel(II) and Palladium(II): Efficient Synthesis and Analysis of Lewis Acidity” Organometallics 2008, 27, 4357-4369. Source: http://www.doksinet Proteomics and Bio-analytical Mass Spectrometry Research Saiful M. Chowdhury Assistant Professor Ph.D Chemistry

(2001-2006) Washington State University, Pullman, WA Chemical Crosslinking and Mass Spectrometry Post-Doctoral Research (2006-2009) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA Research Fellow (2009-2012) NIEHS, National Institute of Health (NIH) Awards: Fellow Award For Research Excellence (FARE), 2011, National Institute of Health Laboratory Directed R & D Grant Award, 2009, PNNL Current Grant: AREA, NIGMS, NIH UT Systems Selected Publications  Bhawal, Ruchika P., Conchadi Sadananda, S, Bugarin, A, Laposa, B, Chowdhury, Saiful M* Mass spectrometry cleavable strategy for identification and differentiation of prenylated peptides.’ – Analytical chemistry, 2015  Chowdhury, S. M; Munske, G R; Yang, J; Zhukova, D; Nguyen, H; Bruce, J E: Solid-phase N-terminal peptide enrichment study by optimizing trypsin proteolysis on homoargininemodified proteins by mass spectrometry. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2014, 28, 635-44 Source: http://www.doksinet Research •

Extraterrestrial Platforms: An Ion Chromatograph for the next Mars Rover • Nonlinear spectrometry: Cavity Enhanced systems for high sensitivity high dynamic range measurements; Applications in Deep UV TOC measurements • Miniature detectors for chromatography and other applications: An ultrasensitive noncontact conductance detector for measurement down to sub-m capillaries • Imaging Separations in real time, it’s a movie! •A miniature arsenic detector for portable applications Dal Nogare Award Lecture: Purnendu K. (Sandy) Dasgupta Jenkins Garrett Professor http://www.youtubecom/watch?v=UGE3KgiIcyQ Selected Publications Ph.D 1977, Analytical Chemistry, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge Doped Soap Membranes Selectively Permeate a Chiral Isomer. Kanyanee, T; Jakmunee,J; Grudpan, K; Dasgupta, P. K J Am Chem Soc 2010 132, 18045–18047 Aerosol Research Chemist: University of California, Davis 1978-1981. Electrodialytic membrane suppressors for ion chromatography

make programmable buffer generators. Chen, Y.; Srinivasan, K; Dasgupta, P K Anal Chem 2012, 84, 67-75 Paul W. Horn Professor: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, 1981-2006. Breastfed infants metabolize perchlorate. Shelor, C P; Kirk, A B; Dasgupta, P K; Kroll, M; Campbell, C A., Choudhary, P K Environ Sci Technol 2012, 46, 5151-5159 Member: American Chemical Society, Senior IEEE, Phi Lambda Upsilon, Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Beta Delta, Sigma Xi A Disposable Blood Cyanide Sensor. Tian, Y; Dasgupta, P K; Mahon, S B; Ma, J Brenner, M; Wang, JH; Boss, G R Anal Chim Acta 2013, 768, 129-135 Polymethylmethacrylate Open Tubular Ion Exchange Columns. Nondestructive Measurement of Very Small Ion Exchange Capacities. Zhang, M; Yang, B C; Dasgupta, P K Anal Chem 2013, 85, 7994-8000 Editor: Analytica Chimica Acta 8 Separation of 5 common anions in 2 min – continuous repeat runs demonstrating reproducibility. 58 cm PMMA capillary, 19.5 m id, 14 psi

(1 atm), 131 pL inj, 100 M ea fluoride, chloride nitrite, bromide, nitrate. This open tubular column can be dried, frozen, thawed, rewetted, and reused Membrane CO2 Sensor without loss of performance. 6 C4D signal, mV Awards: ARCS Scientist of the Year Award, 2005; Ion Chromatography Achievement Award 2005, Best Science Paper of the Year Award, ES&T, 2006; Japan Society for FIA honor medal, 2008; UTA Distinguished Research award 2010; ACS Chromatography Award 2011; Dal Nogare Award in Chromatography, 2012; State of Texas Senate Honor Proclamation, 2012, ACS DFW section Dougherty Award, 2012. 4 2 0 0.0 1.0 Time, min 2.0 Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Electrically Conductive Polymers • Advanced Lubricants and Lubricant technology • Mechanistic Organic and Polymer Chemistry • Materials Science of Conjugated Polymers • Corrosion • Organic Superconductors Selected Publications Ronald L. Elsenbaumer Professor and Provost and Vice President for

