Content extract
,. J Source: http://www.doksinet SAVANNAH National Wildlife Refuge . l -•-•~ / O i=J E!I ,. RefugeMaintenanceCenter l LaurelHillWildlifeDrive ,~ r.ou Rd 110 Bec~Ferry ~ j i :::il i J ) BoatlaunchingRamp • (° ,~ p .f:J"o/ Georgia/SouthCarolinaBoundary - ci-, , j,y ;) VisltorCenter 8 ~:. RefugeBoundary STATE ALLIGATOR HUNT MAP ~ . (" Legend {:, . ;, """· / Savannah NWR 1s NOT open to alhgator huntmg However, some nav1gable waterways w1thm the refuge boundary are open to alhgator huntmg, only for those S~~t~t=~~g~~ir i~vn~1~~t~~r~1: ~~~~e waterways are marked m yellow and mclude the Savannah R1ver (m both SC and GA) and Abercorn , Little Abercorn, and Big Collis Creeks (in GA). Alligator hunting is not 1 Ptft~:~~d~ ~~=e~dir : •n~~~~•e~r creeks than those listed above. DiversionCanal ( County/StateP.oads Dikes j ;• i SolomooTract , ,.~ l j Frpnt i Ríver,,,• Is/a • Island ) / / Miefd/e
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