Sports | Hunting » Hunting of Sambar Deer by stalking, Lake Eildon National Park

 2018 · 2 page(s)  (1 MB)    English    1    March 11 2019  

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Source: http://www.doksinet Lake Eildon National Park Hunting of Sambar Deer by stalking Deer hunting is permitted in designated areas of Lake Eildon National Park by persons who hold a current Game Licence and a current Firearms Licence. iii. A long bow having a draw‐weight of no less than 225 kilograms, using a broad‐head arrow having a minimum weight of no less than 26 grams and a minimum of two sharpened cutting blades iv. A recurve bow having a draw‐weight of no less than 225 kilograms, using a broad‐head arrow having a minimum weight of no less than 26 grams and a minimum of two sharpened cutting blades v. A compound bow having a peak‐weight of no less than 225 kilograms, using a broad‐head arrow having a minimum weight of no less than 26 grams and a minimum of two sharpened cutting blades vi. A cross‐bow having a draw‐weight of no less than 68 kilograms, using a broad‐head arrow having a minimum weight of no less than 26 grams and a minimum of two sharpened

cutting blades The following conditions and restrictions apply: 1. Anyone hunting game in Victoria, including juniors (12‐17 years), must hold a current Game Licence. The Game Licence must be endorsed for the type(s) of game that you wish to hunt and only permits you to hunt game in Victoria 2. Hunting and shooting in Lake Eildon National Park is limited to Sambar Deer in designated areas ‐ the Jamieson block and the eastern half of the Jerusalem block (see map overleaf). 3. Access to the hunting area is only via Eildon‐Jamieson Road or by boat 4. Deer may be hunted by stalking only from the first Saturday after Easter until 30 November 5. Firearms must be kept unloaded and may not be discharged within 100 metres of any camping or picnic area in the park 6. Firearms may not be discharged from or across any road or public thoroughfare 7. The use of dogs to hunt deer is not permitted in the national park. Pest animals and other species must not be hunted 8. Firearms must comply

with the following requirements: i. A centre fire rifle having a calibre of no less than 6.85mm (0.270”) with ammunition that has a cartridge case length of no less than 51mm (2”) and a projectile weight of no less than 8.45 grams (130 grains) ii. A muzzle‐loading rifle having a calibre of no less than 11.45mm (045”), with a projectile of not less than 1491 grams (230 grains) in weight NOTE: The carrying of an unloaded firearm is authorised in the O’Toole Flat Camping Area and Taylors Creek boat‐based camping area. O’Toole Flat camping area is adjacent to Gap Track, approximately 800 metres from Eildon‐Jamison Road. Taylors Creek Boat based camping Area can be accessed by boat or hike in via Water Track. For more information contact the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning or visit www.delwpvicgovau Caring for the environment  Please take rubbish with you for recycling or disposal  All native plants and animals are protected by law  Fires may

only be lit in fireplaces provided. No fires may be lit on a day of Total Fire Ban. Built in or portable gas and electric barbecues may be used provided: ‐ a 3 metre area is cleared of anything flammable ‐ at least 10 litres of water is available for immediate use ‐ an adult is in attendance at all times  Always fully extinguish your campfire with water, not dirt scraped over the top. Do not leave any hot embers remaining in your campfire.  The Jerusalem and Fraser blocks are in the North Central Fire District. The Enterprise and Jamieson blocks are in the North East Fire District. Bushfire safety is a personal responsibility Check the Fire Danger Rating and for days of Total Fire Ban at www.emergencyvicgovau, on the VicEmergency smartphone app or call the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226.  Firearms and other weapons are prohibited except during the declared hunting season.  Vehicles, including motorbikes must only be driven on formed roads open to the public

Seasonal road closures apply throughout the park. Parks Victoria Phone 13 1963 www.parksvicgovau Source: http://www.doksinet Lake Eildon National Park Deer hunting zone LE RIF To Mansfield TT BU MAINTONGOON RD To Bonnie Doon Highett Point S Lake Eildon RD TR T RI DG E S RD Mt Enterprise Stillmans Point SH I ST AL W AN M LL L a ke E i l d o n Na t i o n a l Pa r k (En te rpri se B l o c k ) S Alans Peak RD TK TK TK Coopers Point B K PEA ALA 4 NS KE TK N O Mt Sugarloaf YL LA INE Mount Pinninger Lookout USA TK O TK TAY LO RS Taylors Creek O2 TK Goulbur GO Rocky Peak CR PO EE INT O’Toole Flat IB RD ee k TI LET PO NE W EIL M AN S Big DO N er ek TK Riv RD JAMIESON ga on p r Ta ve Ri Cre Still TK Toilets Boat ramp Freeway/Highway Lake Eildon National Park Lookout Walk-in boat access Main road State forest/plantation Fireplace Family walk Sealed road Deer hunting zone Camping Mine shafts

Unsealed road Camping (permit required) Gate (mgmt. vehicles only) 4WD Café/Store Gate (seasonal closure) Walking track www.parksvicgovau Disclaimer: Parks Victoria does not guarantee that this data is without flaw of any kind and therefore disclaims all liability which may arise from you relying on this information. Cartography by Parks Victoria January 2018 For mobile App search for Avenza PDF Maps 0 RD LE RD RR TK TAYLORS Cr TE K Mt Torbreck Rive r LK WA te N DO EIL DIN PIN NA CL E TK GAP hi River WOODS W Jamie MT E CL NA PIN TK S M TK K TK SI CREEK RD EE TK TK NG The Pinnacle LAKE CR KI N oy ur rd son TK N k ee Cr AL W (J e rusale m B l o c k ) Co Gooleys Bridge RD E r L a ke E i l d o n N a tio n a l Pa r k Goulburn Inlet (Jam i e so n B l o c k ) CL JAMIESO N ve ICO Ri RUB Williams Lookout La ke E i l d o n Na t i o n a l Pa r k Wombat Knob n N LK TK WA NA DO JIM S TK Warning (mine shafts) TK

PIN EIL S OB on T O L BAT LLE W RD MA 3 WOM NE NO RH TK SM LI SN Rubic AN N CABLE TR IS O SI DA ON RD RN BU UL Jerusalem Creek E AK Big River Arm TK LAKE TK Y E VALL BB HW E GO Jerusalem Inlet WE Y N ILDO Mt Pinninger CREEK RD BAC Howqua Inlet Lake Eildon 2 4 6 8 Kilometers TK LEM N JER IESO RD JAM SK K BAY River ite at l De GO UG HS TATIO N RD POINT W o Cr olsh ee ed k PLAN RD A ET N GH SM IS Delatite Arm HI Woolshed Inlet SI O N LI N E WOODS Delatite Arm Reserve