Academic Affairs B.S with Honors in Chemistry (1973) Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN Ph.D in Chemistry (1978) Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Prior Career: ALLIEDSIGNAL, INC. (ALLIED CHEMICAL / HONEYWELL) Morristown, NJ – 14 years Awards: National Academy of Inventors (2013) ACS Student Award in Analytical Chemistry (1972) Phi Beta Kappa (1973) Xin Chen, Ronald L. Elsenbaumer, Pranesh B Aswath, “Synthesis and tribological behavior of ashless alkylphosphorofluoridothioates,” Tribology International, 66, 114-124, 2013 Xin Chen, Ronald L. Elsenbaumer, Pranesh B Aswath, “Synthesis and antiwear behaviour of ashless alkylthioperoxydiphosphates,” Tribology-Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 6 (3), 121-133, 2012 Krupal Patel, Pranesh Aswath, Harold Shaub, and Ronald L. Elsenbaumer, “High Performance Lubricant Additives,” U.S Patent #7,879,776; February 1, 2011 Pranesh Aswath, Harold Shaub, Ramoun Mourhatch, Krupal Patel, David Ownen, and Ronald L. Elsenbaumer,

“High Performance Lubricants and Lubricant Additives for Crankcase Oils, Greases, Gear Oils, and Transmission Oils,” U.S Patent #7,754,662; July 13, 2010 Chen, Xin; de Tacconi, Norma R.; Elsenbaumer, Ronald L, “Synthesis of trithienylenevinylenes bearing dithiocarbonate groups and their dithiophene-tetrathiafulvalene derivatives,” Journal of Organic Chemistry, 74(23), 9188-9190, 2009. Xin Chen, Ronald L. Elsenbaumer, “Synthesis of polythienylenevinylene copolymers bearing carbondithioate structures,” Synthetic Metals, 159(14), 1464-1466, 2009. Xin Chen, Ronald L. Elsenbaumer, “Mannich Reactions of Annulated Thiophene Derivatives,” Tetrahedron Letters, 50, 3746-3749, 2009. Member: American Chemical Society Xin Chen, Ronald L. Elsenbaumer, “Synthesis of Thieno[3,4-d]-1,3-dithiol-2-one Derivatives,” Tetrahedron Letters, 50, 3750-3752, 2009. Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Homogeneous Catalysis • Luminescent Materials • Isolable Reaction Intermediates

• Greener Oxidation Chemistry • Nanomaterials • Disinfection Science Selected Publications Rasika Dias Distinguished Scholar Professor and Department Chair “Monomeric Copper(I), Silver(I), and Gold(I) Alkyne Complexes and the Coinage Metal Family Group Trends”, H. V R Dias, J A Flores, J Wu, P M Kroll, J Am Chem Soc, 2009, 131, 11249-11255 B.Sc (First Class Honors) 1983, Chemistry University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka Ph.D 1988, Chemistry University of California, Davis, CA “Isolable, Gold Carbonyl Complexes Supported by N-Heterocyclic Carbenes”, C. Dash, P Kroll, M. Yousufuddin, H V R Dias, Chem Commun, 2011, 47, 4478-4480; Highlighted in Chemical and Engineering News, March 2011. Post-Doctoral Research: 1989 University of California, Davis, CA “Isolable tris(alkyne) and bis(alkyne) complexes of gold(I)”, A. Das, C Dash, M Yousufuddin, M Ali Celik, G. Frenking, H V R Dias, Angew Chem Int Ed, 2012, 51, 3940-3943 1990-92 DuPont Central Research, DE Awards: UTA

Academy of Distinguished Scholars, 2012; Southwest Regional American Chemical Society Award, 2009; Wilfred T. Doherty Award of the Dallas-Ft Worth Section of the American Chemical Society, 2009; Advisory Board of Dalton Transactions, 2009-; UTA Outstanding Research Achievement Award, 2007; Editorial Advisory Board of Inorganic Chemistry, 20072009; Outstanding Research Achievement, UTA College of Science, 2006; The Robert A. Welch Foundation Lectureship, 2004-2005; UTA Research Excellence Award, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008; UTA Outstanding Academic Advisor, 2003; Outstanding Teacher, UTA College of Science, 2000-2001 Financial Support: The Welch Foundation; American Floral Endowment, Alcon “Thermally stable gold(I) ethylene adducts: [HB(3,5-(CF3)2Pz)3]Au(CH2=CH2) and [HB(3-(CF3),5(Ph)Pz)3]Au(CH2=CH2)”, H. V R Dias, J Wu, Angew Chem, 2007, 119, 7960-7962; Angew Chem., Int Ed, 2007, 46, 7814-7816 Highlighted in Chemical and Engineering News, September 17, 2007 NSF, “Gold mediated

expulsion of dinitrogen from organic azides”, C. Dash, M Yousufuddin, T R Cundari, H. V R Dias, J Am Chem Soc, 2013, 135, 15479-15488 “Coordination and ligand substitution chemistry of bis(cyclooctyne)copper(I)”, A. Das, C Dash, M Yousufuddin, H. V R Dias, Organometallics, 2014, 33, 1644–1650 C. Dash and H V R Dias (2014) “Synthesis and reactivity of gold–olefin complexes” in Patai’s Chemistry of Functional Groups, edited by I. Marek John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester, UK “Solubilization, dispersion and stabilization of magnetic nanoparticles in water and non-aqueous solvents: recent trends”, B. I Kharisov, H V R Dias, O V Kharissova, A Vázquez, Y Pena, I Gomez, RSC Adv., 2014, 4, 45354-45381 “Copper(I), silver(I) and gold(I) complexes of N-heterocyclic carbene-phosphinidene”, V. A K Adiraju, M. Yousufuddin, H V R Dias, Dalton Trans, 2015, in press Highlighted on the Dalton Transactions Cover, Recognized as a Hot paper. Source: http://www.doksinet

Research Organic, Bioorganic, and Medicinal Chemistry • Biomimetic Organocatalysis • Aerobic Oxidations • Dual Catalysis • Structure Function Relationships • Medicinal Chemistry • Material Design and Preparation Frank W. Foss Jr Associate Professor Aerobic Redox Reactions B.S 1999, Chemistry, University of Richmond Chiral Catalysis Ph.D 2006, Chemistry, University of Virginia, Prof. T Macdonald Post-Doctoral Research 2006-8 Chemistry, Columbia University, NYC, NY Prof. R Breslow Dual Catalysis Awards: President’s University Teaching Award for NonTenured Faculty, 2014 Member: ACS Funding: NSF, UTA www.utaedu/faculty/ffoss 817.2725245 Devices for Drug Discovery Novel Anti-Infectives Molecular Probes/Derivatizing Agents Selected Publications Shuai Chen, Mohammad S. Hossain, Frank W Foss Jr* “One-Pot Multi-Component Organocatalytic Syntheses of Pyridines and Benzothiazoles: Aromatic Oxidation by Bioinspired Aerobic Organocatalysis” ACS Sustainable

Chemistry and Engineering, 2013, 1, 1045-1051 (DOI: 10.1021/sc4001109) Andra Carter, Bishnu Subedi, Amanda M. Dark, Frank W Foss Jr,* Brad S. Pierce* “Development of nucleoside substrate surrogates for the characterization of the O2-dependent tRNA modifying MiaE by peroxide-shunt catalysis.” Biochemistry, 2013, 52, 6182-6196 (DOI: 10.1021/bi4000832) Samuel Yang, Evelyn Wang, John Gurak, Sumit Bhawal, Rajendrasing Deshmukh, W. M Aruna B Wijeratne, Brian Edwards, Frank W. Foss, Jr,* Richard Timmons, Kevin A. Schug* “Affinity Mesh Screen Materials for Rapid Drug Discovery Using Transmission Mode Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry” Langmuir 2013, 29, 80468053 (DOI:10.1021/la401125e) Shuai Chen, Frank W. Foss Jr* “Aerobic Organocatalytic Oxidation of Aryl Aldehydes: Flavin Catalyst Turnover by Hantzsch’s Ester” Organic Letters, 2012, 14, 5150-5153 (DOI: 10.1021/ol302479b) Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Mechanistic Studies of Redox Regulation of

redox-active Small GTPases, Phosphatases and Kinases • Intervention of Anti-cancer Drugs Selected Publications "Superoxide Inhibits Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factor (GEF) Action on Ras, but not on Rho, through Desensitization of Ras to GEF" Michael Wey, Vinh Phan, Gerardo Yepez, and Jongyun Heo, Biochemistry, (2014) 53: 518-532. Jongyun Heo Associate Professor B.Sc 1987, Biological Science and Chemistry, Sogang University, Seoul Korea M.Sc 1997, Biological Science, Northern Illinois University Ph.D 2001, Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin – Madison Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2001-2006, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Member: American Chemical Society, New York Academy of Sciences, Academic Keys. "Kinetic mechanisms of mutation-dependent Harvey Ras activation and their relevance for the development of Costello syndrome" Michael Wey, Jungwoon Lee, Soon Seog Jeong, Jungho Kim, and Jongyun Heo, Biochemistry,

