Sports | Ballooning » Touchstone Energy Hot Air Balloon Team Coming to the Great American Duck Race of Deming, NM

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Source: http://www.doksinet TOUCHSTONE TOUCHSTONE ENERGY ENERGY HOT HOT AIR AIR BALLOON BALLOON TEAM TEAM COMING COMING TOTO THE THE GREAT GREAT AMERICAN AMERICAN DUCK DUCK RACE RACE OFOF DEMING, DEMING, NMNM December 8, 2001, 8, 2001, for sending for sending a record a record number number of hot ofair hot air The The World World Record-Setting Record-Setting Touchstone Touchstone Energy Energy Cooperatives’ Cooperatives’ Hot Air Hot Air December balloons (15) (15) across across the Continental the Continental Divide Divide fromfrom Breckenridge, Breckenridge, Balloon Balloon will will be atbe The at The GreatGreat American American DuckDuck Races Races on August on August 25 - 25 28.- 28 balloons Altitudes overover 15,500 feet and of 55ofmiles per per Colorado. Altitudes 15,500 feet speeds and speeds 55 miles You’re You’re invited invited to come to come and see andthis see dynamic this dynamic balloon balloon during during the Great the Great Colorado. werewere achieved

during this record-setting flight. achieved during this record-setting flight. American DuckDuck Races, and create a lasting memory withwith youryour family. American Races, and create a lasting memory family. hourhour Whenever the balloon makes an appearance, portions of each Whenever the balloon makes an appearance, portions of each day’sday’s operating expenses are donated to a charity selected by the operating expenses are donated to a charity selected by the locallocal Touchstone Energy Cooperative. A philanthropic Touchstone Energy Cooperative. A philanthropic donation will will be made to the County ShopShop withwith a Cop donation be made to Luna the Luna County a Cop Program and and the the Cancer Support of Deming & Luna Program Cancer Support of Deming & Luna County on behalf of Columbus Electric Cooperative as a as a County on behalf of Columbus Electric Cooperative result of the Energy Balloon attending the Great result of Touchstone the Touchstone Energy

Balloon attending the Great American Duck Races. OverOver $120,000 has been givengiven to to American Duck Races. $120,000 has been philanthropic organizations sincesince March 2000.2000 philanthropic organizations March The The colorful 8-story balloon holdsholds 77,000 cubiccubic feet of colorful 8-story balloon 77,000 feethot ofair, hot isair, is The The Touchstone Energy Balloon serves as a as goodwill Touchstone Energy Balloon serves a goodwill heated by dual propane burners and could holdhold well well overover 2.2 million heated by dual propane burners and could 2.2 million ambassador for Touchstone Energy Cooperatives across the the ambassador for Touchstone Energy Cooperatives across lightlight bulbs. Due Due to itstounique size,size, vibrant colors, and broad audience bulbs. its unique vibrant colors, and broad audience country, promoting theirtheir core core values of integrity, accountability, country, promoting values of integrity, accountability, appeal, the

Touchstone Energy Balloon generates excitement in any appeal, the Touchstone Energy Balloon generates excitement in any innovation and commitment to community. Touchstone Energy innovation and commitment to community. Touchstone Energy setting. OverOver 10 million people havehave seenseen the balloon, and itand hasit has setting. 10 million people the balloon, is a national branding program adopted by more than than 750 of is a national branding program adopted by more 750the of the received extensive media coverage whilewhile attending balloon events, received extensive media coverage attending balloon events, nation’s electric cooperatives dedicated to providing superior nation’s electric cooperatives dedicated to providing superior The The Touchstone Energy Balloon is owned and operated service. Touchstone Energy Balloon is owned and operated statestate fairs,fairs, community festivals, cooperative meetings and other special community festivals, cooperative meetings and