(2013) 52: 8465-8479. "Insight into the 6-thiopurine-mediated Termination of the Invasive Motility of Tumor Cells Derived From Inflammatory Breast Cancer" Jongyun Heo, Michael Wey, and Inpyo Hong, Biochemistry, (2011) 50: 5731-5742 "Ras-targeting Action of Thiopurines in the Presence of Reactive Nitrogen Species" Jongyun Heo and Inpyo Hong, Biochemistry., (2010) 49: 3965-3976 "Redox regulation of Ran GTPase" Jongyun Heo, Biochem. Biophys Res Comm, (2008) 376: 568572 Source: http://www.doksinet Research I. Development of Transition Metal-Catalyzed New Synthetic Methods  Catalytic Silylative Functionalization of Alkenes and Alkynes  Catalytic C–H Bond Functionalization  Catalytic C–C Bond Functionalization II. Bioactive Natural Product Total Synthesis  An Asymmetric Synthesis of Marine Natural Products Selected Publications Junha Jeon Assistant Professor B.S 2000, Chemistry Sungkyunkwan University, Korea M.S 2002, Chemistry Sungkyunkwan

University, Korea Prof. Chan-Mo Yu, Advisor Ph.D 2009, Chemistry University of Minnesota Prof. Thomas R Hoye, Advisor Post-Doctoral Research (2009-2011) University of Pennsylvania Prof. Amos B Smith, III, Advisor Awards: 2003 KOSEF Pre-Doctoral Graduate Research Fellowship 2004, 2005 University of Minnesota, Robert L. Ferm Outstanding Graduate TA Award 2014 Recipient of ACS PRF-DNI Hua, Y.; Asgari, P; Dakarapu, U S; Jeon, J* “Reductive ortho-Silanolization of Aromatic Esters with Hydridosilyl Acetals,” Chem. Commun 2015, in press, DOI: 101039/C4CC09850A Hua, Y; Nguyen, H.; Trog, G; Berlin, A S; Jeon, J* “Rhodium-Catalyzed Alkene Hydrosilylation via a Hydride Shuttle Process by Diene Ligands: Dramatic Enhancement of Regio- and Diastereoselectivity,” Eur. J Org Chem 2014, 5890-5895 – Highlighted in Synfacts, 2014, 10, 1297 Hua, Y; Nguyen, H.; Scaggs, W R; Jeon, J* “Ligand-Controlled, Norbornene-Mediated, Regio- and Diastereoselective Rhodium-Catalyzed Intramolecular Alkene

Hydrosilylation Reactions,” Org. Lett 2013, 15, 3412-3415. Hoye, T. R; Jeon, J; Tennakoon, M A “Allylmalonate as an Activator Subunit for Initiation of Relay Ring-Closing Metathesis (RRCM) Reactions,” Angew. Chem Int Ed 2011, 50, 2141-2143 Hoye, T. R; Jeon, J; Kopel, L C; Ryba, T D; Tennakoon, M A; Wang, Y “Total Synthesis of Peloruside A through Kinetic Lactonization and Relay Ring-Closing Metathesis Cyclization Reactions,” Angew. Chem Int Ed 2010, 49, 6151-6155 – Highlighted in Synfacts, 2010, 1331 Hoye, T. R; Jeon, J “Metathesis Involving a Relay and Applications in Natural Product Synthesis In Metathesis in Natural Product Synthesis. Strategies, Substrates and Catalysts,” Cossy, J; Arseniyadis, S.; Meyer, C Eds; Wiley-VCH: Weinheim, 2010, Chapter 9 Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Enzymes that use Cofactor F420 • Structure determination by spectroscopic techniques and X-ray crystallography • Enzyme kinetics and mechanism by rapid-mixing pre-steady

state and steady state methods. • Investigation of reaction intermediates by kinetic isotope effects. Selected Publications Kayunta Johnson-Winters Assistant Professor B.A 1999, Biology/Chemistry, Alverno College Ph.D 2006, Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Project: Structural and Kinetic Characterization of 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate Dioxygenase from Streptomyces avermitilis. Prof. Graham R Moran Osumah, T, Le, Cuong and Nguyen, TD, Recent Trends in Gene Expression and Regulation, The Biochemistry of F420 Cofactor Biosynthesis (2013) New York: Nova Science Publisher, 3, 75-106 Kayunta Johnson-Winters, Amanda C. Davis, Anna R Nordstrom, Gordon Tollin and John H Enemark, Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry “Probing the Role of a Conserved Salt Bridge in the Electron Transfer Kinetics of Human Sulfite Oxidase” (2013), 18, 645-53 Kayunta Johnson-Winters, Amanda C. Davis, Anna R Nordstrom, Gordon Tollin and John H Enemark, Metallomics, “Effects of Large Scale

Amino Acid Substitution in the Polypeptide Tether Connecting the Heme and Molybdenum Domains on Catalysis in Human Sulfite Oxidase,” (2010) 2, 766-70 Post-Doctoral Research 2006-2010 University of Arizona Project: Kinetics and Spectroscopy of Sulfite Oxidase and Related Molybdenum Enzymes Regents Professor, John H. Enemark Cofactor F420 Member: American Chemical Society Awards: , 2011 National Science Foundation (NSF)RIG BP, 2010 UTA Research Initiation Program (REP), 2007 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award F420 Dependent Glucose-6-Phospate Dehydrogenase (FGD) from M. tuberculosis Visible spectra of the reduced and oxidized cofactor F420. From: J. Bacteriol (Cheeseman et. al) Source: http://www.doksinet Research • computational materials chemistry of extended systems • synthesis and functionalization of quantum dots and hybrid particles • amorphous ceramics, inorganic networks and glasses • high-pressure chemistry

and structural phase transformations • nanostructured materials and interfaces Selected Publications “Ab inito and FTIR Studies of HfSiCNO Processed from the Polymer Route”, K. Terauds, R Raj, and P. Kroll, J Am Ceram Soc 2014, 1–8 Peter Kroll Associate Professor Graduate Advisor “Fabrication of -SiC quantum dots by photo-assisted electrochemical corrosion of bulk powders”, M. Mwania, C Janáky, K Rajeshwar, P Kroll, Electrochem Comm 2013, 37, 1–4 “Nitrogen-rich transition metal nitrides”, A. Salamat, AL Hector, P Kroll, PF McMillan, Coord. Chem Rev 2013, 257, 2063-2072 Diplom 1993, Physics, Ruprecht-Karls University Heidelberg “Isotropic Negative Thermal Expansion in -Si(NCN)2 and Its Origin”, P. Kroll, M Andrade, X Yan, E. Ionescu, G Miehe, and R Riedel, J Phys Chem C, 2012, 116, 526-531 Ph.D 1996, Materials Science, Technical University Darmstadt “Searching Insight into the Atomistic Structure of SiCO Ceramics”, P. Kroll, J Mater Chem, 2010,

20, 10528-10534. Habilitation 2005, Chemistry RWTH Aachen University ~ 9 GPa Current (2014) support from: temperature  Post-Doctoral Research 1997-1999 Cornell University TaN + N2   I II Ta3N5 NSF, DARPA, AFOSR pressure  Source: http://www.doksinet Research Our group’s research is firmly rooted in synthetic chemistry, specifically in the development and application of new synthetic methods to the total synthesis of bioactive natural products. Inventing enabling synthetic methods are a hallmark of our research. In recent years, our efforts have focused on heterocyclic chemistry and in particular to the construction of imidazole-containing natural products, including members of the oroidin and Leucetta families of marine alkaloids. The structures depicted below are representative of the types of molecules that we target. Selected Publications Carl J. Lovely Professor and Distinguished Teaching Professor B.Sc (Hons) 1987, Chemistry, University of Birmingham, UK

Ph.D 1990, Organic Chemistry, University of Birmingham, UK Post-Doctoral Research 1991 Organisches-Chemisches Institut, Universität Heidelberg Post-Doctoral Research 1992-1996 The Ohio State University Member: American Chemical Society “Structure and Synthesis of 2-Aminoimidazole Alkaloids from Leucetta and Clathrina Sponges” Koswatta, P.B; Lovely, CJ Nat Prod Rep 2011, 28, 511 “Synthesis of 2-Imidazolones and 2-Iminoimidazoles” Lima, H.M; Lovely, CJ Org Lett 2011, 13, 5736. “Total Syntheses of Kealiinines A-C” Das, J.; Koswatta, PB; Jones, JD; Yousufuddin, M; Lovely, C.J Org Lett 2012, 14, 6210 “Synthesis and Anticancer Activity of Naphthimidazole-Containing Marine Natural Products and Analogs” Das, J.; Bhan, A; Mandal, SS; Lovely, CJ Bioorg Med Chem Lett 2013, 23, 6183 “Total Synthesis of 7’-Desmethylkealiiquinone 4’-Desmethoxykealiiquinone and 2Deoxykealiiquinone” Lima, H.M; Rasapalli, S; Yousufuddin, M; Lovely, CJ J Org Chem 2014, 79, 2481. Source:

http://www.doksinet Research • Crystal growth of inetermetalics • Synthesis of novel oxynitrides • Neutron and X-ray scattering Robin Macaluso Associate Professor B.S Louisiana State University, Education Ph.D Louisiana State University, Chemistry Selected Publications S. D Nguyen, K Ryan, P Chai, M Shatruk, Y Xin, K W Chapman, P J Chupas, F Fronczek, R. T Macaluso, “Pr133Pt4Ga10: Superstructure and Magnetic Behavior”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2014, 9-14. R. T Macaluso, M Shatruk, P Chai, H Hong, C Wangeline, K Ryan, P Holton, J Allaz, G. Morrison, B Fulfer, F Fronczek, J Y Chan, “Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetic Behavior of LaxCe1.33-xPt4Ga10 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1)”, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 600, 2014, 193-198. *Robin T. Macaluso and Benjamin K Greve, “Challenges in Intermetallics: Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Transitions”, Dalton Transactions, 41, 2012, 14225. R. TMacaluso, M Francisco, DP Young, S Stadler, JF Mitchell, U.Geiser, HHong,

M G Kanatzidis, “Structure and Properties of Rhombohedral CePd3Ga8: A Variant of the Cubic Parent Compound with BaHg11 Structure Type”, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 184, 2012, 3185. Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Synthesis of metal‐polypyridyl complexes for applications on catalysis and cancer biology. • Photocatalysis for CO2 reduction to useful fuels • Development of hypoxia selective anti‐tumor drugs based on redox‐active ligands • Mechanistic studies of proton‐coupled electron transfer reactions Frederick M. MacDonnell Professor Associate Chair B.S 1986, Chemistry University of Vermont Ph.D 1993, Chemistry, Northwestern University Post‐Doctoral Research: 1992‐1994 Harvard University Awards: Damon‐Runyon Postdoctoral Fellow (1992‐94) Member: American Chemical Society Financial Support: The Welch Foundation NSF Greenway Energy Selected Publications Boston, D. J; Xu, C; Armstrong, Da W; MacDonnell, F M “Photochemical Reduction of Carbon

Dioxide to Methanol and Formate in a Homogeneous System with Pyridinium Catalysts” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013, 135, 16252‐16255 10.1021/ja406074w Poteet, S. A; Majewski, M B; Breitbach, Z S; Griffith, C A; Singh, S; Armstrong, D W; Wolf, M O; MacDonnell, F. M, “Cleavage of DNA by Proton‐Coupled Electron Transfer to a Photoexcited, Hydrated Ru(II) 1,10‐Phenanthroline‐5,6‐dione Complex”, J. Am Chem Soc 2013, 135, 2419‐2422 101021/ja3106863 Majewski, M. B; de, T N R; MacDonnell, F M; Wolf, M O, “Long‐Lived, Directional Photoinduced Charge Separation in RuII Complexes Bearing Laminate Polypyridyl Ligands”, Chem. ‐ Eur J 2013, 19, 8331‐8341 10.1002/chem201203786 Yadav, A.; Janaratne, T; Krishnan, A; Singhal, S S; Yadav, S; Dayoub, A S; Hawkins, D L; Awasthi, S; MacDonnell, F. M, “Regression of Lung Cancer by Hypoxia‐Sensitizing Ruthenium Polypyridyl Complexes”, Mol. Cancer Ther 2013, 12, 643‐653 101158/1535‐7163mct‐12‐1130

Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Histone modification and Epigenetics: Gene regulation, Chromatin biology •Endocrinology: MLL histone methyl-transferases in steroid hormone signaling, cholesterol metabolism, endocrine disruption, neuroprotection, and cancer • Drug discovery: Antisense based gene targeting , Anti-tumor activities of small molecules and metal-complexes for novel therapy (cell lines and mice model) Selected Publications Bhan A, Hussain I., Ansari KI, Bobzean SM, Perrotti L, and Mandal SS* Bisphenol A and diethylstilbestrol exposure induces breast cancer associated long non-coding RNA HOTAIR expression in vitro and in vivo, Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 2014, in press. Subhrangsu S. Mandal Associate Professor Ansari KI, Kasiri S., and Mandal SS* Histone Methylase MLL1 plays critical roles in tumor growth and angiogenesis and its knockdown suppresses tumor growth in vivo, Oncogene 2013, 32(28):3359-70 (Nature Publishing ) B.Sc 1989,