other special service. by Cooperative Balloon Associates, LLCLLC (CBA), which by Cooperative Balloon Associates, (CBA), which functions across the country. functions across the country. comprises ten Touchstone Energy Cooperatives in Illinois. The The comprises ten Touchstone Energy Cooperatives in Illinois. Flown by a by team of top pilotspilots (including winners of national Flown a team ofballooning top ballooning (including winners of national and world flying honors), the Touchstone Energy Cooperatives’ and world flying honors), the Touchstone Energy Cooperatives’ Touchstone Energy Balloon is theissecond longest running hot air Touchstone Energy Balloon the second longest running hot air balloon was was part part of a successful Guinness World Record Flight on on balloon of a successful Guinness World Record Flight balloon program in theincountry. balloon program the country. August August 2016 2016www.columbusco-oporg www.columbusco-oporgVolVol 28. 28 No.No 9 9 ThisThis

institution institution is an is equal an equal opportunity opportunity provider provider andand employer. employer. Source: http://www.doksinet Annual Annual Annual Meeting Meeting Meeting Report Report Report th70 th Annual With With a With quorum a quorum a quorum present present present the the 70ththe 70 Annual Annual Member Member Member Meeting Meeting Meeting of the of the Cooperative of the Cooperative Cooperative waswaswas called called to called order. to order. to order. Members Members Members were were presented were presented presented reports reports reports on the on the economic on the economic economic andandand operating operating operating condition condition condition of their of their ofCooperative. their Cooperative. Cooperative. Members Members Members asked asked questions, asked questions, questions, thenthenthen elected elected elected representatives, representatives, representatives, placing placing placing intointo action into action the action the

most the most basic most basic ofbasic our of our founding of our founding founding principles, principles, principles, democratic democratic democratic control. control. control. Edward Edward Edward Elbrock, Elbrock, Elbrock, Board Board President Board President President Edward Edward Edward Elbrock, Elbrock, Elbrock, Board Board President Board President President in his in his report in his report report stated stated “our stated “our first “our first priority first priority priority as as as directors directors directors is toisprotect toisprotect to protect the the welfare the welfare welfare of the of the Cooperative of the Cooperative Cooperative andand its’and its’ members. its’ members. members. In In In addition addition addition to protecting to protecting to protecting the the assets the assets of assets members, of members, of members, the the board the board is board responsible is responsible is responsible for for for helping helping helping the the

business the business business grow grow ingrow ain fiscally ain fiscally a fiscally responsible responsible responsible manner.” manner.” manner.” Bill Bill Miller, Bill Miller, Miller, Board Board Secretary-Treasurer Board Secretary-Treasurer Secretary-Treasurer having having having reviewed reviewed reviewed the the financial the financial financial report report report for for for the the period the period period ending ending ending December December December 2015, 2015, concluded 2015, concluded concluded by stating, by stating, by stating, “The “The Cooperative “The Cooperative Cooperative continues continues continues to be tofinancially be tofinancially be financially sound.” sound.” sound.” Chris Chris Martinez, Chris Martinez, Martinez, Executive Executive Executive Vice-President/General Vice-President/General Vice-President/General Manager Manager Manager discussed discussed discussed the the ratethe raterate stability stability stability members

members members have have experienced have experienced experienced overover the over the years the years stating, years stating, stating, “The “The average “The average average residential residential residential consumer’s consumer’s consumer’s bill bill hasbill has increased has increased increased by just by just by 8%just 8% over 8% over the over the pastthe past 25past years.” 25 years.” 25 years.” He He He reviewed reviewed reviewed what what caused what caused caused the the twothe two major two major outages major outages outages thatthat occurred that occurred occurred in 2015. in 2015. inHe 2015. then He then He then provided provided provided the the membership the membership membership an overview an overview an overview of operation of operation of operation andand maintenance and maintenance maintenance programs programs programs designed designed designed to improve to improve to improve service service service reliability. reliability. reliability.