Chemistry, Midnapore College, India Ansari KI, Kasiri S., Mishra BP, and Mandal SS* Mixed lineage leukemia-4 regulates cell cycle progression and cell viability and its depletion suppresses growth of xenografted tumor in vivo, British Journal of Cancer 2012, 207, 315-24. (Nature Publishing) M.Sc 1992, Chemistry, Kalyani University, India Ansari KI, Shrestha B., Hussain I, Kasiri S, and Mandal SS*, Histone Methylases MLL1 and MLL3 Coordinate with Estrogen Receptors in Estrogen-Mediated HOXB9 Expression, Biochemistry 2011, 50, 3517-27. Ph.D 1998, Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, India Post-Doctoral Fellow, 1998-1999, University of Alberta, Canada Post-Doctoral Fellow, 2000-2005, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, UMDNJ, New Jersey, USA. Member: American Chemical Society, American Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New York Academy of Sciences, Estrogen-research focus group Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Bioinorganic and Biophysical Chemistry •

Mechanistic enzymology of sulfur-oxidation •tRNA-modifying metalloenzymes • Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR)/Inorganic Spectroscopy Selected Publications Brad S. Pierce Associate Professor B.S (1996) Chemistry California State University, Chico Ph.D (2003) Chemistry Carnegie Mellon University Post-Doctoral Research (2004-2008) University of Wisconsin-Madison Awards: Presidents Award for Excellence in Teaching, The University of Texas at Arlington NIH Ruth L. Kirschstein Postdoctoral Fellow (2005-2007) Bishnu P. Subedi, Andra L Corder, Siai Zhang, Frank W Foss, Jr, and Brad S Pierce; “Steady-state kinetics and spectroscopic characterization of enzyme-tRNA interactions for the non-heme diiron tRNA-monooxygenase, MiaE” Biochemistry 2015 54(2):363-76. Wei Li and Brad S. Pierce; “Steady-state substrate specificity and O2-coupling efficiency of mouse cysteine dioxygenase” Arch Biochem Biophys. 2015 565:49-56 Wei Li, Elizabeth J. Blaesi; Michael D Pecore, Joshua K Crowell,

and Brad S Pierce “Second-sphere interactions between the C93-Y157 cross-link and the substrate-bound Fe-site influence O2-coupling efficiency in mouse cysteine dioxygenase” Biochemistry 2013 52 (51): 9104-9119. Joshua A. Crawford, Wei Li, Brad S Pierce “Single turnover of substrate-bound ferric cysteine dioxygenase (CDO) with superoxide anion: enzymatic reactivation, product formation, and a transient intermediate” Biochemistry 2011 50(47):10241-53. Source: http://www.doksinet Research • Semiconductor/electrolyte interfaces and solar energy conversion • Heterogeneous photocatalysis and water/air purification • Electrodeposition of semiconductor and nanocomposite thin films • Materials and environmental chemistry Selected Publications C. Janáky, N R de Tacconi , W Chanmanee and K Rajeshwar, “Bringing Conjugated Polymers and Oxide Nanoarchitectures into Intimate Contact: Light Induced Electrodeposition of Polypyrrole and Polyaniline on Nanoporous WO3 or TiO2

Nanotube Array” J. Phys Chem C 116, 19145 (2012) Krishnan Rajeshwar Distinguished University Professor Vice President, The Electrochemical Society B.Sc 1969, Chemistry, University College, Trivandrum, India M.Sc 1971, Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, India Ph.D 1975, Solid-State Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science, India Post-Doctoral Research 1975-1979 St. Francis Xavier University, Colorado State University Awards/Honors: Wilfred T. Doherty Award, American Chemical Society (Dallas-Ft. Worth Section); UT Arlington Academy of Distinguished Scholars; Fellow of the Electrochemical Society S. Choi, Y Chae, S Ham, W Lee, N Myung and K Rajeshwar, “CdSe/ZnO Composite via Galvanic Displacement Followed by Photocathodic Deposition: Hybrid Electrosynthesis and Characterization,” J. Phys Chem C 116, 20146-20153 (2012) G. Ghadimkhani, N R de Tacconi, W Chanmanee, C Janaky and K Rajeshwar, “Efficient Solar Photoelectrosynthesis of Methanol from Carbon Dioxide Using Hybrid

CuO-Cu2O Semiconductor Nanorod Arrays,” Chemical Communications, 49, 1297-1299 (2013). Source: http://www.doksinet Activities • Chemical Education • Teaches Biochemistry I • Teaches General Chemistry Jennifer Rhinehart Lecturer B.S 2006, Chemistry, Mathematics Whitworth University M.S 2008, Chemistry, University of Rochester Ph.D 2011, Chemistry, University of Rochester Awards and Honors Source: http://www.doksinet Activities • Coordinator for General Chemistry • Director of UT-Arlington’s Chemistry Clinic Awards and Honors Jimmy R. Rogers Associate Professor Of Practice • Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award, University of Texas System (2009). • Favorite Professor Award, Pre-Dental Student Association (2005). • Best Professors/Classes to Take at UT-Arlington, Texas Monthly College Guide (2004-2005). B.S 1979, Chemistry, Oklahoma Christian University • Honorary Member of the Golden Key National Honor Society (2001). D.Sc 1992, Chemistry, University

of Texas at Arlington • Outstanding Academic Advisor, Faculty Award (1997-1998). Member: American Chemical Society, UT-Arlington’s Advising Association • Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (1998-1999). • Outstanding Contribution to Student Retention, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs (1998). • Most Helpful Faculty Award, UTA Chemistry and Biochemistry Society (1998). • Outstanding Technical Achievement Award, ARCO (1997). Source: http://www.doksinet Research Research in our group crosses a broad spectrum of topics, encompassing the use of modern chromatographic separation techniques and molecular mass spectrometry to solve challenging analytical problems in the realm of pharmaceutical, environmental, clinical, and physical chemistry. Our efforts are generally evenly split over fundamental (chromatographic separations; electrospray ionization; flow injection analysis) and applied (trace quantitative analysis; preparation of complex matrices; natural product

drug discovery) research topics. For more details about our research, please visit my website: http://www.utaedu/chemistry/faculty/directory/kevin-a-schugphp Selected Publications Schug, K.A;* Sawicki, I.; Carlton Jr, DD; Fan, H; McNair, HM; Nimmo, JP; Kroll, P; Smuts, J; Walsh, P; Harrison, D. A Vacuum Ultraviolet Detector for Gas Chromatography Anal Chem 2014, 86, 8329-8335 Kevin A. Schug Associate Professor & Shimadzu Distinguished Professor of Analytical Chemistry B.S 1998, Chemistry, College of William and Mary Ph.D 2002, Chemistry, Virginia Tech Prof. Harold M McNair, Advisor Post-Doctoral Research 2003-2005 Institute for Analytical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Austria Prof. Wolfgang Lindner, Advisor Associate Editor: Journal of Separation Science (Wiley) Awards: 2009 LCGC Emerging Leader in Chromatography, 2009 Eli Lilly & Company ACACC Young Investigator Award in Analytical Chemistry, 2009 – 2014 NSF CAREER award, 2010 UTA COS Research Excellence Award, 2013 ACS

DAC Young Investigator in Separation Science, 2014 U.T System Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Award Fan, H.; Papouskova, B; Lemr, K; Wigginton, JG; Schug, KA* Bulk Derivatization and Direct Injection of Human Cerebrospinal Fluid for Trace Level Quantification of Endogenous Estrogens Using Trap-and-Elute LC-MS/MS. J Sep Sci. 2014, 37, 2010-2017 Fontenot, B.E; Hunt, LR; Hildenbrand, ZL; Carlton Jr, DD; Oka, H; Walton, JL; Hopkins, D; Osorio, A; Bjorndal, B.; Hu, Q; Schug, KA* An evaluation of water quality in private drinking water wells near natural gas extraction sites in the Barnett Shale Formation. Environ Sci Technol 2013, 47, 10032-10040 Nguyen, H.P; Chandel, NS; DeBerardinis, RJ*; Schug, K.A* Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry to detect and quantify dicarboxyethyl glutathione, a metabolic biomarker of fumarate hydratase-deficient cancer cell. J Sep Sci 2013, 36, 3303-3309 Barnes, J.S; Foss Jr, FW; Schug, KA* Thermally Accelerated Oxidative

Degradation of Quercetin Using Continuous Flow Kinetic Electrospray-Ion Trap-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2013, 24, 15131522 Source: http://www.doksinet Activities • Chemical Education • Teaches introductory chemistry courses targeted for science majors, non-science majors, and nursing-intended students. • Onsite Director, Welch Summer Scholar Program. • Chair, Departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee. Seiichiro Tanizaki Assistant Professor Awards and Honors Of Practice B.A 1993, Mathematics/Chemistry, University of Maine at Farmington Ph.D 2003, Chemistry, Brandeis University • Nominated for the Presidents Award for Excellence in Distance Education Teaching, 2014. • The UT System Regents’ Outstanding Teaching Awards, August 2013. • The Provost’s Award for Excellence in Teaching (2012) • Honored by Freshman Leaders on Campus (FLOC) at the University of Texas at Arlington. May, 2012/May, 2011/May, 2010/April, 2007 •

Nominated for the 2009 – 2010 Outstanding Academic Advisor Award. Source: http://www.doksinet The University of Texas at Arlington Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry 700 Planetarium Pl.; Campus Box 19065; Arlington, Texas 76019‐0065 USA Phone: 817‐272‐3171 Fax: 817‐272‐3808 Email: www.utaedu/chemistry Source: http://www.doksinet