Winner, Winner, Winner, Annual Annual Annual Meeting Meeting Meeting Joke Joke Contest Joke Contest Contest A hobo A hobo Acomes hobo comes up comes to upthe to upthe front to the front door front door ofdoor aof neat aof neat a neat looking looking looking farmhouse farmhouse farmhouse andand raps and raps gently raps gently on gently the on the on the door. door. When door. When the When the farm the farm owner farm owner answers, owner answers, answers, the the the hobo hobo ask hobo ask him,ask him, “Please him, “Please “Please sir, could sir, could sir,you could you giveyou give megive me me something something something to eat? to eat? to I haven’t eat? I haven’t I haven’t hadhad a good had a good ameal good meal meal in several in several in several days.” days.” days.” TheThe owner The owner says, owner says, “I says, have “I have “I made have made amade fortune a fortune a fortune in my in my in my lifetime lifetime lifetime by supplying by supplying by

supplying goods goods for goods people. for people. for people. I’ve I’ve I’ve never never given never given anything given anything anything away away for away nothing. for nothing. for nothing. However, However, However, if you if you go if you around go around go around the the back, the back, you back, you willyou will will see see a gallon see a gallon aof gallon paint of paint ofand paint and a clean and a clean apaint clean paint brush. paint brush. brush. If you If you will If you will paint will paint my paint porch, my porch, my Iporch, willI will give I will give yougive you a you a a good good meal.” good meal.” meal.” So the So the hobo So the hobo goes hobo goes around goes around around the the backthe back and back and a while and a while a while laterlater helater knocks he knocks he knocks on the on the door. on the door. The door. The owner The owner says, owner says, says, “Finished “Finished “Finished already? already? already? Good. Good. Come

Good. Come in. Come Sit in.down Sit in.down Sit down. TheThe cook The cook will cook will bring will bring your bring your meal your meal right meal right in.” right in.” in” TheThe hobo The hobo says, hobo says, “Thank says, “Thank “Thank youyou veryyou very much very much sir. much sir. Butsir. But But there’s there’s there’s something something something I think I think you I think you should you should know. should know. know. It’s not It’s not It’s a Porsche not a Porsche a Porsche youyou gotyou got there. got there. It’s there. aIt’s BMW.” aIt’s BMW.” a BMW.” Energy Energy Energy Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency Energy Efficiency Tip Tip of Tip of theof the Month the Month Month Tip of the Month Avoid Avoid setting Avoid setting setting youryour thermostat your thermostat thermostat at aatcolder aatcolder a colder Re-elected Re-elected Re-elected to serve to serve toas serve members as members as members of the of the board of the board

were; board were; Nancy were; Nancy Clopton, Nancy Clopton, Clopton, District District District II; Jay II; Jay II; Jay Looking for an easy efficiency upgrade? setting setting setting thanthan normal than normal normal when when you when you turn you turn onturn your on your on your Peterson, Peterson, Peterson, District District District III; and III; and III; Billand Bill Miller, Bill Miller, Miller, Jr., Trustee–at Jr., Trustee–at Jr., Trustee–at -Large. -Large. -Large. Additional insulation can make a difference! The Members Members Members unanimously unanimously unanimously voted voted to voted hold to hold to the hold the 2017 the 2017 Annual 2017 Annual Annual Meeting Meeting Meeting in Animas. in Animas. in Animas. We We would We would like would like to extend like to extend to extend ourour appreciation our appreciation appreciation to the to the members to the members members thatthat took that took time took time out time out of out of of their their busy their busy

schedules busy schedules schedules to attend to attend to attend thisthis important this important important meeting, meeting, meeting, andand to the and to the Cotton to the Cotton Cotton CityCity 4- City 4- 4H group H group Hfor group once for once foragain once again preparing again preparing preparing an excellent an excellent an excellent meal! meal! meal! air conditioner. air conditioner. air conditioner. It will It will not It will not coolnot cool your cool your home your home home Department of Energy estimates you can reduce anyany faster any faster and faster and could and could result could result inresult excessive in excessive in excessive heating and cooling needs up to 30 percent by cooling cooling cooling andand unnecessary and unnecessary expense. expense. expense. properly insulating andunnecessary weatherizing your home. Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: